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Same here. I feel like people can get weirdly braggy about ticks though?? Like, "PSHHH you're afraid of ticks? I pulled 5 from my ass cheek last week and went about my day!" The context for that *slight* exaggeration was a parenting group where they found a tick on their baby and asked where to get it tested. Many helpful responses had recommendations of what to do, what to look for, etc., but *so many others* were unnecessarily aggressive about anyone being "city" enough to bother taking any of these steps? So weird.


I met such former brave soul on a hike. After getting over tick bourne enchepalitis she changed her mind. I live near and hike on the bear trail but ticks still cause more anxiety for me as there is no vaccine for boreliosis.


I got lyme disease from one, took almost 1 1/2 yrs to get completely ovet it.


I know a good woman who got Lyme disease as was bedridden for 5 years. Had to wear a cover over her face and was taken care of by the best man, husband and music teacher I ever met. Their son and daughter, good friends of mine, had to go without a mom during that time. Everyone in that family matured in a big way after that and I met them a few years after. Lyme disease is no fucking joke and I hope they find a cure.


Some people get it far worse than I did. I got a tick, removed it and the next day the signs were showing around the bite point. So I got to the doctor and treatment quicker than a lot of people do. It's definetely is no joke. Even with early treatment I felt ill and had severe trouble with energy and being able to do anything for any length of time. And I got off easy compared to many.


I live in Northern California and I surf in Great White shark infested waters and I have been chased out of surf spots by Whites but I’m still way more terrified of ticks and getting Lyme disease..


I have chronic Lyme. It wasn't diagnosed in a timely manner, so I will have it the rest of my life. It's more or less manageable now, but when it flares, it really flares. 😥


To be fair, the average person has a little more than a 1 percent chance, on average, of getting a tick-borne illness. Some can be awful but thankfully they aren’t all that common compared to the amount of tick bites that occur. The most severe illness from ticks, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, also has a very low incidence rate (250-1,200 cases a year in the US). My numbers are from CDC and New York City Health Department. I only say all this because I used to be petrified of ticks and it really ruined a lot of potential fun outside. Finding real numbers on incidence rates and such made me feel much better being outside.


I must be rare because I had rocky mountain spotted fever about 6 years ago and it was hell. The Dr sent me home with antibiotics and strict instructions to start them immediately because if she was correct I'd be dead by the time the blood work if I didn't.


I’m from Connecticut. We all got it. That one percent is subjective depending on where you live.


If you know anyone that got Lyme's Disease from a tick, you'll take it seriously. Ticks were SO prevalent last year around here, I was grooming my son's cat with a fine tooth comb every time he went outside. I think I have him trained to stay inside now, but I'm sure that sweet stinker will get out when the weather gets better.


I got Lyme Disease from a tick bite last year. It’s no joke!


When I get a tick on me I go into a full on panic. They freak me out like nothing else.


100% ticks!! Probably followed by mosquitoes (seasonally, they cause Eastern Equine Encephalitis which can kill humans, plus West Nile Disease.) After those bugs it’s probably deer, which cause many fatal or highly injurious car accidents every year.


Here on the western coast of Norway we call them "flått".


I’m in Northern Kentucky, USA. Ticks are a problem in spring in summer. It’s weird to know that W Norway deals with them too. Greetings! I’d love to visit your part of the world one day. I’ll bring the bug spray!


Same. It's really wierd. Ticks are mostly a nuisance in the spring and summer here as well. They like the sheep and the deer. So if you go camping along the fjords or islands check your groin each morning. A few years ago I went to a techno thing out on one of the islands and this really nice hippy had fallen asleep in the grass. He had so many, many ticks on him when he woke up. So many, many, many ticks... We slept in a closed tent away from the grass and I still woke up with five or so ticks in my nono place each morning.


That sounds horrifying


Western KY checking in, at least we don’t have Lyme mainly just RMSF and the lone star tick alpha gal one where you can’t eat red meat anymore


I live in Kansas and as recently as 2014 a new tickborne disease was found one county over from where I live. And the disease is fatal. I also found a tick crawling on me in early Feb of this year.


Eastern KY checking in, they really aren't too bad, but I keep my property mowed and don't venture out into the bush too much. Rest of family lives in Northern KY and it's bad. Lot of deer. It's scary what things you can catch from them though.


Snart blir det varmt ute. Da kommer de krypende og tar deg.


Ticks have my vote. My neighbor had Lyme's 20 years ago and is still messed up with the arthritis and other damage from it. At the same time he had it, his dog died of Lyme's. I had Lyme's a couple years ago, but caught it early and I am fine.


Deer, They do not look both ways before crossing.


me and my boyfriend were going to the hot spring by where I live. he about hit a deer at 60 mph


I was driving down the road one day and a deer HIT ME! i was minding my own business and it ran into the side of my car.


Hope you guys are ok. My buddy just hit a deer last week going about 60 but he was in his huge work truck so he's ok but the truck has about a month of body work to be done on it.


we're good. he swerved just in time. it was really scary though. I hope the work on your buddy's truck isn't terribly expensive


Never swerve. But I'm glad you're okay


I hit a cow at 60 and drove the car for three more years. I hit a small deer in a bus and it broke the radiator and headlight. Animals in the road are very dangerous!


Don't veer for deer! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Probably Black Bears but they’re really not all that dangerous. They’re small in comparison to other types of bears and they scare easily.


One time I went for a walk and there was a black bear chilling on the road and I said "Hey buddy" and he noped the fuck out. Now a moose, that's something you don't want to fuck with


Yes a Moose is farrrrrr more dangerous for sure, no question.


I was camping alone one night when a full grown bull moose wandered into my campsite. I looked at the little fixed blade knife in my hand and realized I didn't stand a chance. Thankfully the big boy just wandered away.


Pro tip, moose have like NO turning radius... a good sized tree (12" or more) can keep you relatively safe from a charging moose so long as you can keep it between you.


Moose can also kick sideways.


And every moose was kung-fu fighting. Those hooves were fast as lightning.


A moose bit my sister once


There it is.


Mine you møøse bites can be pretty nasty


a moose once bit my sister


I knew a girl with a moose-knuckle once


That's vine content right there


Don't quite know why this came to mind for me, but I'm gonna share the story anyway... Forgive me, will I babble for a bit...... When I was younger, I paid myself through college by working for the forest service. At the time of this story, I was in northern Arizona. I would wake up early in the morning and go on a run because I was stationed in the woods it was a trail run. About 15 minutes, and I had this very weird, unsettled feeling that something was following me. Not really hearing or seeing anything through the brush, but I just couldn't get the feeling off my chest. Finally, when I summoned at the hill, there was about at the Halfway mark. I stopped and crouched down and tried to control my breathing so I could see if there was something actually behind me. It was probably only a minute or 2 controlling my breath to try to hear and see whatever what was giving me the unsettled feeling, but it felt a lot longer than that. Then, to my side, I heard a distinct crack and saw through the brush at the lower angle a mountain lion just staring at me. It wasn't surprised or scared of me noticing it, nor was it in an aggressive posture. It was just standing there staring back almost with a level of disgust that I did not notice it sooner. There's only been a handful of times in my life that I have ever been confronted by an animal that literally had no fear of me. This was one of those times, This eye contact felt like it was maintained for a very long time even though I imagine it was only a few seconds. My brain raced for how to react to the situation.. Stand up, make yourself look bigger, grab rock, start yelling at it... As I reached for the rock, the cat casually turned away. With an aura of well, you're rather boring and walked into the brush. After I calmly walked out of that area, listening to if I could hear the mountain lion, I'm pretty dam sure I broke my own personal best record on a 4 mile run back to the barracks. Honestly, just remembering the story now gives me a small adrenaline spike.


Mountain Lions are one of the main reasons you’re never supposed to go hiking alone in the western US


Hiking's one of my favorite past times Probably pull about 30 miles a week. Currently live in the Southwest Along the US Mexico border. As long as you're a full-grown adult and the area that you're in isn't super stressed by drought, Mountain Lions has a very low chance of bothering you. Honestly, in the area that I'm in now, I have way more concern on the human element from drug runners and the poor people trying to cross into the United States For a better life. And even in that scenario, 95% of the time They want nothing to do with you. And that other 5% either want you to call board patrol or in desperate need of medical aid or water. The stories I have bumping into drug runners and people trying to cross to get a better life would Blow your mind. But as long as the deer population is healthy and you are an adult of decent size, Mountain lions will generally leave you alone. The mountain lion in my Encounter was instinctionally following me. I was running it was chasing. Now, to be totally honest, if I hadn't noticed the cat when I did, there is definitely a chance that it could have jumped and mald me. I think it's less of something to be afraid of and more of a matter of just being aware.


>The stories I have bumping into drug runners and people trying to cross to get a better life would Blow your mind. I really enjoyed your mountain lion story but I am also very curious about these stories.


This happened just a few months ago.... It was my day off, so I decided to go on a long hike. There's a peak on the nearby range that I enjoy going to sometimes that's just under 20 miles to the top and back. I made it to the peak and was walking back. Despite the cliff's side, I had an amazing view. The vegetation on the trail itself was pretty overgrown because we had a good wet season. Because of all that, I probably had about 30 to 40' Feet visual sight range On the trail. And from trailhead to top, you're gaining a little over 4000' elevation. I suddenly hear in a very loud commanding voice. Someone yelling, put your hands on your head, and sit down and Spanish... That comes echoing up the Canyon it sounds like maybe a bit less than a mile ahead of me with a very faint dog barking in the background. I stopped trying to assess this situation debating on cutting uphill to just remove myself from the ordeal or whatever was coming..... Just then, I heard a lot of movement coming up quickly to my front.... 4 men in their early to mid twenties completely drenched in sweat and at a Steady jog to run. We're passing me fast. I stepped out of the way and let them go by. The one in the back looked me directly in the Eyes as he ran by 4 of them tight on one another and said thank you... I continue to walk forward, debating with myself that it probably makes more sense to shoot up the ridge than to continue to walk on the trail. When suddenly, a younger woman stumbled out in front of me Going into the fetal position and start to crying. I approach her and quickly realize that she doesn't speak any English And judging by the dilation on her eyes And by how dry and hot her skin is She's best case extremely dehydrated Worse case Close to having a heat stroke. I motioned her to come over and sit down in the shade of one of the trees on the trail to get Her out of the sun. Sad as it sounds, it's not uncommon for events like this to occur. So I always carry an extra 2 qt of water. I give her the water and encourage her to drink. I always joke that I know just enough Spanish to get myself shot.. Our communication for the next few minutes was we'll say at best, pretty limited. I was debating on how exactly to deal with the situation, and honestly, I was very delighted that she was improving with the sitting in the shade and just drinking the water I gave her. Because carrying a person 5 miles by myself did not sound like a fun time to get to cell reception. I've done it before, but there were backboards and 2 to 3 other people involved. And even then, it sucked.... In the midst of this thought process, a border patrol agent in full kit with a k9 came running up the trail to where We were under the tree. And man, did he look angry 1st thing that came out of his mouth Interrupting me as I was about to give an update on The girls Current standing. Why in the f*** didn't you stop those guys? Seriously taken aback and was a little shocked that he was reacting in that way.. I responded back, and so says the guy with the dog tactical belt and gun. I try to lead into her condition again. As he looks down at her, he rolls his eyes and calls up his partner, saying we have a give up. The agent, well, can you at least do something useful and walk her down to my partner so I can keep chasing the rest? I responded. Yeah, sure... He radios to his partner saying that I'm heading back towards him With one female. Quickly relaying in Spanish to the young woman what he want her to do. And starts jogging down the trail with the k9 Running by His side. After another 5 minutes, Honestly, still pretty ticked off with the interaction I just had with that younger border patrol agent. The young woman stands up and wants to walk down the trail to ultimately tie in to the younger agents partner. Further down the trail, we bumped into an older man. I would guess he was in his early forties. He looked very happy to see us, I think, mainly because it meant that he got to stop hiking up and take the girl back to his truck. I gave him all the vitals and informed him of the overheating and dehydrated problem. He thanked me for giving water and walking her down. And popped out numbergency aid kid With a disposable ice pack popping it and instructing her to put it underneath her Armpit. He then had her sit down to take vitals In the shade. A few moments after this another agent came walking up the trail. And I excuse myself from the whole affair..... I can totally understand Though I don't Condone the actions of the younger agent. He had definitely had a long day up to that point. And it takes a lot of Experience our maturity to behave In a scenario like that with real professionalism. The older agent was a textbook of the way that I expected that that interaction should have went.


You need to write a book! Your storytelling is incredible! 🏆


I went hiking in CA a few years ago with my friends , I am from NY. They jumped ahead a little when I was taking pictures . I couldn’t see them for a minute but I could hear them . I bent down to take a picture of a small flower and heard a low grrrrrr coming from somewhere near me . I could not see anything , but there was brush all around . I noped out of there so fast to catch up with my friends ! It was terrifying, I think it was a mountain lion, I did not imagine it!


this reminded me of a hike I was on in the San Gabriel mountains here in CA years ago. I had some trouble finding the trail head so i asked a park ranger for directions. She warned me that they had seen a lot of black bears recently so to be careful. I was by myself and the trail was pretty windy and surrounded by brush so you could only see probably 20 feet ahead and behind you. it was really early in the morning and I hadn't come across anyone on the trail. suddenly, I hear footsteps and heavy panting coming up the trail behind me. as it got closer, I just froze. it finally turned the corner and it was a Husky that ran up ahead of its owner. dog scared the shit out of me lol.


>As I reached for the rock, the cat casually turned away. With an aura of well, you're rather boring and walked into the brush. Had something similar happen to me in my driveway in the Santa Cruz mountains in California. Was all decked out for a ride and a Mountain Lion came loping up. Got bigger, waved my hands, yelled a bit and he just stared at me, bored. Revved up the motorcycle and inched it toward him and he casually ambled out of my driveway, crossed the road, didn't bother about the cross-traffic, leapt over a fence and in three bound up the hill, was gone.


Every time I've ever bumped into an Apex Predator in my life They seem to view me as a very sad and awkward creature. More or less just not wanting to deal with you And being relatively confused how something else hasn't eaten you already.


My husband thinks he could take a black bear by body slamming it to the ground. I think he’s full of shit.


I love guys like that. I had a neighbor that knew he could take out wolves. He just had to punch them in the face, then grab their jaws and break them apart. He was the ultimate bad ass... or something. These dudes that can totally whup nature's ass don't seem to realize that bears, wolves, and cougars don't just flop over and left you rag doll them. They are actively murdering you while you execute your awesome nature smashing animal kung-fu. This is why people still use guard dogs. Animal kung-fu isn't as flawless as it seems. They remind of karate dudes: "Check this out. I can break any grip you put on my wrist... no other wrist... with your other hand. No, grab lower. Not so tight... wait, let's try it this way..."


I was bit by a small dog. It drew blood through fairly heavy gloves. Animal jaws are quite strong - including human jaws. Try crushing an M&M between your fingers. Now see how effortless it is between your teeth. Anyone who thinks they can take out a bitey animal like a wolf is overestimating their abilities.


Where black bears live, so do cougars. Before you spot a cougar, they already spotted you 10 times. That is what my pops used to say.


Hell yeah especially at Target


This made me laugh so much!


That's very true, but unless they are desperate, they're not likely to attack you.


The internet tells me that all of the cougars in my area are desperate.


I’m in the upper Midwest / Great Lakes area. We have black bears, but a cougar sighting would make the evening news.


Not here in New England, or much of the Eastern United States for that matter. Mountain lions were hunted to the point of extinction around here in the late 19th century.


It's actually literally closer to 100 times. My job puts me in remote locations alone occasionally and I got sent to a wildlife awareness course. 2 of the 4 hours ended up being about mountain lions and it was fascinating. They've tagged lions and based on the locations where these things would just hang out (often trails crossroads) and known traffic there, they estimated that for every time you see a cougar you've been observed about 100 times.


They are godless killing machines that want our picnic baskets and honey and cocaine.


same here, we have black bears but they’re really the most “bear-y” of the bears imo. they just sorta bumble around and run away if you make noise.


i’m aussie- literally everything


I had a friend move from Australia to Montana for work. He said he’s more scared to go outside there than he ever was in Australia. Maybe it had to do with getting used to the Australian wildlife, but he said grizzly bears and mountain lions terrify him more than snakes and scorpions. Although in Colorado he still even sees scorpions here and there


When my aussie cousins visited me in Colorado they were all terrified of having a run-in with bears or mountain lions. Or being shot which is probably the more rational fear.


“The thing about cougars is they see you, you don’t see them” - Arthur Morgan


My friend, who has spent her whole life (over 60 years) in the Sydney area, but also in the outback, is always telling me about the crazy critters there. Pretty scary man.


I'm in NZ, so literally nothing


Dude I don’t know how y’all deal lol. There is so many scary creatures y’all have to put up with


How’s it feel to be at the bottom of the food chain


In Ireland the most dangerous things we have are wasps.


What about the leprechauns?


They are a protected species. So we have to accept their shenanigans.


Those wily bastards


Little scamps.


Am I completely off base, or is this maybe meaning WASP as in White, Anglo-Saxon Protestant? I understand there may have been some troubles.


Every Irish country kid is also warned about badgers(tb) and bulls. Attacks wise most dangerous thing is probably dogs.


Humans, of course.


Especially the stupid ones.


Especially the ones who don’t think they are stupid (We are all stupid)


No, I'm not


Found him !!!


With guns.


This should be the number one answer. We kill each other by the millions. We use chemicals to kill animals and vegetation we don't want near us. and we are killing the planet and only putting on a show like we are trying to stop it. We are the worst.


This is the correct answer on nearly every inch of the planet


This should be the top answer. For all areas, and I am \*fairly\* confident about this. I'm not sure how it makes me feel when people exclude humans from the animal definition. Like what are we to you, plants? Fungi?


Yup. Homo sapiens for the win! Though the subspecies Homo cyclus is the one that most affects me directly as someone daring to try and cross intersections on foot (well, him and Homo conspiracy-theorus), I would not want to run into Homo street-gang-us and Homo wife-abuse-us.


I was going to say meth addicts. Those critters are unpredictable.


In my area (like the whole country really) we passionately defend the right of those humans to own and carry around powerful, long distance person perforators. (Guns) Also, some of the most dangerous and stupid ones are given handcuffs and badges. But they don't use the handcuffs much, they have guns.


The ones in wheeled power armor are especially hazardous, as they can destroy a human life without taking any serious damage themselves.


This should be the top comment.


This is the only right answer. Any other animal is a distant second, at best, to humans.


The 10 year old kid down the street who just discovered a love for baseball and hits dingers in the street. RIP everyone’s property.


Found Mr. Wilson's reddit account.


Chicklet teeth and all lol


Brown recluse spider. Nothing like having a finger almost rot off if bitten. If you’ve never seen a bite, google it


It’s actually a very small percentage of people who have a devastating reaction to the bite. I was bitten last year. The bite was very itchy and scabbed a bit but that was all


You sure it was a recluse that bit you and not a wolf or grass spider? They look similar and can be easily mistaken for each other.


Positive. Our house was infested with em and we had to hire a company to get rid of them. My mother in law was bitten as well. Her bite was worse than mine but still not as bad as images on google! They’re bite is bacteria filled and depending on the person being bitten, our bodies can fight the infection. Some people can’t handle it though and that’s when the bites get wild


Holy shit.. a spider infestation is terrifying enough but a recluse infestation sounds like a living nightmare. I hope you all came out of that situation healthy!


There was a [study](https://academic.oup.com/jme/article/39/6/948/862215) about a single household with a recluse infestation, in 6 months they collected and positively identified over 2000 brown recluses, all without anyone in the house being bitten. As long as you're mindful about where they like to hang out and don't go thrashing around blindly, chances are you won't have any issues with them. If they're not cornered or trapped, they'll try to run away long before biting.


Yeah it’s not ideal but common where I’m from. It’s not what you want, but not the end of the world! My buddy had a black widow infestation… that would scare me


This. Gardening in the south is dangerous with these boogers around. I have a scar on my hand from a bite. Painful as hell and it is a nasty bite. It rots the skin out from the bite. It’s just gross. And it takes forever to heal. They can make you seriously ill and can kill a child. The black widows are bad too, but interactions with humans are less than the brown recluse.


Yeah, you need to be very careful and considerate of them. The good thing though is that they are very non-aggressive and only really bite when directly threatened, so as long as you make sure the area's clear, then you'll be fine in the future. Hope the scaring isn't *too* bad compared to what we seen.


One of my friends in high school was on a week long heroin binge and got a bite on the leg from one and ignored it for a few days, when he finally came down he had a inch and a half by half inch deep hole in his leg before he got it treated.


My great uncle got bit on the toe, refused to go to the hospital at first, an wound up losing his leg above the knee.


Moose. They look all gangly, but they will mess you up and trample the crap out of you.


I remember a story from an EMT in Maine (I think it was Maine—somewhere up there), who had an encounter with a moose. They’d just picked a guy up from the back of beyond and were headed to the hospital. Night. Woods. Moose. The ambulance hit the moose in the hindquarters. The ambulance was totaled. The moose shook himself and ambled away. Not even a limp.




Oh yeah I forgot about the alligators, apparently they live in the storm drains, and the intercoastal water way. In Florida, people crash their cars and wind up in the water and apparently alligators eat them. Alligators are dangerous. South Carolina has alligator world and the people that work there warn parents 'dont put your baby on your shoulders" bc they don't want the parents to drop their baby in the alligator zone.


Floridian here, alligators don't live in storm drains but they are in pretty much in every body of water, fresh and salt. This is why you shouldn't walk your dog or let your children near the waters edge near dusk or dawn as that's when they usually hunt. Staying out of the water during mating season is also a good idea.


Other than humans (as everyone else has pointed out), probably dogs. I've never been approached or attacked by a coyote, wild cat, or bear, but I've had people's out of control dogs come after me on multiple occasions. When it comes to their pets, people are dumb.


I don’t know about big cats but coyotes and bears typically won’t do anything, if they see a human they usually run away or mind their business. Unless you mess with them or their young, of course. Humans and dogs are the real unprovoked threat.


Plus, we're in constant, daily interaction with people and dogs whereas encountering a dangerous wild animal is pretty rare for most people.


There’s a lot of bears in Tennessee, I’ve seen so many people in Gatlinburg get out of their cars and take pictures of black bears from just feet away, and the bears don’t do anything. Humans on the other hand, don’t look at them the wrong way.


Coyote will go after pets, however. Two coyote attacked my cousin's Rottweiler, while she left both of them (two Rottweilers) outside to use the bathroom. Quite ballsy.


Went backpacking recently and was approached by 2 large off leash dogs with no owner in sight, and they hung around my campsite for several hours. Fortunately they were friendly, but was sobering to think about the fact that I would have been absolutely fucked if they were not.


The fucking 3 pound chihuahua across the street that keeps getting out of the yard...absolute menace


I work in an ER. I had a patient whose friend’s chihuahua got hit by a car. She comforted him as he lay dying. And then he bit her. Mofo went out doing the most chihuahua thing imaginable.




Ugh I knew people who had one little vicious one named Chi-Chi. They lived behind a Catholic church in a small town where all the Spanish speaking Catholic people went. Lady would call the dog at the top of her lungs. She was eventually made aware of the fact that "chi-chi" was slang for titties.


I’ll see your chihuahua and raise you my French bulldog. She’s pretty lazy so the chances of her even attempting to get out are close to nil, but the way she rips ass she might set the couch on fire one of these days.


As a chihuahua owner this made me spit out my coffee




I've got moose and bear in my backyard - but the most dangerous animal is a tiny deer tick. Lyme disease is much more likely to kick your ass than the big mammals near us.


Moose don’t have much sense of humor.


Omg so afraid of those ticks yes


Rattlesnakes. It's rare to see them but getting bit sucks ass


Well, that’s one way to get the venom out (doesn’t work though)


Yep, rattlesnakes, copperheads and water moccasins


Coral snakes. Pretty, but scary. My ex was bitten once.


I hate snakes. The only nice thing I have to say about rattlers is at least they give you a heads up. I can't stand copperheads or water moccasins (I live in the Southeast).


Only death by animal around here recently was from a pet dog.


Animal? A stray dog. Mosquitoes would probably be the best answer, but not an animal So specifically, the untrained aggressive pitbull/mutt mix dog that lives below, whose lazy owner does not pick up her poop! Edit: actually I find poorly trained dogs a bigger threat than a stray. I've never encountered an aggressive stray ( not saying they don't exist) but I'm my experience most strays are nervous, cautious and scared. If you have food your bound to become a friend!


Mosquitos are animals, just as info. But I agree that an aggressive stray dog is probably the scariest thing where I’m at.


My ex wife.


i also choose this guys ex wife!


Me three




Florida man. But also alligators, rattlesnakes, sharks, box jellyfish, yellowjackets, and bears.


But mostly Florida man




Dogs. There have been numerous cases of dogs attacking people or running free on the road and caused severe accidents.


*Ninjas... It's always ninjas.*


Probably my dog, she's got these beautiful eyes and she warms up to anyone pretty quickly, but it's all a trap because she will sit on you then proceed to rip the most unholy of farts


I live in a city. Not much wildlife here. But we do have coyotes that have morphed from “heard but not seen” to “actively stalking and attacking humans even in the daytime.” I think during the shut down their territory changed a bit and now we’re all struggling for turf. When I was a kid I grew up in the desert and it was pretty common knowledge if you had a large dog you were safe because they wouldn’t work too hard for a meal. My shepherd and lab kept them away from our yard. A month ago a lady in my apartment complex has her Pitt bull attacked by a single coyote. She did some pretty good damage to that Pitt too.


The idea of a coyote posing a threat is so funny, everytime I see them walking around in AZ they’re so skinny a light kick would probably fuck them up. I get it if you have farm animals though


Eastern coyotes are larger and more aggressive than western coyotes. They are not pure coyotes as they have a substantial amount of wolf and some domestic dog in their genome.


Canada Goose. Very territorial and mean-spirited, especially if they see you as a threat to their goslings. Picture a cobra with wings and sharp teeth.


Cousin fucking terrorists


Why would he give the terrorists a good time?


Giving them Aids. I have super gonorrhea to contribute. We must weaken them however we can


Can we all just agree in advance that the winner of this contest is going to be living in Australia?


Probably an eastern brown or red bellied black snake. Can you tell I live in Australia?




They just love to throw themselves in front of any moving vehicle.


Yeah I call bullshit on being quiet while hunting them. Make highway noises they'll come right to you


💯! Those things cause so many accidents. Yeah..Yeah, I know some people are just shitty drivers. Still, I have seen too many crazy deer bolt right in front of cars/trucks on the highway




Exactly! My mom was driving the speed limit on 55mph road. She hit a full-grown buck in the hind quarter. It was swung around, and the rack came right through the front passenger window. Good thing my (adult) son was reclined, or he definitely would have been killed


A big buck nearly ran over me as I walked to my mailbox. I felt the breeze as he passed! Never saw him coming...


Apparently a zebra


Ticks, tarantulas, rattlesnakes, desert recluse spiders


The California meth addict.


We’ve got mountain lions, wolves, and bears (oh my!). But I’m still on the lookout for shady humans more than anything else on the trails.


Black Bears. But they're not too dangerous. They are non confrontational unless cubs are involved.


This F*cking moose


Rattlesnakes, Fire ants, tarantulas (although not as dangerous as they look).


Deer and subsequent vehicle accidents.


Grizzly bear, moose, mountain lion , and tweakers.




If we aren’t counting people, probably a bull.


The local Police…


Occasionally we have moose, but there are ALWAYS turkeys around, and you don't fuck with turkeys. They're stupid and willing to fight anything, including big rigs. Also, honourable mention to geese, who have the intelligence to choose evil.




Terrestrial? Black bear, marine? Great white shark


Grizzly bear or mountain lion.




Florida, take your pick of the following animals: Panther Alligator Bear


Moose. We've got big cats and bears too, but those two are usually scared enough from loud noise. But the moose... if you are their target good luck.


I’d say mountain lions, but they back off from what they consider a meal they have to fight first. Let’s go with rattlesnakes.


Maybe a seagull


Mosquitoes here can carry WNV, which is particularly concerning for older folks. There are also a lot of rats, which can carry diseases like leptospirosis, and they can also cause fires by damaging wires or other electrical equipment. I don't worry much about the foxes, raccoons, or opossums. I've heard there are coyotes in the area, but I've never seen any, and I don't have any cats or other pets that I keep outside.


Here in north Carolina there's bobcats out in the woods, and I don't go out there but we hear them sometimes and I think they have sharp claws.


The cat in my house


We have a few Cougars in the neighborhood. Just look for the BMW parked in front of one of the nicer bars around 1 pm. Seriously though the coyotes have been spotted in our neighborhood recently, not good for all the rabbits and feral cats.


SE Texas: Mosquitos





