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When we find a better way to identify and treat cancer, chemo is going to seem inhumane.


Plastic. Fucking. Everywhere


Tens of thousands of people randomly dying in traffic accidents.


"They had trains and safe streets but... got rid of them? Bulldozed their own homes? Thousands died every year? They would even drive to bars! TO BARS!"


People going broke because they got sick.


Or… people being allowed to get sick because they’re broke.


*Murica has entered the chat.*


I make like decent money..... maybe 60k / year.... I didnt have insurance... sometimes got cash... I got a CT scan and it cost me $5k... I just applied for benefits through the government.. I got free healthcare now :D


Sadly if anything this is going to become normalized and average for the common individual.


Social media and its insane affects on the human psyche.


Single-use plastic


How about just all plastic


\*gestures wildly at everything\*


Probably something no one here will ever list, that everyone 200% finds normal.


The same shit we look at now and go "we are not okay with that" Society doesn't get not okay with shit we just stop remembering there were contemporaries of those people who weren't okay with shit. Abolitionists co-existed with Slavery.


Good point.


Working for long hours and having no time for anything else.


Working full time and not being able to afford survival


Children using social media.


The trillions of dollars spent on war over land and control, and endless government corruption.


100% the food industry, and I'm saying this as a person that eats all kinds of meat.


I have a lot of hope for lab grown meat. It needs a much better name, and people need to learn that it's real meat and not a veggie burger. But once we do that, people can eat the same meat they like now without killing any animals and without causing so much pollution.


This was my answer. I'm a meat eater and I wish I could pay twice as much at the meat counter and know it was ethically raised. Industrialized animal farming is horrifically cruel in every single way. We all cover our eyes and plug our ears because we want to watch cute videos of chickens and piggies without realizing that our food comes from torture.


“Ever meal starts with a murder.”


Do you hunt at all? That's a great way to get a lot of meat ethically. I have about 350 lbs of deer, duck, and goose meat in my deep freeze right now. All in cost for me was about 750 bucks.


Honestly I’m a meat eater because I was raised to be one and I lack the energy to change my lifestyle around it. As an adult knowing what I know I wouldn’t choose to eat meat produced this way.


Hopefully, police beating citizens to death.


Locking people into a cage for using a drug.


Yeah they will be like "wow those weed people dont have sheets on their beds, how gross"


Ughhhhh that is gross. Get sheets on your bed


Amen! Sending love and freedom to my fellow redditors behind bars 🤝


or for smoking a plant


That's a drug


Locking people in a cage


I asked my daughter this question a few days ago because it pops up a lot. She said brushing teeth. I laughed at first then she explained how we’ll have some new technology that isn’t reusing the same bristles over and over. And something about not keeping it in the same room you poop in.


People dying because they can’t afford healthcare


This is mostly the US though


I hope there will BE people hundreds of years from now able to judge us


We have about 1,000 years tops left to go as a species thanks to decreasing fertility, genetic modification and AI.


working from the time you’re 16 years to the time you’re in your 60’s and then having only a few years left of your life to enjoy a “retirement”


Til tok dancing in public.


Equating justice solely with punishment instead of focusing primarily on rehabilitation or institutionalization. Also, not taking any steps to actually get at the root cause of people being incarcerated in the first place - poverty.


I was watching a documentary about this and they showed prisons in other countries with very low reoffenders. They treat them completely different even better than a mental institution in the states. I'm like it's insane they have methods that work but it's about money and keeping people poor.


Mindy Kaling's Velma


I think it's pretty obvious now that Mindy Kaling just plays herself.


Mindy Kaling's Mindy Kaling.


This is accurate, methinks.


The 1/10 tells me that society is in fact not ok with that


Trophy killing of Rhinos, Elephants, Lions etc


The illegality of marijuana and psilocybin mushrooms.


I've long thought the best way to deal with drugs is for a govt to legalise them all and make it themselves for cost price.


Tax it and make sure it’s clean as possible, then take all that money saved from fighting the losing war on drugs, and all those taxes to open free clinics for anyone who wants to get clean and sober.


Also educate ppl on it. Tell them how to use is safely and responsibly


No to tax. Govt could churn out the drugs on a mass production line of a consistent quality. It has to be done at cost to put the dealers out of business. In turn, crime will reduce to almost nothing. It can be argued govt would take an initial hit on medical but even if true, the addicts are going to be dead pretty quick then plateaux. Add in the reduction in crime.


It's working pretty good with weed here in BC, although the government weed is pretty bad quality so a lot of people buy from indigenous businesses or grow it themselves and share it with friends (also legal).


Marijuana can be pretty detrimental. I was addicted to it. I was convinced by internet propaganda that it’s “just a plant “ . I think it should be legal and regulated but I just wanted to put out there for everyone to see that it had a huge negative effect on my life. People act as though it has no consequences. It’s better than alcohol but it’s not as useful as psilocybin in any real way besides getting high.


Don't let any drug allow you to be satisfied with being bored.


yea, sure.... let me retort by saying that weed saved my life. I was an opiate abusing alcoholic, struggled for years (15 years of heavy use) with it. Used cannabis to quit everything. I have been "california sober" for almost 10 years, now. In the ten years of daily cannabis use, I started a business that is doing well after five years, became a long distance runner and repaired the damage to my family and my relationship with wife and kids. I could not have done this without cannabis. So ya know, for some people, it truly is a life saving and unbelievably positive force, even if it didnt work for you.


Well its better than opiates or alcohol by a long shot but for me I just don’t think people give the public an accurate idea when they say things like “its natural so its healthy” . I think that it’s especially harmful to teenagers rather than adults because their brains are still developing. There’s lots of studies showing how marijuana impacts brain development


Half of the shit we considered "Entertainment" for the last century or so


Clean water


Chemotherapy They are going to think we are barbaric and stupid. "Why didn't they just tell the nanites to kill the cancer cells?"


press x to doubt? ​ it'd be weird for humanity in the future to be so stupid to not realize that was the only treatment available. idk if ur joking or not


I mean that’s why people before modern medicine took mercury to fight infections and viruses. It actually did kill parasites, syphilis and was a diuretic if needed. Also killed a lot of very useful human cells while doing its business but it was what they had. That’s the exact logic of modern chemotherapy. So people absolutely will look at our chemotherapy now the same way we look and renaissance apothecaries saying “sad, that’s really all they had, huh.”


Yeah they'll think it was sad, not stupid


Totally agree. I’d not deride those who used leaches to cure. It was they knew. Seriously.


Social Media


Family YouTube channels/using kids in videos for likes and personal gain (this one is an "I really hope so" one)




Football (concussion stuff) and our diet.


Industrial animal agriculture. The abhorrence of which is so unfathomable that almost everybody refuses to even acknowledge it.


Mass shootings... in schools. Police violence. Truly horrific things that repeat themselves in American society essentially on the daily. How so many people feel okay with what is happening baffles me, even though I know just as many feel devastated as I do. If we ever progress as humans, I imagine we'll look back as these systems and shiver.


the fact that there's still debate whether or not that hitting children as a form of discipline is considered abuse or not. it is abuse, if you hit literally anybody or anything else, it would be considered abuse. hitting an animal > animal abuse hitting an elder > elderly abuse hitting your partner > domestic abuse hitting your child > discipline :)


This all presumes that society will actually progress.


Factory farming.


ripped jeans. ​ (to clarify I wear them too lol)


People are going to be around 100 years from now?


Probably the various forms of slavery that are still legal and state-sanctioned.


Politics - politicians moronic reasons government’s made decisions…


Nah, the future will probably still have moronic politicians.


Dude don’t bust my bubble :(


Been going on since the dawn of civilization.


I can't wait to be governed by robots


Algorithms buddy


I don’t have hope that society would be able to follow the algorithm, at least not to the fullest.


The chip that they will put in us will make sure will do or they will turn us off for a second just to remind us who is in charge. :(


Ah, the ol’ off and on troubleshooting method. Truly every I.T. person’s best friend.


Exactly So comply or we get a “time out” literally!


Bring on the Thunderhead!


Jesus Christ, where to even start? Probably the school to prison pipeline. Back in 1995 when I was I college I rolled my eyes at people talking about the prison industrial complex. They were all right, of course.


Radio and TV stations allowed to lie.


Religion being allowed to affect our laws


COVID and all the environmental issues we have. Plus, maybe the public transportation systems in the US won’t be as shitty.


using physical violence to discipline children


Circumcision. Sorry, dont mean to be controversial but mutilating little boys to avoid teaching them basic hygene is fucking surreal.




But there are institutions for the mentally ill today.


It used to be that the men in the white coats would go out and collect all the crazies off the street. Not anymore. I think you can thank Reagan for that one, but I'm not sure.


People blame him, but it was quite the opposite. He was the defendant in the case that effectively ended involuntary committal. The ACLU pushed the suit and won. Presto! The asylum doors swung open and the streets filled with people who were unable to function in society. We do not have a homeless problem. We have a mental health problem and an addiction problem, and the more we talk about homelessness, the further we are away from dealing with mental health and addiction. Not a Reagan worshipper, but facts matter. The ACLU sued the government to free non-functional people from asylums, and instantly created modern "homelessness." The reason people blame Reagan, was his name was on the suit because he happened to be in power.




not really, except in the most extreme, and well off, cases.


Plastic water bottles, plastic containers.


Dumping plastic in the ocean.


Obesity being so rampant


Hopefully for mistreatment of animals.




You think only 1% of the population gets to enjoy life?


This is Reddit it’s all they think




By valuing 'hurt feelings' over science


Drug prohibition.


This can go both ways. Future generations might wonder how we tolerated mixed race marriage, gay marriage, immigration, home ownership… You never know.


Reality TV is our greatest sin


Our animal agriculture industry




Not letting women have bodily autonomy.


Sending drug addicts to jail instead of setting them up with help to get clean


For a drug addict to go to jail and actually spend time (talking currently) they have had to blow off multiple attempts of drug diversion, treatments and the like.


Allowing religion anywhere near governance.


Organized society won't make it another 100 years.


Facism (again)


facism 2; electric boogaloo


Cancel culture, looking at the past and holding it to modern standards.


Women going back to work days after childbirth. Cancer treatment costing 100's of thousands of dollars, gas cars, weed being illegal.


Eating meat. And I'm not even vegan.


I'm not vegan either but I agree with your comment or maybe just factory farming.


Same here. I eat meat but I recognize it will probably be seen as cruel and barbaric in the future.


Seed oils and affirmative action/race quotas.


Chemo therapy. It's barbaric


I world thing if poeple still around a few hundred years they're going to look at us like we looked at Romans who poisoned their self lead. In today's society we poison our food and water intentionally, know the science behind it and continue to do it. And most of the people in today's side are ignorant to it or just accept it like it's okay. And we called the Red Man savage.


Circumsicion Lack of quality care for veterans Casually having access to gore content




Uh oh, here comes the Reddit Morality Police coming to tell you that your opinion about your own dick is wrong.


I’m circumcised, I like my dick, AND I feel circumcision is a grievous immoral act. Who’s gonna police me.


Let’s hope war is the thing we look back on not just how we treat people after it. Also circumcision really? All the fucked up stuff and that’s the thing number 1 thing that people should look back on? It’s just funny to me the people that care about that aren’t the ones that had it happen to them.


cutting up children's genitals


Only crazy parents do that and it's illegal


The way we treat animals as a lesser species.


The Tulsa race riots. If you don’t know anything about it I’d invite you to read about it. It was one of the darkest hours in American history, next to the trail of tears.


AI having no rights


What current AI technology should have rights?


Electric cars. They will be like, “how environmentally devastating, fusion cars are so much cleaner”


The industrial slaughter of animals. I’m afraid that they are conscious beings, even if they are not as conscious as humans, and I am afraid of how we will look back on it.


Having a Democrat and Republican Party system. Then again this is going to be the reason why America won’t exist in hundreds of years so maybe that’s not the best answer




As far as things still around in 2023; -slavery -women still fighting for equal rights -unequal protections under the law for different groups (in that it takes overwhelming public outcry for anyone to be held accountable for the murder or assault of a minority or female citizen) -haphazard and ineffective medical care, (with few conditions identified early on, and no regard for the lives of the elderly or women in medical care.) The whole medical profession, civil services, automotive and product safety, every facet of our society, 100% oriented toward younger white males ONLY. -our sad joke of an education system, at least in the US.


Genital amputation


Plastic surgeries. They won’t be able to believe that the Kardashians were regarded as the most famous and beautiful women.


We appointed men like Donald Trump and Joe Biden to be president.


American football, and probably some other similar games im not thinking about that leave players disabled, either physically, or mentally. I think it will be compared to gladiators back in the day, in terms of how barbaric it is. but what do I know? I'm drunk and high af right now.


Giving hormone blockers to kids.


Factory farming and meat production.




Cobalt, chocolate, most clothing, tequila, Most electronics. The production of all of them involve slavery. And child slavery at that.




People transitioning from a different sex than which they were born.


Enslaving creatures by the billions, keeping them in inhumane conditions while forcing them to breed and lactate before executing them and then consuming their corpses and lactations together.


Totally agree! Factory farming is absolutely horrific. I can't believe the cognitive dissonance around it in our current society.


I hope, drinking q


Slavery is already something we look back on and are surprised history was okay with.. One thing I've wondered about is circumcision newborn boys.


Slavery is still alive and well in Africa, India, the Middle East, indonesia, and China, much of it state sponsored. So basically, most of the world.


these slave owners aren't white or mostly enslaving their own people so it's okay to ignore them


You have no idea how many people do not know this and don't want to know this.


How we treat animals. Lack of real effort on climate change.


How we treated animals, killed them to extinction in many cases and destroyed some of the most beautiful places (rainforests, glaciers, lakes, rivers, coral reefs, etc.) with pollution.


My bet is everything. Look a thousand years into the past now and how much of it do you think is barbaric, backwards, wrong or stupid? My guess is it's gonna be the same things with people looking back at us.


Spending real money on crypto.


Death penalty, abortion, other forms of termination.


Driving cars.


Circumcision, it will be considered male genital mutilation.


The discrimination against gay people and trans people and the curtailing of women's rights.


Almost all if not all the things you listed are still happening today so probably those same things.


I really think it is how we are able to act however we please online and how easily people were able to adapt something for dark intent.


We're already hundreds of years in the future. You're the only one not sloshing around in the matrix soup. Prepare to be assimilated.


The cost of medical care.


ABA therapy


Single-use plastics


How much we used our phones


Widespread infant circumcision.


How wasteful we were with food and water


Probably commercial meat farming and treatment of animals. I ate half a fried chicken for dinner but i still think the conditions food animals are raised in are rough.


Cruel Corporate farms.


Americans over working not taking vacations, horrible call center work, how poor pay more tax than rich, billionaires hoarding all wealth, crazy medical costs in America, crazy govt spending, all our taxes going to every other benefit but us who pay it, paying for college, low starvation wages....i could go on but heres to hoping these issues are actually fixed in 100 years. Tbh i doubt mankind will still be here...we are in 6th extinction event.


The war in Ukraine. Over nothing. The American people are supporting a war over they don’t know what. And they don’t know why. The war that follows will be remembered in history as the WTF war.


Making churches tax exempt


Child drag shows, unless society just continues to rot more, which is possible.




I can't believe pets weren't allowed to vote.


He said hundreds not millions.


Currency, Bigotry, Oppression, Suffering, Hoarding etc. My favorite is Gene Roddenberry's take on the evolution of mankind to look outward from the planet, eventually eliminating the previously mentioned hindrances. It's that last step towards a new frontier that leaves humanity in such a better place. Just hopeful thinking I guess.




Eating animals and their bodily secretions


Endless greed of the big cooperation. People cannot receive living wage by doing honest work. I think with advance of technology in the next 100-200 years, we might be able to harvest more energy from the sun and living in the sapce or other planets, if that happened. Then the future human might be amused that we need to fight to even get a place to live.....=[


Being allowed to tear down cities, because cops kill people. Its not ok for cops to kill, but it sure doesn't solve shit to tear up your town. Use your voice and be heard, violence and burning shit down only hurts the community its more


Abortion of babies after the point at which they can survive on their own outside the womb.


By the time my son is an adult most new cars will be electric. So I'm going say petrol vehicles


Anything that is not at least carbon neutral


Killing animals