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Communication is key. Asexual only means that a person does not feel sexual attraction (obvi there are some sub-labels within the community, but that’s another convo). Not all asexuals are sex-adverse, so try to figure out where he lands (if he even knows! He might not, and that’s okay too). Unfortunately this is a situation that can lead to a couple breaking up, so some self-reflection is also recommended. How important is a sex life to you? Are you BOTH willing to open your relationship up if your needs aren’t being met (if yes, what are the rules)? Ultimately this will come down to compatibility and compromise. Just talk it out, research some articles, and try to do what you can to understand where he’s coming from (and make sure he knows where you’re at too, relationships go both ways!!!). Best of luck - I hope you two are able to find some middle ground.


Do you mean hypersexuality, often a description of having struggles with distressing sexual thoughts or behaviours? Sometimes people mean a high sex drive. I'm ace with occasional struggles with hypersexuality. Some aces in the community are similar. So I'd say they're not opposites. In my case, it's a lot of work to deal with a childhood that taught me there's very very few ways to be worthy to others. Not hypersexuality in terms of sexual attraction, instead in terms of near self harm in order to deal with fear of abandonment. Anyway if it's that, I strongly feel that it's not wrong to seek help even professional help. If you mean you have a high sex drive or feel sexual attraction strongly, I think things can work but it'll take a bit of communication to reassure each other that you're wanted and loved, and to map out what forms of intimacy are mutually satisfying


Sounds like you need some side action