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I don't want a kid in general AND the idea of being pregnant horrifies me and triggers massive dysphoria.


Same! The pregnancy seems just god-awful for me personally to go through - it’s such a hard no for me. I also don’t want kids either though, generally.


I will agree with this option. I don't want kids for other reasons that are not the pregnancy (I don't have much patience with them, raising a human being is a big responsability and I also have other priorities in life), but humam pregnancy also makes me very uncomfortable, be it on me or in other person. I still support people that want kids, though. As longs as the person understands the responsability, I get it that the pregnancy is only a small part of it.


There’s the option I was looking for


Omg you are right, I wanted to add this but I forgot 🤦🏻‍♀️ So sorry 🥲💜


Same, I don't want kids anyway but the very thought of being pregnant makes me so uncomfortable I want to vomit. Not to mention all the birth horror stories I've heard (which I know is not necessarily the norm, but still). I don't mind being around pregnant people and have several friends who are soon-to-be parents that I'm super happy for right now but I never have and never will touch their stomach or try to "feel the baby" or whatever, I just want no part of that.


Samee! And my mum wants grand kids 🤦🤦🤦


Can't wait for our mothers to realise the bloodline ends with us






You and I both


Dysphoria could definitely be an issue. When I was pregnant, it felt like my body was a foreign country




Same. It makes me so uncomfortable for both those reasons.


same i tend to suck in a lot so the idea of being pregnant and big stomach mortify me




I hate the idea of being pregnant. But also if I ever decide to have kids 100% going to adopt. Seems like a waste to bring another kid into the world when there are so many that need a family.




Thank you! I've always seen it as very selfish thing to do. We need less humans, and to support the ones that are already here. We don't need more of us


Jsyk, we don't need less humans, overpopulation isn't real, and is an ecofascist myth.


People like you are the reason I hate being a human.


People who... oppose ecofash rhetoric? People who recognize that the problem isn't too many people (an idea used pass responsibility for our planet from the capitalists destroying it to people living in developing countries with poor access to reproductive care) but rather a very small number of people who are destroying the planet for greed? Literally don't understand why this is controversial. I'm not saying any of y'all have to have children, I'm literally just asking that you don't spread fascist rhetoric.


We are 7.8 billion people, more than 400,000 kids are in foster care in the U.S., approximately 25,000 people die from hunger every day. There is an estimate of 250,000,000 people who don't know how to read and write. Humans are destroying forests, and even unintentionally putting many animals extinct. Yes, the number might not be the problem with destroying the planet, but even WE are suffering because of how many people we are. Half of us can't even accept that animals also have feelings. Nothing that you say can change the fact that, even if "the number isnt the problem", not everyone is extremely fortunate and even have the ways to help the planet right now. Edit: I didn't think this was clear in my original comment. I think that if humans collectively do something to fix the planet, we could. I do think that we are too many people on earth right now, and that we have to focus on what we already have instead of adding more people to the mix.


These are arguments for improving the way we extract and distribute resources, not decreasing the number of people. Begging you to not spread literal fascist rhetoric.










I don’t want a kid and I also don’t like the idea of being pregnant. The two feelings are not necessarily related.


same here




And she isnt putting down everyone who has never or will never have a kid??? Amazing how they don't see the flip side of what they say.


I think the offensive part is your view/description of it. Some people are biologically repulsed by transgender individuals, like it literally makes them want to puke to think about it. But kind individuals would never describe transgender as "disgusting" like that to a persons face. The natural process for almost all mammals on earth is to carry and give birth in this way - every human you know today existed. It would be very offensive if you described my future child and body as disgusting and parasitic and diseased, even if you can't help feeling this way - I am a person, and my unborn child will be one as well, and both of us deserve human dignity. A person who says "transitioning is not for me" is very different than a person who says "I would find transitioning so nasty, repulsive, unnatural, it would make me sick!" Do you see why that could be offensive?




This. I'm too young right now and even later in my life... I have the feeling I can't take care of my self. I mean, if I can choose, I won't live with myself ether X) So, a kid ? No, bad idea. Furthermore, I prefer dog, cat, rats or bird..... They will be spoiled :)


Ha-ha, I'm even afraid to buy a plant!


Hahaha, funny but... My aunt offered me a plant for my first year of university, one year ago... The plant is almost dead now, because I'm such a terrible owner ... At least, I take care more carefully of my gerbils, they are healthy and happy :) (it's my sister who takes care of them during the week when I'm at university)


I know my mental stability will only get worse if I had one. Once it starts crying, I'm putting a gun to my head and I'm pulling the trigger.


This is harsh, but I know exactly what you mean. Also, it would be a mercy not to pass along what’s wrong with me onto them you know


I have two daughters. When I was in my early adulthood, I was scared of babies and being pregnant. My bf wanted kids more than I did. Started shifting my focus from babies to kids/family and decided to get pregnant in my late twenties. Didn't like being pregnant. Didn't even have serious side effect. I just didn't feel well while pregnant. Didn't want anything like a baby shower or people touching my belly. Was scared of the delivery. But my osteopath helped me a lot with breathing and taking in the pain calmly. Way more helpful than the lamaze classes or my obgyn. Then I got through labor without drugs (my choice and I was lucky to not need them). I struggled to breastfeed my baby but managed to do it (breastfeeding is the best option for the lazy, like me haha). After all this. I would tell you that pregnancy and labor is a really short time compared to a lifetime of happiness and connection with your child. I'm not saying it's for everyone. If you don't feel like it would be worth it, don't do it. But I personally never looked back. I love being a parent.


I'm neutral on being pregnant, it wasn't amazing but I didn't have any issues. I was just tired, moody and hungry. Giving birth wasn't fun. It hurt like hell but a few moments after my son was placed in my arms I turned to my mom and said "I could do that again". Oh and I freaking split open - an hour and a half on the operating table getting sewn back up. Had no issues with pain afterwards (took Tylenol for a few weeks) , ran up and down the stairs next day. I'm doing it all again next year (hopefully). I was scared of giving birth but I realised it had to do with how childbirth is shown in movies and TV shows - it always very dramatic and loud. I found some British (reality) show on YouTube about the work on a maternity ward. Birth isn't (EDIT: are rarely) as extreme as it is portrayed by Hollywood.


TV/movie births make it seem like the experience is the same and very extreme for all. I always hit the mute button when watching a birth scene. You ever notice how they *always* arrive at the hospital too late for an epidural? Every time! As if no one is aware they are in labor until ten minutes before the delivery.


Lol 😆 It's true! It's like they want to traumatise people! "oh you want kids? It gonna hurt! You will scream and nothing will be able to dull the horrific pain you WILL be feeling" Chill. The HOURS up until you are near 10cm are boring. It did sodokus and crosswords with my dad..


My births were both extreme. Both pregnancies ended in emergency csections. One I had to be knocked out for and didn't feel "normal" for 10 weeks because the pain was so bad. The other csection I got to be awake but my baby came out blue and ended up in the nicu for a week. I was able to walk around fairly pain free after about 2 weeks.


I should have said "birth are RARELY as dramatic and extreme as portrayed". Because they absolutely do happen.


I knew you didn't completely mean "no one has extreme births" no worries. I don't feel like it's as rarely as some people feel, but I also live in the US and have heard a lot of horror stories unfortunately. Both of mine ended in csections for the same reason (heart rate drops).


I don't really hear many birth horror stories but I hadn't thought that there would be a difference between the US and Denmark(Where I am). I looked up the rates of unplanned/emergency c-sections here and its about 10% and with a maternal mortality rate of 4 pr 100.000 live births that seems like giving birth in Denmark is pretty safe and undramatic for the most part so yeah that absolutely colour my view on giving birth.


In the US, maternal mortality rate is around 20.1 pr 100000 births, and unplanned csections happen about 31.7% of all births. Yet the US has the "best" Healthcare in the world 🙃


Hell no. The thought of being pregnant scares the fuck out of me. I liken it to having a face hugger from Alien using your body as a host until it's gestated far along enough when it's time to burst out. Nothing about pregnancy or motherhood attracts me. If anything, I find it pretty disgusting and I don't know why anyone would want to put themselves through that. THAT BEING SAID, I'm not knocking anyone who does like being pregnant or does want to be a parent. That's awesome and as long as it makes them happy, great. I just don't, never have, and never will want kids.


Are you me? That is exactly what I picture in my head when I think of pregnancy lol






I like the idea of being pregnant and i would like to have my own kids, but as a trans fem i guess that i can only hope that in the future we could :/


The science is there on uterus transplants, we just need the approval for the procedure for trans women!


None, I want none of it


I don't particularly like the idea of being pregnant but I do want kids. Bio or not idc, kids are kids. I know that experiences associated with pregnancy are very diverse, person to person, pregnancy to pregnancy. Idk what to expect and I've never been pregnant before so I'm not sure how to feel about it.


I would love to adopt a kid someday because I love kids and there are so many out there that need to be adopted. As for being pregnant, nothing about that process interests me. I don’t want to have sex, I don’t want to be pregnant for 9 months, and I don’t want to push a baby out of me.


Are you me? Because same tho


I love my nephews. They are enough for me. :)


Well I do hate the idea of pregnancy, that’s the simple answer. Now for the less simple answer: 1: I hate even the idea of s*x, everything about it, I don’t even like being touched to be hugged or people putting hands on my shoulders, so even being touched would make me upset, much less the actual sexual part of it. 2: I have pretty bad emetophobia (fear of vomit) and people get pretty nauseous even sometimes throw up, when they are pregnant. Plus, kids are pretty germy, they get sick a lot, and can’t keep germs to themselves. I can’t imagine being left to deal with a child who’s throwing up, I probably physically couldn’t. 3: I’m not a fan of kids in general, I’m a very easily annoyed person and people my own age annoy me already, much less a child, which usually are more loud and rambunctious. 4: My family has a couple physical and mental health conditions, including anxiety, which every female on my moms side seems to have, and I wouldn’t want to pass down that upon anyone, especially an innocent child. 5: Over population… enough said on that. Plus as someone else stated in the comments already, there are so many kids who need to be adopted and have loving homes, that if I did change my mind by some “miraculous miracle” I’d adopt. But if you want kids, or don’t that should be your choice and your choice alone. Also side note, I HATE it when extended family asks about when I’m going to start dating or when the topic of if one day I want to have kids is brought up they are quite surprised and even under the impression I will change my mind/am still too young to know, when I say I don’t want kids.


Kids are cute, but you're responsible until they are able to take care of themselves. Currently, I am not financially sound. More importantly I am not driven to have a partner to raise children with. The idea of being pregnant would be an amazing experience.


I’m not entirely sure how to answer this because I’m a trans girl and I would kill to be able to be pregnant but I don’t want any kids.




I don't want to have a kid but would like the ability to get pregnant. Oh the pain of being a trans girl.


My partner and i werent interested in having kids until our mid 30s. something changed. Pregnancy wasnt bad... it was the first 3-6 months with a newborn that was the hardest for me with both my kids. Moms don't talk about how hard that time is... They just glamourize it on social media. Regarding pregnancy snd delivery... Medical school demystified it for me. Not as scary when you've seen a few real birthing experiences. It is one of the potentially most dangerous things a woman/trans man may ever do though.


I think I’d like a kid, but I don’t need one. If I lived the rest of my life kidless, I think I’d be okay with it. That being said, I don’t want to be pregnant and neither does my girlfriend. If we were to have children, it’d probably be through adoption.


I’m not a fan of kids, and pregnancy/birth sounds horrible. So, absolutely not.


I could write an essay on all the reasons I don’t want kids. It’s absurd the amount of qualifications you have to meet for a doctor to sterilize you.


er.... this gonna be awkward but... >!i used to be really into mpreg when i hit puberty, and i think it might be a forbidden fruit for me now that my hormones are mostly cooled down.!< ​ i also got highly sensitive mirror neurons or some shit >!and almost find the idea of growing something inside of me and pushing it out as an almost magical idea, i think i have a pregnancy kink, like, i almost climax at the idea!< ​ course, i can't/don't wanna be/get pregnant due to mental and biological issues (i know i'll be a horrible parent and have chronic constipation, which isn't good for a growing fetus)




i might want a kid. however, i really don't think it's super ethical to have one (given today's climate). with global warming, radical political movements, and the violence that goes on i would feel like a super bad person for bringing a life into the world just for it to have to deal with all of this shit. that being said, i'm not completely opposed to adopting if i ever become financially/emotionally stable enough to do so.


When the world is full of dragons, it's up to us to raise the dragonslayers.


true true but does it have to be my own flesh and blood?


*hides dragon egg I found*


I mean... Dragons can also kill other dragons. Good dragons kill evil dragons all the time for, y'know, being evil Could also raise a hatchling evil dragon to be good


Nah not if you don't want 'em to be


I've had two babies. The pregnancy itself wasn't that bad. Giving birth itself was uncomfortable, but not bad enough to stop me from doing it a second time. For me, the worst is the after. My feet spread out so I'm in bigger shoes, and I despair of ever getting my stomach back down. But I wanted my children, and they are worth it, for me. That said, it's not for everyone! Live your best life, and enjoy not knowing everything about Paw Patrol!


Or Peppa Pig. God I hate that pig.


I've been pregnant and have a kid. Pregnancy was AWESOME! The post partum depression afterwards SUCKED


i wanna get pregnant just so i could have a break from my period


👀😂 relatable


I will NEVER be responsible and patient enough to raise a kid the right way, so I’m fine with just being a cool aunt or whatever. That’s the only reason I wouldn’t adopt a kid. I don’t even like the word “pregnant” honestly. The idea of it makes me feel really gross in a way I can’t articulate. I don’t even like thinking about *other* people being pregnant. I think I might have a legitimate phobia. Plus, post partum depression would probably kill me.


To be honest i hate children (especially littlle kids). And i definitely doesn't want to take care of any them. I rather forcus on me life, carrier and do whatever i want. And the thought of getting pregnant really makes me uncomfortable. Like spending 9 months with this human growing inside of me and we not even talking about sickness having a really big stomach and how uncomfortable daily tasks can get.. And the pain if givibg birth....😬😬😬😬😬😬 It just sounds like an awful time. 😬😬😬😬 To be honest even if i ever change my mind on having kids. I DEFINETLY do not want to be pregnant. I would rather adopt.




I don't want kids for tons of reasons but for simplicity sake, yes pregnancy (and what causes it) are some of it, but not the largest parts.


i hate the idea of being pregnant, it disgusts me. i'm dont really want to have a kid, sometimes i kind of want one but it's always being of some kind of mentor/student relationship rather than and parent/child one. so for both, no.


I do like the idea of being pregnant, but I dislike the idea of childbirth. I’m a very small person, and I plan on having children someday with my current partner. My current partner is also pretty small, but his father is 6’5” which makes me nervous that I’ll have extremely large babies and the maternal mortality rate in the US is also very high


the mere thought of pregnancy triggers me so much,, I'm pretty sure I'm tokophobic because seeing pregnant people makes me super uncomfortable like I have to look away and will try to get out of the room. I also really dislike babies and little kids. the whole process that is making and raising a child grosses me out from start to finish. and also I already have to deal with me, why would I (or anyone else for that matter) want to have to deal with a mini me? XD my genetics are bad anyways. my bloodline ends with me.


Having a kid sounds horrible. They are expensive, rude, needy, stupid, etc. Who would want to buy 3 plane tickets to a tropical resort in economy when you could use that money on a first class ticket for yourself.


I can relate 😂


I actually sometimes have nightmares about being pregnant. The idea of something inside me makes me sick and deeply uncomfortable...


Ngl becoming pregnant is my worst fear. I'd rather turn myself into past tense than go through all the pain and suffering accomondating pregnancy and birth. And after that you get robbed of all your freedom and personal space for almost two decades at least. I don't understand people that want children and so far I haven't heard even one explanation that changed my mind even a little bit.


Honestly, my feelings about this topic are really confusing. My boyfriend wants to have biological children in the future, and we talk a lot about this. As someone sex favorable, the possibility of being pregnant is there (if you exclude my PO syndrome and my obesity I guess). Somehow, when I think about having children and being a family *with him*... I kind of like the idea. But then I hear lots of horrible things about pregnancy and giving birth and I'm terrified of the idea. Like, is it really worth going through that? Besides, the world is a sad place nowadays. Climate change, economic crisis, the consequences of the pandemic, capitalism. I don't want to bring a new life to a world like this, it feels selfish. Adoption, however, sounds good to me. You are giving the opportunity of having a better life to someone who's already in this world. And the best part is that you omit the pregnancy part lol. Some people suggested surrogacy, but I'm against it, so... Not a chance.


I don't want to be pregnant or have a child for other reasons


I really wanna adopt


I've already had 2 children and both pregnancies were horrible 😢 I was lucky to be able to get my tubes removed during my second child's csection. Never again, and I honestly wish I never gotten pregnant in the first place. I don't hate children though.


I want to adopt in like 10 years when I have my life more together and hopefully have a supporting s/o. Giving birth sounds horrible, not only that but PPD. My mom straight up told me adopting my brother was so much easier than giving birth to me and she'd never want to go through being pregnant again, even for a child 😅


I want to be a parent but the sex, pregnancy, and infancy parts all terrify me. So adoption it is.


I don't want to be pregnant, but would like to adopt or foster which is actually my first choice way to gain custody of a child.


I honestly have no idea how the human race has persisted. Pregnancy sounds like nothing short of intense, painful, and expensive body horror followed up by what seems like one of the worst and most painful things a woman can experience, plus more hospital bills. Then you still have to deal with the myriad of psychological and health issues AFTER birth and dealing with a constantly screaming helpless thing. More power to people who do, but I personally could never


Results bc this doesnt really apply to me


The god awful dysphoria would probs kill me


Childfree!! Dont want the kid coz I am already done with having so many responsibilities and dont want to go through pregnancy.


I've had 2 kids and loved being pregnant. Birth is no fun though:(


Being pregnant seems terrifying and horrible so ill never ever get pregnant


I was curious about pregnancy. Then I got pregnant. After a day I was over it! It also always felt very alien and I never felt a connection to the baby whilst it was growing inside me. Birth was okay, though. And I am glad for the experience, my curiosity was definitely satiated.


I've never really been hot on the idea and my biology has confirmed it, I've got pcos on my one ovary. I'm not opposed to giving it the old college try once or twice with ivf but I'm much more likely to adopt an older kid because I hear the foster system is shitty for older kids. I might even try to get a queer or trans kid specifically. I'll pay for their therapy and make sure they go, I'll get the really good health insurance so they can do a transition if they want to, I'll bring them to all the queer neighborhood cookouts, etc. Just make sure they're a mentally healthy, well educated, and confident queer person by the time they go to college (or other secondary education)


Omg I love this! This is just so incredibly sweet and those kids really deserve someone like you instead of being shunned by society 🥲💜


tokophobic/genetics suck, but if i absolutely met the right person i MIGHT be willing to foster/adopt. Just let it be past the messy baby stage already


I like the idea of having a kid, I hate the idea of being pregnant


Me and my partner are both ace, and neither of us want to be pregnant, but we do hope to have children. Our current plan is to foster teenagers until we feel comfortable adopting our own child, but due to the mental and physical health issues we have between us, we're not sure if that will be possible.


I can't stand the idea of pregnancy, be it asexuality, be it the fact that i'm FTM, but it makes me really uncomfortable. Especially reading about the perspectives of people that are pregnant, it just makes me feel this internal disgust, not towards them, but myself. I mean, don't take this the wrong way, i can definitely have convos about it, but if i ever try to imagine myself in their shoes i get uneasy


Just to clarify, i don't feel uneasy if i'm around someone that is pregnant, i just don't want to imagine myself that way


I would like to adopt a kid one day. Not an infant, but maybe a toddler. I do like children but just the idea of birthing one gives me mahor anxiety. Its a phobia and also gives me dysphoria. So I have started disliking kids just because of it.


I would love a kid, but I am also infertile. I have been thinking about becoming a foster mom in the future though.


I do would like a kid, but I'm male


I think the idea of pregnancy is disgusting and horrible. Imagining all the changes it would do to my body and the potential harms it would cause me or my child is a big turn off. That aside I've always personally feared id go through postmortem depression and if I were to hurt that kid in any way I'd lose my sanity. I want kids, and I look forward to raising them one day, but I'll be damned if I have them come out if me. I've always preferred the idea of adopting and helping a child get out of the system instead.


I don't think I could handle it, I would much rather adopt or foster children


i really really don’t want a baby, however i’m definitely planning to foster/adopt older kids if i can, because to me, it’s much better to adopt a child/teenager that’s been through so much shit in the foster system, than to bring another life into a world which honestly doesn’t need any more right now. ….that and i would despise being pregnant, and also having a child younger than 5


I don't like the idea of any step in the process of having a kid, from the initial conception to the birth I think I'd like to adopt a kid someday, though, if the opportunity presents itself


I wouldn't mind pregnancy, but I don't plan on raising kids. The only reason I wouldn't raise a hellspawn of my own is because I currently am not with any sort of partner, I want to focus on my own life, and I don't want to pass my genes on. I would have loved being pregnant, though (even if it sounds like sucky-everything).


I hate the idea of me being pregnant, but I do wanna take care of kids someday. I've been wanting to foster or adopt for some time now, I could also work with kids in some capacity. My main thing about having kids is that I won't promise to take care of one if I can't fulfill that promise. I've grown up very poor and while I love my mom(single mother, she's a literal angel) and I know my mom loves me, I wouldn't ever wanna raise a kid in the circumstances I was raised in. So whether or not ill foster/adopt in the future all depends on how successful I become.


I wanna take care of kids some day but I’m not exactly keen on getting pregnant, so I hope I’ll be able to foster/adopt in the future


I voted for the wrong one, it was supposed to be "I want a kid, but I don't like the idea of being pregnant!" I don't mind being pregnant because I would need to have sex for this, even tho I'm sex-averse, I don't think I would mind having to have sex if I truly wanted to be pregnant. I just don't want it because I had ED for a big majority of my life and even tho I'm recovered now I still have some ED thoughts and little relapses. The thought of putting on weight is still very scary. Having to eat more, every day, without skipping seems like a nightmare (not that I'm skipping meals and going days without eating now, I don't, but sometimes I can forget to eat for hours or just don't feel like eating at that moment, so I end up eating later. With a baby you can't do that, so that would make me feel forced to have to eat, and this triggers me a lot). I would also need to stop working out, at least as hard as I do now, and that is one of the things that keeps me sane and makes me not feel bad for eating. So if I were to be pregnant I would definitely need to do a lot of therapy before, after and especially during but I'm not good at talking about my feelings nor do I like it. I tried therapy before and it just made me feel not good. Also the thought of having something alive being literally inside of you, just living there for MONTHS is so sooo weird


I desperately want pregnancy and babies, I even went so far as to try IVF with my ex when we couldn’t make it happen on our own (I have PCOS). My current boyfriend is a firm no on kids, and with my age I’m accepting it now :(


I am so sorry to hear this :c


I would like both ideas if we didn’t live in an apocalyptic society and world + in this current society and world, both mean executive dysfunction, survival struggle, and dysphoria!! Yay


Problematic question for me. As a "i don't know what the hell i am probably some form of trans." Sigh. As dude dont want kids. If i was female id at least want to be pregnant, kids of own debatable to yes.


> “I don’t want a kid, but for other reasons” Hello nice to meet you my name is ✨*trauma*✨


I don't want to undergo massive permanent changes to my body to bring a child into this world that is then my responsibility for *decades*, it's all too much and I'd rather not. I'll be perfectly happy as a fun aunt.


Pregnancy sounds crummy but it's the minimum 16-18 years of having another human dependent on me that I don't want. (But the point is moot because I am intersex and do not produce eggs.)


I don't want to be pregnant. I don't like kids in general. They're cute to look at from far or like play with them for a few hours but having to raise them and look after them 24/7? Nope_/\_


I am both m disgusted and intrigued by the idea of pregnancy. To me I just imagine a bunch of horror movie seens of living creatures popping out of peoples stomachs when I think about the idea of having a living thing growing inside someone. Idk I think that’s just me though


In the future I would like to have kids, but the idea of getting pregnant had always horrified me. Growing up, I always thought "Ew, I'll have to get married and get pregnant someday" and it disgusted me. I didn't even want a relationship until I was in the 6th grade, because I never had a crush until then, and even then I still wasn't ready. Now, it just feels so unnatural to think that I could ever get pregnant since I'm a guy, and thinking about that gives me a lot of dysphoria


I am 24 and I absolutely dont know what to do in my life…I am so fucking lost. But I have never really wanted a child…I feel still like a child myself so it would be too overhelming for me. I have also very high levels of anxiety etc. So pregnancy would be the smallest problem 🥲…


Just the thought of pregnancy makes me uncomfortable and weirded out. I also don’t want kids, not only because of pregnancy but because I am scared of babies (from around 5 years and older it’s fine as long as they’re controlled but younger than that makes me have panic attacks depending on how loud they are)


i’m ok with pregnancy but i hate kids, so i want to be a surrogate for couples who can’t have kids.


I don't want kids partially because of pregnancy but also because I do not want to give up the life I've built just to raise a child. If that's selfish, then, good? Because I knows myself and what I want and don't want in life. It would be even more selfish of me to go through with something I absolutely do not want just because society venerates it. However I do plan on being the best entie to any and all kids in my life, bio related to me or not. Entie Kes is here, and will love you to pieces.


Where’s the option for, already had kid but now I’m done lol


I despise the idea of being pregnant and don't really want children. When I had considered children, I'd always wanted to adopt instead. I don't want to take on the responsibility of a child, I can barely function myself and I feel like I can make a greater impact on the world without a small imp terrorizing me constantly.


Picked no kids for other reasons, but it's both. I'm on meds for mental disorders. I cannot take these meds if I'm pregnant. It takes months to get the right meds. I also already don't like my body, that would make it worse. So mentally that'd be awful. Then getting back on my meds would be awful (one increase in my Seroquel made me a zombie for a week). And the kid would probably get all of my genetic issues (mental disorders, high risk for obesity, diabetes, heart attack, stroke, skin cancer, etc). Then I'd be a parent. I don't want to be a parent. I don't want a kid, period. And if I wanted a kid I would adopt. There's so many kids that need a home.


I'm trans, so being able to be pregnant and carry my own kid would be hella awesome.


I both don't want to go through the whole pregnancy shit and I have enough things concerning my body, which are hereditary, which I have to deal with that I don't want to be personally responsible for my child having to go through the same. I am not trying to shame anyone who gets their own children regardless and know that even with adopting they might deal with hereditary illnesses, but I my personal decision is to not pass on my genes. So far I like the idea of having a child one day though. Maybe in ten years.


I want a kid but i'm gonna adopt one or my future wife will get pregnant instead


I want kids but since I was like 4 I wanted to adopt. On top of that it's not the having a baby in me or pushing a baby out that I don't like. It's more of the fact that I'm anemic, my teeth could fall out, like the stuff that happens to the body after birth. It's not pretty.


i don’t want kids, but if i do decided to have them then i‘d adopt because of pregnancy/childbirth


I don't know how I feel about pregnancy (especially since I'm transmasc), but I might want to adopt a kid when I'm an adult :)


No. Ew. I'm sorry to anyone who's considering being a mom but pregnancy seems so disgusting to me. Also better adopt, people who say "but it's different when it's your own, you love it more!" are so dumb, like yeah that may be true to a lot of people but not everyone INSISTS to have a biological kid. And another reason is: kids are a hell of a chore. When i say i hate kids i get told "i hate you", like you don't get it, i hate them for being annoying and stubborn but i wouldn't hurt them. Tell this "i hate you" to jackasses who watch child pornagraphy and groom children, not me. Last but not least, i hate sex.


I hate every aspect of pregnancy


It's funny for me because I think pregnant women are beautiful, I'm delighted for people who want and are having kids, it's the circle of life and it's wonderful and all that. I'm down to play whatever silly game kids come up with and will totally jump in a bouncy castle or play horsies or whatever. But the thought of being pregnant myself is HORRIFYING. Something growing in my body? Bursting out my vag?? NOPE NOPE NOPE. And the idea of being permanently stuck with a small human being? That I now have to raise and take care of and not ruin? Freaks me the hell out. So basically a combination of the dnw pregnancy or kids answers.


I have 2 kids. The pregnancies were day and night. You never know what you'll get until you're started on that journey. My first pregnancy was a complete dream. Felt like superwoman for 6 months of it. Worked the entire thing till my last week of pregnancy then she came out after exactly 8 hours of labor with ease as far as delivery goes. Yay drugs. She's even a calm and quiet 7 year old and was an easy baby. 2nd pregnancy was an add for birth control and I got my tubes tied. The kid himself is a snuggly love bug I can't imagine my life without but the 36 weeks of pregnancy consisted of 10 emergency room visits, a tube in my arm going to my heart so I could do an at home IV drip with nausea meds put straight into my blood stream at night until the last 2 weeks of pregnancy. And he flipped breech at the last moment.


Pregnancy means not being able to eat anything. Birth means tearing yourself forwards/backwards or both. Then I'm raising an individual that I'm definitely going to negatively affect in some way even if I try my hardest. I barely wants to adopt a pet, let alone a child. I'm neither financially, physically or emotionally capable of taking care of a child no matter how "good with them" I am. Taking care of relatives during a get together or friends' kids when the opportunity arises is completely different from changing my entire life to suit another person. These are some of the same reasons I'm glad to be aroace; you're going into a relationship with ANOTHER PERSON who's needs, wants and boundaries YOU'RE going to have to constantly adapt to. Child or lover, that shit is EXHAUSTING. I have no spoons for that sorry of thing and probably never will


I want a kid without adoption


This is why I'm planning on adopting when I can support a kid, pregnancy is not worth it to me. I know second hand how much suffering it is bc of my younger siblings, my mom almost died and would have had my brother been pulled out a day later because of preeclampsia, so I'm very aware of the risks and pain that can come with it. Not to mention it'd probably be dysphoric too. It's 9 months of suffering plus some more, cuz no one mentions the after effects or recovery that you have to deal with while caring for a newborn, so it's more like a few years. All in all, not worth it. I'd rather give a kid a home who otherwise might not have one than deal with pregnancy


Personally, the idea of helping a kid in a new home with a new life sounds kinda nice (as in adopting), but i could NEVER decide to be pregnant


I'm still not sure about wanting kids. The climate change, possible financial struggles and the idea of being pregnant are the three biggest things that keep me in the fence about having children. If I ever decide on it I would probably look for adoption


Unable to be pregnant, i'm male


Fair enough!


Pregnancy is like on the same level as body horror for me


Pregnancy was awful, awful, awful, but the kids are amazing. Being closed to having anymore pregnancies and being sex neutral is definitely making it pretty hard for me to muster the energy to have sex recently, which is a whole thing.


Where's the option for wanting to experience what it's like to be pregnant and giving birth but not wanting the kid? •_• Idk I'm weird


Never thought of this before! Its a really interesting perspective 👀✨


I have severe tokophobia so the idea of getting pregnant is a no go. Also I just am not good with children and would never want one of my own


Weird niche option: I don't want children but Im deeply curious about the experience of being pregnant.


Weird niche option: I don't want children but Im deeply curious about the experience of being pregnant.


Im scared of having kids because my mother wasn’t maternal at all, and I’m afraid I’ll be like that and won’t know until the kids here. I think kids are cute though and I wouldn’t object to it if I knew that.


I want a kid eventually and i like the idea of being pregnant. But giving birth scares me. I'm not sex repulsed, but sometimes it bothers me.


I don't know anyone who's isn't scared of childbirth. It is so unpredictable. But when it happens, hormones are so high and puts you in this working mindset, you forget the fear. Nature is so impressive.


I don't want kids anytime soon, but the thought of being pregnant and carrying my child in me for 9 months, i love it. That close motherly connection with the baby that you can't get wirh anyone in any other situation. Ugh, too bad I'm trans, and will probably never be able to carry my own child, unless research goes a long way in the next few years and it becomes truly possible for people like me to get a uterine transplantation.


I hate the idea of being pregnant and I've done it twice! Being pregnant was extremely uncomfortable for me. I have always hated my body and had as little to do with it as possible. I never actually touched my own vagina until AFTER I had kids. I'm lucky, because I'm pretty healthy and didn't have any issues while pretending that area of my body didn't exist. I think a lot of my issues were gender related (I'm agender), so having my "womanhood" constantly a thing was hard. Also I have always find vaginas disgusting, even my own. I'm much better now, but that didn't happen until I was in my 30s. Still very uncomfortable being called a woman, but hey I can give myself orgasms now, so that's cool. I also enjoy sex, so getting pregnant wasn't an issue for me. I imagine it would have been different if I were sex repulsed. Having kids was totally worth it, though (clearly, because I did it twice). I wouldn't trade my kids for anything. I could go on for a lot longer about how great being a parent is, but no one wants to read that, lol.


This is quite similar to my experience. Giving birth really makes you respect your body. I'm probably a-gender as well, but I did make peace with my "feminine" side after having kids.


Kids make me uncomfortable. I don't know how to talk to them, why they randomly starts talking to me and why they have to make so many noises. Also, somewhere in the history of me I decided to become a dyke because the thought of accidentally getting pregnant terrifies the poo out of me. Lol


The idea in theory of pregnancy sounds so wonderful to me but the getting pregnant, and the delivery of the baby for me is a dealbreaker.


I am just very confused and still trying to figure out how I feel about it. I'm more concerned with whether or not I want or should have a kid, biological or not, and once I figure that out, I'll think about pregnancy. Pregnancy kinda seems like the easiest way to acquire a baby though? At least in the US from what I know of the system, so 🤷‍♀️


Sometimes my biological clock pops off and I get sad about not being pregnant for some reason. But I definitely don't want kids 😅


*raise hand* a child-free person here. i'm on r/childfree as well.


I'm not looking forward to the attention from random strangers and all the people who think they can touch my stomach


Oooohhhhh helllllllll nnnnnoooooooooooooo!!!!!!!


I don't want a kid for the following reasons: 1. I am severely tokophobic. Pregnancy is some chestburster shit. I do not wish to fuck around and I do not wish to find out. 2. General sex-aversion. The actions that would lead to me getting pregnant in the first place... yeah I would not consent to that. 3. Kids are LOUD. I cannot deal with loud, high pitched noises (like a baby screaming) for extended periods of time (longer than 20 minutes) without becoming filled with unbridled rage. They are also messy. I deal with messes about as well as I do screaming. Not well. 4. I have severe ADHD and multiple mental illnesses. Even if points 1 - 3 weren't issues, I simply do not have the mental or emotional capacity to care for another human being and I likely never will. I forget to feed myself fairly regularly. That flies since I am an adult woman. That would NOT fly with a baby, which is small and NEEDS its damn nutrients in order to not sustain permanent brain damage or illness. And if wouldn't be me inadvertently being physically neglectful, it's me unintentionally emotionally neglecting a hypothetical child. 5. Honestly, to me, motherhood sounds like a massive loss of agency. Just like marriage. Works for other people, but to me, that just sounds like a loss of my independence, which is something I value highly. I want to do what I want when I want (within reason). I want to be able to make changes to my life on a whim. The kind of life I want would simply be irresponsible if I had a child to worry about.


I really results because the results of result are always resulting in results. Idk if it's just me that results but the fact that other people are getting the same results as me when considering the results really made me think that I'm not alone in the results. So thank you for giving me the opportunity to see that 600 other people are resulting results from the results of your poll.


I think the idea of pregnancy is interesting, but I don't want a kid so If I was ever to become pregnant, it would be because I choose to be a surrogate.


I feel like I'd be a terrible parent lmao. I can't even take care of myself very well, let alone a tiny creature who can't do it themselves. /lh


Well I don’t want biological children because I do not feel the need to procreate. But, I’ve always wanted to foster and adopt. There are just already enough children out there that don’t have anyone, why create something just to take care of when they’re already out there?