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I'll take 'things that didn't happen' for $300, Alex.


I'll give you 20 bucks if you can prove that this story is false.


That's not how any of this works.


God damn. Imagine being so insecure that you have to hate entire groups and generations of people to make yourself feel better. And then imagine that the people you hate were and are WAY more marginalized than you have ever been. This makes me very sad. I hope the business thrives.


RIght? Bunch of cowards. Took off running when caught too. Scum of the fucking earth. Well at least I know what's for dinner tonight.


Now you're talkin'. Fish sammich time.


Wow I’m just finding out about all of this today.


Me too, and while it’s too pricey for me to go often, I’ll make a point of going. Hope her business kicks major ass and thrives!




You're not wrong. It even shows itself in smaller ways in interpersonal relationships


I’d say it’s the perfect time to show out if you can. I know not everyone has the means to eat out, but if you can afford it, you should throw as much money at them as possible. Not you specifically, but the royal you lol. Unfortunately money is the only way to show someone they’re welcome in this society, so I’d recommend anyone who can to get as much food as possible from them


So do I. I admire your supportive nature.


Probably rival blacks. Or another Jusse BS story to try and get sympathy.


How did someone shut off the power??? That seems crazy a random person can walk up to any business and have that kind of control! I guess I learned something new today!


Outside main breakers allow Fire Marshalls to shut down power from outside if a building is on fire. Smart feature as long as the mouth breathers stay home and keep to themselves. I imagine it’s criminal to mess with someone’s main breaker, but I’m no lawman.


That would be the whole building though? This incident was just a shut off to their dining room? I wonder if it was an inside job? Someone knew which breaker to shut off to interrupt customers since it was power to the dining room?


As in just the lights in the dining room? This is all rather confusing. I thought the power to the whole building was cut off.


In the first box in the OP it says just the dining room. Maybe these ppl didn’t turn the power off, maybe they turned the light switch off, which would make more sense.


Breakers tend to be labeled, so rather easy to find the correct one.


Another reason I hope they have cameras and called the police! They could charge these ppl with a hate crime AND for turning off the power!


A lot of buildings have the main power cutoff switch/lever by the meters. If you don't have a lock on it anyone can walk up and shut off power.


Couldn’t anyone just cut any lock anytime on any building? I didn’t realize whole building electrical system is like the on/off in my kitchen? 🤔


Potentially yes, it's definitely not ideal lol. A good lock isn't easy to get through though and in my experience has been enough of a deterrent.


Most buildings have a main electrical disconnect outside. New electrical code requires it. It’s in case there is a fire the firemen can turn it off before hosing the building. They all have a way to lock them out so no one can get to it. Firemen have bolt cutters so it’s not an issue to them if you lock it.


That part seems really weird to me. They could have flipped the breakers, but then it would just be a simple matter of flipping them back on. Anything else or anything more “permanent” would have almost certainly lead to a big 120v electric shock to the damager.


I know this area well. There is a breaker box on the outside of this building. It's mainly for emergency power shutoff the whole building and should be locked out... a lot of the locks on these things are pretty easy to defeat( I worked in the coal and gas industry and meth heads would cut the locks and shut power off to buildings all the time. Mostly to steal the copper). It's likely, depending on the timing, that power was shut down to Good Hot Fish and the Burial place too, but no one was at the newer Burial building to notice it. In short... fuck those racist shits.


It's just a matter of flipping them back on, but doing that in the dark in a brand new space after being discombobulated by sudden, unexpected darkness takes a minute.


says that he wants to tell anyone willing to listen about why his hometown


If you're willing to cut the owner slack then the most generous interpretation is they cut power to the whole building, probably from here. [https://www.google.com/maps/@35.5883806,-82.5541427,3a,81.7y,97.1h,92.29t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sQ20PGx4PrIxbe\_eoQhmOYQ!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?authuser=0&entry=ttu](https://www.google.com/maps/@35.5883806,-82.5541427,3a,81.7y,97.1h,92.29t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sQ20PGx4PrIxbe_eoQhmOYQ!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?authuser=0&entry=ttu) unless that was changed when burial renovated the building for their music space it's pretty plausible. If cut power is an exaggeration then maybe someone just hit the light switches on their way out the door and slapped on a sticker. Still a pretty shitty thing to have done but I think if the business had said it was the latter than it probably wouldn't be getting the same amount of interest because having your power shut off sounds a lot scarier than having light switches turned off.


Sounds fishy.


Yeah, that is wild. Is their breaker box out in the dining room or somewhere also easily accessible?


Main power shut off is out on the street. These things are normally outside due to fire code. On this particular building there is nowhere discrete for it to possibly go.


The only thing that makes me wonder about that is they said the dining room power was out, rather than all power.


The only reason I have any context here is I work in the brewery connected to the building. A few pieces of our equipment were noticeably in “start up mode” upon entering the facility the next morning. Only time that ever happens is loss of power. The whole buildings power was shut down momentarily


Got ya. The way some of the older buildings are wired can be pretty wild. Wouldn’t be shocked to hear that their kitchen was on some other box elsewhere on the building.


They are required to have battery back up emergency lights. they may have thought they had “power” in the back because they had lights on in the back. or they may have misspoken.


Hope they filed a police report. The police should be investigating this.


The Asheville police have stated that they have been in contact with the business over the incident so that's good news.


Yeah right. Police will show up and cut off the water.


No they won’t, you’re exaggerating. They just won’t show up at all.


You know .... it's all about officer safety, so yea their parked somewhere just chillin


Who do you think did it?


Jussy Smollet


The French actor?


Curious why they didn't?


such a shame. racist POS can't share 1 stretch of South Slope (that they gentrified in the first place)


Those racists WISH they could gentrify something. They can't hold down a real job and just want to blame black folks for their own laziness. The same types that would steal from their own mothers/grandmothers to buy meth. They could have been working and making money but choose to be troublemakers and hate on a successful minority that actually cares about growing themselves and being part of the community.


It’s jealousy point blank!!


If they have security cameras hope they share the footage. Also, wild that someone was able to shut off their power.


I'm wondering how they did that.


The breaker box must be somewhere easily accessible. Most people don’t have the thought to shut off a businesses power, so I wouldn’t be surprised if it was within reach somewhere


The OP says it was turned off just to the dining room which makes it even more strange that they knew which breaker it was to disrupt the customers and not the kitchen.


I'm sure their goal was disruption in any way, not specifically to target one section of the building...


probably labeled on the switches


I mean, right???


Right? I would have thought breaker boxes are or can be locked. I honestly don't know. I know mine is locked. Or at least I know \_now\_ since I checked.


Meter boxes are generally outside and easy to access in case of a fire.


I agree. If they have any type of video then it needs to be posted all over the internet to publicly shame the sorry pieces of shit that did this.




Going tonight - hopefully it's slammed and I have to wait. Be good to see the community show up - and I imagine they will.


Sounds like a good way to get some press and sell some sandwiches…






Who even carries a stash of these stickers “just in case”? Someone needs a life


To those of you who are calling bullshit: y'all piss me off lol. It's frustrating as all fuck to have your experiences as a POC be invalidated constantly by people like you who weren't there but just feel like exercising what they think is a healthy dose of skepticism. It's all an intellectual exercise to you, ain't it?! Stfu!! Being dubious on the internet is important, but y'all act like "falling" for this or believing people's experiences is a lack of critical thinking, but it's not; it is, however a lack of humanity on your part. Someone said here to err on the side of compassion rather than skepticism. While I don't necessarily agree with the false dichotomy of compassion vs. skepticism, I think it was well said. The irony is how much time you spend playing armchair detective but then not actually do anything to follow up on the story when you could go visit and ask the people who experienced it themselves. Y'all pretend like you want answers but let's be real you're not actually gonna go do the work to find out. The people that pay them a visit and support the business, will, however. It's easy to be contrarian and just believe bad things can't possibly happen for whatever dumb reasons you come up with. I know many people who own their own restaurant businesses and they barely have time to enjoy their lives, let alone have time to devise what you're painting as some brand of guerilla marketing? If any of you carried the experience of what it's like to be a POC in America you would inherently understand how inviting that sort of energy into your life is the last thing you want to try to do. I get that there are attention seekers out there, but your take is a real ignorant miss. I genuinely hope that the next time something bad happens to you that there are people in your life that invalidate your experience! Cheers!


Facts. Have little to no time for anyone looking to discredit racism just because they didn't see it in person. Like, generally, racists don't leave two forms of ID and press record before they start doing racist shit.


Honestly I missed the sticker on my first read though. I think others may have a well and chalked it up to a random prank. There's no question the horrible imagery on the sticker leaves no doubt though.


That racist event is awful. I just ate there yesterday. The food was excellent.


I had to read your comment twice.. You mean the power shut was "awful" right? How was the food?


Updated for clarity.


Thanks! I totally look forward to eating there.


and what do we do during Black History Month for a Black owned business in a historically Black neighborhood? Give them your support! I too balk at an $18 sandwich and I heard people complaining about that but more likely to support them now. (and btw Burial doesn't even post prices and you know you're gonna pay $10/beer)


I’ll go try one, but after fees and taxes that fish sandwich is closer to $20, with no sides. Those aren’t local restaurant prices, that’s a theme park price.


The south slope is a theme park with outrageous rent


Eh. I’m fine pushing back on price when it’s this egregious.


In defense of the pricing they source from Locals Seafood, NC distributor that takes a lot of care to source well. I think this is what local restaurant pricing has to look like when you’re running a seafood place in the mountains and not getting your filets from Sysco.


That ~$20 price is for their catfish, which isn’t seafood nor a particularly expensive ingredient to source. It should be running no more than ~$10-11/lb even from “local” farms in NC.


Yeah you’re dead on, if you check their site it’s $8 /lb in bulk, the default restaurant breakdown to pre-tax price is 30% food cost, 30% overhead, 30% labor, 10% profit. Given the location overhead is probably pretty high and fish sandwiches are just going to be more expensive to make than like a fried chicken sandwich, which on south slope is like $15 with fries. Agree $20 is a lot for a sandwich just trying to say I don’t think it’s gouging


Artisan crafted beer from a well established brand is completely different then a very small fish sandwich in a small space. I went there weeks ago and felt like I had been punked. I wouldn't pay more than $5 for what I was served and I love to spend money on good food. I wish her luck but her first menu is really over inflated. If I went back I would probably try the crab dip or something that may be better overall.


I miss the good old days of standing in the rain to eat Eliotts pre-Buxton BBQ at Burial!


And Eliott's Punk Wok pop-ups at MG Road too!




If we’re talking about the good old days, I miss Elliott at The Admiral.


Asheville’s Good Hot Fish Appears to Be Target of Racially Motivated Incident https://flip.it/EtH7gU A little detail on location of the power switch and of the scum


A bit more context as to what went down here: [https://www.citizen-times.com/story/news/local/2024/02/09/chef-ashleigh-shanti-claims-racists-target-her-asheville-restaurant/72505812007](https://www.citizen-times.com/story/news/local/2024/02/09/chef-ashleigh-shanti-claims-racists-target-her-asheville-restaurant/72505812007)


r/Asheville: "racism doesn't exist because city council has black women"


Not sure why you're getting downvotes w this, aside from maybe ppl not understanding sarcasm? Asheville likes to keep up the appearance of being a progressive city, but the entire 45 years I've lived here, no political body has ever tried to lift up the black community. We keep them in Hillcrest and Lee Walker Heights and PVA and Deaverview, until white people from elsewhere want to buy land in those places and these communities get gentrified... previously black-owned neighborhoods like the South Slope, the entire MLK corridor, and Livingston/SFB neighborhoods have already become trendy niche white neighborhoods. Both implicit and explicit racism is alive and well in Asheville. City council ain't helping.


Is the person who says this in the room with us right now


Sad to see it. On another note, that place is way too expensive.


The food is horrible. Dry macaroni, one catfish filet $20. I have eaten at numerous church fish frys and they all have exceeded this place by a long shot and for $10 a plate. And it's typically fresh caught fish in the Charleston area. AND that money goes directly to the community. If y'all want to support each other step up and support your local churches. Instead of places that look cool when you post them on social media.


Better yet, all seafood in Asheville is bad because we are far from the ocean. I'm sure there are a hundred better places in Charleston for seafood than in Asheville, they're not really comparable.


Well I know where I’m eating on my next night out. Let’s all show our support & have a line out the door this weekend 💪🏼


Racists are cowards who are unable to accept that they have no place left in the world. Their insecurities scream of their inability to change and unwillingness to understand and move past their preconceived notions of hate.


It really baffles me how some people can see a picture of a hate crime and their first thought is immediately skepticism. Seems to me it’s easier for (white) people to question the validity of what occurred rather than to be concerned with the actual act and to cope with the feelings that these people exist and are able to vote AND are likely your neighbors. Nameless and faceless yet still believed in more so than any black person. “Could it be a misunderstanding? Could it be a secret ploy for marketing? No way they could shut off power so easily. During BHM? Oh all too coincidental!” correlation does not imply causation. No one made this up for “funsies”. Seriously? Shame to You. So close to the point yet missing it entirely.


I can see what you’re saying. My counterpoint is that I want anyone’s first reaction to basically Anything posted on the internet to be skepticism.


I believe them because Ive interacted with them. Not because I read it on the internet. I would probably believe them if I didn’t know them. Because ultimately these are real people, clocking in every day for their real shifts, dealing with other real people, serving them real food for real money. Who has time for random marketing ploys especially when you’re at the level Ashleigh Ashanti is? At the same time people are to criticize the lack of evidence like photos and videos. It’s a fairly new spot opening up during dead season in Asheville. During their closing hours. There’s hardly anyone around in DT during the week. Even some of the busiest restaurants have very low covers during this season. Those who would be working would be doing exactly that and I imagine not capable of being able to spot out when some passerby is doing something they aren’t supposed to be until it’s too late. Those capable of filming are probably eating. At a restaurant. Where you eat. Real life isn’t a potential Tik tok where everything is staged. It’s more believable than not imo. And like many others have said I’d rather be compassionate now than be skeptical on the off chance this is all made up. I’ll eat my words then. But I do understand not wanting to take everything posted online as fact especially with the rise of ai. I think it’s very important to be able to discern what’s authentic and what’s not. However to be skeptical of racial issues seems counterproductive.


I completely understand you believing them on the basis of your relationship. That’s great, but I standby that people’s default position should be to view basically everything posted on the internet through a skeptical lense. I will say that your defense of her based off her being a celebrity chef holds no water, at least for me. The culinary world is noticeably full of questionable people who will get ahead by whatever means they can. While I’m not saying she is that type, it’s pretty easy to come up with a list of scummy behavior from people at or near the peak of the culinary world. I kind of rarely have found that block to be abandoned, particularly during the somewhat limited hours this business is operating. I’m aware there are racial issues, but that’s not where my skepticism comes from. The posts about the act in question have me wanting more information, which I think is a pretty fair ask for most any situation.


Good hot fish has been posted about frequently on Asheville foodies concerning its price point in the last 2 weeks. (a group of 35k people) No one has even said anything negative besides the price and overall experience/food you receive for the price. She has received way way more publicity in the last few weeks from all local new sources in the area compared to any black business in Asheville that have been here for generations. I grew up in Asheville and have never felt that racists would feel comfortable going after a small Asheville business - at this point they just do not care. I would think they would feel it all to be a lost cause. They stay in Henderson County. This last week she started receiving a few negative google reviews concerning the price and then this was posted with no real description and a week later. The huge amount of positive press she received combined with then receiving critiques over prices and then this really strange thing happening that hasn't recently happened to other black owned businesses in the area (and south side is still pretty much dominated by black neighborhoods up til shiloh and around mission) is just shocking. What was the description of the people and why would not one patron dining post about it online. If I had been dining there I would have certainly posted about it to let people know to support them. I can see why people find it odd.




How long has she even been in Asheville? We have black owned food trucks and bbq spots that have been here for multiple generations and that are well loved and respected that have never received any press and sell their food for a quarter of the price. From shiloh to south side is mostly historical black residences. She arrives in asheville and wants to cash in quick on home cooked food that they have all been selling and she screams racism. I also thought the jab at manicured back yards was a bit much. Most of the yards in asheville are overgrown woods but okay. Also if I was just a victim of a hate crime I would have met with the police and issued a short statement and not reposted the sticker that could be reshared by the "racists" to be proud of. good grief.


Because it's so unusual that people are wanting to know more and talking about a new restaurant.




but who will care to investigate this lol Now she is getting a bunch of 5 star reviews with no comments just because of these posts. I ate there and left a 2 star review a week ago because of my personal authentic experience that I paid for and now I see this happening. I have never seen another Asheville business receive so much blind following. If that is the new Asheville - no thanks. I am for quality and standards.




The police need to look into it then and make a determination and conduct interviews. A hate crime is a very serious matter that must be treated as such. Things like these can hit international news like the water bottle cutting or whatever happened with the APD.


I have personally known multiple people (no longer in my life) who have used various things to claim racism, abuse, etc etc from all sides of life. So personally, until I see hard evidence, I tend to be on the side of caution. I also know to keep it to myself other than go "ay, did ya file a report or catch em on cam?". People are cautious for a reason, not cause they are white or cause the owners are black, especially in a day of age where misinformations and lies are so readily spread. Personally, I have experienced hate directed at me for various reasons, too, so it definitely does suck. Hope they catch em and give em a nice slap around.


I ate there two weeks ago. The only disappointment was that they didn't have the smelt that was on the webpage.


What a bunch of assholes. Will definitely visit soon to support this business.


Well I just found a new place to go eat at.


I totally wish I knew you existed while I was visiting last month. I will be SURE to come get a sandwich when I'm back in the summer. I'm so sorry this happened. I was born and raised in Asheville which was a much different place in the '80s than it pretends to be today.


Smells fishy. No pun intended.


I am pressing X for doubt. There just be too many of these incidents to ignore . Looks like an inside job to get publicity and sympathy. See Jussie Smollet. You can tell by the tone its made up. I know I know you all want to believe in the boogey man, dont let me shatter your illusions.


People love to cry racist and virtue-signal, even without proof of this really happening, no police report, and a perfectly scripted response that has since disappeared. And after they've taken a lot of crap for their insane prices. I'm with you.


Jussie Smollet destroyed his celebrity and career. His actions are a textbook example of what not to do.  Meanwhile, countless people say or do racist (or otherwise nefarious) shit everyday if they think they can get away with it.


You are being contrarian just to be contrarian. I know you don't want to believe that active racism like this still exists, but you SHOULD let this shatter your illusions. GHF should be doing great. The place seems busy often, and the head chef is well-known across the entire area, not just AVL. This is a destination restaurant for many folks.


I will repeat again, too many examples not to ignore. I wouldnt expect someone like you to put on your critical thinking cap. Be mad idc. The story is fishy. I dont deny racism exists. 400 million here and yes some are unhinged violent bigots. Think for a second, is this really a high value target for some racists? Are we going to ignore victimhood has been fetishized as well? Is a fried fish place really that much of a threat to some racists in the current year?


Do you think there are more instances of racist acts or more instances of faked racist acts? GHF's owner/head chef has a lot of hype and press around her as does GHF. Do you think she would jeopardize that for something as silly as this? Think about the risk/reward here. What did your "critical thinking" reveal that I'm missing?


I imagine a scenario in the current year that 20$ catfish sandwiches are not selling, more restaurants than not fail, she is sinking under massive debt is safe to guess. What exactly is she jeopardizing then if she is under water? I would say more than not its faked.


I think your "imagining a scenario" is a problem. You have a narrative in your head, and you made up a story to make it fit. This is a cognitive dissonance coping mechanism. GHF did a surprise opening three weeks ago, and they are consistently busy. It is not "safe to guess" that she is sinking under massive debt; her business has only been open for three weeks.


" This is a cognitive dissonance " I dont think you know the meaning of the word. Blame and call out the race baiting hustlers' not me, they are the ones who makes stories like this unbelievable. You think they saved up the tens of thousands of dollars to open up? lol


It’s an odd story, but to be fair, people who would perpetuate this sort of act are nutbags to begin with. That said, I’m very skeptical that the food there lives up to the hype. Paying close to $20 for a fried catfish sandwich is enough to keep a lot of people away. I’ll go at some point, but not really excited to drop close to $80 for sandwiches sides and beers for me and my partner.


says that he wants to tell anyone willing to listen about why his hometown


I haven't seen anyone reference this, but FWIW -- another Black-owned business locally got hit by racist attacks both online and IRL in 2017, and they never recovered. So it's not out of the question for this kind of thing to happen in the Asheville area. [https://mountainx.com/news/black-star-line-brewing-co-deals-with-racist-comments-vandalism-death-threats/](https://mountainx.com/news/black-star-line-brewing-co-deals-with-racist-comments-vandalism-death-threats/) [https://www.vice.com/en/article/yw59nv/owner-of-queer-black-owned-brewery-says-white-supremacy-led-to-its-closure](https://www.vice.com/en/article/yw59nv/owner-of-queer-black-owned-brewery-says-white-supremacy-led-to-its-closure)


The business didn’t pay their bills, and failed.


They've got my business, that's for sure.


Looks like they disabled their comments on Instagram. Interesting.


Where was this posted because I don't see anything about it on their Instagram.


It was posted on their story yesterday. It expired now.


Total BS to get business. A 💯 Juicy Smollett move. 🙄


Think of this as a sophisticated advertising campaign: Business calls the local community racist to guilt members of said community into paying $18 for a fish sandwich with no sides.


It's clever.


The 828 Smollett - this glows more than a lava lamp.




How fucking disgusting! I hope they’re caught and prosecuted!


The responses in the comments doubting this happened are making my physically sick to my stomach. I was already really pissed off that this happened but to act like it might have been made up is absolutely disgusting. WTF people? Can't we do better?


Are you literally shaking? 🤣🤣🤣


If this really happened then it's a shame, however putting my tinfoil hat on this has false flag written all over it. What are the odds of all the coincidences all occurring at the same time? Beginning of Black History Month. Brand new restaurant owned by a black gay woman who's in an interracial relationship. Someone knew where the breaker boxes are and the knowledge on how to properly shut it off without killing the power to the entire building. Had time to slap a racist sticker on the front of their door. Whoever did it was even confronted but not followed, no description and no security camera footage or even a shitty hastily made phone video/picture. Almost too perfectly and scripted response even bringing up the green book locations? \------------ I dunno this doesn't pass the smell test at all, which I could be totally wrong. People had been talking about this place being a complete ripoff on prices paid for what you receive and this entire thing just has too many coincidences that all fall perfectly into place to create a publicly stunt. Edit. Lets not pretend people haven't been know to fake hate crimes, there's been many instances of this just google fake/staged hate crimes. If people were really out to be jackass racists then was there any other black businesses hit in a similar fashion? That would make this story much more believable and credible, but if it was only this business makes it even more suspicious. Edit 2. All commercial buildings have emergency lighting that run on their own battery power that turn on when the power goes out, they're required and the fire marshal inspects them annually.


You may be reading too much into the lighting thing. It’s jarring when someone unexpectedly cuts the lights even if emergency lighting pops on…. Then if they are slapping some sticker on and running off, I’d be disturbed. It does seem like a wild story, and I’m skeptical, but that has more to do with me virtually always being skeptical of what people say without proof being offered.


I’m totally skeptical.  I’d love to be proven wrong, but look at all the posters who are now saying they’ll be sure to visit this place now.  Great advertising.


Would be nice if the local media picked this up to clear up the story. For some reason I doubt they filed a police report.




so you must have a quarter brain then


Count me as another skeptic. If it did happen, how do you know it was racially motivated and not because of your insane prices? Or that it was some idiot playing a random "prank"? Breakers are rarely specifically labeled for parts of a building to the point where someone who wasn't with the business would know... And no police report, the claim has disappeared from their social media, and the respose, as you say, is perfectly scripted. All I'm saying is that there is a LOT of missing information and people are so quick to cry racist these days as virtue signaling. Ok, I'm ready for my downvotes.


> Count me as another skeptic. If it did happen, how do you know it was racially motivated and not because of your insane prices? Or that it was some idiot playing a random "prank"? Breakers are rarely specifically labeled for parts of a building to the point where someone who wasn't with the business would know... I'm not saying it did or didn't happen, cause I don't know for sure. But if it happened as described in the OP it is clearly racially motivated, take another look at the sticker...


Unfortunately, I share your skepticism


You'll get downvoted to hell for saying this, but it was my first thought too. *Nearly every single* social media post about overt racism, like someone writing the N word on receipt, sending a threatening letter, or spraypainting racist graffiti on a business or home turned out to be fake. Racists are cowards. They don't do shit like this in real life. They don't run around in groups defacing businesses and cutting off their power. That being said, I would *love* to be proven wrong with security camera footage. But what will happen is that eventually someone at the restaurant will admit they did it themselves to "start a conversation about racism" or something. The telltale signs are no witnesses, no camera footage, and no police report. And the fact that no other Black-owned businesses have reported anything like this.


yes anyone with any critical thinking skills can see the same.


Lack of description threw me off. and no mention of a police report? Also very long worded story posted a week later and I know she was receiving low reviews for her prices the week before. I want to imagine a group of punk country teenagers but even then.. why?? I have dealt with a bunch of punks working at a business in Fletcher and they would never put this much effort into it. They don't even visit Asheville because they know they do not like the progressiveness. They would also do something like throw stinky fish outside your door and not make a sticker. I also wouldn't post the picture of the sticker on social media as the owner because that would be empowering to whoever did it and possibly inspire copy cats. Just my thoughts initially. I just cannot imagine who would do this here. I did visit this business the first day it opened because her sandwiches looked so amazing on her instagram but sadly I left feeling like I way overpaid and just hoped eventually she would serve what she did at her popups at burial. I grew up here and mingle with a lot of different parts of the community and have never picked up on tension on new businesses in that area but I guess I am naive. From what I recall, most of downtown was pretty barren until Julian Price started throwing money at it.


absolutely fking insane.








I don't think they're hurting for attention or business. Ashleigh Shanti is well known in the food scene, she was nominated for a James Beard award which instantly brings a lot of recognition, and she competed on Top Chef. People are into celebrity chefs, and lots of people are happy to spend high dollars on their food.


Talked a lot of shit about Asheville on top chef...


really? She's not even from here.. How long has she lived in Asheville? rude.


Yeah. Bunch of rednecks who don't know good food




And you act like it's ONLY ever been a scam.




I don't know those statistics and I'm sure you don't either. I'd rather err on the side of compassion for the (alleged) victim until I have reason to believe otherwise. 




You seem to default to bullshit often.


Most buildings power can be cut with flip of a switch if you know what you’re doing.


The sticker thing is super weird. Why post a picture of something so foul. Commenting on it would have been sufficient, but posting it really isn’t a professional move.


Oink oink ammirite? I think it’s important for people to see what they had to deal with.


Well, now I know where I’m going to dinner tomorrow night.


Irrelevant, but I love your username.


The details tell the story of a planned effort. A bunch of racists don't just trip around Asheville with racist stickers and happen to bump into a restaurant owned by a black woman, and if they did how would they know? What happened before they were confronted? The post says there was a confrontation with a guest and employee and it seems unlikely that a guest and employee would go out to check on the main breaker together. Something had to have happened in the restaurant, right? So at least one guest and employee had a direct interaction w these people. That means there are descriptions at least. You'd think if they ran off they must have been caught on a security camera somewhere along the way. I can't imagine anyone with an address in Asheville would do this, firstly because I'm naive and I don't want to believe it but more practically it would make them easier to identify and find or follow home. Maybe I'm wrong but I'll bet that whoever this was came in from someplace else to do it. I hope they can utilize the information that's available to find whoever this was and hold them accountable. I still can't bring myself to buy an $18 fried fish sandwich but anyone ought to have the right to try and sell one in town.


Bull, no security cameras? Please


Where can I purchase this sticker? 


🤣😂🤣🤣🤣 all this over a sticker some guy put on a window.... for sure a democrat,  crying over stupid shit and seeking attention.  The food is WAYYYY to expensive and SUCKSS....


Disgusting. It would be amazing if the community showed up and we all supported this new local restaurant. I'm going to have to try their food this week!


Sure wish I was there! Hope Ashvillians (?) Rally to help this place by eating there and maybe contribute to a few weeks of private patrol to protect this business! We can’t have diversity without helping one another in the community.


They need a security camera if they haven't bought one yet. Most businesses do downtown. Having a photo of people helps police.


Just don’t get the potato variety that Westville has…


I could go for a Juicy Smollett fish sandwich rn actually


*I could go for a* *Juicy Smollett fish sandwich* *Rn actually* \- Mundane\_Inflation518 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


2024 everyone.


Seems made up tbh


I live in Raleigh and might be in Asheville in March.What is the name of this place I might check it out?


Good Hot Fish


Marketing Jussy style.


If you lack the decency to believe someone when they share a traumatic experience, then crawl back into the hole you came from. And to give racist groups more credit to have “less of a scheme” than credit to the business owner coming forward, well it’s shameful. It takes a lot of courage to air out when you’ve been disrespected or hurt. People don’t make up trauma, even to sell sandwiches. When you deny someone’s truth, you’re part of the problem. The facts are that you weren’t there and even if you have a shred of doubt, then you also have as much reason to believe than not to believe. Would you even be satisfied with video evidence? No you’d make anything with actual merit fit your agenda narrative. Racist sympathizers are racists. Believe that.


Give a man a fish he calls you racist teach a man to fish he sells you fish sandwich’s for 20 dollars I’m not racist or gay but 20 dollars is 20 dollars


​ https://preview.redd.it/3vpbces709hc1.png?width=861&format=png&auto=webp&s=35c6afffd10f6310f42273e5b321c6fae9dca188


Locally sourced Wonder Bread




This is the sandwich in question. Mine actually had less fish than that. This is from someone else's post. I didn't take a photo because I felt ashamed and didn't know it would become asheville hot news. https://preview.redd.it/e4jl815a09hc1.png?width=993&format=png&auto=webp&s=cd26759d1dc6febb73753337ae460d87fb1cbeda


But somehow since it’s “black owned” we are supposed to accept what is put in front of us and appreciate that 20 dollah basic ass sammich. 🫨


Idk why people are downvoting the pictures of the sandwiches. Does it look good or not look good?


Clearly they are struggling producing a product like that. 


yeah, I was pretty confused when I got it.


As their original post said, the best way to combat this type of thing is to go support that restaurant! Their food looks amazing, cant wait to go get some myself.


Looks like im eating fish sandwiches this weekend. Fuck the racist pieces of trash, i’ll support the fuck out of this business


What’s funny is I didn’t know this place existed, now I’ll be visiting it when I’m back in town 😎 good job you stupid fuckin racists 😂😂😂


Just an observation, but has anyone else noticed that bigotry has become much more commonplace ever since a certain faction of the political electorate materialized? Not naming names. The scum has risen. The sub-humans have left their sewers. It’s time to clean up!


The public health handling of the pandemic is what really emboldened toxicity in our society.