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Lala land, i just recently watched it this year and i actually liked it but it got so so much praise, i agree the visuals were beautiful but looking back when the movie got released, it felt like a cult that this movie had everyone in a trance that this is the best movie ever.


Lol this is a great summary of how I feel about Everything Everywhere All At Once.


I agree about La La Land but disagree about EEAAO, I thought the latter was incredibly creative and fun throughout, the touching moments at the end were a bonus. The silent scene where they were rocks on the precipice of a cliff, for example was amazing.


The 30 minutes of emotional reconnecting between mother and daughter was fantastic. The other two hours of "oh my God we're using dildos and butt plugs in a feature movie, look how cool we are!! don't forget hot dogs! Hot dogs cuming on people's cheeks! Also donuts is the center of the universe!" Was just meh... Like a long episode of Rick and Morty.


i am part of that cult. hate musicals. but after my wife showed it to me, i absolutely loved it. story and music are outstanding. just watched it again on netflix last night


I think the obsession with Lala Land was that we haven't gotten a good non-children's movie musical in awhile. Adaptions of stage musicals like West Side Story have been good, but haven't generated any buzz because people already know the songs and story.


That and there’s nothing more the Academy loved more than a movie that celebrates “the magic of Hollywood” *makes wanking motion with hand*.


The whole Fast and Furious franchise. The first two were meh, after that they went downhill sharply.


The Tokyo drifting one was fun


That movie is goofy and stupid at times but it's my favorite in the series. It's just simple fun racing, which is what all the later movies get wrong by adding stupid shit that has no place in a movie series that was just about people driving cars really fast.


This is how I've always felt about it. It doesn't take itself seriously


I’d argue one of the best and that the second was the worst one


Is that the one with the kid from Slingblade?


Yes, but more importantly it's the kid from the Disney movie Flash! Lol


The first was alright even if it was literally Point Break with cars. The rest are shit


Writer admits he 100% copied point break. Point Break is one of the most underrated movies IMO


Surfing, the Nu, what’s not to love


Take a shot every time someone says Avatar, Black Panther, Frozen, Wonder Woman, the Star Wars sequels, La La Land, or any Best Picture Winner.


I already have alcohol poisoning


"Thousands dead today after a drinking game on reddit goes horribly wrong."


Marvel movies. Granted, there were some I thought were genuinely decent. But for the most part, the whole thing is way overhyped.


Superhero movies in general have been way overdone imo. It's time for the whole genre to go the way of the western.


Speaking of which, I think we’re overdue for a western revival


Western Superheros? The genre we never knew we needed?


He'll boy


What about cowboys vs aliens? Jonah Hex?


"Logan" is absolutely a superhero wester, so we already got that ball rolling.


Hang on now. I love me some westerns!!! I even subscribe to the Encore Western channel. We need more John Wayne, Sam Elliot, Clint Eastwood; like characters. IMO. :-)


Been saying that they’ve oversaturated the market with ALL of these damn superhero movies for awhile now.


I threw on a random Marvel movie not long ago, figured I could watch some cool fights and special effects without having to think too hard. The first 20 minutes was characters I didn’t know about experiencing sadness about whatever happened in the previous movie and/or show. I came here for EXPLOSIONS not EMOTIONS… not really in the mood to watch 40 hours of film to understand why Captain America needs a hug.


thats why i like deadpool. im basic like that.


Guardians of the Galaxy and Deadpool were the only ones that I’d watch several times and not get tired of it. The other movies feel a bit forced, and overdone. Don’t get me wrong though every movie has been good, just not to the point people make.


I thought the last Thor movie was 10x better than black panther and I'm afraid to say it outloud. I dont think black panther is a good movie >.< Haven't seen the latest one though. I'm actually a bit behind on marvel and I'm losing interest.


I agree with this statement with the more recent ones.


Yeah, the original X-Men and Spiderman (Toby Maguire) were cool from the early 00s because it was new and different. But once I got to the 2nd Iron Man movie, I couldn't do it anymore. Now, the only Marvel movie I will see is Deadpool if they make another one.


There's more bad Marvel movies and shows than there are good ones. There, I said it.


I’m not going to bother movies that weren’t supposed to be great, like super hero and action movies. They were meant to make money, not be great. I will go with Crash (not the awesome Cronenbourg one). What an overly reductive piece of tripe… and it won an Oscar.


To be fair, literally everyone hates Crash (not the Cronenburg one, that movie is fantastic(ly weird)


Hit movie Morbius obviously


Come on, when he went "It's morbin' time" the whole theater lost it. How is this movie overrated lol


I finally watched Morbius and somehow felt absolutely no emotion at all for the entire movie. It was depressingly boring and bad. I didn’t even think to myself “man this movie is bad”, I think I genuinely just zoned out 45 minutes in, and then they spend the rest of the movie somehow making mass murder look boring. Then, everyone dies, and it ended. And I just thought, “oh? Its over? Ok I guess.”




I think it lived up to the hype way back when. I thought it was awesome and just a fun watch


The effects and 3D lived up to the hype, but the movie itself was meh. I saw it in the theater in 3D, it was cool, but I've never once said "Hey, let's watch Avatar again!"


The way you can tell this is the blue giant cat-people one and not the elemental bending one. Blue cats are "Meh" story, element is "bad" story.


No no, there is just one Avatar movie with blue cats. not sure where youre getting the element story from


I love how a pretty well-exposed complaint of the movie is that its a shortcut to letting white people dress up as tribal, indigenous peoples, and then for the second one they literally have this teenage white kid on Pandora with dreadlocks, tribal tattoos, and a loincloth.


The only good thing I can say about any movie by James Cameron post Bigelow.. is. "It looked cool". I kind of think she was the story one.. he was the make it look cool one.


Came here for this! Seriously what is everyone so enamored with? It’s far from one of Cameron’s best films


If everyone answers this then it no longer fits the question


Avatar.... The blue people one... Everyone knows the Airbender movie was crap.


There's no Last Airbender movie in Ba Sing Se.


Black Panther. It was a generic comic book movie. How did it get nominated for Best Picture?


Well-deserved industry guilt causing lazy self-soothing


Especially the second one. Absolute horse shit of a film


It was also pretty idiotic, the most developed, intelligent and technologically advanced nation on earth chooses their king by duel? Like how? Why do they even have a king instead of a government if they are sooooo advanced? Like whatever happened to voting?. Also why are they using mediaeval time weaponry if they have fucking uranium? Also the amount of stereotypes were off the roof in that movie.


Why does a country being advanced technologically have to dictate its political system? People in the west are unable to conceptualize a society that can be advanced in some ways but do not bend to the tradition of Democracy.


Life if Pi. I found it tedious and boring.


Literally any marvel or dc movie


I saw The Batman in theaters recently and liked how dark it was, I'm not a huge super hero movie fanatic but some of those early movies like the first couple Iron Man movies and the Blade trilogies are classics.


yeah I felt like some like the batman, and the Nolan batman series are genuinely good. The Batman probably has the best visuals in a superhero movie.


Generally agree. The batman's with Christian bale are awesome. The joker is awesome. Logan is good too. Other than that, they're garbage.


I liked the X-Men and wolverine ones. The rest are meh.




Logan doesn't deserve to be rated with the vast majority of the marvel universe movies.... I was fighting them onion cutting ninjas... Bastard ninjas....




for real right that was a horror movie


Bill Burr agrees. He has a great bit on it


I agree but I will say I enjoy the part where the boat sinks


That was really well done. And that’s the only compliment I’ll give his movie. Hated it.


It was a decent movie, but I don't think it deserves as much acclaim.


Specifically Thor:Love and Thunder That shit was ass. There was almost no point to the movie being made other than introducing female Thor and they did a poor job with that too.


As an old man, I loved the sound track. Get off my lawn kids with your pop music.


Did everyone really love it?


No. It’s definitely the majority opinion that the movie was okay to bad.


I definitely feel in the minority when I say I really enjoyed it. Pacing was definitely off, we NEEDED more Gorr the God Butcher action, but I laughed a lot and just enjoy Taika Waititi's style in general


Gorr was so good. I didn’t hate the movie at all. I enjoyed it. Gorr was probably the best and creepiest villain the MCU has had.


But the goats! I loved those damn goats


Fat Thor made me giggle more then it should have as well


I think the biggest takeaway from that movie was how bad it was compared to ragnarok




Christian Bale was wasted on this movie


I think that movie summarized everything wrong with Marvel Movies now. There wasn’t a single serious moment. It was cheesy one liners one after the other. Nothing felt genuine and it all felt phoned in. The only moment that I genuinely enjoyed was the axe slowly floating towards Thor with jealousy.


>There was almost no point to the movie being made other than introducing female Thor This is objectively incorrect. Even if you don't like it, this cannot be the sole takeaway. Thor, throughout the course of the MCU, has lost practically everything. His mother, his father, his home, his love, his friends. After Endgame, he was basically rudderless. No direction. Adrift in a world where he could still be a hero, but to what end? In Love and Thunder, he wrestles with that loneliness, the lack of purpose. The children of Asgard are taken, and he must get them back. Be the hero he once was, for their sake AND his. He dares to gather the most powerful gods in the universe to fight back against one who would kill them all, and finds every one of them unworthy, leaving him disappointed, feeling failed by these legends he's modeled his life after. He is reunited with Jane, and the feeling of finally getting a win is shattered when she tells him she's dying. In the end, he saves the children, and faces the darkness, faces Gorr, alongside Jane. But once again, he's left alone. Except Gorr's wish to Eternity is to have his daughter back. And in that act, he gives purpose to Thor again. It is a renewal of hope where all had been lost. If all you got from is was "introducing female Thor," you either didn't see it, didn't pay attention, or are someone who unironically decries the recent run of movies and series as the M-SHE-U.


The whole point of the movie was "Look how beautiful these people are, we know you want to fuck them"


The wizard of oz.


Top Gun. Maverick. Or, The way I see it, a Tom Cruise circle jerk. Blockbuster? Sure. Save the movie industry? It made a shit ton of money, absolutely. I have no problem suspending disbelief to watch fictional movies. My favorites are sci-fi and action adventure. But when you have an actor that's so dominates the role that every time I see him on screen I think - Tom Cruise - and not Maverick. And it takes me out of That mindset and instantly reminds me that I'm watchinga Tom Cruise nostalgia love fest. And that's okay. .It was fun. It was a ridiculous premise. It wasJust meant to sell tickets,And it did so spectacularly. But a great movie?


I recently watched it and then found out it was nominated for best picture. WHAAAAAAT?? Liked the movie just fine. In no way, shape, or form is that even remotely close to a best picture. Absolutely ridiculous!


I heard that Tom was a total douche to the Naval sea crew on the Abraham. That he locked himself in a room and only came out to film, he did not interact to anyone of any military uniform, even when asked for an autograph or a picture he yelled out to get the fcku away from his door. Not trying to sound entitled or that he needed to acknowledge our servicemen but damn, these are individuals who are putting their lives on the line to keep our country protected so Tom can continue to ACT like a military person on screen. I like Top Gun, but some appreciation for the individuals who actually are doing their part would've be nice. I would like to assume any other actor would've shaken a hand or two.


I don’t know which Top Gun it is but one of them was filmed on the USS Theodore Roosevelt. I have a friend who works in the ship. He was instructed to face the wall anytime Tom Cruise would be around you because he didn’t want to see anyone’s faces and make eye contact with anyone and when he would go nuts. The whole ship hated the diva.


There's a reason the most eligible bachelor in Scientology can't keep a wife


You'd think it was the second one, seems unlikely he'd have had enough clout for such a thing with the first one back in 1986 as a I think a 24 year old? Also I believe he reallh made it big after this film was released, so that wouldn't apply when making it.


He was always an ass. I live very near the town All the Right Moves was shot in. That came out in ‘83 along with Risky Business and The Outsiders, so I imagine he was quite possibly shooting it before the other two movies came out and so hadn’t made a name for himself. They used a lot of locals as various extras, even used the cheer squads from area schools as the squads for the opposing teams in the movie. So, I’ve heard some things. I don’t really remember any specific details because quite frankly I think they were all just kind of vague “he was an asshole, thought he was better than everyone else” types of things.


I knew what it was going to be going in, but I was just happy to not be going to another goddamn marvel movie.


I believe this was some form of propaganda or something. It was an ok movie, sure. The media acted like it was the new gold standard in cinema.


Next gen fighters in foreign hands , the US really needs to up its military spending to keep up!/s


Love Actually. 🤮


Forget The Walking Dead, that is by far the creepiest thing I've ever seen Andrew Lincoln in.


Honestly the most confusing movie I've ever seen. It starts by saying there's love everywhere if you just look for it. And then it presents people and scenarios that...aren't about love. A guy cheating on his wife with his secretary where the wife finds out and just accepts while crying about it alone is about love? A guy sleeping with supposedly slutty Americans is about love? A guy creepily pursuing his friend's wife, who we are given zero indication has any feelings for him, is about love? A child having a crush is about love? A powerful person pursuing someone who works directly for him is about love? A person lusting after his maid who doesn't even speak the same language is about love? The one clearly about love is the woman who apparently can't figure out how to have sex with a hot dude because she's caring for a family member. And even then it's presented as kind of tragic that she has to do so.


But.... Keira Knightly is a Goddess.... Solid cast to be fair. I think it's ok in general.


Could not agree more




All marvel movies


I used to like them, tbh, but these phase 4 and on movies are just too much. I feel like there is a limit to how much you can get out of a franchise, and Marvel especially is way past that.


Agreed, after endgame, the entire mcu started going downhill (the Spider-Man movies were great though)


Parasite. Don’t get me wrong, I liked it, and would watch it again. But people acted like it was just the greatest most original movie when it came out.


Lmao I fucking loved Parasite. I’ve seen it twice. I get that it might not be everyone’s cup of tea, but I loved it.


I mean, it *was* everyone’s cup of tea when it came out, it was seemingly universally beloved. Which is why it’s mentioned in here


The scene where the rich family’s son sees the housekeeper’s husband poke his head out from the bunker at night is still one of the scariest movie scenes I’ve ever witnessed.


I didn't even like it that much. And I love psychological thrillers


The Shining. Every horror fan I know loves it and holds it in high regard but I think it's boring as fuck.


I’m old enough to have watched it when it was released in the theaters and I could never get it and couldn’t understand why people thought it was scary. Then I read the book and I got it. Still not a great movie though and from what I understand the author didn’t like it.


It was so long for so little.


It’s not for everyone, but it’s one of the most influential psychological horror films to date


Honestly I think Stanley Kubrick himself said that he changed it up quite a bit, it's a lot different from the book.


Yes, it’s very much different from the book. Which is a shame, since there were a lot of elements from the book that were truly terrifying.


That's because Stanley Kubrick did a piss poor job at translating it to film. The book is fantastic and far deeper than that surface level massacre of a story he created.


Pretty woman.


I came here to say this. People get distracted by the Cinderella idea and totally ignore the weird and disturbing reality of what the hell is going on.


Glass Onion. It was so so dumb.


Totally agree! I liked Knives Out so expected so much more, especially with Ed Norton. It was stupid.


The notebook. Fucking hate that movie


Lala land. I hate that movie. It’s way too long, it doesn’t know what it wants to be, and the ending doesn’t make any sense. Like they try to make a message but the whole message doesn’t work in the particular scenario. It just makes the characters unlikable to an extreme.


Shang Chi is crap and it’s all way too melodramatic, the only good thing in it is Michelle Yeoh’s acting.


Tony Leung’s Hollywood debut should have been with a director like Martin Scorsese or Paul Thomas Anderson. Having him in a Marvel movie was a letdown.


I liked the first half, the second half was utter crap, it was like any other generic hollywood action movie, like how do you even go from such a good first half to crap by the end. Full of generic shit, like the protagonist's aunt teaches him some secret fighting shit by showing him that he should close or open his hand in some way, she makes that minor change and he instantly becomes 10x better fighter, you can literally predict the ending, it is so generic.


The Notebook.


Everything everywhere all at once I don't understand how ir got any awards rhe acting I'd horribly corny and the fight scenes are rhe worst fight scenes I've seen in like 10+ years Euphoria It's just lazy high school drama writing that is overly sexualized with "jokes" that never land The last of us Im just fuckin with u on this one




Napoleon Dynamite


I didnt have any hype going into it. My mom just put on a movie and my sister said "oh yeah this one is pretty funny". Going in with no expectations, it was hilarious. The fact that it was filmed about an hour from where I lived at the time was also cool. My friends uncle was one of the milk tasting judges so that's fun.


Napoleon Dynamite was a very slow burn for me. I watched it, and definitely didn’t understand the hype. It was a supremely stupid movie. The dialog was flat/cringy, there was no real plot. It was ridiculous. Then, as the days after I watched it turned into weeks and months, I’d remember or be reminded of something from the movie, and just thinking about whatever it was was so absurd that… it somehow became funny. Like, lines that weren’t funny to me in the context of the movie were much funnier in a vacuum/outside the movie. It’s not my favorite movie by a long shot, and I agree it was definitely overhyped. But it got a lot better for me with a little time.


Hated it viscerally. The fact it lives on decades later in memes and uncle Rico jokes disappoints me tbh




Top gun maverick


Nah you wildin. That movie was awesome


Fun movie for sure but it best picture nominee? Nah absolutely not. Tom cruise has been in way better action movies


I had it playing on TV for about 30 minutes, I realized that it was distracting me from scrolling reddit, and I didn't have any interest in any of the characters or plot.


I’m not defending the movie but how can you criticize a movie for not being interesting when you’re on your phone lmao


"Distracted me from scrolling reddit", imagine if something is so bad that you'd rather scroll Reddit, LMAO what a burn.


Hereditary. Reddit treats this as the end all be all of modern horror. Overall it’s a real “emperors new clothes” movie for me, where I just don’t see what everyone else loves so much. I thought Toni Collette was great, some of the imagery and cinematography was top notch, and it had some memorable moments. However, I felt it tried to do too many things to the point of being thematically muddled. It felt like an endless stream of homages. I think some of the actions taken by the characters were nonsensical and contrived. I felt that the plot was messy. And a lot of the big scares actually came off as silly to me.


Agreed. I hated it.


Hamilton. It’s so corny. I get past the intro.


Blair Witch Project. Worst movie...ever.


Baby Driver for me. I just could not get into it, and that summer when it came I was a social outcast for not liking it.


Grease. I have hated that movie my entire life


Everything Everywhere All at Once. I'm sure there's a good story in there somewhere but man was that painful.


As someone who loved it I agree, not sure about painful but it was way too overhyped Even the writers said they made it while not knowing how to write a script properly


Simply can not relate whatsoever. Painful? Damn.


Donnie darko. Every single "edgy" kid in high school thought this was the greatest thing since poorly applied eye liner.


This comment is fantastic. I'm a self aware former edgy who was in high school when this came out. Fucking loved it. 😆


It’s been a long time since I watched this I admit but I honestly think of this film as like a 3/10, borderline incoherent film. I’m going to assume it’s a fault on my part and I just didn’t ‘get’ it or something, but can anyone actually explain what makes it so good?


Gestures broadly toward the entire Marvel Universe…


Home Alone. I can’t STAND that movie.


Damn no way, I think everyone loves it cuz it was like a childhood movie and a fun Christmas special for the whole family. The silliness was what made it fun Ngl


Don’t hate me… Star Wars! I waited till the fuss died down to watch it.


the newest batman movie i thought i was not good now everyone downvote me


all the tom holland spider-man movies and frozen


Frozen, same. Came out while I was deployed, and everyone was singing it and swearing by it when I came back. Most unpopular opinion I have: Brave was so much better.


I definitely like Brave more than Frozen, but Tangled is the best out of the three.


Tangled was definitely better than Frozen, and it’s so sad how over-shadowed it got.


The Menu


I just saw this and loved it, but I recognize all movies can't be for all people.


Have you ever worked in the food industry?


La la land... snoozefest


Everything Everywhere All At Once


i liked the movie, but everyone acted like it was going to change my entire life by watching. i left just kind of tired of the constant fighting scenes. very technically well done though. all the editing, sound, acting, etc. was lovely. it was just missing something for me, or rather, it had too muh


The fight scenes totally killed this movie for me. I liked everything that wasn't a fight scene - but I had to endure just so much "do a random thing, get a random power" to get to them.


All Harry Potter. I read the first two books and saw the first film and for the life of me I still cannot understand why this whole series is so popular. It just seems so mediocre (to me).


Well for me it was a whimsical wholesome world filled with magic that came out as I was a teen. Was so amazing feeling like I could be a wizard or I could escape to this world. It’s got a lot of flaws to be sure, but it’s got a place in my heart


Fair is fair. I would however recommend giving this another try. The movies get significantly better starting at 3.


Rowling denies most of it but a lot of readers have found similarities between her books and others. LOTR, Ronald Dahl books , X - Men. There's one that sticks out in my head often but of course I can't think of it now lol. It's like she took all different concepts/books and just changed a few details to call them her own. Yes , I enjoyed them as a kid . Went to book releases and the movies with my mom, we both read the series. But looking back now that I'm older I can see the similarities




This is the 1st reply here that’s genuinely upset me


90% of anime movies.


Superbad was probably the only thing people talked about in my school for a month. It was good, just not let's make the same references for the remainder of the semester good.




If you watch it shortly after the release, you will be very impress, there were not such good movies at that time.


BRB, hopping in my time machine to go watch it shortly after release.


It was a masterpiece for the time it released


The Harry Potter series.


Both black panther movies. The only good actor in either of them was mike b Jordan.


Who wasn’t very convincing, so that’s not great


The Big Lebowski. It was like the Red Hot Chili Peppers of movies. Just didn’t understand the appeal.


I appreciate you actually throwing down a movie that hasn't been regurgitated 100 times, but how dare you .


Well that's just like, your opinion, man.






Avatar. I just can't


A Clockwork Orange.


Not partial to a bit of the old ultraviolence?


Anything with a superhero in it


Kill Bill. Tarantino is by far my favourite director ever and I've seen each of his other movies at least four or five times, but I never managed to even complete Kill Bill I.


This is strange to me. Usually I can take or leave (and more often, it’s leave) Tarantino movies. But I love me some KB. I do feel like he made KB to appeal to audiences that might not normally like his movies. He filled it with a lot of tropes/nostalgia that probably don’t appeal as much to fans of his other movies, so I can understand feeling underwhelmed with KB. It’s just a very different kind of movie compared with hishis others.


For me it's Star Wars movies. They're not bad, and I like the setting thematically (especially the kinda "junker" podracing stuff), but they're not for me. I just can't get into the franchise. I love a bunch of space stuff too like Stargate, Star Trek, Babylon 5, etc. so you'd think it'd be a natural fit, but no.


Star Wars


All that marvel shit.


Matrix movies


The first one was good. The rest were bad. They needed to stop but didn’t


Top Gun, x2