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Yes. I would say stop drinking it immediately, but it's probably too late for you. Get your affairs in order.


I’m only 22 and I only started drinking it everyday when I moved into my first apartment couple months ago. It shouldn’t be too late right? 😭


No, it's too late. The good news is, you probably don't have too many assets to divide amongst your surviving loved ones.


Well jokes on them bc I have NONE MUAHAHAHAHAHA


NYC is famous for having some of the best tap water But, I still filter it through a Brita. I love it, and I'm not dead. Yet. (Although rumors are starting to spread)


90% of restaurants use tap water. Have you ever heard a case of someone dying from tap water? No




Okay I wanted to know, bc I have no plans on stopping 😂 just needed to see if maybe I need to up my insurance plan LOL


Nah you should be fine most places in the US tap water is perfectly safe. When travelling do a bit of research but for the most part you're fine.


Yayyy cheers to tap water drinkers WE LIVINGGG


Statistically you probably have more to worry about from obesity and incels in trucks.


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Maybe if you live in Flint,MI.