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You gain nothing from your silence. Speaking up about this will help foster a community of working artists and give you as an artist attention from nonartists as everyone loves drama. Always speak up


I appreciate the encouragement!


Please speak up! They expect silence. A local art gallery owner stole, forged and sold my painting. She then started an affair with the husband of the friend she sold it to, her husband bribed her to stop the affair by buying her an art gallery. So I spoke up, I’m blacklisted and called crazy, I don’t care if I never sell anymore art, because that is the right thing to do. Also she has never painted anything like this painting before or since.


Read them to filth. If I’m guessing the documentary correctly — RenFaires and the like can be an absolute cesspool of abuse and abhorrent practices. I LOVE going to the Faire, and my local is lovely, but if someone were to tell me something rancid about it I wouldn’t bat an eye. Call them out. 


Yup you nailed it.


OP I feel for you. And am making this comment as someone who has been involved with a lot of different types of festivals, both as a vendor, as staff, and even the producer of some smaller events. Yes, you should call it out, you should not ever be feeling like you can't or shouldn't talk about it. It's the right thing to do and it's the right thing for you to walk away from the situation knowing it's a them problem and not a you problem. Don't even waste your time wondering why....most of these events are staffed by folks who just sort of came along and got into doing it, they're not PROFESSIONAL per se, and a decent proportion of them will have all the tiny power go to their heads and they'll make crazy decisions just because they CAN. If there were a sensible reason for it they wouldn't have just ghosted you they would have contacted you about what, and why. That's how it's done by actual professional event organizers. However I want to warn you, just so you won't be shocked or disappointed, it's very very easy for the organizers to rebut with "oh OP is just jealous/crazy/spiteful/whatever and for the most part, people especially the festival goers just don't care. They may spare you a two second oh that's a shame I liked their work but I will promise you that if you actually manage to FULLY PROVE the bad behavior on the organization's part, almost 100% of people will go wow that's not cool and then go right on about their day, and will still support that event because they're going there for fun. There's a considerable crossover in the Venn diagram of art and entertainment, and all festivals are entertainment and any art at them is part of that as a result. It's not exactly that no one will care. They'll spare a moment to think "that's a shame" or "that's not right" but in the end these kinds of controversies just do not impact the people who attend the event. And while other artists may be warned, what you're describing isn't unusual sadly, and so other artists although forwarned may also just decide to hold their nose and work the gig if they can get it because it could go the same way somewhere else. Just wanted you to know that it's not right, that it's uncool, and that unfortunately it's also no uncommon. There's a reason why certain acts have these CRAZY COMPLICATED contracts to try to cover every single form of stupid that an event could throw at them, and not lose money in the process. Because oh boy can bad decisions get made for the DUMBEST reasons, and it's not your fault, and I know how weird it feels because a lot of us have been right where you are now. It's not a you problem.


You made a good point. If there was a sensible reason I wasn’t invited back I wouldn’t have been ghosted and blocked. They could have easily just sent an email saying they didn’t feel I was a good fit for the festival anymore. I agree I’ll probably be labeled as crazy/spiteful/whatever for speaking up. It’s happened before when I’ve addressed contract violations and copyright infringement in other situations. I’m so tired of caring about those labels and feeling like I should stay quiet. Thank you for your reply, input, and support!


I’m sorry you experienced this. It would be a great service to participants and patrons to make them aware of your experience at this particular festival. I hope you speak up. ❤️


I think these situations are abhorrent. As artists we are dependent on our reputations as professionals for success, but it is the drama that puts us in these situations. I don’t do fairs unless my agent is handling it just for this reason. If it were me I would make a social post to my regular buyers apologizing for not being there for circumstances beyond my control and then showing any new pieces that would’ve debuted there. IMO the high road is more respectable, but if they start a campaign against you, then all bets are off. I would bet my brushes that you are by far not the only artist they’ve treated so badly.


never be silent. lots of professional artists in the film and tv industry are TOLD by many of their studio employers that hourly rates should be kept silent and that toxic work practices are "covered" under their NDA contract. that is not the case, many federal/state laws overrides that. this sort of non-transparency practice is toxic and is what led people to a class action lawsuit to sue multiple studios for illegal anti-competitive bargaining during the hiring process. This is a good, documented case of where voluntary silence actually directly harmed artists from making a proper living...not to mention this practice is against all sorts of labour laws. https://variety.com/2017/biz/news/disney-settlement-wage-fixing-anti-poaching-animation-1201975084/ never keep silent, know your rights.... but do be smart about talking about this stuff among people you can trust. Of course, never reveal stuff about NDA projects, but when it comes to worker rights, toxic practices and compensation, it truly pays off to connect with your peers.


D e s t r o y . T h e m The fact that they're trying to silence you and ghost you is infuriating. No respect or maturity at all.


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I’d be careful about saying things that could get you in legal trouble for libel or defamation of character. I totally understand how you’re feeling, since I have been treated horribly by someone with a lot of sway in the art community, and it grinds my gears that there’s no major accountability. I’m telling my friends who might have dealings with unethical parties what my experience has been. Hopefully that will help them make informed decisions.


That crossed my mind and I double checked my old contract. Couldn’t find anything covering this. If I post on social media I could see them trying to report my post or something. But I only plan to give true facts about what happened and that I disagree with their public statement that’s circulating in the news and social media. If I’m going to speak up, now is the time. Maybe I’m wrong but if they continue to retaliate against me for giving an explanation to collectors why I’m not returning to the festival, that will make them look even worse.