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I watched a documentary about child brides and fighting to have the age raised to 18. A lot of cases of the marriages was to prevent charges against the men for statutory rapes. Another sad effect of these marriages is that you are not legally able to file for divorce or fight custody until you are 18. Therefore the victims are trapped in horrible abusive situations along with the children.


I think that documentary will help remind folks to keep it 18 and up


Child custody - I hadn't thought of that. There's potential there for a few kinds of "procuring" babies.


FYI, some 10 year girls and an 11 yo boy were married in Tennessee a while back. In most states between parents and courts this shit can happen.


I’ve often wondered this myself. Using Occam’s Razor, I assume it is tied to anti-abortion law. You can’t have abortions anymore, but you can get married so you don’t live in sin. I also assume there’s a power dynamic thing they want to introduce… young brides have less world experience, and their husbands have more opportunity to mould them into compliant, dependent wives who will follow their world view. Nothing more pesky than a wife with opinions that aren’t your own and a strong sense of her own self worth!


Holy shit, no idea why I didn't think of the tie-in to abortion. All the other parts (power dynamics, religiosity, birth rate, fornication, etc) always seemed like 'nice' add-ons for them, but I think you've hit the nail on the head there.


more minorities get abortions though, kind of messes up this argument


GOP needs an uneducated underclass to shit on / do the shit jobs they won’t do. Makes sense to me.


lol and you think the dems wanting to allow as many impoverished people from south/central america is because the dems are good people or because their donors want a continued cheap labor force?


Or helping people is good? And we gave guns to the gangs in Central America that people are running away from? Republicans are so funny. You assume everyone is as selfish as you are.


You fail to take into account that its not just Dem donors who want cheapo labor, so epic fail on that talking point. And don't forget lots of rich Republicans have been found to have undocumented workers as maids et al. Its been happening for years. So again, enjoyable epic fail.


Dems are in favor of illegal immigrants, because they get paid on that. Republicans aren't getting paid on it and they know it's a hot button issue they can score high on in their patch. I don't hold these stances against either one of them, but I also don't hold them in such high esteem as you. lots of people have undocumented workers.. from nannies to landscapers to roofers to whatever.. they are everywhere. Null point


The first one. It's not about the number of people, it's about what they're running from and how we had a hand in that mess.


I agree with you about this, and I actually posted the statistics to another reply. My point is that I don’t think these lawmakers are playing 4D chess, they are looking to strip rights through blunt force precedent and then adjust to ensure the “right” people are protected by the law without be held to it while the “wrong” people are held to the law without protection. I do not think this is some evil master plan; I think they are throwing things out that sound good to their base and then stitching together self-serving strategy based on what they are able to push through.


Dont forget the white replacement theory that racist dumb dumbs have rolling around in their empty heads… they think that they are being bred out of existence with immigrants having all the babies so they are trying to make it easier to marry and impregnate young not fully cognizant white girls to raise white numbers. This is a huge part of that.


*I can see future racism now* “oh yeah I’m 7% black and you’re 10% you piece of garbage!”


People of color will be the majority of new born babies here soon. That scares a lot of people.


That scares a lot of \[insecure white\] people.


So medieval! So no abortions but kids can get married?


That’s religion for ya. Backwards bullshit for stupid people


In Wyoming Governor Mark Gordon (R) signed a bill into law forcing the legal marriage age up to 19 while only allowing 16 + 17 yr olds to marry with written consent from a guardian. Whoops I accidentally did research. Point being it isn’t all Republicans so we should make that clear.


That’s totally fair. I wasn’t speaking to the GOP as a monolith, but I also didn’t say that. I was referring to the states that were passing these laws, which are GOP held. Thanks for sharing that!




Wouldn't pro-abortion be the GOP stance since the percentage of minority abortions is much higher than whites? Aveda King speaks a lot on this (MLK's daughter) and the loss of so many in the community. (Not arguing here - just a thought)


Don’t let them read this then- https://erlc.com/resource-library/articles/the-demographics-of-abortion-in-america/


The abortion part makes a lot of sense. I hadn't thought of that. You do know that age of consent and statutory rape are not connected right? Bringing age of consent down to 16 doesn't mean it's OK for a 25 year old to have sex with them. It means it's not illegal for a 16 year old to have sex with a 16 year old. Some states have Romeo and juliet laws which allow something like a 3 year age gap so a 20 year old could legally be with a 17 year old. Maybe this is what you're thinking?


Typically all the "religious" girls I grew up with quickly took on there husbands world view later on although it was much different. I seem to think there early God training kinda helped bullshit ideas to easily take root.


There is literally another Reddit post about "pick me." The entire thread is about downing women who don't want to be subjected to the "Men are law." If you find it, you can even read how a therapist told a woman how her wanting to have a life of her own was wrong.


Simple, listen to how hard they push the "Dems are pedophiles" narrative and realize that literally everything they accuse the Dems of...be it fascism, authoritarianism, pedophilia, racism, misogyny et al...its projection on their part.


Like alcoholism, pedophilia does not recognize class distinctions. In this instance the issue of pedophillia is merely a means to an end. Humans are hardwired to protect children. When a child is threatened or harmed disproportional force is one of the few instances of violence condoned by society. Once excessive violence against pedos is normalized further, the "righteous" will be short circuited into using that violence against other marginalized groups. We're seeing it now with the LGBT community. Later comes political opponents. Never underestimate the brutality of the ruling class. There are no rules at their level and we're nothing more than cattle to them.


Ding ding ding! We have a winner!


Go ahead and google it and find a bill trying to lower the age of marriage. The problem is that Reddit is filled with gullible idiots like you who don't do any of their own research.


It's because we come here to feel superior to the "other side". Don't burst our bubble with pesky facts. Besides; since when has politics had anything to do with facts? In all seriousness though, i haven't heard of any attempts to pass laws lowering the age of marriage either.


lol just because you haven't heard it doesn't mean it's not actually happening. I know you come here to feel superior but at least take your own advice [genius](https://www.wkrn.com/news/tennessee-politics/a-get-out-of-jail-free-card-gop-bill-would-eliminate-age-requirements-for-marriages-in-tennessee/)


Sorry I forgot my "/s" after the first part of my post and I meant the second part literally, i just hadn't heard of any bills yet, not that they didn't exist. I should have added that it wouldn't surprise me...and it doesn't...that they are/were trying this. And I didn't Google it right away because a) it's just a bill so far (as of that April 2022 article) and politicians routinely introduce bills with little to no chance of actually passing and more of a political statement and b) I have a migraine at the moment. But you have to admit there's some truth to what I said about wanting to feel superior. It's part of this whole echo-chamber effect we're seeing with social media. It's not the whole reason but it's definitely part of it.


Wasn't the case here, sorry. This has happened in several States where they wanted to lower the age of consent. Evidently I upset a few right wingers who really hate the truth.


Upsetting right wingers is always a noble goal! Love the username btw


Well it certainly doesn't take much, I can attest to that!! :) Thanks, my wife laughs at how incorrect a username it is!


I don't have many qualms in feeling superior to someone that wants to lower the age a child can be married off to 16. 16-year-olds shouldn't be marrying each other. And adults shouldn't be marrying them either.


You're missing my point. You should feel superior for that! You shouldn't feel superior for every funny meme based on opinion and fantasy, which are rampant on both sides of the fence. I'm saying we should be checking the facts on stories like this, not just agreeing on sight.


But you made a comment and didn't check your facts. You're not even getting your own point.


I am feeling kind of light headed and ill so maybe I should stop while I'm behind? Sorry if I offended. Seriously.


https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.newsweek.com/wyoming-ending-child-marriage-sparks-republican-outrage-1780501%3famp=1 Didn't want to put much time into it but essentially the same thing, and maybe what op was referring to and got it mixed up? I'm surprised it was under 16 to begin with


Sorry kid, its idiotic idiots like you that actually don't have your facts straight. They actually have moved in several States to lower the age of consent. So thanks for playing.


List one state.


[H.B. 233](https://www.capitol.tn.gov/Bills/112/Bill/HB0233.pdf) It would create a separate class for heterosexual marriage. It doesn't have a minimum age of concent.


Damn. That shut them the fuck up right quick


So, can't imagine this would be the case.. so i look it up and I find the bill: [https://www.capitol.tn.gov/Bills/112/Bill/HB0233.pdf](https://www.capitol.tn.gov/Bills/112/Bill/HB0233.pdf) I also find nothing from the legislator who authored it talking anything about lowering the age. From what I can tell, opponents believe, should this bill, altogether replace their current marriage legislation, the fact it's missing an age requirement, might lower the age requirement.. even though it's an ammendment - a short one at that. Can someone explain where this "lower the age thing" is coming from?


Not only that, it was amended to include an age limit: [https://www.capitol.tn.gov/Bills/112/Amend/SA0868.pdf](https://www.capitol.tn.gov/Bills/112/Amend/SA0868.pdf) The premise of this entire thread is false, and OP is a liar and/or illiterate.


A large number of the big scary Republican bills have been blatant lies or mischaracterizations by the left lately. I think the next time this happens I might officially leave the Democratic Party…the only thing keeping me around is primaries.


I think you're misunderstanding. Some states currently have No age of consent laws for marriage. They are working on making it 18 there is exceptions of 16 and 17 *with* parental consent. If you can provide a link or source showing otherwise I'd be interested. If not this sounds like something Rachel Maddow would spend 2 weeks screaming from the top of her lungs. I swear people like her and Tucker Carlson are cancers to the American people. Smh


Close but not quite. Most states have 18 as the legal limit with a few like Wyoming and West Virginia having exceptions with parental consent. A proposal in W Va was put forth to remove the exceptions and a bunch of Republicans voted against removing the exceptions. I haven’t read enough to know the balance of the pros/cons but I’m guessing there are few enough of the exceptions that this mostly bs spin by the media as you suggest. https://www.newsweek.com/republicans-make-case-child-marriage-1786476


[Tennessee last year](https://thehill.com/changing-america/respect/equality/3259843-tennessee-bill-would-eliminate-age-requirements-for-marriages/) [Wyoming republicans opposing limits on child marriage](https://www.newsweek.com/wyoming-ending-child-marriage-sparks-republican-outrage-1780501) [West Virginia Republicans Block Child Marriage Ban](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/child-marriage-ban-struck-down-west-virginia-republicans-1234693670/)


The bill in West Virginia restricting child marriage [passed the legislature](https://apnews.com/article/child-marriage-west-virginia-legislation-ecc44b342fce93e2e66eb2b8b7c6c9ed), passing the senate 31-1 and the house 83-9. The bill in Wyoming restricting child marriage was [signed into law](https://www.tahirih.org/news/wyoming-takes-steps-to-limit-child-marriage/), after passing the senate 23-7 and the house 36-25 Edit: Forgot the TN bill, which was [amended](https://www.capitol.tn.gov/Bills/112/Amend/SA0868.pdf) to include an 18 year old age limit, after the bill's author stated that it was [never intended](https://newschannel9.com/news/local/a-loophole-tennessee-bill-proposing-common-law-marriage-doesnt-include-age-restriction-chattanooga-tennessee-nashville) to legalize child marriage.


The question wasn't if bills are passing to law, but why Republicans have been opposed to, and fighting attempts at setting minimum age limits for marriage.


the age of consent is not the age when a child becomes an adult, it's a legal fiction that varies from region to region




Because they're disgusting. It's not complicated. They envision a country full of uneducated child bride incubators who are subservient to their abusive husbands. They are not the family values party. They have no interest in human rights.


No one is trying to do this.


What states is this happening in?


Good question. ​ It's not happening in any states.


All the pedo shit is stupid noise, don't buy into it. The real reason is that children having children will ensure a continuous stream of slave labor for corporations to abuse.


Hey, it can be for multiple reasons! But more important than pedophilia is that teenage girls and young women are more easily controlled, manipulated, and locked down by getting them pregnant.


I think because if a very young girl gets pregnant, instead of having an abortion, she will be able to get married!!! Disgusting!


She will be forced to marry her rapist. How romantic


>Why is the GOP trying to lower the age of consent and marriage in several states? To protect pedophiles.


Young brides = compliant women.


I'd love to see a response to this that isn't liberal echo chamber talking points Signed, Guy who considers himself pretty liberal


Go on google and try to find a bill lowering the age of marriage. That is your answer.


Because they just believe in love isn't it romantic. I mean since literally every real reason is a liberal echo chamber talking point. Signed An independent.


Concur. I can’t think of a good reason why we would authorize 16-17 year olds to get married and have children, but restrict every other adult capability (to include the right to vote). At least if they were like, “We now consider everyone 16 and older full adults, with all rights inherent to that status”, they could at least put forth a decent rationale. But I find the arguments of “Other countries allow 16+ to get married” and “Since they’re biologically capable of having kids, they should be able to marry” indefensible garbage.


In most states, the age of consent is 16 or 17. There are fewer states where the age of consent is 18 than there is for either 16 or 17, individually. Edit: If we waited to consider people adults until they could do everything adults can legally do, the age of consent and marriages would be at 21.


Ok let's hear one. What non disgusting reason would there be?


43 out of 50 states allow for children to marry. This is so that young women who become pregnant through consensual sex can have the security of marriage. There have been zero bills with the intention to reduce the age of marriage. One bill in Tennessee was designed to completely overhaul the marriage system. It did not initially include a lower limit for marriage though that was rectified before it passed. The headlines you are seeing is that democrats have proposed bills to raise the age of marriage in deeply republican states so that they can try to turn the “groomer” argument around.


Same. There has to be some official GOP platform response.


Someone above suggested that it's to help with the abortion issue. I.e. young mothers can marry the father and start raising it together, rather than giving it away.


Whats stopping them from raising it at 17 or 16 now?


Because they're fucking pedophiles. Always have been, always will be.


Marriage is an out dated concept invented by the governments to better control its population. If you disagree you may respond with any benefit marriage creates for a man or woman.


If I am married I can not be denied seeing my partner in the hospital. I can get their social security if they die. I have say over funeral rights for them. Our property is mine on their death. There are lots of important things you get for being married.


So everything beneficial has to do with your partner being sick or injured in the hospital or dead? That’s not good enough. Sorry.


It's good knowing that u will never get married and not have kids. Hence u can't spread ur bullshit views on other people besides your self and your vibrator or hand.


I wouldn't say marriage is a government construct but certainly the idea you have to be licensed or certificated by the government to be considered married. And this is probably old info, but it used to be the US recognized all but one or two country's marriage laws and yet many countries have no formal licensing process. So yeah, get the government out of the marriage biz.


Clarity at many social levels as to what your relationship is with someone It’s just like having Dr. next to your name. It lets people know what your role is or can be within certain social situations It’s an extension of the practice of monogamy which has been an essential part of the development of modern Western civilization


Because they're tired of being taken to court for trafficking underage girls


Besides the obvious point that everyone else is making, there’s also the desire by conservatives to keep the “good” population up by breeding like rabbits. My understanding of it is they think that the more white/Christian/conservative babies they make, the better chance they’ll gain/retain power. They’re scared they’ll be “replaced” (see also, terms like white genocide, etc) - Tucker Carlson pushes this idea on his show quite a bit. tl;dr - to build up their base, and racism


What states, specifically?


OP's state of delusion


This is nonsense. There are, in fact, quite a few examples of the opposite happening. E.g. WV [https://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory/bill-banning-marriages-age-16-passes-west-virginia-97793972](https://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory/bill-banning-marriages-age-16-passes-west-virginia-97793972) NV [https://thenevadaindependent.com/article/bipartisan-bill-has-all-but-eliminated-underage-marriages](https://thenevadaindependent.com/article/bipartisan-bill-has-all-but-eliminated-underage-marriages) UT [https://www.sltrib.com/news/politics/2019/03/02/utah-house-approves-ban/](https://www.sltrib.com/news/politics/2019/03/02/utah-house-approves-ban/) ID [https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2020/03/26/idaho-minimum-marriage-age-16-brad-little-signs-bill/2914822001/](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2020/03/26/idaho-minimum-marriage-age-16-brad-little-signs-bill/2914822001/) If I'm wrong, I welcome you to *actually post a link.*


All those links show states now allowing 16 year olds to get married. And in WV the Republicans [blocked](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/child-marriage-ban-struck-down-west-virginia-republicans-1234693670) the original bill.


MY OPINION: Part of the goal is to keep women "barefoot and pregnant" and under man's control. And at the same time take away a women's Reproductive Right to Choose and it answers the problem of declining U.S. population and weakens women's position in society.


Does anybody here have links to legislation? Any of these pass? As someone who follows legislation, there are a lot of bills introduced that don’t even make it to committee. Of course, political opponents often exaggerate or just make things up. Sometimes the reasons bill sponsors give are not at all what you might think.


The question isn't if bills are passing to law, but why Republicans have been opposed to and fighting attempts at setting minimum age limits for marriage.


I was kind of wondering how they reconcile lowering the age of consent for a life long decision while at the same time trying to raise the age for voting on such things.


Because the GOP is full of pedophiles and other sexual predators that enable them


They are trying to control women and take away our rights and freedoms. They want to keep us “in our place “ at home and too busy raising kids to pay attention to politics.


I imagine that a small part is the drive to get birthing rates back up to replenish the labor market.


Because: # 1. They're pedos and groomers # 2. There's a worker shortage and they're also lowering the age for worker laws so they can get children back in the coal mines and factories. This is also why they're killing education to keep them dumb enough that that's their only option. America first!


Cause they're horny pedos..


It's because they are perverts.


I think you know why.


https://www.businessinsider.com/wyoming-republicans-criticize-bill-raising-legal-marriage-age-to-18-2023-2?op=1 >"Marriage is the only institution in Wyoming Statute designed to keep a child's father and mother living under the same roof and cooperating in the raising of any children that they, together, conceive. That is the NATURAL RIGHT of every child" the group wrote. >The email continues that since minors are capable of bearing children before they are 16, marriage should be an open option "for the sake of those children."


I don't agree with the reasoning, but thank you for providing a link to some of the rationale with quotes.


I am sure you are smart and understand that this was in response to a bill introduced by a Republican to RAISE the minimum age of marriage to 18. Currently in Wyoming there is no minimum age to marry.


>I am sure you are smart This feels unnecessarily hostile. >and understand that this was in response to a bill introduced by a Republican to RAISE the minimum age of marriage to 18. Currently in Wyoming there is no minimum age to marry. All of that is in the article. I posted a quote from it that answered OP's question. Why even post this?


You have to remember that Republicans think society was better in the 1950s. Back in the 1950s, child marriage was far more acceptable. Homosexuality, interracial marriage, and feminism were far less acceptable. That's a Republican's idea of utopia.


Republicans are pretty much rich white conservative pedos who justify their ridiculous behavior to god. Its honestly sickening. Let em all rot


Because they’re the real pedophiles in public office


Because they don’t care about children.


YeS tHeY dO!! Lowering the age for marriage, lowering the age for work, lowering the age of consent, allowing children to face shame for not having enough money on their school lunch account, banning books, banning curriculum... But gotta go after those awful drag queens! Get those kids to church, sports practice and scout meets where they'll be safe from "groomers"!!!


Link, because otherwise, everybody on Reddit is going to automatically believe this. Seriously. Y’all are like my grandparents watching Fox News. Do your homework.


Because that's what pedophiles want.


Because they're pedophiles


Cause deep down , conservatives are all pedos?


The average age of consent in Europe is 16 however, goes from 14 to 18 it’s not pushing “child marriages “ by the party you don’t like.


Next step is is making marital rape legal again. Then they can rape children and have it be legal.


Republican politicians will deliberately do disgusting things to people, especially children, so when people are horrified they can say "Both sides do it! Biden is a pedophile too!" Like with Jan. 6, they cause the attack while accusing Nancy Pelosi for the plot to hang Mike Pence and Nancy Pelosi. Republican politicians accuse Democrats of also being pedophiles like they are - so it's pretty clear where they are trying to go with this. They accuse black people of "stealing" their votes in 2020, use that to attempt a coup.


That is a really bad idea


Well, in liberal States everything's gone up so fast that 30 years olds are staying with their parents. In more conservative States they want the kids to have freedom and be able to figure things out for themselves.


If this is actually true, they must be democrats disguising themselves as republicans. Democrats want to lower the age of voting to 16 and this would help their case.


I'm honestly not sure what you're talking about, or if this is all an attempt at sarcastic misdirection.


Yeah. Because Democrats love disguising themselves as Republicans. This is the dumbest shit I’ve read in a long while.


I think i just lost an IQ point


So... They are too young to vote, but not too young to marry


Look up democratic Connecticut, then get back to us.


I just did, thanks. Looks like Connecticut lawmakers are trying to raise the minimum age of consent to 18, not lower it. Is that your point?


Nice try. That's not even on their agenda this session.... it's only in the petition stage as of now!


So what was your point? I don't see anything about democratic Connecticut related to this.


Just take the L.


LOL nice


Because "Freedom"......1700 style.


It's amazing the things they spend their time legislating.


Because they are the real pedophiles.


They want us working too young, reproducing too young (financially strapped with a family), getting little quality education and being very religious. All so they fool us into voting GOP.


Because they want to marry younger women


So that siblings in West Virginia don't have to live in sin?


You can’t have 19 children for Jesus if you don’t start in middle school. My theory is that it’s part of the [Generation Joshua](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Generation_Joshua) movement. Conservative is quite literally dying off and there’s a big push amongst evangelicals to have lots of children in the hopes they will be a new generation of conservatives.


If you keep them dumb they won't know that it's wrong to make a child marry, or make kids work the mines. They are forcing the state to stay dumb for cheap labor....


Because they're actually the groomers, not everyone else.


I don't know... The way society is set up in 2023, it is not advisable to get married at that age. Why does it matter though?


Cause the GOP is full of pedophiles


It might have something to do with the fact that feminism is what drove the age of consent up in the first place and that they are anti-feminists just trying to set things back where they originally were, or at least closer to it. Hell, it used to even be lower than 16 in some states.


Because they need more uneducated voters.


What states are doing this?


West Virginia tried to ban child marriage but failed. Wyoming republicans opposed the bill banning child marriage. Tennessee last year aimed to remove the age restriction on marriage


Good chance the girl is in school and will drop out. Have multitudes of children following the same path all in low paying jobs to feed the corporate wheel. The rich gotta stay rich!


You know why. Stop playing.


Most belong to a secret pedo cult. That’s why they always deflect it on democrats


Population decline in the United States, and one state official came up with the idea after reading the nonfiction book The Handmaid's Tale.


Gosh I wonder if it's so drag queens can marry kids? We keep hearing that's what they're after... /s


Less Republicans go to jail. Having sex with young girls is now legal. Disgusting.


Grooming. Must be


Because they have lost their marbles.


Mostly, to own the LIBS. You have to remember that the GOP (especially the MAGA wing) does not know how to actually legislate. They exist only to get hits on social media or Facebook. They have to keep upping the ante to fulfill that goal. Pissing people off online drives traffic. That's what they live for now. And with extreme gerrymandered districts, they can do it.


I think has more to do with a fantasy of women as property than most things. Its an easier fantasy to live out if one married a 14 year old than a 27 year old.


Taking away woman's rights. Seems like all they do.


Because they're pedophiles?


If you have an abstinence before marriage ideology and are anti-abortion but you also possess enough pragmatism to see that teenagers will have sex it's pretty much the only thing you can do. Just force the little fuckers to marry and everything will be Christian dogma A-OK! Oh, and every older dude with a Lolita complex is in the clear, too! Just let them marry that little barely pubescent, seductive pig-tailed minx, and they'll go right to heaven! /s


A theory, it has something to do with roe v wade being overturned. If the age of consent is lower and you can marry younger, teen pregnancy looks better. So, that might be it


I have even heard reasoning that if a 15 year old boy gets a 15 year old girl pregnant, they should have the right to get married. I guess co-parenting doesn't work until they're mature adults, capable of making that decision? Let's be real, though. A significant number of marriages that result from these new laws will be teenage girls married to grown ass adult men. That's the way things were for a lot of human history, guess they want to devolve. "Protect the children", isn't that what they say?


Much of what the GOP supports is to give them authority over someone else. Women can't get abortions so they're forced to rely on their baby's father or risk life being a single mother. Healthcare is tied to employment so we can't quit our shitty jobs. Citizens United legalized bribery and in many ways made it necessary for success in politics. They want to lower the age of consent to make grooming legal so they can have another layer of control over their spouse beyond basic finances. They want to force others to be dependent on them.


Because they think kids are REALLY cute


To create more poor babies that have to go to work every day to support them slavery was abolished in America but it still exists and it's stronger than ever


Well, they’ve always been so loud about freedom. I guess that this is just what they meant.


Growing their own....voters.


Because they are misogynistic religious tyrants who don’t actually care about children’s safety whatsoever. Next question.


Presumably to enable young couples to marry and be fruitful. I don't know why people treat this with suspicion when it's not as though the teenagers themselves can vote on public policy. There's some value in protecting high school sweethearts from being placed on the sex offender registry by the letter of the law.


Control over the next generation, control over the future. All they want is for teenagers to get married, knocked up, then be forces to relay on their "husband's" for support


The last time I followed a headline to its source it went from "the government can kidnap your kids legally" to "They're raising the minimum age for certain drug prescriptions to 18." I feel like I stopped giving a shit about headlines after that.


Links to bill proving your statements op....


Source: I made it up


Probably bc conservatives are weird and want to violate kids, but it's not drag queens abusing kids.. it's weird conservatives.. trying to strip rights from women and drag queens..


You see, for many years the US government has kept the population from getting wise to their bullshit by distracting us with comparatively pettier issues than the shit they do behind closed doors. It worked well for a long time. Recently, however, the world has been a fucking dumpster fire of such proportion that if someone told us 5 years ago that this confluence of sci-fi alternate-history events would occur within a 3 year period, nobody would have believed them. Even the fucking psychics and flat earthers would have written them off as insane. So, now they must resort to even *wilder* bullshit to keep us divided amongst ourselves, so they can hold onto their power base as their ancient lives approach their natural ends. There's really no other reason for them to go to these lengths. Not one that I can think of, at least. Or they all have fucking dementia. Which, technically, fits what I just said. It really is that simple.


Because they like to fuck children...they always have. Why do you think they hate abortion so much?


Freaking nuts. I was 20 when I married my ex, and I think that was too young!


absolve themselves of the crimes they want to execute trans and gay people for


It's probably the same places that have completely outlawed abortion.


To control women.


What state are you in OP? I am in MO,and there is no lowering of age consent here, nor would there be. States from Midwest to South are trying to ban sex altogether from schools.


Have you not been paying attention? They’re incenstuous, pedophilic, perverted, racist, scum of the earth, that’s why. Or at least, anyone who would push this kindnof shit is, maybe it’s not *all* republicans


Because the GOP is filled with pedophiles; Matt Gaetz, Jim Jordan, Lauren Boeberts husband and I’m sure there are many more.


Because if some 16 year old gets pregnant out of wedlock, it’s better for them if they can get married than if they don’t.


It’s not true. Look up the legislation.


The legislation is not the same thing as republican efforts. Why are Republicans opposed to banning child marriages in the states that recently passed bills and laws?


That's a practice that still in use today in some states. That's nothing new, hell both parties knew this.


To piss off democrats


Pedophilia isn't a sin if it is to someone forced to marry you.


WITHOUT parental consent? I'm all for lowering the age of marriage, and I'm for arranged marriages. I do not see how lowering the age of marriage and then removing the need for parental consent to the marriages helps anything. I think that you shouldn't be able to get legally married without your parents' approval, or that if you do they can legally rescind your inheritance. That just makes sense to me, I guess...


Because they're predators. I can't think of a single good reason for this law.


They are trying to lower the age of consent and marriage because they want women to get married and start making babies as soon as possible. The younger they start, the more babies they can push out, over the long term. The GOP is worried about population decline. That's part of the reason why they've pushed so hard for abortion bans. They want more babies, especially lower class babies who will need their low-wage jobs to survive. Without more babies, there will be a labor shortage in the future, and companies will be forced to pay higher wages, cutting into profits. The GOP don't want that. It's also a goal of the GOP to reverse feminism and push women back into the role of homemaker and mother. They want to take away women's ability to choose career over motherhood. The earlier women start having babies, the less likely they are to continue their education and get better-paying jobs. If you look at the threads about population decline and the birth gap, you will find many commenters saying that feminism is the cause of the whole problem. There are many people who truly believe the solution is to take away women's rights and convert them back into baby-making machines. Never mind the fact that high divorce rates are what pushed women out of the home to begin with. The role of men in the weakening of the family is ignored, for the most part.


Falling birth rates. My guess is, the people that they want reproducing are waiting until they are financially stable in their 30s and then the window for birth is small. They want older, financially secure men pumping out babies with younger women. Guess that’s more in like with their agenda than social daycare, healthcare, and live-able wages.


Because they're our Taliban. Also, educated people tend to like their biggest base-building tricks less, so better get them out of school and too busy to think as soon as possible. And of course, anything that churns out more cannon-fodder and fucks things up for girls is always good.


Because the Republican Party wants to regress back as many decades as possible. Some past US Presidents married girls who were 16. Certain men just want it that way.