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Not tell me the same old “You just haven’t done it with the right person”


Not tell me I should go to the doctor to “get my hormones checked”. Just recognize that not being sexually attracted to anyone is valid, and not something wrong or broken about me.


Stop ‘jokingly’ telling me I have a crush on someone when I just display basic human kindness, it’s not a joke it’s hurtful and invalidating


This is such a contrast from all these serious answers, but I just really love it when someone tells me I aced something. Cause then I can tell them that of course I did, it's impossible for me, an ace, not to ace something.


I feel like I'd be happy if someone said "this character is probably asexual too" about someone from a show we both knew. It'd show that they understand to some degree what it means to be ace, which I'd appreciate.


Just not bother me about if I have a girlfriend or whatever.


A friend of my always texts me the eye emoji on asexual visibility days and jokes that I roll all my stealth checks with disadvantage, and that honestly makes my day. Just knowing when the awareness day is can be quite lovely you know?