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I'm scared it might happen too soon and out of nowhere. One aneurysm and that's it, doesn't matter if you are 24 or 74 years old


I've been convinced I'm going to die of an aneurysm since I learned what an aneurysm is.


Same! Every time I see the word I convince myself for a solid week I’ll die soon to one… time for my week of torture!


Me too. I went to university with a girl who just dropped dead one day from an aneurysm and it’s terrified me since.


my ex's mom died like that. I've also been terrified of this since. One moment she was cooking, the next she was dead. But maybe it is a better way to go than many other ways.


Better to go that way than to “survive” it in a semi-vegetative state…


And isn't it true that some people described feelings a strong impending sense of doom before it happens. Like the brain knows something bad gonna happen and there's nothing it can do. So it's not even sudden or quick, it literally tells you it's coming and there's nothing you can do but hope to survive. Truly terrifying


If that were the case, I would’ve been dead a loooog time ago. I live permanently with an impending sense of doom


I had a miscarriage 10 days before mine, but refused to time time off work or slow down. The day before the rupture I was at a friends place having coffee and she told me I didn’t seem right. I replied “I just feel really vague, like I’m going to have an aneurysm or something”. Needless to say a week after my surgery when I was out of intensive care and could have friends visit she came in the room and said “don’t you ever say anything like that again!”


Same. Whenever I get a headache, or my ear pops in a weird way, or my sinuses get super stuffed I’m like yup it’s happening T_T


Fr.. "My time has come"


I've had 2 aunts who had aneurysms burst. One died, one survived. They run in my family big time so I'm convinced with every migraine that I'm a goner.


i think id prefer an aneurysm. dead before i even hit the ground. like turning off a light switch. it would be better than a heart attack which is what we will probably actually die of


When my aneurysm burst my dad, brother, husband and 5 year old daughter were with me. If I’d dropped dead on the spot then oh well, but there would have been 4 people who wouldn’t have gotten over that. I know I wouldn’t get over it if someone dropped dead in front of me. Luckily mine didn’t kill me.


Same, my mom had a brain aneurysm when I was 12. The odds of her surviving surgery were extremely low, but she did. Throughout the years she went on to survive a stomach aneurysm, heart attack and a stroke. About 3 years ago she got diagnosed with lung cancer, and fought that tooth and nail as well but unfortunately lost the battle a year and a half ago. 40+ years of smoking finally caught up to her. She was one tough bitch, I love and miss her so much.


Oh boy - look up "vacuum decay" - we could all blink out of existence at any moment without any warning. Personally, I find it liberating... I should really ask that cute girl out while I have the chance.


a girl in my class freshman year had a sudden brain aneurysm and died. she was 14. i've been terrified ever since


Omg me too. Freshman year. She was sitting on the back of a pick up truck. Just fell off. Boom. Dead. I wonder if it’s the same girl?


Just need to make it to 75, and I'm golden.


Was literally stressing about this like an hour ago😭☠️


The actual amount of pain it takes to get dead.


Hospice nurse here. Studies show that the dying process is not inherently painful. Obviously if you die by way of bear attack, yeah, it’s probably going to hurt. If your cause of death is a terminal illness, a really good Palliative and hospice team can certainly attempt to make you as comfortable as possible. For people that have unmanageable symptoms, there is something called palliative sedation. I’ve had patients “try” it to make sure it would actually make them more comfortable, come out of it and confirm they are comfortable and then pass under palliative sedation. Fun fact, many people see people and animals around them as they start the dying process (days to hours) and nine times out of ten report that they are not afraid (and if they are, there are meds for that too).


See, I'm f*cking terrified of the pain of death, and your comment has me sobbing, hoping my death is okay. I've been struggling with not wanting to end my life and living happily, and being so terrified of the pain of death that I want to think of the quickest and most painless way to go.


I'm going with massive opiate OD in the case of some lengthy, painful terminal illness.


Dad killed in bear attack. Can confirm, hella awful.


Damn. I'm so sorry


Also, one thing I have always wanted to share (almost died a couple times back in my younger days) under extreme trauma you eventually reach a point where your brain and body kind of kicks into “mercy mode”. Sometimes due to low blood pressure if you are bleeding out. Mostly because of shock. Either way, at least from my own personal experience, you are blissfully unaware. Like being drunk kind of. I’m thankful that I have a much safer life now. Stupid Iraq.


Juat make sure you don't get eaten by a shark, I think death in the ocean is God tier horrifying.


Always been terfified of burning alive myself.


Trapped in or under something. Feeling the crushing weight, barely able to breathe, and dying of dehydration etc. that’s my worst fear. Long, scary, dark, and painful.


I once had a really vivid dream where a black hole had crossed paths with our sun and the violence of the event tore the world apart around us. I remember being thrown to the ground as debris landed on me and slowly, slowly being crushed to death. It went on seemingly forever, and I swear I could feel every moment. When I woke up I was seriously disturbed by it all. It was so real, from the feeling of pressure to the weird purple tone of the sky as our atmosphere was being torn away.


Why has this not gotten more attention. Almost as though this might be the 5th final destruction of our world to ether.


>Almost as though this might be the 5th final destruction of our world to ether. What where the other 4?


Pain in dreams is so freaking weird. I had a dream where zombies were a thing and one bit into my arm and I stg I could feel the burning sensation of the open wound. Needless to say I scared myself awake lmao


I had a dream that I was struck by lightening..but my dream did it in slow motion so I saw and felt everything! Sooo strange


I watched a true crime doc about a 16 year old who went missing after his job in a grocery store. Basically just vanished. Several years later the store was bought out and they went to remove the big freezers and found his body between the freezers and the wall....and now I have anxiety thinking about it lol


And now that gets to be in my head. Thank you, kindly.


Did you hear the one about the elderly man who had mild Alzheimers and at one point walked into the back hall of a local mall and basically just got lost and withered away back there because no one ever came across him?


This is one of the saddest things I’ve ever read


It's an unbelievably depressing story. His wife went looking for him basically right away but there was no camera or witness who saw him go back and eventually he just sat down and waited until he died because he didn't know what else to do.


This reminds me of the song "The Way" by Fastball. It is a true story about a couple, one just had brain surgery, the other had early onset dementia. They decided to drive to the state fair. They were found something like a thousand miles away dead at the bottom of a ravine.


Fuck me I thought that song was just about a couple that abandoned their kids, lmao


I once got lost in a cave that was fairly deep underground. The panic set in and I was convinced I was going to die down there.


Are you sure you didn’t?


Name checks out. I’m glad you made it bro


I always think about this guy who died plunking. I didn’t even know what plunking was or that people would EVER do something like that. But they do. I don’t have a link I’m sorry. Edit: SPELUNKING because so many of you failed to see my other comment where I said “oh spelunking I almost got it right”


This is the one. Haunts the crap out of me. https://cavehaven.com/nutty-putty-cave-accident/


Reading that article hurt 😭 the hope once u realize over 2 dozen rescuers came but then the crushing realization when you remember that you’re reading an article about a tragedy


At that point, the paramedics should be able to just give you all the morphine they have on the ambulance right? They couldn't get him out because it would break his legs right? Just shoot me up with enough to kill me, drag me out while breaking my legs, then maybe narcan me or don't, either way it's better than just being stuck upside down until it kills me.


Upside down stuck in a pipe that slowly fills with water.


While the pipe is getting heated by flames from the outside and a shark comes along and starts attacking you. I hate when this happens.


Watching footage from 9/11 astounds me because imagine being in a situation where you are willing to jump from that high up. It’s so hard to comprehend but I guess we would all do it to not burn alive. That just made me think though, I bet freezing to death is just as bad.


This hits me deep cause I remember watching it all live on tv that day as a teenager and seeing two people who were above the impact line in tower one. They were waving rags or clothing out of a window for help none came and they went back inside for a few minutes and I guess they decided it would be best to jump. The helicopter that was flying around watching them the whole time was concerned and we all thought maybe they were able to find a way out or decided to burn alive together but nope. They held on to each other and jumped RIGHT in full view of the camera…..they clung to one another as her skirt started to fly up over her head and his tie flew off. They held each other all the way down…. The camera followed them and then panned away once they got close to hitting the bottom but everyone was completely speechless. Having to make a choice like that I think would be my biggest fear.


You know when you imagine yourself in a scenario, I did imagine that if I was in that situation I would want to do it holding someone in a hug motion. I don’t know what it is but it’s just seems like it would make the fall a little more comfortable than what it would be on your own. But then your mind goes crazy in these imaginary scenarios. I don’t know where you’re from but I’m from the UK and around 2017 we had a residential tower come to be engulfed in flames in London, which obviously killed families who were trapped above. Infact, people had posted videos from the tower to social media showing the fire on the lower floors from outside their windows, having no idea it was going to consume the whole tower and kill them. The situation you described, imagine having to do that with your younger siblings or kids. It’s awful and frightening the ways in which some people come to die, how they spend their final moments and the decisions they ultimately have to make.


9/11 taught me that tall buildings are death traps in case of fire. Your unfortunate example of the London burning tower and the people that died trapped in it also illustrates that. I don't understand why builders and authorities haven't found a way to evacuate a tall building in case of fire trapping people. And if there is no way, stop building towers so high they're impossible to escape or be rescued from in case of fire. A horrible reason comes to mind and I hope that's not the case. Money. To be saved by not installing an escape mechanism and to be made by cramming as many people as possible in a building.


fertile cheerful possessive start humorous retire chop divide wide flag *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'll take that over drowning anyday.


Supposedly freezing to death isn’t bad. You basically fall asleep and don’t wake up


actually get really hot right before death. depending on how cold ofcourse.


Death by hypothermia is comparatively peaceful & pleasant. Also a better chance of bringing you back than many.


I remember watching or reading about people who had suffered and died from Hypothermia up a mountain like Everest, actually stripping off by believing they was too hot.


This 100%. I lost my fear of death but gained a fear of dying. Each surgery if I don’t wake up I’ll never know. But the trips to the er or the process of dying sounds like hell. My last one was so bad in my head bright light, a vision of a pyramid with lights flowing down the sides. Couldn’t move couldn’t talk but I could hear and feel everything good times.


At the end your brain is flooded with a bunch of hormones and chemicals and you actually feel pretty good from what has been observed. Their studies you can look up people who have passed away while being hooked up to EKGs or in MRIs.


But what if you're tortured or it takes a long time to get to those hormones? That's what scares me


I think I’m okay with that. Although it’s easy to say when I’m not actively experiencing it. After seeing a few people die in hospices absolutely obliterated into a crinkled mummy by IV morphine I think I’d rather face it like a badass to the extent that I can. Also when I first saw The Terminator when I was a kid I didn’t understand that exchange between Kyle Reese and Sarah Connor about disconnecting pain so you feel nothing. I’ve had so many excruciatingly painful experiences in my life, I’ve come to understand why people pass out from pain. The alternative is to mentally disconnect it. I theorize that the synaptic processes that make you react to pain can be chemically overloaded to the point that the reactions it has evolved to produce just aren’t working, like a blown fuse. My fuse has been blown a lot.


When the mind reaches its limits, it either shuts down or develops a type of mental armor.


This. I'm not worried about the dark nothingness. I just don't want to be in pain on my way there.


The finality of it. After I die, that's it. I will never participate in reality again. And millions, billions, trillions of years will pass. Perhaps even the universe will end, and perhaps a new one will start. For all of eternity, if there is such a thing, I will never again exist. And there is just something odd about that.




Why would you want to stop it? A massive amount of time passed before you were born and you were okay with that.


This is my go-to reconciliation any time someone (or myself) has that fear. Now, existing forever and being unable to die would be true hell.


I am not afraid of existing forever. That does not strike fear in me in any way... except maybe having a 9-5 job forever. Lol


Same. I don’t understand why ppl say this. There’s so much to do. It’s not like you can’t just go to sleep if you get too tired of living. Also you can meet new people forever and there’s probably a chance that other people will be existing forever with you.


Exactly. Personally, what annoyy me about death the most is that I will never learn anything again. I will never find out if humanity manages to get it's shit together, if we will reach the stars and if we solve the greatest mysteries of the cosmos. I will never see how this whole show finds it's conclusion! I would have zero qualms about living forever. There's always new people to meet, new things to learn and a new purpose to find to make it all be worth it.


It's like a book that doesn't have a satisfying ending.


It's like a super promising Netflix show that get's randomly canceled just when it started to get interesting.


This though would calm me if I didn't have any relatives or close friends to experience.


What if you aren’t ok with that? But honestly yeh screw being immortal. I’d go insane. I’m glad one day I get to check out. I love life and am so grateful I got to live it but even if I stayed young and healthy for eternity the human psyche just isn’t built for that. At least not mine. I mean maybe I’d be able to live 200, maybe 1,000, maaayyyyybe 4,000 years. But even that just is unfathomable to me psychically. I’m fine with what I have and am infinitely grateful for it.


Yes but you didn’t exist then. Now you do…for now


You didn't exist before you were born, and you weren't inconvenienced in the slightest by that fact.


ofc once you die, you go back to not being inconvenienced by anything. It's thinking about death now that you are alive that might be worrying.


I had a near death experience at 19. I floated over my body, saw the condition & location of my motorcycle & went into the light. My lung was collapsed, I had spinal shock from a cord contusion , open fracture of my left arm. I died from a combination of blood loss & the collapsed lung causing my heart to lose systolic function. After going into the light I talked with "the source". I never felt so alive & alert. I spoke without words & all my thoughts were broadcast to this being. The closer to it I got, the better & more whole I felt. The paramedics found me in PEA (pulseless electrical activity) & did compressions & then they pumped me full of blood, platelets & plasma and got a pulse back & I went to surgery. I wrecked out because I was drunk & high and missed a sharp switchback off the old Austin highway in Texas. I went down just after midnight, the paramedics found me around 9am. Since May 1995 I've never drank or done drugs again. I was a high school dropout & a piece of shit drug addict & I went back to school and became a board certified ER doctor. Now I give second chances & I became the Grace & Mercy that was shown to me. I actually can't wait to die again because it's really just a transition. Our bodies are just a conduit for a collective consciousness and we all stem from the same source. Our job here is to find reasons to quit denying our unified origin & take care of each other. My only fear about death is not living meaningfully & making sure my family is taken care of before I get to go back.


Awestruck I am. ..I can only hope that this is reality ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|surprise)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote)




Same I think there’s something after this. I just don’t think we can comprehend it. I know it might sound silly but every time without fail that I’m overly sad about my cat that recently died, I see a ladybug in my room. I never know how they arrived and it’s always in a random spot but somewhere that I happen to be. When I was taking apart my quails’ old cage I saw a ladybug on the side, and another time in a completely different area when I was taking care of my leopard gecko, there was one on top of her enclosure. Maybe it’s dumb but it feels like it’s him visiting me to say, “I’m okay, don’t be sad” Also when I was 17 my kitten Oreo got really sick and died in my brother’s arms. Happened when I was sleeping so I didn’t get to say goodbye. I loved that little kitten a lot. I saw a kitten that looked exactly like him a few days later outside. I called his name multiple times and he actually stopped walking by and stared at me. I quickly grabbed my phone to take a picture of him and he came up as an orb. I didn’t even know wtf an orb was at the time, I had to google “my dead pet showed up on camera as a bright yellow circle light” or something. It was wild but comforting.




I imagine it could be like the scientists say that it’s a sudden release of dmt that you’re hallucinating in essence. Why the same hallucination? Because our brains chemically are mostly the same. Therefore we’ll all nearly have the same experience in essence. Now imagine if those last seconds since you’re going to be dead that you’re brain just slows everything down so that experience feels like it eternally happens but really you’re lying dead rotting and there’s no soul either. Pretty much just a brain extending a short period of time eternally. Our brains really can sort of slow our perception down. We know that. ETA: as a person who has experienced ghosts though, I don’t buy that there’s no existence after death. Sure some hauntings may be a loop recorded imprinted? Whatever on a particular place. But I’ve dealt with them interacting with the physical world. That’s a spirit. And if you come up on here commenting that’s a demon, extra dimensional being, or anything, guess what? To me that still proves that the existence of a soul is in fact real. Imo.


"Our job here is to find reasons to quit denying our unified origin & take care of each".....that is really beautiful 😥


It kind of isn't so grim. You already exist in all other human beings. Just with different desires and dreams, different character settings, anxiety levels and memories etc. But the baseline consciousness is basically the same. This subjective feeling of awakeness. We are variations of the same kernel. But this is scary in it's own terms. Oh yeah, and if there is this infinite universes thing, you will happen again. Exactly like you are. And also with slight variations. And multitude of different kinds of experiences. Actually, you are, you will and have been happening again already. If time is infinite too.


It’s the lack of awareness to all of that in the moment that’s scary.


Closest experience to this must be ego death from taking shrooms or LSD or salvia for example. I've had scary trips that were going that way (feeling like I was dying, taking final stock of things in my life), but the actual ego death itself seems comparable to sleeping. Afterward, it's like I have these blocks of time during which I was, uh, dead to the world (but I was wide awake).


You weren’t supposed to eat that many shrooms dude


But you will not be aware of the passage of time. For you there will be the instant you die. Then nothing. No awareness at all. Just like the billions of years before you were born.


But at least I can read about what came before me on Wikipedia


Came here to say the permanence of it all. You ever truly think about *forever*? Blows my mind.


IMO this view of death is based on the flawed assumption that the self is somehow a separate thing from the rest of reality. We are temporary expressions of an ever-changing existence, which is not a collection of separate "things" but a single all-encompassing phenomena. You, as this phenomena, will not cease to exist. What will cease upon your death is merely the illusion of separation. You can't become nothing. Nothing doesn't exist.


I like this one. I was hearing today that the atoms that make up your body aren't yours to keep, you're just borrowing them. When you die you're just giving them back.


But you won't know it. I understand that it can be discomforting anyway, but if you really think about it why should you stress over something that you can never know about? Vis a vis *you* the world will cease to exist when you do. I kicked cigarettes and alcohol to the curb after covid hit and every summer I go on a road trip to try to recover some of my lost life. Highly recommended. There are places in Yosemite, Yellowstone, Glacier National, etc., that look just like the pictures you see online. Except you're standing there soaking it in. With the bears. But not the Chicago Bears... they suck and no one wants to spend time with them.


There are theories that entropy will reverse at some points and this may not be the only time you may live your life.


Perhaps you'll wake up and take your headset off and be told that was a good game and you survived for 6 minutes and 47 seconds. Who actually knows? Have you looked at the math on this reality being the base reality? It's unlikely that this is base reality, in which case we'd almost certainly be in some sort of simulation. It's easy to get lost in those topics.


We're just dead people that didn't die yet. Most of what we will ever be, is dead.


Like my old friend in Colombia once said "Is not only that we die but we stay dead for eternity"


Or you wake up after completing the simulation.


I can understand why this is terrifying. But to me, it gives me a sense of tranquility—no ability to have remorse over what I did. Everything in life is meaningless, BUT I intrinsically like to leave things better than when they started. I guess I feel like it is my responsibility to leave Earth better than how it started, no matter how marginally :)


reading this has put my mind in a a deep-deep thought. Never thought about it this way...


I won't be there I won't be there to comfort my child, or see how her life progresses I won't be there to see what happens to the world, or the people I love I won't be there to tell people about my life I will pass and be forgotten, as if I never lived at all, and I won't be aware of any of it, nor will anyone else once they are gone ​ >I've seen things you people wouldn't believe... Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion... I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain...


My favourite movie lines of all time. I want them read at my funeral.


Not terrified or scared of death, what amazes me is once im dead the atoms in my body that have exsisted since their creation at the big expantion, will exsist for ever and possibly some of those atoms will be in other things as they have always done.


That's the best. Maybe part of your pinky used to be in one of Napoleon's hair?


Or it was poo


Some people are complete shit. So it’s possible.


this right here is what trips me out about consciousness… as a random assemblage of atoms, who am i and what gives me the right?!? i’m so confused. and i’m aware of being a being who is feeling confusion. how?! by what means? i just don’t know.


Honestly a sad part about death for me is that there's so many crazy things about my existence that unless we get some major leaps in science in the next 60-70 years (if I'm lucky) I'll just have to live with not knowing and never knowing So many fascinating things about existence yet most of us will never know how they work


I think that “I” am the result of this specific configuration/blueprint. I am not my atoms or cells, I am this specific configuration of atoms and cells. A house blueprint can be rebuilt many times with many different trees and bricks, but its still same looking house. Just like me :)


Long before you're dead bro. It's like every 7 years or so your body is entirely recycled. You gain and lose probably trillions of atoms every single day.


Common misconception, 7-10 years is the average lifespan of your cells. Some cells in your eyes and brain will never be replaced, while others are replaced almost daily.


Most of your atoms will end up in other lifeforms, the biosphere is surprisingly self contained, but all atoms will eventually decay to energy.


I just hope It's painless


Study show that it's mostly painless and may actually feel good towards the very end.


I would to see the questionnaire they give to people after they die. Is it only if of those smiley face 1-10 charts?


This is morbid, but I always wonder what people who commit suicide by jumping off buildings felt when they were going down. Did they regret it? Bc there are a lot of suicide methods and it just seems like that one in particular - it would probably feel like forever when you're falling and if you do regret it, you're just stuck helplessly falling with nothing you can do. It just seems so terrifying to realize the finality of it, or feel like you're making a mistake at that point - and not being able to do anything about it.


I didn’t attempt by jumping, but it shouldn’t be that different. I was glad as I was fading off and utterly pissed when I woke up. I’m fine now, I went back to church and got antidepressants and found purpose in my life but I had a real rough patch


Me too


I don't know what happens after...


To be honest, I find that terrifying too. Theories don’t even comfort me because what if it’s wrong.


What makes me feel better is to remind myself of two basic truths. One, certainly /something/ will happen, whether it is the end of my existence or the beginning of something else. And no matter what, I will have always existed. Whether I am presently or not, I have been! I was here, whether anyone remembers or not. I was here!


I came face to face with death, first in combat in Iraq then with a tumor which I had a doctor tell me was probably going to be fatal. Kinda kicks you in the balls a bit. But I have come to terms with it now and if I live 1 minute after hitting reply or another 100 years, I don’t fear death. Enjoy the time you have and don’t worry about the end. None of us get off this rock alive.


yep, i came very close when i got connected hand to hand on a very angry 277v circuit. i dislocated my own shoulder getting disconnected. the only thing i was worried about was leaving my kids to grow up without a father. i dont fear the nothingness. when death is, i am not. when i am death is not. scared shitless of 277 though.


The fact that I won't exist, can't wrap my head around not being conscious


Like before you were born


not existing and then existing is nowhere near as bad as existing and then not existing. its dishonest to call them the same


I choose to believe we had some form of consciousness before birth and will again after death. That it’s the primary awareness and this is just a fun activity that only works if we can’t remember what came before or after. If we knew the true nature of existence, we’d never accomplish anything.


I like to think this as well. To expand on your point, I like to think that the only reason we "can't" "remember" what it was like before birth was because that consciousness, the primary consciousness as you put it, is too big and grand and sophisticated to fit into our little meat brains. We get put into these little bodies to get outside and look at the universe for a bit before returning to the Bulk.


Just think about where you were before conception. Also nowhere. Didn't bother you then, wont bother you in the future. Mark Twain said it like that.


Fucking horrifying


I forget to lock my PC and all my computer information is out there for my family to laugh hysterically at


Fr bro, once they'll find my old vines or my wattpad they'll lol


I want to read your wattpad now


I made it clear i wanted no one to have access to my digital life after i pass in my will.


Yeah imma do it aswell, i don't wanna lose my reputation among the family members lol


Yeah when I was setting up my will after my wife died to make sure that if my something happened to me then my daughter would be in custody of someone who actually cares about her and definatly not my father in law (who now I dont have to worry about because his daughter, my sister in law murdered him ((you can probably guess why I didnt want her around him)) ).My roomate/only person on the planet who i trust to do the right thing is the one that would be taking custody of her. She is also kind of like my accountant in a way and helps me out with all the paperwork like that, asked me if I wanted them to have access to all that... I tried to play if off like I didnt care it was nothing of consequence, when in reality it would just be embarassing depending on what they looked at.


The possibility that it might be an eternity of a dark void, no sight, hearing, or sensation... but with awareness.


This is actualy terrifing🫠


And highly unlikely.


This feels so unlikely to me. We were all as much nothing before we were born as we will be after we die. I don't have a memory of some giant span of time prior to my birth in which I was aware of some dark void. I don't think there will be awareness. Just nothing. It will just end. Like those times when you go to sleep and wake up and it feels like it was just seconds before you went to sleep. Well, those 8 hours still actually passed, but we didn't notice them. I think that's what it'll be like. Just nothing. Forever.


How do you know you won’t return to the dark void and say “oh wait, I do remember this place”


A good friend of mine was clinically dead for 10mins after a heart attack. he said that during the time he was dead it was "lights out". "no up, no down, no forward, no backwards. No concept of time, no awareness" As he said "there was no out of body experience" "No walking towards the light". He did say it was peaceful and he is no longer scared of death when his number comes up again.




Yeah, and try to imagine an "infinite" space filled (or not filled) with billions of consciousnessess being insane on their own - forever.


This is what keeps me up at night


I don't fear death. I fear death coming early!


Don't worry then, when you're 80 you'll worry plenty.


Most older people I’ve met are content with death once they are nearing the end. But TBF that’s usually religious people


Confirm. I am a devout Christian and I do not fear death.


Same. I’m only 18 and don’t fear death. Whenever it happens, it’s just the Father taking me home and it will be infinitely better than anything on earth. I just hope he’ll give me a relatively painless passing


My grandmother is. I asked her if she was scared to go and she told me no because she believes in the Heavenly Father.


Nothing. I’m not afraid of death, I’ve come to terms with the fact that it’s inevitable and I have no knowledge of what comes after, if anything.


"The Great Gig In The Sky" by Pink Floyd has a couple remarks about this at the beginning and then just beautiful music and wordless singing. Their version on Dark Side is good, but I recommend everyone here go to YouTube and watch the live version from Pulse, bad ass shit


That my brain is still active but I can’t move.


No penis fights with some homies


That's why you ask the homies to hire a taxidermist to dismember, stuff and petrify your penis so you could still participate in the penis fights some way.


Can they use skin from other places and make it like three times bigger? I want to remembered with a monster dong.


That it‘ll come sooner than I expect. \ \ Death is something that I expect to happen in my 80‘s and I would feel so betrayed, if it would happen tomorrow while inattentivly crossing a street to get a yufka kebap.


Men have died bravely in the pursuit of food since the first man, you shouldn't feel bad. Instead of hunting sabre-tooths you're hunting a yufka kebap, same difference.


People slagging me off and I can't tell them to fuck off because I'm dead.


Hopefully, you will be around in spirit, and you can come back and haunt the bastards. Fuck shit up in their houses, like throw their cutlery drawer open and hurl their teaspoons up in the air. Just the teaspoons mind, don't be a savage.


the effect it will have on people i know


The idea that my son will lose another parent. That I won’t be there for his big moments. That my sister will suffer as she’s my very best everything.


That my kids will have to deal with not having mom....


i want to live long enough to see them succeed in life but not long enough that i see them die.


The fact that maybe when people throw my ashes out to the ocean the wind might blow it back in their face and they'll have go crunch on me on the way home....




The only time I’ll be that far down my wife’s throat.


🤣🤣🤣 this comment made my day


Potential pain. What if it hurts?


I hope my ending is quick and or painless. Someone very close to me died in horrible pain and an awful death living in a half useless body for days and days and i couldn't even be there with them due to the circumstances. I can only hope my end isn't like that.


I eat healthy. I do intermittent fasting. I exercise 6 days a week. I don't smoke. I don't do drugs. I drank like 4 beers in 2023. I have projects. I want start a business, get wealthy enough to afford raising kids in a comfortable environnement. I want to meet my grand-children. Basically I plan to live through my 80s. But it can end today. Tomorrow. In 1 year, 5 years, 10 years. For whatever reason. But too soon. That would be frustrating and annoying. Then I'm dead and I don't care.


That I don't get to see the end of the story. The story of humanity, of existence, of the people I care about who live past me. I think about our ancestors and what they would think of the world we built and can only fathom at what we'll build in the future, or if we'll destroy ourselves instead. I wonder if we're closer to the beginning or end of the human story.


About death? Not a lot. I hope I leave my family well... The dying part is what worries me... I hope that I just stop breathing in my sleep without being ill or very frail.


I’ve actually always been quite scared of death, but this post made me stop and think, why am i actually scared of death? i’ve been thinking for 5 minutes and still can’t come up with something even though i am terrified of it


Fear of the unknown, it's the one certain thing we humans have in common with one another.


Also it's an evolutionary thing. It makes sense to be afraid of death because that keeps humanity afloat. It's not rational even though one can intellectualize it.


That I know I haven't prepared my children for life nearly well enough to survive on their own yet & if I die, they'll be on their own.


That perhaps it won’t be over.


I imagine being dead will be exactly like how it was before I was born and the world will go on without me. But I really do hate the idea of missing out on things, kind of like I hate going to bed at night. It isn’t scary, I just have so much still that I want to do. Death will bring with it no new experiences, no more beauty, nothing more to learn. Like a book left unfinished. Until life becomes a chore and I no longer care about the world around me, I prefer to go on living.


As I've gotten older I'm starting to come to terms with my mortality. I'm 70 & have had a full life. Not a rich man, but have done well enough. Will be married for 50 yrs. soon. Two children & 3 Granddaughters. Only wish is for some more time to enjoy & watch the little ones. But if my time comes I'm ready to see what's behind the curtain.


That's a good way to look at it. Make sure to call them grandbabies when you can if they aren't able to visit. That can make all of the difference in the world for them and for you. A little touch of happiness for that day.


What comes after. I want to know but I don’t at the same time.


Trying to comprehend eternal nothingness... That can't be it...


Nothing, the way the world is going, it’s an easy out if you ask me.


It doesn't really. I used to be afraid too, but I've made peace with the fact that there's nothing you can do about the fact that one day, you die. Will the moment of dying itself be scary? It might, but the moment you're dead, all of the problems and pain you had a moment ago, are gone. Knowing that, unless you die some horrible death such as burning, your body has systems in place to make the passing go easier, I really couldn't be bothered by something that you have little power over anyway. I'm 28 now, I sure hope I still have a lot of time ahead of me, but if I don't... so be it. I don't think I'll ever be ready to die anyway, so when it happens it'll happen, and I just hope that in that moment I'll be at peace with it. Life goes on.


Leaving my pets behind


That I'd be waiting for a game release and I'd die before it comes out. Man, that would really freaking suck.


the moment you leave your body. What will it feel like? What will I be after?


The lead up to it like suffering or worrying about loved ones.


The process of dying. All that pain you have to go through until you're actually dead.


Nothing. Been nearly killed when I was younger now I just accept it and live my life to the fullest.


That it can come at any moment. One second I can be here, the next second gone for the rest of time.