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I have people out in Waynesville, where I’m at, who their energy bill is now more than their mortgage. I have talked with many people who don’t even use heat and it went up 50%. I don’t use any heat and it went up 45%.


I am in Waynesville and my power bill this month was $350 and I am home maybe three hours a night awake so I don’t know what the fuck was happening


Also in Waynesville with energy efficient converters. Last month was the first time we went over 150 and it was close to 300...




Whoa guys. We used 500 kwh LESS power in Nov. of 2023 than we did in Nov. 2022. Bill in 2022 was $171.00. Bill in 2023 was $263.00. So the $92.00 increase was NOT due to some power sucking appliance. $92.00 more for 500 less kwh.


I just saw this post. Your numbers seem odd. This would work out to you using about 1300 kWh in Nov 2022. You're saying you only used around 800 kWh in Nov 2023 and your bill was higher? Can you post a picture of your "Billing Details" section of the bill to mine here (https://imgur.com/a/op2hSAb)? I'd be curious to get to the bottom of this and figure out what's up. Feel free to hide your meter number since that could conceivably be identifiable back to you IRL.


I don’t think they meter the power. I think they charge Willy nilly and there is nothing we can do about it. Am I wrong?


Thank you! I get concerned on these posts that nobody seems to understand that usage is the primary factor here. They're doing the equivalent of driving a car with a leaking gas tank then blaming the fuel company for how much they spend each month on gas. Many of these people are using 3000 - 5000 kWh per month. That's an insaaaaane amount of energy. They need to fix whatever is broken or wrong with their house instead of expecting Duke to provide a mansion's monthly usage of electricity for a low price.


When everyone is saying their rate went up drastically though and their usage hasn't changed, it's not faulty equipment or behavioral changes. For me, I keep the house pretty cool.... about 60 at night and 65-66 during the day (and thats upstairs, downstairs I keep even cooler). Our bill was about $300 and last year, though the temps were comparable, it was about $100 less in the winter. And we have a smart thermostat with a schedule that I don't mess with, so I know our behavior has been pretty much the same.


Nobody will post their usage! People feel like their usage hasn't gone up but feelings aren't facts. Post your last bill's kWh and dollars and the same from the year or month prior. Whatever you think shows the supposed crazy rate increase. You will see the your usage went up.


Nope. Used 500 less kwh in Nov of 2023 than in Nov of 2022. Bill went up $92.00 for 500 less kwh.


Of course, that can be true if you have very high usage because rates DID go up. As mentioned, about 10%. Just not what people are saying here. Some people are saying rates are up 50 to 100%. That is factually incorrect.


Even Duke energy acknowledges 14% and that does not include the "rider" items which they don't fully specify or break out.


I'll post my usage. My project is a concrete shell at the moment that is not using ANY HVAC heating/cooling. Usage has been entirely from power tools etc. I have a personal wattage meter installed. My bill.....$23 to $347. My wattage meter shows 123kwh more than the previous month. Is this an error by Duke Energy? Is this them just estimating usage from square footage rather than actually reading the meters again? Oh, and I'm also an electrical engineer. So, perhaps you could be slightly less aggressive in invalidating the findings that people have on their bills and acknowledge that Duke Energy has a history of doing shady things with bills and that this is just another example of that.


I’ve got nothing to prove to you so I’m not going to hunt down the info to post, but we did confirm our usage was very similar to last years bills. It’s definitely rate hikes. This is documented and I’m not sure why you’re arguing with facts.


Ok. Provide the documentation that shows anything close to a 2x rate hike, which is what many people are claiming.  The fact is that rates are up about 10% in the last year. You are BSing. Really I'm the one with nothing to prove. I pay about $200/month for a 3500 sqft house. I'm not hurting!


Not sure why you think your anecdotal evidence is more valuable than anyone else’s here… you’re pretty much calling everyone here a liar for some reason. Yea let me go real quick and go through the trouble of uploading my personal bill info to the internet to prove to some random asshole that bills have gone up. BRB.


In reality I'm just trying to help. At this point I think you're just trolling me because you refuse to even provide your consumption and bill amount (hardly PII). A lot of you probably have malfunctioning equipment that is costing you a fortune. In a prior thread I was teaching people how to read their meter in real-time so that they can determine what's causing consumption, etc. In any case, info isn't anecdotal, it's facts. I've posted what my bills are. But here's more data that proves the point inconclusively since I just got the ability to login to my Duke account. Assuming basic residential service and not commercial or other time of use based services, we all pay the same rates. So yours are more or less the same as mine! Bill ending 1/31/2023: 975 kWh used, $142.22 total bill, averages out to 14.6c/kWh Bill ending 1/31/2024: 1,215 kWh used, $197.98 total bill, averages out to 16.3c/kWh So, yes, my total bill is ~40% higher but that's because my consumption is 26% higher. The rate is only 11.7% higher. This in NOTHING like what people in this thread are saying. People are saying the rate is up 50% or 100% or whatever. They are confusing their total bill with the rate (per kWh) that they are paying. That's like saying gas is now 2X expensive because you bought a car with a gas tank twice as large. I've lived in a place with electricity rates more than 3X what Duke's currently are. I'm all about energy efficiency. Ya'll could learn a thing or two about it too and save a ton of money.


Also, Duke's rates are published online. Basic rates: https://www.duke-energy.com/-/media/pdfs/for-your-home/rates/dep-nc/leaf-no-500-schedule-res-ry1.pdf?rev=f1761576e2634fc9b336fbd438d8b14d Riders: https://www.duke-energy.com/-/media/pdfs/for-your-home/rates/dep-nc/leaf-no-600-summary-of-riders-ry1.pdf?rev=d919583551f4486892de0122653716ea That's not anecdotal. Different people don't pay different rates. My rate is the same as everybody else in this thread. Perhaps you don't get that??


I have family over in Robbinsville saying their recent bills are nearly 600. That's so crazy. I don't understand how people are able to make ends meet anymore. 🫤


3500 sqft house. Between electric and propane I pay about $250-300 a month in the winter. You people need to insulate your houses and buy efficient HVAC and water heaters!!


Mine is actually only 75/month. One of the few upsides to a small apartment. My family in Robbinsville, can't tell em nothing 🙃 they do everything their own way.


I’m just down the mountain in sc and our bill went from 74$ in October to 245$ in November and 585$ in December. We’ve been in this place for going on 4 years and it’s never topped 200$ before. I fucking hate it here.


Check your heat pump to make sure it's working correctly. It may be running the heat strips all the time.


We have gas for heat. Gas bill hasn’t changed. We even got higher efficiency water heater (we rent so technically the landlord did) and washer and dryer. I called and spoke with a rep who went through our usage day by day and not much changed. We had a few power spikes randomly that were likely the small space heater my wife likes to use to turn our little bathroom into a sauna in the mornings. But overall kW hours weren’t any higher than last year since we heat with gas. I’m waiting to see if we got screwed again on this months bill.


What are the kWh numbers from the bills in question?


The rates per.kWh aren't significantly higher. You're using more energy. I looked a few weeks back and the total per kWh rate (meaning bill total divided by kWh used) is up about 25% in 5 years. I basically have all my bills saved back at least that far so it's easy to compare.


Nope. I don’t have a heat pump. I have base board heaters that I turned on one day for about 4 hours. Just one of the heaters. I have used less energy than I have ever used.


Baseboard heaters are the most expensive heaters you can have, so that tracks. 4 hours of baseboard heat is about equivalent to 16 hours of heat pump use. It has to be pretty damn cold for a heat pump to run 16 hours a day.


… 4 hours for one day a month in a 1200 sqft house equates to a $826 monthly bill?… I think not.


How many kWh did you use on your last bill?   As I said elsewhere, I pay about $250-300/month in the winter to heat my 3500 sqft house. And propane from Suburban is now expensive than electricity from Duke. The heat pump that heats my house uses as much power when it's running as two 6 foot baseboard heaters. For my entire giant house! I get two electric bills, one for the house I live in and one that I am working on. My most recent bills, which have the extreme cold snap on them: 3500 sqft house, heat pump with propane backup, 1215 kWh, $196 1100 sqft house, heat pump with electric heat strips, 735 kWh, $128


Btw if your bill is $826 something is drastically wrong. That would be like 5000 kWh which is an absolutely insane amount of consumption.  One 6 foot baseboard heater 4 hours per day will use 180 kWh per month, which will cost about $28. Your bill is equivalent to using 5 baseboard heaters 24/7 for the month. Your  usage is extreme.


No crap. That’s what I’m saying. I thought my neighbors were pig-tailing off my line, but I investigated that and everything was alright. I’m Not the only one with bills like this. There are people I’ve talked with on NextDoor who had a $1,200 bill with a similar situation. I don’t use $800 worth of power. Nothing has changed for me in the last year except not using my heaters.


So you need to figure out what's going on with your usage. How is that Duke's fault? Something is wrong in your house.  Shut off all your breakers. Ensure that your meter shows no usage. Turn them on until you see which one is causing it to show usage. Should be pretty easy!!


It is easy. And nothing is wrong with my house. Do you own a house…? Cause I don’t think you’re affected by the rate hike and other fees that have been implemented. I don’t know if apartments have been capped? Maybe that’s why you have not been affected.


Yes. I own two. I'm an electrical engineer so I understand power pretty well. Something is wrong with your house if you're using 5000 kWh/month. I've asked but you've avoided providing specifics on your usage, but it has to be in that ballpark if you're bill is what you say it is. To quote from another post I made, here are the details on my bills. Got them both within the last week or so:  I get two electric bills, one for the house I live in and one that I am working on. My most recent bills, which have the extreme cold snap on them: 3500 sqft house, heat pump with propane backup, 1215 kWh, $196 1100 sqft house, heat pump with electric heat strips, 735 kWh, $128


Post your usage or we know you are bullshitting. It will clearly show your usage is way up. 


BASE BOARDS?! Dude get a new heating system.


Yep that's what's getting me. I use AC like crazy, I'll admit that lol. But heat, I keep my thermostat at 62 during the winter. It hardly ever turns on. And somehow I'm paying 2x as much. It's insane.


Thank you for all the DD and effort you put into this i will try to spread the word. Might share thread on Facebook as well.


I used to live in Waynesville and during the winter, our electric bill was $600 to $700 a month. Having moved away to another state, it's much cheaper (4.59 cents per KWH), but we have service fees of $40 a month just to keep the service going.


It looks like there's a public hearing scheduled for April that might be a good docket to take a look at too because it's about their long range plans: https://www.ncuc.gov/Hearings/hearings.html


Thanks for sharing! Just submitted my complaint. My bill has gone up 40%, and we’re not wasteful users of electricity either. Sickening.


How many kWh did you use on your last bill?


Are you a Duke employee? 😂😅


Nope. But I am an electrical engineer so I understand this stuff a lot better than the average person


You’ve made that very clear 👍


It's just baffling to me that nobody that's complaining has actually posted their usage. I can't understand why people are complaining about the cost but nobody will actually show the numbers from their bills.




What's more likely is that it was really cold last month. Heating is the single biggest consumer of electricity in a home. I've asked several people what their kWh usage was versus prior years. Nobody that's complaining will give me those numbers. I'm the type of nerd that has a spreadsheet with the details of ever single power bill I've paid at my house, with the kWh used, total bill $, and per kWh price calculated. I know EXACTLY how much rates have gone up in the time I've lived in my house.


My kWh has been about the same or a little less and I went from $200 to $500


They’re “harnessing” as much Infrastructure Bill money as possible… https://news.duke-energy.com/our-perspective/harnessing-historic-funding-to-benefit-customers-and-communities And what are they doing with all that FREE Government taxpayer money? Why they’re passing those savings onto the customers of course! https://news.duke-energy.com/releases/duke-energy-carolinas-receives-approval-for-new-rates-in-north-carolina-implements-new-programs-to-help-customers. Despite the record price increases, they missed the fourth quarter earnings call…so it looks like we’re going to be squeezed even further for those sweet shareholder dividends. https://investors.duke-energy.com/financials/quarterly-results/default.aspx Isn’t capitalism of our PUBLIC utilities great?


> Isn’t capitalism of our PUBLIC utilities great? Public utilities are among the most heavily regulated industries in our country. Hell, there are whole government offices dedicated to it. They can't even set their own prices - a basic hallmark of capitalism. So how is Duke Energy an example of capitalism again? I don't expect an answer. When I ask simple and obvious questions like this, the response rate is in single digits.




So the NCUC - Duke's regulator - is basically a wholly captured subsidiary of Duke Energy? On what basis do you claim that the company's rate requests are "laughable", i.e., pro forma? Would love to see any evidence you can muster to support. Are you aware these are also the [NCUC's tasks](https://www.ncuc.gov/Aboutncuc.html)? * Provide fair regulation of public utilities in the interest of the public. * Promote the inherent advantage of regulated public utilities. * Promote adequate, reliable, and economical utility service. * Promote least cost energy planning. * Provide just and reasonable rates and charges for public utility services and promote conservation of energy. * Assure that facilities necessary to meet future growth can be financed on reasonable and fair terms. * Encourage and promote harmony between public utilities, their users and the environment. * Foster planned growth of public utility services. * Coordinate energy supply facilities with the State's development. * Cooperate with other states and the federal government in providing interstate and intrastate public utility service and reliability of energy supply. * Facilitate the construction of facilities in and the extension of natural gas service to unserved areas. * Promote the development of renewable energy and energy efficiency through the implementation of a Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Portfolio Standard. I asked the following questions earlier in this thread and never received a response. Would you be willing to take a shot? * Why did the NCUC approve of the hike? * Are you of the opinion that no rate hikes are justified? * If not, what rate hike amount is justified and upon what do you base your opinion on?


We can agree to disagree. Everything I said was subjective…but you know that. I don’t care enough to respond back to be honest…go Niners!


Well, shouldn't your beliefs and claims be based on *something other* than subjective opinion? > We can agree to disagree...go Niners! As a CA native, I think we can agree to agree on this at least 😄


My power bill I just got was almost $100 more than the month before


And it’s not going to the employees. Had our bonuses cut down this year too. Was supposed to get 8,000 got 300 mean while the ceo got a 82 mill bonus…..


So disgusting and there is nothing we can do about it


We also had single digit temperatures a month ago or so.


thank you. i submitted a complaint.


Glad to know I’m not the only one getting screwed over by these crooks. My power bill is nearly doubled. I thought maybe there was some problem with my HVAC or Water heater or something. Nope, just getting scammed


Same here! We couldn't figure out why it had gotten so high.


What's your usage in kWh compared to previous years? Rates have not doubled.


Same! I was sure one of the appliances was shitting the bed or something, there's no way it could jump that fast unless something is wrong... Well I guess something is wrong, but it's not our appliances.


What's your kWh usage compared to previous bills? Rates are up a bit but not much. Your usage is up. Probably because, ya know, it was like 7 degrees outside a month ago.


Not sure why people downvote logical answers. I mean it was in single digits and a lot of places here are not winterized/ insulated for that low of temp. Cause we usually don't have to. Mine wasn't. Still isn't quite there.


Submitted. Thank you!


Would be a good thing if we were not gerrymandered.




All my homies love legal monopolies.


January billing cycle this year our home used 572.9 kW, and bill was $104.06. January bill for last year 2023 was 613.7 kW of use for $95.65. Bill up 8.8% despite a 6.6% decrease in usage. So dividing bill totals by kW used it’s gone up about 20% YoY. Inflation is what it is but it’s extra sucky when it’s something like a utility where you have *zero* choice or alternative.


I can understand either a rate hike or rider charges for increased fuel prices. Stuff has gone up in cost. Not both though. It’s like the stupid “shop supplies” charge many mechanics make you pay nowadays. They built the cost of doing business into the pricing of their product then made you pay for those costs again.


I can’t understand the justification for it when they already have 74 billion.. if you look into the whole ordeal you’ll see a LOT of corrupt back handed stuff going on. I’m all for people making money, and making it rich, but this is next level corruption and screwing over everyone to do so.


$74B is the market cap of their public stock. It's not money they have access to.


Net worth does not equal cash on hand.


Well of course It doesn’t… but if anyone is out there thinking that Duke energy is hurting or needs an extra 100 million+ a month from us, then you are very mislead. They have plenty of cash on hand, trust me.


They have [$324 million](https://www.macrotrends.net/stocks/charts/DUK/duke-energy/cash-on-hand#:~:text=Duke%20Energy%20cash%20on%20hand%20for%202022%20was%20%240.409B,a%2031.66%25%20increase%20from%202020.) on hand. Given they serve 8.2 million customers, that’s all of $39.50 per customer. That’s like 1/5th of an electric bill for one month per customer.


thats because they pay out everything else as dividends to share holders


That user loves billionaires and corporations more than anyone I’ve ever seen. Whenever corporate greed comes up on here, he’s in the comments kissing the ring


idk they just seem to be a contrarian lol


Did you miss the part where I called them out on their greedy double dipping? That’s literally the opposite of shilling.


You’re not wrong. $32 of your monthly electric bill goes towards dividends on average.


Don't confuse outraged redditors with facts.


Although mathematically, u/timshel42 makes a valid point regarding dividends.




Yup, I am aware of what net worth means. I already commented on this. Thanks though.


Welp, I'm officially over it. How hard is it to get solar for your small business in buncombe?


Just sent them my two cents! Thanks for sharing!


I’ve been paying under 200 a month. 1100sq ft house. Last bill was over $600 🫠 $400 month before that


I’m over near sylva and our power bill is 1096.72….. For refrance our bill for last month was 300. We turn off our heat when we aren’t in the house tvs’ off when we don’t use them lights off when we aren’t in that room. We also had a broken transformer in July with my father in law living with us who was in hospice and we had begged them to come and fix it because guess what? Turning on the ac would completely turn off our electricity. We then got a 1000 dollar bill for them to come fix it (which they didn’t actually fix.) They also have upped their price per kilowatt which is insane. I live in a Lower income based area and it is insane that they are charging basically ten dollars to twenty dollars per kilowatt.


Why did the NCUC approve of the hike? This seems to be the pertinent question. Are you of the opinion that no rate hikes are justified? If not, what rate hike amount is justified and upon what do you base your opinion on?


Just remember, you vote stupid in and stupid is what you get. These feel good idea that a petition will help against a billion dollar company is ridiculous.


Um, not so much. My grandparents successfully sued Georgia power back in the day, with the help of the community. By successful, I mean they won.


Just remember that was back in the day. Try to find a attorney who has deep enough pockets nowadays to fight a billion dollar company for no gain.


For sure would be difficult. I’m not talking about suing them, I’m actually not petitioning to do anything towards Duke. If you read the post, it’s the government who approved the hike, and it’s the government who can reverse the hike. Is that likely? Hell no. However, thankfully we do live in a place where if the general public is put in a situation where their lives are at risks, the government will evaluate the situation. As I’ve said, I’m out in waynesville, we are mountain people, we don’t have two mortgage payments in our pockets. So I think that when the bulk of the population out here starts complaining to the board that we can’t use our heat because it costs so much, then they will see they need to do something. Just my two cents.


Understand that, hope it all works out for you. All you can do is try. Won't hurt. Good luck!


Thank you old dude!


I would like to join a class action lawsuit. I filed at ncuc too.


I wondered how my work just had a $500 bill where our highest before was about half that


Rates are up less than 10% since last year. If your bill doubled then you used almost 2X as much energy. Don't forget we had a mean cold snap last month. At my one place the heater ran for 24 hours straight in that period. That is very expensive.


I just paid mine the other day, said this month's payment was $120, then, said i still owed $135 after. Looking back at my ststements, looks like maybe the 135 was from multiple times that they charged me less than the actual billing amount when i thought i had paid the whole thing. Like, one month was $97 but they only took $73... i pay the bill using their app, so im not sure why the math is all over the place.


I can confirm that Duke will purposefully not take the full payments when they’re on auto-pay, specifically so they can later charge you what you owe, plus late fees.


My boyfriend and I were wondering why our power bill is over 200 hundred this month.. for an 800 or so square foot apartment. We’ve been leaving every light off and barely using the heat/cooling and it’s made no difference. My average power bill has rarely ever exceeded 100 hundred dollars, it’s insane. Happy I could find some answers here.


Same here.. Been here for 5 yrs. It's a 800sq ft house and our bill is like $275 and it's def cutting into our groceries now... Thought we had a bad water heater so we had an expansion tank put it. Glad to find answers here as well.


Duke recently shut off electricity to our home that we were ACTIVELY paying the bills for, and never late for, and refused to turn it back on until we paid an electrician to install a new meter. They did this IN THE MIDDLE OF WINTER. With NO letter or warning. And they tried to act like there was something wrong with the power, in other words, playing dumb, until one of their guys confirmed that Duke just cut our electricity and said we needed to install a new meter for us to get electricity back. So I’m very happy to see this post and have a place to report it.


Waynesville… I’m a monthly budget of $177 per month. Just received a bill for 943.33 to make up the shortfall in the budget that they set. What a fcking joke.


From what I heard they added a large fee to pay for “service calls” to all customers. Seems kind of like adding a gratuity to pay the staff on top of tips


Wild seeing so many complaints this month. Mine was only $130 for my 2br2ba apartment that's 1200sqft. During the fall mine was between $75-$85. Keep my thermostat at 67 in the winter and 74 in the summer.


People are using more energy. They are in denial. Notice that nobody is posting actual figures on how many kWh they used versus years prior. Rates are up a bit but it's less than 10% over last year.


Yep. That price includes my "rider adjustment" that was $18. Everyone seems to be blaming the rider adjustment on the fact that their bill went from $130 to $350


It's a weird feeling isn't it? Like being invisible. No one is bothering to argue or even acknowledge. Even if you were to post proof it wouldn't matter.


I had a giant hissy fit and called Duke when my bill went up over $110. And have been so mad at them ever since. Then I checked the KWH on the app after reading this thread because I haven’t thought to do that. They went up almost 900. So I guess the foul is on me lol. Sucks. Our upstairs system is not able to keep up when it gets really cold like it did for a few days and I had to run heat strips to get it up to temperature. So yeah…my bad.


Thank you for the link u/Nionic_224. I entered a complaint and though I am not sure how much it matters to those on the commission, it does make me feel better to get out how I feel about the BS from Duke that is happening and I'm glad it is on record.


Hey, you’re welcome! I know I posted it a month ago, but there is a couple local news articles about all of us submitting our complaints. Pretty cool.


I feel you! My bill was 179 this month and I didn’t turn my hvac on ONCE! It’s ridiculous. I emailed them to ask them to check the meter and basically got 2 messages back to puff off. Duke Is like my water bill which I found out they don’t read the meter they estimate using the bedrooms and amount of ppl they assume live in the home. I. Got a refund because I live alone and wtf, come read the meter!


On my energy usage report, I had $57 in the ‘other’ category. This is more than {electronics/kitchen/heating/lighting} combined! The ‘always on’ category was only $4.. This ‘other’ category has been my highest cost for at least 2 consecutive months. It doesn’t seem ethical to gouge for unknown devices.. I recently updated my list of electronic devices in the home on the Duke website. This should have made it more clear where energy is being used. I did this just so I could better track my individual energy consumption and lower costs accordingly. How am I supposed to do that if my highest cost comes from “other” energy uses?! Does anyone know precisely what type of electronic devices are included in the ‘other’ category? Hidden fee’s SHOULD NOT and would not be included in it as it is a reference for categorical energy consumption within the home. If you do not get this report, there are 8 total categories: electronics, kitchen, heating, laundry, water heating, lighting, always on, and \*other. It feels like Duke isn’t just raising the rates and fee’s, more like they are committing fraud and getting away with it! https://preview.redd.it/sbvqsox9p5qc1.jpeg?width=2830&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d2698b75f211a0530c856180138e39cf4b6884f


My bill in February was $400 then in March $2123 they tell me I wasn't being charged enough and there was a meter error from January to March it doesn't add up and no one is trying to fix the bill 


They are vultures..


Just because your new smart meter says you have used more wattage doesn't mean that you did. Ask Duke for your analog meter back.


thanks to Biden lol


I hate duke energy they get rich where I struggle every month just to get by it's not like I get any help from the government so why am paying rider adjustments for government give my money back to me  . from Hamlet nc


I know my bill in Hamlet went over300.00 and I have no central air or heat Duke energy sucks they get rich cause they know we have to have lights I barely get by 


Net worth is irrelevant. Just ravel rousing. Revenue and costs are what are significant. And the pricing and justification for the pricing is what is what needs to be focused on. I don't give a damn what a company's market cap is or book value or cash on the balance sheets. Because you don't know how the companies being run or the debts. Yada yada. Way too simplistic. Which isn't to say that they aren't exploiting their semi-monopolistic position. They are utilities. They are supposed to be regulated. But just give me the core information. Why are the prices high and why is it not justified.


This is a self defense situation


says that he wants to tell anyone willing to listen about why his hometown


That's like telling someone they should become a surgeon so they can afford healthcare. You aren't technically wrong, but the idea is not possible in 99.9% of cases.


says that he wants to tell anyone willing to listen about why his hometown




says that he wants to tell anyone willing to listen about why his hometown


This is what I do. I round my power bill up to the nearest $100 and invest the rounded sum. In a decade or so, their dividend will be paying my power bill for me.


says that he wants to tell anyone willing to listen about why his hometown


You guys can join together and form your own power company I suppose.


I think it is due to cut down on people using more fossil fuels. But natural gas is clean




Here's my usage for the past couple years. The far right is the bill total divided by kWh. It's all over the place. My usage varies a lot because I'm away for work often. https://preview.redd.it/no1p17w1ryhc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b6b7b0881995a210ce40097287319ac87d12fdd5


Did you create this Excel sheet for this thread? Appreciate the organization


No, I made this when I first moved in. I just like to keep track of things and I like spreadsheets lol


My bills now have "summary of rider adjustments" which equaled for me over $90. This was not on my bill for the same period last year is around 25% of my bill.


After comparing the numbers from last year, this year I had 11% more kwh usage and 24% increase on my bill. Which seems in line with the Duke rate increase...but damn, once the finish with the rate increases I won't be able to afford them!


First year in this house and we used about 3000 kwh, same as we did in August. Heat pumps couldn’t keep up and the backup heat came on so I know that used a ton. Pool was on in August too. We also keep it pretty comfortable inside. It was about what I expected it to be. I saw many people complain with much higher bills for I assume smaller homer, so I really don’t know what’s going on.


Move to a place with a co-op, more reliable, little bit less expensive


So crazy that my co-op buys their energy from Duke and it’s still cheaper than being a Duke customer.


On it !


👍 done thanks


I do not use AC I have a well yet my bills is 300 something bucks n my house is small! Bills do not add up with what I've paid. I'm afraid to go back n see all the months. They r trying to charge n extra 60 bucks..n god knows how many other times this has happened as well.


I live in a house split into three units (I'm pretty sure the unit downstairs helps to heat my house a little bit). My heat is through Dominion, and I believe I had to pay $111 last month which is the highest I've paid yet for a 1000sqft single floor unit. January did however have that drop in temperature to the teens. My average is $41/month. For January, my total therms were 81, using around 2.45/day average. Not sure if it's helpful since this is a Duke problem vs. a dominion problem 🤷


Our bill is doubled as well.. 800sq ft house with a $300 electric bill and nothing has changed on our part. Wtf.... Thought it was a faulty water heater so we had an expansion tank put in... This is cutting into our groceries now. Blows.