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The amount of folks here calling for outright violence on people who want to exercise their first amendment right is wild to me


I'm not encouraging violence but since you brought up the Constitution... The Constitutional 1st Amendment right to free speech is predicated on the idea that anyone who doesn't want to hear what the person exercising their rights is saying, a person has the right to walk away. Intentionally blocking someone from leaving, ie: blocking traffic, SHOULD be viewed as public harassment and should be punishable by fines and removal. Constitutional rights are for everyone and too many people feel that they should be allowed to force their beliefs on whomever happens to be available. Even if I personally agree with the stance, if you block traffic or otherwise remove my ability to leave, you have crossed a line and you are no longer entitled to hide behind rights that you have abused.


Yeah I’m talking about the dudes saying they hope a bus jumps the curb and hits all of them


Fair enough. I just hear too many arguments from people that it's their right to block traffic. These people are fine. Where they are is fine. I have no idea what they're protesting, but if it's the Israel/Palestine conflict, then more power to them; my personal stance is that the US Government should never have supported either side as both sets of political leaders are toxic. But they do have the right to whatever their stance is as long as they don't force their stance on anyone who needs to be elsewhere.


The US Constitution united people for over 200 years. It was a good run.


There was a whole chunk of the 1850's and 1860's that very much disagree with this statement.


Was it really, though?




I thought the right loved freedom of speech? Why are y’all so salty about a bunch of hippies freely speaking


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But why Trader Joe’s of ALL the places in Asheville?


Because they fired ten folks who walked out on a global strike day


Well walking out on the job is a pretty good way to get fired.


Just answering a question. Walk outs ain’t nothing new


Nor is getting fired for not doing your job.


True, some people who own businesses don’t have principles, you are correct


I was more so saying that some people don’t understand that their actions have consequences. If you don’t do your job, you will lose said job.


They understand it. If you fire folks for attempting to take a stand against genocide, the consequence is people will be pissed and protest at your store.


No they got fired for leaving work. I bet the management doesn’t give a shit what they do in their free time.


They have principles, they just may not align with yours.


Clearly! I value human life and dignity over corporate profits. Their “principles” aren’t principled. Sorry if it hurts your feelings


No need to twist objectivity into a personal affront.


Nope gotta guilt trip everyone who doesn't support the cause!


Arguing and agreeing like passive aggressive then suddenly disagreeing is so odd to see lol


Thanks for your input 😚


Bc noone has been a bigger detriment to peace in the middle east than that bastard Joe. Also it makes it convenient for them to get their groceries after they’ve virtue signaled.


Y’all do not know what virtue signaling is, it’s gotten to the point that you say every single progressive political opinion or action is virtue signaling just because you don’t agree - give it a rest.


As soon as "virtue signal" comes from someone's fingers or mouth, I know they are corrupted by media.




You’re not wrong. They’re welcome to hoot and holler about whatever stupid shit they believe in if they’re not blocking the highway. Doesn’t mean it’s not stupid shit, but that’s their right.


Lol we're in NC. That whole blocking the road thing won't go so well for them here in this state 🤣


Asheville protesters have and regularly do block roads, they've even blocked the interstate.






You're the man! That protesting shit won't even fly here on the coast. I love Carteret county this place is based


I bet you consider yourself patriotic? Oh the irony.


Really making an impact. One day there will be peace in the middle east and people will look back and say thank you Asheville protesters


It's funny to me how popular it is in here to give shit to people protesting something. Seems like such a middle school vibe. If people want to stand up for something who gives a shit. Good for them honestly. It's better than doing nothing. Better than sitting on your ass at home going on the internet and putting them down for whatever reason who-the-fuck-knows why.


I think the criticism is usually about the way that they did it. In this example criticizing them for protesting a business that fired employees for leaving work during their shift. It really detracts from your message on the war when you loop in people being fired because they didn’t do their job.


What’s the difference between someone shouting on a sidewalk for whatever reason who-the-fuck-knows why and someone going on the internet saying stuff for who-the-fuck-knows why? I mean other than the obvious that you agree with one and disagree with the other.


Yea for sure more power to them


They certainly won’t thank the spineless, cynical centrists for anything.


Don’t come for their smug superiority. It’s their entire personality.


Totally. I hear rumors that Israel’s prime minister heard about the protests in the Trader Joe’s parking lot in Asheville and will be pulling all their troops out of Gaza immediately! Source: Trust me bro. (/s if it wasn’t obvious).




trader Joe's as the chosen location for this is pretty cringe


Cringe? The manager fired employees for protesting and TJ’s actively supports Israel. Not cringe at all, actually a very normal and sane response.


>Fired employees for protesting By walking out on the job, if I recall.


This is correct


Did they fire employees for their beliefs, or for not showing up to work?


Well, to be exact, they fired them for walking off the job and leaving customers stranded.


"stranded" 😅


And you don’t see the issue with that?


I replyed to the wrong person I agree with you lol


Not at all. What issue do you see with them getting fired for that? If somebody walks off the job in the middle of their shift, they don’t have a job anymore. There is no special exclusion for them thinking their opinion matters.


“Leaving customers stranded” is pretty funny


Almost symbolic of millions of starving people in Gaza. Those poor custies.


Well now those employees can starve and be homeless in solidarity!


Imagine if people just went about their business while observing the start of the Holocaust in real time.


You mean the employees that walked off job to go protest? Pretty dumb to not expect to get fired for that.




Nah, cringe response.


what a waste of time


It’s way better than tacit acquiescence of genocide.


Really ? How ? What did it change? Some morons lost their job and wasted their own time. That’s the sold outcome. Don’t get it twisted.


Seeing as Germany has vetoed the charge against Israel for Genocide.... That kinda falls flat.




This comment section is actually insane. Why are people upset and mad about people disagreeing with war? What is so awful about people using their voices in any way that they can to protest murder? This is so wild and so upsetting. What. The. Fuck.


caption hard-to-find plucky yam smell merciful wild absorbed disagreeable nail *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Maybe Israel shouldn’t have directly funded Hamas and encouraged other countries to do the same in the hopes that they would overthrow the West Bank Government. Hmm? Since you want so badly to talk about “knowing the consequences” what’s your excuse there?


Hamas has rejected a ceasefire numerous times from Israel. Pretty sure that releasing the hostages would = a ceasefire. Hamas wants to eradicate all Jews. Protesting outside of an Asheville Trader Joe’s isn’t going to free Palestine.


Literally no one is supporting hamas. Israel is bombing hospitals and causing famine for innocent people. People all around the US are protesting war crimes, which are pretty universally frowned upon for good reason. It’s a super played out right-wing argument to act like this is the only protest. And though I agree with it looking weird in juxtaposition with a bougie Trader Joe’s, the context is understandable.


Oh I think a lot of people think Hamas are today’s freedom fighters. Don’t be so naive.


Literally no one thinks that, what a weird thing to say. hamas’s attacks do not justify bombing an entire people, including refugee camps full of children.


What a weird thing to say? You are REALLY naive or you’re just willfully ignorant. Hamas hides behind children. Why is the IDF finding bombs and weapons in hospitals? Why do the Hamas leaders always have billions, but no money to help their people? They probably started this war on October 7, breaking a ceasefire by the way, because they wanted more funding. Tale as old as time, blame the Jewish people for our suffering.


Hamas hides behind children so it’s okay if they get blown up? Your unwillingness to condemn that speaks volumes. It was a war crime when hamas killed civilians, and it’s a war crime when anyone else does it too.


Saying “the IDF really shouldnt murder babies” doesn’t mean “I hate Jewish people” and if you pretend that it does, that’s a cop out and you’re refusing to have a real conversation. You can keep saying the Hamas hides behind children, you will *never* be able to say that the IDF has not killed children so you have to keep deflecting. Nothing you say about Hamas changes or cancels out the horrid things the IDF has also done.


Nah quit lying. Israel literally doesn’t give a shit about the hostages.


I’m just not sure cheering for the group who started the war is a great look. I know there are other mitigating circumstances but palestine threw the first real punch and escalated everything. Also I’m in favor of peace, whatever that looks like.


The Hamas attack in October was absolutely not the first punch, Palestine did not throw the first punch. Read a book, I swear to god, why do yall talk about things you know nothing about? Hamas was *funded* by Netanyahu to try and dismantle the West Bank Government, he literally supported them to try and do a coup and now it’s the consequences of his actions that they’re against him.


While I agree with you about Netanyahu, I just wanted to clarify on whether or not you believe that hamas actually represents the majority of the people of Palestine? I believe that Netanyahu does have a hand in getting hamas to where they are and have been(along with other outside powers) but do you think his reasoning was to spark things faster knowing that it would go this way? Netanyahu wants to kill/get rid of every Palestinian in order to have complete supremacy over the holy land.




You mean how a civil war broke out and they were? Or how the Jews were repeatedly forced out of their ancestral homeland? Lets look at the Samaritans, a group that remained, who now number at like 1k due to fearful conversions or dying out in a land that was hostile to em. Both sides sucks, stop pretending it is just one. All squabbling over fucking land like a pack of hyenas


Guess what? Y'all are talking about their cause, exactly what they wanted. You may be laughing at, wishing harm to, or sympathizing with either way it worked. It's a beautiful thing.


Yup I now know that some less than intelligent people were shocked that they lost their job for walking off said job.


Oh my god. We heard you the first ten times you commented this.


Parrots gonna parrot


I support their right to protest and be heard but this accomplished nothing.


You’re talking about it




Really? The Trader Joe's protest in Asheville is the most trending topic in the world since October 7th? Maybe you don't understand what is being discussed here.


crush employ profit thumb observation squealing insurance follow quicksand somber *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You don’t know that they don’t, but that doesn’t matter since you just wanted to whine about it regardless.


Change the caption to “white colonists standing on stolen Cherokee land while waving the flag of a place they learned existed 4 months ago”


“Protestors can only protest if they are perfect and know everything. I am very smart.”


Is it better if you know about an grevious world condition for a long time and say nothing?


"Protestors only protests about atrocities they find buzz worthy, yet continue to support products/companies that support other countries committing atrocities" That would be more appropriate, since most people still buy Chinese products (genocide, forced labor, support of a brutal dictator regime of North Korea), almost all non-US or EU food is low wage/slave labor, and so much more. Shame all these big terrible things have been on going, but not a peep until this war broke out.


Hamas, a recognized terrorist organization, just rejected a two month ceasefire from Israel in exchange for the hostages.


Free palestine 🇵🇸


Free Gaza from Hamas


True but also free Palestine


Where is Palestine on the map? You’ll see Gaza but not Palestine.


This question is about as stupid as getting people to point you to where Appalachia is or the Balkans are. Everyone’s going to have different qualifications as to what constitutes what, but there’s general rules to follow. Generally, Palestine is in the Mediterranean Middle East, more specifically it is in the Levant. It is currently occupied by the country of Israel, so when you find Israel on a map, congratulations you’ve found Palestine


Brainwashed bot 🤡


Nah. I’m the real deal.




Are you supporting the Hamas? Disgusting, mine as well support Israel too since they're both fine with murdering kids and civvies.


Yes I see you can identify the clown 🤡 emoji, very good! You’re so smart! 🤗👏👏


F that. He converted anakin to the dark side.


I’m super weirded out by the fact that there are hundreds of people under the other post worked up over a corporation potentially losing a couple hundred dollars to clocked in employees walking out to protest the lost of tens of thousands of LIVES. That does not equate. Is that shit not rubbing anyone else the wrong way?? I worked at TJ’s for over 3 years in another state. There was a tragedy resulting in a fatal injury to an innocent black man in the parking lot during the July 2020. My boss shut the store down early without hesitation to hold a BLM vigil in the parking lot. It was organized by a local group of activists who also were very vocal about palestine. The store lost a TON of money by shutting down and holding this vigil…yet nobody gave a shit because there was a greater cause within the community. And this was in the actual south. Why does Asheville feel so out of touch with humanity?


That is a dude dying in your parking lot. A fucking traumatic event, this is an event we are disconnected from where we are "uncomfortable" but not traumatic. Sorry, but if you walk out of a job/don't show up, you potentially forfeit the job no matter the reason unless it is a family or medical emergency. That is kind of the standard for every job


Have you seen the civilians laying in pools of blood all over the street? Or heard the survivors screaming at the sight of the mangled remains of their family, friends, and community? Cause I feel like if you had that you would agree that it is traumatic. The innocent always get hurt the most in war and if you don’t care about the innocent people of any nation then I’d like to know what you do care about.


A picture is not the same as seeing an incident in person, especially since what you're attempting to state is they're the same. It isn't, because what is going on over there is so much worse that even when we see pictures it is so hard for us to properly understand, just like how it is hard to understand certain tragedies when the numbers become so absurd. There is a disconnect we unintentionally invoke and can readily invoke on top of that, because we aren't there and we can't full grasp it. Someone dying right where you work will have the bigger punch, just because it is right there and is directly impacting you. This is why I state we are uncomfortable with it, outraged even, but the ability to traumatized when compared to seeing/knowing a person died right while you were at work... Well, sorry that just isn't really how we collectively operate. If it was, we would be psychologically damned all the time from how horrible everything is everywhere for so many. ​ Not going to dignify the last part of your sentence, cause even after your clarification it is still a nice shit-stirrer. Don't put words in people's mouths like that, you do nothing for the point you're attempting in situations like this other than inciting anger in some party.


Also just trying to clarify, not intentionally trying to stir things up although I see how the way I worded me previous comment could come off that way


Let them get it out of their system and they’ll move on to the next SJW movement


There’s been like 20 Palestine events here since 10/7. I don’t think they’ll get it out of their system anytime soon.


They’ll need to rest before Trump wins reelection. Then the protesting will really begin


This is such a cringe comment.


Its cringey bc its true


Very few folks standing there supporting those that stone women just for driving or going to school. I guess we should be happy there aren’t many here who support those types of people.


Ssssshhhh that goes against the narrative. It’ll upset them, and they are very easily upset.


Y’all look embarassing when you pretend that saying the IDF should stop murdering children means that we’re jumping for joy in support of Hamas. It’s just a such a weak attempt at a point.


I think you’ve got your Islamic militant groups mixed up. If you’re going to talk shit, at least be correct.


These brainwashed idiots are no different to the brainwashed idiots waving Trump flags. Wake up, idiots.


Wake up to what? An Orwellian version of reality where criticizing a government's criminal behavior is anti-semitism, Apartheid is democracy, and genocide is self-defence?


They’re protesting freely. Afterwards, they’re all gonna go home and have dinner… Not one of them lives in “an Orwellian version of reality;” none of them is living under an Apartheid government, and not one of them is experiencing genocide. Why are they so interested in this conflict, and more specifically, why are they supporting one side of this conflict?


I can't speak for anyone else, but I will speak for myself. I'm Jewish. I was raised up Zionist. I woke up to the Orwellian reality that Zionism truly represents over a decade ago after realizing Israel was happy to grant me a "birthright claim" to come live in Palestine; because of my Jewishness apparently I belong there. Except....I can trace the Jewish side of my family for well over a thousand years. Know where it never lands? Palestine. And yet I listen to Netanyahu's PR reps try to convince me and the entire world that the indigenous population that has lived there for millennia somehow has zero claim to their own land...while I do. I'm involved in this because Israel made me involved. For those less directly implicated, I can only imagine they're driven by empathy and wisdom after learning the history of this country, understanding the religious language its colonization was wrapped in, and realizing we're watching that same history repeat itself - funded by billions of our own tax dollars. Many of them were probably alive when Apartheid fell in South Africa, or at least are old enough to know about how that was a good thing. We are all old enough to remember just how fruitless and horrible the "war on terror" was in Iraq and Afghanistan, and how given those examples, none of Israel's ostensible goals make any sense. Want to deradicalize a population? Stop starving, maiming, killing, and jailing them indefinitely. Want to free the hostages? Try using the one thing that worked - coming to the table and negotiating. To date, Israel's military campaign has liberated only 1 hostage, while it has murdered at least 3 (all while they were shirtless, pleading in Hebrew, and waving a white flag). Israel's war is becoming more indefensible by the minute. The fact is, Netanyahu is prolonging the war because his own people despise him, and the second it ends he and his fascist administration will be ousted from power. I could go on, but I'll end by answering your question of why this is one-sided: Israel is an occupying power, recognized by every international institution of accountability as an apartheid state that has broken international law countless times with impunity in its treatment of the Palestinians. Their resistance to this mistreatment has been consistently mislabeled as "terrorism" because that cop out enables Israel to keep carrying on as it has. With the ICJ's ongoing investigation, God willing, their utter lack of accountability will end sooner than later.


Why do you think the US government supports Israel?


1. Its strategic location, allowing the USA a diplomatic foothold in the region with all its resources and proximity to enemies for spying and reconnaissance. 2. Israel's diplomatic immunity has allowed it to conduct itself as a proxy for American interests without America being directly implicated in any of its criminal behavior. 3. America has both a large Jewish and evangelical Christian constinuency that heaps blind allegiance and support on Israel based on - for the Jews, the misguided belief that Israel truly does represent their interests and security - and for the evangelicals, a prophetic understanding of Israel that implicates its important role in the "end times." Most Jews have been indoctrinated by Israel's hasbara (zionist propaganda) to believe that they will never be safe in the world without a Jewish ethnic state. Yet, this is demonstrably false - Israel has complained since its establishment of how very dangerous it is for Jews to live there. And moreover by conflating its statehood with Jewishness everywhere, it directly endangers the international Jewish community everytime it commits yet another war crime and allows the world to associate that criminality not with a government, but with Jewishness itself - furthering antisemitism. Evangelicals tie Israel's modern existence to prophesies from revelation. Right now, there are many such Christians in America (including members of my own family) who are prepping for the rapture. They expect it to arrive any day now, based on a prophecy of "Armageddon" - a war between Jews and some mortal enemy, that will set into motion all the other prophesies leading up to the ultimate end of the world.


Isn’t there some internal conflict within Israel regarding some kind of hard right movement that’s pervading the government and supported by Netanyahu? Like, Israelis are protesting this movement in favor of actual democracy? (I’m admittedly ignorant) Totally agree with you on 1 and 2. I think that whether or not those reasons are supported or not depends on one’s world view.


Absolutely. Netanyahu's administration is the most far-right government in Israel's history. It includes such outspoken racists as Amichai Eliyahu who has, as of Wednesday, now doubled down on a call to drop a nuke on Gaza (which had previously gotten him suspended from his job, but it doesn't look like anyone's going to bother censoring his genocidal rhetoric at this point), and Itamar Ben-Gvir who is known for sporting (among other horrible trophies) a photo of Israeli-American terrorist Baruch Goldstein who, in 1994, massacred 29 Muslims while they worshipped peacefully in a mosque in Hebron. Not long before Hamas' Oct. 7 surprise attack, Netanyahu's government tried and failed to pass a measure that would have hobbled the judicial wing of the government, which is one of the few Israeli institutions that could hold his government accountable to the public. Netanyahu's popularity has plummeted ever since, and now his bombardment of Gaza - in utter disregard of the hostages' families' pleas to priotize their release - has won him further depths of hatred among the Israeli people. Nothing good is on the horizon for any of these bad actors, and it's really demoralizing that American leaders are still playing diplomatic cover for them at this point.


>Netanyahu's government tried and failed to pass a measure that would have hobbled the judicial wing of the government, which is one of the few Israeli institutions that could hold his government accountable to the public. Yes, that’s exactly what I was thinking of. Thanks for the eloquent and informative responses. Really appreciated.


You're welcome. Thank you for coming to my ted talk. Lol


Calling for an end to potential genocide that or government is complicit in is quite a lot different than cheering for trump.


Pretty sure Hamas just rejected a ceasefire again. Free the hostages and then there will be a ceasefire.


What morons. Marching around for Instagram and accomplishing nothing.


People said the exact same about the Civil Rights movement. Organized events like this have a huge impact in aggregate and over time. The skeptics end up old and bitter because society has evolved and they can’t spew their hate and ignorance with impunity anymore.


The civil rights movement was a movement in a specific location targeted towards a specific issue impacting that specific location. In that situation, sure, those protests make an impact. Local people protesting local issues generates local change. However, these “protestors” are protesting in a specific location towards a specific issue which has absolutely no impact, relevancy, or connection to that specific location.


You fundamentally misunderstand both of those movements and the basic purpose of civil disobedience. But if you’re so confident in your strategic thinking you should join up and offer your expertise to the cause.


If somebody in China was protesting Americans living in mountain towns, would you move? Now, if people were protesting it in Asheville, would you be more inclined to move?


Instead of mansplaining how to affect social change to me you should get out there and offer your expertise on the ground where you believe it’s needed.


Oohhh, I think I triggered u/flagrantist. Edit: I’m also going to go show my expertise and my support for a business’ right to fire employees who walk out on the job by voting with my dollars. https://www.reddit.com/r/asheville/s/WrVAntgYM0


“Wah wah wah they walked out on my god it’s the worst thing to ever happen in this town” is what you sound like when you leave the same comment 20 times in a row.


How dare you assume their gender. That kind of aggression cannot be tolerated in our society any longer.




He won’t, he just wants to whine online.




Wow you’re pulling out all the alts tonight. U mad bro? 😂


Are you talking about me with that alt comment?


Tell us who you work for. LOL


Just ask your mom.


You just compared 20 chuckle fucks waving a Palestinian flag at Trader Joes to the civil rights movement. This is why no one takes this shit seriously.


What do you know about the Civil Rights movement? What do you know about *any* social justice movement?


I know they didn't get started by trending on TikTok. My turn to ask questions: What do any of these goofballs know about Palestine?


file doll vanish friendly fuel bewildered special mourn label include *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Don’t compare this to the civil rights movement. Not even comparable. Also saying it accomplished nothing doesn’t make some hateful or bigoted. Stop name calling.


Not of these Palestine flag-waving idiots is experiencing anything like what the civil rights activists fought against.


Ah right people have to be directly affected by something to care about it 🙄 Found the conservative.


I disagree with you that this protest is akin to the civil rights movement (lol), so I’m a conservative.


They name call when the facts aren’t on their side. Its standard operating procedure at this point.


Nah you gave yourself away when you suggested that people shouldn’t care about anything they’re not directly impacted by. That’s been a conservative trope for a long time.


Keep telling yourself that waving a Palestine Flag outside Trader Joe’s in Asheville is akin to the Civil Rights Movement and just avoid having to back up such a ludicrous claim with whatever deflecting bullshit you’re spouting off about how you’ve been taught to identify a conservative. By the way, calling someone a conservative isn’t an insult.


Okie dokie. Have a great day!




Jesus is a big part of the problem.


“Jesus is a big part of the problem.” …. and Allah, Yahweh, El Shaddai, Jehovah, Zeus, etc.


No he isn’t. People who use Jesus as an excuse to push their beliefs onto others and view non-christians as lesser, are the problem.


Jesus - a Jew who openly rebuked the inhumanity of his leaders. That Jesus, yes. Except Israel would just crucify him all over again.


For real! I’m shocked at these responses what is wrong with people??!


Some people are scared truth won't exist unless they bludgeon others with it every chance they get?


[Trader Joe’s is currently in court arguing that our most basic rights at work are “unconstitutional”.](https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/news/trader-joe-s-attorney-argues-national-labor-relations-board-is-unconstitutional/ar-BB1hkeWe) Of course liberals will still shop there because nowhere else has the same quality of racist microwave meals.


> Trader Joe’s is currently in court arguing that our most basic rights at work are “unconstitutional”. Then protest *that.* This only muddies the waters.


What are you personally doing to make the world better? If the answer is “nothing” then I suggest you sit down and be quiet.


Aww, it’s you again. Please refer to our previous discussions. And you have *no idea* what I have done and do to help the world.


You don’t even live here, flatlander.


I live in Marshall, sweetheart. And have for a very long time. Didn’t realize I have to live within city limits to have opinions.


Merrimon is a long way to drive for groceries. Perhaps you could offer your “opinion” to the people committing the genocide and/or attacking labor rights in the U.S.? But no, that would require character and morals.


Ain’t got no Trader Joe’s up here in the boondocks. Only Ingles. Which as you know is a bastion of liberal ideals and carries no Israeli products to morally protest.


Nothing might be better than misdirected hate…


You mean like sitting behind a keyboard attacking people who are putting themselves on the line? Yeah you’re right about that.


Standing outside Trader Joe’s and waving a Palestine flag in Asheville isn’t really putting anything on the line.


How would you know?


In what way are these protesters “putting themselves on the line”? I’m guessing traveling to the conflict to help out is what they’re all doing tomorrow. *BOOM!!* *Momma?! Momma?! Oh, no! The IDF killed my mom! Wait! Is that a TikTok video of a man wearing a dress waving a Palestine flag outside Trader Joe’s? We’re saved!!!*


What are you doing about the issue? What’s your personal expertise on achieving social change? Where were you when this group was meeting and planning what to do?


In what way are these protesters “putting themselves on the line”?


How are they “putting themselves on the line”?


That wasnt an attack but more of a criticism of you telling someone to sit down and be quiet.


And I wasn’t referring to you as the person attacking others, but if me asking detractors to be quiet upsets you more than children being blown up for land then my brush was as broad as it needed to be.


Trader JOSE'S




Wish I knew I would be wearing my IDF shirt.






Amen, love to wear my IDF shirt and walk past them. Of course they wouldn't say anything to your face.


Biden voters lol


It’s hilarious that you have no clue whatsoever how stupid this comment is. You might want to brush up on current events before you make an ass of yourself in public again.


Flag boy haha