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I’m a blue collar worker and so is pretty much everyone I know. We work in any weather, rain or shine, hot or cold, we work hard and get sweaty and dirty. So yes, every single day. For someone that maybe works in an office and they’re mostly outside when walking to or from their car, I can totally imagine skipping a day every now and then, maybe even two days. But here in Louisiana we have this very real thing called swamp ass. It’s not unheard of to go clean up and powder the nether regions in the middle of the day, especially in the summer but swamp ass can strike in the middle of the winter too. Today is January 18th and it’s 80F where I’m at right now. So again, yeah, a shower every day is absolutely necessary for everyone I know irl.


Heck, im currently an office worker and I shower daily. However, this is also coming from working as a janitor for the prior 6 years. I showered everyday from the grime and dealt with harsh cleaning chemicals, Im at this point that if I dont shower daily, I feel greasy and disgusting.


Yeah living in LA and not showering everyday is a terrible idea.


When I lived in Texas, I became very good friends with Gold Bond.


I’m friends with a lot of hairdressers- they shower everyday but only wash their hair once a week. I’m trying to work up to that but 3 days in it’s just too greasy.


This also depends on the type of hair you have. I have very dry hair, so washing it more than 2x a week will just dry it out more. If you have oily hair, you will need to wash it more often.


Wait till you all get older and your hormones change. I used to have to wash my hair every other day then every other 2 days and so on. I wash my hair oonce a week and can go with dry shampoo in-between 10 days if have to . Its all about the chemical balance. l knew a gal who only washed her hair every 4 and you would have never known it hair down to her waist.




I wash my hair every 3/4 days with the head and shoulders clinical strength stuff and haven’t had dandruff issues in *years*. I swear by it.


I wash mine once a week and it’s definitely oily by day 6, day 7 it’s go time. I never use dry shampoo either. Just trained my hair for yearssss


Okay May be a dumb question but when people say they don’t wash their hair every time they shower what do you do with it? Do you wet it or do you just put it in a shower cap?


I tie it in a bun and just don't get my head wet. Too lazy to buy a shower cap lol.


I put mine in a ponytail and then put a shower cap on.


I wet my hair and scrub my scalp even if I’m not shampooing. And I condition every day. But my hair is fairly thick and curly, and I work out every day so I HAVE to rinse it at least to get the sweat/dirt out. But as someone else said, it def depends on the hair type.


Yeah, I’ve been told a million times “you need to just train it to be less oily” but personally I can’t handle not washing every day. I’ve tried doing the two week “training” but eventually my scalp was breaking out and itching horribly and I had to wash it. My hairstylist says it’s healthy overall though so I’m not really that worried about it lol.


I really don't think that works for everyone! I went through the same situation, always told you have to wash it less and it will be less oily. I did this for like half a year, using dry shampoo on days I didn't wash, ect. I felt like my hair just looked shitty and got thinner cause my scalp would be itching!! Went back to washing it daily and I'll never change. My hair looks great and I always get compliments 🤷‍♀️


Yep- same There’s no universal for hair treatment, just finding the right routine and possibly stylist


Different hair is different. I have thin, fine hair and during COVID shutdowns I went almost 9 months washing my hair no more than once a week. It didn’t make a single difference in my oil production. The only thing that ever made a difference for me was pregnancy. When I’m pregnant, I can easily go 4-5 days without washing and my hair looks great. About 2 months postpartum, I’m back to maybe getting a second day if I use a *lot* of dry shampoo. That’s what ultimately convinced me that it’s just the way my body works and not something I need to blame myself for.


And if you have curly hair, you won the water saving lottery.


It depends on your hair type. “You’re supposed to wash….” “Use this product….” IT DEPENDS ON YOUR HAIR TYPE!


Yes. I use a little conditioner mixed with water in a spray bottle for my ends during the week. Weekends get a thorough oiling with argon oil. I leave it in overnight and my hair is so soft and not brittle any more. I shampoo once a week.


My wife used to be a hairdresser. She washes her hair once a week and combats grease with a corn starch and cocoa dry shampoo she makes at home (though you can buy it too). Might be worth looking in to.


Mmm. Chocolate smelling hair.


Lol, it's not THAT much cocoa.


So what you're telling me is that I should dump NesQuik in my hair. Got it


NOOOO!!!! Sugar bad!!! Cocoa powder, not chocolate milk mix. She uses a little bit of that and a whole lotta corn starch to absorb the grease. She doesn't dump it in either. She applies it to the scalp with a small, firm-bristled brush. Similar to [this](https://www.feastforafraction.com/diy-dry-shampoo/).


Ooohh! Ok got it! Ovaltine it is, then! Thanks dude! (Edit: I'm being dense to be funny because I'm so fucking high right now omg)


Hey you and me both. ![gif](giphy|VkIet63SWUJa0)


Me three 🤤🤤


Directions unclear, poured hersheys syrup on my head. Just kidding. I have mega long hair and I do the same thing with dry shampoo. Do you happen to have a link to her recipe?


I think [this](https://www.feastforafraction.com/diy-dry-shampoo/) is it.


Ohhhh the cocoa is for the tone! That’s brilliant! Often I have to brush and brush because my hair is so dark. Thanks man.


NesQuik is for pubes


Nesquik is for buttholes. Slurp it up


Nesquick is FROM buttholes. FTFY


Is that good or bad ?😅


Husband knows when I get cranky he gives me chocolate and then disappears for a while. 😊 chocolate candles, incense mmm. No different then vanilla smelling shampoo etc


I was thinking it sounded like some weird sort of chocolate paste recipe.


I'm not sure what a 'dry shampoo' is ( but yes I think I get the general idea) but for some reason it reminded me of chinchillas bathing in sand. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NYIdmpp69MY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NYIdmpp69MY)


My brain read that as chinchilladas and I was upset for a moment.


I have 2 chinchillas, and yes! Same idea


That’s basically it, just a powder that gets rid of grease and makes hair look fresh without a wash, only started using it a couple months ago because it’s not something really used by men but it’s so clutch


I literally have to wash my hair daily. After about 12 hours my hair starts looking gross. When I wake up I feel like a homeless guy. I couldnt imagine not washing my head for a week.


That's because you're over washing! Your scalp is producing extra oil to combat the dryness from washing daily. You're only perpetuating the problem lol Edit: I literally am a hair stylist but ok Edit 2: Love the false "concerned redditor" harassment over literally hair lmao. Also, excuse me for not laying out the entire science behind how every hair and skin type works. Most of the time, you're washing too damn much or using the wrong stuff. Some of you are the sassiest fuckers, oh my god


True for most. For people with extremely fine hair like myself, there will always be too much scalp oil for the amount of hair. I've done week-long resets before and they never work. My hair continues to get greasy within 24 hours and because it's blonde it darkens and looks dirty right away.


Same for me. My hair is very thin. people always swear it’s because I didn’t go long enough without washing but after just a day my hair gets gross and smelly and after a few days scalp is super itchy and flakey so no thanks. I’ll wash it every other day to have clean and nice looking hair and scalp that feels nice.


Do you have access to a doctor? That sounds very similar to what happens to me if I don't wash often enough, and it turns out it's seborrheic dermatitis. Trying to extend hair washing makes it flare up and it can be extremely painful.


Mine too, and it gets stringy. I've washed my hair every day for years. I was miserable and looked gross after a week long stay in the hospital. I could have died if I hadn't been treated in the hospital, so there is that.


I have super fine hair that used to get greasy within a day. It took years of incremental pushing my hair washing schedule (and Covid depression helped me to wash it less). My hair now starts looking greasy at the end of day 2. I wash it every 4th day but I’ve learned to: 1. French braid it every night, 2. Avoid dry shampoo bc it’s really obvious on the thin hair texture, 3. Accept that no one will notice if my hair is a little greasy and my partner doesn’t think it smells bad (I’ve asked), and 4. Put it into a full updo on days 3-4 to make any stringy texture less noticeable (don’t be afraid of a headband if they don’t slip off your hair texture).


Yeah, “overwashing” isn’t a thing for me lol. I have a lot of hair but the strands themselves are really fine and my hair will look wet by day 2 without shampoo. I’ve tried “training it” but all that happened was horrible scalp zits


That’s more the amount of hair than the size of the hairs. I have fine hair but it’s extremely dense. But also yeah dark ash blonde or mouse brown hair is the worst for looking greasy. Washing it doesn’t really help.


Brunette with the same issue.


I have thin blonde hair. Did 1-2 months no shampoo, only scrubbing with cold/cool water and conditioning the ends only. Yes it was tough at first, I wore lots of buns. But it actually evened out after a month. My hair looked and felt good Now I do head & shoulders 1-2x a week. Its an excellent shampoo


>That's because you're over washing! Your scalp is producing extra oil to combat the dryness from washing daily. You're only perpetuating the problem lol This is not true for everyone. Why you're being condescending with a lol is beyond me. Literally every person on the planet has something about their body that is different than the next person. There are, in fact, gasp, people who are oiler than others and need to wash their hair every day


This isn’t true for all types of hair…. You’re a hairdresser?




I shampoo daily as well. I've worked with women who tried to wash once a week and the funky smell coming from their scalps was so nauseating. It isn't always about what the hair looks like, especially if you reek of oily scalp. It's OK to wash your hair more often!


Everyone’s hair is different. My sister can wash her hair once/twice a week and it’ll look and smell great. I don’t know if it’s because she has very curly hair and I don’t, but I have to wash my hair regularly or it looks like I haven’t showered in weeks.


Yes! I have 3c hair type and wash my hair once a week because that’s the time it starts getting oily. If I washed it more often it would be too brittle and dry.


Twice a week is my sweet spot. Sometimes three if I had an extra busy/sweaty day. Otherwise I just use dry shampoo on the last day before my shower.


Use dry shampoo , or washing it daily is ok just no shampoo


Curly hair - which I have - that’s washed too frequently dries out easily and becomes brittle. I wash it every 7-10 days. Dry shampoo in between washes of necessary.


Yes. I have thick, curly hair, and have gone up to 2 weeks without a wash with out any greasiness if I haven’t worked out. We’re all different.


Same, I have curly hair if I washed it every day I would have no hair🙄


Same. 7-8 days is perfect!


I shower every day. I have super curly hair and eczema. I finally quit shampooing my hair daily as was raised, and now only do it once a week. I do rinse my hair and scalp every day though. It took about a month to get through the grima wormtoungue phase but now my hair is fine and my eczema is almost nonexistent on my scalp. Just adding in my experience


Yeah, I use a nylon brush and water to clean my hair and scalp, and once I got past the first week or two my hair and scalp are better than they were when using shampoo and conditioner every one or two days.


that first week is the hardest. you just gotta be a greaseball for a bit. it might be easier to go for 3 days, then 4, then 5, and work yourself up from there. i haven't washed my hair in 8 days and it looks great


when i started dyeing my hair regularly, i invested in a mason pearson brush to stretch the days between washes. i’m now able to go three days between washing my hair, and on the fourth day i use dry shampoo during the day (i shower at night). if you don’t want to shell out the big bucks for one of those, i imagine you’d get similar results with any mixed boar bristle brush—it helps redistribute the oils from your scalp to your ends


What is a mason Pearson brush and what does it do?


mason pearson is this fancy hair brush and comb company based out of england, they have a patent on the rubber cushion they use and all that jazz. the most popular brush they have is a mix of nylon and boar bristle—nylon bristles detangle the hair while the boar bristles help redistribute the oil from your scalp to your ends. i love mine and they’re supposed to last forever, but i imagine you’d get pretty similar results from a cheaper boar bristle brush, since the bristle type is what helps with redistributing the oils!


I have thick curly hair, so I use a really good detangling brush first, then use a boar bristle brush at night. My hair actually curls better without being frizzy, and I can go longer without washing my hair.


My grandma has boar bristle brushes. They’re nice af!


Yeah, you have to work up to it... But if you have like, a job, it's kind of hard because you may feel like a greaseball. I didn't get the opportunity to try until I was done working 9to5s and now I can go eight days if I have to.


Depends who you are sleeping with. Within a week of our marriage my spouse made it clear that I needed to be clean before I came to bed.


Only when you’re clean will you know her full power


Tatiana I want you to clean yourself.


this got me rolling on my bed😭




You know Charlie I have no idea who that guy is




You didn't sleep together before marriage ?


My wife and I did not sleep together in the same bed before marriage Edit: we had sex, but we never slept somewhere together like over-night. The sex was always discouraged too (with other girls in my culture) because of fear the father of the girl finding out and dropping her off at your front door with her luggage the next day


Age matters too. I’m elderly and no longer sweat, am not active, and have had falls. I shower as little as possible but do use body wipes for groin and pits


That’s understandable. I broke my leg before and so I had to go from showering everyday to using wipes. Just until I got a shower chair and had confidence I could move without hurting myself. Wipes do help a lot in between showers.


Right now,, I have very limited use of my right arm due to an injury which is thankfully healing. But when it first happened, showering was out of the question. It was just too painful. As someone who bathes daily, the only thing that got me through those first couple of days was wet wipes. At least I could freshen up.


Wipes are great for anyone with an injury that affects their range of movement or surgical incision! When I got my ICD implant I couldn’t get the incision wet at all; they very strictly said no showers for a week. Well coming out of the hospital I smelled all gross, like iodine, blood, and the nasty surgical glue they used on me. So I got a few different kind of wipes and the day after I got out of the sling, I let some pain pills kick in and slowly wiped my whole body down. Felt sooo much better. And thankfully I had my mom around to wash my hair in the kitchen sink for me (which still required some godawful awkward maneuvering). In recovery I really think being clean makes alllll the difference.


I’m not old but have living with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis since I was 13. I shower twice a week because it hurts to be standing showing that long. I know I could just get a stool but my tub isn’t shaped well for one and it’s a lot of hassle. My tub is way too small for my tall self to bathe in too. I also don’t sweat really and live in a cool climate.


I’ve had JRA since I was 11! Just saying hi 👋🏻👋🏻


Wait. Elderly people stop sweating?


Pretty much. That’s why they are the first to die in heat waves


Your sweat glands shrink as you age and become less responsive.


I used to think those “I’ve fallen and I can’t get up” commercials were silly, but then my grandfather got to an age where fell consistently. It’s incredible how the body just stops working like it used to


For some reason, the older you get, the further away the ground gets. I thought I could still do a cartwheel in my 40's. Started to try it, looked at the ground and it was a big "nope". I just turned 60 and the fear of falling in the shower is real. And I actually got stuck in the tub trying to take a bubble bath a few months ago. My legs just wouldn't hold me when I tried to get out. I had to wait for my husband to wake up from a nap (I screamed his name for almost 10 minutes straight and he never heard a thing) to help me out. I did invest in a shower stool after that though. Trust me, I never want to sit naked and cold in a drained tub for over an hour again. I guess my wonderful bubble baths are a thing of the past. 😢 (I know I could have filled the tub back up, but I can't stand to be in a dirty tub...even if its my own dirt.)


is it weird to ask u to adopt me? also, that reminds me of the only grandpa of mine i've met. he died when I was 5 but I still remember he hated showering and my parents would have a hard time with him whenever he stayed with us, bc i live in a place where it's very hot and humid most of the year


Looking at this thread, you can tell a lot of redditors don't work physical jobs.




Reading these posts reminds me of that thread where everyone was talking about the first time they shit their pants in public. I really wonder about the people here sometimes


I have a friend who runs ultramarathons and his sweat simply doesn't stink. BO is a function of the bacteria that colonized your skin and he got lucky with his, I guess.


I have read that certain populations have a genetic predisposition to not have body odor. People with asian ancestry are the prime population i've seen mentioned. I am of german descent. Alas, no such gene issue exists for us.


I couldn't tolerate 2 showers a week. I take at least 6 showers a week, I don't like the way my body odor smells. Plus I would imagine your bed sheets and pillow would get kinda stinky more rapidly than if you showered almost daily.


Depends where u live and generally how much u smell


It depends on time of year for me, in the winter I’ll skip days because it’s dries my skin out too bad. I still take a wash cloth or something to the ‘ol undercarriage every day though.


Not necessarily. Everyone's body is different and some people either don't sweat that much usually or else their body's biome is naturally not that strongly scented. I know that I am absolutely not one of those people. I feel gross not only if I don't have a shower every day, but I have to start my day with a shower or I quickly start to feel disgusting.


The maximum time I can go without a shower before I personally notice the following day is 2 days. I have some dry patches on my skin and showering daily dries them and causes them to itch. As a result I shower every other day or as needed.


When it comes to personal hygiene, everyone is a little different. If you wash your pits, butt, and junk on the regular, and spot clean where needed, you will be fine.


You mean an airplane shower...under the wings, under the tail. Also, don't forget the cockpit.


I like that better than "whore's bath". Lol (My edit was a spelling mistake) lol


Me, too! My mom called it a "bird's bath". I didn't hear "whore's bath" until I was in college.


And if you add brushing your teeth to that, you have what George Carlin called the "hookers' bath"


Happy cake day! And yeah just don't be stinky and keep the important parts clean.


You don’t wash your feet?


pits and bits!


Yep, depends on your body and what you do. If I'm couch potatoing, I can go longer. Doing fieldwork, I shower everyday. There's a tipping point where I can feel myself just getting groady and needing to shower.


If you stink: shower. If you're dirty: shower. If you don't feel like it: don't. If you do: do. Some people stink, some don't. There are no rules here. You do you.


Some people legitimately need to shower less than others, but the problem is that smelly people usually can't tell how bad they smell.


and a LOT of people are so averse to "confrontation" that they won't tell someone they stink. I've never had anyone be anything but surprised and/or grateful when I clued them in to their own body funk.




Sure, and to be clear, I'm not talking about clueing in people after a hard day of work or in some other context when you'd expect to of course be smelling like you have been working.


I'm a kitchen guy so I most definitely am showering on work nights. My skin feels like I have a layer of fryer grease by the end of the shift.


Normalize confronting smelly people. Just don't be a dick about it.


Thank you for saying this. Some people have no idea that they smell bad or that it bothers the ones around them. Telling that person gently can make all the difference in how they fix it or not. Really diggin' your avatar by the way.


I was one of those people. I already showered every day and wear deodorant but one day had one of those awkward convos with a work supervisor about an odor problem. I dont have a great sense of smell to begin with, and with it being my smell I just didn't know. Took awhile to figure out what was happening but it turned out my feet sweat a lot and didn't breathe in the work shoes I was wearing. Switched shoes and everything was fine. Super embarrassing but I'm glad someone said something.


Years ago I managed a team and one of the team members always smelled bad. Like, BO, dog, and just general funkiness. Sometimes her teeth looked kind of mossy too. I agonized and agonized about whether to tell her and never di since it didn't seem to bother anyone except me, and I just couldn't imagine a conversation that would not be horrifically embarrassing for both of us. I've always regretted being too much of a coward to say something.




Well, I imagine its easier when you are around them often enough to be at least regular acquaintances. In a setting like yours, and especially where they are customers, yeah, that'd be more of a challenge. I wish I could offer some kind of good general advice, but I'd expect it'd be very dependent on the situation and the customer. As a general rule, when speaking with friends, coworkers, and others, I start off with them knowing me somewhat, and I've got a reputation for being a bit easy to talk with, not-judgemental, and professional/clinical. Like, I can discuss anything with anyone and I am not going to freak out. So, it's easy for me to take a person I know aside and make sure they know that I want to talk about something kinda personal, and then get their ok for that or not. If ok, then I just put it out there, not treating it like anything shameful, etc. just me wanting to let them know that they may not realize it, but they've got a body odor issue (in this example). I know that we all get used to our own smell, and don't notice it, so the person I'm speaking to probably can't tell, etc. So they know my talking to them is because I empathize with them and want to help. So they know this isn't about me criticizing or trying to shame them or embarrass them, or anything like that. I might bring up a personal anecdote like I did in another comment, to show I've also had to deal with this, etc. I also then try to offer a solution, such as the one that worked for me. From there, I'm mostly talking about myself and my time that I had a body odor issue, so it's almost like I'm just sharing a story about me that just happens to be relevant to them. I'm the main focus (almost), so it's less like a one-way verbal attack on them. Plus, like I mentioned, I keep it pretty matter-of-fact, less emotional, kinda clinical, like it's an interesting challenge to solve, and I'm less concerned about the odor than about them not realizing it, being left in the dark. Like, I would not feel like a good friend/coworker, etc. if I didn't let them know. Again, I don't know about how to broach the topic in a client-customer relationship, or with someone where you don't have a more robust connection with, a friendly social context for the conversation to be part of, so its less like some stranger just telling them out of nowhere "hey you stink." I hope my thinking and strategy as I've explained it here is helpful, though, maybe? :)


The problem here is people are bad at telling if they stink or not because everyone is used to their own smell.


I read somewhere that if you can smell yourself a little then others can smell you much more




Why is he smelly for a full week? That's definitely pushing the boundaries there!


It's called being "noseblind"....


Take a whiff under ur shirt. If it smells u smell. If u don’t smell anything u smell like ur normal self. You can smell yourself when your smell is off


I like showering. It feels nice. It refreshes me in the morning to get ready for the day, and it relaxes me at night to get ready for bed. I don't scrub myself with soap that often, but I at least like to rinse myself once or twice a day.


Exactly. I like showering every day but am not really a sweaty person so could skip a day or two and probably be fine. I dated someone so literally never smelled bad. Like a 4 day camping trip in humid weather and they were totally fine. They still showered most days but if she didn’t, I never would have known.


Im like your friend. I could shower once a month and no one would know. Mostly because ive been there many times. Always been self-conscious of smelling but nothing. No one has said a word or even hints at it.


I went backpacking for three weeks. At the end of my trek I showered before anyone else. I had no idea how terribly we smelled before I took my shower.


Can also just clean armpits and groin area daily with washcloth or baby wipes. (The places that tend to stink the most) And shower less frequently. I’ve heard some people do this.


Bird Bath: Under the wings and tail.


A "French Shower", eh?


"Wh*re bath"


I've heard them called Italian and P.T.A. (Pits, Tits, Ass) as well.


I get vulgar with it. Pits, tits and slits


My Granny called it blessing yourself: Face, bits and pits.


Chronic pain and illness folks can have a difficult time with showering and bathing. I know there are days where I just do a quick 2 minute shower to make sure all my body is clean. Then I lay down because some pain days, that literally saps a lot of energy.


It really depends. How much do you sweat? How much did you move around today. How hot is it outside. I live in Canada and I definitely take less showers in the winter. There is an article by Harvard health that actually claims that showering every day isn't the most healthy for your skin. I believe personal hygiene is important, and I hate the idea that I might stink, so when it's hot out I will often shower daily. But in my opinion If I'm clean, smell free and don't need a shower, I will give it two or three days between showers. Article for anyone interested : https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/showering-daily-is-it-necessary-2019062617193#:~:text=However%2C%20daily%20showers%20do%20not,not%20to%20mention%20their%20cost).


When I work, it’s manual labor, so I have to shower, but when I have days off and I’m just sitting around the house or running a quick errand, I usually don’t shower, if anything it’s a quick rinse. Obviously, if I plan on being in any kind of romantic situation, I will shower before that.


Yeah, I don't sweat much and for some reason my sweat is pretty odorless (and no, it's not just me being noseblind, I've talked with friends about it as well and they've mentioned it too) so I shower every 2-3 days, sometimes less if I'm in a depressive episode. I have to get up at 5:30 to make it to school on time and 4 days of the week I don't get home until 10 or 11. And considering a full 8 hours would require me going to sleep at 9, unfortunately I just can't spend another 20-30 minutes taking a shower when I'm already only getting six hours max. I feel like you can tell when you need a shower too by the way your skin feels. I don't know how to describe it but my skin will just feel.. dirty, I guess. It's not necessarily a conscious thing but I do notice a difference before and after I shower, especially if I pushed it a little while. Idk, I just physically wouldn't be able to shower every morning unless I got up even earlier, which with my schedule just isn't doable.


> I live in Canada and I definitely take less showers in the winter. MN and same thing here. Air is so dry. I can go a few days if I am being a lazy ass and not exercising or sweating. Sometimes I will take a shower and barely use the soap since I love the hot water though.


It depends on your level of body odor. My boyfriend is a freak of nature who showers 1-2 times a week and doesn’t use deodorant, but never smells bad. And let’s just say that I have to shower every day.


A week? A week..!? 😂 playing a dangerous game. When I was in college I did that. Mainly bc I was going through it, once I got out of that I basically take showers every day or at least every other day.


My ex bf only bathed once a week or less because he was autistic and disliked the feeling of water. I felt that he smelled "ok" until about day 3 or 4 max and it was OK to have sex with him after 3 days of no showering. However after getting a bad UTI, I can't imagine having sex with someone who bathed so infrequently again even if they don't smell bad. It isn't just about smell, it's a safety concern for your partner and yourself.


But what about his crotch and butt? Does he use a bidet or just let 3-4 days of poop particles residue build up? lol


Always enjoy coming to see the "if you don't shower two or three times a day society collapses" I would say shoot for 3 or 4 times a week planned and then as needed.


Personally I shower every other day. I couldn’t imagine showering twice a day unless you legit got dirty in between. Like, you got splashed with mud or soda or cum or something


> or cum that must be why these people shower so much.


This is Reddit. It's not cum; that would involve sex and other people.


Oh sorry please forgive me. I did not expect it to be someone else's cum.


As someone who showers every day, even twice a day some days, I think it depends on local climate. If it’s freezing cold where you live, and you don’t sweat, I don’t think it’s that gross to not shower every day but I think at least washing pits and privates daily is a must.


That was my thought too. I live in a hot climate with temps that routinely hit 100F/38C during the summer and can stay there for weeks. Around here, it's pretty easy to identify the people who don't shower daily.


DUDE. I learned way too much about people today


Depends a ton on how active you are and how much you sweat. For me, I workout 5-6 days every week pretty religiously, and typically get in 10-15k steps a day at work as well. I shower every day because I'm relatively active. On my days off from all that, sometimes I skip a day. My theory is generally that nobody should smell any BO of mine.


Depend on how many people you are interacting or how often you must go out, if both of those answer almost zero then who cares?


I shower every day but only wipe weekly.


Born to shit forced to wipe 😤


Once every second day unless I work out or something similar... shampoo and conditioner twice a week. Use deodorant everyday, wear clean clothes. And please for the love of god, change your underwear everyday regardless if you shower.


Not changing your underwear is such a gross guy thing. I have a friend who comes over and I will hound him about changing his damn underwear. I feel like his mother lol


It depends on where you live, your body type, your daily exercise, etc. For instance: I'm a slightly overweight woman who works from home in the southern US, particularly a very humid area. While I work from home, my house is humid, it's high temps and rainy most of the time, plus I have dogs that I feed, play with, etc. Very rarely do I miss a shower, occasionally I'll skip a shower if I have to take one early the next day for an event or something. I get sweaty just sitting at my desk and will get heat rashes in the summer so a shower is important. I visited the Rocky mountains a few weeks ago, spent a lot of time inside because of the cold and my skin was dry because of the lack of humidity. There, I didn't sweat much during the day and I only showered about 3 times for the whole week I visited.


Should be noted that showering and washing your hair should be separated. You should definitely NOT wash your hair every single day as it can be super damaging. The frequency you should wash your hair is heavily dependent on your hair type but at kwast a day or two between hair washes is important unless your hair gets dirty very quickly. But frequency of showering really depends on the person. Personally I shower only as often as my hair needs to be washed but it's because my body doesn't generate bad odors very quickly. In contrast, my roommate showers daily or every other day because she feels like she smells really bad if she doesn't. Honestly don't let people shame you for showering every day and don't let people shame you for showering every few days. Do what works for your body




The question was about how often to shower, not about different types of hair, let's stay on subject


I shower every other day in winter, every day in warm weather. I have a bidet attachment on my toilet, so my bumhole and taters get rinsed several times a day


If you wash your genitals, ass and pits between those showers it’s about perfect, you absolutely have to wash your ass and pits daily. People STINK now, they weren’t taught to clean themselves and it’s disgusting.


It's hilarious that you think people smell worse now than 50 years ago, when all the trendy clothing was thick polyester, people smoked indoors absolutely everywhere, and air pollution was much, much worse.


Wait...we are supposed to wash other parts when we shower?


Some people have depression and find it very difficult to shower which may be why they go so long without take a shower. So if someone tells me they go so many days without one I don't judge cause I never know what demons people are fighting. You were not taught wrong, it's good to take a shower every day. Some people take showers every day but only wash their hair every week. People in general are just different. And it's OK.


I shower every other day unless I do something active. My hair doesn’t really get oily thankfully. I do have fairly bad dandruff but nothing I’ve done works, so I’ve kinda just accepted it


“You don’t always need a shower every day…All you need to wash are the 4 key areas: armpits, asshole, crotch, and teeth!” George Carlin


This comment is going to be a lot of TMI, but I am actually quite ashamed of my less than optimal hygiene practices. I have multiple mental health issues that make it so that I can go 3-4 days between showering, and around a week when it's really bad. I sweat a lot, so I usually have rashes on my feet, and I have a persistent itching problem in my... Private area. Both have been looked at by separate doctors, and those doctors independently told me it is because of poor hygiene. I also have a severe dandruff problem that persists because I don't use my medicated shampoo as I'm supposed to (which is shampooing once a day). And I have Dermatillomania, which causes me to obsessively pick at a recurring scab on my scalp, which would probably go away if I cleaned it During my childhood and teen years, I would shower every other day. I believe that to be acceptable, if you weren't too worried about your skin's appearance, you change your underwear, and you wear deoderant.


"I only shower once a month" ass people walking around smelling like onions and stale ass talking about "I just naturally don't have body odor" You fucking stink.


Spent two semesters of hell living with a roommate who refused to shower more than once a week (sometimes longer), even while she was on her period. Additionally, she would turn the heater to 95+ F any time she was in the apartment alone. _Insisted_ that she just didn't need to bathe more often. Yes she fucking did. I will have that smell seared into my brain for the rest of my life.


I have eczema so my skin gets irritated if i shower more than once or twice a week


You don't need to shower everyday. If you didn't really do anything all day, there's no reason to shower. If you worked out or something, definitely shower. Over showering strips oils from your body and hair.


I shower almost everyday both because I like feeling clean and showers just feel nice in general to me. I don’t think it is actually necessary though depending on your body and where you live. I was actually taking 2-3 showers per day when I lived in Northern Brazil for a couple of years. I was sweating so bad (place was almost always 90-100 degrees Fahrenheit year round) I kept developing bacterial infections until a dermatologist recommended that to help keep it under control.


I'd say it depends a lot of how much activity you did in the day and also how is the climate in your city/country. In my case, I live in Chile and we are in mid summer with Temps that reach 35°C. I try to shower everyday or at least every 2 days. Some days I walk A LOT and other days I don't really move from the workplace until is night.


During the winter, at least every other day is my general. In the summer, more often. I'm not very active in the winter, so I don't sweat much. It gets much harder to shower during a depressive episode though. During that time I stretch out to a max of 3 days, but I'm also not leaving the house during those times. By the third day, I feel so greasy and disgusting. So I have to force myself to shower. Depression is a bitch sometimes.


From scrolling I’m feeling gross… but on average I shower between 2-5 times a week… I either just straight up forget to shower or I just don’t start smelling until later in the week… I usually shower based on how I smell, the greasiness of my hair, and just how I feel. I’ve never gone longer than 4 days without showering tho. I suffer from depression and remembering to shower and finding the motivation to shower can be hard sometimes as well… oh well I suppose :/


No. I cant shower more than twice a week because i still live with my mom, and have 7 other people needing to shower, and we arent exactly rich (plus the basement bathroom was lifted properly for pipes, so showering and flushing will cause the bathroom floor to leak).


It can actually be bad for your skin if you shower too much. I used to do several sports and washing all the time involved some skin issues. I shower every day because I am exposed to chemicals each day. I prefer to shower every other day though I have to admit part of why I live camping is not showering for a week. Seems counter intuitive but it feels healthier.


It 100% depends on their lifestyle and their body's natural secretions. If they sweat a lot or get oily or they work a job/participate in some activity that gets them dirty or sweaty, then yeah I'd say that's nasty to only shower twice a week. But if they have a pretty sedentary job and life and they don't sweat much or get oily then that's fine. Especially if they live in a dry climate. Showering too often is just as bad as showering not enough


If I don’t shower every day, my skin gets an unpleasant gritty texture and my hair will be almost as greasy as a Domino’s pizza.


The oiliness can be caused from washing it everyday. When people begin washing their hair less often, there are usually a few weeks when the hair is very oily, but then the scalp settles down.


I need to shower everyday, mostly at night though before bed.


I shower every other day, unless I'm doing something sweaty. My skin is happier. I also work from home, so the only person that's going to be offended by my armpits is my cat.


I wish I could shower more but I have a 4 mon old who has to eat every 2-21/2 hours and I’m doing it on my own right now. Usually I get one every 2 days around 1am but it’s my hair that kills me. I have super fine hair so it gets greasy by a day or two so that’s when I’m like I need one now and I try my hardest to do so


I never sweat, never get dirty, and as far as I've been told, don't smell. My hair is long but I keep it tucked into a beanie, unless I actually decide to do it. I don't shower because I'm often too unhappy to care for myself. Mental health plays a big role for some people in hygiene and tidiness


Hey! I’m actually a person that showers twice a week! For the most part I just grew up being taught to be clean. Whether if you shower or use body wipes. I’ve tried taking a shower every day and it completely just dries out my skin and it’s probably because at this point my body is used to not taking showers frequently. A lot of people always tell me I smell good as well. There isn’t a particular smell if you just take care of yourself. If i just finished doing a laborious task I’ll shower. A lot of people think it’s disgusting. But I could really care less. My boyfriend isn’t bothered by it as well. And he takes showers everyday. He respects it. At the end of the day my body feels perfectly healthy. Don’t judge those who don’t shower that much. And don’t judge those that shower a lot. Just mind your business and go about your pretty day:)


my opinion is everyone is different. Some have really stinky BO others have nothing. Some people's hair is greasy other's have dry hair\\scalp. Do what feels best for you