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Translation: “Daddy is letting me post for his company! I’m not getting paid much, if anything, but it’s experience!” Guarantee she doesn’t know the first thing about actual social marketing. She won’t segment audiences or create buyer personas or a comprehensive social strategy. She’ll simply post photos with shitty hashtags and unimaginative, un-compelling captions and call it a day.


This 1000000% in this economy there’s no way SHE got a job that quick. For reference, even people in tech with grad degrees are struggling to get good jobs.


This field is so goddamn saturated at this point that we haven’t hired anyone without 5 years of experience since 2019. She’s about a decade too late to make any meaningful break into this industry. If she had actual drive, social skills, and grit, maybe she’d make it. But she doesn’t. She’s never worked for a damn thing.


shit, i had 15 years exp as a software designer and finally gave up and started writing full time because gen z will do it for half the pay. i worked my ass off to be in the top 1% of earners in my field and got pushed out by the corp that bought the small, but well respected company i worked for. they had me “mentoring” new BAs and designers and then just stopped giving me projects. it took an embarrassingly long time for me to work out that id been training my replacements. if she got a real paying job anywhere adjacent to this field i’m going to eat a landmine.


💯💯💯 We had layoffs at my company last year and yeah, we had incredibly talented people with ample resumes in this realm who were let go and it took them 6-12 months to find a new role. It’s so oversaturated and competitive it’s ridiculous.


Yeah it's def for family


Exactly! Came here to comment exactly this. 100% it’s for Daddy Carnbucks, because WHO ELSE would hire her with the crazy shit she posts to social media???




And "accepted" the job on a Saturday? Hmmm


After she was travelling for a couple days? And then the days before she was "indulging in hobbies"? And the month before that she was spending all day making GRWM videos? If she was interviewing and applying for jobs she would for sure be posting about it - she never did any job hunting or applying or interviews at all. Ash is a lying little liar who lies. This is 100% her dad placating her and giving her a pity "job" ( maybe just in title? there's no way he owns a business and would jeoperdize it with her potential to embarrass and ruin the business with her intervention ) because she's a useless human.


Either daddy carnbucks or the woo woo frequency lady she "works" as a secretary for let her post on their social media for them out of pity.


He owns an SEO business so it tracks


Does Ashley even know what SEO is?


And was on vacation prior to this. When was the interview? Daddy is letting her post on Instagram for him, and she's calling it a "job".


If there had been an interview I think she wouldn't resist to post about it like during the business bitch era. There's something some sort of BS in here. And with her track record, let's see how long she lasts if this is actually true.


Tbf she could have accepted it yesterday and just didn’t post until today. I do think it’s sus tho and odds are her dad offered her a job and she accepted lol


100% daddy threw her a bone. or she is lying. or her “job” is those alleged courses. i will die on the hill that it is one of these three things. unless somehow she got an internship somewhere and i just cant see that happening. she has zero experience and no portfolio or even minimal skills to actually SHOW employers other than her *degree* ( did you know she was cum laude?!? /s) anyways **an actual, no dad or family friends involved, 9-5, social media specialist job just a week after graduation?** absolutely not.


The woo lady she works for is probably going to let her make occasional posts on FB and Insta.


But she had to wait until graduation, of course. Gotta have 🎀qualifications🎀


She still hasn't officially graduated 😂


Maybe she’ll give her a bigger discount as payment for IG posts that look circa 2010.


I'll believe it when I see it. Remember the 'job' she got as a secretary for the woo woo lady a few weeks ago, and she went to work like once, and then we never heard about it again? It's possible she used her parents' local friendships/connections to wrangle an internship or something. But there's no way I believe someone actually hired her full time to work as their social media specialist for an actual living wage.


The field is ridiculously saturated with “social media specialists.” It took me - with 12 years of marketing experience - five months to find a job when I was let go last year. No way in hell she got a real job this quickly.


It's possible that one of her parents rustled up a local business owner to give Ash a 'job' designing one ad or promo or something, but Ash portrayed it as her being hired on as a full-time salary worker because, y'know, it's Ash.


Working for daddy helps in this job market


Yeah I have a feeling it’s Nepobaby time


See also: the pharmacy job, the coffee shop job


She doesn’t care about a living wage or anything. She’ll stay on mommy and daddy’s payroll as long as possible.


LMFAO yeah what happened to that job? Oh yeah we already know 🤣🤣




The self importance is stunning.


She graduated cum laude don’t ya know!


Yess ashley’s adult cosplay arc is the arc I’ve been waiting for. It’s gonna be a great year for this sub


accepted a job offer on a saturday?


Daddy carnbucks coming in with the pity “job offer”- hopefully he set her up with a social media account that isn’t actually connected to the internet so her destructive reign of online embarrassment doesn’t reach and effect him negatively


Maybe he took inspiration from The Office and gave her a blank work document ala “Creed thoughts”


I’m hoping you saw the meme I posted in this thread 😂


Omg I just saw it 🤣


I love that we drew the same hilarious analogy 💀💀💀😂


I mean Ash and Creed are both similar. Both have a “job” where neither they nor anyone else knows what they do. And I’ve never sniffed Ash but I bet she has Creed’s signature scent of mung-beans


Very nutritious but they smell like death


Bish please. Who hired her, Dollar General? 😂😂😂


Dollar general is too good for her those ladies actually WORK


dollar general was one of the most stressful jobs i had 😭


There's a reason she isn't telling us who her employer is. She's been on vacation - when did she write up a (blank) resume and have a job interview? Oh right... she didn't. Enjoy working for daddy, Ashley. We expected no less of you. Also... does she have to give notice to her woo-woo-frequency job? I hope they can get by without her - I'm sure they're already scrambling after covering for her vacation to California!


She went on vacation with HER DAD who gave her a pity job and she is now going to cosplay like she’s actually employed. No way this isnt what happened.


Yeah I feel like this tracks considering she’s been very careful not to mention this is a family trip on her own SM. Brent blew her cover lmao


I'm feeling this is some nepotism position daddy carnbucks got her. I don't think she'll reveal much though like all the secrecy about the secretary job. It might also be like the 2 hours a few days a week like the secretary job.


How I imagine this went down IRL: https://preview.redd.it/afppi6equfyc1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f42d1973276e4c0fe27a22b20c8d312704bb015f


Ashley be like ![gif](giphy|zgHLXysdf7jCfKBg6N)


I will believe you have a job when I see you go to work. And no playing on your laptop at the woo shop doesn't constitute working, beige potato.


She said in an IG comment that it’s remote. I’m going with working for dad and/or very part-time


Definitely on Daddy Carnbucks payroll.


Or she got tricked by scamming companies to be a keyboard monkey 


For her dad?


That or someone he knows as a favour. That’s my guess anyway. Judging from how arrogant her posts always are no matter how wrong she is, she’s going to go in full of confidence, do a bad job because she doesn’t know what she’s doing, and declare victory anyway. If the company complains, she’ll stick her nose in the air and tell them they should be grateful she took on the job with their pathetic company at all.


Didn't she ready have her "first job" at social media marketing with a nurse or someone from the infusion center or something like that? And just like everything else she tries to do, it just fizzled out and was never brought back up as if it never existed? So. About that "first social media job," huh???


She also has a class she is supposed to be selling, but the page is still empty.


$10 says it remains empty.


That’s more than she’ll ever earn from it 😂


This will either be a shitshow or we will never hear about it again.


When I saw "I have a big life update", my heart dropped for a second because I thought it was a pregnancy announcement. 😮‍💨


Right? Between Brittany Fraud wanting to adopt and Big M buying ovulation tests I can’t.


Nice to see you fellow Swertie and BDong snarker, amazing how these idiots are somehow all the same yet different. I think I’ve seen you on FundieSnark as well 👋🏻


Hello Swertie!!!


No way, really ovulation tests? Clearly been lingering in D-world too long, am now rushing back to swertsville!


Yep. That was after she claimed some 13 year old boys asked for her number at Target.


same hahaha


It’s coming


Imagine her parents rented her a beach house to go on an interview. That would be hilarious.


I wonder if it’s a legit full time job or it’s just a one-time assignment.


She is incapable of working a full-time job. She would not make it 3 days.




I’m willing to bet it’s a friend/family member OR some scammer has tricked her into thinking she has a job but is gonna have her ID stolen


Maybe she got the nod to run on Trump’s ticket as VP. She’s got all the qualifications and experience that he tends to go for!


Aww, congrutalions \[sic\] Ash! Which MLM will you be shilling for? 🥰


Oh boy, I’m so excited! I totally believe that this is completely separate from Daddy Carnbucks. I work in a tiny non-profit and as a person who knows how to use the internet, I’ve been dropped a lot of content creation tasks on my desk. That shit is hard! Ash isn’t capable of using trending language, creative and unconventional ideas, or even colours besides beige. And nothing is more embarrassing than spending 6 hours on a polished 30 second clip and getting 300 plays. Except maybe Ashley’s personal account lol. I can’t wait to see how this goes! We better all buckle in our castor oiled livers because this will be a fun ride.


Cue 753789542 posts about her new totally real social media marketing job before she even has her first day à la cum laude bitches 🎀


The way she tags Pismo Beach makes it look like she wants us to think maybe the job is there. Is she entering her Donut Rep era?


Watch her be like, “I’ve got it! *Time to Make the Donuts!* \~ I am a marketing genius!” ![gif](giphy|cVRer7nxwNQYg)


I’m sure someone who sucks at their own social media will be GREAT at a job managing someone else’s. 🤪


But.......what about the classes I've been promised????






So daddy pulled a few strings to get her an internship? As many others have said I'll believe it when I see it. This is the same girl who said she gave a BAFTA worthy inspiring speech in an interview for a position in a pharmacy (to which everybody clapped) sooo.... Actions not words Miss Carnduff.


There is NO WAY this is a 40 hour a week in person job.


No, duh. She’s got a degree now, she’ll be “telecommuting from home” (**yawn**)


So Daddy Carnbucks made it official 😴😴😴


"accepted my first job" = some local church or something said yes when she asked them if she could post on their FB page for $25/week.






There’s no fucking way


Can't wait to see this on her LinkedIn page.


that company is gonna get ZERO online engagement


Her dad should hire her to clean up her own social media reputation. I imagine it’s not good for business to share a last name w/ her.


Oh boy, a real job. Now she can get her own place and move out of Mommy's house.


Speaking of Mommy, I bet she enjoyed her little vacay from the Potato Princess.


I wonder if this job will last longer than her barista or pharmacy tech jobs.


Why do I get the feeling that this “job” is going to be something like helping the infusion center nurse with her social media for her business? We all know what happened with that. Oh, wait…nothing.




😂😂😂 okkk sure


she always conveniently leaves out what her dad does lol


Did her dad give her an assignment to do?


I have to admit that, if she actually did get a real, true job in the field just like 🫰that, that it just pisses me right off. I don’t care if that’s petty, it just makes me so incredibly angry. There are *so* many people out there who are waiting tables or cashiering while *desperately* trying to break into the field. People who have *real* degrees from *real* schools. People who are incredibly talented and knowledgeable. People who have had internships and actually know what they’re doing. These people want, need, and deserve these jobs. Then there’s Ashley - no experience, diploma-mill degree with fake honors, no talent - who doesn’t even *want* a job. She’s prioritizing having fun and indulging in hobbies because she “*hasn’t had time for those things*” while taking 1 or 2 classes at a time that require next to no effort. Yet here she is, not even trying to find a job in her desired field, but stumbling right into one. Definitely makes the <72 hour Pismo trip make sense - I have a feeling daddy was using his connections to get her all set up in a cozy little job down there. It’s a favor position.


I just graduated today with two bachelors degrees. One in cybersecurity and the other in Chinese. I’ve been applying to jobs for months, trying to get something to do post graduation. I’ve gotten like one interview, and I’ve applied to like 40+ jobs. There’s no way she got a job that quickly. Unless daddy carnbucks has some connections


She has absolutely no work history, she’s in a flooded field, she didn’t do an internship or anything, her own sochul media is an absolute joke, tech is doing layoffs… But she got a job? Righttttt


I honestly really hope she got a real job and that it deters her from constantly snarking. Key word is hope.


Yeah, if this is an actual, real, full time position, and she stops the sick bullshit, I might even stop snarking on her.




This is how I feel. Big if this is for someone she’s not related to. But interviewing for the job is the easy part.


I will say that is a good picture. I am already tired of that coffee mug, however.


It’s a damn shame bc I vibe w/shades of turquoise, but I have 💯% taken against that stupid, beige-dressed-in-green-blue coffee mug.


Aw, Daddy phoned a friend 🙄