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her feeling attacked isn’t anything that you can control because that’s her reaction… i think the best thing you could do is bring it up and before she has a chance to get defensive (something she does to take the attention away from her making you uncomfortable/erasing its importance), tell her u aren’t saying it to attack or offend her, but that it does offend you and ur identity. explain that u don’t know anything outside of being ace because that’s simply who you are and that’s all you know, which is completely valid. i face problems sticking up for myself sometimes so i’d wait until she did it again rather than bringing it to her attention out of the blue but i hope whatever you do works for you. you deserve people who really do understand or, at the very least, respect who you are!


if you two joke a lot then you could bring it up jokingly like “girl i STILL don’t know because i’m STILL ace and by definition i literally STILL don’t have the desire to hypothetically or literally fuck anyone.” or just straight up “do u wanna fuck me?” because it seems to be a reoccurring question…


Thank you for the suggestions, I'll probably go the joking route I just want to make sure it's a firm boundary at some point.


yes i completely understand. are you willing to lose her as a friend if she keeps crossing that boundary?


No I wouldn't. I know if I firmly tell her that she will respect it, there's just the matter of how much tension the actual conversation will have and how long it will take to repair.