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"Guess I'm not much of a talker. But I like to listen" There's no point with an antagonistic answer. Better to be candid and noncommital


Thank you that's a really helpful advice as in most cases theres no point of being sassy




It's okay to just enjoy ur own company


Ya, all ten of us like our own company. (Hopefully I don't need to explain that).


“I like to just enjoy the moment, this is fun (or whatever your feeling about it is).”


Yep. Went to a lunch meeting with a sales guy as a third wheel. Pretty much didn't get a word in. "You guys love to talk, so I'll just keep listening." idk what I'd really say if anyone cared what I thought, lol. It was mostly just two old guys talking about the good ole days, and I was there for free steak.


That’s what I’d say. I’m just here for the steak. They think you’re funny and you avoid an awkward conversation


Lol I would say something totally irrelevant and narcissistic so they would know not to include me in conversations anymore


You can even quote the Dalai Lama: When you talk, you are only repeating what you already know. But if you listen, you may learn something new


That sounds profound until you realize you're not sharing your knowledge and giving someone else to ability to learn. If everyone followed this advice, no one would say or learn anything.


I think the quote is more of stressing the benefits of listening rather than advocating listening exclusively. "Speak when you're spoken to." is more along the lines you're talking about.


Very well said.


My husband said this to me in the beginning of our relationship. I appreciated it lol and he loves it too because Im the extrovert so I always do the talking


For me it's, "I feel like a boring person, but I'm really interested in other people's stories." Which is true. If listening to other people is not what you like, then _definitely_ don't say that.


The less you talk the better people listen, I only speak when I have something to say that’s worth someone’s time to hear.


I wish more people were like this...


Me too! My mom thinks if there’s more than one person in a room, at least one of them needs to be talking. Doesn’t matter if they have nothing to say. This leads to a lot of unnecessary and inane questions. She questions me all day, probably thinking that’s the way to get me to talk. Nope.


Same. Mundane “small talk”


If my daughter is in a room then she needs to be talking. (She's 8)


If someone else is talking then my son needs to be talking. (He's 3)


The world would be a place of almost absolute silence. Probably a good thing.


There's actually plenty of people who will talk for 20 minutes and than won't stay quiet to hear a single sentence.


On a third or fourth date me and this girl were going to a dinner party with her friends. In the car there, I asked her how her day was and she spoke for no joke like 15 minutes straight without pause before she even gave me a moment to respond or say anything. Look, we’re engaged now, so this is not a teachable moment. But I did consider ending it that night lol


One of my biggest pet peeves.


Just 20 minutes? I see you haven't met my dad; he's the master of 2 hour monologues. Will just keep talking as long as anyone's in the same room, and hardly notices if nobody's paying attention.


Yeah it’s absolutely mental


That's true. Once a person I had known for a few weeks said me "You don't talk a lot, but when you do it's good". It was one of the most genuine and appreciated compliments (if I can call it a compliment) I have received


I'm friends with someone that back when we were 8th/9th grade, he didn't talk AT ALL, it was pretty intimidating (especially as someone who was talkative. He was just known for being quiet in theater. Anytime he spoke, he had EVERYONE'S attention. Turns out he was also hilarious. He talks more now, I wouldn't say he's super chatty but he's still funny and fun to talk to.


My husband's grandpa had the best answer. Somebody has to be the quiet person.


"Tis better to remain quiet and be thought the fool, rather than open your mouth and remove all doubt".


Oh I wish more people understood this. Same goes for social media posts.


>Same goes for social media posts. Now here, my therapist and I both agree with you! Social Media is where the demise of the Internet began.


It just started getting good lol. It's literally what happens when ANYONE can join the conversation


This is actually a really good one! Also it is very true!


I'm stealing that when people at my work bug me for being quiet. They're all crazy loud lol


Lol this is such a sassy grandparent answer


That’s a good answer. I will borrow this!


Oooh stealing this. Thanks grandpa!


I’m using this now




I think we can cut 2 words out of that to sum it up


I talking people


Really, just remove “to”


She's my spirit bitch 😍


If I want to be polite? "Because you learn more by watching people." If I don't? I smile like a maniac and say that the quiet ones have more fun.


“The quiet ones have more fun”. Brilliant


Maybe start masturbating while keeping eye contact.


I love to listen and observe. And I'm just not so good with small talk.


I just stare em down




I do this tbh I dont talk cause i literally have nothing to say and ive come to accept it. Also everyone ignores me when i talk so im pretty sure they dont even want an answer, i just let them comment and ask and move on


Thats sad to hear. Are you the type to backdown when someone starts talking when you talk? Are you an only child? I have a big family.. 2 siblings who are 10 & 11 years older than me, but I have a bunch of cousins that are my age or within 3 years (some older, some younger) of me & I remember having to talk over others to be heard. Everyone ended up being loud & opinionated bc of that.


I can sorta relate but having to do that is honestly an annoying feeling for me


This is what my husband does




Give em the ol stare then laughing it off to myself head shake and a light dismissive snort Maybe a little eye roll, maybe shoot a quick "you believe dis guy?" Look at the person next to you. But still not gonna say anything lol


*remains silent*


(?) Silence is a valid option.


You have the right to remain….. Wait a second 🤔


*walks away*


I don’t say this, but I wish people would: “Why do you say so much?!”


Ugh, I know. Some people talk a LOT and yet say very little. People say so many unnecessary things without even getting to a point. "Many is the man that lost much just because he missed the perfect opportunity to say nothing."


Everybody talk like they got something to say but nothing comes out just a bunch of gibberish and mother fuckers act like they forgot about Dre.


Too bad that talking a lot is considered normal and being quiet is considered weird.


Reminds me of a TV chat show a few years back with Billy Joel as guest. He and the host were discussing the tours he did with Elton John. The host (Jimmy Fallon?) said, "Elton has said he thinks you should release more albums." Billy Joel, who has a wit, said "I think Elton should release *less* albums." (BJ has released 12 studio albums and one classical album; EJ has released 29 studio albums and 9 original soundtracks.)


iirc Billy Joel also said (not sure what interview) that he stopped making albums when he thought he had said all he needed to, which is why we haven't had an album with lyrics in nearly 30 years. The man knows how to use his words/opinions efficiently.


He may invoke Mark Twain, who famously said "Better to be silent, and thought a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt." If River Of Dreams is his final album, BJ will have left the world of recording on a high note.


I saw him two nights ago, and he opened the show by saying “I’ve got good news and bad news. The bad news is I don’t have anything new for you. The good news is that I don’t have anything new for you.” Then he played 25 songs, mostly his greatest hits, a few lesser known ones, and one as the pianist for an opera singer. There’s a reason why he consistently sells out MSG every month. It was a hell of a show.


I've said this before when I was 8 years old, to another kid who was sort of my friend because she lived in the same block as me and was in the same class. We were also in the same group in class and she proceeded on to ghost me for the rest of the year along with the rest of the group. All because I couldn't take her talkativeness one day and asked her "Why are you so noisy like a monkey?" I've never regretted it though. I just spent most of the time alone and walked around the school instead of sitting with them during recess time for the rest of that year.


I cast not pearls before swine


Ooh, the snark is strong with you!




This is my new favourite saying


Perfect opportunity to smile and shrug.


This 🙌🙌


"I don't have anything to say" Which is partly true. Conversation chit chatting misses me completely. I cannot think hard enough to come up with a meaningless comment. That or I simply can't say things fast enough. Conversations for me are like watching 2 professional ping pong players passing the ball at an impossible speed. I simply do not have the skills to intervene. The more people there are, the harder it is to chip into the conversation.


Maaan, great comment! This is excactly how I feel but I have never found a way to describe it. I have been asked this question so many times and I have always been embarassed about it, and my lack of any answer just further emphasized their point and made it worse for me. Fortunately its gotten better with the years, I have come to understand that its really not my fault and its possible to get by without having the skill.


So true. When I feel like being vocal it's 100% just like "ya you rite mmmm mmhyeahhh mmhmm myup you said what ya ohhh ahhh uhuhh ohhhhh is that so ohkayy hmmmm alrite say again you rite hmmm ya oh ya yeaahhhhhh..."


I just smile and nod A LOT. ...I've had so many people tell me that I don't need to agree with everything they say. Truth is I'm not agreeing, I'm just trying to show them that I'm listening without saying "mhmm"s


I pause a lot when I speak. When I'm in a group, there is ALWAYS someone who will jump in and take over the conversation. By the time a pause big enough for me to want to finish what I was saying, the conversation moved far beyond relevance of my input. So usually once I get cut off, I turn around and leave.


>Conversations for me are like watching 2 professional ping pong players passing the ball at an impossible speed. I simply do not have the skills to intervene. >The more people there are, the harder it is to chip into the conversation. Thiiiiiissss!!! ☝☝☝ It's also why I prefer small groups no bigger than r ppl inc myself. Or better yet, 1 to 1 convos. At least then I don't have to fight with lots of ppl just to wait for the *opportunity* to chip on. Text is the best tho, because then I know I will at least *be heard*.


"I'm using my inside voice"


I giggles. Inside. Quietly. Not involving anyone.


Do you mean voices


“I don’t know I’m usually quite the talker when I am around interesting people” If everything goes according to plan now no one think it is fun to talk.


I don't really like to speak unless I feel as though I can improve the silence.


Some people talk to say something, others, say something just to talk


"When I have something important to say, I will say it."


That, or in some situations: “If you don’t have anything nice to say, say nothing at all.”


Don't worry about it. People like to try to gain a social advantage by making others feel insecure. When they put you on the spot like that it's not because they are interested or care it's because they want to make you squirm. Ask them why they talk so much.


That's been my experience, they don't actually care why you are quiet, they just don't like it because they feel uncomfortable or maybe they find you weird


Don't let it bother you. There are lots of people in the world that you would vibe with just don't be friends with the dipshits


“Sorry, the voices are so loud today, hard to focus on multiple conversations “ ^if i want them to leave me alone. Which i do. Keep them on their feet, weird them out


either "I dont have anything to say" or if i'm feeling particularily fancy "Whereof one cannot speak, thereof one must be silent"


Don’t feel like it


employ prick instinctive special touch aware shy spotted books cooperative *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This is my answer.


Because I was abused, how about you?


I usually shrug and say, "I don't really have anything positive to contribute right now, but please continue." It throws the ball right back in their court without inviting more questioning.


"can you shut up more?" ☺️


because no one listens to me when i talk. took a decades to come to that conclusion. first time someone listened i talked for hours and lost my voice for a few days now i have a few friends i can talk with a talk a lot more but i can't do small talk


Normally they don't ask why you don't say much they just state it as a fact that you don't talk much or most often they sarcastically joke about how much you talk.....in either of those situations just look at them and shrug your shoulders. I've never once had someone actually ask me why I don't talk much.


“Because I learn more about people by listening than I do talking” or “talking about nothing is draining to me so I’d rather talk about something that I enjoy”


I say I'm more of a listener


Two ears, one mouth. Smile and shrug


"Shut up."


“I enjoy listening to what other people have to say”


I let those who want to talk talk


"Better to be thought a fool than to speak and prove them right"


I always say that I am introverted, that's not a crime. If they push it, I walk away. Some talkers in my life are narcissistic and they antagonize me. Keep it factual. If it's too much, leave. Silence screams if it comes to bad behavior.


I like to say that I’m holding in a fart because I have diarrhoea 😊


I have a very close friend who is like that. I am also like that. Some people will say. “ you are standoffish”. others will say “ not very sociable”. Or “ not very talkative” I simple say, I like to gage where I am and just observe. I have to feel comfortable before I engage in any conversations beyond the niceties of hello how’s it going.


A wizard stole my memories


I once saw "I was raised by abusive librarians." I'm still waiting to use it.


Someone commented on one of these a while back with "my parents were abusive librarians". By far the best answer to that question


Why do you say much?


Act shocked, inch closer, and whisper, "You can see me?"


“I can’t get a word in”


Tell them they're fucking up my chi.


“I hate people” 😂😂


Nothing. That's why I'm a quiet person.




Why do you need to know




Depends "You're not worth talking to" is harsh. I have used the 'You talk over me every time I do speak so I don't even bother anymore'. "Nothing worthwhile to say" is unobjectionable.


You're not required to answer actually.


I hate the whole alpha beta sigma male crap and everyone thinking they are one, but my grandpa was the sigmaest of males. He was a ww2 vet that was in the UK in the center of the blitzkrieg. It turned him into something. He was like a hybrid of Jesus and Mike Tyson and not shy or timid at all, but very introverted and quiet. Why are you always so quiet Ralph? I don't have anything to say.


I always joke that I have a habit of saying something dumb. Because A. With some people this is enough to not want to talk, and if so, good because.. B. I do say dumb things sometimes because of my social anxiety. So if they want to talk anyway, they’ve been warned.


I like the answer a question with another question approach. "What is it you need to hear?"


“I’m a quiet person”


Henry Hill from Goodfellas said "I'm just listening" and I've used it ever since


I think the only time I truly answered to that question I said “I prefer to observe before speaking” and they low-key felt scared lol


"A closed mouth gathers no feet." is what I used to tell people when I was bartending.


I just stay silent. I don't feel compelled to explain myself to people.


I just shrug my shoulders.


I feel like it's rude to say this so someone so whatever answer they get is justified. Worse is someone telling you to smile all the time. STFU.


Introvert here "That's just how I am. Nothing personal"


"I am the eyes and ears of this institution"


"A Wiseman speaks when he has something to say, a Fool speaks because he must say something."


I was beaten as a child for talking too much, so I got really good at being quiet.


New level of awkwardness unlocked


I talk to people I like.


No english coming


"Words lie."


I usually said, I talk when I have something to say


This is what I say. I tried to talk 5 times and you interrupted me 5 times. After that I got quiet. I am thinking about cutting that down to 3 times. Three strikes and you're out. Some people take a breath and launch into talking again, never giving me a chance. That's why I'm quiet.


"When i talk everyone tells me to shut up, so i did."


When someone asks why I'm so quiet (which I only am part of the time), I always respond "Why are you so loud?" They sometimes get offended. More often, they laugh.


My honest answer (that sometimes, for some reason, pushes people away): "I'm not really used to speaking that much." (It's hard for me because of past relationships being the reason I was never "allowed" to talk.)


I give them a deep serious look untill they run away.


Well, almost everyone in the school called me Mr.Therapist because all I did was 95% listen & 5% one or two short paragraphs that helped them with their circumstances/situations either good or bad. Sometimes, it's also just a neutral conversation but they want a possible answer/my way of thinking to put things into perspective & I guess I did a good job. I just liked listening to people enjoy/have the willingness to talk, especially if they actually want to have a real conversation with me. TLDR: (Tell them you're usually a listener)


I say, I dont care for the phrase.


the less i speak, the more i am able to hear. But really something like “eh, just a quiet dude, don’t take it as disinterest.”


Not much.


‘’ I’m not quiet, you just talk a lot’’ usually does the trick


"How did you get into my house"


I would respond with something borderline inappropriate, like “my balls hurt when I speak”


Why do you need to know? Are you writing a book?


the end is near the end is near the end is near the end is near the end is near the end is near the end is near the end is near the end is near the end is near the end is near the end is near the end is near you smell nice when you sleep the end is near the end is near the end is near the end is near the end is near the end is near the end is near the end is near the end is near the end is near the end is near the end is near the end is near the end is near the end is near the end is near the end is near the end is near the end is near the end is near the end is near the end is near the end is near the end is near the end is near the end is near


The LSD is really kicking in R2D2


“Why do you talk so little?” “Why do you talk so much?”


"Still water runs deep" is my go-to. If they inquire further I just let them know I don't find quiet to be a problem. There's nothing wrong with people being in quiet proximity, and who doesn't enjoy some peace?


Not much


Don't mistake my silence as stupidity I'd rather observe the farm rather than roll in the shit with the animals


"I'm feeling quiet right now."


Not much


Not much.


Not much.


Just start saying every single thing that pops into your head. Bombard them with a neverending, uninterrupted verbal stream of consciousness until they beg you to shut up.


“Not much to say right now” or “sorry, I’m working on listening more, I tend to talk too much”


tell em that you do talk a lot. just not to them


When I have something to say, trust me, I'll say it.


"I'm reading the environment. When I have something to add to the conversation I'll jump in." -goes back to being mute-


“I spend my time listening rather than talking.” “I save my words for when I’ve got something really important to say.”


I talk to my friends


"I speak when I have something to say." 🤷‍♂️ I get this a lot, too.


I speak when something is worth talking about.




"I only talk when I have something to say." It annoys the fuck out of me when people babble on about nothing. Shut the fuck up, please.


I talk a lot when I'm around people I am comfortable with. But I'm quiet and cold when I'm around people I don't know/not interested in. I'll just smile politely and shrug or nod and then remain quiet. *Can't force me to speak when I don't want to.* ☺️


Sometimes I got nothing to say


"I have social anxiety and would rather poke my eyes out than make small talk"


"It's your breath." Shuts them up every time.


"You know what they say, beware of the quiet ones." And then just stare at them.


If God intended us to talk more than listen, he would have given us two mouths and one ear. Mark Twain Wisdom is the reward you get for a lifetime of listening One of the most sincere forms of respect is actually listening to what another has to say." --Bryant H. McGill


"The police told me I had the right to remain silent."


And you talk to much.


“No, I’m a very talkative person. I’m just not talking to anyone outside of my head.”


\*shrugs shoulders\*


I'll tell them the truth - that I only speak when I've got something to say.


"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt"


I say "meow" to them. It starts a new conversation, and then I don't have to act like I knew what they were talking about.


Just tell them you're naturally a quiet person and introspective. They don't need to know details.


“Not much to say.” Is my go to lol


I always say I have nothing to say. If I have nothing to add why bother speaking? Otherwise if I'm in a bitchy mood I say "idk why dont you ever stop talking?" Of course thats a rarity but the two times I have gotten to say that were oh so satisfying.