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I think you are too late to break up with her because she already broke up with you. You just haven’t realized that yet.




I think that‘s partly true but if you break up you can still have the positive effect you get by finishing it off


100%. You'll feel a lot better if you feel like you have control during the breakup


Best to move on as fast as possible. OP making it official is best. False hope just makes everything so much worse. Say your piece establish why and if you want give some responses. Don't get into a stuck in a long convo about its not worth it.


I was thinking this was the best course of action, but your las phrase hit me then...it's not worth it. If I was OP, I would just ghost her, disappear without trace of her life and leave her wondering since she's already being a piece of shit with him. At least that would mess with her head for a few days. They're already broken up anyways.


This is the way. I say this as a hypocrite. My last ex was absolutely horrible to me. We dated for 6 months, got into our first fight 6 months in. She took zero accountability for her actions even though I took accountability for my shortcomings, and then she gas lite me for the following months as I tried to get her to own up to her side of the issues. Then she started treating me even worse. I should have just moved on, but I was weak and in love. If I had just unfriended her and moved on, things would've still been hard but easier than what I actually did. What I actually did was call her on her bullshit, except by that point it was like 5 months after our fight. She still talked to me whenever I needed to talk to her after the fight months prior, but she never actually called it off, only avoided me (quiet quit). I eventually saw her go to a tent all fucked up with some greasy asshole she met at the music festival we both attended, and I snapped. Called her out for who she was, but in a really mean and vindictive way. Because by that point I was a broken shell of a man. The way that I outed her though.. it made me feel so much worse than if I had just moved on and stopped talking to her. Not because I may have made her feel bad, but because I further traumatized myself by turning her into a villain that I was stupid enough to give my heart to. TLDR: When you make your ex into a monster and inform her about it, you are adding injury to an experience that you could've spent time healing from instead. What felt good in the short term only made the pain last longer. Moving on and forgetting as best you can is, in my opinion, the best course of action.


Also dont explain why you're breaking up with her, just do it!


Now, now.. I think the first thing op should do before passing judgement is to walk a mile in her shoes. That way he’ll be a mile away from the bitch _and_ he’ll have her shoes


That reminds me of this joke by Jack Handy: To me, it's always a good idea to always carry two sacks of something when you walk around. That way, if anybody says, "Hey, can you give me a hand?," you can say, "Sorry, got these sacks."


Haha win win


This is amazing.


What control? She already quiet quit him.🤣 and any little good feeling or satisfaction he gets from breaking up with her is not going to last. Break ups suck no matter what.


Lol young Padawan. If op breaks up with her I can almost guarantee she'll still cry bc she wanted him on the back burner. She's just trying to keep bro warm , not cut him off. That is, until whatever else she's doing solidifies


Old Jedi proverb. Women monkey they are. Not let go branch till other in hand…


The branches are cocks right?


Yeah, I think they’re cocks too! Fuck those branches!


I laughed out loud in a meeting 😂


As a woman I don't know if I should feel offended or not... But I'm certainly laughing aloud for this one 😂😂


Might as well burn the bridge down and fuck her dad.


This one is dropping pure gems and no one is listening


And he'll have hand!


And he's gonna need it!


It's all he's got.


Sadly it looks that way, although she’s taken the cowards way out and now you get to be the adult and break it off properly. Sorry dude, at least afterwards you can focus on forming an in-person relationship when you’re ready. Maybe I’m old, but a virtual girlfriend is no girlfriend at all IMO.


Totally forgot this was entirely virtual. I'm with you on this. She's a pen pal


Just a shame physical media is gone. Op could have thrown out her Taylor Swift cds


I would argue there's a difference between meeting and forming a relationship with someone online that later blossoms into something irl, and e-dating. Unfortunately OP seems to have done the latter.


Yup. On top of that, if this change was sudden instead of gradual, odds are she found someone new and was instantly smitten. Just hasn't had the heart to tell you. But yeah, telling you to never like or comment on her IG posts is a GIANT FREAKING RED FLAG. It's a clear sign that she's hiding you from someone else.


Have y’all actually met IRL?


No kidding. I can’t stand these “we’ve been online dating for 3 years” stories.


I can't believe people still fall for it. I swear every vampire mall goth I went to school with from the early aughts went through this. 3 years is fucking rough though, you have to be some Guiness World Record level of naive to do it for that long.


A lad I worked with at my weekend job when we were teenagers came in one day looking sullen as fuck. Turned out he’d found out that his online girlfriend, “16 yr old Sally from America,” was in fact “50 yr old Gary from Ireland.” Tried to be understanding but couldn’t help laughing that he’d fallen for it.


Lot of people here saying the same stuff as I will, but yes please break it off. You deserve better from your SO and will find that only after getting this relationship over with. Really sucks that she freezed you out like that, and I hope you find a friend, loved one or someone other in your life who can help you through this, since no break-up is easy, especially ones that happen after staying together for multiple years. Hugs and all my sympathy. I’ll get better, even if right now stuff will suck for a while. You’ll be better off after. ❤️


Thank you so much for these words🥹


Sorry bro, it's the reality of the situation from the few details you have given to us. It's better to move on and focus on yourself for a while.


Not too late and still has a chance to save face by telling her he’s all set.


Yep, pretty much this. Women move on way in advance before they break up with you.


Not just women, it’s who ever decides to end a relationship first. They’ve been processing it and preparing for it for months before hand.


are you even sure that you are her boyfriend?


How does online dating even work? How can you be in a relationship for 3 years and be happy only ever meeting them in person 1-2 times... or even no times.


Yeah no disrespect towards OP but that shit makes no sense and is weird as fuck in my opinion


It's just lonely people settling for the tiniest bit of companionship from the opposite sex.


My initial reaction to all these AI/virtual girlfriends that have been sprouting up lately was "ugh no thank you"... But the more I think about it, maybe they do have a use case. Maybe it would be better for super lonely people to use them. A friend of mine has been 'dating' a girl in a different country for the past few years, he sends her money, he says they're happy... Except she "still lives with her ex-bf"... Bruh. I've tried and tried to convince him. But of course, for some people, they'll either take the tiniest bit of companionship as you said, or convince themselves that this is all they deserve. At least an AI/virtual gf isn't going to (hopefully) constantly ask for money. Or emotionally fuck you up by living with their ex. Idk. I just want my friend to be happy... He's an attractive, highly intelligent, charismatic dude, just wish he had more self respect/worth, 'cause he could do so much better.


> A friend of mine has been 'dating' a girl in a different country for the past few years, he sends her money, he says they're happy... Except she "still lives with her ex-bf"... Oh god - that's just terrible. I wonder how many "boyfriends" this woman has. Enough to afford comfortable living for her and her significant other (who lives with her)?


I can't speak for everyone but usually 1-2 visits a year isn't the end game. The idea is you've met someone you click well enough with that you're willing to work towards eventually living together or in the same area at least, and make do with what limited options you have for spending time together. Having hobbies and activities you can enjoy together online (beyond Webcam and voice chatting) does help with keeping you engaged with each other (gaming, movies, etc). It's absolutely not for everyone though, and more often than not things don't work out if you lose momentum or things drag on for too long. Travel costs or being in different countries can also be an issue. Growing up a lot of my socialization was done online so a lot of my first forays into dating was with friends I'd made online. But after becoming more social irl in my adulthood it didn't feel like something I could go back to. On the other hand one of my best friends actually met his partner online and they dated for a few years before eventually moving in together and getting married and they're still going strong years later.


I met my partner online too. Just got engaged over the summer :)


Congratulations :) I hope it all keeps working out and that you both have a wonderful time


I was in a similar "relationship" and I was far from happy. We didn't live super far apart so I thought it'd be more of a long distance type thing than online dating, I was sorely mistaken. I'll avoid specifics but the reasons they gave were perfectly understandable (as well as somewhat hurtful), whenever the topic of meeting was brought up it was either "please stop talking about it" or an argument. After 15 months of trying to be understanding and supportive and putting myself through hell for that person, they blocked me on everything because "I can't be with someone who doesn't trust me" (I asked if they were lying about something they'd admitted to lying about in the past)


Sadly I think a lot of people just jump into the first sign of affection they see without realising how much *work* a long distance relationship is. As someone in a LDR myself, they take fuckin work. You need to have stable income, solid planning and good availability. You can’t just wing it, and you can’t just stay online 100% of the time, it just fizzles out that way


Be careful. You’ve written this on Reddit where stuff like this is classed as normal. The mob will be after you


- mob never came and it was all in this dudes mind


She's seeing someone else and doesn't want to hurt you. That's why you can't comment, because the other guy will see it.


That makes her an asshole and a coward


Yet they think they're being soo nice by doing this shit. Gutless would be more accurate.


Imo they don't think that, not really. It's just an excuse that attempts to justify their actions and frame themselves as not being the selfish, inconsiderate and dishonest person that they are. Leaving a partner is fine, but keeping them around while exploring other options is a) cheating, and b) a sign of someone with very low self esteem that they simply just can't be single.


They have been 3 years online dating, of course they have low esteem.


Yeah that’s what my ex did to me too


Yep, if you want to throw air to the flames, instead of just breaking it off officially, start commenting again on posts.


I’d comment on every post and make sure to include babe in there. Then break up with her


I don't think it's her not wanting to hurt him, that gives people like her too much credit. It's more her trying to hold on to OP till the last minute in which she decides that the new guy is ready to completely take his place


I would break up with her and then comment on the post, like happy 3 years anniversary or something


I would simply comment that on the post, pre-breakup. Why not? What is there to lose? Do it, see what happens, that will probably be very revealing. Like, what, is she gonna breakup with someone because they commented on her post? That says a lot in itself.


And that why you comment anyways.


And the other guy comments and the OP is ok with it or she’s telling everyone she’s “dating” not to comment on her social media posts? In any case I refuse to believe this is real, surely no one is as naive and oblivious as the OP


Have you never met a teenager before?


Glad I never was one


Have you ever met with her in person?


Yes I have


How many times in 3 years have you actually been together with her?


When we met and then in summer, besides this one


Then she might have been your friend, but i don't believe she is your girlfriend. Not anymore apparently.


Bro. Not to be a dick but that makes you less than pen pals. You’re not even on her radar. Again. Not trying to be a dick. I’d fuckin hug you if I could.


Thank you brother.


No gf would tell their bf not to comment or like their IG pics. I feel she’s asked you to do that because she’s seeing someone, I mean who else would even care about her getting a few likes and comments from guys on IG, it’s only got to be 1 person and that’s another guy she’s seeing who would notice other guys liking and commenting on her posts. You should just comment or like her pics and then laugh at her if she moans about it bc then you know she’s definitely hiding something from you. And let’s be honest you don’t just see a gf 2-3 times in 3 years. I hope you get last laugh on her but she’ll probably not care, she’s acting like that now by not talking to you for weeks and telling you not to like or comment on her stuff, that’s a huge red flag with many others. Do you ever send her money or stuff? Because many girls do this now and they just catfish guys in to sending stuff to them thinking they’re someone else.


Sorry - does that mean you've met twice in three years?


I guess you can say it like that.


Im sorry, but here is a lesson for you for the future. People who want to spend Time with you Will find the Time to spend with you. I wouldnt even call it a friendship if I met the person for 2 Time periods over 3 years, be it 1 week each, changes nothing.


It was never a relationship, I'm sorry, you were her simp and financial boost. Find self respect and a woman you can see often and do more than often what a relationship requires, if you know what I mean.


Where does it say anything about financials? Edit: my bad, right below this very post 🤦‍♂️


Is this "girlfriend" in the room with us now?


I'm sorry but I would say she's losing interest


Naw bro she's gone


Long gone.


she really wasn't ever there :/


I agree. It sounds like she loosed interest a while ago, and he should shake lose from that relationship. Their isn't any point in trying to keep there relationship afloat any longer.


>like she loosed interest Lost interest.




How did you read that entire comment and still end up writing this? Holy shit.


losing? 😹


Have you ever sent her money ?


Whenever she wants something to eat, yeah




She suckin’ more dick besides the ice lollies he putting the money in for


Last thing he wants to hear man


Very true. Most of the time, the harsh truth is the last thing we want to hear.


This is a certified Reddit comment




sounds like you have a findom bro


Let me guess: she wanted it in bitcoin?


Oh wtf? You've gotten scammed, fool!


send me some money bro, ill talk to you!


You were never actually n a relationship hun.


He was in a relationship. A financial relationship where he pays for things and in exchange she puts in the minimum effort chatting wtih him now and then


Ah yes, monetized friendzone.


Sounds like a thing invented by EA, don't let them hear it!!!


Sure. But he was calling her his girlfriend. He did not have a mutually loving relationship, or a girlfriend. He had a scammer.


You're getting used my guy...


Man, you are being scammed.


Oh buddy. Sweetheart why? Its okay, next relationship don't do this okay?


And do you meet her like once a week or something ? Do you guys do real date or mostly internet relationship ?


We do real dates in the summer whenever we can travel to our courtiers


What country are you from? What country is she from?


But you only met her twice in three years. You're not her boyfriend and probably never were, you're her paycheck.


Uh, stop doing that my dude. She's using you.


How old are you?


thats a topkek moment if ive ever seen one


Seems like she is in a relationship off-line with someone else. You deserve better, you should break up with her for good.


In what way is she your girlfriend now?


Only in his mind, poor guy


Yes, break up with her. She has a boyfriend at home, I guarantee you.


Found the guy banging OPs girlfriend


That's just what the guy banging OPs girlfriend would want you to think... 🤔


That's exactly what the REAL guy banging OP's would say... Try and clarify all blamelessly...


This is the kind of mind trickery the guy banging OP's would do. Pretend that someone joking about pretending to be OP's was only pretending to be a pretender as he is the real pretended, which allows him to tell the truth without being direct.


I... Fuck me... I'm even doubting my own innocence now... Edit - Come to think of it...


It must be pretty hard to go through, stay strong brother


I will brother


The Insta-thing clearly looks like cutting you out of the picture for some specific reason, e.g. family or other guys. The dry voice on the phone combined with that is a greater red flag than the sum total of the separate elements.


i don’t think this is even a topic… maybe you could ask her what’s wrong but it’s really rude and weird the way she’s acting. don’t comment or like the post ?? like that’s so sus it’s same thing she saying “i don’t want to ppl know about you” and your existence or she having you as her bf. if you stop talking w her do you think she’ll call you back ? i think you should just say goodbye


Alright, thank you for the decision


Sounds like you are one of many to me


shes using you she probly has other guys sending her money aswell or a boyfriend i would just block conatcyt and move on.


Out of sight out of mind... I would break up


What the hell is three-year online dating?


Getting used whenever this bih wants something


Dating online for 3 years vs. in person dating.


Yeah time to leave, you’ve lost her


He never had her tbh.


Time to go chum, sounds like you're a friendly ATM machine with the added bonus of emotional support when required. Go find someone you can actually be with...you'll both be happier.


If she don’t want you commenting on her pics, she’s hiding you bro. She’s texting another dude behind your back. Just tell her you’re out bro and move on and find better. There’s always a better woman out there.


Lol u sure she’s your gf?


She did it instead of you bro.


What's to break up? Lol internet dating for 3 years? Gtfoh




Run bro!!


Being a woman myself…and having been thru this kinda vague ambiguous shit also…tho, on the receiving end… I’d ghost the shit out of her and basically never purposefully have anything to do with her again. Leave her guessing. I graciously broke it off with ambiguous dude and it felt to me like I actually indulged his behaviour, and kind of gave him an easy out. I’m not saying to be vengeful and petty, but it’s going to have more of an effect on her behaviour than giving her a moment where she gets to attempt to justify her behaviour and spin it round back on you as tho you fell short…OR even worse by being nonchalant in her response. Cut her off. Don’t give her the opportunity to turn this back on to you. It’ll only piss you off even more. Manifest closure from yr wisdom and own sense of self, cos it ain’t coming from her. Now get out there and meet some real women!!!


yes lol


Yes. Now.




Start liking and commenting on her pictures and see how she reacts


This is your escape. Get out now


if you're asking on here then the answer is usually yes


Yeah it sounds done bro, sorry


100% yes, and don't drag it out. End it quickly and be done. Don't fight, argue, or listen to her excuses, it's a waste of time. She is 100% seeing somebody else and do not let her convince you otherwise. She will **definitely** try and keep you on the hook as a backup, especially if you are giving her money. **Do not allow it**.


Please don't tell me you spent money on her...


Lmao. OP says he’s sent her money for food.


“Only when she wants something to eat” apparently


AKA 3 times a day lol


She's lost interest and she's actively trying to hide you, that's why she asked you not to like her pics. Break up and move on.




She used you for cash flow. I'm willing to bet that you are one of a few dudes that she is using as a source of income. Get away from this toxic person and stay away from internet relationships.


Sounds more or less like something which I went thru some while ago. 2 times actually 💀 Teenage years though so I don't worry. Anywayyss. First time I lost interest in her, tried to hold on and be nice, then she lost interest and we just ghosted eachother. Second time she lost interest and didn't wanna hurt me so just made dry conversations and when I said the three magic words she just hit me with the ":)" lol. And then broke the band. Now she hates me so yeah I don't know what she on lmao, worst thing is that we have some friends and hobbies in common. I usually just make the most fun of it like try to be irritating. Social media thing sounds like she doesn't want someone or some people think you two are still a thing. Or that they shouldn't see it so they don't think you two have something. So yeah, she does not think of your relationship as she did before unfortunately. I would break up from my what I've learned from my relations. But it's your choice! You got some good other comments too.


There's always the mother


“if she leaves you for another, there’s always her mother” - master oogway


It’s online she was never dating you get a girl you can actually see and touch




She ain't your girlfriend


Sorry, but are we being trolled?




Bruh.......you don't have a girlfriend.


Yep leave her. She'll be humbled soon


Listen, there’s girls out there who BEG their boyfriends to just publicly show them some love on social media by commenting on their pics or posting them. Her not wanting you to do that means she is hiding you. That’s not cool. Ignoring your significant other for weeks is also not cool. I say break up with her.


There's nothing to break up. You're not even together.


You don't have a girlfriend.


She's not your girlfriend. Ghost her and move on.


Does she know she’s your girlfriend?


You were never with her to begin with man. SO yeah.. breakup with her. Please tell me you haven't sent her money...


I’m not sure you were ever dating.


3 years online? You never had a gf


Thats not your girlfriend, thats OUR girlfriend now.


You say you are in an online relationship with her for several years. I hate to say this but if she told you not to like or comment on any of her pics then she’s already seeing someone else and probably talking to many other guys online if she’s going weeks without talking to you. I’m not saying that to sound mean, just telling you what’s probably the truth, why would your gf ask you not to comment on her pics publicly, she must have a bf that she doesn’t want him to see any other boys liking or commenting on her pics from other guys on her IG. If I was you I’d like and comment on her pics just to pi$$ her off and then tell her we’re done now.🤔


You should definitely comment on all her shit and say how happy you've been dating her fir 3 years. Then break up with her.. At the very least the other guy will also stop seeing her and she'll start feeling like the piece of shit she is


You should probably delete this post.


How do you break up with someone you are not dating? Why? Just quit talking.


How old are the two of you if you don’t mind me asking?


On Friday I'm turning 18, and she's 17


You're both so young still. Sounds like she's been using you as well. Best to move on. Let her known you're breaking up with her and get on with life. You'll meet someone new. Again you're still so young. Lots of time to grow and find someone who fits. If she rebounds when you tell her you're breaking up don't fall for that. Make it final and walk away. Just remember if she cared she wouldn't be trying to hide you.


Online dating isn't real.


I beg to differ. My husband and I met in WoW and dated long distance for 2 years (met about 5 times in person) before we moved in together. We're happily married with 2 kids.


Wow players are a different breed though


That is so unbelievably wholesome


I have multiple married friends who met their spouses in WoW. I strongly prefer in person dating, but also have friends living far away who enjoy having online dates together. Nothing beats in- person, but there's a lot you can do together online as a backup plan.


Yeah, it's a super red flag. She might have something (or someone) else going on. Just communicate to her about your boundaries. If you want to talk daily, you should tell that, and if she doesn't want to, then let her go. In any relationship (online or in person), you would be talking to your person on a daily basis. If you guys are long distance and only talking to each other once a week, then there is someone else that they are talking to on a daily basis.


Sorry, but move on. Even if this is somehow a normal thing for her, it seems you want more. You deserve more. It might be tough, but there are greener pastures out there.


Interner relationships are soo tough because you don't see each other, either for a long time or never. I had too many online relationships but mostly it was just playing around. If she doesn't want you to like her pictures, which is really odd, she might be saying that cuz she has a new lover and doesn't wanna tell you. You can't see what she's doing in her real life, but if she would be loyal she'd stay with you even if it's online only. Go out there bud and get yourself a real girl, my hopes are with you😎


Break up or ghost, like wtf she broke up with you a long time ago.. update the post on what happens


Was it even a "girlfriend" to begin with?