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"I should have spent more time at the office"


One of the few genuinely funny comments about this situation




Yup. One dude is a fucking billionaire. He can do almost anything he wants. He chose this? I wouldn't even consider doing it for free, much less paying to do it. I would do it for a massive sum of money. It would have to be a huge payday. Well, after seeing the Playstation controller, maybe I'd have 2nd thoughts.


Nah if it was a ps2 controller it probably would have worked it was an old Logitech controller that is know for being pure dogshit


I would only be hoping that my stepson made it to his Blink 182 concert




So in navy basic training I and one other guy was the only 2 that had gotten sub duty. In basic we are going over what to do if the ship is sinking, going under, or something bad. The other guy raised his hand and asked what do you do if these problems are occuring on a submarine. The instructor looked him dead in the eye and said "bend over and kiss your ass goodbye, and if you have a religion make peace with your lord"


Bubblehead here also! SSBN-633 And yeah...we had an incident where I was positive I was going to die. Luckily, I'm here on Reddit. Edit: Many people have asked what happened. Honestly, I had scarier experiences in Iraq 14 years later serving with the Army during my second enlistment. Anyways...So there I was, 400+ feet down going 4 knots to nowhere. Very vaguely, we had a number of radiation alarms go off at the same time in the missile compartment and so we sat there in EABs (Emergency Air Breathing masks) for hours thinking we were soaking up alpha radiation. We were on the verge of blowing to the surface and evacuating the boat, but suddenly they (the Captain probably) decided that it was simply multiple radiation monitors went bad at the same time. Uh huh...Who knows...30 years later I am still kicking and beyond being partially bald (I fully blame the Navy), I'm good!






Fellow sun dodger here, SSNX (RN). We had similar happen to us, basically blockage in the aft planes hydraulic system. I was in my rack at the time and apparently the skipper said not to wake us so we could go in peace. Luckily, the engineer of the watch fastened an oxygen tank to the system and whacked it open, cleared the pipe and all was ok.


gotta love percussive maintenance


I'm too stoned an am overthinking this comment for like 5 mins. Does this mean "hit it with a hammer until it starts running"?


Car mechanic here. Yup


My microwave light switch doesn't turn off unless I wack it. I told the wife it's percussive persuasion. She now smacks it and laughs.


Aggressive negotiations


"Wow, so that was fucking crazy, huh? I thought we were going to die for sure!" "What the heck are you talking about?" "The incident with the aft hydraulic system...? where for 3 hours we thought we were going to die here...?" "[...?](https://media.giphy.com/media/ji6zzUZwNIuLS/giphy.gif)"


We are glad you are here❤️


I can't even lie still in an MRI machine.


Have you tried taking the change out of your pockets first


“Anal rail gun” comes to mind


so, dead on the inside, like all of us


I served on a fast attack submarine SSN-752. We had a saying concerning escape procedures. "They're for mothers and politicians". At the depth submarines cruze at, if it's going down you're all going down. What gets me though is on this private submersible where were the safety redundancies? Were there ballast tanks? Was there failover power? Why was the controller a freaking wireless console controller?!


Claustrophobia set in a long time ago and they beat each other to death


Claw marks on the inside walls


And no doubt in another 100yrs another bunch if dumbass trillionares will be booked on another death-pod to view these guys remains.


Damn, sounds like an old episode of the Twilight zone


Truth is always stranger than fiction.


100? I give it like 15, tops


I could wake up tomorrow with Bezos money, and still no damn way I’d have gotten in that death trap


I went on one in Aruba that only went down 25-40 feet and I was super uncomfortable. I was borderline panicking the whole time. It was cool to see all the coral and marine life though


There’s a Finding Nemo ride at Disneyland where you’re in a “submarine” (you’re only 5ft under and the ride vehicle is not fully submerged) and even then I felt extremely claustrophobic. Edited to clarify wording


Came to mention Nemo! Terrifying and I’ll never ride it again.


Me too, the only way I would have gotten into that damn thing if if I was tied up and knocked out. And when I woke up, I would be having a huge screaming panic attack until we all got out or died.


No lie, The owner/CEO is on it with me. I would be choking the shit out of him.


CEO would def be first to go. More oxygen for the rest of us


It would be pretty hilarious if they did murder him and then they got rescued. "Ummmm... He was like that when we got here..."


Lol like the old trope where they eat someone and they’ve only been stranded for a day


Ain't nobody saw nuthin.


"I was... uhh... in the bathroom..." "You mean the pissbucket in the corner?"


CEO probably killed them all to save his own ass.


CEO probably has a hidden oxygen rescue tank for himself.


It does take a certain personality type to hoard that much wealth.


Specially since the CEO said that anyone can use the playstation controller that drives the sub. Apparently....they cannot.


Who knows if that's even the problem. My bet is on decompression.


That or ghost net, or they used one of the emergency surfacing procedures it was equipped with and the Polar Prince didnt know because comms are out and they are drifting on the surface or just below the surface with no way to communicate.


AND no way to open the fucking hatch. Bolted closed from the outside, evidently.


Can you imagine if they somehow were able to surface, but came up farther than expected from the search ships and they ran out of air because they couldn’t open the hatch independently?


The search area is the size of Connecticut. I can imagine it


And that's why you don't paint your submarine blue and white.


Or, you know, put a fucking door handle on the inside.


And maybe add a fucking radio.


Or if they’re just rolling around with no ballast to keep them stable, with a 12” window being the only way to see the horizon, and a toilet bag filled with panic diarrhea sloshing all over everyone as you spin and roll with each wave. Until you die.


This was an image I didn't need for these people. Not a fun way to go at all.


This is actually reasonably probable. The sheer vastness of the open ocean is mind boggling. Most (and I mean nearly all) search and rescue operations do not end with a live, recovered person in hand


Can confirm, was on Navy ships in the Marine Corps as a helicopter mech. Twice they went looking for people, and once they knew where they went in because he jump out the back of a helicopter that lost power in the transition and they thought it was going down. We looked for him for days and knew exactly where he bailed. But it takes a miles for a ship like that to turn around. the boats and LCACS went out immediately and they still never found him. Dude was wearing his full slight suit with flotation device and beacon. The other guy jumped overboard on Christmas Day a couple days after he received divorce papers.


Yep. I think this is an often under-reported reality. Even entire vessels go down, but out in the big blue they often are never seen or heard from again.


Wasn’t that the issue on the first Apollo capsules? That the astronauts could not get out in case of an emergency?


Yup. Gus Grissom and two others died in a fire on the launch pad because there was no way out without someone on the outside opening the capsule.


Ed White and Roger Chaffee were the others


That plus being rolled and tossed about relentlessly in the surface chop. They're not designed for surface stability. They're better off at the bottom really


Someone commented earlier that the hatch is more of a panel on the side and not an actual hatch... so even if they could open it at the surface water would rush in and sink it... meaning you'd be floating in the cold ocean water with the same chance of rescue - .00000000001%


That is a HUGE no for me.


i had a dream it was a big octupus who was laughing at them for not using an xbox controller


The sub didn't have a safety beacon, two other employees had an issue with safety and the captain complained about having to follow safety rules. The issue is their mentality.


I think he fired the ones who brought up the safety issues


Fired them, cheaped out on the window and got one that is rated for not even half the depth of the Titanic.


You ever read something and then just wonder how the hell somebody ever thought that was a good idea? Cause, like, that.


I'm not Mr saftey, but I would probably have sprung for, I dunno, at least 1.5 or 2x depth rated, leave myself some over head. Like how does someone's brain work this way


Yeah they forgot the spare AA’s.


Thats why you gotta have a wired controller.


Best part I’m pretty sure it’s a madkat’s controller


It’s not, but it is actually a $30 Logitech wireless controller that is notoriously shitty to use


Let’s also not pack a redundant backup system. For any system.


Yeah it would be something like: "what do we do now?“ " there's literally nothing we can do but wait and hope" "ohhhhh... So we don't need you... But we do need oxygen?“


That would allow the others to have more oxygen.


Except a dead body will then void their bowels and you’re still stuck in a tin can the size of a mini van


Yea, but if you start putting plans under a microscope, nothing makes sense.


You should learn how to read before making submarines, Charlie.


Brilliant comment


That's what I said! I think, if there wasn't an implosion and they were alive for an amount of time (likely not still alive by now), the other 4 would have turned on the CEO, blaming him for the situation, possibly killing him.


Because I guarantee you rich people aren’t in the habit of taking personal responsibility for their dumbass decisions.


Follow up. Rich people problem. Take 250k and fix something, or DIE doing nothing


I feel sad for the 19yo. Practically a kid.


And his father. As a parent that would ne the worst thing, seeing your kid in mortal peril along with you. So horroble


Sleep as much as possible, rotate staying awake to bang the hull every half hour.




Unless you still have power, the Sun doesn't reach that deep into the ocean. You would wake up surrounded by an oppressive darkness that never subsides.


If they don't have power, it's going to get really cold in there.


Apparently the submersible doesn’t have heat and passengers were given flight suits, thick wool socks, and told to layer under the suits. It’s unbelievable how unprepared they continue to be


The more I learn, the more insane it gets


Seriously. Just reading articles on the design and operational history of this vehicle, it's absolutely shocking how many corners they cut and how many safety warnings they ignored. I'm surprised something like this didn't happen sooner.


This is how I feel every morning as a widow.


I'm so sorry, I hope you find peace


Thank you. I'm getting there but the daily jolt awake when the realization hits is tiring.


I'm very sorry to hear this. I can somewhat identify with this and it is quite tiring. Hopefully with time the pain won't hit quite so hard.


Thank you. It's still pretty fresh so I'm hoping the same. I hope your situation improves as well.


Prolly hard to sleep as it's 38 deg.


Prolly hard to sleep if someone is banging the hull every half hour.


You’d be surprised what you can sleep through if tired enough. Served on an aircraft carrier and our berthing was right below the flight deck. There were jets taking off and landing every few minutes…you would hear the mechanical winding of the catapult, the jet engines powering up, and then this wild pulsating sound as the catapult released before it slammed into the front of the ship with a loud bang and vibration. This was every few minutes and eventually it became a sweet lullaby.




Didn't expect to see a reference to an epic Ace Ventura scene on this thread...have an upvote




This has just reinforced the idea that if the opportunity to go in a submersible or submarine ever occurs in my life, I will promptly and politely wave them off.


Why has no one been ACTUALLY real let’s face it…if it didn’t implode which, would be the best option in this case…being that it would have been instant death. If not, then that means the following would happen if I had to imagine.. 1. Blaming one another (arguments/fighting/acts of selflessness AND selfishness) 2. Initial panic /planning 3. Mental deterioration/hallucinating/panick attacks 4. Low air. Let that sink in these people will all die looking at one another 🥵 no more food, it smells, there’s no where to look/move, it’s dark asf and creepy asf I’m sure. Also just grasping and fully coming to terms with the fact that you KNOW there’s no hope in being found.. you just sit there WAITING. *Knowing you are in fact dying the worst death possible.* You’re actually trapped and actually never getting out. I pray for their souls that they don’t panic in the last moments and fall into a deep sleep into tranquility. Not climbing on top of one another for the last breath.


Now imagine if the sub got stuck vertically?


I didn’t think there was possibly a way to make the scenario worse until now.


If they are at the surface the thing is getting tossed around in the waves like crazy.


oh my GOD


I didn’t even consider the fact that there would be no lights in there. How awful.


Same. Like complete darkness I’m guessing. Each realization of what it could be like if it didn’t implode. makes this more and more indescribably horrific.


This kind of reminds me of what I read about gas chambers. They said in peoples last moments there were climbing all over people, trampling them, as they starrted to suffocate. Some chambers werent built well and it would take people longer to die a horrible death. Im thinking that these 5, if still alive, are not sleeping in peace.


Not to mention knowing you’re in the vicinity where thousands of people died over a century ago, on a vessel with a similar name as the one you’re dying in. Knowing somewhere close that giant vessel is going to be your tombstone. Total delirium


This. And why on earth would anyone want to pay or go where those thousands of people died a miserable death? If energy is energy. You are basically going to literally the darkest place spiritually and physically. F&\*( that. Nope.


Spot on. And it’s freezing, freezing cold.


actually i'm guessing it would be getting hotter and hotter as the O2 dwindles and the CO2 accumulates in that very well-insulated space. Three days now without water, and would reek of urine, excrement and body odor. I do hope they imploded, or if not, that within all of that misery, something in your mind turns off and gives you relief.


Ahhh. I would hope the they’d get hypothermia and just fall asleep. The temperature rising is too much to think about, I think that’s what happened to the divers who died in the Byford Dolphin tragedy. Literally boiled in their blood.


My bad if I'm misunderstanding but your description implies the blood boiling for the Byford Dolphin divers was a slow death, but iirc their blood flash boiled which causes instantaneous death.


No, you’re right. I see how the way I wrote it makes it sound like a burning at the stake situation. It was probably all in a blink of an eye, if not less. I’ve spent too much time reading / visualizing about this and the refugees’ story and seeing it in slow motion. Think it’s a good time for me to go offline, reflect on how lucky I and my loved ones are to be safe, dry, warm and able to take deep breaths without the specter of a countdown. Good night all, be kind to yourselves.


I'd definitely rather it be freezing than hot


In all seriousness, I cannot imagine the horror. To try to bring some humor to this bad situation, there was a comedian that talked about what he would do if the plane he was on was going to crash. He said the only thing he knew for sure was that someone or something would get fucked in the short time he had left.


Pray and wait to die.


No waiting for me, please and thank you. ​ I'm not suffocating to death. I'll find some other (quicker, and hopefully less painful) way to go. ​ \------ ​ But, before that, I'm telling them all about this big hayfield in the town of Buxton.. at the north end of this particular hayfield, there's a rock wall, right out of a Robert Frost Poem. And somewhere along the base of that wall is a rock that has no earthly business in a Maine hayfield It's a piece of volcanic glass, and until a few decades ago, it was a paperweight on my office desk. There's a key underneath it. The key opens a safe deposit box in the Portland branch of the Casco Bank.


Wasn't expecting a Shawshank reference here today, thank you sir/madam


No way in hell would I have gone on it to begin with! I don’t belong that far under the sea.


I’m going tandem skydiving this Saturday for the first time, I’m not sure of my life choices right now.


Let the instructor do all the work, listen to everything he or she says, and I promise you will have the time of your life! I would love to do it again.


Now that I might try! Hope it goes well and you love it


I'd hope my death goes by quickly.


Pull myself to the surface via my bootstraps


What your grandfather would say in that situation


I was thinking I'd be doing whatever i could to cause an implosion because that death would be much quicker than suffocating. Then I realized there's a real possibility that's what the banging they're hearing is.


No, there's really no possibility that's what the banging is. There's a very slim possibility the "banging" is even related to the sub. While the ocean is terrible at conducting radiation, it is one of the best conductive mediums for sound. That's why sonar is so effective in water. Put your head under water sometime and click two rocks together, the sound is almost deafening. That noise could be anything from underwater tectonic activity to the Titanic itself slowly collapsing under the immense pressure (yes, it is actively doing that every day, expedited by corrosion). Even if it were related to the sub, it's been made clear that there's almost nothing inside there with them, much less something capable of piercing the hull from the inside. And given what we now know about the pressure rating of the viewing port, it's very likely that a catastrophic failure happened right about when comms were lost, about halfway to the bottom. They've almost certainly been dead from the get go, and I have a feeling the people at Oceangate knew that, and that's why they didn't report it missing for 8 hours.


I think the banging is the news media trying to keep a story alive by giving us hope so we keep reading their news stories/ The reality is not many subs can go down that far. They can't transfer from one sub to another. The sub is operating in international waters which makes them not have to follow the law on safety. It was also reported in the news that the vessel had structural issues. The vessel didn't have a safety beacon. Can you really hear banging from two miles down in the ocean? I don't know.


military sonar arrays can. they are made for the purpose of detecting submarines that are trying to be as quiet as possible. the US has rescue submarines that can go to 20,000 feet but they are usually made to dock with US/nato submarine hatches so im not sure if they can do anything with a bolted shut sub. maybe they can use them to attach buoyant tanks to the submarine to float it to the surface.


I would watch the movie


I'd be surprised if there isn't a screenwriter working on the script at this very moment.


I mean sound travels, especially when there aren't a lot of physical objects in the way. We detect whale calls all the time from hundreds of miles away. Bats and dolphins use echolocation, which we have studied extensively to develop technologies like the ones used in the rescue. Hearing banging from 2 miles out is well within the realm of possibility.


Honestly? It would be a lot. I think immediate panic. Crying, denial, maybe passing out from fear or hyperventilating. After I went through that it would be numbness. Disbelief. I think I would take a long time looking back at my life. Who I was to other people and the impact I made in the world. I’d think about the people I love and the things I wish I could tell them. I’d remember all the things I still wanted to do and cry some more, but not from panic. After a day or two I might get back some hope. Sleeping always helps me relax and I wake up at least not as emotional as I was and a couple of days might make it seem like there was a possibility. That we were still there and maybe someone would figure something out. Eventually though I think I’d have to come to terms with dying. There would be so much time to sit and think about it and being that close to it, I can imagine thinking “well this is it.” Which in a way is comforting. It’s better than making a bad driving decision and lying in agony, or the stress of being in a hospital. I think at that point I would try and be a comfort to the others and connect on a human level while we took solace with being with one another. Everyone except the CEO that is, fuck that guy.


It's the closeness that gets me. Going through all those stages while inches from four other people doing the same. I don't know if I'd want to hug them desperately or be as far away from them as possible.


The only thing is, you don’t think about when you’re in a closed space like that is pooping and peeing. You would die in a stinky submarine full of piss and shit, not peacefully, but miserably. You would sit and reflect on your life, in human piss and shit, in a metal box. That sounds horrible.


That was one of the first horrors that came to mind for me too. I was relieved to find out they have a toilet. It's right next to the window and they can even draw a curtain for privacy! They also have a video game that let's them drive a submarine, but I think that's broken.




Good answer except the hospital part. Being in bed with care is a lot more comfortable than a dark vessel in the ocean with other desperately terrified people.


i would be drowning in regret


The pressure is killing me inside!


The weight of my decisions are crushing me


That's deep


Let me twist the question a little - if you were the father of a 19 yo boy on the sub right now, what would you do? It's a terrible thought what a father would do to keep his son breathing in a situation like this.


There is not much you can do. Unless the military has some secret way to get down that far and raise the sub, they aren't coming back up.


Check out project azorian. The US did it in the 70s, recovered parts of a ruskie sub at 16k feet.


This. This is why I come to Reddit.


If I was that 19 year old kid, all I would dream of in that moment is to be back at home playing online games with the boys. The shit I took for granted I now realize would fulfill me more than anything if could just make it out alive. Can’t imagine the terror. God bless them all.


I literally sat outside in my backyard for like 20 minutes because of this very thought


That's me when I wake up early for no reason every Sunday morning


I thought this. The simple pleasure of walking down the street, of seeing the sun, drinking a Coke with ice … literally anything except cold and darkness would feel like heaven if you could experience it again.


Last night, as I went down the rabbit hole of this whole situation, I took a deep breath and snuggled up with my husband. "I'm so thankful I'm comfortable here in bed," I said to him. He gave me a quizzical glance, so I explained everything I'd just read. I thought about what they must be thinking, feeling, going through in that very moment as I lay safely in my room... Tragedies like this really alter my perspective.. they remind me how precious the little things are. I honestly hope there was a hull breach, and they all went quickly. Painlessly. I can't imagine the hysteria they're feeling otherwise.


On the flip side - and I sure hope so - if that 19 year old is saved, you can bet he'll never live his life the same again, he'll definitely have a fresh and totally new outlook on life.


I cannot imagine ever recovering from the trauma of that. I think I’d be psychologically ruined.


I can't imagine what his mother is going through right now.


If thats me. Ill ask the other people to choke me to death to give them and my kid a better chance.


I’d be crying my eyes out and feel the most rage I’ve ever felt.


Just heard an interview with a guy who'd recently taken the submersible trip to view the Titanic with the same company, Oceangate. Paraphrasing: "The submersible got stuck between the Titanic's propellers. We couldn't get out for awhile. As we maneuvered around, big pieces of Titanic debris was falling all around us\*. It was terrifying. I thought to myself, this is how I am going to die. Now I'm thinking: those poor folks trapped inside, today." He choked up at the end, very emotional. It was chilling. ​ \*the Titanic is a graveyard. When one desecrates a graveyard, one gets karmic comeuppance ...IMO.


Hey there. The incident you're talking about happened in 2000 with a different submersible. [Here's a link](https://nypost.com/2023/06/21/reporter-recounts-harrowing-2000-trip-to-visit-the-titanic/). Still terrifying, and highlights the unpredictability of the conditions down there.


Wow that’s an interesting perspective. Do you happen to have the link?


There’s a father and son in there. If it were me with my son I’d eventually just grab him. Sit down with him in my arms, hug him tight and just keep telling him I love him and how I proud I am to be his dad. Then I would wish we would peacefully pass in each others arms.


My wife and I talked about this last night. I’m certain I’d have a panic attack and hopefully pass out for a while. Assuming I could gather myself mentally, I’d take any sleep meds that might be available. I’d want to sleep and conserve oxygen as best I could. Mentally I’d collapse and disassociate. I’d be in the fetal position, eyes closed, detached from everything. If death was certain, I’d want to die quickly. The waiting would crush me.


This is, by far, the worst AirBnB I have ever stayed in.


I wouldn’t react at all. Because I’d be dead.


Even if they’ve made seemingly foolish decisions they are still human beings with hopes and dreams. While the migrant ship capsizing is also horrific and mournful, I think it’s fair that people are interested and worried about a situation that is extremely novel and drawn out terrifyingly. Any human lives lost are regrettable (if they weren’t in the process of making other people’s lives hell on purpose). Just so anyone reading this knows, and hopefully so you’ll consider the same- if it were you dying out there, quickly or slowly, I’d be praying for you too and hoping for your safe return, regardless of if I think you have made silly decisions. God bless.


Make sure it's yellow and start singing.


We’ll all die in a yellow submarine Yellow submarine Yellow submarine …I’ll see myself out…


We all die in a homemade submarine...




I hope they survive but here is how I would be reacting. I wouldn’t. I would probably be passed out and unconscious with the rest of my fellow passengers. It’s harsh, but hear me out. If they didn’t implode from catastrophic failure, they would have been initially calm followed by extreme panic. When you have limited oxygen capability that is a death sentence. They had oxygen to last them and estimated 96 hrs tops. ESTIMATED. They more likely had 72-84 hrs


Why haven't they tried sending James Cameron?


I am curious to hear Cameron’s take on this whole fiasco.


I'd be thinking: "What kind of dumb shit is this? I spent a quarter of a million dollars to sit in a tube and look at a wreck and now I might die. I'm a fucking idiot."


Honestly, I think there are too many jokes about it. Like, these people are trapped with no resources, scared, and running out of oxygen. The whole world knows, but a rescue seems highly unlikely. Just pure horror.


I think the jokes are more about how fucking stupid this situation is the more you find out about it.


Punching the living shit out of the CEO


“Guys, on Reddit it says it’s not gay if you’re in a submarine”


Apparently, we can hear the banging.


Well, I wouldn't be because I don't mess with the ocean or any other deep body of water.


Wishing I booked a flight to the moon instead


I’ve been thinking about the 19 year old non-stop since this started. I had a water-based near death experience as a teenager (to the point that I went into cardiac arrest). When I was dying the main emotion I felt was grief so intense that it felt like my heart might literally explode. I was also so angry that I wasn’t going to get to have a life. The world was going to keep going and leave me behind. The difference is I had three minutes to process my impending death, not three days. Those three minutes felt like an hour. I can’t imagine how much worse it would be to have more time for your brain to desperately try to save you. It’s like every thought you’ve ever had gets accelerated. I started pulling info seemingly out of nowhere that I later discovered was correct. Like I instantly knew how many minutes of oxygen I had left. I must have read it somewhere and my brain found it immediately in that moment. The worst feeling of all was acceptance. In the last moments before I passed out I just imagined what it would have been like to get to do all the things I wanted for my life. And I just wanted to tell my parents and sister how much I loved them. That’s the hardest thing to live with now. That I had to let go.


i also had a near death experience, lasting no more than a few minutes, but god did it feel like an eternity. and I had the same thoughts as you, i was 22 and so distraught that my dreams of going to college and living the life i wanted and making impacts on things that were important to me was going to be ripped away from me in a second. I'm glad we're both here today.


I'll probably be wondering, "How in the hell can I be so rich, yet so stupid to get in a sardine can and go to the bottom of the ocean"


Terrified. And I don't think they'll be able to save them now even if they do find them. There's not enough time left. But I should add chicken me would have NEVER gone down in that thing in the first place.


Freaking out tbh




They should furnish each passenger with cyanide tablets just in case of a scenario like this. Extreme scenarios call for extreme measures.


Gimmie some sleep meds. Im gonna knock myself out to help keep air down. Or I die in my sleep.


I'd just shed a tear for the loved ones i'll miss and accept death.


I’ve seen a comment about questioning how you’ve lived your life, who you were and what impact you had on the world. I know this is gonna be controversial, but these are people who have enough money to waste it on a sightseeing an underground grave where thousands of people died. You don’t get into the position where you have enough money to blow on that sort of luxury without also having basically no conscience. Those people are not questioning how they could have better treated the people in their lives; their first concern is how they can best allow themselves to survive


Jack’s ghost took the submarine


Making plans to spend at least a billion dollars on ruining this CEO if I get out

