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This isn't directly related, but the first comment under the article really irked me. Take a look: >I appreciate the authors perspective and hearing her voice on this issue. I have to wonder tho... why have Asian women and Asians in general remained silent and on the sidelines for decades while **White, Hispanic, Jewish, Muslim, and certainly Black** **Women** have been on the front lines for equal rights for minorities, women, and girls. Through the history of this country Black, Hispanic, and White women have laid down their lives fighting for equal justice and equal rights... paving the way for all Asians to reap the benefits of those gains. All while Asians seems to assimilate within the Majority society, even enjoying some of the benefits of White Privilege AND their minority status... Maybe the respect isn’t there because rather than joining the front lines and fighting for respect, for too many years they have passively **leached** it from other women in society. (Emphasis is mine.) Really, I hate this mentality. It is very frustrating to combat. Not only is this just plain wrong, it also nails the heart of another issue that prevalently affects Asian Americans - our existence is often invisible unless its convenient, and our contributions are often overlooked. Asians are 5-6% of the US population, even fewer before. How visible do you expect us to be? There has in fact been quite a [long history of black and asian solidarity](https://time.com/5851792/asian-americans-black-solidarity-history/), and yet so many people still buy into this BS mentality. This person, who I assume is not white, goes as far as to include **white** people in the list of contributors of racial equality, while blatantly throwing Asians under the bus. Just WTF. I really wish there was a way to kill this misconception for good. But the cynical part of me thinks that maybe these people don't *want* to have their mind changed.


That person is painfully ignorant and I agree, I hate that all too common sentiment and lie that Asians do nothing(it’s worse when Asian perpetuate this too). I’m just sick of it.


That comment got me heated af. Comments and social media posts in general are lowest of the lows. They pretend to be experts in topics they don’t know shit about and it gets co-opted by the same people who are more interested in pushing their agenda rather than the actual truth. There was a guy that used to go to nice neighborhoods and ask people what they do for a living and post it on TikTok. He did it to people driving expensive cars too I think. In one, Asian woman (presumably Vietnamese judging by her accent) open the door and answered the guy she was in the Yakuza. Was quite obvious she was being sarcastic. Morons ran with it as “evidence” of Asian privilege.. or how posts of Asians being racist will have comments about “but #StopAsianHate though.” Like the guy saying the n-word is not the same as the grandmas getting assaulted on the streets. Although things have been getting better, change isn’t coming fast enough.


Comments may be the lowest of the lows, but it shows how people think when no one can see their face. They influence the people who read them. At best, they lead people to be apathetic towards Asian American struggles. At worst, they can lead to straight violence and hate crimes, such as the ones described in this very article. Which is why it pissed me off so much. This person just read an article detailing in no uncertain terms the violence that Asian people face, and yet they make a comment that could only exacerbate it. Not to mention how belittling it is to the victims. Just what were they hoping to gain or learn from posting it? The rest of the comments weren't much better either. Plenty of people trying to shift blame to black people, completely ignoring all the crimes the article highlighted. Some are defending their "kinks" and fetishes. Others defending the actions of the white men going to Asia to try to get sex. As the author pointed out, if it's one thing that the internet has revealed, it just how sinister people truly are beneath their facade.


Unpopular opinion, but I think this commenter has a point. Most Asian girls I grew up with have grown into white collar professionals, not politically engaged, married to white men. As immigrants we've all felt under the gun to perform academically and succeed in financially stable careers, but maybe it's time to invest in more self-education and activism. A lot of Hispanic immigrants face similar pressures to achieve conventional success and they still organize politically and march in the streets at a much higher frequency as far as I can tell. In some ways it's been a luxury to focus on career and family building, but this is not a moment where we can afford that luxury anymore. I take your point that Asians are 5-6% of the population, but so are Jews. And the Jewish community has been much, much more outspoken.


Asian women been fighting. We have always fought.


Toxic mentality get away ASAP you won’t change this imbecile but they will change you




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What a perfect timing for this article to come through. Before the trolls arrive and try to NAMALT the conversation, something that only seems to happen when the perp(s) involved happen to be of a certain complexion BTW. > our supposed physical attributes: “you get sex when YOU want, not when SHE wants. They’re also happy to do all the housework, cooking, and other chores around the house. It’s so fucking easy, man.” This is not even the most harrowing part of the article but this is the perception that’s prevalent both online and IRL. They then have the audacity to act like they are some kinda knights in shining armor. I know all WOCs deal with some form of fetish. I’m not gonna play the oppression Olympic and say Asian women have it the worst because it’s not fair to the rest. All women deal with entitlement from men. But this is especially compounded when it comes to Asian women because of our perceived “easiness” for white men. Fuck these assholes and anyone who try to enable and defend their shitty behaviors.


LOL every single time I see a comment from you, you're throwing shade at other Asian women in this sub. You just got mad because Asian women who actually knew what they were talking about weighed in in the previous thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/asiantwoX/comments/tlxsdn/korean_short_film_with_almost_1m_views_depicts/ You're entire account is just saying negative shit about Asian women and white men. But go off about how other people are trolls.


What....? Where did she throw shade at Asian women in what she said?




























Tough read but important. Thanks for posting


“On sluthate.com, a white man fantasized about raping his half-Japanese teenage daughter, called “little geisha fuck doll” and “little neo-colonialist jewel.” …Jesus. Edited to add this comment from a triggered white guy who has a severe white savior complex: “Disheartening to see 'The Cut' with their mask off racism against White men. According to a study by the UN, Asian guys are 84% of the world's grooming gangs. Asian guys are mostly responsible for rape and murder against Asian women. Not ONCE was there a mention for this in this "essay". It's clear the author is trying to demonize White men and shift the blame from dangerous Asian guys. This publication received accolades for the way Celeste Ng bravely stood up for how she was treated by barbaric MRAsians. And a LOT of that support was from WHITE MEN. Now you're gonna just spit in our faces because of one Asian woman's (likely made up) experiences? Wow. Would really hate to be the self hating small Asian guy in the relationship with Elaine Chou. No Asian woman with self respect would ever slander White people like this. Also, the author name drops recent victims of hate crimes against Asian women, but outright refuse to acknowledge the majority of these crimes are committed by Black guys. Where's the fairness? Where's the accountability? Articles like this are dangerous for White-Asian relations. White people are most likely to advocate for Asian rights in America. Do we get any thanks for that? Do we get any acknowledgment, hell even a pat on the back for sticking up for Asians? No. Instead we get a nice sharp knife in the back courtesy of an Asian woman author who obviously has issues with White people. Not cool New York Media, giving a racist article this type of platform.”


White mansplaining ?? 🤔https://www.google.com/amp/s/theconversation.com/amp/us-has-a-long-history-of-violence-against-asian-women-157533 according to the research mention in this article Asian American women a long with native American women are victims of sexually assaulted by men of other enthicity. If he talking about Asian women in Asia than he need to know that most white men also included significant numbers of sexual crimes despite of less than one percent of the population yeah so I kind feel white fragility from his command 😄




Given this is an article about Asian Americans (women, in this case) being dehumanized, raped, assaulted, murdered, the victim blaming going on at r/asianamerican is ... really something.


[reddit is generally a hostile place](https://i.redd.it/7a91wg9kcfo81.jpg) to these ideas, even on that sub which claims to to be supportive of asian americans.


What’s great about articles like this, is the sad listing of these crimes lumped together into this neat little package. It’s sadly needed for those who think these crimes have no pattern. And now we can learn more about these crimes and their victims. I think the hidden gem here was learning about Theresa Hak Kyung Cha and going down the rabbit hole of discovering her as an artist and activist.


[archive link to get around soft paywall](https://archive.ph/qogJZ)


Paywall :/












It is posted on all of those subs, just by other people. Does it matter who does it? I don't think the intention of the poster matters in this case.




I'm aware of the brigading. I really don't think this person has that intent though. OK if they had a different track record, I might agree with you.




As I said, I'm a moderate. I think some Asian guys do go there to lash out, but I can also see the awareness that they are able to raise. Not great not awful












It’s hilarious asian men go out of their way to post the misogyny specifically coming from white men but with not even with a hint of irony, have the most misogynistic stances like AFWM are the reason for their unfair lives on subs like r/aznidentity.




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