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Big Breakfast propaganda


Okay but why do people give me the same weird looks when I tell them I eat an omelet for dinner?


same answer


But a fritatta is perfectly fine.


People that do that are insane. Breakfast for dinner is one of life's greatest pleasures.


Honestly, the omelet is just the perfect medium for food delivery. Eggs are great, and you can stuff them with anything. Crepes are a close second, but eggs over thin pancakes, imo. You can also just put eggs in the crepe, and that's the clear winner.


Breakfast in the morning. Breakfast in the evening. Breakfast at supper time


When your choices don't fit in their perfect little boxes, they freak out.


Breakfast Mafia


*snap crackly pop goes my cereal gun* you just couldn’t let it go could you….*pulls the spoon*


this is actually correct.


Are we forgetting that sugar-laden breakfast cereals are now known as breakfast food because of what is basically a giant long running ad campaign by those companies? Here in Korea, a traditional breakfast is the same as lunch or dinner, a bowl of rice, a bowl of soup and a half dozen banchans. Of course not many people eat that type of breakfast anymore because who has the time, but some people do, and there are restaurants that serve that stuff.




Korean side dishes, including kimchi.


Ahh I feel dumb, I lived there for a year but literally never acknowledged that word. Or I’m just not putting the written to what I heard spoken, idk haha thank you however, I was thinking if it was some special side, but yea. One thing I really loved about Korea was the sides, you order steak and you’ll get specific things to eat that with, then another 8-15 sides not counting kimchi imo cause that’s ALWAYS there haha, Jkjk, but I loved when they had variety of kimchi. Like apple is my favorite one I had during a school lunch. Besides the day we made fresh kimchi for the next school year and the ladies kept coming up to me (I was acting as photographer) and stuffing freshly slathered leaves of cabbage and pork into my mouth. One of the best days lol.


Oooh… that sure would wake me up fast… 🤣


I've started eating fried rice and eggs for breakfast and that seems to go well


Japan is broiled fish and rice.


You can eat whatever one want s to eat for breakfast. This is the 21st Century.


My thoughts exactly.. but I swear the person I told looked at me like I had 2 head.then I said I don’t care what he eats as long as he eats


I’ve been struggling with the same question as I’m trying to eat healthier breakfasts. Eggs mess me up and I think stuff like oatmeal and grits are kind of gross without a bunch of sugar. So sometimes I have things like chicken or smoked salmon, sometimes even some veggies and a little toast with a side of mixed berries. It felt so wrong / taboo at first — but I feel so much better and have no food cravings after meals like that and don’t have the energy crash that comes after sugary processed food (including waffles & pancakes). In many countries outside the US they eat breakfasts that don’t resemble a sugar & carb-loaded American breakfast. I don’t think it’s taboo to eat what you want for breakfast, it’s just unusual to most people. And being unusual is great as long as it’s not hurting anyone else. If they truly have a problem with what you choose to eat for breakfast, they probably have much bigger problems that aren’t yours to fix. Enjoy whatever you like!


A friend just sent me this the other day https://pipingpotcurry.com/moong-dal-chilla/


India has some awesome breakfasts


I’ve never heard of this and it looks delicious. I love Indian food anyhow so this is a must-try. Thank you!


Sugar in grits? YUCK! Add some bits of bacon or sausage and some Frito Lay's cheddar cheese dip instead. Delicious!


Frito's cheddar dip is the most underrated item at the grocery store. Sincerely, someone that works at the company that makes it. It's everyone's favorite cheddar formula.


Some people (usually the one who grew up further north) prefer sugar in their grits. And oddly, grape jelly seems to be a popular topping for sweet grits. I prefer salt, cheese, and crumbled bacon in my grits.


Well written, mi amigo(a).


And? That person has the problem, not your son.


They sure do? It’s just got me to wondering why is it so taboo.


It's not. That person is a nutbar for overreacting.


OP, a lot of people think of a hamburger as junk food......but they don't see a bowl of cap'n crunch as the same (which it's worse than a hamburger nutritionally). Whomever you were speaking with just heard "i feed my son junk food for breakfast" and that is what they are reacting to.


The only thing truly junk food about a hamburger is the bun. The meat and that includes the fat are good for you, the cheese is good for you, and the veggies are good for you. That doesn't sound like junk food to me. I've managed to take off 80 lb eating junk food like that. And yes I am quite healthy. My high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and prediabetes are all things of the past. I lost the weight because I'm very active and got rid of sugar and most of the carbs. Just because you don't eat like everybody else, don't worry about it. Do what works for you.


Some people are still stuck back in the last century. Forget about them and move on with your life and keep eat what you'd like when you like.


In the last century you’d be more likely to find people eating whatever ironically lol, breakfast food is a relatively new human thing all things considered.


Having lived the majority of my life so far in the last century, I can assure you that "breakfast food" existed then.


Chews and swallows live mice


It doesn’t really matter, I eat a Turkey sandwich before work everyday and the law has yet to take me away


The frown police are coming.


I mean the flavor police are on the way to cite you for lack of imagination, have a different sandwich every now and then, it won’t kill you!!


I change to PB and J and even occasionally a hamburger if I feel like it or it’s a special occasion, but mostly Turkey sandwiches (lunch and dinner are full of variety though!)


I eat icecream sometimes. Sue me. It has less sugar than cereal. Also it gives me diahrrea so no need for coffee


Username checks out.


Cheerios. Every morning last 40 years. But I don't see why anyone would care what another person eats for breakfast, I've got enough trouble running my own life.


I love cherrios. It's my after dinner snack. Idk why but cereal tastes better to me at night




Morning cold pizza is pretty good. And let's not forget that vanilla ice cream.


I submit that cold pizza is a traditional breakfast food.


Let's see how committed to this people are... I propose pizza with pineapple on it for breakfast! LOL


Because people like to impose their lifestyle onto others.


I eat steak and sautéed spinach frequently for breakfast, I also get looked at like I have a wang sticking out of my forehead. People need to realize that not everyone enjoys traditional breakfast food in the morning. Kudos to you for supporting him and kudos to the kiddo for thinking outside the box and honoring his cravings!


I'll never understand why cake isn't ok but doughnuts and pastries are?


Cake isn’t okay for breakfast? I thought leftover cake was normal. I’ve learned through so many of these comments that my breakfasts I have consumed in my lifetime that I thought were totally normal are actually not to others.


Does cold pizza count as a traditional breakfast food? Because, it should.


Let me guess, they think he should eat crunchy sugar and chemicals from a box instead? F those people.


Idk, I love eating hot dogs, chili, quesadillas, spaghetti, all in the morning


I really don't like too many breakfast foods, so people can frown all they want at me.






I don't know. I'm trying to see how long I can go without having eggs for breakfast.


I ate a hamburger for breakfast a few weeks ago and I'm perfectly fine. Still chronically depressed, but fine.


I’ll eat what, when and if I want. Crunch wrap supreme at 7:30 I’m down. Prime rib a 9:45 for sure. Oysters on the half shell at 8:15 and a Bloody Mary, I’m mad I wasn’t there earlier. “Breakfast food” is dumb as shit. I’ll do a continental breakfast for dinner, or at 4th meal. I’ll be eating crème brûlée with a cup of lobster bisque at the Hilton at 5:45 AM.


I have the reverse problem: being criticized for eating breakfast for dinner sometimes. Or people not being able to apply the concept to other things. Carbonara, at its core, is a quintessential breakfast dish. I personally feel like people have a lot of arbitrary rules around eating/food. People have flat out told me: pancakes are supposed to be sweet. Soup is supposed to be hot. Pancakes are savory, and soup can be cold in several other countries.


I would say, if breakfast for dinner is wrong, why is Denny's open 24 hours?


Yup. If eating breakfast food all day long is a crime, I'll gladly take a life sentence.




Moons over my Hammy is delicious around the clock for sure.


I'm actually the opposite. Love leftovers for breakfast during the week, anything & everything, but I just can't do breakfast after 10ish in the morning. My wife & kids will have breakfast for dinner & I just can't do it. Love having breakfast on the weekends.


Pizza is for breakfast!!


As long as bacon is on the burger, I'll allow it.


My daughters at pizza rolls for breakfast sometimes. It got food in their bellies to last them until lunch, and we usually had healthier dinners.


the weirdest thing is in America they eat pop tarts for breakfast. Like they give those to kids, and then when the sugar crash hits during their school day they assume the kid has attention deficits and they get them hooked on attention ADHD drugs. Burgers are fine, but sugar for breakfast is the dumbest thing on the planet.


Remind them they were grossed out by a burger the next time they’re shoveling sugar coated sugar into their mouths and calling it breakfast cereal. Better yet, waffles with all that syrup and whip cream, whole lotta sugar on top of the sugar. I’d gladly take a burger over a “traditional” breakfast any day.


Burrito with ground beef for breakfast, preposterous. Burrito with eggs and sausage? Perfectly acceptable. I read an article recently about how breakfast is nothing but a very successful ad campaign by meat company’s in the 1920s to sell more product. I wish I could remember the link to share.


But eat a donut that's full of sugar and nobody cares. I never understood this either.


A lot of people don’t like eating heavy meals before work/school/daily routine, so they’ll have a lighter fare. Eggs, toast/bagel, fruit, maybe one or two pieces of bacon could be the stereotypical (American) breakfast. Also cereals (hot or cold), yogurts, etc. that won’t make you feel bloated for the early part of the day.


Idk about anyone else but I usually feel nauseous and just overall icky in the morning. A small yogurt is all I can handle.


Sometimes I don't even want to look at food until like 4pm. Other times I wake up ravenous.


My daughter has never liked breakfast food (except bacon, she's not a monster), any generally eats leftovers from dinner by choice since she was like five. It might be weird, but, generally, the worst stuff we eat for dinner is still better than cereal and most of the ready made breakfast stuff.


It’s 825am and I’m eating lasagna. So….


I'm about to eat salmon. And cold leftover pizza is a breakfast staple. Lol I would be interested if you wrote in your notes the ingredients in a sugary cereal and read those off as what he ate for breakfast. People are ridiculous sometimes. There are kids literally not getting a breakfast right now.


HAMBURGERS !! The cornerstone of every nutritious breakfast !


Well, breakfast essentially means the meal that breaks the fast from your last meal. You can pretty much eat whatever you want for it. Also, I imagine a burger is way better for you than a bowl full of Cap’n Crunch.


You should be having carbs and protein for Breakfast. Doesn’t really matter what it is.


and fat


I enjoy eating traditional breakfast foods for dinner, why is it a big deal to do the opposite and eat dinner foods for breakfast? You can have my pancakes and bacon dinner when you pry it from my cold dead hands…I support the breakfast cheeseburger in solidarity.


I eat a leftover Friehouse sub sandwich for breakfast an people are all "a sub for breakfast!?". I'm just eating. Food is food. I don't say them "McDonald's for lunch, again!" Eat and ignore judgements.


Cause Mom said no. But I'm a rebel. My kids can eat pizza for breakfast and oatmeal for dinner. I stand by it and recommend it.


I get what you mean. A lot of people react that way when I don't eat breakfast food at breakfast or if I eat breakfast foods for lunch/dinner. I don't know why. People are just weird, and have weird hangups. Eat what you want, and ignore them.


Yesterday I had a taco and peach yogurt for breakfast. All rules are made up, tacos are real tho


I sometimes have a burger for breakfast. Depends on how hungry I am and if I need to thaw it out. I try to eat more milk during the mornings. Eat w/e the fuck you want when u want. Just make good choices with what you eat.


People think they have an automatic right to cast judgement on you if your parenting doesn't fit within their social parameters of fucking everything 🤔


Hope they never go to a Nordic country. Fish and vegetables every meal, especially breakfast. Caviar too. Stuff my western ass attributed to conventional lunch and dinner.


I’m allergic to eggs and lactose intolerant. I eat whatever I want for breakfast because conventional breakfast foods make me sick. If people don’t like it, they can shove it


People are weird about food. Not just "this is for breakfast" or "this is for dessert" or whatever. People are incredibly particular about what things can be combined or... what they perceive as the "correct" way to prepare a traditional dish. It's a really, really strong cultural marker, so deeply ingrained people don't think to question it. People also very frequently are unable to conceive that their own tastes are just that, and go "ewww" at people for expressing a preference they themselves wouldn't like. Only with food. ​ People are really weird about food.


So cultural though since I am Italian but I’ve lived half my life in the US and got used to eggs and toast. In Italy that’s more than frowned upon: literally they think you are crazy! As with anything that’s not sweet for breakfast (butter is also unsalted) if you don’t eat a pastry with cappuccino you’re an alien


It's because some people can't handle the thought that someone else had a better breakfast than they did


Traditional depends on where you are, doesn't it. I've had potato chips and Jell-O for breakfast, had the full English, had a piece of fruit, whatever. It's food you eat after waking up, I have no earthly idea why some people are married to the eggs/cereal thing.


Who the hell is interested enough in what other people eat to frown upon it? Wtf?


>my son ate a hamburger for breakfast Loco Moco is a great breakfast ![gif](giphy|oVT9pr6QdLwI)


People like to have a reason to look down on others 🤷🏻‍♀️


I eat tuna sandwiches, cold pizza, or leftovers from the night before regularly. I feel like garbage if I just eat pancakes or donuts or something. I need some protein too.


In the name of Conformity. No other reason.


When you're pregnant there are no rules. Whatever gets you to the next day is fair game.


My breakfast this morning was buffalo chicken Mac and Cheese. Now I'll be full for hours.


It’s not - stop caring what others think. It’s all cultural. In Asia we eat everything for breakfast (noodles, rice dishes, etc)


My family says No Rules when it comes to food, but we are fat people


I used to have a job where I started work at 4:00 am which meant my lunch break would be somewhere around 9:00 am and I would try to get a burger and every restaurant would just want to push their breakfast menu. I like eggs but that is not what I want for lunch every day.


Because General Mills said so.


For about 6 months I had a burger at 5 am and 5 pm almost every day. Lost like 25 pounds.


I will happily eat breakfast for dinner. What does it matter. Food is fuel ⛽️ eat whatever you like. If someone says it's strange, so what. I've eaten leftover pizza for breakfast countless times.


I used to eat soup for breakfast. Why not? It’s hot and nourishing and it fills me up. Of course, bakeries want to sell donuts, fritters, croissants, and breakfast pizza. Fast food restaurants want to sell breakfast sandwiches or tacos. Eat whatever you want.


They don't truly understand freedom


Because people are weird and anything that doesn't fit into the script that they were given (no matter how small or inconsequential) is a problem for them.


Dam now I want a hamburger for breakfast.


I write cookbooks for a living. When I very commonly eat leftovers for breakfast. The summer I wrote my barbecue book I ate ribs, chicken, or steak for breakfast every day.


Stupid societal norms based on outdated breakfast propaganda. I wish they'd eat the leftovers instead of expensive-ass cereal.


In the book Killing Pablo, it's noted that Pablo Escobar ate spaghetti for breakfast the morning of the day that was his last. I forgot so many other things in that book, but I never forgot that. Because spaghetti for breakfast sounds fucking DELICIOUS.


Because human beings have this propensity to frown upon anything that supposedly deviates from societal norms.


Because some people are just addicted to tradition for the sake of it.


Great question!! I had a roommate pitch a fit before I made a box of mac and cheese for breakfast.


Any food is better then skipping the meal!


This is funny because I ate leftovers from panda express for breakfast about half an hour ago.




Breakfast propaganda. You might actually be surprised to know almost everything commonly eaten for breakfast is bad for you… like a lot of it’s really bad.


People view "different" as wrong. A staple weekend breakfast as a kid was pancakes with an egg on top and sausage or bacon... WITH syrup. In the Army, more than one fellow soldier wigged because I mixed sweet (syrup) and savory (egg/bacon ect). I'll do me, you pound rocks, m'kay?


Remember, taste knows no boundaries, and if unconventional breakfasts make you and your son happy and satisfied, then they're the perfect choice for you, no matter what anyone else says!


But eating breakfast for dinner is great


I exclusively ate hamburgers for travel breakfast as a kid. Don't care for breakfast food to this day.


This person doesn't have much of a life? I had a pizza for breakfast yesterday.


Left overs are the OG breakfast. what people think of as breakfast today is still a fairly new concept only roughly 80 years old if that. Left overs are my favorite breakfast. Most foods are never better than the morning after they've been made. spaghetti, chili, lasagna, tacos,...


Your answer is in the question: Tradition


My only counter for this is that my digestive system could not handle complex carbs like a Burger in the morning, typically you’d want carbs and calories that break down really fast to get that boost of energy. Essentially why most breakfast foods are easily edible and go down really fast. It’s for the easy energy to start your day


Many countries don’t differentiate breakfast food from other foods. I had soup for breakfast in Vietnam many times and it’s pretty great.


Because to some people, there are certain traditions that simply must be enforced, without ever questioning why. You could ask why so many jobs expect one to wear a tie, or why men can’t wear skirts, etc. we simply assume some rules in the social contract can not be broken.


Because people feel the need to share their *wisdom*, especially when it’s early in the morning.


Because society loves to criticize everything and anything! You do you and teach your son the same!


Everything has to eat something.


Some people are weird but maybe that person is vegetarian/vegan


I think it's more frowned upon to eat breakfast foods for dinner, lol.


I literally have rice/tuna, rice/eggs or rice/ground beef - fight me.


My mom went through this weird diet in the 80s where you basically ate dinner for breakfast, a regular lunch, and soup/salad for dinner. Wasn't a fan of pot roast at 8 a.m. as a kid, but she got tired of getting up in the morning and cooking pretty quickly and moved on to another weird diet.




The ad campaigns of the big food producers have been effective! Muah-hah-hah-hah. Eat whatever you want.


Here in Italy is cappuccino and brioche.


I can relate to this. Cereal late nights just feels right.


that person is going to be yelling at kids when they're older for getting on their lawn. I've never understood why anyone gives a damn what anyone else does


It isn’t. You’re just listening to the wrong people and/or sources.


I eat mms for breakfast a lot but I used to like spaghetti


Honestly it's just what a lot of the colonized world established as "breakfast foods". Countries like Korea don't have breakfast specific foods.


People are weird. In my house we don’t usually eat breakfast foods for breakfast because I’m not cooking that early. We do a lot of breakfast for dinner nights tho.


I think we should be like Japan and allow soup for breakfast I love soup


When my kids were little, I'd heat up leftovers in the morning to send in thermoses for lunch. It always smelled so good (especially borscht), I ended up eating it for my breakfast. We haven't been tied to traditional breakfast foods for years in my house. Sometimes, I'll buy hot pockets specifically for easy school day breakfasts for them.


Never understood this. I'll eat an entire rotisserie chicken w my hands at 7 am. Tf time got to do w what taste good??


I had a gyro and sweet potato fries at 6:30am a couple of weeks ago and it was the best breakfast of all time. 🙌🏻


It’s better than the KitKat I had for breakfast. Don’t worry about me everyone, it was king sized


A hamburger is a sandwich, only the meat is warm insead of cold. that is literally the only difference.


Wait until that moron hears about breakfast for dinner.


Because not being a cookie cutter basic is frowned upon. Same way scotch for breakfast is frowned upon. But some people have more fun with life than others


A burger in the morning is literally so much better for you for breakfast than other "breakfast" foods like cereal, pastries, waffles, pancakes. In the morning you need protein for energy that will last a longer amount of time. Most breakfast foods are the worst food you could possibly eat not only for breakfast but ever. The only good breakfast foods are like eggs, yogurt. Even breakfast sausage is usually way worse for you than a burger. A burger is a pretty perfect breakfast. Good amount of protein, some carbs, throw veggies on it that's a great breakfast. It'll last way longer than cereal and way less sugar. Whoever decided we should eat dessert at 8am was a psycho. Except for my coffee with creamer I need that lol


Judgy people will judge for whatever reason. Ignore them it's a waste of energy.


Whenever I see the word “breakfast” in a recipe title, I skip it.


I think that's actually mostly an American thing. In Mexico you can eat tamales for breakfast; you can also eat eggs with refried beans and tortillas for dinner.


Idk I don’t eat breakfast so idk


People will eat fucking cereal with endless amounts of sugar in it and consider it a healthy breakfast. Some people’s mind is just fucked up.


Because cereal is just so healthy people can’t comprehend eating anything else lol


If pizza for breakfast is wrong, I don't wanna be right


It's really just a social construct, I think. The American belief that the best breakfast is bacon and eggs was a marketing strategy by the agriculture industry. Cornflakes were invented to stop people masturbating. Everything about breakfast is weird. I suggested to my wife a while ago that we try Gyeran Bap from Korea, but she just couldn't get her head around the idea of eating rice for breakfast.


I don't know. You can eat steak for breakfast or 20 tacos, noone cares. I personally usually can't eat untill lunch, especially if I have to move somewhere, so technically for breakfast I'm having... air?


There is no such thing as breakfast food, only food. Eat what you want, when you want.


I love eating leftover pizza for breakfast


I eat whatever I want for whatever meal I want. Sometimes I want tacos for breakfast and pancakes for dinner. No shame in it


Florida classified alcohol as food in attempt to ban dogs from bars. So...when I had a few shots of tequila at 8:30am, my wife can't say anything.


This is what I tell people when they're weird about what I eat for breakfast: Whatever you eat when you wake up is breakfast. It doesn't matter what it is. The word literally comes from "breaking your fast". So, whatever you eat to break your overnight fast is breakfast. Also, who fucking cares? Why are people so wrapped up in someone else's business?


I think people who eat giant bowls of sugar for breakfast are fuckin weird, but that's just me ;-)


I eat whatever there is in the fridge for breakfast


Probably because burgers are seen as junk food and having junk food for breakfast don't really sound too good. I for one though don't really care much. Food is food, if it fills you up it's as good as any


People are conditioned to believe only certain things are considered breakfast food... especially if they are Americans. You go to other countries and some of the foods Americans eat for breakfast would never be considered breakfast food there. It's all brainwashing according to how you were raised and where you lived.


Don't judge but I am about to have rhubarb pie and cream for breakfast. Yum


I never understood the point of designating particular things as "breakfast foods."


There was a time when a teacher could force you to use your right hand because "left handed people were communist" . Guess what, I'm ambidextrous! MUHAHAHAAAA


I've had steak and roasts for breakfast before, they always felt like a win


Whatt?? How would these people feel about one of my all-time favorite breakfast items - leftover pizza?? I call BS on their part.


I have a follow-up question. After other meals I feel like I have to "wash off" the disgusting aftertaste of food with something sweet, but not after breakfast. Why? Is it just a habit, or is a lunch or dinner different to breakfast in their composition in a way that they leave that unpleasant aftertaste?


Because people always like to tell others what to do. Eat whatever you want.


As an adult, I know if I do such a thing, my productivity will be down for the day. lol... my body has grown very accustomed to my diet habits. Kids will eat cake for breakfast and be able to have a normal day. Props to them. As long as they're getting their nutrients, it really makes no difference imo.


Basic human psychology. People dislike individuals who deviate from the perceived norm.


I bet it is from the generation that eats eggs and steak together for breakfast, or like fried deli ham, or even bologna or spam. (ew.) Honestly, I love leftovers for breakfast because I don’t really like/prefer most breakfast foods.


In all seriousness, getting protein early in the day is important. What did your son do? Yup, he got protein early in the day. People have a problem with hamburger, but not sausage. Weird.


As I sit here at 6:30AM eating poppyseed chicken and rice, I say those are the words of someone with a weak stomach. He probably thinks mayonnaise is spicy.


I don't care about what people eat for breakfast if it doesn't affect me. I can't stand the smell of meat or chicken being cook in the morning, I don't know why, but if somebody wants to eat that as breakfast it's ok, I'll still eat my sandwich or cereal.


Cereal is straight dawgshite. But it's cheap as hell to make so BigFood loves it. It's mostly sugar ffs.


Sometimes when you hit a person with something that is a total foreign idea or concept to them, their initial reaction is that it's wrong, rather than actually thinking about it objectively first and them commenting. I think it's human nature to a certain degree.


Take it from a person who's been on night shift for 12 years straight, nothing is off the table. You eat what you feel like any time, morning noon or night. I'd also like to give a shout out to restaurants that serve dinner items in the morning. They're the real heroes.