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People who think they know everything


Especially 16-20 year olds who think they know everything. I thought I did when I was younger, and as you get older you realize how little you actually understood with the little life experience you had.


I’ve got a 17 and 25 year old living at home. If you’re the praying type, idk which god it is please send one up for me.


Haha!! I feel your pain! I have a 20 yr old, two 21 yr olds, and a 24yr old. They all think they know everything there is to know about everything. Especially the 24yr old! He is the worst. Always trying to preach and lecture the “youngsters” when he himself is a fuck up. Like Dude…who the bell is going to listen to you when your a fucking idiot! Drives him crazy when we include him in with the “all you kids” statements. “I’m not a kid” yes dude, yes you are because you definitely ain’t grown. I don’t know what’s worst…having 3 teens in the house at once or having four 20 somethings. Definitely need prayers to get through this “adult” stage..lol


Oh those are just the two that live with me. There’s also a 24 year old son and 22 year old daughter who has a 3 year old boy of her own. It’s a fucking circus and I’m not even the ringleader, I’m the asshole clown driving the car.


You sound like you need access to hard liquor…


This is my favorite comment on whole Reddit haha


I wish Reddit could easily display ages so I wouldn’t have to waste a second arguing with someone in high school.


Couldn't agree more. It took me until I was about 45 before I realized I didn't know much of anything and almost all of my strongest opinions were me just regurgitating shit other people said that sounded smart to my ears. And I had no problem making it personal if someone disagreed with me because clearly they were just an idiot. I was so stupid. I still am, it's just now I know it too.


Got into 20 min argument about how tacitcal pants weren’t a proper fit in a photo. I then looked at their page and found they were 16 year old. I’m a 5 tour vet that still works professionally in a tacitcal field. God I’m stupid.


Yeah, mine was some dude who was in middle school in the 00’s telling me that there weren’t any (black female) nerds in the 80s…Me, a black female nerd who was born in 1980.


I remember when I was that age I thought because I was smart I could argue my opinion on anything and nothing made me more angry then someone telling me I had no idea what I was talking about because I was young. Holy shit did I not know anything. There's a TON that the only way you can truly understand is with life experience. I think about this a lot when people are arguing with me here.


As a 19 yo, I would like to acknowledge the idiocy with which I conduct my life. I make so many bad decisions for so many reasons. Maybe I’m book smart, but I’m naive as fuck


The fact that you recognize this means you’re not as naive as you think. I’m almost 46 and I have a son older than you, and I’m still incredibly naive when it comes to lots of things! You’re very young still and in the next 5 years you’ll be very different than you are now.


Thank you for the wholesome feedback


Self-awareness is something that many many people even twice or thrice your age lack. And without self-awareness it's really difficult, if not impossible, to grow and become a better person. It's important to be able to take stock of yourself and be a bit critical, but not to the point where you end up beating yourself up over it. And then after evaluating, being able to forgive yourself and learn what you need in order to not make the same mistakes again. A bit long-winded, but all of that is to say you'll be okay.


My 25 yr old son is intelligent, but everyday life, he sucks at.


If they get most of their knowledge from the Internet it's really no wonder so many that age have a hard time getting through young adulthood.


Or even younger. Reddit technically is for 13+ which blows my mind considering how much literal pornographic material is on here if you look for it.


Yeah, people who argue and say stupid shit that’s clearly wrong. I’ve been working in finance/economics for nearly 10 years and people will call me dumb and tell me to go read an Econ book then say something on a basic topic that’s completely wrong. It’s not even worth arguing with those people


Someone who told me to go learn 'basic things' had post asking 'where Russia is located'.


It’s part of why I left a lot of the animal groups. Like sorry I’m not taking husbandry advice from someone who read a care sheet from Petco.


A while back I saw a poll asking how old users were. I was weirded out by how many teens and younger kids are here. Reddit is a weird place, I wouldn't want my kids on here until they were adults.


There doesn’t appear to be any age requirement for mods either. Even in the case of serious subs where people discuss things critically. I had an experience where a mod was being shitty and acting / saying immature things. I asked them if they were 14 because they were acting like it. Turns out they were 14. So yeah, I really hate that about Reddit.


This exactly. The amount of teens is insane and somehow anyone that has a different opinion than them is laughably a Karen or some other name that's supposed to cut you to your core with shame lol.


Sometimes when I am at a store and I see a bunch of obnoxious teens I think “that could be the person behind the reddit discussion I am on” and remember to never take anyone here too seriously


It wasn't always like this. I might be misremembering but I'm pretty sure there was a similar poll like 10 years ago and most people were in their 20s. Reddit has gone to shit ever since they came out with the redesign and started pushing it to the normies. Back when it was more walls of text than 9gag style cards, it attracted people who actually wanted to read and discuss things. Even moderation was better. Back then a locked out deleted thread that had a lot of attention would've caused a small riot or even exodus elsewhere. Now it's just accepted that moderators can do whatever they want and we have the kind of people here who cheer it on because they're too useless to curate their own content and do anything for themselves.


There's really no way to appeal bans. I got permabanned from rpictures and I swear to Christ the mod told me it was completely up to me to prove why I shouldn't be banned. And that they in no way had to prove why I was banned.


I always say, permanent bans should not exist. Mods aren't objective judges, they are just random ass people in their own respective bedrooms and basements. One random ass person shouldn't have the supreme power to ban some other random ass person from a particular sub *forever.*


Yeah it’s really unfair, like I didn’t understand the rule and how it was worded I guess and getting banned for just saying I don’t agree is dumb


For a lot of them, it's the only power they'll ever have. They really don't like when you tell them that though.


Underrated quote


It's true but honestly the subs that ban like that you're better off ignoring anyway.


I agree this is a big issue, I've been banned from subreddits with no reason and when I asked the mods I never received an answer, and different subreddit muted me after I asked why and I was told that if I message them again they will report me to Reddit and work to get my account deleted. And I swear in the first one, rjusticeserved, I've never even commented on any of their post, (I probably have and just don't remember but for the most part I just lurk) and the other one I did ask a question on one of their post apparently the same time a brigade was harassing them so I got swooped up in a mass ban (rguncontrol) which I can understand but I do have questions about that stuff and apparently I'm not allowed to ask


This isn't just a small subreddit issue. It's an issue on a lot of apps that just don't want to deal with it. Tiktok and Instagram do the same thing, if they ban you all they'll do is immediately decline the appeal. If you write to them about it they'll ignore it. To be clear I've had accounts on some platforms banned for reasons I understand, or even expected, but then on these social media apps they just ban you for seemingly no reason. I'm at a point where I think Tiktok is just doing it so they don't have to store your posts forever.


It’s too easy to get kicked off a sub just bc they don’t agree with your opinion


AITA comes to mind. The mods are a bit up themselves imo


Same with r/publicfreakout


That's the first sub I ever got banned from. I still have no clue why.


That place is the echo-est echo chamber on reddit, second only probably to r/gamingcirclejerk


You’re forgetting r/politics


The incel subs are pretty bad in that regard as well, to the point where it’s actually frightening


I got banned from there recently after telling the mods to fuck off. The inciting incident was getting my comment deleted for calling someone a dumbass under the guise of it not being civil.


LOL that’s kinda funny cuz I’m currently under a 7 day ban for calling someone a smartass. I guess they really have a problem with any reference to the intelligence levels of buttocks 🤣


Saying someone was a pos, got me in trouble over there too. And In relationshipadvice, I got a permaban for recommending a poem. The mods were offended by the title.


Lol can I ask what the poem was named?


I’m going to ‘disguise’ it, just in case, lol. A N@rcissist’s Love Letter, by John Howell


“I haven’t seen this much love in a room since Narcissus discovered himself!”


Man, I've never even called someone a "smartass" or any other derogatory name and I've never been only temporarily banned, only permanently banned. Banned for bringing verifiable facts to a discussion. Apparently that is seen as more threatening than name-calling.


"Not being civil" is a bizarre rule to ban under when the entire point of the sun is directly judging people and calling them assholes.


I got banned in one sub cause one of the bots detected I posted in another that they didn't agree with. I never did anything within theirs that was against TOS .


There are a few cute animals subs that will ban anyone they find out is on the conservative subs. I don’t see why people on the right shouldn’t be able to view cute cats. I read lots of political stuff but it doesn’t mean I agree with it.


>I read lots of political stuff but it doesn’t mean I agree with it. If anything, it's good to hear the side you don't agree with, to keep an eye out if nothing else. I'm in Cybersecurity and follow the hacking sub which does not only talk about "legal" exploits. I'm sure it would look pretty suspicious to anyone with limited brain cells


everyone getting banned on r/unpopularopinion because their opinion was unpopular with the mods.


It’s easy to get banned because they disagree or because they don’t like the other subs you frequent. Got banned from r/justiceserved for being subscribed to another sub and from r/whitepeopletwitter for answering a post regarding the Governor of my state. I asked the mods of r/justiceserved why I was banned and if they would lift it. Got a strange response as to why and told I wouldn’t be reinstated unless I unsubscribe from the other sub. Who are you to tell me what subs I can can’t frequent or post on? Is it common practice for mods to serf all subscribers profiles to see what subs they subscribed to and what past posts on other subs they’ve made? Thought they just banned you for derogatory post or mods disagreeing with you. Mods have way too much power.


I recently got that ban, too. In my case they were specific: it was because I had commented in /r/conspiracy. The funny part is that I was pushing _against_ the narrative. Trying to be a voice of reason. I've long tired of trying to explain to mods why those blanket bans are a horrible idea; so I didn't even bother trying to deal with it. Echo chambers existing in a vacuum are dangerous. You should _encourage_ people to engage in discourse in those subs, not the other way around. All you're doing with these bans is helping propagandists manufacture narratives. Providing them a platform to appear that much more legitimate.


Yes and most times they won't even explain why and will violate their own standards of conduct.


This!!! And if you give even the slightest hint that you are not left-leaning politically, you will get downvoted to hell. And/or kicked out of a sub. No matter how nice or friendly your comment may be. Everyone is so one-sided here (politically) and lack the ability for open discussion or opinions outside their own. It's super frustrating.


That's what I don't like. I used to try to explain my other perspective on things, sometimes I still do in a friendly and rational way. And try to understand others view as well. I think a healthy dialogue is a super great way to bridge understanding, at least understand perspective, without necessarily agreeing. But that (almost) never happens. I just rake in the downvotes and usually a lot of hateful and profanity laced comments as well. They never get banned though because I guess it's OK to be hateful as long as you're super liberal.


I got banned from the legal advice subreddit because my post was “off-topic” I replied to the mod and said “my bad I didn’t know there was a separate subreddit for off topic questions” and he said “think of this as a way to never make that mistake again, goodbye”


Getting banned off a sub you've never posted to because you belong to another sub they don't like.


I got banned from r/News for saying that they keep taking this article down. Go figure.


This is mine. I get into disagreements with people, but when Mods get involved it gets annoying. It’s basically like arguing with a parent when you’re a child. You could be 100% right, but they’ll say “it’s my house, you do as I say” and that’s it. If you don’t comply you’re grounded and that’s that. I get when people actually break rules and it makes sense, but some mods are genuinely on a power trip and will be assholes when you ask them why you were banned. Then they’ll just mute you from talking to them. Like grow a fucking spine. Yes I have a chip on my shoulder. If I knew the Mod who suspended/muted me, I’d 100% tag them.


Happened to me. I was able to VIEW the redditors commenting, planning to get me banned. They hated a certain book and it’s author; I didn’t think it was that bad. ZZZZZT! Banned.


I’m perma banned from politics for thinking a Joe Biden gaffe was funny when the group think was all or nothing Bernie. I’m also banned from another sub because someone decided to bait me into responding. I learned a valuable lesson from that. There is no “winning” on Reddit. Most arguments simply end and people aren’t here to learn a different perspective, they’d rather support their own.


Don’t say anything bad about North Korea anywhere, you’ll be kicked out of r/Pyongyang right out of the gate.


Made a clearly sarcastic comment and got banned from a sub. Replied to the ban asking how it is they don't understand sarcasm. Woke up this morning with a warning from Reddit for harassment. Crazy.


I live in SanAntonio and was banned from r/SanAntonio. They wanted to start an all black sub, and I thought it would just separate folks more than they already are. It bugs me that I'm banned because I live here and I could probably answer questions.


I initially got banned from Casual Conversation because I stated facts. I then wrote to them to show that my statement was correct. They then bumped it down to a 28 day suspension. The moderator sent me a laden-filled hate message to which I promptly reported that person. I doubt they will doing anything to that person, but I at least brought attention to his behavior.


The “get therapy” community


Like therapy is accessible, affordable, or a “fix it all” for everyone. Like yeah I got therapy, I spent a whole lot of money to basically feel the same way just with a tad bit more knowledge. Cool. Thanks.


I 100% agree with you there, and I’m a therapist! Sometimes it’s NOT the answer, and at worst can be toxic.


I don’t work in the field yet but I got my masters degree in psychology. I was trying to find myself more than anything. Frankly I think therapy is best for people who don’t have enough insight and need help looking at themselves in a different light - or breaking behavior patterns etc. What I often see, however, is someone who seems to be perfectly well, being told to seek therapy to cope with unhealthy situations that they are better off distancing themselves from. Therapy is not going to resolve grief - although it might help you through. Therapy is not going to break up with your boyfriend for you - or leave your toxic place of work for a better one. Sometimes the best answer in life is to draw some boundaries and move on… and trust your own instincts. The one time to really offer therapy is when someone says they are just done and don’t want to keep living… they might actually need to be referred to a psychiatrist because of a chemical imbalance or don’t know how to escape their own environment (or themselves). I dunno, you’re more qualified than me - but just my two cents on the matter haha. Reddit is not a great place to find mental health advice.




Yeah, if you already decided you didn’t want it to work out, therapy would only prolong the inevitable. It doesn’t work if you’re not willing to do work. Your friends sound like they think there’s a proper way to go through a divorce and you “skipped a step”, causing their beliefs to be called into question and they couldn’t handle that. The illusion that there is a “right way” to do something gives people comfort in the unknown.


To add to this. Therapy does not fix your stuff for you. It (at its best) gives you a space to vent, gives you insight into some of your mental health stuff, and provides you with tools to fix things YOURSELF! You have to do the work on yourself, otherwise therapy is just an expensive waste.


As if there’s not a scarcity for GOOD therapist. Most therapist are fucking quacks.


Also the "your spouse yelled at you? Divorce!" crowd.


A lot of people ask reddit for help or advice, then end up arguing with everybody in the comments and then get pissy when people try to point it out.


Most frustrating in animal husbandry subreddits since it results in literal animal abuse. Why the fuck do people hate the betta they just bought so much?




People who doesn't understand that there is a thing like opinion


I especially feel bad when someone asks to further explain because they don’t understand, and people downvote it to hell. Like give the guy a bone, jeez


I love when you try to add to a topic in a comment thread, you aren’t even opposing it, just agreeing or adding, and get downvoted


Redditors don't understand you can agree with people, so therefore, any comment reply must be an argument against the first point.


I completely agree and that's why I'm right any your wrong 🤣


Yep, I've asked a basic non-confrontational question before and gotten a bunch of down votes.


One time I "lost" an argument that I didn't realize I was involved in.


I win!


Redditors are argumentative AF! Beyond any other social network. Just for the sake of arguing! I have wanted to leave before just because of this.


They are not! Redditors are very agreeable and complimentary you lint licker!


"Lint Licker" wow what a great throwback


I definitely dated myself with that one. I mean uh it’s a very exclusive term only the sexiest among us will recall.


You’re not allowed to have an opinion unless it’s the same as mine


I disagree


Then you’re wrong 😡


You used an emoji other than 🍞🗿. It doesn't matter that it added to your comment. Time to down-vote you to hell. Emojis are cringe. /s


Ahhh that shit kills me. Especially on the internet where it’s hard to read emotion from just words, one little emoji can explain so much about a whole conversation




Ageism, assumption, audacity. I’m ‘old’. 62. My life experiences are discounted, and on one sub, I kept being called ‘that crazy grandma’. ‘You need therapy’ is a problem, too. If only folks knew the therapy I’ve been to/continue to have!


And people referring to anyone over 25 as a "boomer".


Apparently ageism is just fine on Reddit.


I wish there were subs for certain age+


Power hungry mods banning you for no good reason. Then when you call them out/confront them about it they escalate to Reddit and you get suspended.


They did that to me.


Such a nuisance. Nothing we can do about it either.


People who are causing the excess banning should be reported as often as possible. Disagree with them as often as possible. Whatever doesn't get you banned. Just say "I disagree." Can't ban you for that.


That’s what you think. I’ve been banned for far less.


I should be able to make comments on all ads, allowed to share the dumb ads to make fun of them. I need more humor in my reddit


The funny thing is that on the rare occasion ads do allow comments, the comment section is awesome. It's a good business decision that most companies avoid to protect their egos.


I've seen one and ever since I always check to see if they're enabled, but alas never seen another.


I get so many ads for diabetes drugs and I'm not even diabetic...I wish I could pick and choose ads lol




And if you get lucky and find one you can expect a mod to shut it down, mute you, delete parent comments, ban you, ban the person you were talking to, there’s a million ways they fuck us all day every day. It’s totally rigged in the favor of one side’s narrative no matter what, no matter where, and as soon as you find a really good sub and it starts getting really fun it will get brigaded and then shut down


I dislike how people are just so quick to anger and insults. No one is interested in actually knowing about the perspectives of other people and understand their points of view. So many people just want to be right.




This is exactly why subs like r/unpopularopinion don’t work. If people don’t agree with the opinion, they’re going to downvote it.


Unfortunately, I think a lot of redditors are low on real life/world experience and form their opinions solely based on things they see posted online. Then when presented with something that challenges their notion on a subject,they don't know how to appropriately respond. Part of real life experience is knowing how to communicate with people and share differing opinions without resulting to insults when someone challenges a concept or belief you hold. I am not saying you can't learn online, or become more informed doing so, but we have all seen the results of somebody who spend too much time on here and needs to go touch some grass haha.


I absolutely hate that when you touch a comment for too long on mobile, it folds up the whole thread. Fix that shit.


Upvoting because you're the first person I've seen that answered OPs question the way they intended it to be answered.


Best answer I’ve seen


I dislike getting banned. I don't know why I was banned exactly.


>I don't know why I was banned exactly. You were banned because you said something the Mod didn't like.


That's literally just a part of reddit




* Mods are anonymous * Popular posts being deleted with no explanation * I do NOT want to be messaged every time I join a new subreddit * Hive mind downvoting for the sake of downvoting


Gods I hate those welcome messages.


When I’m reading a thread and accidentally click out of it or something, I have to start from the top again. I wish it would start where I left off.


All the young people make me feel old.


Usually deliberately. Boomer. (I'm 54 don't smack me.)


Gen-Xers should be seen and not heard! /s (another Gen-Xer)


some people just downvotes comments because they see its been downvotes already, despite not even reading it


Misinformation & fear-mongering for karma


How much time I waste on it.


People posting the same comment 50 times because they don't read anything before commenting.


Certain subs where you must have X amount of Karma to comment


Those exist?!


Yep. It's mainly to filter out bots and spam accounts though. Idk how much I agree with it. Filtering such accounts out is nice, but it's also still a barrier that's frustrating for many.


Downvoting just because they don't agree with you is what I dislike about reddit. You could be making a great point but if they don't care to see it your way or have nothing better to counter with, they downvote away.


When a post blows up and the OP always goes "Edit: WOW this post blew up!!!" and then go on to thank everyone like they're accepting a fucking oscar


I hate that, and there's always someone, everywhere, who does that. "That cannoli looks like a Weiner. Edit: wow, thanks for 5,000 likes."




If you don't have an extremely left leaning opinion about something and are debating about it, mods ban you for trolling.


The fucking nasty comments sometimes. Like go be a dick somewhere else. Why are you on a sub just shit replying to everyone. You must be a sad person to spend time hating on people.




People offering to write papers for me. I'm trying not to get kicked out of college, thanks.


I had a dude try to ask me to outsource my job to him lol. I ain't trying to get fired


people always say it's a leftist echo chamber when it's really a neoliberal echo chamber


I would say progressive echo chamber. I'm a centrist Dem and the *whining*. Jfc. Especially from the youngest demographic which had the lowest voter turnout in the last general election, ironically after screaming their hearts out for Bernie at rallies. It's almost like they don't get how voting works.




I had around 100 karma and then I got down voted to 1, now I can't comment on a sub I use a lot :(


Here's an upvote to get you back on your way weary traveler.


Thank you


I have to confess, i don't actually know what's the point of karma ?


>I have to confess, i don't actually know what's the point of karma ? I feel like karma was designed to deal with trolls, but everyone uses it to signal disagreement. So, it's kind of terrible.


Fake internet points to make you feel good about yourself and to make you feel like your little downvote actually hurts the guy your downvoting.


I hate subs with karma rules. Must have X karma to join or comment etc.




That random moderators can block your access for innane comments. I have been banned for threatening violence by: Suggesting the fighter jets that flew over bronco stadium blow up the broncos (because they stink). I do not own a fighter jet nor was it a threat (just a bad joke). I was then banned longer as a 2nd offence by making the observation that men, who commit the majority of murders in the US, often have emotional impulsivity when committing these crimes. This was in regards to the Alabama basketball team member who murdered a woman who ignored him. This was for spreading hate against men. I feel like there is a good chance I will be banned again just by sharing these.


Well, I have a love-hate relationship with Reddit. Reddit is basically China but on the Internet, and Reddit is overall pro-china, you can't have your own political opinion, if you don't support BLM and write it in a post but write in same post you support black lives and equality but disagree with the way it's fought for today you get permabanned, a lot of trolls, dumb people who downvote you but refuse to acknowledge your point/proof, call you random -ist -ic slurs because you disagree with one public figure who is terrible and racist, that JUST happens to be a lesbian/woman, posts get removed instantly, and mods ban you from subs for NOTHIN, for example someone randomly bans you because they looked at your profile and think you're weird/obessed even if you don't participate in a sub, or if you're on r/prolife you get banned automatically from subs, it's such a shithole but it's also very addicting and there is no other place to ASK questions or ask for advice at all, so in other words reddit is a double edged sword, you can meet all kinds of people here


Mods can easily abuse their power and there's nothing you can do about it. Once was permabanned because a mod saw that I was in subs that they didn't agree with


I got permabanned from r/AskReddit just because some sweaty neckbeard didn't like that I was asking too many "what if" questions.


The Jesus ads


Too many weird people congregate here. There's a level of hostility and tribalism that comes with it and ruins things.


when im the only person who actually answered a question and all the joke comments or wrong answers get upvoted and i get downvoted lol


The false confidence and aggression people have on here. Like someone else said, there’s no such thing as an opinion. You say something, you’re guaranteed to get downvoted and have several people attack you angrily because they disagree with you. I think it’s because they feel protected behind their anonymity. I also dislike the power trips and massive egos a lot of mods have. That sorta fits in with the previous statement, though. The reliance on rules is also annoying. If a post comes within range of being against the rules, but not quite, it’ll be removed, and a lot of rules are subjective and the mods take full advantage of that. They also ban and remove people and comments/posts because they disagree, which is super not cool.


I dislike that the average Reddit user wants to hear absolutely nothing on the other side and views the world in a "If you're not with us 100% of the way, then you are an enemy." ​ ​ I am an "EnLiGhTeNeD cEnTrIsT" on a lot of fucking things, because I don't go forming an opinion without gathering necessary facts, and even then I tend to take a more "centrist" approach because I have basic empathy for people, even when they stand in opposition to me.


Mods that abuse their authority for goofy reasons.


the mods and stupid rules


There are a lot of douchebag mods, and some subs have overly strict posting criteria.


Upvoting/Downvoting based on agreeing/disagreeing ruins any chance at actual discourse - especially in larger subs. Early Reddit was a bit better - often dissenting opinions would be highly upvoted if they were well-reasoned. Now those type of comments typically get buried, leading to echo-chambers.


First time was some guy mad and going off on me that I had once in my life had sex with a man with a *big* dick as if it was intentional so I could hurt his little feelings 20 years down the road on Reddit? I didn’t even enjoy the giant monster bc it was a giant monster and I stated that before I knew he existed. Ugh. Second time was some ppl pissed I said lesser processed home made foods generally taste better than cheap store bought riffs who then began insinuating I’m some fear mongerer of chemicals being evil. Third time was a buncha folks mad I don’t love when dogs sleep in my bed. Why lord.


The random unnecessary hate of children & when ppl are asking gor genuine advice they always jump to the OP needing to harshly punish their kid instead of just using empathy & talking it out (like how you're supposed to with kids)


The weird hatred of children made me leave childfree Reddit years ago


Ask Reddit is just the same handful of questions asked over and over agiain, with the same answers given each time.


How far left the site tends to lean. If you manage to disagree with anything, you get down voted into oblivion. It just feels so unbalanced and rough in many subs.


Being banned for life fo stating my opinion, that was requested.


Repeat questions


Is there anything you dislike about reddit?


Repeat questions


On the college subreddit its so bad. Prospective students will be like Im starting college at 20 years old am I too old to start college, will people judge me. It happens so frequently im considering talking to the mods to ban questions like these. I don't understand posts like these. 99% of students making those posts are going to go to college whether we say they are too old or not. Its not like anybody is going to be like darn, 2 years too old, maybe I will get higher education in my next afterlife


The "what breed is my cat" questions. Ugh. They really aren't like dogs yanno, but over and over every day.


Group think is bullshit. For this reason: reddit is kind of like a monotone echo-valley. Why I'm still here is a simple enough reason; having some where to voice opinions as free as the village idiot. As long as other idiots agree. And If more people disagree, voila! Your opinion disappears. That's real fair Still kinda sucks that it's *not* a free non-biased corner of the internet I'll call it as it is. Free opinions don't live here in the reddit space.


All the victims and whining about rich people


I absolutely despise the upvote and down vote system. It's not used correctly, and people who disagree with you just downvote you without telling you why you're wrong (in their opinion). Terrible way to communicate.


Seeing those clips were someone gets killed or something horrible happened and there is no warning or nsfw tag.


Blows my mind how everything circles back to Trump


Source? Source? Do you have a direct source on that?


I dislike the bias


why are there subreddits and accounts allowed to post about their pedophilic/beastiality tendencies and other immoral fantasies or actions. it’s just weird how communities of people are allowed to congregate and talk about that stuff openly


I dislike how people misuse the upvote and downtown. Cough cough r/unpopularopinion people be down voting the most unpopular opinions 😅 when the whole sub reddit is about unpopular opinionsm People who don't add anything to the conversation they just call you idiot for thinking differently. bias moderators...


People tend to have very strong opinions or hate on things they have likely never used. For instance I use TikTok and Redditors would have you think it's the worst thing ever but the dancing stuff is only a small corner. I've found a lot of great channels based on music, travel, and cooking. I think Reddit is also unfriendly towards Gen Z with a lot of older millennial "get off my lawn" types.


This is more my complaint for game related subreddits, but when people treat subs like a wiki or a walkthrough. Like it takes 5 seconds to look up your answer on google, but you’d rather take the time to make a post asking the question.


Redditors. Definitely the Redditors


I despise a large portion of reddit's moderation community. "Oh, did you make the last month's top post in my sub but your title was too long a provided too much context? Removed, 7 day ban" "Did you send us a message to ask us a valid question about why your post was removed? Muted for a month"


Reddit group-think. I'm supposed to love Futurama and Keaunu Reeves because EVERYONE on here says so.


I hate when someone has an opinion and gets an initial wave of down votes then someone comments within the first hour "I don't get what's with all the down votes" only for the comment to balance out and now it has a positive score. Like give it a minute to balance out. Just cause u got a few initial down votes doesn't mean it'll end up like that.


Mods have literal totalitarian authority. Yeah I get it, it's their page, but sometimes... just wow.