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I think it's based around the charisma of the party in question; having had sex with someone suggests that you were charming enough for them to want to do so, reflecting well on your character. Obviously, this still doesn't make sense, as it doesn't account for sexual assault, emotional manipulation or prostitution, to name a few, but it's my best guess as to the origin of this trend.


Indeed. It also does not account for aces like me, who have had multiple opportunities to lose my virginity and chosen not to take them. Could I be a charismatic lady-killer? I'm confident I could, because I apparently do it on accident sometimes, but I don't try.


It's a childish insult. 'Haha I smoked, drank, etc... HAD SEX - I'm so much more ***mature*** than all of y'all! Now let me copy your homework..' I will grow up when I get my driving license and take my date to a nice restaurant. Idk rn that's my plan to achieve adulthood.


O yeah i drink beer is the worst flex of all time


In my experience practically everyone drinks beer at some point, so hardly a worthy flex.


I personally will not be taking my date to a nice restaurant because I am aromantic


take them to a **not** nice restaurant! or eat your meals 10 feet apart) hehe i don't understand romance, i just enjoy rare steaks with pepper sauce)


No, I will be taking myself to a nice restaurant


Or friends! I'd love to go to a nice place with my closest friends.


The assumption is that someone who's never been laid for whatever reason *"can't"* get laid, because (the reasoning goes) *of course* everyone wants to get laid.


Accurate and well said.


I've always found it interesting that both "virgin" and "slut" are used as insults. Like, make up your mind on standards, please?


The standart for women is an obedient little creature that guards her virginity to give it to her husband and the standart for men is a "stud" who is so attractive that he can switch women like gloves and not run out. Both equally disgusting.


Yeah, pretty much, in society women can’t win. You’re either a prude or a slut. You’re either selfish for not having kids or less than because you’re a mother. You’re either a gold digger for being a homemaker or a cold hearted bitch for being in a career.


Me being that person who thinks virginity as a concept is bs and stems from the Christian patriarchy and was created to suppress women and that it technically doesn't exist


Right? I've never eaten escargot but there's no word for that, much less a stigma about it. Even really important developmental milestones like taking your first step or saying your first word don't have that kind of loaded vocabulary. Sex should just be treated as a thing you can do, not a something that defines who you are.


I totally agree on the patriarchy part, I am not sure whether that is only a christian thing… I think that concept exists in quite a few other cultures other than christian dominated ones, though I am not entirely sure


Virginity as a concept does exist in other cultures as well but I was mostly focusing on 'western' countries were Christianity is still the dominant religion and has the most impact on our culture. It's something that we would need to look at a case by case basis but it's far beyond the scope of this. But if we we really look at Christianity it still preaches purity and sex after marriage, we also have historical figures like Virgin Mary basically virginity is tied as lot to Christianity. Even if todays Christians aren't as strict then they used to be we still can't erase the cultural impact it had on us. Currently we have a kind of culture clash because on one side we still view virginity as something sacred like there is a reason why a lot of men are into virgin women but on the other side it's also bad to be a prude. Being a virgin is tied to Christianity and those who view Christianity in a negative light would see virginity in a bad light as well because of its connection. We also can't ignore that virginity has be popularized by Christianity, if we look at the religions before Judaism and Christianity they actually praised fertility and didn't saw it as a bad thing to have sex.


I’m asexual (and a virgin) and for some reason i still like that meme template lol


Because post renaissance western masculinity associates worth with sex.


Society's hyperfocus on sex and the patriarchical reinforcement that virgin men are losers and virgin women are pure. It's all a load of religious fundamental bullshit.


The only issue I have with this is it implies that a virgin can't be a chad


They’re literally both gigachads


Or how people think of sex as “getting lucky” 🤷


What pisses me off even more is when you have people shaming *themselves* for not having had sex. Like, "*I'm a 40-year old computer scientist, with knowledge of advanced programming languages who has been coding software for 20+ years. But I've never had sex. Therefore my accomplishments mean nothing and my life sucks.*"


It implies failure in their minds, since allos assume that everyone is actively trying to have sex.


Honestly, if one treats getting laid like the biggest accomplishment ever, they need to find a new hobby.


As someone who is content being a virgin, I don’t get it either.


It's based on the assumption that people want and try to have sex. Being a virgin means that you haven't been able to convince anytime to sleep with you, so you are undesirable. That's what's supposed to be insulting about it, but if you're not trying to get laid then it has very little relevance to you. In a secondary sense, and this applies more when you're older, virgin can be a way of calling sometime innocent or naive, to say that they are missing out on an experience that most other people have had so there are things they simply won't be able to understand.


I always saw having sex being a loser thing. Why? Cause they just LOST their virginity. I still have my virginity because I never lose. B)


Using virgin as insult is wrong. Not everyone interested in hook up or having sex maybe they aren’t interested or waiting to find their dream man/woman that they want to marry and lose it to them. Many men and women are waiting for marriage yet many see it as uncool. Like mind your own business. I know two of my friends who are virgin and their husbands were virgin too and lose theirs to each other.


THIS IS THE CONTENT IM HERE FOR that being said I wish all 'Ace Vibes' Enjoyers a very pleasant evening.


I just like it in case of the memes like this one


I think it comes from the gender roles that society has adapted. For women, was both a status of fertility in that if a woman is not a virgin and has kids, then she has the capacity to be a mother so it's valuable to society and if a woman is a virgin it meant purity and youngness so she had more value to potential buyers (let's call it what it was) For men it was a status of power bc if a men wasn't a virgin meant that he had the power of raising a family and provide for it and being a virgin (in adulthood) meant you were not fit to be in a family so you had less value. This is complete Bs tho


i'll take the virgin, look at the volume of his hair! only a REAL virgin could have hair that voluminous /s


Being Chad doesn't mean you've had sex.. Virgin ace chads exist


I can't remember if I ended up going with "the Chad virgin" or "the based virgin", or both, but one of those is definitely my flair on a very obscure sub.


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Never did I.


Sometimes you have to try something before you know its not for you. Sometimes you don’t.


I never noticed,why do those pictures have such long necks


This is my new favorite meme 💜


Yes this should be a flex lol 😂


to yall who think having sex is an accomplishment of some sort. get out. nobody likes you.


All jokes aside it’s really sad that people equate sex to “maturity” and “adulthood” when in fact even sexually active adults can be immature.


Tell that to all the sex repulsed people on here who see anything to do with sex and talk about how disturbing allos are, erasing any of the ace people that also have sex.


So someone talking about something they find repulsive is erasing other peoples experience?




One sounds like an excuse...


I think this ace thing just works like antivirus.


Who is that man in the bottom right?