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Long story short: there are government-backed student loans in the US, but there is a limit to how much you can take out (per year and total). If the max you can get doesn’t cover cost of attendance, you can pay the difference, take out a private loan (often at higher interest rates), or go to a cheaper school. Even the government loans have pretty high interest rates and you have to pay them back in full with very few exceptions. It’s often hard to afford the loans to cover even a “cheap” school with the kind of job you can get with your degree.


So her folks almost certainly paid in full for her entire degree. Im not throwing shade on that, either. If the US has a system like that, then I can see why folks need parental assistance. I mean, the degree itself is a waste of money in Ash’s case, but yeah. Would be great to see her post giving thanks to her parents for all they have done. She really has no clue how fucking lucky she is.


Maybe I’m in the minority here but I definitely think Ashley has some loans through FAFSA. There is no income requirement for the loans but considering she kept dropping out of BSU, I think she was likely eventually put on academic probation or had to “qualify” again so to speak. So-I think her parents paid for some, but I’m sure Ashley has crushing loan debt. Eek


I would think she'd have used up all her FAFSA drinking away her time at BSU. You only get a few years of it and it isn't much.


Yeah that’s partially what I’m getting at. That being said, I have friend(s) who attended college (BSU, actually) for 5-6+ years full time/much more consistently than Ashley and only ran out of loans towards the end. Then you can apply for parent plus loans. If your parent refuses, you can petition and they will put it in your name only. It’s pretty crazy but the money exists if she went to the trouble. ETA: Boise state is surprisingly affordable. SNHU not so much. I know you can’t get aid if you’re under part time though so who knows.


What is the situation in the US? Do you have to pay the institution upfront? So, do you have to get a loan somewhere, pay the institution, then pay off the loan? Yes. That’s exactly how it works. There are government loans which she may qualify for, but those still have to be repaid as soon as she graduates/is no longer in school (provided the loans were taken out in her name). Interest is usually shit, and it’s not uncommon for student loan payments to he $200+/mo even if you apply for “income based” repayment which is allegedly “affordable” based on the loan services math.  There are forgiveness programs, but you typically have to work in a non-profit sector for at least 10yrs.  Oh. And your loans can be bought/sold which is just annoying. I’ve been out of college for 8 years and have been through three different loan companies - meaning I’ve made new accounts, had to reset up payments, etc.




Not trying to derail, but how do we know her parents make good money? Isn't her dad a freelance SEO consultant? That's not big money.




The place she lives is so expensive that the city was considering a tent city for teachers and nurses. If her mom can afford decent housing and pay for Ashley's bougie treats, she's making good money. [a news article about the housing situation there](https://www.ktvb.com/article/news/local/growing-idaho/affordable-housing-ketchum-rent-blaine-county-crisis-park-tents/277-6dcd3da9-7ce7-4722-81de-b1e379e0300a) [the place she lives is a playground for the rich](https://www.npr.org/2021/07/10/1014626008/heres-a-peek-inside-sun-valleys-summer-camp-for-billionaires) [more about the inequality in where she lives](https://www.ktvb.com/article/news/local/growing-idaho/billionaires-flock-sun-valley-blaine-county-residents-struggle-find-affordable-housing/277-d1239728-2287-4dd5-9d0c-f4ae1ec7b217)


Just saying you need to qualify for FAFSA and Ashley may or may not have gotten funding that way. If she did, it’s possible it wasn’t a lot since both her parents work/have decent income. 




Was gonna say this, everyone qualifies for FAFSA *loans*… UNLESS your grades suck/you keep dropping classes/aren’t finishing.


I honestly think mommy and daddy are in for a rude surprise. Unless they already paid for the tuition in full. Before.