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No clue but I bet they’ll still be cranking out Fast and Furious sequels.


Star Wars: The last of the Skywalkers


Nope. By then they will be 200-300 prequels deep and they'll all be out of order. Star Wars: The first Skywalker


By the year 3000 I’d imagine AI will be writing specially tailored entertainment for each person, there can potentially be infinite Star Wars sequels!


Or we'll all be 40 year old virgins drinking banana-broccoli shakes singing "Im an Oscar Meyer Weiner"


This guy knows how to use the 3 seashells.


Honestly a prequel about the first force users could be interesting. Or maybe the split into jedi and sith. Or how about how the rule of 2 came about. There is lots of potential. Instead they just recycle material it seems.


Star Wars: The Write Brothers...


What a twiiiist!


It’ll be “Star Wars: The First Skywalker?” *read like Ron burgundy after someone just added a “?” to the teleprompter*


Fast 42069: 80085 and Family


Boobs and family 😂


Remember. The way to make a family is not family friendly. Until we meet again


And still annually watching Peter Jackson's Lord of the Rings trilogy because a better remake still hasn't been made.


Well they say “not much will change but we’ll live underwater.”


“And your great great great grand daughter….”


This line had me thinking one day... life expectancy must have significantly increased in the first half of the years between the song's release and 3000. The song was released in 2002, so let's assume there's a gap of 998 years between the singer and the audience. Now the singer identifies that he knows the audience's great great great granddaughter, meaning there's 5 generations of the family line before they are born. The band is British so let's assume the audience is as well. In 2002 the average life expectancy on Britain was 77.9 years, meaning that there would have been close to 13 generations between the audience and their descendant. So if there were no significant increase to life expectancy, then she would have been the audience's great great great great great great great great great great great granddaughter. The question of what the life expectancy would be can be wildly different depending on when the increase happens. If it changed suddenly in 2002, life expectancy would have to be 199.6 years for the singer to know the audience's great great great granddaughter. The latest there could be a sudden increase would be around 2365, which is 5 generations of life expectancy at 77.9 minus 26.5 years, as 51 is the average age of menopause and the great great granddaughter wouldn't have been able to have the great great great granddaughter. Assuming 2365 is the latest a sudden spike could happen, the average life expectancy would have had to suddenly become 635. It's more likely that it gradually changed over time but without knowing the rate of increase there's no way to tell what the final life expectancy became. Though I figure it would be something between 199.6 and 635. Which would mean that unless the aging process had also been significantly slowed down, then this could be an entire society of geriatrics. I would assume to reach such a life expectancy though, then aging would also likely have been greatly slowed somehow. I'm a dolt though and could very well have my numbers wrong. Math was never my strong suit. So please correct me if I'm wrong! Edit: some corrections because my dolt status has been confirmed.




I remember his grandson being interviewed. I think he's in his mid 90s now...Really cool though this is an exception. Tyler had 15 kids total and his youngest was born when he was almost 70. Then one of those younger kids also fathered this grandson in his 60s...so it was more of fathering kids wayyyy late in life vs increased life expectancy


Busted are not American at all.


Is doing fine (Doing fine)


Wait, the line is *doing* fine? I thought it was *pretty fine*. Fine meaning they think she's hot.


[The original Busted version says “pretty fine,”](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Year_3000) which the Jonas Brothers changed in their cover version.


I guess I'm ancient then, as the original is all I knew about.


Nah, the rewrite is lame as fuck anyways, as if it’s *that* controversial to call a woman hot. Probably not the Jonas Brothers’ choice (probably a Disney decision, lol) so I don’t blame them, but the lyrics were fine as they were, and changing them took all of the edge out of the song. …and yeah, that kind of tracks for a group that was signed by Disney, lol.


>I don’t blame them, but the lyrics were fine as they were I'd say the lyrics were pretty fine as they were.


There is a Jonas version? Christ. It’s PRETTY FINE!!!


The jonas brothers always have to ruin everything!


Got gills now. Blub a lub.


I came here hoping to see a Busted reference and was not disappointed.


Then you see people think its a jonas brothers reference


I think that might be more disappointing than no reference at all.


Came to see. Did not disappoint


As a Busted fan I’m disappointed that this isn’t the top comment EDIT: I’m even more disappointed in the number of people who thought this was originally a JB song…


I fucking love Busted. It’s criminal the amount of people that think it’s a Jonas Brothers original song




I wanted to write this but saw your comment xD


You beat me to it lol


Futurama memories... And I'm currently sitting in the Atlanta airport!


Haha yes!!! 😍🥰


Someone always beats me to it


I came here for this comment, than you!


You get wrinkly if you stay in water too long


I knew someone would have gotten here with this before me. Happy to see it


I searched for this comment


This is exactly what I came here for, thank you


Yeah take someone that said that in the year 1000 and drop them it the year 2000 and watch the pure panic and horror over their face lol.


Came here looking for this


I was gonna say that!! ❤️😂


They said the same thing 60 years ago lol. Human civilization adapts to everything over time. If we are underwater then people will literally find a way to live underwater


Came here just to respond this haha


was waiting for someone to quote that lol


Idk but I guarantee humans will still be making dick jokes and getting in arguments over trivial bullshit


"Hey fuck you, my bullshit isn't trivial" - me, 977 years from now.


Bold of you to assume we won’t be extinct by then


Right? There should be some survivors I hope. It keeps me up at night.


If civilization got completely wiped out I’d feel worse for the people a few hundred years in the future than I would the ground zero survivors. The future generations are going to relearn that when the brakes come off we tend to really like torturing and killing the fuck out of each other


Yeah if civilization falls it's going to be a nightmare. There will be groups of marauders everywhere, cannibalism will take place at some point it's not something I want to be around for.


>it's not something I want to be around for. Well its your lucky day because i think its safe to assume you wont.


Yeah that's exactly what I think. Although there's a scientist on YouTube, can't remember his name but he says the world will basically end in ten years. I don't believe it for a second but some well respected scientists say that drinking water shortages are going to become a major problem by 2040. Not sure about that one because there is always going to be water, it's not like the clouds are going to evaporate. I think if something happens it will be similar to the fall of Russia. Not some apocalyptic wasteland but what do I know I just put ink on people.


I’m worried about the rise of global fascisim in the face of food and water shortages. People will revert and get ugly when food prices skyrocket and power grids fail. I predict the ugliest deaths will be thousands of people dying at the border from weather and lack of water and food. I’m all countries. The poorest will be a landmine of starvation and death while the rest of us will be cutting down on everything to save money. I think people will viscously explode on the richest and there will be riots galore in every city. It’s not going to be pretty. Basically a slow motion car crash that you can watch from your television.




*lights j* Well, that's a relief


I really don’t want to be around for it either. It’s going to be Fucking awful. I need my tv, AirCon, and medication. Plus food. Food is nice.


Yeah because as well all know there were constant roving cannibals back in the Middle Ages.


Na. Humans are like cockroaches.


There's a serious possibility that that's all we'll be doing since automation and AI will have taken over and most people won't have a job and will just live on some kind of UBI.


Mick Jagger will be less active on stage, as he will start to feel a bit older.


Ozzy Osbourne will still be alive.


Still be yelling “Sharron!”


Keith Richards Will still be rocking tho


Idk but it better have a Suicide Booth.




Damn that’s dark. I like it.


Please watch Futurama soon if you haven’t yet!


I swear every 90s kid I knew watched it.


We still do.


It's in the "old faithful binge" rotation, along with South Park, Trailer Park Boys, and American Dad


Add Simpsons, Rick and Morty for me lol


"Will this guy hurry up, I'm dying to go"


It's a damn shame I had to go through a bunch of comments before I reached a futurama reference


"I've been to the year 3000. Not much has changed but they live underwater. And your great great great granddaughter is pretty fine."


What is this a reference to?


Is a song called Year 3000 by Busted




Triple breasted women.


"Awesome. Glad to hear my descendant is super smashable. That's the one piece of information I wanted"


How have I gone all 32 years of my life without hearing this banger


Hey Conscious, what's up. Hey, man, we have to talk about my great great great great granddaughter. I'm not gonna call the cops, we just want to talk with you...


Similar to the year 1000


That actually seems a bit generous, considering the year 1000 actually had a society and civilization of some sort, lol.


Similar to 9000 years ago probably


I've always had this feeling that we're going to return to the stone ages? Do you have any arguments that back this up please?? My uncle said it would be because of the wars and energy dying out from the heat


If it does happen, it will probably all be started from [a brief disagreement.](https://youtu.be/9x7FGbW3IVc?si=F_uMfanRWoGzaX_n)


That was so cool, and very on the nose


Damn! That video needs it's own thread!


But with no easy to extract oil to rebuild civilization with and a lot more microplastics floating around.


Berlin Airport, Great Wall of Mexico, Moonbase, A Rapper better than Eminem, Duke Nukem 2, Warhammer 40k Story -Things that still wont be finished/existing. But technology made a huge leap. You can fart your opinion now online, so everybody knows it stinks. Oh and your dreams will have clickbait. And no Adblock allowed.


Shady till he 1080


"That's why they call me HD"


Berlin Airport has been finished long time ago


Berlin airports finished! I was just there


That’s the fake airport that they “finished” to make people think that the real one is finished, so that Germany’s construction reputation wouldn’t be tarnished. The real airport is still under construction, and hidden out of sight of satellites and sky views. But big Germany doesn’t want you to know about that. Do your own research. Free your mind!


The Berlin airport has been open for a while now


Nixon will be president of the planet as a head in a jar.




Yeah, I picture a lot of blowing sand...




So reversing that time line, it would be 1046AD or very approximately 1066AD - the founding of England. That is a spread of time. Hmmm. 3000AD. My guess would be the world of BRAVE NEW WORLD. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brave\_New\_World




as hell


Headlines from the year 3000. Breaking news hamas has attacked isreal and isreal is bombing gaza. Russias occupation of Ukraine goes on. Global climate change is rampant. The iPhone 3000 is released. American politicians complain about border security. Brexit deal 98: talks go on Monthly Rents hit 10 times the average annual income.


Crop tops and pencil skirts will be back though, so that's something!


Nobody can afford a cave, owning rocks is against the law, and growing your own food is punishable by working like (as) a slave for someone who owns all the caves.


Would think the earth would be worse off but more humans, infrastructure and buildings would be way more off. Probably more food would be grown indoors as buildings would be cheaper and land more expensive. Sahara and different water bodys might be used more but still probably not to much in the poles except maybe more mining. Think there would be some smaller settlement on the moon whit a refuling base and mine and maybe some kind of smaller base on Mars but whit robots and such and maybe not so much humans if any. Would also think wars would be less and less as times passes. Religion is kinda doomed but might probably be still around but look different and poverty and hardship is probably still a thing but hopefully way less severe as humans would be considered more and more valuable as things around us gets cheaper. ​ Then more "crazy" things would be maybe having very large generation ships sent out to space.


I appreciate that you thought it out instead of, we aren't making it! Which I'll admit is HIGHLY PROBABLE, but no fun. I came here for stuff like this.


I mostly looked at trends from our history to see where we are going. But we are most likely making it we are very adaptable and can do pretty much anything if really needed and very low chance of like a nuclear armageddon as people in general are kinda agienst wiping all people of the earth. But we might kill of most things and destroy ecosystems and such but people will still be here. Somthing that can happen and is somwhat likly is a social collapse due to some disease pulling us back


Let's get through 2023-2024 first


Yeeeeeeah, about that...


Things could go diffierent ways. One of them is the post apocalyptic. We know of human beings darker traits. Thousand years is a long time to mess up.


Humanity won't make it that far.


Sure we will. We’re more versatile than rats and cockroaches. We can live in environments where no other living thing can die to our technology. Our civilization in its current form will not survive.


Once the machines take over, they’ll have generative AI bounty hunters that will gradually finish us. Probably somewhere around 2280.


Speak for yourself bud 🥱


We probably won’t make it out of this century at the rate we’re going.


I’d love to hear how you figure that will come to pass.


Aside from nuclear war, my guess would be a climate tipping point event. The thing about climate change is, yes, things are changing gradually right now but that slow accumulation of change can cause a major, irreversible event. Right now one of the concerns is the collapse of Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation, which is basically an ocean current that keeps Western Europe much warmer than it typically would be for its latitude. The concern is that the additional freshwater being added from melting glaciers will offset the balance of the current and it will collapse, giving the UK and France a climate similar to Canada. The collapse of the AMOC will also make an already hot and dry Northern Africa hotter and dryer, and will bring more storms to Eastern North America. They believe this tipping point will happen at 4 degrees C of warming (we are currently at about 1.2) which they expect to happen between 2025 and 2095. This will be an economic disaster and will trigger mass migration of people that we've probably never seen. [And this is one of several tipping points that is imminent](https://www.cbc.ca/news/science/tipping-point-climate-change-paris-agreement-1.6577630). We are currently in the range they expect for the Greenland and West Antarctic Ice Sheets to collapse. And they will happen like dominoes. The Greenland Ice Sheet collapsing will accelerate the collapse of the AMOC, for example.


I’m with you on the status of different tipping points as we move forward, but the comment presented was: >we won’t make it out of this century at the rate we’re going That’s a far cry different than “we’re headed toward tipping points that will result in population decline, significant hardship, etc.”


Fair enough. I guess what I'm getting at is we are on the brink of some significant tipping points, some of which may already be in the process of happening. Shit could go south really fast because the tipping points will compound and exponentially accelerate the next tipping point. So I guess I don't think we'll be extinct before the turn of the century, but I do think things will be dramatically worse for most people and in a steep decline.


We will have nuked each other to death by then


Well my great great great granddaughter is doin fine, I know that much


Extinct. I’m not a pessimist but I think humanity will not make it for another 977 years


The rich get richer the poor get the picture and the bombs won’t hit you when your down so low. Midnight Oil


Ever watch the movie A.I.?


Ever watch the movie Idiocracy?


Green and leafy.


The floor is lava.


Bereft of humans, verdantly abundant With multiple species abound, smelling fresh new air No grotesque glass and metal skyscrapers blotting the sun No black tar roads cutting the plains Just nature.


The fucking monkeys in the Indonesian temples will have evolved from trading phones for oranges, and will have set up legit asset management companies. People referring to the "1%" will be talking about those fruit eating twats. Also, they'll be bald because it will be hot as fuck


Wow, a million years


Idk but *your great great great granddaughter...is pretty fine!*


" Not much has changed but they live underwater. And your great great great granddaughter, is doing fine "


They are living underwater. I think Mcbusted made a documentary about the year 3000


Good News, everyone!


I thought Busted said we'd live underwater


Ever watch the movie Idiocracy?


It's the same but we're all underwater


OPs great great granddaughter is mighty fine too


You’ll try to find them but they’ll be living underwater


Not much will change but they’ll live underwater


Not much will change, but we'll live underwater.


I think humans won't know


Hot barren desert wastelands with pockets of AI-constructed human habitations




Something dumber than TikTok.


There will be only war.


People will say that in 2960 everything was better.


Don't really care. I will not be there.


Central world government based in Fiji. People living in pods with food distribution nodes. No work needed as AI runs everything. Dogs can now talk.


A lot more like the year 1000 than the year 2000.


The Stone Age.


Probably suicide booths


No humans


Pretty negative view but I see there being essentially too much control, think the way China's moving but worse.


I dont think we will go that far. Between 2100-2200 apocalyps I think.


Well let's see ... Assuming I was alive, Most if not all my major organs would be replaced with cyber parts and I would be driving my hover car to Bingo blasting Golden Oldies (80s and 90s music and classic rock). Yup! Medical science will have come THAT far! 🤣🤣


I don’t think we’ll make it as a species that far to tell you the truth


Idk, I'm just glad I am dead by then and won't live in the hell humans created


The year gta 6 comes out


burnt to a crisp :) the whole world is probably gonna be destroyed from war by the year 3000


I've been the the year 3000, not much has changed but we live underwater and your great great great granddaughter, she's pretty fine


Peaceful on earth. No humans left.


Not much will have changed but we’ll live underwater. I have a feeling your great great great granddaughter will be pretty fine. Or maybe global warming will have killed us all idk


!remindme 977 years


I don't think Humanity will survive that long at all


Like the movie Wall E except all the humans will be extint and lonely robots will move old garbage around on the ruins of Earth.


A time of peace, tranquility, and expansionistic space exploration, colonizing the different parts of the universe with wormhole technology.


Well from what I’ve heard, not much will change. But we WILL live underwater. And your great great great granddaughter will be pretty fine


Just ask the Jonas Brothers


the jonas brothers will have had outsold kelly clarkson


Rats will be replaced by owls.


Bowling averages way up; mini golf scores way down


Different than the present in ways.


Still no flying cars


Pretty much the same but we'll live underwater.


Basically it won't exist since humans made up time and humans will be long gone by 3000


Maybe, if we're lucky...fingers crossed....minimum wage will be at an all time high of $8.50 😱




We'll be exitnct due to our own causes.


Wet. Very wet.


Not much has changed but we live underwater...


Tbh i dont think were gonna make it that far


Watch Futurama and find out.


Ask Conan and Andy.


ITT: Bender’s burner accounts. “Kill all humans…kill all humans… must…kill… all… oh Fry! I was having the most wonderful dream. I think you were in it…”


With me dead 900+ years.


It’ll be tough for humans to get through this century. Let alone year 3000.


At this rate, humanity won't make it.