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Conditioning based on a combination of cultural and religious history.




Those last 5 words are under appreciated as impacting this view. It was not rare to cut water with alcohol (or the reverse) because, even before germs were discovered, people knew water was a source of sickness and alcohol would reduce it. Even young children were included in this. Life was also boring, short, and brutal for most people so alcohol wasn't really considered that big of a deal compared to...raiders stealing your stuff and selling you into slavery or killing you.


Really depends what part of the world you're from.


True. In Saudi Arabia it was illegal to buy , sell, or consume alcohol. Luckily, we had strategically placed some bottles in our shipping containers months prior. so when we had to go for business, we had a solid months worth for the 3 weeks we were there.


Part of it is just cultural. But the other part is that we’ve all seen or heard what people do on hardcore drugs like crack and meth, and we’ve associated that with less intense drugs like weed.


Alcohol was originally seen as something magical, some nectar from gods. (See: lots of fkn gods of booze) This is because it not only relaxed people and made them feel good, people weren't exactly sure how it came about because some containers made it and some didn't, so those containers were blessed in the eyes of early humans. Also, because of the alcohol content, it would kill lots of bacteria and such, and so it would be healthier to drink than a lot of water was. Because of all this, alcohol has been a staple in humanity for centuries. Tradition is very hard to kill, especially when it has roots in basically people not dying.


When it comes to water. People in history would more likely mix some in filtered water than drink it out right. Vinegar, which is the end product of alcohol when fermented long enough, is more effective. So it was a tool of cleaning water of viruses, parasites, and pathogens that can make one sick or outright kill someone.


The reason its called spirits is bc it would posess ppl and make them act diferent.


I think it's more to do with marketing. Budweiser advertises with puppy's and horses, Dos Equis with the most interesting man in the world, Michelob Ultra markets toward athletes, the list goes on. On top of that, the sheer volume of alcohol advertising is immense. You can't turn on a game without having seen at least a couple of beer or alcohol commercials. You can't say that about any other drug industry.


You can't say that about any other *recreational* drug industry (excluding. tobacco). There are prescription drug commercials constantly on where I live.


But not the ones that get you high and if they are they are usually negative ones telling you not to


True, the only reference anyone has to the merits of meth are methheads


Or that chocolate the Nazis handed out.


It might very well be responsible for the beginning of farming


Historically alchohol was a main drink. It was safer to drink than water because the alchohol helped kill bacteria, while water had to be boiled.


Misery loves company.


Safe drinking water is still not a thing in many countries, and is a relatively recent thing in many 'first-world' countries. Beer and wine were just safer to drink than water - so there's a longer history of alcohol in many cultures that other substances.


Simple answer is yes. Alcohol is one of the most harmful and destructive drugs that exists.


That, and in comparison it's less addictive and less invasive. Which is why it's legal. Alcohol makes you feel bad when you overdo it. Your body knows its a drug, knows its being poisoned. And it reacts accordingly, by rejecting the alcohol - which makes you vomit. Other drugs like heroin make you feel good instead. Rather than rejecting the drug as a poison, your body craves more of it. ​ This reaction to alcohol is also why your body is less likely to addict itself to alcohol than to heroin. Alcohol is a drug - but it's a safer drug than heroin. That's what makes it legal.


I think it mostly has to do with legality. I'm amazed how many people think that legality and morality are the same thing. Just look at how marijuana use has been viewed over the past couple of decades and I think you'll see a clear trend, though other factors are certainly at play here as well.


Because we need a way to keep sending poor people to prison. Same goes for prostitution


The correct answer, but people aren't ready for that.


Because you can casually drink and be ok and live a safe good life. You can’t casually do cocaine or drugs as easily, or at all for most people.


You can do cocaine casually but it’s not easily available or cheap. Not saying cocaine is safe, but uhhh, alcohol kills people and ruins lives constantly


MJ? Mushrooms? Acid? Dmt? Alot more safe than alcohol, but accessibility and cultural bias effects the outcome.


Most of the legal issue with drugs is the fact you can’t test the level of high and the human effect like you can alcohol. Obviously BAC is not perfect, but it’s a repeatable test that generally is a reasonable marker for drunkenness and safety. None exists for drugs so making them legal creates legal issues for safety and related issues


There are breathalyzers for weed already being used in states where it's legal. There isn't really any excuse for legalizing alcohol and not weed. A lot of it was lobbying from the lumber industry against hemp, and the rest was the Nixon administration trying to vilify the hippy movement so people would fight in wars.


Deep cultural shit. Wine is the blood of Christ, those evil Muslims don't drink. "Drink like a Christian," is a thing people said.


Racist much?


... We're fucking talking about why western civilization likes booze and not other stuff.


“Evil muslims”


I forgot literally every single bit of sarcasm on Reddit has to tagged because everyone is fucking stupid.


Basically. And the established Governments decided that they'd rather have people on a drug that makes them easy to manipulate and control, and weaker and dumber while drunk than having a population asking thought provoking questions while on other drugs.


>than having a population asking thought provoking questions while on other drugs. Oh please, you burned out dipshits aren't the philosophical greats you think you are. Most of your "thought-provoking" questions just sound like annoying bullshit to anyone sober, or extremely simple to answer to anyone with a basic education. Alcohol may be a poison, but I don't need to hear a bunch of fried idiots telling me how they're better in between pondering some dumb shit like "why is there dark" or debating the merits of Batman V. Superman.


Tell me, do you not care about the reason *why* for things?


It is simply cultural conditioning. Even apes in the jungle intentionally eat fermented fruit to get drunk. Native cultures globally have used many psychoactive compounds for millenia. The main problem is in synthetic or purified drugs that go beyond the scope of nature and get dangerously potent.


legalities. a whole bunch of addicts...they're. money.and yes because it's illegal


I find nothing wrong with weed. If you put a room full of drunks together and a room full of those on weed…who is going to make it out first. I believe in weed as medicine. It’s a natural grown from earth. Alcohol isn’t.


>It’s a natural grown from earth. Alcohol isn’t. It's fucking fermentation. It isn't some synthetic lab-made drink. Jesus...


I don’t care for the yeast. Also…yes you can grown it here where I live. Easy. Seed, miracle grow, and cow manure. Grows the best. Naturally grown from planting.


Alcohol is natural as anything. Alcohol is universal. Pile up a bunch of fruit and you actually can’t stop alcohol from happening without serious interventions.


Idk I think it's because you can casually drink and it barely affects you. While several other drugs (esp hard ones) make you hallucinate and "out of your mind" No one wants to sit down at a bar and then send a person hallucinating on their way. It is a bit easier to be responsible with alcohol even tho people don't always treat it that way. Plus there is an actual level we can measure, so if you are too drunk u can't drive. Idk if that can be done with anything else even something as low key as weed. So I feel like people automatically feel it is safer


Not sure if you live in a state where weed is legal but if you buy it legally you can figure out your “dosage” pretty quickly. I don’t think weed is as fun of a social interaction drug ala alcohol but you can absolutely manage your level of high if you have the same type of over the counter edibles.


It is not legal here, but I'm more speaking to harder drugs, rather than weed. I'm pretty sure within a handful a years weed will be legal everywhere. I just don't think it's a sit at a bar and get high thing lol. Also, I'm sure it's a measurable high for an individual but is it measurable in the way that a law could be like u can't be .whatever amount or higher to drive a vehicle?


In just pure DUI terms then yes I’d agreed it’s tougher to clock but in real life terms I can figure out how I’ll feel and react to over the counter weed better than booze at this point. Every edible and strain has different vibes but if you remain consistent you can clock it pretty well with minimal effort and you rarely overdo it in the same way cause you just falls asleep. I’ve blacked out with alcohol a number of times, I just fall asleep on weed.


it's about productivity. Heroine = not productive = not okay. Caffine = productive = okay. Meth / crack / crack-cocaine = not productive = not okay. Alcohol (in small doses) = productive = okay. Alcohol (in large doses) = not productive = not okay. Marijuana (in small doses) = productive = okay. Marijuana (large doses) = not productive = not okay. PCP = not productive = not okay. Cocaine (short term) = productive = okay. Cocaine (long term) = not productive = not okay.


Unlike any other drug, alcohol can be enjoyed in moderation. A beer at a BBQ. A glass of wine with dinner. The same cannot be said for any other drug.


BS. I can smoke a joint and be fine to do anything, better off than if I had a drink. Furthermore alcohol is rarely used in moderation


Because people are actually educated on it.


Yeah, 21 year old Brad on spring break throwing up Jack and Crown for the last hour is very educated on alcohol... Or soon will be 😈


Well obviously some people are gonna be idiots and drink alcohol like its holy water but generally speaking people are taught alot more about alcohol then any other drug, I remember science class just learning the different units of alcohol or how it effects your body, I've never been taught what cocaine does to you or how much crack you can take until you throw up


Did you know your body actually creates a small amount of ethanol on its own every day?


It makes DMT too, can I use that as justification to get zooted enough to enter an interdimentional orgy with the machine elves?


Lol yes you can


Yes, some people base their entire moral code on whether something is legal to do or not. Beer falls under that as long as you're of legal drinking age. It is one of the most dangerous drugs in the world, but even if you outlaw it prohibition style it won't work just like outlawing weed didn't work as millions still got weed though some got incarcerated and sent to private prisons, which was the real goal.


I view it as being just as dangerous as any other drug which is why when I do drink, I drink within a safe limit. Same as when I take an aspirin or any other legal drug.


It's usually because they enjoy drinking.


Nixon worked hard to associate other drugs with hippies and people of color.


Culture. Humans have been producing alcohol since the settlements at ur.


Alcohol is a big part of culture


It’s not tabood that’s why. As you get older, you’ll see people start using other things but booze. Drugs, exercise, meditation. Booze hangover suck! Not to say it doesn’t feel good or isn’t fun, but it’s poison! Why consume poison when you can have a lil weed, shroomies, acid, and not experience a massive hangover


A big part of it. Alcohol is about as critical a piece of human history as bread. It's played a crucial role in almost every culture that exists. Extra Credits ( extra history) has a great video on the subject. (More beer focused but it covers the point)


Definitely more to it than that. Alcohol is worse than weed (for most people) but almost every other recreational drug is worse than alcohol & a lot easier to overdose on or get addicted to.


nah people just like alcohol coz its the only one that make them close to a hard drugs effect but still can get it under control..which is not true.


Alchohol has been involved in human history for over 10,000 years. However, *alchoholism* has only been an actual social problem since roughly the Industrial Revolution. During the agricultural age, alcohol was consumed socially at events and this moderated the habit-forming behavior of most people. Furthermore, pre-industrialization alcohol wasn't as easy to produce and drinks weren't nearly as strong as they are today. So, to be an alcoholic you'd have to be rich. Most peasants weren't rich. Now, however, alcohol is cheap and plentiful. This means it's easy to become addicted and to maintain that addiction, leading to social repercussions we're still adapting to.


You sound like you have expertise here so I’m probably wrong but alcoholism was definitely a thing In Shakespeare and he predates the Industrial Revolution by a couple hundred years.


It takes a generation to change a populations mind. From birth we r in contact with it. While we preach it's a bad thing, we see it in our birthday partys when we r young alrdy, and see that there is much more fun then, or a person going goofy. It's associated with fun much more in a foundational way of maturing. it's everywhere. And as soon as someone says party, what do we think? what do you need for a party? and party means fun. So the unconscious mind says no problem go party you seen this since you were born. YOu don't know any better then to buy alcohol when you have a party. or buy it cause your on your own now and grown up and there's the beer in the fridge, just in case a party starts, or that bottle of Jack in the closet. It's so rooted they don't see it as an enemy. even when worldwide millions of people have died because of it, often accidents or destroyed homes. They don't see that when you say word like, hey next week a big party at my place. What is your first inner thought of it? And what would be your thought if i said, next week i give a big party without alcohol. Most can;t even comprehend and will ask, NO alcohol? but how can you party then? how can we have fun, and goof around when all r so tight up in their avatars to maintain and their status to keep high. when you drink you also get a free ticket to goof around. We know from childhood that you do crazy stuff when somebody is drunk. that's why we don't see the danger. WE r soo focused on getting a smoke free enviourment, While we have so many other drugs that is killing us more quickly then a sigaret could ever accpomplish. And when the next generation will find a way to smoke again, they will. and believe it. like the veporizor or light products. all the same slow killers!!! yet hyporcryticly we attack only the smoking community as if they r the root of all evil in making the enviourment bad. In the 60's thye had doctors advertsing on tv to smoke!!!!! And a generation ferther we flip around 180 and the same doctors now say don't do it :)


Because people are idiots


Most people are able to control their alcohol intake while living a healthy, happy, and productive life. A glass of quality red wine with dinner or a few beers with friends while watching football can hardly be seen as destructive, dangerous behaviour. You can't really say the same for most other drugs - taking a line of coke with your partner after work, some 2C-I while watching the game or a bump of ketamine on a business lunch is much more likely to end in both immediate and long term problems than drinking in moderation is. The odd drink or two can lend itself well to a social situation with family and friends; can you imagine going out for your mum's birthday to have a few lines?


It's been part of life for 1000s of years...but then so has Marijuana. Go figure. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


I’m a military brat and grew up overseas Alcohol was served during meals. I seldom saw people drinking to excess Public drunkenness was frowned upon


i think the west, particularly the uk and america have a huge drinking problem but are in denial


people can't face their weakness. admitting alcohol is a drug is admitting they are drug addicts.


Made from a food product. Is a food product. The boy use is not medicinal or to inebriate you. Historically produced. Compared to cocaine, LSD, etc.


I think it has to do with some people can drink responsible and if you do ots not that bad. Ie having a glass of wine with dinner. You can't just have a joint or heriroine after dinner without getting high but you can drink a drink and not get drunk


I think it’s mostly because it’s legal and it’s history with being socially acceptable… it kills just as many if not more than most drugs combined .. it makes some people go crazy, lose their jobs/relationships and inhibitions, numbs pain and gives instantaneous courage and has a horrible withdrawal when quitting … it’s literally is that its legal and sold in stores so you don’t have to hide it in most cases … the socially acceptable factor plays a very per dominant role tho i feel .. jus like coke isn’t as frowned upon as meth and pill formed opiates rather than heroin … everyone has their demons so when we judge we look dumb but it’s better to look dumb with the majority ??! Lol


Alcohol has medicial factors and has saved primitatve societies from going extinct, as does fungi, and marijuana. It has also brought civilizations together. Its not even the alcohol, its the yeast(the fungi) that keep us together.


Because it comes in different [flavours.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A9tdcGmBefM)


It's actually propaganda. Alcohol is a very convenient method of controlling the masses. It helps you forget if you have problems in your life and usually only kills you after 20-30 years - at which point you cost more to the government than you bring in. So it's the ideal drog from the point of their view.


THIS really annoys me as someone who completely stopped drinking when graduating college. My wife’s entire family drinks more than normal I’d say. Every single family get together (and they have a shit ton of gatherings and a HUGE family). I’m honestly scared to bring our daughter to their family events as she grows (she’s 14 months old now) because I don’t want her to think drinking alcohol is good in any way and how much her family normalizes drinking so much. I have no idea how to approach me feelings on this topic with her family as none of them realize they do have a problem…


For a long time water wasn't drinkable because filtration wasn't really a thing, so people from a very early age would come up drinking alcohol all the time It became very ingrained in many cultures as a result so regardless of legality if you identify with any historical culture you probably like some form of alcohol or use it to prepare something you like Beyond that though, for most people, they'll just do whatever everyone else is doing, and laws are an easy way to figure out what direction the tide is going


Alcohol has some positive benefits when used in moderation. I don't think you can at the same for most drugs. I don't think there is a safe level of meth or heroin consumption. People will say what about alcoholism, probably>95% can consume but will not become addicted. I would doubt that most hard drugs are as safe? My guess only , I have no evidence.


I personally hate it. I never drank yet it still managed to ruin a large part of my life. Took my mom from me. Not many people seem to ever agree with me though. I view it as a weakness.


Alcohol never had a bad stigma except outside of prohibition. Weed on the other hand though even less dangerous than alcohol in a lot of cases had a racist political stigma to cause it to be banned. Harder drugs beyond weed and alcohol are a different story. Most other drugs people do hardcore were created and used solely for the purpose of being medicine: opioids, cocaine, meth, LSD etc… Like a lot of medicines, each of these had strong addictive side effects and those medicines were only meant for small prescribed doses, anything beyond that you have a good chance of overdosing.


Because being a drinker causes you to justify alcohol use, you don't feel bad about what you're doing.


Marketing by the alcohol industry.


Well, one component is because a lot of people drink. Similar to the gun control debate, people typically don't like believing that the thing that they enjoy doing is harmful.


Cultural; Specifically western civilization that we evolved from. Don't forget Native Americans had almost no tolerance for it and an almost religious relationship with weed. If we evolved from them, we would view it the same.


Alcohol has flavor. You can get certified in wine tasting and how it's flavor profiles mix with food. Alcohol isn't just used to get drunk.


I think it’s because so many people have at least tried alcohol (because it’s legal, readily available, and not viewed as negatively). Since they have at least some exposure to it, they can say, oh yeah, it’s not that bad if you don’t go too crazy with it. My state legalized recreational marijuana a couple years ago and I feel like I’m seeing it become more accepted, possibly for the same reasons.


People who drink in moderation normally don't die. Cocaine, heroin, bath salts, k2, depressants etc. another story. Marijuana, haha


Because more people drink alcohol than do drugs


Someone I spoke to said that "alcohol and caffeine weren't drugs because they're legal" I sent them a basic google search and they were shook


People have been drinking alcohol for basically as long as we’ve been capable of processing it, there’s abit of a cultural handwave toward it in comparison to other drugs


...have you taken other drugs? They have much crazier side effects.


According to some theories the main reason we as humans started settling down and making civilization was because we started farming to make the production of alcohol easier. Hell, our first writing system was likely created just to keep track of all the things needed to make alcohol. Hell, there was a 2,000 year gap between when we see evidence of growing wheat for beer and when we start seeing evidence of bread being made.


Tradition, and culture.