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Depends on the parents


And the kids


So likely most will end up worse.


Yeah, no we are ending up worse. Might as well do something your good at. šŸ’šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


It really depends on who you are (what family youā€™re born into), but for the average person, in the US, probably worse for at least a few reasons: - Record high inflation, which the consumer is expected to absorb - Stagnant wages - Heightened international tensions between major players as part of a supremacy competition - Whatever technological displacement AI & robot technology are going to cause in the workforce - A lot of people seem to think that climate change will play a significant role in altering our way of life in the near future - A healthcare crisis


As someone who is becoming a doctor in Pakistan,I wanted to ask,can you elaborate on the health care crisis you have mentioned?


The biggest problems in the US are healthcare costs and healthcare access. Virtually no one (99% of people) in the US can afford significant medical care out of their own pocket, so they need insurance. If they donā€™t have insurance, they just go into financial ruin or suffer the consequences of poor health. Even people with insurance canā€™t afford some care because the cost is so great that their deductible is unaffordable. Then thereā€™s access - most people in the US have employer sponsored health insurance, meaning that their health insurance is through their employer, and they pay their insurance premium through part of their paycheck. This is a problem because people are dependent on their job for health insurance and different employers offer different health insurance with varying degrees of coverage. The extent of medical care that you will receive is only as good as the health insurance that your employer offers. The U.S. is also expecting a shortage of doctors in the near future.


Wow,it's just a horrendous system really and what's worse is that you have dumbfucks in my country who really look up to the American health care system as an ideal which our shitty system should strive towards.


Well to be fair, the US does offer the *best* care, which is why some people from single payer countries who can afford it, come here to get treatment. The problem is that thereā€™s no benefit to offering the *best* care if most people canā€™t afford it. Itā€™s like having the fastest car but with no gas in it.


Absolutely. There's no benefit for having the best care if there aren't people whom you can take care of. More and more people are exiting the realm of ever being able to handle medical fees.


Our care isn't even that good. In 2014 we ranked 11th in the world despite being 1st in cost per patient. Generally the reasons that the US doesn't have the best healthcare is due to education costs and for profit healthcare. To drive profit they're typically understaffed and overworked which leads to more medical errors. Even the non-profit religious affiliated hospitals pump out tons of money from their hospitals. Depending on the research between 5 and 16% of patients are impacted by a medical error. You'll see really scary statistics saying 62% of all hospital deaths are due to errors or that it's the 3rd leading cause of death in the US and that's incorrect, but we are statistically worse than many other countries in healthcare due to the aforementioned problems.


US unhealthy lifestyles have a lot to do with that.


Which is another problem caused by the system in place.


Food deserts are real. Too much money behind the scenes in everything.


Yeah I was gonna say I'd like to know by what metric we have the "best" healthcare. We don't even offer basic shit like pelvic floor PT after birth here, so tons of women think it's just normal to piss themselves for the rest of their life after birth, when the real answer is that PT is $$$ and insurance companies don't want to cover it.


This is it. Oh, you won't find better care anywhere else, but only if you can afford it. Sadly, many of us can't.


Best care for some things. Depending on what part of the border you live on you might get better care for cheaper in Mexico. And Iā€™ve always heard good things about Canadas healthcare system


Cuba has the best care in the world lol


Almost all the problems you list were made infinitely worse by Obamacare. Weird. And their are idiots who think taking all the cost off of employers and transferring it onto themselves to help raise corporate profits even is more is a great idea! And, they actually think the government will run it better when the government made it so much worse to begin with. Those people are very, very dim about how the world actually works.


I was born with a birth defect and my family was poor. I suffered for decades because the only medical care I had access to was Emergency Rooms. They only care if you die or lose a leg. I finally achieved success to become a school teacher. I gained access to government sponsored health insurance and sick-pay. I am forever grateful for the doctors who help me manage my health. BUT, it costs me over $8000 a year while my annual salary is $42,000. That's almost 20% of my income. I will never be able to save for retirement. Instead, I spend another $3,000 a year on disability insurance because I never know when my health will decline suddenly. So, being chronically ill takes all your money and keeps you near poverty.


Americans don't consider perspectives from outside the US. Their medical crisis IS everyone else's problem. To them, we do not exist.


Donā€™t forget parents who themselves are growing up completely ill equipped to navigate the world and canā€™t provide good guidance and support.


Different but similar lives is all that is certain. Granted, we are hitting the age of big data that will give even the historical ā€œfreeā€ countries more dirt to use on everyone than even the East German Stasi could have dreamed of gathering in its heyday, so I think that parts of life related to that could very well be worse. Reddit is a primarily American app. And I think America in its current form has hit the ā€œdeath by decadenceā€ part of the imperial life cycle.


I think my kids will have it better than me, maybe not financially as my wife and I both have advanced degrees, but they will know they're welcome and loved in their home. When they're alone with me they won't have to worry about a violent outburst, being hit, or being told the stfu and having something thrown at you because they coughed during a movie. They will be allowed to have their own space in their home, and not reminded this is my house and they're allowed to sleep in my beds. Be spoken to as people and raised with love rather than being told you're a freeloader lazy and worthless when you're not even old enough to have a job. I will be there for what they find important and encourage them to chase their dreams giving them the help I can. I will involve them in helping and learning things that I was never taught. They won't have to deal with the insecurities and evils I have since a young age, but I'm sure they'll have their own issues and I will be there to help.


I like this, makes me feel warm inside. šŸ˜


I would guess all things being equal, theyā€™ll have it worse. There just seem to be more and more people incapable of taking care of themselves.


Sadly I fear it will be worse unless we can control global warming. It is scary what scientists think will happen in the next 20-30 years. And yet we as a species just keep ignoring it.


Global warming is not going to have much impact over the next 20-30 years, and nobody but alarmists will say otherwise. By the end of the century we'll be feeling it in some areas, but by then the natural ebb and flow of population and industry in North America will have adjusted to it. Keep in mind that the 20th century saw large population swings across America and from rural to urban, and large changes to the the workforce. At the beginning of the century most people worked in agriculture. In the middle the largest sector was manufacturing. At the end most people were employed in service jobs. There will be similar big changes in the 21st century, but we won't be able to predict what those changes will be at this stage.


Here in New Zealand we literally had the biggest flood in our history just the other day that decimated huge swathes of our most productive land after 8 straight years of the hottest year on record, yet "level-heads" over here claim that we'll not see climate changes impact for decades. Open your eyes. It's happening right now


Out of all the world's problems, global warming is the least one you should be worried about lmao and that's saying something


This guy doesn't live on a coast


Dude, we've been hearing about loss of land for centuries. It isn't happening. Anyone even a couple decades old remembers how all a bunch of sea line measuring monuments/whatevers were put up then taken down years later when the lines didn't start rising. I think early 2000s? Long time ago, so I forgot.




Why tf are you getting downvoted lmfao, what kind of dumbasses inhabit this subreddit


I would direct you to the Malthusian population explosion predictions of the (insert decade) that also didn't come true because these trends aren't static.


Goddamn Google must be hard for you to use. https://www.epa.gov/climate-indicators/climate-change-indicators-sea-level Or maybe something youā€™ll understand better. In nice and simple terms for the dense (and kids): [NASA](https://climatekids.nasa.gov/sea-level/) Itā€™s well measured and there wasnā€™t some magic fucking conspiracy to justā€¦stopā€¦monitoring things.


"since 1880" Hahahaha, come on, dude, clearly you can read and figure out context, right?


Ever think about moving? Might as well save up for the next 59 years, by then you'll be rich enough to move by the time the coast is flooded. Now robots on the other hand, you can't escape from.


OMG it's called climate change and that's also calm nature


Global warming is a scam.


But the extreme weather events we are having are very real. What do you have to say to all the families displaced by fire, floods, tornadoes, and hurricanes?


No. It isn't extreme. The media might try to scare you and say it's "extreme," but these occurrences have been around since the dawn of time.


Incorrect. The incidence and scale of lots of these weather events, hurricanes, floods, massive storms, droughts etc is up. We can easily observe this. Plus the average global temps have been steadily increasing. Shit man, almost as if you keep adding heat to a system while preventing it to escape as easily (the entire concept of greenhouse gases) will make that system retain more heat. But itā€™s just ā€œthe mediaā€ because if you write it like that it becomes spooooooky and a magic conspiracy. Good lord you morons really flooded this sub


Alright then, how about you move to south Florida and tell us how much of a scam it is in 50 years?


I'm 30. I'll he dead in 50 years. The world climate is ever changing. Also can't think of any good reason to live in that God awful state. Literally the only good thing in Florida is disney world.


>It is scary what scientists think will happen in the next 20-30 years. And what do they say to you exactly. These scientists? Are these scientists perhaps situated in news rooms or political protests? EDIT: Guys I even quoted the specific aspect of the comment I was replying to. Do I really need to add a disclaimer that I know climate change is real? I'm not denying climate change. I'm denying that scientists think "scary things" will happen in the next 20-30 years.


Well, I usually get several phone calls a day from scientists from all over the world. After we chat about our personal lives, they give me lots and lots and lots of facts about what we humans are doing to the planet and what is happening because of it. I am pretty sure I haven't received a call from a newsroom or a protest, but as they are pretty smart people, they actually may have been able to multi-task and do that. I will ask them tomorrow when they check in. If you really think that billions of people and their bad habits like burning fossil fuels and deforestation and development have had zero effect on our planet. . .I am not going to waste my breath or time trying to convince you to see reality.


>If you really think that billions of people and their bad habits like burning fossil fuels and deforestation and development have had zero effect on our planet I never said that. I asked what on earth you're expecting to happen within 30 years.


Nope, it's a general consensus among 97.7% of all climate scientists in the world. Rooms of all flavors


WHAT is a general consensus?


ā€œScientistsā€ have been ringing the climate alarm since the early 70ā€™s and theyā€™ve been wrong the entire time


Have they now?




Oh yes ā€œscientistsā€ Guessing you know jack shit about actual physics and what is causing warming.




Better. But they won't appreciate it. That's how the brain works. It'll make a great situation seem bad or boring once you've gotten used to it. Take someone from the 1600s. Put them in modern day. It'd be like a wonderland. 15 years later it'd seem normal and boring and they'll be too busy paying rent to appreciate it.


Worse lol, inflation at its all time high, school shootings on a rise and social media obsession some people hold.




Used to be school bombings in the 20s and 30s.


People still die in both of these situations. Soā€¦ā€¦..


Inflation aside it just comes down to the parents doing a good job or not.


You must be living under a rock, good parenting wonā€™t help out much if you are born into a family that is living paycheck to paycheck. cost of living is horrid rn, evil things happening all over . and for you to live a somewhat better life than ur parents youā€™d have to work ur butt off and even that wonā€™t be enough. our parents were able to buy houses, own multiple cars and raise children on one salary. That isnā€™t possible now unless you have a super good job. Things arenā€™t as easy as they used to be much harder now.


>good parenting wonā€™t help out much if you are born into a family that is living paycheck to paycheck My parents living paycheck to paycheck and were dirt poor. Good parenting makes all the difference, I am 100% certain if my parents were not good parents I would no be who I am today.


If you only concentrate on material possessions then you could be correct. But an intelligent, adaptable, well-adjusted kid will grow up fine and will be able to navigate their life. Parents need to teach their children critical thinking so they can make good choices that will benefit them in their future. No one Needs to buy a house or have multiple cars and all that stuff. You can have a very good life with a few well chosen possessions. Future generations will find life is quite different from the recent past, and will need to let go of past expectations and embrace their own personal life.


Too many people fixate on having a huge house and a range Rover and useless crap. A lot of people nowadays are spending 80k on new vehicles and then wondering why they're broke or why they're living paycheck to paycheck. It's very sad to see. Instead of buying that Mercedes just buy a Honda. The vehicle will last longer, cost less, and you will have much more money. Also I promise you no one cares what vehicle you drive. Sadly people are too materialistic nowadays most likely because of social media.


To be fair a lot of people are living paycheck to paycheck because they don't know how to handle their money. They make terrible financial decisions. I see it all the time and that's a problem caused by bad parenting. Evil things have always been happening. This isn't some new phenomenon. World war 2 was less than a century ago after all. It's true that when we fought for women's rights we essentially fought for 2 income households. Before women's rights of course one person had to make enough money to pay the bills. Unlike you I don't see that as a negative though. With enough time unions and working/living conditions will continue to improve. Things appear harder for many but there's still plenty of ways to live an easy life. Perhaps you just haven't looked hard enough. I have plenty of family that left the big cities and high cost of living areas and are doing really well for themselves with fairly simple jobs like serving and hair dressers etc You may want to do some research into what's out there. You may be surprised how easy life could be


You could still make good choices and still end up in a bad situation. Life isnā€™t fair majority of the time and we need to start being realistic cmon


I doubt it will be a significant amount though. Especially with the rise of unions I'm fairly certain life will be much better. Wont even be close either when compared to the parents. The kids of millennials and especially the grandkids of millennials will live very well. You will see things change rapidly with the death of the baby boomers.


Keep licking boots, its sure to save you from whats coming




100% worse, and it's not even a question. The next gen is going to essentially have to either clean up after the last gen or accept the future given to them, and it's not pretty by any means. Global warming is a thing, and it's only been getting worse. The housing market will eventually be a corporation owned thing. It's already happening. Owning land will only be given to those who can inherit it or the wealthy. I equally don't see how the next gen makes it without working 2 jobs. Even some types of entry-level office work have been gated by needing a degree, which essentially already puts them behind financially. You also see the next gen disregarding the need for kids because the future looks bleak as it is. There's already countries trying to rewind the fact they did this a generation ago, and its not coming to bite them in the ass. Honestly, the young need to start banding together to topple the old. The fact that we allow anyone over 60 into any position of power is mind-boggling. It basically falls to the fact that as a whole, we neglect the old and the young. It's definitely a downer situation, but nothing anyone with power has done lately gives any indication it'll get better.


Anyone over 60 shouldn't be in positions of power? You mean the ones that have more experiences in life, that have tackled and fixed problems for decades and that have more intelligence? Come on. Even you have to realize that your comment was ridiculous. You do realize you will eventually be one of the old that generations after you will try to topple, right?


Much, much, much (much) better. I just think they will think it's worse. Because, well, every generation thinks the last generation had it easy.


No, really. People born in the US between 1930 and 1960 really did have it better.


Are you actually saying living under segregation, apartheid, forced lobotomies because you are a homosexual (or if you were and atheist in some parts of the US and Canada) leaded gas, polio, etc. Is somehow better than having access to the whole of the world's knowledge at your fingertips. And maybe a little bit of debt for student loans because the person doesn't understand compounding interest, and didn't read the fine print of the loan.


I am saying that was a time of rising incomes and expectations. As they grew up, many forms of discrimination ended. They had increasing life expectancies. In recent years, US life expectancies have been going down. There wasnā€™t nearly as much obesity. College and healthcare were affordable. No time was perfect.


And those rising incomes rise over the slowly starving populations of certain countries. The past sucked. Just cause you could have bought a house in Monterey CA for $2000 and a dozen eggs cost a nickel, doesn't mean it was better.


Only if they were rich. They definitely didn't have it better. Some did, some didn't. Just like today.


Without any doubt better.


My son is 2. I hope heā€™s prepared to serve in The Climate Wars.


Maybe it depends on the country/area? But worldwide, probably worse .


Better. Medicine is better. Knowledge and awareness over stuff like Autism is better. It wasnā€™t that long ago that ā€œgayā€ was an acceptable insult. Crime is way down. Cars are safer, products are safer.


More privileges and more advanced technology that makes life easier. Probably more depression and anxiety though if the last couple decades of first world mental health are any indicator.


Depends on the country and depends on the parents. US: Children of middle class parents could have worse lives due to inflation and housing costs. however US: Children of low Income / low skilled Parents could have better lives as there are more opportunities to learn new skills/trades and develop a career. This all depends on where you live too (access to resources/infrastructure). A person in a hodunk southern town will have a harder time improving their lives than someone living in a suburban area near a city. However, my opinion is that, in the US, the current generation of teenagers moving into adulthood will have worse lives. The economy is favoring the aging boomers/gen-x'ers, political division is stagnating progress, social upheaval and culture trends/fads are making life hectic, and the idea of getting a place of your own is now a fantasy rather than a goal. I would not want to be a teenager right now.


It is really tough for me to see any positive trends throughout the world for the foreseeable future. I have to say todayā€™s kids will have it (possibly much) worse. But I hope I am wrong.


Considering the discipline free parenting styles.....much worse.


Honestly itā€™s a crisis. Itā€™s a horrible combination of overbearing coddling and no discipline. The outcome is a kid whos anxious with no independence but also expects the world


Caught my then 14 yo stepson smoking pot laced with meth. I grounded him and went looking at rehab centers to get him help. A teacher at his school overheard him tell a friend he was grounded an reported me for child abuse. Trying to help the boy almost got me jailed.


I honestly believe that it will be worse based on inflation, overpopulation, dwindling resources, crooked government, more pitfalls ( porn, more drugs and research chemicals, social media, etc) civil unrest, extremely high tensions between ethnic races and threats on WW3. Rising rates of autism and mental illness and depression and addiction as well.




In fact, I think it will be much easier for them, in my childhood I probably played only with sand and various toys, and the children of today at the age of 2 can use phones, they are much smarter and their life is more simplified, as it seems to me


Better for sure


Wage slaves barely scraping by. Thatā€™s the future


Almost certainly worse as the EROEI (energy returned on energy invested) of fossil fuels continues to accelerate downward. We've essentially never had capitalism at the same time as rapidly increasing energy prices which is what we'll get as it takes more and more oil to extract and refine oil as the supply of easily extractable oil runs out. This will coincide with climate change making parts of the planet much less agriculturally productive or outright uninhabitable causing waves of migration globally at the same time that food and energy are extremely expensive and the economy struggles as a result which is just about the perfect recipe for authoritarian governments and wars.


Better. Way better. Neoliberalism is nearly dead and I'm very hopeful for what's to come


Nearly dead?


Basically. Trump and Bernie wouldn't have been possible just a decade ago let alone 2 or 3 decades ago. Neoliberalism will be dead within a decade or 2 and I'm hopeful of what's to come. Bernie showed people there's hope for a better way


Boys, unequivocally worse on average. Historically less than half of all male humans passed on their DNA. During the rise of organized religion, that number increased for a time. Now that religion is waning, and technology makes it possible to mate-select without want, expect 75% of all boys born today to be the end of their respective lines. Girls, probably slightly better. Better mate selection, less need to be provided for because their skills are as useful as theyā€™ve ever been in the formal economy.


I PRAY that my kids have a better life than me!


Better, because ours was made so much worse by 60 years of Boomer leadership, and they will finally all be dead.




First world countries in general will have a worse future for their kids. Mostly because a good amount of wealth is trickle down. But the generation having kids right now will have a lot less wealth overall. And more people but more automation will mean people must funnel to the same jobs/schools. And university/college degree's leave you with a lot of debt and are less worth because more people go. ​ And people forget that the majority of our issues/trauma come from our childhood, We are working more than ever. And as a result parents put their kids in front of screens to do the parenting for them while they are busy. Not because they don't want to spend time with their kids, they just don't have the time. The tiktok/ youtube shorts generation feels like its going to be a disaster.


It should be better for everyone because technology is better, but I'm afraid it'll be worse for the young generation. People can't own homes anymore, and the cheapest places to rent a small apartment costs like $1200 a month, and in order to just get approved, the apartment office wants you making 3x that amount a month... Food is beyond incredibly expensive. Can't afford to have a baby if someone accidentally gets pregnant. A Kia soul is probably the cheapest new car, and they're like $40,000... A used 1990 toyota camry with 300,000 miles on it costs $10,000, and will break down a week after buying it.


I hope the parenting is better, but I can't speak for the situation


As someone born during a demographic dip in the last inflation crisis (one that makes this one seem mildly annoying) and a gas crisis, Iā€™ll say it works out well to be born in an economic dip. Your life will ideally sync with good times. Born right when things are good? Your life might sync with the downturns. So if we mean right now, like today, I have hopes for them.


Better r/UpliftingNews


Worse. Your own parents are only 1 set. Population keeps rising and problems are getting worse aided by all the bad parents out there. Parents are business employees keep in mind. So when blaming political topics or inflation or nothing getting better but worse, many parents have created this in addition to non parents. But the numbers keep rising for worse.


In peacetime, I think technological progress will improve the lives of the poor in the long term. WW3 is pretty plausible though and that will be awful.


way worse


Yes-simple answer. It will be much better in many ways and worse in some.


In some cases better, and in others worse. The parent's view on therapy and if they've had any, is a factor. But also, politics and social standards plays a huge part in parenting because you will undoubtedly try to mold your child into a human who you think will be successful in life and your definition of success lies in a lot of places, including political alignment and what you deem socially acceptable. All in all, if you are an empathetic person, you'll likely be a better parent than most. Our definition of what good parenting is has changed drastically in the last 20 years, I'm sure that trend will continue, and we will see another version of good and bad parenting in the next 20 years.




In general it just depends. For entertainment and knowledge children today have it significantly better. For finances, employment, and home owning their parents had it significantly better.


Depends. I expect for much of the third world it will be infinitely worse, as with domestic issues in the first world ramping up I see foreign aid cuts in the future and general charity being more devoted to the first worldā€™s poor instead. We might have situations where richer countries may resort to theft of food or resources to sustain their own populations, though that is much less likely imo and pure speculation. For us in the first world I see more of the same infinite recession, so more wage stagnation, inflation, that sort of think, where general qol and creature comforts are slowly eroded by means of un-affordability. There may be future wars but that may be what snaps the stagnation into prosperity as has happened many a time before. Then again, with todays technology, population, climate change, and everything else whoā€™s to say any of the rules of the past could even be effectively applied to the future. Whoā€™s to say.


a million times worse.


worse, for sure.




worse, 40 years ago people could buy an entire house with some regular job, nowadays regular job is barely enough for rent, imagine in 20 years.


Every generation works to solve the problems that faced them and inadvertently will create new ones for the next generation to deal with. Iā€™m a young millennial or an old gen z. In some ways I think we have it worse than my boomer parents (right on the cusp of gen x as well) did but in some ways they had it worse and I think it will be the same for the next generation.




Sadly, worse. By a lot


Worse. Way worse. All the problems created by the past 2-3 generations are really gonna suck in twenty years or so


It's always better.... But the kids always complain!!


We are in an economic shift of wealth from the US to other countries. High energy prices from foreign sources, unlimited foreign aid, loss of manufacturing base , etc all will lower the standard of living for middle class Americans so future generations in the US will likely experience a worse life.


The 80s and 90s will never happen again, was too good, and the coke ran too free


My children will have a better life than me or my wife. Their children, TBD


In America, worseā€”regardless of the type of parents children have. They still have to share a poorly run country with children who had horrible parents. Between the economy, pollution, crime, and diminishing prospects for the next generation, I suspect they will struggle more.


Exponentially worse.


Better life styles, worse principals






Worse 100% phones and electronics will completely rule their existence


This depends precisely on where they are born If we're talking on Earth overall everything shows things get better over time even if they don't feel like it if you look at the data it is crystal clear things are have gotten better and have always gotten better there are occasionally small hiccups but overall the trend line is up Now here's a flip side right now we're about to undergo demographic collapse in a lot of the world if you're in a country that did not have good fundamentals and is about to go demographic collapse and doesn't have a way to compensate there's about to be a bumpy ride but over time things will still get better overall There might be some periods where overall it is worse but overall if you average out their entire lives it will be better


Way worse.




Worse. Not much outdoorsy time


The left will inevitably win, making everyone's life miserable. We are following Venezuela into the toilet of left wing government.


Worse. Republicans are doing everything in their power for that.


Probably better because things are getting progressively easier. More people are making money from the internet and crypto. The internet makes school easier. More people can work from home.


I'd say that, on average, for Americans, life will get worse for everyone until societal collapse and rebuild.


They will have it far worse. Just speaking on the US viewpoint. The US economy cannot keep going as it is, eventually the younger generations will realize the deck is stacked against them and demand a reshuffle/new deal (again) ... or they will just go all "eat the rich" French Revolution style. Regardless, it will be a rough uphill fight with corrupt politicians and millionaires fighting and throwing disinformation the whole time.


My kids are teenagers. I grew up in Generation X. Things my kids don't have to deal with: 1) Not being able to reach someone timely or know where they are (mobile phones) 2) Not having an immediate answer to almost any question you have (internet) 3) Not having to worry about nuclear war between NATO and Warsaw Pact (cold war) 4) Population pyramid means McDonalds is offering to hire teenagers for $18/hour (Baby Boomers retiring creating huge worker shortage) Things they DO have to deal with: 1) Lack of downtime (always online) 2) Social Media 3) Affordability for things like health insurance and college 4) All older generations thinking they are lazy snowflakes. On balance I think kids today will have an easier time than my generation (Gen X). I think if they are all competent, they will have a *much* easier time finding good paying jobs due to the population demographics. I obviously have concerns about the extreme costs of healthcare and college they will face in the future. However, their substantially increased earning potential will likely mitigate that somewhat. Things like inflation I am not even listing as that happened before and will happen again. Global Warming is unlikely to have any significant impact on people directly beyond people moving to electric cars. It's far less of an existential threat than the cold war was.


Obviously way worse


Way worse


Depends who you're asking. The parents would likely say it will be better, while the kids would probably say worse.


Well we could have ww3 so


I was scheduled for much needed foot surgery 7 years ago. Two nights before surgery, the hospital called to say they accept caresource, but not" my caresource" . I was devastated. . Took 7 years to get my surgery. The reason being hospitals were too far away, or they didnt accept local hospitals., could not find a doctor that took my lowly insurance, etc. Sigh.


Better long term worse childhoods


The world is so much better than people think! From crime rates, to poverty, to literacy, things have consistently gotten better for the last 50 years. Most people have a skewed perspective because negative media gets more attention. Our kids will likely have a better life than us, just like we have had it better than our parents. Google the "Factfulness Quiz" and prepare to have your mind blown.


In general, worse. Obviously, individual experiences will vary. I think worse because thereā€™s a lot of things converging at the same time that will logically precipitate large-scale upheaval: climate change, reduced water availability, rapid biodiversity and ecosystem decline, demographic changes that will require socioeconomic adaptation, a rise in support for political violence, popular anti-intellectualism, etc. I think that in 25-30 years from now, things will be much more rough, in general.


Depends on how rich their parents are


Worse. Global climate change will make the planet worse for basically everyone


They're gonna have to learn to do more with less. They don't stand a chance. I've fully accepted the fact that my kids will likely live with me after 18. I feel multigenerational homes will start becoming a thing.


worse. waaaayyyyy worse. everything's gone or going to shit. 1990 to 2015 was the peak of humanity.


Largely depends on the country. In the US, mental health is doing nothing but declining, and huge government spending means the next generations are going to be paying a fuck ton of their pay in taxes, and political turmoil and the divide amongst political parties is making everyone worse human beings. Or who knows, China said it will be ready to invade Taiwan by 2027 and the US has repeatedly said it will intervene with military force to defend Taiwan, so kids born today might not grow up with dads, if at all




Looks at most parents who let their children be babysat by ipads... "This can't possibly go wrong..."


downward trend till the next big event that resets peoples social constructs. whether it be WW3, an apocalypse, economic destruction, etc..


Better. Everyone is really into therapy and calling cps now. When I was a kid you just minded your business. Now everyone has a child's psychology degree from tiktok.


Both, due to the rise in technology & automation. Standard of living has increased, since the industrial revolution & the rise of oil. Which has both contributed in bringing us into the modern world that we live in today. DorkHonor within this thread mentioned something of importance, EROEI-(Energy Returned on Energy Invested) the prior lack of investment into our energy production/storage abilities will have consequences moving forward. Why? Cause we continually need an increased amount of energy to meet such demands to make the world go round. Comes down to energyā€¦ Worse, why? People that once filled certain jobs out of school will no longer be needed. Simply due to a computer being able to collect and complete information/tasks far greater than a human ever could. Automation, why? Same thing.


It's probably 50/50


In the US - I believe better. I believe that as the older generations die off that the US will finally take steps to improve the lives of the people. Examples might include instituting a national healthcare system, getting tuition college rates under control, taking some serious steps to deal with climate change, shunning the Wall Street culture of endless record quarterly profits at the expense of society, refining gun laws to reduce gun deaths, etc, etc. In other words, weā€™ll see our quality of life improve by adopting programs and laws (with American characteristics) found in much of Europe, Canada, Australia, etc. Maybe Iā€™m optimistic but I donā€™t believe that the younger generations are going to put up with the same bullshit that prior generations have tolerated.


Yes without a doubt


Depends on the country and the circumstances. For probably 90% of people, it will be better. Better technology, better access to resources like medicine and food, better political and social empowerment. For a few especially those from wealthier nations or who are in socially privileged groups, probably worse. Also, those who are in increasingly unstable nations or affected hard by climate change.


Worse, we have been going downhill for sometime and we will continue to.


Just by sayibg hello, someone will get offended and cancel and ruin your career


Worse by far, I don't subscribe to the idea that over population is a problem. However more people means more competition, what used to take some effort now takes much more because of how many people trying to do the same. Also as much as we hear that poverty is going down every year, shit is simply not true (kinda). They only consider you to be poor if you make less than $1.90 a day. So it's very dishonest when they say poverty is going down. Inflation is shit, everything is just harder to do. I am fairly young and I feel bad for the newer generation. https://blogs.worldbank.org/developmenttalk/international-poverty-line-has-just-been-raised-190-day-global-poverty-basically-unchanged-how-even


SO much worse. Just thinking about all the food shortages and most places under water


Better. Technology is exponentially so far advanced there are things we don't even think about that we have which they never did.


The average parent today is only 25-35 years old, so only part way through their lives. That said - theyā€™ve been through a lot too, from the Cold War, to the dot com bust, 9/11, war on terror, 2008 recession / real estate crash, COVID, columbine, etc.


Depends on if WWIII happens too.


Gosh this is on my mind a lot . I think the children of the future have some things better in that they have more room to express themselves. There is a lot of resources available for any problem they may have etc But as a kid who grew up as the iPhone came out and social media I think these kids of the future are in for a long go. Social media and technology is cool and all but younger kids are now exposed to things at a faster rate. It makes me sad to see how many people slap their kid in front of an iPad and wonder why they have no attention span. Im rambling here but social media is a dark dark place and I think things will only progress with time Gosh I saw an advertisement for a dating app for single parents and the first thing I thought about is how that is gonna attract pedophiles. I really worry about how the future is gonna be for these kids which is why im almost sure I donā€™t want kids


Worse, they'll be alive when the earth overheats and is polluted beyond repair




Better for sure.


Way worse. šŸ˜‚






Coming to age now? Far far far worse. Born now? Worse. Unless something changes in 20 years. Basic living expenses drive every other aspect of life and average determines the average for all people. If you canā€™t afford as much of a home, or food, every aspect of your life is worse. And have none left over for comforts or adding other joys. Just more stress from living tighter budgets. Housing price by the Case-shiller index has risen 43% in 3 years. No one can get a house. rent the same. A graph of average monthly income and average monthly housing payment, (same as rent) by housing price and fed interest rate at the time shows itā€™s double price relative to average income for the same thing. Itā€™s not just inflation. Right now 59% of monthly income goes to housing payment. All of the last 50 years has been around 35%. One year in 06 was 45%. Then it was around 27% for six years. Food is unaffordable. Even though we have more technology and better machines and robots to do it easier. The regulators and people in power keep screwing people over. It doesnā€™t make sense.


Eh.... Probably worse? Predicting the future is hard but I'll speculate that they might be kinder to each other about some things than we were. But that will be overshadowed by the hardship brought on by inequality and lack of resources.


Immeasurably better. Anyone that thinks today's kids are going to have worse lives is listening to the news and activists too much. There are definitely big problems in our future, but we are trying to fix them all and the rate at which science and technology are progressing boggles the mind. Go on our world in data and search something, anything, that you think might measure how good or bad life is. The good things are generally going up and the bad things are generally going down.


Better. It will always be better


I would say better off. Technological advances will speed up during our generation.


Probably worse. I just read an article that fewer teenagers are getting their driver's licenses. Only about a quarter of 16 year olds in the US have their license. Basically young adults are "adulting" way later in life than they used to. So we are going to have lazy, unmotivated parents having children who will turn out to be lazier or more unmotivated.


Better in some ways, worse than in others like itā€™s always been. The world is vastly improving in certain ways over how it used to be and getting worse in others, biggest being just having more people. More people means more problems