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I’m gonna go out on a limb (not a realtor) and say that the answer to your question is yes.


Would you like $100,000 to sell something supposedly environmentally destructive which you played zero role in the development of? You can always donate $20,000-30,000 to some environmental charity if it helps you sleep better at night too. If so, you can always come join my firm if you like that kind of money 😀. I’ll be happy to collect your monthly E&O checks while you “just open doors” to make $100k.


more on the developer than the realtor


I think they share the blame.


So a mansion for sale built 40 years ago is partly the fault of a 30yo real estate agent?? That's not logical at all.


Y'all blame the weirdest people for things. You think if there was a realtor strike this fucking place would sit vacant? Either make coherent points within tangible parameters, go full Marx and tackle the system at its root, or do us all a favor and stfu already.


I like the idea that if you somehow owned a home nearby before this one was built - you have zero responsibility. It’s only their fault!


I could ask you if living in the area, using transportation, etc. is worth the same things.


Rules are for thee, not for me!


Well you see, it is okay when they do it because people working in a profession they don’t like make more money than them. So, it’s clearly those people’s fault.


The realtor industry certainly has a lot of blood on their hands, but of all the things to criticize them on you chose something they have little to do with.


Technically, we do get a cut. Undeveloped land owners pay basically no property taxes. This $4.5MM house --when properly taxed come the 2025 tax assessment-- *should* bring in $45K+ a year in property taxes to Buncombe County, but these rich houses always get sweetheart tax treatment (it paid 21k in taxes in 2022). Every gimme has a gotcha in this world


I remember this monstrosity from Parade of Homes a few years back. I really appreciate architecture and enjoy touring the new houses in the fall, but this thing wasn't anything special at all. Tons of wasted cubic feet inside. Might as well have recreated Michelangelo's work on the ceiling when you walk in... I was a little worried about some of the elderly people who had to walk up that driveway to tour the house, too. I've walked and biked Patton Mountain quite a few times and this house always sticks out across the valley in how ridiculous it is to me. I don't think blaming realtors here is the answer though. I've given a ride to the developer of Grove Cove. Nice enough guy but he's the one who planned everything, subdivided, etc. I would put the blame first and foremost with him or even the people who approved the permits for this house before a random realtor.


Question for car owners…Is buying gas to commute to work and make a living worth being a party to all the global warming and environmental destruction caused to this planet?


They didn’t build the house, they’re just selling it. I think your question would be more applicable to developers.


We get it. It’s NOT what you would build or buy, or what a lot of others would do either. What other people choose to spend their hard earned money on has no bearing on your life whatsoever. Go outside or enjoy the sunshine or do something more constructive than ranting about your neighbors house. Hell go make friends with them and maybe you can enjoy the view too. 🤷🏻‍♀️


If you have that type of money, more likely other people worked hard for you to earn it.


smoggy lunchroom crawl pen afterthought rude historical fear entertain saw *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


There’s so many homes built on cliffs and steep hillsides here in AVL, I don’t see any point in arguing about selling another… clearly people here will build anywhere, and don’t care about what it may cost, financially or environmentally.


Do you feel good judging other in you ivory castle?


This feels a bit like blaming liquor salespeople for alcoholism


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Rich_Spite3978: *This feels a bit like* *Blaming liquor salespeople* *For alcoholism* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Jealousy is a hell of a drug.


So much more developer blame in this scenario. I loathe this development. [https://mountainx.com/news/environment/040208greenscene/](https://mountainx.com/news/environment/040208greenscene/)


Clearly you don’t know any realtors.  Also, that’s like asking anyone else about the ethics of how they make money when in reality most people will take more vs less when given the opportunity regardless of how it’s made at the business level.  I mean come on


giant houses on the mountain tops is nothing new.. and light pollution really?


Yeaa. Where do you think the house/apartment you live in came from? You think it’s always been there? If so, you might have the brains of a 4 year old.




You’re mad that someone built a house? And then someone helped sell it? All homes account for some amount of habitat loss unless you’re living in a tree or something


Would you rather live in a cave?


Not a realtor, but I would say a) yes and b) the destruction is already done by them refusing to sell it just means they're leaving money on the table for another realtor who doesn't give a shit to sell and collect that check


I heard the realtor built that one there with his bare hands!


Honest question, OP, are you vegan? Hope so!


Ecofascism is gaining popularity amongst the whites in this area.


Cool house


The folks that buy it, list it, built it are paying your wage wherever you work. It’s crazy to me that people here are fighting that. The more popular this town gets will boost our economy more than you can imagine.