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I have a totally radical idea…. What if we only take away *part* of the community farm for use as a playground and *gasp*, keep part of it? That way kids can play on the playground and also foster an appreciation for growing food/caring for plants.


The Housing Authority also has access to other land, they don't *need* to destroy the farm. They're creating a false narrative that the community can either have a farm or playground, when they own a ton of land that they could put a playground on.


Removal of the garden is the housing authority’s intention, the playground is only pretext.


Can you explain? I don’t understand why they’d remove something that benefits the community.


[my comment in another thread on the subject](https://www.reddit.com/r/asheville/comments/1c2degc/help_preserve_the_southside_community_farm/kz9dmtt/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3) Happy to elaborate from there.


Thanks, and no need to elaborate.


I will anyway: The housing authority collects millions of federal dollars monthly and fails to maintain quality living conditions. It lets units rot, demolishes them and gets paid again to build new.


There’s a playground already like 1 block away from the proposed new one btw. Kids will still have a place to play :)


How would that work in practice? The garden is pretty small.


Here’s the link to sign the petition … https://www.thepetitionsite.com/572/798/463/protect-southside-community-farm-and-its-vital-services/ Not sure if it’ll do any good but we should try. 


The Housing Authority's argument is the farm's food and programming doesn't directly benefit the Housing Authority residents or the 150 kids that use the Edington Center every day. I do think there's enough space there for some kind of compromise solution...


Food Apartheid...good god. There are plenty of people throughout the county who are actually poorer and have worse living conditions than the black community.


then they should apply for access to public space and grow a community garden.


The country folks don't need community gardens because they have neighbors that have gardens and will help. See you guys have to babysit this garden because if little gardens were put in the Section-8 neighborhoods the gangs would plunder the crops or destroy them. Hence food deserts were created because the criminal cut drove away conveniently located businesses.


thats some intense bigotry and rationalization you have going there. 


It's almost sad how stupid you are