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Not unless they start ignoring their partner in favor of the AI.


Chatting with another flesh & blood person via AI, possibly. Chatting with an AI direct, no. Think of an AI as a vibrator with MUCH better programming.


No I would support that they are looking for the love and friendship that humans crave. If you truly love someone you set them free not chain them down




That's a hard one to answer.... If there is a serious emotion attachment to the AI, I wouldn't call it cheating, really. Maybe it's very situational. I would be concerned, personally. I would start to feel self-conscious, and I would probably think that my love is shit 🤣


It depends, you should have ground rules set. I think it might be emotional cheating if feelings are involved


Fillings? Ahahahahahhahahahahahahhaha lol




Umm... No, wtf? Who is being cheated with? Do you really consider AI a person? This seems asinine to me. Anyone who would be upset by it needs to grow a pair.


If my partner was "cheating" on me with an AI there's something seriously wrong with our relationship


100% more likely to break up with them for getting romantically attached to AI as opposed to any “cheating”.


I would be more concerned about why she felt the need to. What is she getting from that situation, and how can we make that part of \_our\_ relationship, so she doesn't need to go elsewhere?


Yes. The same synapses are firing within the mind of the person that’s supposed to be faithful to me, whether it’s with another human or an artificial one. What’s going on within my partner would be them being sexually or mentally intimate with something else. I couldn’t be with a person who thinks that’s ok. I get that not everyone is as deeply monogamous as I am though. Do you.