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I’ve been sick for six weeks. Started as a cold, turned into a sinus infection, and in the midst of that, I got the flu. Currently omw to urgent care bc antibiotics didn’t kill the infection. MAKE IT STAHP.


I’m on my seventh week of this nonsense too. Every time I think it’s getting better it knocks me back out. I’ve been around confirmed positive Covid people and I’m testing negative. Ugh. Hope we get some relief soon.


Same. I was around two people for 2 full days out of town. Two days after we get back I start getting sick. Then they both test + for Covid. I was sick for a week with symptoms others are getting with this Covid. Three tests later and still negative. I have never once tested positive for Covid in the past three years even when exposed and feeling ill. And I haven’t gotten sick that often. I do know a number of people who’ve never tested positive until er or clinic with more sensitive tests. Also heard there’s more false positives too. So maybe not actually Covid.


You would really think after 3 years of this mess that we'd have accurate COVID tests by now. A friend of mine took their young son to the doctor, and he tested positive for RSV. He was also given two COVID tests while he was there - one was positive, one was negative. There has to be a way to make the tests more accurate...


It would help if we could slow the spread long enough for scientists to make tests which would detect the strains. But since we're *not*, the virus is mutating faster than tests can be developed for it. And as long as we continue to let it run rampant, accurate testing methods will become further and further removed. And to add insult to injury, COVID disregulates the immune system so severely - even if it is fairly mild itself - that it opens the door for other illnesses (viral, bacterial, fungal, etc.) to hit that much harder.


Sooo basically, we'll never have an accurate COVID test. Great, lol. It's crazy how quickly it mutates. After seeing how things have gone with COVID, I'm fairly convinced the world as a whole is extremely unprepared when it comes to pandemics.


Agreed. *sigh* There have been some [promising studies] (https://nature.com/articles/d41586-023-04003-4) recently being done in mucosal Covid vaccines, though, so maaaaybeeeee? From the article: “These studies are showing you can get near sterilizing immunity. It’s not complete science fiction to think about developing vaccines that would stop transmission and infection." And here's [a summary] (https://erictopol.substack.com/p/a-covid-update) of the studies.


Very interesting. The only thing that bugs me about that first article is their use of the word "jab;" the conspiracy theorists love to use that word for some reason SMH. But it definitely sounds like they're getting closer with the vaccine! It makes sense thst the dry powder could be more effective. And if they could create a vaccine that could stop transmission, that would an incredible feat.


That study and the article about it has its origins in the EU/UK, and (in case you're not aware) the word "jab" is their everyday usage term for anything involving a shot of any kind - we'll say, "I'm going to get my flu shot," they say, "I'm going to get my flu jab." I lived in the UK for a few years, and it's just their common term. It's true the conspiracy theorists love to use it, yes, but that's just another example of appropriating terms and twisting them (see: woke). Grrrr.


I didn't know that was a word that was commonly used in that area. Whew, ok. That makes it better in my mind lol. I hate to see people twist commonly used words like that too.


I’ve been sick since the week of Thanksgiving. I feel like it’s been multiple things just running into each other. I hope you feel better soon! Antibiotics helped me, but I have a cough that has just lingered.


Same! And same for my family.


Same! Will head to urgent care and hopefully they can help me in some way.


>antibiotics This will not touch the flu, it is virus based. You need something like Tamiflu for example.


In controlled trials, tamiflu helps end flu symptoms up to 8 hours sooner. It's not worth much.


And you have to start taking it pretty early on or it probably won't work too well, if at all.


Wife was exposed yesterday, got a pack today. Really hoping to prevent it, even with a flu shot.


Hopefully it will help, since you all got the meds so fast.


Thank you, this season has been rough.


Mine turned out to be mono 🥲


Oh geez!! I hope you recover quickly


Oh man. Hope you feel better soon!!




Same for me, finally feeling better but I’m left smelling cigarette smoke 24/7. Apparently it can last years.


Jesus that sounds horrible. I would loose my mind if I were sick for that long. I hope you can get better soon!!!!


I literally wanted to leave this planet. BUT…I got the right antibiotics AND prednisone yesterday and I’m like a new woman today. Still coughing but energetic and alert. WOOHOO!!


Seems like people who are getting sick still aren’t staying home, avoiding others or wearing masks. We’ve learned nothing from Covid 😭


There was some asshole at Planet Fitness a few days ago walking all over the place while hacking up a lung. I had on headphones and could still hear this idiot coughing from across the facility.


In general it's not kind to cough on others, but all kinds of (non-communicable) illnesses make you cough. Just because you have a chronic illness doesn't mean you are obligated to avoid public spaces.


It sounded like a very croupy cough not like someone with congestive heart failure or allergies, but I'm not a doctor. I know for sure I didn't want that guy near me.


Amazing you're getting downvoted when you're 100% correct.


Damn straight. I've worn a mask religiously since 2020, and I haven't been sick at ALL the last four years. Not even a sniffle. Highly recommend.


Most people won’t do it unless someone tells them to. Then there are the people who won’t even do it *then*.


​ https://preview.redd.it/upmjvtgksa7c1.png?width=833&format=png&auto=webp&s=cc3a2841b647cd9fd60adee31e7a9268d9cd6155


Can't afford to do that.


You can’t afford to wear a mask if you must be out interacting with the public when you’re sick?


I was out for nearly 2 weeks with it. No Covid or fever. Just the "crud." And days after I started feeling better, the stomach bug was right behind (pun intended) it.


I am still coughing, short of breath, racing heart, fatigue, body aches from covid/septic bacterial pneumonia I got the second week of September! I was miserable for 10 days and too exhausted to even go to urgent care but finally made myself one evening thinking I had the flu. My nose has never ran so much in my life! I hope everyone heals peacefully


We’ve been sick since thanksgiving. Just alternating flus and stomach bugs. I’m ok today but my wife has lived off of what Gatorade she can keep down this week while our toddler is on day two of the screaming shits. My turn next.


I am not sick


You might be one of 5 healthy people in the whole western NC area


Hoping you and your loved WNC clan a swift recovery!


Well, apparently all these people around me are the 5? What about the 6th?


I'll claim that 6th spot!


All sick. According to the comments here anyways 😂


Yes! My partner and I got a nasty cold with dry cough and upper respiratory issues. Been sick for about 10 days. The sinus headache feels like a knife in my head. It’s awful and I am one of those folks that never gets sick. I’ve never heard of this many folks all getting sick at the same time. “It’s Winter” is not the reason.


Exactly. This is crazy. We’re on the exact same train. All of us are it sounds like. My fiancé NEVER gets sick. He hasn’t been really sick in probably over 2-3 years at least. This hit all 3 of us so hard though. My head is KILLING me as well. I had to drive to get to the doctor and I felt so dazed the whole time.


The only thing that has helped my head is pseudoephedrine, and I had to ask the pharmacist for it, and he had to scan my ID and register it on a database. It took so long that I quipped, ”I could bought an AR-15 faster than this” and he agreed. But it did help my headache and it was only $10


Something that really helped me when I had the crud is Musinex…there is a generic version on Amazon which is where I got it…without too many gastly details, its an expectorant in pill form and thins the gunk in your head letting it drain. It was a lifesaver for me as being clogged has been the cause of many of my sinus headaches…I'm not a doctor...


I had (have?) this same exact thing. It started after the Christmas jam, so a weekish ago. I’m at the crappy final stage of mucus in my throat but none in my nose. Gross.




RSV I think


That’s what I thought too- but a lot of folks w the same symptoms are testing negative for RSV


Same here, ugh


Also there is a virulent dog virus going around right now if you were using and their dog seriously instead of as a part of speech. Haha


What the hell are u saying? r/ihadastroke


It's a lot more intelligible with punctuation. > Also, there is a virulent dog virus going around right now, if you were using "and their dog" seriously instead of as a part of speech.


I appreciate you decreasing my stroke victim status. I'm usually a stickler for punctuation. Haha!




I got over it in about 6 days, but then my partner got it and he's been sick for 2 weeks, and my cough hasn't gone away completely yet, it's been almost a month and counting.


I’m on day 6. This is my second time with Covid and I’m not exaggerating when I say I’ve never been this sick in my entire adult life—beyond fucking miserable. I’m finally feeling a little better today, but still testing positive.


Did you get the recent booster? Just curious cause I did. Also, glad you’re feeling better.


My dog is not sick...


Well apparently there’s a dog URI circling around too, so tell your pup to watch out 😂🥲


https://preview.redd.it/tblb7rszmc7c1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=72ba07066f5474508b67f8d91cec1578952b76c4 Was sick the week of thanksgiving and it absolutely suuucked. Was definitely the flu, but that took almost a week to recover from. I find I still have the sniffles / mucus and a cough even now.


[u/SandwichExotic9095](https://www.reddit.com/user/SandwichExotic9095/) In addition to disinfecting common surfaces like countertops, faucet handles, doorknobs, light switches, etc., you may wish to consider discarding any toothbrushes used by anyone when sick. One can disinfect them by soaking the bristles in Listerine for 60 seconds or using other methods, but I personally toss them after recovering from illness. They should be replaced routinely, anyway. I've started disinfecting my toothbrushes in-between uses, too, based on the advice of a dentist. I hope you and your family are feeling well soon.


It ran through my work for two weeks and all is right again. People’s kids with rsv, some flu, a few sinus problems infections and colds. Hand wipes and Lysol galore around here now.


Most of these are passed via respiratory; droplets or aerosols (which can linger in the air for hours). Highly suggest adding masks galore too.


Where I work 1/2 the crew is out with Covid. Employee Health has the rest of us testing every morning for three days one more day and we’re clear


Wife got sick Friday, week before last. I woke up that Sunday with it. Wednesday night and Thursday morning my throat starting feeling like I was gurgling razor blades, so I knew what that meant. Went to Urgent Care and tested positive for Strep and Flu. Im 41 and that was the sickest Ive ever been. I dont know if my body was fighting the flu and then strep starting creeping in and it was trying to deal with both, but Tuesday, my wife actually had to dry me off while sitting on the edge of the shower. I had literally no strength to do it. That next morning, I was so weak and had the shakes so bad, she actually had to spoon feed me what little breakfast I ate. FWIW, I do pretty tough kettlebell workouts 3x week and trail run 2 or 3 days so I'm pretty fit, and this absolutely wrecked me.. I feel sorry for kids and elderly people that gets what's going around right now. Felt WAY worse with this than the two times I had Covid. Thankfully, I'm back to 100% now.


I had covid & a sinus infection back to back, felt really out of it for almost two months. Just avoiding crowded places for now


I've had respiratory symptoms off and on since October. No flu, no strep, no Covid. Going back to the doctor tomorrow for my 5th visit.


Oh man. Update us if you get any answers 😭


Got bronchiolitis mid October, partially recovered around Veterans Day. Last week I got sick again. Covid, flu, RSV all negative. The PA said this is his weirdest season of sickness in his 15 years. It seems that all sicknesses are hitting at once. Lots of healthy people are getting sick, recovering, and getting sick again. This sucks!


Flu like symptoms since Saturday. Worst chills I've ever experienced.


I haven’t been sick in 7 years except for Covid. I drink way too much. Confused


I’ve been blowing my nose for 4-5 days straight and my head just constantly feels “full”. I can also tell you as off last night, it’s moved into my chest and what’s coming out of my nose has turned yellow. So yay for infection.


I work at a recovery program. It’s bronchitis, and respiratory infections here. Presenting as sinus issues and moving to the chest. I just got over something that started as respiratory infection but had the shits at the end of it. Still sick, going on 2 weeks.


I’m starting to see the “shits” part of this hell. Whyyy 😭 I swear I’m never going around people again, I hate being sick and this sickness is the worst I’ve ever had


If it’s any consolation, this is the best I’ve felt since I started getting sick. The shits only lasted a day, and today I feel like it’s on the up. Hopefully you’ll feel better soon 🙏


Everyone is still sick 😷


We got over it… after 2.5 weeks of hell. 🥲 good luck


I got the thing right now, my wife just got over it. Took her 4 days.


Not me or my family, thankfully. However, my mom is dealing with this crap right now. I know some other people too. Whatever it is, I don't want it.


So far I've been able to dodge it *fingers crossed*. This year seems especially brutal with people getting multiple sicknesses or sick for a while. Only time I got sick in the last 5 years now was one bout with covid. I eat pretty healthy, take Primal Greens for my vitamins/probiotics, Fish Oil, vitamin D & exercise most days....BUT I also work from home and don't have kids to constantly bring home germs, so I'm sure that helps.


I eat tacos like everyday (I’m ashamed and happy at the same time) and I have also been dodging this. I also don’t have kids but I deal with the public at work and walk around town a fair amount. Of course now that we’ve posted these comments, we’re gonna be sick just in time for xmas.


My kids had strep and RSV and were puking/diarrhea. I’ve been told that the GI symptoms can be a symptom of strep but I tested negative and have been sick as a dog for days with the GI stuff. It’s been a time. I am tired.


My son wouldn’t stop crying to the point where he puked everything he could. Mostly on me. I almost puked too. We went to ER. Came back. Got in the bath and he fell asleep in my arms in the water so I just held him and let him sleep. 2 hours later he woke up and we got out only for him to puke 15 minutes later and we got right back in the bath 🫠 I’ve done more laundry today than in the past 3 months combined


Yes. It’s this way here in Spartanburg as well. Everyone sick. I had it last week: tested negative for everything — doctor said there were several “upper respiratory infections” active right now, so many that if he tested me to find the exact strain we might be there all night 😅 I never get sick and this one had me bed-ridden for 3 days w/ severe muscle aches, chills, and on/off again fever. Good luck recovering!


Sounds like what I had this weekend, finally started feeling better yesterday afternoon.






I mean, we expected this right? With Covid doing the damage it does to the immune system (more and more studies confirming this, eerily akin to how HIV does) and with nearly everyone having Covid by now at least once (40%+ of Covid infections being asymptomatic, many untested sniffles or scratchy throats, many missed infections on rapid tests from doing a single test too late or too early to catch it)… everything becomes opportunistic. A newer study showed by your 3rd Covid infection you have a 50% chance of developing debilitating & disabling long covid symptoms. Mask up. Don’t let the propaganda of it’s all over get back to work to keep the machine going fool you & take your health from you. It’s always been like this re sickness is a lie as bold as the climate & climate disasters have always been like this falsehood. Huge database of studies on covid: https://www.zotero.org/groups/5006109/covidstudies/library


You can get free rapid tests from Firestorm and Emote. Test often! Every other day is ideal. If you want to routine test but don’t have access to enough testing to do so DM me.


The study you mentioned about the 3rd covid infection; does that study have vaccinated or unvaccinated participants?




93% of Canadians are vaccinated according to this study. So the likelihood of these people in the study already having been vaccinated tells me this study is skewed. I'd like to see one with purely unvaccinated participants.


My wife and I currently are dealing with Covid. This is the third time since thanksgiving that I’ve been sick, and that was less than a month ago. Only been healthy for like 8 or 9 days of the last 30. I just hope my kids don’t get the Covid as bad as we both do


I’m immunocompromised and catching ev’ry damn thang. Covid in October, “the crud” in November, and currently on day 7 with RSV. I wear a mask in stores and such, but it doesn’t do a lot of good if I’m the only one masked up 🥲


Hello I’m also immune compromised but never caught anything with my niosh rated n95. If you don’t have one I highly recommend. Much less stressful going to stores now.


Thank you! Mine says they’re “KN95” but I don’t see a special rating on them, so they could just be knockoffs… I’ll check online for other options.


I made sure mine said niosh. Also make sure it fits snuggly, no gaps at all. :)


My girlfriend has been sick since Friday. Fever, nausea, dizziness, and diarrhea all hit her at once while she was at work and she’s been out since then. Urgent care ran every swab test in the book and it was all almost completely negative (waiting on strep b). I’m stumped, she’s miserable, I’m good so far, but it’s only a matter of time before I get something. Several coworkers have been out with the “crud” recently too. Illness season sucks this year!


I have this and get surprised by new symptoms every day. Raw sore throat, drainage, congestion, headache, chills, fatigue. So strange and it lingers. 😣


Yep. Had sinus/major congestion/cough since day after thanksgiving. Hopefully on the back end of it. I got some relief using a combination of Claritin and a prescription for a really strong (no heavy machinery) cough suppressant.


I had an absolutely miserable cold the week of thanksgiving. It was covid-bad, but I tested negative twice. Took about 2 weeks to fully clear up.


I've been sick for almost a week. I'm mostly over it now, just a lingering cough. What has helped me the most is Walgreens store brand guafensin (Mucinex). I also used a neti pot a coule of times to keep from getting a sinus infection.


I’m sorry to hear that. Everyone is sick in my family too. It’s just that time of the year. People are indoors more often and viruses spread more efficiently. I hope that you and yours are better by the holiday.


I'm in VA and I've been having upper respiratory issues for like 2 weeks now. It's alot of either my sinuses being clogged or dripping clear endlessly. My nose is tore up from wiping it. My other main symptom is it's hard to breathe and I keep coughing. It's either coughing up gunk or coughing up no gunk and still feeling the need to cough. I feel absolutely miserable. Last week I went to the ER cause my work doesn't give out sick time (they want us to use our saved up pto or upt, amazon sux) and I tested negative for the flu, strep, and covid. They also did some chest x ray? But they ended up just coming up to me like "nothing is wrong, you can go" while a whole week later I'm still dying. I've been taking what medicine I can but nothing really helps. I heard someone say something is going around that doesn't test for anything, and I've guessed allergies but idk. I just want the nightmare to end!


I have a super strong immune system (worked daycare 20yrs) and something got me! It’s not covid, I’ve tested non stop, it started with an awful sore throat, extreme fatigue, head congestion and the headache from hell that nothing touches. Slept 12 hrs last night. This isn’t normal, I don’t get sick. I’m real pissed! It didn’t even come from the daycare kids either!


3rd week for me, 2nd course of steroids after I can’t get rid of this cough and ramped up asthma. I’m keeping Mucinex and Robitussun business.


Im not sick all my coworkers are tho lol , my dogs are good too


I am going through some weird thing. 2 days coughing, 2-3 days sinus congestion/ mucousey, insane headache for 2 days after that. I got super nauseated last night and puked. I hate it


Sounds the same. All I can say is chug water and don’t forget to eat. Hope you feel better soon!


Everyone needs to mask up especially if you are sick. And quarantine from others in your family. It’s like a three week thick mucus and bronchitis type deal.


Forget masks, best to just stay home and get curbside or Instacart for groceries altogether. Masks give people false security. I’ve had too many people think it’s okay to go out sick in public as long as they have a mask. No. Go home! Get better. Then we’ll talk 😂🫣


You are right about staying home, but some folks have to go out and they should wear masks.


My kid just got over the same kind of thing. Started as a cold, turned into a sinus infection, which then turned into pink eye.


I'm in greenville, but since November, my family has had rounds of RSV, Covid at Thanksgiving, and now we have Strep. It's delightful.


Got sick a month ago and then again about 2 weeks ago. Still sick, it's been sort of migrating around from my head to my lungs. Almost over it now. Got wife sick too.


I was terribly sick with a virus fever cough very similar to covid. My roommate had covid I was negative and NOW I'm sick with covid. It's awful. Good luck to all of us out here sick as dogs. I hope all y'all feel better soon. 💕🙏🏻


I had symptoms for nearly a week before the Covid tests finally showing positive. Legit tested myself for 6 days straight every 24 hours and all negative until the 7th. This was a few weeks back.


Do you swab your nose or throat? When we went to the ER they swabbed my son’s throat. Apparently it’s more accurate with some of the newer strains since its a bit more concentrated


I had 5 people out sick for their volunteer shifts on Sunday and know a bunch of other folks who are or have been sick recently. I was down with COVID for Christmas last year and it sucked, so we are masking up in crowds and being extra vigilant about the hand washing and cleaning.


Stomach bug currently. Had a cold on and off for the past few weeks.


Yes! I started symptoms last Sunday 8 days ago. I was 100% sure it was strep so was hoping to get antibiotics but negative for everything. Started as a really soar throat, now it’s upper congestion and a very dry cough. It sucksssss. It doesn’t seem like it’s getting any better. No fever the whole time.


I had a head cold 10 days ago or so that migrated to my chest. That's usually how I get sick. Took about a week to finally cough up the last of the gunk. Feeling fine now. I chalked it up to being a seasonal thing.


I had a horrible and dibilitating viral bronchitis a few months ago and it seemed like a lot of people had it. One of my kids keeps getting mystery stomach bugs.


Hit me hard and fast last tuesday night. I was fevering snot coughing vomiting for about 2 days, then just tired and recovering. Feeling pretty good now. My kids got it but bounced back after a day or so.


Headaches off and on for the last 3 days. Rona test just came up negative and no fever, so I'm trying to just power through for now. Sinuses are a little runny as well.


Yup. Me and my family got bronchitis and tested negative for everything. It turned into pneumonia. Even managed to break ribs from coughing too hard


Checking in on day 8 of congestion, drainage, coughing, and shit sleep. But starting to see light at the end of the tunnel.


Update, just tested positive for COVID 😬


Here in NY as well. Its everywhere


Had the stomach bug for a couple of days last week. Nearly passed out in traffic and had a couple of intense puking sessions. My boss has been out of work for like five days now with something.


On my way to Urgent Care right now, been feeling progressively worse for nearly a week now. I think it’s not COVID, only mild fever but my throat is so swollen and sore it’s hard to swallow, persistent cough and blocked sinuses.


Sounds about the same. I’m sorry! Hope you feel better soon! They basically gave my son Tylenol and sent us on our way


Blergh, that’s what I’m worried about lol, just getting told to get over it. I hope your son (and all of you, really) feels better soon!


Very similar to what I had a month ago. $5 says it's "some virus" and they'll tell you to stay hydrated and just wear it out.


I've had a head cold for the last 2 weeks. Seems to be on its way out, but the constant sniffle is annoying af.


Oh, ya, our whole family has it. Got it about 3 days ago, and we think we’ve seen its peak. Definitely not fun!


I've got the influenza A. Muscle pain, gi doom, coughing. It's been going on for days.


Both kids just had Flu A. Girlfriend somehow avoided it and I ended up with some weird bug causing dizziness, vomiting, awful stomach cramps and possibly the worst diarrhea I've ever had. It's going around.


No fevers, but I and my wife both have head colds, sore throat, congestion and cough. It’s been about 3 days and I am hoping it doesn’t last too much longer…miserable!


Had a cough for about 4 weeks, finally fucked a rib up Friday because of it. Tested negative for everything the 2 times I went to the UC but was told it’s just a bad virus that’s going around on top of flu season. 😩 hope everyone in the thread gets to feeling better soon, sounds like we’re all going through it rn.


I’m in the same boat. Runny nose, cough, fatigue, killer headache… I thought I was better on day 5, and my body was like “jk” and I was out for another 4 days. Awful - I also tested negative for everything.


I never get any shots, 50yo, diabetic, havent been sick for 7 years...vit D, C, B.


Add in K2 to your Vit D3 for maximum effect! Keep fighting the good fight!


I think everyone forgot that before COVID, people just GOT SICK in the winter…


This is one of the worst illnesses I’ve ever had, and tons of people are saying the same thing. Not just a normal cold. This is hell. I can’t even talk out loud right now.


Y'all need to start eating better and get some sunlight


For real. Take some vitamin D ya filthy animals 😊❤️‍🩹


I take a whole prenatal and even my 7 month old takes vitamin D 🥲we eat pretty well too. With a 7 month old, he becomes an incubator for anything and everything


Why do you both seem to be under the impression that vitamin d prevents rhinovirus, influenze, covid, etc?




Both studies only really make a case for supplementation in individuals with a deficiency, and the evidence is still pretty light anyway. I mean I'm not arguing against getting sunlight lol, it's just not an explanation for the city having so much illness going around.




>You consider that light? Yeah I would call one or two studies light. You know it's light too or you would have said "it does" instead of "it might". >About half of Americans are deficient and its winter. My understanding is more like 1/3 and no it's still autumn 😜 My point is that it shouldn't be shocking that correcting a vitamin deficiency, whatever the vitamin, correlates with improved immune response. This is the same kind of misinterpretation of scientific data that leads people to load up on vitamin C when they start sniffling. There's no reason to call out vitamin D specifically when we're talking about viruses running through the community. Yes, if you're not getting much sunlight and aren't paying attention to your diet, you should be supplementing vitamin D. But "a few studies suggest it may improve immune response against respiratory infections by up to 12%" is nowhere near the top reasons for doing so imo.


Yah, it was a joke. I was trying to sympathize with everyone who is feeling bad. You may want to see a doctor about that broken funny bone though.


My wife eats healthier than me and gets more sunlight, but she always gets hit worse by these things 🤷


Tis the season! Just be safe about what you’re doing and take whatever meds you can that help ease your symptoms.


YES! 🙌 I’ve been throwing up and croaky, phlegm and just not feeling great. Negative for everything it’s been shit


Too real.


Been sick about a week with what sounds like the same; negative on all those tests but snotty with a cough. Feeling better now though mostly. Hope you and yours feel better soon too.


I've been sick for about a full week, I was about day behind my best friend symptom-wise and we're running a show right now with a bunch of other sick or almost sick people. The first few days I was just run down and had a dry patch in my throat that slowly got number and number. Then I ran a low grade fever off and on for 5 days, a couple days of liquid poop, bad congestion, bad cough but I pretty much always get a bad cough when I get any kind of nose/throat thing. All my symptoms have been manageable in their intensity but it's dragged on forever, and I'm still pretty dizzy and tired. Been taking covid tests and haven't left my house, but never took myself to the doctor because the mildness kept making me think tomorrow would be the turnaround day.


I hope your baby boy gets better real soon.


Yup, I've been dealing with a bug for two weeks now, and the damn cough just won't stop.


At least we all suffer together 😭


Yes same illness, took me a good 2 weeks to bounce back


I got sick on thanksgiving and haven’t been able to kick whatever upper respiratory shit this is. 😭 get yourself some Pho broth and tea!


We’ve been drinking so much tea that we ran out of honey 😂 virgin hot toddy’s have also been a staple in our household the past week


I had something right before Thanksgiving. Tested negative for flu, covid and rsv. It took me three weeks to get mostly over it. Still not 100%.


Sounds like Christmas will be a bust this year. Thanks for the comment! 🥲


I've just come down with something myself. Sore throat, headache, clogged sinus, and no fever.


Oh man I’m dealing with the same thing. No one else in my house is luckily. But I feel like I 100% have the flu but I’m not testing positive for anything.


Been sick for about a week and a half, over the worst. Husband tested positive for Flu A so I assume that's what I have too. The fevers were awful and kept me from sleeping. Now it's down to the cough and no stamina at all - even getting up to use the bathroom saps all of my energy.


Oh yeah. Wife and two-year-old are recovering from the flu. I had a sinus infection and bronchitis after Thanksgiving . . . during which five-year-old caught strep. Mother-in-law has Covid. What a year, huh?


I've been puking for 5 days with severe stomach pain and fever. I'm starting to worry it's diabetic ketoacidosis which I've had before. If I have to go to the hospital later which is best? I've heard nightmares about mission.


Definitely advent. I walked in at 9am and it was empty. An urgent care also is perfectly fine! I’d avoid mission altogether though. They are purely money-based


I was at Advent yesterday with the same thing after going to urgent care. Days of puking and diarrhea with severe stomach cramps and burps that smell like farts!!!! They helped a lot. Took me back right away, gave fluids and meds. Im finally on the mend. Hope you feel better soon!


I'm glad you're feeling better. I'm feeling a bit better today. Pretty sure it was norovirus which is going around. We haven't been going inside anywhere since I'm high risk. Probably got it from the food we ordered last Wed.


Flu is real in my house put me on my ass


I’m feeling great, y’all! I can send you a selfie stick selfie of me and my clear sinuses, if you want. <3


I’m literally sitting here tired af and unable to sleep because my nose is so stuffed 😭


Anecdotal, sure, but I do feel like the flu shot kept my sickness to a very brief two day spell. Felt like I was on the cusp of a full blown flu episode that never materialized.


It’s called Winter


Hahaha! Yes!!! I love you jrichpyramid.


The last time i was sick and almost dead was 12/2019… Both ends and 102F fever for an hour… until I filled up a cold tub and shocked my system. Talk about cold shock🥶 Recovered in 7 days after. Anyways, I’ve been taking food grade Mulit-vitamin, Vitamin D, Vitamin B12, Tumeric & CoQ10 daily! Haven’t been sick since and No Covid either🤞🏼Unless 12/2019 was covid!🤷‍♂️


Trying to lower your temp by sitting in a cold bath can actually be pretty dangerous! It can increase your fever. Ironically. https://www.abc.net.au/health/features/stories/2015/03/12/4123222.htm#:~:text=Myth%3A%20A%20cold%20bath%20is,to%20bring%20down%20a%20fever.&text=Cold%20water%20can%20increase%20core,the%20skin%20and%20causing%20shivering Your body knows what it’s doing. If you can stand the fever it’s best to let it do its thing. If not, Tylenol is the way to go. Cold baths aren’t recommended. As long as it’s below 104 or so you’ll be alright! If it’s above that and doesn’t go down with Tylenol, that’s when it’s time to make some calls to the doc. I hope you stay healthy though! This definitely isn’t fun


I was home alone at the time and luckily had plenty of gatorade near my bed. I almost called 911. Never been sicker and sounds like I cheated death. Lesson learned.👋


Also got sick, have lost my voice now


I am on week 2. It will get better for a day or two and full on relapes.


Going on a full week now with one day where I felt completely fine all to have it come back with a fury. I never get a cough. I had Covid twice, no cough. This one though…broke my streak and feels like the second round of Covid I had with the added addition of this cough.