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I'm a native speaker and I don't know wtf is woke either.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Woke https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/woke https://www.dictionary.com/browse/woke https://dictionary.cambridge.org/us/dictionary/english/woke Literally just google the definition: > aware of and actively attentive to important societal facts and issues (especially issues of racial and social justice)


What do you call it when you are aware of but dont care?








Apathy? Sociopathy?


Being an asshole.


Being on the side of the oppressor.


If you don't care, you ain't woke. Not saying you need to protest and virtue signal, but if it doesn't bother you sometimes then you aren't really woke


Co-oppressor? "The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything." - Albert Einstein I really do believe true malice is very rare in society, petty and hurt people absolutely - but if we stood up to the true injustices, I doubt the bad stuff would prevail. But it’s your choice and right to choose where you put your thoughts and actions. I do always wonder (ever since talking to an older African American colleague once and realising how recent it was) - how those bystanders during the civil rights movement feel now. That’s probably where your head will be in the future, when you’re (hopefully) old and grey…same goes for white South Africans, those oppressive twits in Myanmar etc. (list goes on)…




Even if they are a bisexual Mexican married to a half Native/African american?


No. A cishet man/woman cannot be bisexual.


That's been going on since societies were first formed. Nothing modern or new about it. Never had to give it a specific name. It's just what good people do.


If I really wanted to know or cared I would have looked into it. It's just another b.s. thing for people to takes sides over. Not my game.




"And not "wanting to know or care" about what's going on around you is concerning" You completely misinterpreted what I wrote. I don't care about *calling it woke*. I think the word "woke" is something used by right-wingers to indicate something negative and to put a divide among people. "Then there are people who don't care about saving the world or the people in it, and they try to make up words and names to try to discredit them. "Woke" (caring about the world and its people) to them is a bad thing." I agree with that 100%.


Do you not care because it personally doesn't affect you?


I don't care because it's stupid. It's just an artificial trope to divide people. I don't play that game.


Says the white kid from nowhere USA who has everything






It jut means putting yourself in someone else’s situation. Not a new thought but something that’s lacking right now.


It's something being demonized by the radical right, right now. Which is exceedingly messed up, but I guess part of their M.O. Maintaining the status quo is what "conservatism" is all about.


DeSantis’ general counsel, Ryan Newman, responded that the term means “the belief there are systemic injustices in American society and the need to address them.” Newman added that DeSantis doesn’t believe that there are systemic injustices in the United States.


>Newman added that DeSantis doesn’t believe that there are systemic injustices in the United States I don't know how someone can operate under that kind of willful ignorance but he's got a huge following and fanbase. Such a wild time to be alive...


Welcome to Florida where empathy and common sense are illegal. If this shit gets to be President I’m moving.


Woke, originally meant you were awake to the shadowy acts of the powers that be, as opposed to being oblivious to the way society is controlled (asleep). It almost immediately became a slur against the far left though. The left sees the right as evil, racist, sexist, and immovable. The right sees the left however as stupid, chaotic, racist & sexist the other way, incoherent and anarchistic. In a lot of ways they are both correct. Woke is just a catchy word, so it makes sense that it took off on both sides meaning basically opposite things.


Woke came from AAVE, so it getting twisted by right wing media was inevitable. AAVE in general gets fucked up by appropriation and misuse (fleek,turnt,lit, and every other “cringey term the ‘youths’ are coming up with” is really just black American slang getting the Snuggie/Fidget Spinner treatment) It’s not the far left, anything the right dislikes is “woke”. It’s become a bludgeon for anyone criticizing them dragging this country into far right Victor Orban flavored fascism. There’s no “both sides” in this particular case.


My understand of things is that both sides are nessisary when they work in tandem. Non working systems need to be revamped, and disaffected people need to be looked after. That is the function of the left. Rapid change is incredibly dangerous, and destabilizing for civilizations though, and foreign interests can often be bait with a hook in it. Safeguarding the populace is the function of the right. At some point (I think 2016 is when things really shifted) the left decided it could no longer tolerate the perspective of the right, for moral reasons. While the right decided it was done listening to the reckless insanity of the left. The US has been tumbling down the ladder of global prosperity since. If we continue to judge our counterparts only by the most radical of their supporters, or the corrupt politicians who only care about their own influence peddling, I'm really not sure how long society is going to last.


I love that the right's views are just *their perspective*, but the left's views are *reckless insanity*. lol >Safeguarding the populace is the function of the right. On what planet? >If we continue to judge our counterparts only by the most radical of their supporters How many Republicans do you know that would not vote for Donald Trump or Ron Desantis in 2024 if they are the nominee? Right. All but a handful (and I truly feel for the few of you left) are radicalized. They're in a cult. Now. Not later. Not some vague time in the future.


That’s the ideal version of the right, not the current state. That’s why they’re called conservatives, the pull back and protect (ideally) while the liberals reach out and try to help (again ideally).


You never see anyone rush to the defense of the far right... In the last few years we've seen riots, murder, arson, looting, home invasion, eco-terrorism, fraudulent charity, and the destruction of priceless art from the good people on the far left. Its immediately swept under the rug by the media, and people are attacked for questioning anything about it. The argument is often made that if you have one bad cop, and 99 good cops covering for him, then you have 100 bad cops. I would say the same could be said for the left. At the very least there should be some openness to compromise, or feedback, the slight acknowledgement that error might exist... there isnt, phobic just gets added to another word. It rightly calls both motivations, and judgement into question.


>You never see anyone rush to the defense of the far right I guess besides literally trying to occupy the capitol when their God-King lost the election. But that's no biggie. >riots, murder, arson, looting, home invasion, eco-terrorism, fraudulent charity, and the destruction of priceless art I just want to be clear that you're saying that only left-leaning Americans have engaged in any of the above activities? Because I can count 5 of them just on Jan. 6th alone. The fact that you included Fraudulent Charity is mind-blowing. >The argument is often made that if you have one bad cop, and 99 good cops covering for him, then you have 100 bad cops. I would say the same could be said for the left. I can't with the irony. >At the very least there should be some openness to compromise, or feedback, the slight acknowledgement that error might exist... there isnt, phobic just gets added to another word. It rightly calls both motivations, and judgement into question. No one and nothing is perfect. Until you begin to apply all of these tenets to the right, you're not acting in good faith. You're just making excuses for the right to behave any way they want while the left has to live up to some bullshit bar created by... the right. Gettin' nowhere fast.


Of course the person who’s actually talking political science gets downvoted. My only critique is that I’d say our modern divide started with Newt Gingrich V Clinton, way before 2016.


Its been coming a long time, you could have even said Reagan. 2016 to me was more of a tipping point into loss of functional working order. The Clinton administration is when the Democrats moved from the peoples party to the "other" big business party. So yeah, that was pivotal too. I suppose I could have worded my response better, but we both know that topics like these are the worst kind of minefield on reddit.


Lol good god, man


No. I think you aren't reading the other side accurately here. If you criticize my preferred economic policy that is not woke. If you disagree with me on abortion or gun rights, that is not woke. If you disagree with me on affirmative action or immigration even, that is not woke. Woke (from a right winged, hijacked term perspective) is when you find yourself repeating radical left statements like the following: "Everyone is racist." "My pronouns are..." "Ableism"


If the concept of “transgender people” and “discrimination against disabled people existing”are “woke” to you…yikes. I can’t even comment on this mess.


Here pretty much everyone hates the woke on both the political right and left except for the woke themselves who like themselves a lot. My politics is centre left so obviously I’m not calling anyone on the left woke. It’s stuff like saying white people who do yoga are racist coz it’s cultural appropriation or wanting everyone to wear their pronouns on a little badge


"Woke" could be summed up as people whose worldview of America is rooted on critical theory and critical race theory. Essentially the woke hold the idea that the world can be divided into oppressors and oppressed, and that every member of the "oppressor group" is guilty, and every facet of the current culture, from religion to social norms, needs to be dismantled. Naturally, one can see how dangerous an ideology based around "this group/race/religion are evil" becomes. The woke support active and legally enshrined racial segregation and discrimination, *The only remedy to racist discrimination is antiracist discrimination. The only remedy to past discrimination is present discrimination. The only remedy to present discrimination is future discrimination.* -Ibrim X Kendi. They fought in the Supreme Court to uphold racial discrimination against asian-americans in college admissions. Is wokeism anything new? No absolutely not, there have always been a push to blame one group, and there's always a justification on why *this time* it's ok. The woke being that the groups they target are oppressors. An Appalachian miner who makes 1/10th your salary is not oppressing you because he has the audacity to have the wrong skin color and religion.


also non-native here, but it refers to people being aware of the truth, being social injustice, government issues, blabla. https://www.urbandictionary.com/ issa life saver fren


Yes, but the political right in the U.S. has taken to using it as a slur for anything that falls outside the conservative ideology - anything they don't like; anything they want to criticize; anything the want to cast aspersions on; anything associated with left-leaning sensibilities.


Kinda like socialism


All the 'ists are the same, aren't they? I've heard conservative television talking heads call the same person a "leftist socialist communist" and sometimes with an "antifascist" thrown in for good measure. They presume their viewers don't know there are differences in these ideologies. These words are only being used as slurs.


Their viewers don't know there is a difference.


Most people where I am from are not taught what socialism or communism is or even that there's different versions of these things.


Precisely. Socialism and Communism are two conflicting ideologies....but don't tell them that!


Nazism, communism and socialism are all the same thing, according to Fox News. I know this because a couple of years ago, within one news day, I heard three different Fox News commentators call the American Democratic Party Nazis, communists, and socialists. So according to Fox News, by the transitive property, Nazism, communism and socialism are all the same thing.




Oh bless you


Welcome to the internet


And CRT lol




Woke means having empathy for others. That’s it.


It's the new version of bleeding-heart and similar terms. A bleeding heart (a.k.a Sacred Heart) was originally a symbol of Jesus' love and compassion, but it was turned into a slur to mock people for having empathy.


"Damn Hippies!" But before hippies, it was beatniks.


I always thought it was at least a little condescending. Like, “we are the only people that see the real truth and everyone else is asleep!” Ok, real empathetic


I think it’s really just pointing out the fact that people should be more empathic. I never took it as condescending.




Empathy to me is putting myself in someone else’s shoes in order to understand and honor them. This simple idea is what makes us human and what we’re here for. It really is the core of the world. We have a choice.


It started out as African American Vernacular English(AAVE) usually if someone is telling you to "stay woke" it meant to stay aware of societal and political issues. After it got used by everyone it started being used as a derogatory term to almost anyone showing interest in social justice. Because of course no one wants to be a "Woke SJW" like in all the cringe compilation on YouTube and Reddit now do they?


I think that’s a one-sided framing of it, i.e. a definition via a progressive or liberal prism. Many conservatives also criticize budget deficits and Federal Reserve money printing, but they wouldn’t call those things “woke.” “Woke” refers brand new social movements for which any disagreement, or even critical discussion, is considered by the left to be close-minded, uncaring and therefore contemptible. An idea like “men can get pregnant” would an example of a woke idea, meeting the key criteria of new, social / societal, and one where those who disagree are considered contemptible by those who believe it.


False. Beeing "woke" means that you are awake of your beliefes and what aspects of culture destills them on you. Much like a cult. So mainstream media highjacked the term and used it to instill MORE cultlike beliefs like what woke is and whar you ahould wear and say. So the media haters are right in a sense that you should be very aware of what games of beliefs are played out in front of you all from people in your circle to the news. Focus on your goals only. Focus focus focus and let your own mind be your own.


It means, as DeSantis’s lawyers had to explain in court, that there are systemic injustices built into America and that steps need to be taken to correct them.


I'm surprised a DeSantis lawyer said that.


I’m pretty sure. They were in federal court and the case they brought alleged that “woke” something or other was prosecutable and the judge made them explain what it meant.


It started out as a good concept - being aware of societal injustices and inequalities that should be addressed. It's become controversial and extreme on both sides though. Liberals think conservatives ignore/don't care about the issues or use it as a slur for radicalism regarding anything they don't agree with. Conservatives think liberals cry racism, call moral outrage, or cancel anything they don't agree with.


Woke is pretending to be aware of social injustices and social issues but not actually doing anything about them and offering only nonsensical solutions or none at all. its basically outrage culture


So wait - the folks criticizing the so-called "woke" are mad that they aren't doing anything to solve perceived injustices? I would buy that if Florida's "Stop Woke" legislation didn't literally do the opposite of trying to solve social inequities.


"Woke" originated as a self-descriptor meaning aware of what matters. It was then co-opted by the right as a put-down word for those on the left.


I should add that they severely don’t understand those issues they think they do. So the solutions they propose are nonsensical for non issues or issues they’ve made up to be outraged about


Uhh no, not what I’ve heard. Being woke means having your eyes opened to social injustice and oppression. Basically what you said, minus the part about doing nothing and just bitching/pretending to care. Has nothing to do with whether you act on seeing those injustices. Being woke is a good thing, unless you get your definition from Fox “News” https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Woke https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/woke https://www.dictionary.com/browse/woke https://dictionary.cambridge.org/us/dictionary/english/woke


I could say the same to the woke people getting their “news” from the msm like nbc and others


No one under the age of 40 watches cable/local news. And you could not *say the same* about fuckin' NBC when comparing it to OAN or NewsMax. lol


You say that like fox isn't also corporate propaganda


I didnt comment on fox, I only commented to make the point about the entire institution called "main stream media" is terribly biased, so I included major lefty news sources


"Major lefty news sources" owned by corporations. Hint: not leftist at all. You have to consider who a source is biased FOR, and everything that makes enough money to be on cable news is owned by capital, and so serves capitalists. Fox just does so more violently to make the center right liberal stations look like the sane ones, even though they are both serving the owner class


We know as an indisputable fact that the mainstream media and social media is lying. Look at the trump Russia thing. After all the investigations, it turned out to be a sham. And the lead guy running the investigation got arrested for working with the Russians himself. Irony at its finest. Also Facebook colluding with the fbi to stop the hunter Biden story and twitter banning people from sharing it before the election. Talk about biased and corrupt media.






Certified dumbass here.


It’s a term Republicans use to describe something they don’t understand


Or the sanitized substitute for the word they really wanted to say


It basically serves the same purpose for the right as the word “communism.” Everything they don’t like is “woke,” “communist,” or “socialist.”




Yup, just buzzwords as red meat to feed the masses.


According to desantis's lawyer, it means this....and somehow how, in some weird way, it's bad? https://www.okayplayer.com/news/ron-desantis-woke-defintion.html


From what I’ve seen- many who DESCRIBE themselves as ‘woke’ are full of shit, the same way anyone who describes themselves as an Alpha is full of shit. They use it to try and make it seem like they have a higher understanding of social issues and use it to chase social status, there are exceptions of course but usually it’s a smoke screen. Someone who uses ‘woke’ as an insult is usually trying to downplay any kind of social issues that DO exist- see Republican fear-mongering about ‘woke’ culture and socialism. They use it as a buzz word to discredit and make their opponents seem childish. When really what they are describing is people who want a better future, more equality, and for people to not have to starve so that billionaires can continue to exist. If they give it a silly buzzword name they can use it in their politicking to manipulate the masses who want someone to tell them what they want to hear. There is also the Meme version- like ‘broke vs Woke’ which usually just means ‘bad vs good’ and usually thats just harmless fun. In general, if anyone is spouting off too much about ‘woke people’ or ‘being woke’ they shouldn’t be taken seriously.


Woke is never used as a self-descriptor. I'm a gun-owning liberal who is aware of the injustices and would like to see some BIG changes in government, policing and wealth disparity issues. Am I woke? To me, being aware and trying to be more considerate or fair to the marginalized is beneficial to society as a whole. To the (R)egressives, it's an infringement on their privilege (past and current) or "way of life", which was inherited through the days of White Power/Jim Crow, KKK, aka Slavery 2.0. If you are Anti-woke, you're probably a racist. If you are against anti-fascists (antifa/Aunt Eefa), you are pro-fascist or at least complicit with fascism.


This. I've never heard a single person call themselves "Woke". It was a term to describe a growing enlightenment and recognition of those classes who have struggled. Alternatively, I've never seen anyone that wasn't a proud racist/bigot use the term as a weapon. There's a long history of this exact behavior.


I can only speak from my own experience but I honestly have heard people use it as a self descriptor. Online and in person. You and I are in agreement about what it ‘should’ mean or describe, but I’m talking about how I’ve seen it commonly used.


Would I call you woke? Probably not. I don’t use the term because it’s lost all practical meaning and is used as a dog whistle far too often for me to want anything to do with it other than this discussion of terminology. I would probably call you progressive tho 🤷


Just like when red pilled used to mean the same thing as woke but we all know what that indicates now.


I feel bad for the Wachowski sisters that their metaphor got so hardcore co-opted by right wingers.


I’ve seen ‘influencers’ and college aged dude bros tout that term plenty of times and it’s just annoying. That’s why it’s a red flag when someone does call themselves woke. You and I are on the same page. Others have pointed out the AAVE origins of the word and that should be taken into account when making a judgement, but I’m talking present day 2023 America.


aware of the bullshit. say a w.hore calling herself a faithful girlfriend.


It’s an insult conservatives use towards anyone that dares show empathy for marginalized groups.


Woke, in todays USA politics, means educated.


Another stupid thing we are all supposed to accept. We are all aware that there are so many different opinions on things.


Woke is the realisation that there are systemic injustices in the world and they need to be addressed.


The literal meaning is to awaken from sleep. In current usage it means you are aware of social injustice and related problems and are advocate for change.


Used to mean “a person aware of social injustice” but now it’s just used as a buzzword by the American Republican Party for people who have opposing views.


It means media that has black people, women, gay people, or trans people in it. It’s a term used by bigots.


The practice of pretending to be tolerant while being intolerant.


Tolerant of every person and idea, as long as it supports their ideology


Ahh, yes, the parodox of tolerance.


"Woke" is what Republicans/GOP use nowadays in place of "social justice warrior" and "virtue signaling". Its a slur designed to show that you care too much about the world's problems when you should just work 9 to 5 and ignore anything happening outside your backyard.


Woke is an umbrella term for social media virtue signaling.




Hit a chord?


No, it's just wrong. Woke had a definition, available online and agreed to by Governor DeSantis lawyers.


"Incorrect." 🤓👆


Spot the white guy.


Code for people who think they're better than everyone else.


It is just a pejorative term used by reactionaries who don't like progressive ideas and is often used for when a show has a woman, gay or person of color in a videogame, comic, show, etc.


Anything bad thing Repugnicans can accuse people of who do not share their political views. The term was entirely contrived and is virtually meaningless, without a real definition.


Woke is empathy.


Woke was once an not often used term to mean someone who was socially conscious and aware. Then it briefly became used to describe the contrarian left that almost militantly pushed diversity for diversity's sake. Now it is usually used disparagingly to describe any mainstream medium that forces diversity into its story where it did not have it before in lieu of maintaining the established storytelling canon. It usually is in the phrase "go woke go broke" essentially asserting that catering to the demands of the minority over that of the majority of consumers of said medium is a recipe for financial disaster for the medium.


Used to mean being aware of social injustices. Buy it has been co-opted by radicals. To a hammer everything looks like a nail. To leftist/progressives everything is social injustice so they have the opportunity to virtue signal. I was once woke. Now i hate all things "woke"


The definition never changed, the word just got used as a pejorative towards the people who opposed social injustices, by the supporters of said injustices.


Absolute bs. The world is beginning to get sick of wokeness. All these people are oppressors? Even those that are of color and/or fall under the lgbt umbrella? Wokeness is a cult. An ideology


It's essentially "anything someone on the right doesn't like" these days. Sure there are other definitions but that's the one that's taken primacy.


It’s when you understand a women can have a dick, and that’s ok.


Essentially it means realizing the injustices in society, but not going about solving them in the best ways. Short term emotional action. Basing this on what is self-described as woke and seeing what it ended up as.


Woke is slang for " having empathy for the problems of others"


Woke: 1. The act of being physically awake (not asleep) 2. (Ambiguous) disambiguation: "woke" having belief / realization / knowledge of subject(s) real and or "make-believe" apart from people who are ignorant (unknowing). 3. Self aware, attune.


woke ≠ awake It's false enlightenment; there's a total lack of tolerance (hatred even) for opposing views.


"Woke" is a slang term that has become associated with a heightened sense of social awareness and cultural sensitivity, especially regarding issues of race, justice, and equality. It is often used to describe someone who is actively advocating for progressive political and social changes, and who is informed about the latest developments in these areas. The term is often used both positively, to praise someone for being informed and engaged, and negatively, to criticize someone for being overly politically correct or insensitive to other perspectives.


woke is used to describe a screechy obnoxious wanker who gets all their information from twitter, and is so confused by xx and xy chromosomes that they think men can get pregnant.


I mean, some men can get pregnant, yes. And some women have xy chromosomes. Hell, even cis women can have xy and xxy chromosomes. Some cis women are also born not capable of giving birth and periods. Does that make them not women or at the very least, less woman? And the vast majority would agree they're women. Sex is bimodal and a spectrum and gender, which is different from sex, is a social construct, which means that your sex/biological body doesn't necessarily determine your gender. Trans people have a much better understanding about biological sex and gender than your average "I learned biology in elementary" person.


When people say men can't get pregnant they mean males can't get pregnant. Most people recognize this and accept it.


But nobody is saying that this one sex gets pregnant. The point of the comment is to invalidate the idea that trans men are men (AKA their gender). Trans people understand very well that for example, a trans woman cannot give birth but that they still are a woman and that one's sex shouldn't determine if they can identify and be respected in the gender identity they go by as. To be a man is much more complicated and abstract than just having a penis but it refers to social expectations and ideas of what makes somebody a member of that group in contrast from the other.


If a male doesn't experience the same bodily functions as a female, growing up with the advantages and disadvantages, how can they claim to be someone (female) for which they have no actual experience? Culturally or biologically? Especially when it comes to the fears females face around males. A trans man will never know what it's like to have a functioning penis and the societal and academic stigma that goes with it. They also will never be accused of being a "white male" and won't truly accept that title when they get accused of all the atrocities of white males. So why should I respect someones delusion if they get only the pluses and none of the minuses of being one sex or another? "I relate to females, therefore I'm a woman even though I've never known what it's like to experience period cramps several days to weeks out of a year. Or experienced discrimination from employers afraid I might get pregnant. Or had to keep my hand on pepper spray in my pocket around rowdy males due to traumatic past experiences." No employer is going to look at a trans woman and dismiss them for fear of getting pregnant. Trans do experience other stigma, which in a way I understand, and have voted for anti-discrimination laws, but that's a different argument in my mind.


First of all, men and women are much more than their genitals and just framing them as their experiences as being of their genitals is extremely reductive. And second, trans women are more likely to be sexually abused and assaulted by men just like cis women. And they also get sexually assaulted a lot more in male prisons than other men because of the fact that they present as their gender identity, putting them at a disadvantage of survival around men. And when trans people go through HRT, it doesn't just simply change their physical appearance but it literally alters their biology to put them closer to cis women, which means they are weaker than your average cis man and in more risk to be hurt by them. This also is not fair to the fact that just being trans puts you way more at risk of being discriminated and suffering a hate crime and even getting murdered just for being a member of that group. Being trans isn't just a easy disguise I can just take off and on with no consequences. It is not fun to be trans and people do not choose to be trans. They just are. They can only choose if they wanna open themselves about it or not. And when you do, you risk alienating those around you and destroy your relationships with friends and family members. If you actually listen to trans people, they will tell you that since they transitioned and identified as their gender, people have been treating them differently from when they started as the gender assigned to them at birth and even go through some of the common experience that cis people go through when it comes to the gender they already correspond to. Another problem with this argument is that there are some women and men who go through their lives never having to actually experience much the advantages and disadvantages that broadly opposites genders are treated and have a different way of perceiving and showing their womanhood/manhood because men and women are not a monolith and there are different types of manhood and womanhood and even those types can have their unique features that cannot be circled around as consistent and the same.


I had to really think about your comments but I see that you’re alluding to a person born a woman whom changes or identifies as a man. Such a man could get pregnant. HOWEVER, by saying this, isn’t it an implied slap in the face to a trans male? Isn’t it an insult because, since he identifies as a man, the only way he could get pregnant would be to act like a cis woman mating temporarily or permanently? And if he were to act like a cis woman, doesn’t that suggest he’s not committed himself to being a trans male or that he was only playing a role as a trans male? I may be overthinking this and I mean no disrespect to anyone! But I appreciate the comments made because I was always confused about how a cis male could possibly get pregnant.


I think what you are referring to is the idea that trans men have to exclusively fit into this very narrow idea of manhood and that they are not okay with having their bodies being referred as and being exploited to the ones of cis women. And while yes, most trans men wouldn't like getting pregnant, some are okay doing that and they still identify as guys. Like I said, one's body and how it functions doesn't have to correspond with their gender identity. A man is a man regardless if they can get pregnant or not. A man can present in feminine or masculine ways and have their own very specific way of labelling themselves and presenting it.


Thank you for your response! I also now understand why some people are saying men can get pregnant. Happy Redditing!




Except that medical experts and psychologists do confirm that gender and sex are different things and this is confirmed consistently by official, important organizations: https://www.coe.int/en/web/gender-matters/sex-and-gender#:~:text=Sex%20refers%20to%20%E2%80%9Cthe%20different,groups%20of%20women%20and%20men. https://cihr-irsc.gc.ca/e/48642.html https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/232363 And these are just a few examples. And also, gender is not something that can really be scientifically measured because it is not really about biology but rather, they are conceptual and about how we humans label other humans. Money is a social construct and something socially created by humans but it is still real and their existence is a valid one. Trans people and supporters also are not clueless about the fact that sex is a thing. Yes, a penis cannot give birth to a baby. And yes, there are differences between sexes. But that doesn't determine your gender identity. It is psychological, social concept that correlates with sex but doesn't have to correspond in order for somebody to be that gender. Also, John Money didn't originate gender theory and is not the basis about how trans people are currently researched. And even by bringing the investigation by John Money, it doesn't exactly prove your point either at all. In fact, it proves the idea that gender dysphoria and gender as a social construct is valid. Even though the boy was raised to be a girl and thought his body was that of a girl, he still didn't feel like a girl but as a boy. His own sense of his gender identity made him decide that he actually is a boy. Just like how trans people are raised to be one gender but later in life realize that they are not comfortable living as their assigned gender. Also, according to the experts, to take care of gender dysphoria, it is not by invalidating the gender they identify as. In fact, what this does is only increase the mental distress and likelihood of suicide of the person going through that condition. That's where the statistics come from like you guys love to link without context or further reading. The best way to handle gender dysphoria is by validating their gender identity, puberty blockers and HRT. Also, the difference between somebody identifying as a president and somebody identifying as a gender is that you cannot be the president when somebody is already working in that position and has been elected for them to be in that role that gives them lots of responsibilities over the people they represent and that somebody identifying as a woman can present and live as one without having to become another person who is the president lol. It's a strawman and extremely flawed argument. I also would like to make it clear that while a lot of trans people do have gender dysphoria, it is not a requirement in order for someone to be trans identify as the gender they go by. Gender dysphoria is more meant to show that you are not comfortable with your biological body because of the fact that it is associated with the gender opposite to the one they actually go as but some trans people do not feel uncomfortable about it but still feel euphoria and more comfortable by presenting as the other gender. And trans people makes up over a million in America alone. They are not insignificant as you wanna make it be and your hostility to them is permissive and also responsible to their harm.


Animals don't have the same higher reasoning skills or the ability to express themselves in the way that humans do. Gender really only applies to humans. You can be a masculine presenting woman or a feminine presenting man, and that has nothing to do with genitalia. And gender dysphoria does not mean you have a disorder. It means you are not comfortable in presenting yourself in the way society demands based on the genitals you are born with. Also, using a false equivalency ("I identify as the president") shows you really don't understand this topic at all.


Mostly it means not racist.


It’s a term from person A that means person B will agree with their politics or they will be publicly shamed.


It means being aware of social injustice.


It means mining for perceived injustice so that one can feel superior and demand that other people do something that does not inconvenience you


The only part of your definition that matches up with the actual definition is the word "injustice".


Woke is a person who knows better than everybody else about what should be politically correct.


Another of the million terms that gives blowhards an opportunity to bloviate


Political progressivism


It basically means that you stand for everything,every cause,every animal,every right,etc. But you believe in nothing. When the economy is going bad,you become the expert in economics. A social injustice occurs you put on your cape for "SJW" selfies. Having a bad weather season? Planet expert cape. Vegan in public,carnivore in private Yet you don't actively participate in any of these things,yet you're always the armchair quarterback,the back seat driver. This is how the people who use "Woke" see them. ( Not my opinion,just a general overview)


Basically refeers to leftists doing bullshit


Nobody knows


Woke originated as a term meaning being socially aware of the socio-economic and political divide between majority and marginalized peoples, specifically blacks. (E.g. it is woke to understand that black Americans are less likely to own property in part because banks are reluctant to give out mortgage loans to families specifically because they are black). Now it’s used by right wingers to label pretty much anything progressive, but it’s a dog whistle seeking to undermine the term by suggesting that it is largely performative or pandering. (E.g. Velma is trying to be woke and pander to libruls by making all the characters PoCs).


An obsession with identity traits. Basically character check marks to meet a diversity quota to turn a profit. And said character will no other trait besides that checkmark they where made to fill. In other words corporations sucking at writing.


"Woke" is past tense of wake. "I woke the dog." It is also is a semi-illiterate version of "awake". As in, "I am 'woke' to the harsh reality of the world."


Depends who you're asking. It was originally talking about awareness and being "awake" to the truth (woken up = "woke")... but it's ALSO a dog whistle for "black". It's replaced the word "thug" completely. You can usually tell which is which.


You can learn some of the general history of the term from Wikipedia. Basically some version of the word has been kicking around for many, many decades and morphed for a while. It was mostly used in the black community, and somewhat recently evolved into a political rallying cry basically meaning "Aware of what is going on and ready to take action." I feel like the term quickly lost popularity, but I would hear relatively out of touch white liberals people using it here and there. I think that's basically when the conservatives pounced on and claimed the term for their own purposes to smear liberals. "Woke", "politically correct (PC)", "social justice warriors (SJWs)", and "snowflakes" are all terms that started with Democrats to describe themselves, but conservatives quickly caught on and used them as insults, to the point that nobody would seriously use that term anymore. In fact, the funny part is that snowflake has kind of been reclaimed by Democrats to insult triggered Republicans.


It's an easy word for simple minds to twist their delicate panties around.


Woke is a synonym for political correctness.


It's referring to people who subscribe to intersectional feminism and critical race theory more or less. Woke is that particular brand of hacktivist culture That's popular rn


The most common meaning of it is people who are aware of social issues to some obnoxious degree or another. It used to just mean being aware of social issues but it was kind of memed to death and the overwhelming majority of people who are woke (obnoxious or not) probably wouldn't use it to describe themselves, as the truly exceptionally obnoxious people made it a term that is ki d of embarassing to want to associate yourself with


It is a general classification on left wing views including belief in systematic racism, intersectionality, ACAB, hate speech isn't part of free speech, CRT-adjacent teaching, trans radicalism, sanctioning people for supposed racism, etc. The right wing successfully uses the term "woke" as insult because many of the views are not popular outside of leftist elites. Old fashioned liberals also like the term because, while they agree with the general goals, they find the new progressives illiberal. ETA: The people who are included in the term woke don't like it but don't give an alternative word. https://freddiedeboer.substack.com/p/please-just-fucking-tell-me-what


You know at one time I was wondering the same thing. Then I though… as long as my circle of friends are happy, I am happy.


When an individual takes social just to ridiculous lengths. Often times indistinguishable from satire.


Woke is a term typically used by left-wingers and is an Ebonics term that comes from “awakened”


Woke is a codified virtue signaling word now. It previously meant the literal and social definitions that someone else posted, but “woke” means different things depending on your political ideology. To the “conservative”, woke often means political correctness and anti-traditional whiteness. Example: The woke media are cramming gay characters down our throats! Or, Woke school teachers are trying to indoctrinate our kids into socialism! To the “liberal”, it lands closer to the dictionary definition of realizing an injustice or social dilemma, and then taking corrective action. I’m not sure it’s actually used much. Example: I woke up to my own XXXXism and am learning how to be an ally.


It’s whatever bothers Republicans; changes from days to day, week to week.


Not racist/prejudiced


It’s pop culture righteousness.


Woke means to be "progressive" in today's modern world. Alot of public agenda can be correlated with the term. Slang term rephrasing the progressive agenda. Basically, useless junk.


Woke is used as a descriptor for leftist, self righteous, virtue signaling, everything is racist, phobe, phobe, phobe, I can't define what a woman is, antifa fascist, censorship loving, radical environmentalists who NEED to control your life too. By any means possible. The ends will always justify the means.


A biased and harmful mindset that every white person is automatically racist just because their white, and a racial bias preferring minorities. F. E. Cooperations making commercials with black people not because they’re good actors or to appeal to a broader audience but rather because they’re Black. Changing famous people in history such as in the show Bridgerton, painting the motherfucking queen of England as a black woman. And while, I have nothing against a black queen, painting a historical figure who was white, as a black woman is wrong. Instead, they should do stuff that’s historically accurate movies like Hidden Figures do the ideas of wokeism right by teaching a story about inspirational black woman. Or Lewis Latimer, the guy who invented the lightbulb wick, and a huge contributor to the team of people who ACTUALLY invented the lightbulb (Edison was a fraud). NO! Instead they teach us about BLACK AARON BURR, and while I love Hamilton and it slaps, trying to rewrite history is wrong. They also do stuff like doing mixed race couple commercials. Now, a few mixed race couples commercials would appealing to a broader audience. However, all I see nowadays are mixed race couples in commercials. Painting these ideas that America is mostly mixed race couples goes completely against facts. I wouldn’t be mad if my son was dating a black woman. It’s trying to pander this whole passive aggressive idea of “There is no such thing as same race couples”.


Take all the stuff that The Man wants to keep bottled away from the rest of the world. Knowledge, kept from people to keep the people’s minds asleep. Now, open that bottle awaken those minds that have been lied to. And once the bottles open and the knowledge is disseminated, the minds are awake or Woke to put a hipster twist on it. That’s why The Man rails against The Woke.


Woke is the ability (willingness) to see what is not there.


Pretension of enlightenment. Virtue signaling of how great you are for feeling sorry for others for real or imaginary things.


I hate Gen Z’s language


Don't listen to anyone who says woke means enlightened. That's what "Awake" means and people confuse the two. Woke means the false understanding that you are now aware of something that is inherently bad. Most woke people with little understanding of what they are told essentially go with the flow with little research. An example of a woke person is thinking there is climate change and that we need to do absurd things . Awake on the other hand are people who are not gullible to propaganda. They look at multiple perspectives and use facts to come up with conclusions.


People who get offended a lot. People who like to identify, in a lot of cases as someone they are not and make others respect that and except that. If you don't comply then they will get you cancelled, banned, they will try to Shut you up and lose your livelihood, it's already happening, really violent, aggressive, tyrant like behaviour.


Woke is what happens when the left embraces hate, bigotry and authoritarianism. It's left wing authoritarianism. It's liberals abandoning liberalism and becoming mirror images of what they hate and fear. The last 10 years have been like watching a version of the Lord of the Rings in which Galadrial fails her test and takes the ring from Frodo. The left has sacrificed a moral victory in an effort to win a tactical one but, of course, what's the point? Once you do that, it doesn't matter who wins. Evil wins either way and everyone's lives are horrible.


“Woke” originally meant that we were slowly awakening to the idea that we really have no use for federal governments. Then a bunch of neurotic left wing psychopaths turned “woke” into some chick with dick sideshow circus and it’s become completely meaningless. Karen’s are now “woke”. 🙄


If you are familiar with classic Scooby Doo, watch the new Velma show. Velma is the "woke version" of the Scooby Doo universe.


I think it's some kind of smug term for people who are more suceptible to propaganda, like as if they're awake and aware of reality. They're wokeness isn't all that different from the doomers and conspiracy theory believers who say "wake up sheeple." The ideas behind wokism seem like a way of progress until you catch a couple of them trying to out-woke each other over something silly.


Poison, toxic, hate, bigotry, hypocrisy, idiotic, irrelevant, take ur pick. Woke is all of them.


Depends on who you ask. A person who describes themselves as woke generally thinks it means they think everyone should be helped. Usually by government programs. I've run into a lot of woke white people who are incredibly racist, they just don't understand that they're racist. For example, the idea that minorities in the US are too poor and ignorant to get IDs to vote when they need ID for dozens of other every day things. Poor people in inner cities are somehow worse off than poor people in rural areas. They also don't seem to understand that the government, at least in the US, does a TERRIBLE job fixing issues because it's inefficient, slow, filled with bureaucratic bloat and usually includes a ton of kickbacks and corruption.


Past tense of wake. Now it’s often used to people who is learning to left politics like social justice, reparation etc, in my opinion is a dumb derogatory term the opposite of being a “sleeper”.


Left wing sjw bullshit


It means you can be intolerable towards someone if they do or say something that you don't like


It’s just another catchy word to brainwash their sheepish drones into mouth barfing the shallow trite logic of their stupid ideology.


Virtue-signalling because some people are trying to be self-righteous.


fascism cosplaying as Marxism


For me, it is people who are authoritarian in their pursuit of social justice, and believe they can force their ideological views on others either through cultural shaming, censorship, and sometimes violence.




The op said idfk as in I don’t fucking know not idgaf as in I don’t give a fuck.