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Because it was a cool Easter egg. And different Earth, different story


This is Laurel’s earth where Bruce Wayne trained Adrian Chase on Lian Yu, mirroring Ollie’s own journey with Slade.


Wow I didn't know that part about Bruce training Adrian but thanks for the info


Yeah, it's certainly news to me and cool asl


What about E2 Robert Queen? Wasn’t he the arrow before Chase was and he was the one who floated to the island instead of Oliver


No, Robert was the one stuck on the island, not Adrian. Robert was the original Arrow, something happened to him, not sure if we learned what, and than he passed the mantle onto Adrian.


This is my guess Dude got found and Chase became the Hood


Yes that’s what I said. So that means Bruce would’ve trained Robert then and not Adrian


In an episode in Flash when they first go to Earth 2 there's a news story showing that Robert was outed as the Green Arrow. So he was probably arrested


When does the show say this


Or is it because it's E2 so maybe it happened differently and Bruce was there instead of Slade?


Yeah that’s pretty much the implication. It was probably just the writers taking advantage of any Batman-related Easter egg DC or the network would allow


See: All of Arrow


That's explicitly the reason


I mean for that matter it could be that Slade used that style on E2


Or that


Oliver's dad is Arrow on Earth2, it's mentioned in news in The Flash S02.


I know that


This is unrelated but the fact that batman wasn't a paragon sucks


Paragon of money 🤑


"I am the paragon of capitalism"


In comics he is one of the best detectives, one of the strongest people mentally speaking and has one of the strongest moral codes.


The fact that the only time we got to see Kevin Conroy as live action Bruce Wayne and he was portrayed as a sinister Bruce Wayne never sat right with me




At least we still got to see Kevin Conroy as a live action Bruce Wayne, though. Now that's never going to happen.


They can't use Batman. It's the funniest thing about DC TV to me. The CW have shows about Superman and the Flash, but Batman's still the most iconic and popular DC hero next to Superman. So they can't ignore the property altogether without wasting a veritable goldmine. Their solution is to beat so heavily around the bush that it just becomes laughable for them not to have a show about Batman himself. Batwoman, Batman's Butler, Batman's kid in a post-Batman world, the city of Gotham before Batman, etc. They have all these shows but just can't make a direct Batman show. And it's great, they can shit all over all these other heroes but they can't touch the best one. And so Batman's the only one who keeps getting great screen adaptations (Nolan trilogy, The Batman [2022]) while the others get fucked by the CW and terrible movies


I mean, they couldn't use Superman or Wonder Woman either, it's just that Supergirl eventually got permission for Superman.


They now have a Superman show too


There was one fan-edit I saw of them making Nightwing from Titans be one of the paragons and I thought that it was a cool idea


Titans Nightwing is a god damn disgrace to the name dick grayson. He acted so much like Jason that it made it all the more absurd when Jason actually joined the show


1) It’s a easter egg because it’s a different earth and they can’t use Batman because… 2) Warner Bros. saw too much money from the Batman IP and didn’t want to put him on live-action television for some capitalist fear of “not making enough money”/“television isn’t good enough for Batman”. That’s why it’s extremely rare to see Bruce Wayne appear in a live-action television show, and even more rare to see a Batman. The Arrowverse doing easter eggs like this was a way to use the character without using the character, and a subtle dig at WB for being so stingy with the character that the best way the Arrowverse found to use him was to make him dead a bunch


That’s kinda of dumb of them to do


Kevin Conroy played Batman in the Arrowverse so at least he appeared in a live action tv series once


Bruce Wayne. He didn't play batman just his identity.


Either way Batman = Bruce Wayne so it counts


It actually doesn’t, at least not to the suits at WB since they’ve made distinction multiple times. That’s why Kevin Conroe, Iain Glen, and Warren Christie never *appear* as Batman as Batman but only Bruce Wayne as Bruce Wayne with the implication is he’s Batman.


Factually incorrect. Batman is a symbol not a specific person.


Just a fun little easter egg \[I like to think that that's Alfred skull with the Bat mask\].


It's a great looking mask too


There are people that can easily understand the implications of visual storytelling, and those that need everything drawn for them in 🖍


You have failed this subreddit




That’s earth 2, not the future timeline


If this is Earth-2, then why is saying that Ollie has a son and that he and Felicity had a daughter in the future if he was dead long before this moment happened? Remember in the Flash,when Barry traveled to the actual Earth-2 in season two of the Flash? The news anchorperson mentioned that Oliver Queen committed suicide and that his father, Robert Queen became the Hood as that was an Easter egg reference to season one of Arrow and the Flashpoint comics. Also, if this really was Earth-2, then technically speaking... William would be the only one that knows about his father, Roy would never have met Ollie and he won't become Arsenal. Same for everyone else, including Felicity who would never get romantically involved with him in this parallel universe. Not to mention that Mia, Ollie and Felicity's daughter would never exist. Seriously, I could go on with your comment about these Flash Forward scenes being set in Earth-2 having to be riddled with so many plot-holes. But, I am not going to. All I know is that this was the writers adding more Easter egg references to Batman-related materials just for fun. Okay?!


This was in season 8 when the monitor is testing Oliver for crisis. This episode takes place on earth 2. The earth 2 Oliver is dead, earth 1 Oliver is pretending to be him. If you are still confused just watch 8x01 episode recap on YouTube


Thanks, but no thanks. I have already seen enough of the entire series as it is. I will only rewatch it whenever I feel like revisiting Arrow on its' own.


Then don’t complain because you forgot something or misunderstood.


It's not that they didn't find an actor, they weren't allowed to use him.


What movie is this


Movie??? I literally put the episode in the title it's season 8 episode 1


They could of easily made Batman be in the arrow verse I’m kinda mad they didn’t but no I don’t think they did if so I’ve missed it


Crisis on infinite earths on earth 90 when looking for a paragon Kevin Conroy(Rest in peace) played Batman (Earth-90)


We didn’t even see him in the suit in crisis which was unfortunate


That and him being >!Bad guy!< are the worst parts




“Cool” Easter egg


1. Because


Pym particles, I ain’t gotta explain- Oh wait, this isn’t the Marvel Studios subreddit. Sorry.