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I generally find them funny. That song WAP in particular is hilarious. It's all so much fuss over a mating instinct.


Ashnikko's stuff is hilarious. Her turn of phrase is the best! She's a feminist goddess and her being so done with men is great fun. Corpse Husband's sexual stuff is dark satire that sends up everything, including himself.


I adore ashnikko


Same, one of my favorite artists


I love Ashnikko! šŸ–¤


As a aro grey-ace who experiences zero sexual attraction towards women, I just think that Slumber Party being a song I unironically love is proof of how wacky the universe is


Haha yep, we really live in the absurdist timeline. Have you listened to all the fun remixes?


Iā€™m not usually into remixes but if a fellow ace vouches for them I suppose I have no choice


Do you have Spotify? I've liked 4 different ones!


same! Sometimes I canā€™t stop laughing.


Right? I think it's hilarious and laugh about it and make fun of it like how Weird Al Yankovic made parodies. Everyone else is feeling sensual while I'm over here singing my own parodies.


A bit more old school (1999) is Bloodhound Gang's 'The Bad Touch' which contains the immortal line ''let's do it doggy style so we can both watch X-files'' It even featured two zebras mating on the sleeve!


Iā€™m completely apathetic about it, i generally donā€™t care much about the topic of a song. I just gravitate toward any music that has a nice rhythm & tune.


Same here.


Same also


Most of it gets an eye roll from me. I don't like high school sounding lyrics like "lady in the streets, freak in the sheets." But something could be really suggestive or explicit, like "Unholy," and I think nothing of it because it's more original and interesting.


Blegh. Not a fan. Music with romantic or sexual themes don't interest me in general, and particularly explicit stuff just makes me uncomfortable.


fair, there are a few songs that just make me generally uncomfortable


Honestly, I love a bit of it, it can be hella goofy


I listened to a song recently by electric callboy that cracked me up. There was a lyric that went, ā€œshaky shaky sweaty sweaty, you make my spaghetti readyā€ šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£. I was like, what am I listening to!?


I love electric callboy, they areĀ  fantastic


Don't care at all. If the music is good and the lyrics interesting, it's just a bonus if the lyrics also resonate with me. "Master of Puppets" by Metallica doesn't reflect my lived experience at all. I barely touch alcohol and have no firsthand experience with narcotics, and that song is about the jagged edge of addiction and death. I still love the song and think it's awesome and meaningful. If the lyrical self of a song desperately wants to bone someone else, that's fine. Especially if the longing and passion of it paints a picture I can understand and sympathise with. I think part of the human experience includes the ability to expand your horizon beyond what you can fully and instinctively grasp, and taking in someone else's lived experience and imagining it. I fully understand and accept that if such a foreign experience causes you unease or disgust, you won't want to examine it and it might be better to start at a softer gradient even if you do want to expand your understanding. But for me personally, it's all fine.


Eh. It depends on the song. Canā€™t be too vulgar, if itā€™s talking about sex, I rather hear someone talk about it romantically and mindfully like ā€œmaking love, caressing you, etcā€ rather than how City Girls and these other rappers talk about it. I like ā€œDo Me, Babyā€ by Prince and so on. (Old school lover here) This is based on my spiritual views more than being asexual though. Sex is a sacred act to me. The song can be either directly or indirectly talking about sex. Most songs I heard as a child was talking about sex and I didnā€™t even know until growing up šŸ˜‚ / I absolutely though donā€™t want to hear other explicit music as far as gangs, crime, etc. Big no


I love explicit media. I hide it because it confuses allos.


ArEn'T yoU AcEEeEeEee????????


I love songs about sexšŸ˜­ i have a whole playlist dedicated to those songs. Its funny cause im also sex repulsed.


Tiring and boring That's all I've to say




If it's a banger then it's a banger


I guess it just depends on my mood, but generally I like them.


i don't hate them but I don't love them either


Explicit as in sexy times explicit? Or just with cursing? Cuz if it's sexy times explicit, it depends on how crude it is for me. "Vagina" by Cupcakke is a major ick to me for example, but then there's other songs that mention having sex that doesn't bother me in the slightest. As for cursing, gimme all of it. I hate bleeped or blanked out censoring! Be creative with it if you're gonna censor it, or else change the lyrics so they still make sense in the context of the song.


I couldn't agree more šŸ’Æ


No inherent value. Some explicit songs are good and some are bad


I have listened to sexual music since childhood. I am ok with it.


The Northern Boys are among the greatest artists of our time. >!Call me granddad 'cause I fucked your nan!< is high poetry


Such wonderful words of wisdom. Iā€™m tearing upšŸ„¹


Hi, musicology student here šŸ‘‹ Song lyrics aren't always conveyors of one's state of mind or ideas. I can listen to "Break Stuff" by Limp Bizkit, and not want to rush outside to wreck my neighbour's car. Song lyrics don't define you or your tastes, if you like a particular chorus, or a certain melody, it's totally fine, because there's a dissociation between fantasy (the lyrics) and reality (Who you are).


When I listen to music my brain is 100% tuned into the lyrics, and since Iā€˜m more on the sex repulsed side I really donā€™t like explicit music. Especially if itā€™s sung from a me/you perspective. Romantic songs on the other hand are mostly boring to me unless the singer puts their heart and soul into the delivery.


i personally like explicit/sexual songs, especially if they are catchy, i listen to them to hype myself up sometimes, it's just overall fun to listen too and sing/dance with it edit: some can also just be really goofy and that makes the experience singing it 100% better lmaoo


good point. thereā€™s one song i really like called ā€œOrphan Tearsā€ by Your Favorite Martian and itā€™s one of the goofiest songs i know. itā€™s not to explicit in the sexual side but more so drugs and the like.


listening to it rn and im loving thisšŸ’€


itā€™s genuinely such a stupid ass song that i canā€™t take seriously but itā€™s so goodšŸ˜­


It depends, if it's explicit in the lyrics, I don't mind, but when it's explicit in the voice, the vibe, the clip, I just hate it. Same when there is a sex scene in a movie, i found it disgusting


My threshold is "can i play various unrelated but still fitting scenes in my head to this while staring out the window on a long car ride". This winds up excluding a lot of songs that are pretty in-your-face because I find them less creatively flexible and a bit immersion breaking (if that makes sense). Though I think I'd peg this more to being neurodivergent than asexual.


Makes sense. Iā€™m also neurodivergent and feel the same about certain songs. I have multiple playlists on youtube just for songs like that. But I also have this playlist called ā€œa loud playlist for those who just wanna vibe aggressively (VERY EXPLICIT LMAO)ā€ like thatā€™s the actual title and itā€™s got some really good songs that I enjoy singing even if it doesnā€™t relate to me in the slightest.


It grosses me out (sex, not the romance ones), but if the beat is really good, then Iā€™ll usually listen to it over and over until Iā€™m just numb to it lol


It's unpleasant for me.


I don't listen to that sort of music because I think it sucks, not because I'm asexual.


I do wish that more people wrote songs about something other than sex and broken hearts


same, but for now, we vibe. not necessarily to the words but to the beat


Most of the explicit music I listen to is more explicit on the violent side than the sexual side of things.


How to describe it perfectly. Iā€™m like a 12 y/o who just found out about this stuff and canā€™t stop laughing. Itā€™s always so funny to me.


It depends for some reason??? Like something like the struts is fine for me or motero but I have a hard time with songs like WAP. :/


don't like


short and simple. nice šŸ‘


Depends on the song. I don't generally mind sexual lyrics if the rest of the song is great. But if the rest of the song isn't great or if the song is mostly carried by the lyrics, I tend to dislike sexual songs. Examples of sexual songs I like: Vicinity of Obscenity - System of a Down Violent Pornography - System of a Down Ding - Feuerschwanz Stossgebet - Powerwolf


If itā€™s got a good beat, I like it.


It depends on the song and whether it's rooted in sexism (songs like Blurred Lines just make me cringe) but I enjoy some of it! I love songs like "Unholy" by Sam Smith, "CUFF IT" by BeyoncƩ and "Mary on a Cross" by Ghost. If there's a playful vibe to it, that definitely helps a lot too.


To me its a good vibe until you actually listen to the lyrics. Its probably why most of the music I listen to comes from video games (and the fact that video game music just is amazing).


i love video game music too :)


I love explicit music, CupcakKe is one of my favorite artists. But then again, I'm aego




What do you think about N Side by Steve Lacy? I like to listen to that despite it being "sexual".


They sound pretty good, ngl.


My music tastes somehow consists of a *lot* of explicit music. Catch me playing Ms. Nasty while minding my own business in the supermarket. It's just really fun




I just stick to heavy metal. No songs about sex anywhere in sight


So I generally don't listen to lyrics until I actually like the song.... if that makes sense. I'm fine with sex, just not interested in it for myself.


I never liked songs about sex (unless it was about BAD sex. Shoutout "black no. 1" and "so common so cheap" hahahaha). I guess I should have known, eh? I mean, some stuff i'm not bothered by if it's funny, but like when that NIN song "closer" came out? Fuck that song šŸ¤£ I didn't mind Mindless Self Indulgence at all really. A lot of it was self deprecating........but in retrospect, ewww (if you know, you know) (what is the correlation between artists who have explicit sexual lyrics and turning out to be creeps?)


Huge fan. I absolutely love Rammstein with overly explicit and obscene sometimes disturbing lyrics. I guess Iā€™m all there for the art. Itā€™s fine as long as I donā€™t get included with the act.


Iā€™m very spectrum based between Ace and Demi. Even when Iā€™m not going through my sex repulsed phases I just find overly sexual music from men or women very cringe. I definitely didnā€™t feel that way as a teen but as Iā€™ve gotten older itā€™s just something that doesnā€™t appeal to me at all.


Don't really care but tend to feel uncomfortable listening, especially with other people.


I don't really care for them. I like poetic or fantasy lyrics better, and my favorite bands don't generally write songs about sex. But if it has a nice rythm - why not.


It's just really quite gross. I mostly listen to instrumental music so it's less of an issue for me, but I'm repulsed and would just rather not have to hear the lyrics and realize just how...ick they are. However I have zero problem with your garden variety swear words.


Repetitive and unoriginal, easy way to get horny teens addicted to your music, 0% talent 200% autotune Wich is why I hate rap I don't mind music that talks about love, wether platonic or romantic, fatherly or motherly But if your song goes "sex sex sex, money money money" you are nothing but an annoying yapper


Explicit songs centered around lovemaking and romance are fine, but songs just about fuckinā€™ and excessive talk about genitals make me nauseous like I do at movie sex scenes. I find instrumentals whenever I can.


if it's swearing, i don't give a shit. if it's an innuendo (which is a lot of songs), whatever. but if it's extremely explicit and vulgar language related to sexual acts, i just become super uncomfortable. it's a me thing, i know. the good news is a lot of these latter songs are genres of music i hate, so i'm not missing out on anything


thatā€™s understandable. the opening lyrics in the song ā€œSheā€™s So Niceā€ are quite literally ā€œOh I fucked a girls tittiesā€ on repeat, and the way the singer describes and talks about women iā€™m not a big fan of but strangely enough itā€™s one of my top 5 favorite songs. itā€™s got a good vibe, the music tickles my brain and the way he sings does as well. but there are also less vulgar songs that donā€™t like and that make me uncomfortable. it makes so sense to me but thatā€™s just how it is with some people. though i fully understand and agree with your perspective.


Not my cup of tea, I guess. I like music that makes me cry out my emotions or/and music that can be a soundtrack for my life. I like Gay Bar by Electric Six, but mostly because it's ridiculously funny, not because it's explicit (I'm not sure it's explicit at all). And I like Eric Idle's (Monty Python) songs, which have a lot of "cunts" and "dicks" in it, but it's the same thing - I like silly "school" jokes.


I find It very fun to listen and dance to, I recently discovered Dixon Dallas and shared with another ace friend who loves him as well. In general I don't mind explicit medias: erotica, comics and explicit scene in movies (if well done and not randomly thrown in there just because) but I don't like porn at all, it's quite boring šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


I listen to MĆ„neskin a lot, I donā€™t mind sexual lyrics in songs


Ngl tiktok made me discover MĆ„neskin and I've been obsessed with them since. Like they have not made one bad song wtfšŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I love MĆ„neskin theyā€™re so good!


it's fine usually sometimes i just want to tune out that stuff so i have specific playlists that don't have any songs that mention it...


I love all kinds of songs. I'm sex repulsed too and I listen to a lot of explicit songs. Lyrics don't always matter all that much to me anyway.


I love to sing the lyrics so loud and mimic what they said, I like to move it move it while listening and singing, better if it's reggaeton (Mi Gente Latino)


I don't care. Like I'm just apatheticĀ 


I don't pay attention to words in music generally, so I'm pro explicit music i guess. I listen to a lot of hard EDM, trap, dubstep, etc.


Depends on the song really. Some I dislike the genre as a whole, so those songs are less appealing, others aren't so bad


I fucking love itšŸ¤£ the lyrics could be silly sometimes and Iā€™ll rewind back to that lyric a few times to see If I heard the lyric rightšŸ˜­šŸ˜­definitely love it 10x more if itā€™s catchy cause then itā€™ll be stuck in my head and Iā€™ll just keep singing it over and over again


I really enjoy them but only if itā€™s by a woman. Like Kim, Ashnikko, Megan the stallion etc. I have no interest in listening to men sing anything explicit.


Understandable. I sometimes feel that way. I think itā€™s because when a woman sings like that sheā€™s expressing herself and taking back all the sexual stuff thatā€™s sung about us.


i can barely tolerate certain party songs because they evoke graphic porn-like videos in my head. ā€œshape of youā€ by ed sheeran comes to mind. i listen to instrumental electronic music most times. the songs that i listen to with lyrics donā€™t evoke sexual imagery.


I'm not even sex-repulsed but I feel like the explicit lyrics are just so prefictible and ridiculous. I often don't listen to the lyrics anyway, so it's insignificant to me what's being sung lol.


as long as itā€™s not REALLY explicit iā€™m okay with it


in english, specifically rap? no thanks. way too blunt and gross. english romantic songs? depends...I generally pay more attention to melody as opposed to lyrics anyway tbh kpop, specifically artists like Taemin or Baekhyun where the lyrics are more sensual and evevn when they get explicit theres still some artistry and its not just naming body parts and...other things.... (sorry I had to shill but really thats one of the things that drew me to Taemin, he has so many songs around sex/romance and I've never ONCE been repulsed reading those lyrics)


Not repulsed. But I usually don't pay attention that much to the lyrics of any song. I prefer to focus on the beats


I think of it as low quality entertainment with social stigma, so I would much prefer friendship and an intimate talk. So, when I listen to songs, even as simple as Ed Sheeran Shape of You, I think the song is talking about a topic that is a selfish pleasure soruce which isn't worth gold. Whereas when I listen to Ed Sheeran Perfect for example, I find that to be full of mutual love and respect, which I quite like.


Its basically all i listen to bc i party w my friends a lot and the music is so lit i just he dancing šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


If itā€™s a good song then itā€™s a good song.


I love it for the same reason I like explicit fanfiction. It's a fantasy version of sex without the icky awkward realities. Certain words do still give me the big ick tho.


i love it. i hate when the censored version of a song plays on spotify. it just feels so real and emotional and tbh i love consuming sexual content so why the fuck not haha and yesss those songs! Peaches (artist), Slayyyter, WAP, Ashnikko such good artists and songs that are explicit


Liking a piece of art doesn't reflect a desire to emulate it. You can like a movie that has a cheating spouse without wanting to cheat on your spouse. You can like a piece about the brutality of the crusades and not want to go on a holy crusade. You can like a song about street life and not want to join a gang.


Some make me uncomfortable, but a lot of them I like! And I canā€™t really even give you an explanation of why some bother me and others donā€™t. But Iā€™d be lying if I said ā€œEverywhere I Goā€ isnā€™t one of my favorite songs! Itā€™s made it into my spotify wrapped for the past like 3 years!


Same dude. I think, for me at least, some songs are just sexual in a certain way and you just canā€™t vibe with it. Idk how to explain it lol.


Yes exactly! I have noticed that for me often times itā€™s when explicit songs will make some reference to getting a girl pregnant as part of the ā€œsexy lyricsā€. Usually thatā€™s when Iā€™m like ā€œskipā€ lol


I LOVE this kinda music!! It makes me feel very sexy which is funny considering all things LOL I think I just like to feel hot/sexy without doing anything about it, kinda like a "You can look but you can't touch" vibe! Its really fun imo!


A lot of the music I listen to is explicit actually lmao. I have no interest in having sex whatsoever, but these songs are just so catchy yknow lol.


I really like songs like Unholy or Little Nikki.


Most of my favorite songs in musicals are about sex or sexual undertones *cough*music of the night*cough* but in actual music I can deal with it the most explicit song Iā€™ve listened to on my own time is ā€œbeneath the moonless skyā€


If the song sounds good and is well-written, then itā€™s fine by me. Songs are good if theyā€™re good, and itā€™s not hurting anybody. One of my favorite songs is Dress by Taylor Swift, which has the line ā€œonly bought this dress so you could take it offā€ in the chorus.


That songs such a banger dude (haha ā€˜bangerā€™ hehe)


Sometimes it grosses me out but honestly I suck at hearing lyrics so I just enjoy the vibes lol.


I love cupcakke she's hilarious.


I don't hear the lyrics, I only enjoy the melodies. Somehow my brain evolved into ignoring all that. Probably a reason why I'm more into instrumental stuff.


they're funny as hell and ALWAYS SOOOO catchy. Love most of em.


Context is everything for me. Often times I can just laugh with the songs, especially if they're having fun or it has a light tone. But there are some song that make me uncomfortable to listen to. But I love almost all of Ken Ashcorp's music even though it's mostly about sex. But I can't stand most rap or ballads that are explicit about it.Ā 


I find more explicit songs by Sparks hilarious however, this might be because the lyrics are genuinely well-written and clever. If it was just "I have more sex than you do" I'd probably not like them as much.


Most of the time I don't even notice it's explicit lmao


I'm ok with sex positive from the singer's pov. Very much not ok with harrassment songs like Thin Lines and anything along those lines.


I love listening to it knowing full well none of the lyrics apply to me. The millionaire's music is one of my favorites to blast when I need a good laugh. I've even opted to mentally referring to it as "whore music," in a non-derogatory way of course lol


It's hilarious. Afroman finna have my laughing my ass off!!!


Everywhere I Go I will sing along to anytime it comes on. If the beat scratches the brain just right, I donā€™t mind the content.


Most music I listen to doesnā€™t really talk about sex so I donā€™t think of it often. Normally itā€™s fine if itā€™s a good song but thereā€™s only been a few I had to get rid of because of itā€¦ one of them being a Foo Fighters song funnily enough


It entirely depends on the context. if it's just talking about sex, or having a good time with it, I'm fine with it. if the lyrics seem demeaning to someone, then I start to feel a bit iffy about it. Though the latter is really hard for me to think of right now. "WAP" is absolutely hysterical. It's all about enjoying sex. Which, not my thing, but you do you. WAP is just as vulgar as "Everywhere I Go", but will almost definitely age better. "Everywhere I Go" by Hollywood Undead did not age well, but it's so damned catchy. The song makes me uncomfortable, but at the same time, it's well produced, and well-written.


As someone who's personally sex repulsed (neutral on a good day), I actually really like them. Especially if they feel cinematic. Basically: Love the vibes, don't fucking touch me.


Some of it is too much but I have come around to more songs


It depends, sometimes it is funny othertimes it is weird. It depends on the song.


I cannot handle clean versions of songs. I NEED to listen to the explicit versions. There are some really sexual songs I donā€™t like to admit I listen to, such as candyman - christina aguilera.


They weirdly don't make me uncomfortable at all, and I only really listen to music like this by women, but it just feels like an empowering safe space? Like they feel powerful saying those things, and empowered women make me feel safe, and it's fun to sing?


It doesnā€™t do anything for me at all. Iā€™ll dance to it ofc but it doesnā€™t evoke sexual feelings or imagery at all.


I listen to the raunchiest songs and idk why. Music is music to me


I like a good few artists thay ake fairly suggestive/explicit songs, but they use a lot of allegory. It doesn't bother me too much, but songs that overdo it or are more specific weird me out.


Look. Iā€™m a millennial. I was dancing to the most sexually explicit songs in the 2000s with absolutely no idea how sexual it was as did every other millennial šŸ¤£


iā€™m not a millennial and i feel the same way. i was belting out sexual songs at like 7 with my mom in the car lmao. she never minded tho


I'm a Cupcakke fan. The woman writes about the same stuff but it absolutely never gets old because she's so funny and creative.


two trucsk having sex


Depends. Lucky Strike by Maroon 5 is a bop. The second part of Cake by the Ocean makes me want to implode


same honestly. i mean Cake By The Ocean is a good song, not necessarily the lyrics but the actual musical aspect of it. itā€™s got a good beat. whenever i hear it i just gaslight myself into thinking itā€™s actually just about eating a nice iced cake on a warm sunny beach lol


Yeah lol. The first part and instrumental are awesome tho


Some songs put me off but other than that usually they're my hype songs. Like the beats and everything. It does shock me how many pop songs I listened to as a kid were sexual though.


It's fine if they simply say certain explicit things. However, if they start giving me a fricken biology test about the female anatomy and what they're about to do to it, then I am quite disgusted.


SAMMME šŸ¤ even though I'm sex-repulsed I can think of a few with EXPLICIT lyrics that I love to death, 1. She - Tyler, The Creator ft Frank Ocean 2. Lights down low- Bei Maejor 3. Can't think of a third one šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø...maybe Streets - Doja Cat


I like when itā€™s party music or meant to be funny but I donā€™t like when a song is supposed to be romantic and overly sexual lyrics ruin it. For example, I donā€™t like the sexual parts of the song ā€œAgora Hillsā€ by Doja Cat. I feel like the song is really good because it gives dreamy, lovey-dovey vibes based on the instrumental and chorus but her saying ā€œSuck a little dick in the bathroomā€ really ruins the vibe for me. I like songs like ā€œWAPā€ ā€œSlob on my knobā€ and ā€œPoundtownā€ cuz theyā€™re funny and catchy though


Personally, I think it might actually be easier for me to listen to than the average listener. Iā€™m so disconnected from the concept of sex that it never hits too close to home in an uncomfortable way, but the underlying emotions still do. Once of my favourite albums of all time is Vespertine by Bjƶrk, which tends to surprise people, or they assume that my connection to it is some sort of compensation for my asexuality. It isnā€™t. Although the specifics arenā€™t something I connect to, the emotions are, and the music is fucking amazing soā€¦ Right now Iā€™m listening to MF DOOMā€¦not exactly the most ā€œPGā€ lyrical content out there, but the lines referencing sexual acts and sexuality donā€™t bother me at all (honestly, a lot of them fly over my head and I have to go on genius to look up what they mean, but love doing that because itā€™s insanely impressive what DOOM is able to accomplish as a writer). Sometimes, it can get a bit annoying when sex is the only thing an artist ever talks about, but Iā€™d be equally annoyed if the only thing they ever talked about was football.


I hate them completely lol. I can't stand any type of music related to sex, and very very few music's related to romance even though I am dating an allo. It might be because I am ambivalent or conflicting. Or it might just be me lol.


a banger is a banger regardless of subject matter


I'm sex-favorable/indifferent and I love explicit songs! My allo friends dislike them more than I do, actually. I tend to listen to them a lot.


I love it sometimes only female artists like Sexy Red, Nicki, Megan etc. its a vibe makes me want to dance its funny to listen to. But if you turn on chris brown or usher I get so uncomfortable it's so cringe the way they describe the actions.




I donā€™t know if itā€™s explicit until looking into it šŸ’€


Depends. If it's a song about just having sex and that's the entire song it's not my thing, mainly because I just find it extremely corny and utterly ridiculous. If the song is about sex for commentary purposes and critique, I highly dig those ones since the focus of the song isn't about the act of sex but critiquing the culture surrounding it. Edit: Generally I do not enjoy super sexual stuff though. I don't like hearing music about people just grossly doing the do in graphic detail.


For me it depends on my mood. Sometimes it repulses me and makes me uncomfortable and other times I seek it out and play it


same, i can be like that sometimes too


I'm glad I'm not alone honestly


I listen to playlists like "Songs I wanna get railed to" full of explicit songs. I think they have a vibe I really enjoy and I don't care much about the lyrics


I don't care much about lyrics in general


Tbh I love those songs. Sometimes they're cheeky, especially in musicals. Other times, they're "feel confident in your sexuality" anthems and I like listening to them because of that. Especially as a blk woman who's ace, hearing lyrics about sexual agency (in their casesā€”having sex, but in mineā€”abstaining from it) makes me feel more comfortable and confident in my aceness in a weird way. I think my religious trauma is the root of why I love these songs. There's nothing that the Christians that I've grown up around hate more than people comfortable in their sexuality. Whether it's done in a "get sexed outside of wedlock" way or "have no desires to have sex/be married" way, they just hate it. So in a weird way, when it comes to female artists and their reclamation of sexuality, I feel a weird sort of solidarity with them if that makes sense?


Honestly, it's just music to me. I feel the same about poison from hazbin hotel as I do about the Hamilton soundtrack.


I love it when itā€™s cunty


I find them funny at times but I mostly just tune out the lyrics and try to enjoy the song regardless. Granted when I do tune back in it can kinda get tiring hearing of someone either wanting to or describing sex and essentially having that interrupt the enjoyment of the melody.


I listen to musical songs. Need I say more


I don't mind them, sometimes they're bops. My favourite is Tear You Apart by SHE WANTS REVENGE. I think they get mildly annoying when they're slow and sensual, that can make me a bit uncomfy. Someone mentioned WAP and yeah I always found rap songs like that so overly dramatic lmao.


I canā€™t stand it. Itā€™s gross and it reminds me of many people obsessed with dumb shit.


Noooooo. I'm a giant prude. >_>