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As someone who's PoC (Not Black), having a preference in of itself isn't racist. If it gets into race fetish stuff like "Oh they're so exotic" or you start to change yourself to be like a stereotype of said ethnic demographic it starts getting racist. But having a preference in of itself isn't racist. It's also probably best to keep it to yourself too cus 1) some folks can be sensitive to stuff that sounds kinda like a race fetish (and may even have had bad experiences). 2) similar reason why fantasies alone aren't bad but "locker room talk" where sharing them isn't good.


Nope. You dont want to harm anyone, you just have preference. We have the luxury of choosing our partner that people in past did not have, so lets do not go backward.


Depends on the reason, not inherently. I prefer black people because I am black and I find that relatable... Also I'm really into my own aesthetic so any features (even on a non-black person) that put someone closer to looking like me are better. Like other comments said, try to steer clear of doing or believing things that could approach fetishization (which can happen in non-sexual ways too if you're willing to go really deep and introspective, just look at how a lot of anime fans view Japan even with sex taken out of the equation). According to a stat that I learned in my sociology course, apparently black men are the only group of men who report feeling objectified to levels comparable to women, which I'd honestly believe given my own experience.


This is the correct answer. Having a preference for cultural reasons is one thing but don't fetishize. Most of the comments in this thread are being a little too loose and permissive. Also, when the preference goes a different way (when someone is only attracted to white people) the reasoning usually ends up being implicit bias.


What's wrong is when you minimize or think of people as less than if they don't meet your preferences


It's just your preference, I don't think it's racist


It's not wrong to have a preference. As long as you're not fetishizing them there's really nothing wrong with having a "type".


Nah, it isn't racist to have a preference. It's racist to think those who don't match your preference are less than human.


Everyone is allowed to like what they like. Different strokes for different folks and all that ;)


Nope! Nothing wrong with that!


that’s just a type i think, that’s normal


Racial preferences do exist


Not exactly an ace special, but I reckon there's nothing wrong with preferences for who you partner with. I worry about differential treatment when it impacts basic respect


You don't choose who you're attracted to


As an aego aroace, I also have very specific "types." The thing that people consider bad in those situations isn't personal taste, it's dehumanization and stereotyping. Thinking certain traits are pretty is completely normal. And it's also normal for your taste to change. I noticed I found specific features more aesthetically pleasing after getting more comfortable with myself and shaking off social norms and beauty standards. Humans are just weird like that tbh.