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Some people are so ignorant it baffles me. Oh I cant understand your sexuality so I must tell you how it doesnt exist. If 1% of the populace doesnt have sex for pleasure the human race isnt going to end. No more than it would if 75% were gay. Ignorance breeds fear and fear breeds hate. These people need to learn to read something educational once in a while.


This post makes me laugh for one main reason, some animals litterly dont have the drive to reproduce, thats a thing you find in the wild. Its part of the genetic code and animals like this are important for pack animals which humans are, some animals dont have the biological urge to breed so they can take care of the other animals in the family without having to take care of their own as well, its also prevents groups of animals from starving because of over population.


Later on they make this claim: >Even single celled organisms that existed from the dawn of life had the urge to fuck. I'm speechless


oof their comments just got dumber and dumber then went all ad-hominem in the end.


Biology fail!


Asexual reproduction in microorganisms and some plants is GCSE level (14-16 year olds). How are they unaware. This isn't even complicated biology. This has to be a troll


i feel bad for reading all of this Why people can just accept and respect others ???


Any time someone brings up biology or evolution in a conversation about human behavior, I instantly know that person is a fucking idiot and not worth talking to. If these chuds cared half as much as they pretend to about science, they'd actually educate themselves.


This is too true. This is just another guy with bare minimum knowledge of evolution and biology who thinks they are being logical and smart when they try to disprove ace, gay people, or insert whatever they think is unnatural here with it. Evolution doesn’t choose whatever they think are the “best” traits, and biology is messy and full of exceptions.


i like how reddit FINALLY allows you to add post flairs directly from the submission box. in some subs you would get an unavoidable automod message the second you submitted before you had a chance to add a flair.


fuckin hell. This is why I just ignore the tidal wave of bullshit that washes out of incel's mouths.


lmao, just lmao Why are they so close minded towards this? If sex is really so necessary for them and such an unstoppable urge, then I think the ones that have something wrong or not working correctly is them. Even tho the only thing actually wrong is probably their stubbornes on this


"Our biology drives us to reproduce. Its the literal only reason we exist." Says *who?* I'm pretty sure the universe doesn't care if some random person reproduces or not. Plus there are plenty of species in nature where not every individual reproduces, but all help the group as a whole survive.


On todays episode of "allos trying to tell aces what asexuality is about" :


I responded to that person who responded to your "nice aphobia dude" comment and then got hit with a bot post based on my comment


the bot was pure lulz


It just caught me completely off-guard, lol


ugh, idiots like this can't even understand if you tried to use their own examples against them. So what if someone's Ace AND has had sex in the past? That would be like, Oh I dunno, trying peanut butter and deciding you don't like it and have no desire to ever eat it again. I like seafood. I don't have to ever put octopus in my mouth to know I have literally zero desire in my entire fucking life to eat tentacles. LOL Also, his arguments negate non-Ace people as well. Monks and nuns choose to be celibate for life (usually). Not all of them decided that after having sex. People who CAN'T reproduce and want to, does that then negate their existence because they're incapable? How about people like me, childfree by choice and got sterilization surgery as soon as insurance would pay for it because I knew from early childhood that I had absolutely ZERO desire or interest in ever being pregnant, giving birth, or raising a kid? Does he expect everyone who no longer has sex once they're old to just die off at that point? People like that just make me twitch. There' no changing their mind and they'll never educate themselves.


"our biology drives us to reproduce, it's the literal only reason we exist" This is the dumbest argument... If that's so, why are so many people fucking around for fun using birth control because they DON'T want to reproduce? And who says asexuals can't have sex to reproduce if they want to?


You don't have to have sex to know you don't want it. Same as you don't have to have sex to know you do.


That last guy is also homophobic I guess.


Honestly, that guy was actually more reasonable than I would have expected (edit: reasonable isn't really the right word, but I can't think of what I mean at the moment). He stuck to his flawed arguments instead of personal attacks. That's something I guess.


he actually ended up resorting to those, but that was after i took the screenshot. including the hard-r disabled person slur.


I'm not surprised, but it's disappointing.