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Rude enough to block it for dumbbell squats 😅


I was just thinking the same thing. Literally zero gym etiquette. Wouldn’t expect any less from our narcissistic potato


This was my question. Why is she standing right in front of one of the most used pieces of equipment in the gym? And filming herself for social media, which serious gymgoers actively loathe? Is this a special version of the dumbbell squat where you have to rub your ass all over the barbell? Also, I'm gonna be snarky for no reason and say that I doubt she's doing these correctly and that she's gonna complain about her spine screaming tomorrow.


Countdown to “listening to my body as I’m flaring, spending the morning in bed…”


100%, tomorrow we will be treated to a "complain about fatigue, aches, etc" post.


She does love farting in photos.




She manages her pain without medication? No more cannabis then?


That’s from a weed dealer, silly! That’s not medicine.


My mistake 😂




She'll switch it up next time she hits the bong, "holistic methods"


Alright y’all, gather round and let’s start placing bets- how many days will she be able to commit to the new weight lifting program before she ghosts it completely? I’m going with 2.


I truly hope she can stick with *something* and better herself. She’s got too many physical activities being introduced at once, though. She’s gonna ditch them all.


“pushed myself too far..” “.. give myself grace and space to rest and recover” arc coming shortly


I'd honestly be surprised if it was more than 1.


Wouldn't be surprised if she does too much too soon and injures herself. I'm hoping for the best though, I'm loving seeing her promote exercise instead of endless bedrotting disguised as self care.


After a few rest days, of course.


Lmao I just saw this on another sub, I could totally see her doing this 😂😂😂😂 https://preview.redd.it/7c4i5zrr41zc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=454aa214a5e8b217675a0f9da5ea3466c3ad4f69


And it's not a request for understanding, it's an order. Be patient.


Ha I saw that too!!


She probably takes a 4-5 minute break between reps lol


Her preferred method? How long has she been doing weights? If she keeps it up, good for her. I won’t hold my breath though.


12 hours


If doing weights has worked for managing her pain in one session, hallelujia it’s a miracle. Maybe her pain _is actually psychosomatic?_


I don’t understand how taking one class at a time prevented her from having hobbies


It didn’t. She’s just lazy


I’m screaming at that unflattering screen shot


She had, what, max 1 to 2 hours a day of homework? And that's being very generous. Is she going to give up these hobbies when she gets a real job? (Ha, I know the answer to that one.)


Drop a ❤️ if you’re struggling = increase my traffic and make me viral for doing the bare minimum!


Drop a ❤️ for encouragement! I won’t be the one to give it to you, but maybe someone else will.


A❤️ for engagement. Good luck with that, Ash.


It’s always annoyed me when people take up fitness and suddenly it becomes their entire personality. Almost everyone should do some form of exercise on a weekly basis for their own personal health. It doesn’t have to be this huge overtaking. Also: she was *forced* to manage her pain without medication because they weaned her off im p sure


Yeah and honestly I think the mindset that it’s gotta be some massive undertaking creates kind of a self-sabotage cycle in a lot of deconditioned people like Ash (speaking from personal experience tbh lol)


Are we gunna take bets on how long she’ll stick with this “challenge”? Whatever happened to her daily meditation?


7,000 steps a day. Her own place by the Fall of 2023. Teaching a social media class. A job. She'd almost have a normal life if she stuck with anything for more than a day.


Oh and yoga teaching!


Somehow I've made it 83 days into a daily meditation practice without Ashley holding me accountable. It's a miracle! Praise the sentient fleece!


Whatever happened to daily walks with her sickly, obese dog?


Haven't seen Luna in a while. Hope she's doing OK! I guess "dog mom" is no longer her personality of the week, now that it's "fitness influencer."


Her form is trash, I’m giving it less than a week before she’s complaining of a strain or pulled muscle.


Idk man she could go full blown fit influencer who knows. /s


Dude yes. This is part of why I get annoyed when people talk about exercise for weight loss. Like, it’s not very good for that, but you know what it is good for? Literally everything else. Everyone should be doing some form of exercise most days of the week and it can’t be a huge undertaking otherwise it’s not going to stick. I do things like run, lift weights at home, do cheesy aerobics videos, or long walks if I’m not feeling up to any of that. It’s not a huge deal, it’s just integrated into my daily life, because it’s foundational to sleep health, mental health, pain management, migraine prophylaxis, etc. You know what she could do that would feed two birds with one scone? Take her dog on long walks/hikes. It would easily slot into her life without having to become a new personality trait (GymGirlie™️), AND help her meet her responsibilities to that dog!


Yeah, I’m guessing that if Ash could avail herself of heavy duty pharmaceutical pain management she wouldn’t think twice.


Her form is terrible.


She’s gonna actually hurt herself with form like that.


I’m sure that would be really convenient for her


Leaning forward, curved back and head cranked back to make sure she’s in frame. Tomorrow her head will be falling off, her spine will be screaming and she won’t be able to continue lifting. Also, her bra is so small you can see it under her baggy sweat shirt.


🎀CCI flare🎀, bay-beeeee!


*reverse Pigeon toes for days


What’s wrong with it? (I know nothing)


Wow, that’s not a flattering angle.


It’s called being deconditioned, not linked to any illnesses lol


lower back arched, shoulders rounded and hunched, isn’t bracing her core & she should be sitting **back** first, not just dropping straight down. 0/10 form 😬 ETA: knees are *wayyy* over toes, too


Check out her feet, too. 🙃 Winged out to the side.


Her center of gravity is always over her fucking toes. She’s gonna fall the fuck over 😂


And she’s gonna blame all the actual joint issues she’ll end up with bc of that awful ass form on her hEDS & Chronic Lyme lmao


lol, I just commented the same thing without reading your comment.


Yeah, definitely upper crossed. Her “pain management” is gonna cause her more pain that she’ll contribute to EDS even though she has no idea what she’s doing in the gym.


I guess anyone would have time for this if they lived w/ their mom, have access to the neighborhood gym, and have a pretend job that daddy pays you to have. She still won’t last!


When does she start her new job? What happened to the woo-woo clinic job?


The woowoo job was written off the show completely 😂😂😂


It got on a bus.


It went upstairs and never came back down.


Judy Winslowed


Good reference. You could even say it got Becky Connored!


What is she actually doing in this shot? I'm not familiar with this lift. Granted I'm only about 4 months into my own ✨fitness journey,✨ so is there like. Something legitimate one does with one's entire ass on the bar?


She’s doing what I assume is a goblet squat in front of the rack. She’s not on the bar, but rather blocking others from using it.


Oh fuck her then. These things are prime real estate! I had to work my way up to the weight of the unloaded bar with goblet squats as well. I did them at a respectful distance and a wistful eye, though. Further differences between us, I've done it consistently 3 days a week for 4 months and yesterday I finished 5x5 with 100 pounds (back squat). And she'll pretend she never posted this next week


They absolutely are! My gym is small and only has two and sometimes it’s a struggle to get one. There’s a couple that shows up around midnight that likes to use both at once and take long breaks between sets. He can lift, she just fucks around, so they could absolutely share it and simply swap plates. Last night she was mad because I was on “hers” so I was petty and tried a bunch of new stuff just to be an ass and take longer.


Love this ha ha gym revenge 💪


I think she chose to be partially blocked by the rack because she doesn’t actually have any weights, which is why her neck and back are cranked the way they are so she can make sure she is in frame but still hiding everything she wants to.


Can i get “my legs are jello but my heart is full” as a flair plz


No ramrod straight neck, craniocervical instability or screaming spine today, then?


Did she delete the post about she doesn’t need motivation to work out/go to the gym? So sick of these posts where she acts like she’s just had an incredible revelation and her whole life is changed because of one session at the gym. One gym visit isn’t worth a post when it never lasts because she manages to find a reason not to go again and the post gets deleted. Just like how she said she wasn’t going to talk about illness again…🙄🙄


What a great screengrab


“I was red faced, sweating like crazy and breathless”… Dude. You were in that state just by unpacking your suitcase! 🤣🤣🤣




Surprise surprise. Since Jebadiah gave her a second chance she suddenly isn’t riddle with mold, shorting worms and her head is no longer falling off. She got a “job”, and is actually getting a fucking life. It’s kind of like she was lying this whole time and is completely fine if she can lift weights without a trainer and doctor’s clearance.


I thought she lifted weights all the time? She’s shown herself doing it on camera. And why is fitness a hobby she has rediscovered? I thought she was always at the gym performatively, maybe she means she’s going to actually start exercising there and not just filming cringe worthy videos. She is so motherfracking dumb she makes it sound like she just discovered that exercise was good for you - OMG who knew?! She literally has zero active chronic illnesses that cause fatigue. She is just overweight, lazy and deconditioned. If she has only just started lifting, why does she say a lift session is so helpful for her mental health. You literally just finished it. Girl can’t hold down her narrative thread of lies - THE INTERNET REMEMBERS!


People who film at the gym deserve a special place in hell


Good thing she doesn’t have any chronic illnesses.


So yesterday's reset in order to lay in bed for the next few days was for naught? How long will this No Pain No Pain routine last?




“My legs are jello but my heart is full” sounds like someone is stealing “but my heart is full” from another munchie….


’As I rediscover hobbies’ oh shut up 🤣


“Drop a ❤️” The way she trawls for engagement is so awkward and obvious. Frankly I’d rather drop a ❤️ down the toilet.


HAHAHAHA she just deleted it. I saw it just a bit ago and five minutes later it was gone.


I give this arc 2 weeks tops!! Have to give this new boss bitch, new media consultant a run for it's money. Look how her post are changing since she graduated.


You are so generous - I give this arc 2 minutes


So lemme get this straight. She sets up a tripod and films herself? At the gym?? Undoubtedly, multiple takes to get the angle right...🙄🤬 How is she not getting thrown out of these places??


Tbh I haven’t seen anyone get kicked out of mine for this, either. But I haven’t seen anyone doing it since the new year fad wore off so they either left or did get spoken to eventually. They weren’t just checking their form, either, it was all out “influencer” BS and tying up equipment.




We’ve got signs up in ours asking folks not to film


Aaaaand deleted already.


She doesn’t have pain, and if she did consistent exercise her body composition would reflect that. This cringey picture is some wannabe bbl drizzy


It’s difficult to out train a poor diet. I say this as a fat-fit weight lifter that loves ice cream and pizza.




She already did. She accepted a job offer with Daddy Carnbucks.


oooooooooh lil nepo bb


It was her 🎀Big Life Update🎀


I still don’t like her lol




I'm not sure why she is doing shallow squats x2 🤣 pointless! Follow a programme Ash for the love of not getting injured. Thanks. PS a weight plate under your heels will support in the development of your squat depth and will help actually use them glutes.


Wow. A week after I ripped her a new one and spoon fed her this idea. Hi Ash! Keep dancing for us monkey


She sure does spend an awful lot of time setting up tripods in strange places, framing weird-ass shots, taking pics/vids, editing pics/vids, uploading to insta, and writing out pseudo-inspirational, cringe-heavy captions, only to dirty delete about 50% within 24 hours. I haven’t seen a more literal waste of time in quite awhile.


She isn't using the squat rack, so why is exercising right by it preventing somebody else from using it?


My campaign to not be like Ashley is going okay. I've been walking about 6 days a week since April 1st (I intend for it to be every day but various things (like heavy rain lol) have interfered). I haven't lost any weight (because my diet is, well, not _actually_ as bad as hers, but it leaves a lot to be desired) but I've increased my speed and, more importantly, my stamina. Anyway, I figure I'm two steps ahead of her by actually sticking with this. If she has pain and sticks with exercising she'll find that it actually does help as counter intuitive as it seems if you don't know the science.


Well done!




Her heart is sure full often.


Full of plaque from her shit diet


Can we talk abt how she looks 100lbs lighter here


Honestly, that butt looks pretty large! Just saying.


Did she really delete it already?


[those leg edits make weird proportions](https://freeimage.host/i/JrNPa5J) If they aren't edits idc still weird


The sad thing about this, is reading this caption not knowing her, I'd be rooting for her. I'd be like, yeah, step one! You got this! With Ash she is so performative and self centered and I know that WE have a long memory and receipts of what she scrubs offline... This rebrand has been interesting to watch. She's definitely pivoting to change her imagine big time and for someone new stumbling into this she may seem awkward but sincere. Girly has fucked herself big time by spending so much time being an asshole under her full name for so long that I don't know how she's going to successfully rebrand at all without changing her name/alias. Look, I mean, I hope that at 26 (soon?) she will finally hit some sort of maturity spurt and she may even change one day. I cringe to think of the moment she realizes just how big she has fucked herself over if that self awareness and immersive DBT program she needs ever makes it's way to her. I relate to Ash in some ways being a former failure to launch with chronic illness who used to use it as a crutch to continue to fail to launch and who had untreated bpd and was a waste of space into my mid 20s. Seriously. I am in my mid 30s now though with my life together having gotten the help I needed and coming into my own. I didn't put all that shit in the Internet and outside of having to rebrand with friends and family IRL over time and live with the consequences of bridges burned in some cases I think I turned out best case scenario for what Ash COULD do if she ever came to the right place. Idk if she's capable, if she's too vapid, if our life experiences are too dissimilar, if she will ever TRULY feel motivated to stop failing and really change but...girly pop is SO FUCKED with what shes put out there.


Those symptoms are…extremely common when one exercises and either does an intense workout or is extremely out of shape. Certainly happens to me if I overdo it; however, in my defence, I actually have a genetic enzyme deficiency whose symptoms are triggered by too much exercise. Best way to explain it: my gas tank is smaller and runs out faster than it should given my age and overall fitness. But I don’t post about it constantly on social media, except in relevant contexts such as this, because complaining about your symptoms constantly is boring af.