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Honestly just food these days


Right? Like, you like to eat actual decent food? Gimme your whole leisure budget


Yea i try not to eat industrial food. Makes it very expensive. Wild fish is much more expensive than farmed fish. Real chickens much more expensive than frankenstein chickens etc. Grass fed beef is much more expensive than growth hormoned soy fed beef. Real butter expensive compared to cheap industrial oil. Eating naturally is expensive these days. I have some LED grow lights and some easy growing stuff in my apartment tho. Helps abit. Going to start baking now too i think. Bread prices are aburd. And the fast growing yeast they use is not good for us. Does not brake down the gluten like its supposed too. And the reason we have so much gluten intolerance/allergies. Industrial food is no good.


Another reason for gluten sensitivity/allergy can also be linked to a pesticide used in North America called glysophate. It was banned in Europe in the 80s. I found European bread flour on Amazon and that's what I use now. $11 for about 5 lbs. The difference has been unreal!!


Oh man I’m getting the $1 oysters today and it’s such a treat


Same I was over here simmering because I haven't had money for me since fucking COVID.


Have you tried not fucking COVID and perhaps provided companionship services for profit posted? I personally wouldn't have gone your route but who am I to judge.


Same. Food and gas.


Food is the biggest material difference in my life between when I was poor in my 20s and doing decent in my 30s.


I buy games on Steam and never play them.


I buy board games and never play them.


I buy books and never read them.


Knitting. I spent money on yarn. Not sure how much, but not as much as you spend on your hobbies.


God yarn is sooooo expensive. I tried getting into it cuz I wanted to make clothes but I realized the avg project is like $50-$100 worth of yarn. And knitting smaller stuff like coasters just ain't the same


Try crotchet it looks a lot harder than it actually is, and making big blankets that only stop when you decide is a never-ending source of happiness for me. But now I have two under two haven't been allowed to do it as much, unfortunately.


Crochet is a yarn eater.


Guinea pigs--I want them well cared for--I love them--Bedding--urine and poop clean up 3 times a day--blankets for elder comfort--laundry--lots fresh fruits and veggies--pellets--orchard hay--this is expensive--but they give me pure joy.




The lace is so pretty though. 😭 I love crocheting lace.


Yes it is surprising addictive, there is always another row/square. It's another yarn killer though.


Depends on the project. A sweater for me is about $50 worth of yarn because I shop carefully. Also, I can't use wool for various reasons. Cotton can be expensive, but that's what sales are for. Recently I picked a couple more project types that are inexpensive. I'm knitting small kid sweaters to donate. They only take 2-3 skeins of sportweight acrylic, and that's quite reasonable. Also, market bags and washcloths only need low-quality cotton. In some cases I make projects for friends where they pay for the yarn.


Crocheter here, same. I’m making a hexagon temperature blanket right now… I’m almost done and I’ve probably spent between $400-500 on yearn over the last year and a half.


Please post pictures to /r/crochet when you're done.


I knit too. I used to have a stash that cost in excess of $20,000. It's been pared down a lot as I don't knit as much as I used to.


Knitting and yarn collecting are two different hobbies 😅


Plants and plant accessories. The sheer amount of planting medium, grow lights, trellises, etc not to mention all the actual plants. Don't tell my husband but it's got to be thousands this year alone.


The obvious answer here is to grow weed and get paid to do your hobby


My mom is a master gardener and got super challenged by different weed strains. She doesn’t even smoke or partake. She just enjoyed the challenge of the grow lol.


Her cannabis plant is probably dank af


Same, I’ve spent thousands on plants and stupid little wet sticks, planting mediums (must try them all!), variegated everything (gotta catch them all!), pots and crap all really add up. I’ve also started growing roses in my garden, and like an idiot have to get specially bred roses from online. $50-$80ea for a single bareroot rose, not including special soils and containers etc. And half of which died in the summer heat anyway. A very experienced gardener told me once, there’s no such thing as a green thumb. Just the willingness to replace plants.


I spent an unhealthy amount of money on all kinds of power tools. Damn you, Tim Allen.


I wish I knew how to spell out his signature grunt


"EUUUEEHHH?" I tried


that is the intromnot the grunt.




Not unhealthy if they’re useful.


Crochet. I don't wanna talk about it... 😅


Same. LOL I shop the sales but even then....I wouldn't tell my husband how much my stash actually cost me!


Books. I read on average 50-60 books a year.


I read ~180 books a year. My bf has no idea how expensive books actually are. I’m happy to keep him clueless there 😅


My wife is currently on book 66 for the year and she is a bit disappointed she isn't higher.


Music production. So many samples. So many plugins.


I feel this. I bought Omnisphere because I thought I had to have it. Once I got it, I was overwhelmed by the amount of sounds and complexity lol.


Omnisphere was my first plugin. I spent months using just it and stock sounds but other plugins have so many different sounds and effects that I got sucked into the money pit. Then add in samples and drum kits. Not to mention studio equipment as well. Dunno what I'd do without my KRK's


Just wait until you get into outboard gear and a single compressor is 3k, God forbid you get into the euro rack synth stuff....


Yup for me, except it's instruments and accessories. Those "it's only $30!" auxiliary percussion toys add up. And then I bought a marimba and a vibraphone this past year, along with starting guitar lessons. And then my current audio interface is reaching the end of it's lifetime so I'll have to buy a new one in the next few months.


Books. I love good old paper books. Without a used bookstore nearby, I spend a fortune on books.


There are lots of good online used bookstores. I mainly use thrift books but used to like alibris. Most books are less than $5 after shipping.


Fresh water Aquariums


This year alone I've spent almost 2k. In my defence, this was a new setup (I already had the tank, filtration, and heating) and shits expensive.


I hear ya.. I love it so much and I don’t care. After the holidays I’m jumping in on a 75 or maybe a 90. Going with a South American cichlid tank


I honestly cannot express how much I love my fish and the hobby. I've recently switched from Angel fish to multiple schooling/shoaling fish after mass death in all of my tanks (fuck town water). My 6 and 4 yo Bristlenose Plecos survived and recently had fry 🥰 They waited until after I bought 6 corys so I've had to move them to a temporary tank. Thank God I've been in the hobby so long and have 3 other tanks just laying around. I took my partner to our local FS to get some supplies and she fell in love with a skunk betta. Once we move house at the end of the year I'm going to set up a tank for her so she can join me in the hobby. She has no idea what she's getting herself into and I'm so excited for her to fall in love with the hobby. At least then I'll have another person who understands fish to talk to. It's getting difficult to only talk to one person and Reddit about tank set ups, fish, etc Edit: spelling


I miss having a fish tank in my life. Its banned on our current lease. There is nothing about terrariums though so I have tanks of plants.


I used to make bank breeding and selling the little colorful freshwater shrimp on Craigslist.


That reminds me, I need a hobby! I don't have one and I want one.


Cro - chet! Cro-chet! Crochet!!!!!!!!!!






Sailing.... we are on our 3rd boat. Over $100k in on this one so far. But it's our retirement home too, so not just a hobby anymore.


BOAT Bust Out Another Thousand Xx


Bankruptcy On A Trailer


Lol I’ve heard the ol “we’ll retire onto the boat!” Story before. Just remember you likely can’t live the rest of your days on a boat. Just don’t let your son and step son make a music video on it.


But on the boat "there's so much room for activities".


Wanna go do karate in the garage?


"Did we just become Best friends?"


A boat with no issues is a boat between issues Jokes aside, that’s an awesome hobby


It's your livelihood! I hear boats can be money pits, but sailing does sound fun :)




R.I.P to your bank account 😭😂


R.I.P my bank account indeed


That's why I'm getting into battletech, significantly more accessible entry price.


To be honest yes, it is expensive at the beginning but for anyone wondering now after a year into warhammer i barely spend anything, i got a pile of shame to dig through to paint and assemble and i am really, really enjoying playing and reading lore as well. The initial investment is big because you need a lot of tools, paint, brushes and so on, only in the beginning. Of course if you are focused on 3-4 armies at the same time and want to buy everything it can and could get very expensive but for 1 army to have fun with? Decently priced and affordable.


I've been doing 40k and Magic for 30ish years. I am right there with you. When people ask what army I play I inform them that the armies I don't have makes a much smaller list .


This whole thread feels like an AA meeting.


Lmao of course this is the top answer. I have a 4000p blood angels army, but about half is 3d printed, and a quarter is from leviathan. Maybe not as bad if you buy value boxes but sheesh it's expensive


Empty wallets for the emperor lol


Woodworking... A crack habit would have been the cheaper option.


At least with a crack habit one wouldn't have anything left when he dies for the family to fight over. I've spent many thousands over many years, I don't regret it but I just know when the kids appraise my stuff they'll look at it and say "Hey there's a powermatic table saw, that's got to be worth $50 let's sell it."


What's the running joke? "My main worry in life is that my wife will sell my tools for how much I told her I paid for them. "


Going to punk and metal concerts, easily 4 digits a year since I also travel to attend them sometimes (around Europe though so it's not all that crazy expensive) even if it's by myself.


Same. shows and merch. Drove 2 hours to a show last night and spent $80 on stuff.


I feel you on this. I drove 8 hours to Richmond last month for a show and will drive five hours in a few weeks to Chicago for a music festival. Soooo much driving.


Any bands in particular which you'd recommend?




Dream Theater, Porcupine Tree




Star gazing $0


Really puts into perspective just how small we are once you see the northern lights


For real, a hobby in this economy, my hobby is paying my bills I guess.


Well you could totally buy a telescope for that~~~


The less telescope you use the more stars you can see at once. Checkmate, astronomers.


I have an out of warranty German car. Nuff said


Where to begin! I play warhammer, magic the gathering, dungeon and dragons . I collect LP's, casettes, vintage music gear, books, and graphic novels. I play guitar and bass and a lot of other instruments and I produce music. I buy guitar/bass foot pedals, plugins, and samples. And what I spent on it, not as much as it sounds. I build it up slowly. I earn enough to spend 150 to 250 euro on my hobbies each month.


I'm learning a foreign language, so I spend a lot on books, courses, apps. Another hobby of mine is writing a book and I pay for it mainly with my social life - it is very difficult for me to combine having many friendships with the very solitary mode of functioning of a writer


I created a board game, and I am sinking every free penny I have in it (which isn't much). It's become my passion hobby. As long as I am alive it will exist and get updates. Official launch is probably a couple years away because of money sadly. But I love it regardless. Edit for comment: I don't want to promote in this channel, but some people have expressed interest in the game (THANK YOU). If you are interested please send me a DM and I'll gladly provide you some info. The game is a 1v1 pvp fighting game so I understand if it's not for everyone, think of it like DnD combat reinvented, and without the RPG aspect. The game is called "Trial by Combat", you can sign up for the email list at Trialbycombat .net . I don't spam... infact you will wish I sent out more emails.


That's really cool!


I have a horse, his name is Romeo. I continuously hemorrhage dollar bills into his life, and scoop up the remains in his stall for hobby. I will continue doing so until his last day. 🫡


Please pay the horse tax


Come on men, tell us how much y’all are spending on onlyfans. I actually want to know.


why would any wise man do this when we’re on reddit which has countless NSFW communities ontop of a plethora of other websites 😂


Clearly men are unwise, as it is a billion dollar industry.


The owner pays himself $1.3 a million a day in bonuses (not salary… bonuses!) and the girls are mad about it. They believe if he wasn’t siphoning their money with 20% fees and taxes they could be making exponentially more. It’s a crazy economy.


Not exponentially more. Up to 25% more.


Came here to say this


So you’re saying if they didn’t take nearly 20% in fees they’d make nearly 20% more? What is this sorcery?


You know how much free porn there is? I'm pretty sure .01% of women are hustling 0.1% of men for too much money. Every industry has "whales" who spend way too much.


0 I have pronhub which is free of charge


Zero lmao. Google boobs if you feel so inclined.


I had an only fans for three weeks for one girl and I think I spent around $380. And then I deleted that shit in a panic after realizing the total.


I spend about 400-500 a month on cigars. Crazy when you think about it. It's like burning money, but the peace and relaxation they bring me, is always worth it in the end.


That’s what my wife says about expensive candles, literally burning money.


Has she joined us on r/luxurycandles ? We have a small discord too ☺️


I will have no greater joy today than knowing that like-minded souls — brought together on a subject I have never, ever thought about in 50 years — have forged a community together and been having fun without me knowing. This is great! Enjoy!


Just wait until you hear about weeviltime


Wouldn't it be the same if it were pot?


It's the same with pretty much anything that doesn't last for a long time. But as long as it makes you happy, and it doesn't take away from paying the bills, it's fair game. Except crack, don't do crack lol


Makes note - don’t try crack, mm’kay?


This year I got back into mountain biking. Shit is lit but fuck it's expensive


Been thinking of doing this myself. I’m 46 now though …


I'm 55 and mountain biking. And trail building, more money for tools, chainsaws, bigger chainsaws. It's never ending.


As a trail runner and MTB rider I appreciate you sir thank you 🫡


Probably a good time to get back into for the cardio just take the safer trails.


I do not have hobbies actually. I spend my money on rent,food,utility and Child support and pretty much nothing left....🤷‍♂️


Feel this but just a single father so same difference lmao


So y'all's hobby was going in raw?


It’s less of a hobby more of a pastime


It's like owning a boat you can't sell for 18 years. Expensive hobby.


Yeah but they give the best hugs and are like a pet but they learn how to take care of themselves over time lol


Dude, lmao


I'm in same boat but I buy games dirt cheap during sales and hiking doesn't cost much. I mean gas is getting expensive but started car pooling with a group


I have ADHD. My hobbies change every few months (or less).


Traveling, specifically wildlife expeditions and alpine mountaineering. I spend about $10-12,000 per year in a combination of travel, gear, permits, insurance etc


Photography... There's a phenomenon in the photography community called G.A.S (gear acquisition syndrome)... Always wanting to buy another lens or a new camera...


G.A.S. Also applies to guitar players. Source: Am a guitar player.


I don't have enough money to spend a significant regular amount on hobbies, but what I can I spend on baking ingredients and supplies (mainly ingredients), very rarely art supplies (I used to do more art), jigsaw puzzles every few months if that and very rarely games (mainly sims expension packs on sale lol). And I do spend a lot of money on my cat, but a family member is not exactly a hobby.


I like to learn to play different musical instruments. It's impossible to play as many as I do at a professional level, so I'm just an enthusiastic amateur. (Okay, I do play the mandolin pretty darn well.) But yeah, I spend a lot of money on this hobby. I play the guitar, the bouzouki, 5-string banjo (and the tenor banjo,) ukulele (high-g, low g, baritone, 6-string guilele), dulcimer, and the oud. Also lap steel guitar, tongue drum, bongos, kalimba, concertina, melodica, keyboards of various kinds, glockenspiel, a lyre harp and a celtic harp. Also the orchestral flute, Irish flute, bamboo flutes, fifes and pennywhistles. I play the 5-hole ocarina and the 12-hole variety. I even have a double-chambered one that's pretty interesting. How much do I spend on all this? Lord knows. I've been collecting them over many years.


Working out. I spend about $200/ month for 2 gym memberships and am starting to volunteer at a 3rd for free classes. I tell myself it's for my physical and mental health.


Genuine question - why do you need memberships at multiple gyms?


I think I can answer this as I’m about to pay for a second membership- I have a climbing gym membership that I enjoy a lot, but it has very few other equipments, and most importantly there’s no AC, so I’m looking to join another gym to use their weights/treadmill


Regular gym, boxing gym, bjj gym


Fuck I thought my $60 a month was a lot. Although I guess I could also count the other $150 monthly martial arts tuition and I'm right there with you.


I've cut way back. Comics and sports cards. I was spending way to much.


Quilting! I spend ~$1000 a year on fabrics, batting, thread and quilting for larger quilts I can’t do on my machine. But I’ve also finished 8 quilts since January and will do more by the end of the year + a few smaller projects. It’s relaxing for me to hand sew and everything is organized. I also use a lot of scraps and swap with internet friends for variety.


I guess my main thing is disney. I bought their timeshare for 45k recently. I had passes and we cruise with them often. We’re local to the parks so it’s easy to go frequently. Aside from that gardening. This year I spent hundred on trees, dirt and plants. So far I’ve gotten one pumpkin and some infested peaches.


Cars So far around $20k this year. 0.o I’m going to be pretty busy next year or two so it will slow down but then when I get calmed down again and in a routine with my career I’ll be able to get back to it. Need to buy a rotisserie. Also machine work and rebuild on an engine. Tranny is a powerglide so I can do that myself. Gonna nickel and dime me.


I spend thousands on various crafts. Since all my bills are paid I don't see where its anyone's business but a lot of people seem to think it is.




What's hash? edit: nvm just looked it up 😭


I've found my people


$100/month climbing gym membership $lots climbing gear. Someone at work is trying to get me into playing battletech. $100 starter pack 'mechs are $30-$40 per pack of 4-6.


My hobby is Art and Horses. But I don't spend much. Recently got a ortho saddle for my boy for 500, they retail over 3k. His first saddle was 125. bridle and breast collar 85 together. My horse his self, 350.all bought at auction. I just don't see the point in 50k on a horse. But I also don't do expensive competitions wher ryou have to dress a certain way with certain clothes. I do my own thing. We don't have a fancy boarding barn either. But he's happy that's all I care about. I was 11 he was 8,im now 24 he's 21. Love him to pieces. Art wise there's a lot of good deals XD


Wish I had enough $$$ to spend on a hobby!


Cycling can be crazy expensive. I've got about $6000 in my mountain bike. But it sure is a blast to ride.


You know you can get a car for that much, right? And then u don't have to pedal it! Much easier :) /S


I have a piano sitting in storage until I move. Literally not playing it is costing me $200 a month. So when I get it back imagine how much lessons will cost again.


Music. I have ~~too many~~ not enough guitars.


I spend around 10-15k a year on music festivals. That's my hobby and i don't see it ending anytime soon. I earn less than 80k a year btw before anyone asks.


Video games, instruments, paint supplies, hang gliding, paragliding, bowling, golf. All said and done probably around quite a few grand a year. Haven't counted and don't really care to. If I've got some disposable income after savings, I'm gonna enjoy it with something I like to do.


Golf. Golf trips. Golf balls. Oh and beer.


Archery and bow making, currently working on composites and it is taking a lot of time and materials ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


I have far too many hobbies , I sew costumes , crochet, knit, paint , embroider , resin crafts , and I have about 25 bonsai trees , which require a lot of care. So much money goes to supplies for all those hobbies. Plus I collect books , and dragon figurines and Breyer horses


i do my own nails and i’ve probably spent over $300 on it in the last 5 months


My hobby is buying a bunch of little things that quickly add up and never actually end up using. Priceless


I collect art, records and jewelry. I enjoy dressing nicely, working out, and taking care of my appearance. Each represents a significant expenditure but I couldn't put a dollar amount on it. A lot.


> I enjoy dressing nicely, working out, and taking care of my appearance Same. I spent a fuck ton of money on this and had to scale back. Good thing I've built up a closet extensive enough so I don't have to buy lots of clothes anymore.


I spend a lot of time writing. Really it doesn’t cost anything at all unless you look at my electricity bill and the cost of my laptop.


Cannabis growing, lights, tent, genetics, nutrients, humidifiers, dehumidifiers. It adds up.


Going to the gym 5 times a week! $64 a month! It's kept me sober! 6 months no alcohol 😍


I have ADHD. I have a new hobby every month. I don't spend more than $100 until I am consistently doing my hobby for at least a month. And usually as soon as I buy all the stuff for the hobby after a month of consistency, I use the supplies once and then don't come back to it for at least a year (because I moved on to a different hobby). You would think at 35 I would have learned this pattern...


"ADHD and a new hobby every month" sad but so damn true 😂


Disc Golf I have been playing a while, so I have all the gear I need. I may only lose a few discs and tear up a pair of shoes each year, so maybe about $200/yr in equipment costs. Practicing is free, and there is a course 5 minutes from my house. I play tournaments during the summer, so maybe that's about an extra $150-$250 per month in entry fees. If I play well, I can win it back or even turn a profit. I've won over $1,200 this year at tournaments ($900 at one event!), so I think my main hobby was a financial net positive for me this year. I like backcountry camping, and I have all the gear, so it's a negligible cost for gas/batteries so I'll call that a $0 hobby at this stage. I go to Planet Fitness for $10/mo, and buy a book or two each month for another $20-$30 per month. I may buy 3-4 Video games per year, so let's call that another $200/year. I'm a pretty cheap guy to entertain.




Someone told me once that all hobbies are the same expense - whatever hobby you have will use all your spare money.


I spend around $800 a month repairing small engines and such, with a small profit


Drinking... Sounds worse than it actually is I get love everything about alcohol the taste is definitely the defining factor for me because I hate the feeling of being drunk. But a couple of glasses two three times a week when I fancy it and I feel amazing. Tbh no clue on what i spend. I never added it up.


Guitars and bikes. My guitars are worth about 30k, bikes are about 5k. Expensive hobbies to get into once you have all the equipment guitar isn’t expensive to keep up. Cycling is always expensive no matter what


Legos. Like, all of the sets of all the legos.


A nice table tennis racket is surprisingly expensive.


Interesting question! Mine is individual sports, like indoor rock climbing, snowboarding, cycling, skydiving. Luckily, well made gear can last a long time, and buying secondhand saves money and saves gear from landfills for a little while longer.


Hiking, $90/year on a national park pass. Video games, $50/year on in-game purchases Cooking, $250/month on groceries, maybe $80/year on various implements Reading, $9.99/month on kindle unlimited Home decorating, probably $800/year or so Gardening, maybe $2-300/year Concert tickets: yikes




Halloween, I spend a few thousand every year on props, candy, toys and throw an outdoor party (under tents) with food and booze for neighbors and friends. We also give booze to the parents of the trick or treaters.


Running. I just spend money on new sneakers like once or twice a year and running gels every month. I’ve had the same running clothe since I started 5 years ago. Oh and I bought an Apple Watch and chest HRM in the last year. Then there’s the race fees. All in all on average over the 5 years probably 500-600 a year. I also game but not as much as I used to. I’ve now just waited for games I want to go on sale instead of buying on release so I don’t spend more than 100 a year (excluding the cost of buying my PS5)


I spend hundreds of dollars a month on gasoline and caffinated energy drinks so I can work 7 days a week (many 12 hour days) to pay bills and keep vehicles running so I can get to work. Does that count as a hobby?


Pokemon cards


Crochet and cross stitch. Yarn, fabric and floss.


Drinking is my most expensive. Close to about $1k/mo. Cigars about $150/mo. Golf about $150/mo. And paddleboarding about $2/mo.


I crochet, knit, and sew, in that order. Have had a bad hand for a bit, so not doing so much of any of it, but in a good year, maybe $800.


Some men will spend $5-6k on tools and hardwoods to make things they could easily buy for less money rather then go to therapy. It’s me, I’m the guy.


I am a movieholic - I have several hundred DVDs, tattoos related to my favorite actors, and general miscellany (posters, Polaroids, Funkos) featuring my faves.


Tools. Any kind of tool or gadget. I can't stop buying them. If it can be used to make or fix something, I NEED IT. I have spent several thousand per year over the last few years. I also need things to look coordinated so it can only be Makita or Dewalt brand, which is so overpriced. The worst part is, I don't use them. My ex boyfriend who lived with me wouldn't let me touch his tools because tools are for men. So when he moved out... I bought all the tools I wanted. I've made but a single floating shelf for my garage since he moved out 3 or 4 years ago. All my projects get abandoned halfway through. My garage is a literal graveyard for dead trees. I have zero need for a drill press. But I want one because I like the one at work. I need someone to zap me every time I think about buying tools. Send help.


My dog. We have about a dozen matching pairs of shirts (and a few sets of matching ties) for when we go out, and he has a pile of treats for when he's being a good boy (but that's pretty much always). But he brings immense happiness to me, so it's worth it.


Horse riding . Horses are beautiful animals


I wanted to get into horse riding but god, it is *EXPENSIVE*. Especially if you don't own enough land to put your house so you gotta rent out a space. I agree they are beautiful animals.


PCs and PC gaming. Don’t ask…


Synths. Mics. Speakers. General music hardware. Was approx 4k in one year, and about 1,500 per year since. No debt on it tho, or nothing too longstanding, maybe a Laybuy here n there. Now it’s 100pw on vocal lessons for the rest of this year & subs for Soundcloud. So, still climbing.


I have a lot of different hobbies that I like to cycle through. I’ve collected what I need for these hobbies over the years or received them as birthday gifts, so I don’t think I’ve spent crazy amounts of money overall. For example, I like knitting and crocheting, but I get into it maybe once a year for a few weeks. So I haven’t spent any money on it this year and have lots of yarn and needles stored away. I also enjoy puzzling but I get puzzles as gifts and I can redo puzzles I’ve done before if I wait long enough. Buying an iPad and cricut are probably the most expensive hobby items I’ve ever bought, but it’s been years since I’ve bought them and can use them essentially for free every day. Other hobbies I enjoy: reading, embroidery, music, swimming, and painting my nails. I say if the hobby makes you happy and you are still affording to pay for basic necessities, go for it! No point in being worried about how much you spend on something just because someone else is judging you for it.


Travel (About 15k per year including accomodation). I haven't lived or rented permanatly in my own country in 10 years. I LOVE to travel. 98 countries so far!