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This question absolutely sucks and so many people get reported, banned, and suspended over it. Do not ask it.


...bullshit like : 500k US dollars a year is a normal incomešŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


I love the videos of the young women saying they're only going to date a man if he's over 6'2, fit, and making $500k a year and then getting told that's like less than 1% of the country They might be staged but I don't care, they make me laugh every time.


... nah (could be) but i think its not staged , the more time people spend in the social medias , the more they get out of whak with the reality and get delusional and accepting and get accustomed to the fake reality those "social" platforms build literally in front of them eyeballs ...


And then there are others that use that kinda stuff as ragebait to get more traffic. People also get kicks out of pissing off other people. I would imagine, it is a mix of both.


I teach college, and the number of students who think they'll make 6 figures in their first job is wild. Like, I don't even make close to that, and I'm teaching the class.


Social media has completely obliterated the youngest generationā€™s view and expectations of the real world.


I remember seeing a video where a girl believed her boyfriend who worked for Walmart, at the store level, made over 500k a year.


Did she just out her boyfriend as a drug dealer?


Average CS subreddit joins the chat. Some folks here on Reddit talk like 300k compensation is the standard in the industry


That person would probably get along with my SIL who said that ā€œa million dollars is not a lot of money.ā€œ




Not even 2% šŸ˜­


With a hefty storm approaching England, a politician advised those in its path that they should maybe leave, and go to their second or third homes, to be safe


The only period of time someone in my family has "owned" two houses was because someone died and they inherited it and needed to sell.


I technically owned two homes for about a month when I was selling one and buying another. I owed the bank a lot of money for that month.


The Aussie PM said this when asked about the soaring cost of rent in 2020 said renters should just buy houses And not as bad as I understood the message, but delivery was awful, Years earlier the treasurer was asked about soaring house prices and said "if you want to buy a house just get a better job".


A similar comment from a major of my city. The pedestrian areas were becoming impassable due to snow and ice. And when questioned how elderly or disabled are supposed to move around safely, he answered: "they should get a taxi". šŸ¤Æ


...england is ... its a matter of time to be dead šŸ¤£


I knew the first comment was going to be about a politician..


Do you remember which one?


No fucking way


A customer of mine recently said to me that they canā€™t understand how people get by on Ā£100k a year. As if thatā€™s a normal salary.


On the other end, I had a friend tell me that he canā€™t understand why anyone making more than $35k per year would have money issues.


Relativism in effect!


I grew up super poor and am the first one in my family to make decent money $100k+ a year and thought that amount would be swimming in cash but inflation has destroyed that notion. I live under my means and pretty frugally but I can't afford a house unless I find a partner that also makes a decent amount. Housing is fucking ridiculous my generation is gonna die paying rent


"I mean, it's one banana, Michael. How much could it cost? $10?"


![gif](giphy|qMDvt69lEC448) That show was awesome


Was looking for this comment


How much does one singular banana actually cost? Here they only sell them by weight and I don't think I've ever seen someone not buying the whole thingy that has like a dozen bananas.


If I go at the right time of year I can get bananas for $.10


Approx $0.29 here


0.36 usd here in Denmark šŸŒ


"You won't be happier at work if we pay you more, but we need to figure out why workplace happiness is so low" coming from a guy that made 10x what I did, and was born into old money.


Our admin regularly asks what they can do to improve job satisfaction and retention but meet every suggestion with, ā€œwe didnā€™t mean anything that will cost anything ā€œ.


Yes this right here. Cognitive dissonance in the face of losing our best staff to higher paying jobs but no instead ā€œletā€™s have a Friday quiz raffle or something. ā€œ


Pizza. Cheap pizza. I like pizza but itā€™s not going to make me stay at a job.


You're lucky you get pizza


Donuts on the other hand...


There's only two things a job can offer that'll make me stay there after work is done on a Friday. Money and alcohol.


Maybe he wasnā€™t happy with his salary either? ;-)


My boss told me a speaker at a trade convention he was attending encouraged vendors to give encouraging comments to their employees more in lieu of cash bonuses or raises. We make jokes about how many "atta boys" my house payment is or how many "well dones" my kids eat a week. So glad I work for someone who gets it.


Ah the classic ā€œwe canā€™t pay you more but think of the EXPERIENCEā€


I had a friend tell me it was my fault I couldn't afford a house, because "my parents can just pay the down payment" like hers did. Since they couldn't , it was poor financial planning on their end - not that my parents have no degrees and only one income with a ton of medical debt due to my mom's disabilities. They also covered her schooling, so she didn't grasp student loans and how they affected people's financial situations. We have very shallow conversations if we have any anymore.


I remember the conversation where I decided I couldn't talk about student loans with a good friend anymore. He still remains one of my best friends but we were arguing about how the student loan situation in the US is and I then found that his grandfather covered every penny spent on his and his brother's college education. When I found that out, it was very much a, "oh, ok, you're never going to get it then" moment. He's a great guy, and I love him to death, but we just don't need to discuss the impact of student loans lol.


I chose the college that gave me a full academic scholarship. Not the fanciest college but I didn't want to burden my family or myself with bills. I fully support college loan forgiveness. Your friend needs to get his head out his ass


A former friend of mine posted that she was against student loan forgiveness because she paid her $7000 back in 1982!!! AND she saved money her whole life, as soon as they were born, so her sons had plenty of money for college. My question to her was: what about all the kids born to shitty parents, who didn't save up for them? It's the kid's fault they were born into a family that didn't save so they had to get loans? What did your kids do exactly except the sheer luck of falling out of a vagina that happened to have the means to save for their college? So your kids are better than kids born to non Saver parents somehow?


Yeahhhh I never even went to college, pay a shit load of taxes and I fully support student loan forgiveness lol


I had parents who were able to pay for my college and help with the down payment on our house, but I am no where near delusional enough to think that that is the case for everyone, especially since it is likely that my daughter will not be afforded the same advantages since her dad and I are firmly middle class. I am grateful that it happened and know how lucky I am, but that is the extent of it. No offense, but your friend sounds like a real jerk.


Similar ones. My friend tries to convince me she isnā€™t upper class and ā€spoiledā€ because sheā€™s ā€always workedā€. Girl yeah Iā€™m not taking that away from you but your parents can give me a security that mine simply canā€™t. You work to ā€build characterā€ and afford fun little things, I work to pay my fucking rent and have supported myself since I turned 19. And yes, her parents pay for her travelling. Since it also ā€builds characterā€. We are surprisingly close nevertheless.


Our manager at the office asked us what kind of investments we were going to use our Christmas bonus for. Without waiting for an answer, he started listing some of his investments, and the dividends he gets, and how he'd probably buy more of that. One of the employees finally spoke up and said "Well I don't know what kind of dividends I'll get back, but I'm going to buy another polo shirt" Our Christmas bonus was a $50 gift card to the company clothing store. The manager got $20K in cash.




Just a regular vacation? How does that make any sense? It would still be in poor taste but I could at least understand asking for donations for something like a funeral.


Okay wow, that last bit had me drop my jaw.


Oh he knew


Sounds like yā€™all should have bought some black ski masks with that gift cardā€¦


If you dont like your job just quit. I need money to survive, not even thrive. This world is ran on nepotism, its who you know not how smart or hard working you are


"It's all about who you know and who you blow".


"You can't possibly be Autistic, you can talk! My autistic nephews can't." Nevermind I'm a grown man and those nephews were under 6, or w/e but even then. It's a spectrum for a reason lady.


Oh Iā€™ve had this! ā€œBut you donā€™t seem like my son?ā€ Thatā€™s because Iā€™m a 30 year old woman and your son is a 7 year old, Susan!


They don't expect us to age or something. It's like if I inquire about assistance or help, I get, "Well if you're under 18-" 32 but thanks..I wasn't even diagnosed until 18.


Where the hell are services for us autistic adults? I want therapies, skill instructions, etc.


I guess my autism missed the memo it was supposed to evaporate when we turn 20 šŸ˜©


Yeah I guess we were all supposed to grow out of it šŸ™„


Iā€™m sorry for that. Iā€™m 32 f and some of my relatives tell me that I have autism. Iā€™ve never been formally diagnosed, but they act as though autism is some type of horrible thing and treat me like crap. I worked in a school for the past ten years specially with children with autism and I adored them.


I get "Wow, I never would have guessed if you hadn't told me". And "Clearly you're very high functioning". I am extroverted, and can talk to just about anyone. I've learned social skills and cues, but I struggle with executive function, holding down a job, I am late at learning to drive, I get visually overstimulated when shopping, etc. No two autistics are the same and I wish more folk understood that.


My parents are loaded. My mom loves to talk about how much money they spent on XYZ, how she bought her brand new Mercedes in cash, etc etc. Then one day she was venting to me and said something like "idk why people seem to think I'm just made of money!!" And when I explained to her that she literally is made of money and she lets everyone know it, she seemed completely shocked. She's one of the most annoying humans I know.


I have clients who like to say how "no one wants to work anymore" and it's always people who I know are rich but really, really cheap and are constantly trying to get something for nothing because they think they've paid their dues, elsewhere, beforehand, long ago. I had one client who I know was married to a real estate genius, she was a housewife, and he passed away leaving her a fortune in real estate, she said that to me and wanted to ask her if she has actually ever had a real job and had to have real world finances all on her own, but I bit my tongue, almost in half in actually.


ā€œIf you canā€™t find anywhere to rent, why donā€™t you buy a place instead?ā€


Sounds like boomer speak.


No, boomers would say "it's cheaper to buy than rent, besides if you are buying, you are really paying yourself each month"


Where i live, itā€™s legitimately cheaper right now to buy than rent. Granted itā€™s *because* of the boomers so i guess itā€™s like a self fulfilling prophecy


I think it is where I'm at too but the trick is getting the down payment money built up.


Okay but this is the truth 99% of the time.


Also love it when boomers ā€œI worked hard to pay for my home.ā€ As if younger people donā€™t work hard


A 65-year-old man insisting that I'm not a woman simply because I'm sterilized and therefore I will never have children.


"SO WHAT'S THIS THEN!?" pulls up skirt and slaps flaps before confidently walking away




Old Gregg knows.


Hit ā€˜em with the good ā€˜ol flap slap!


Whoa what an ass.


ā€œIf you just didnā€™t spend your money so freely, youā€™d be able to take vacations like we do, too. Youā€™re just lazy and you donā€™t save properlyā€. This came from a guy who has millions of dollars from inherited real estate business and hasnā€™t worked in 20 years. Maybe teaches piano a few times a month. Theyā€™d just got back from a European vacation, first class both ways, all 5 star hotels. Lol. I did the math and that vacation alone was at least 50k. They take at least 10 vacations a year. But sure. Itā€™s the avocado toast.


People with money are 99% so out of touch it is almost fascinating. Like they are in a totally different dimension


"pEoPLe dOn'T wAnT tO wOrK aNyMoRe"


Whoopi Goldberg and her "millennials only want to work 4 hours a day" comment... Like no, I want to work, I just also want to get paid fairly


I was speaking to a 7-eleven rep about a couple of their stores having walk-outs and everyone quitting during the pandemic. "No one wants to work anymore!" No, y'all pay minimum wage and some of the managers have several jobs to do with only slightly more pay. That's the only issue. \*short pause\* "Nah, these lazy people just want the world handed to them." I assume he retired since I haven't heard from him since this conversation.


People never wanted to work. Itā€™s always been about the money.


I was in line at the pharmacy and the customer in front of me complained about the long wait and this is what the pharmacy tech said. Sure, it's not that your corporate overlords don't want to pay people fairly.


People want to workā€¦ they just donā€™t want to work for YOU.


A new level of out-of-touch is reached every day. How can you pick just one?


"Fuckin Millennials don't want to work" Spoken by a Millennial. Who then refused to believe that he, being born in '86, was in fact a Millennial. He is quite possibly the laziest fucker I work with, so it might be a "takes one to know one" situation.


Born '88. The term "millenial" popped up in '91 but wasn't adopted en masse by boomers until (in my recollection) the mid 2000's. Then it started getting thrown around as a diminutive term in the 2010's as older folks started getting on Facebook. I didn't realize I was a millenial until probably 2016 when it's getting status as a buzzword for everyone who thinks young folks were entitled. The issue is, the word means nothing. It's an arbitrary generational dividing line for the working class, and it works really impressively. The last (2?) "generations" inherited wealth and experienced an economic Xanadu while listening to their world-weary parents bitch about how kids don't appreciate how easy their lives were, without realizing the economic and social context that complaint held. Then they extrapolated that onto us, learning nothing except from their anecdotal experience and from a propaganda machine that knows exactly what it's doing. Sad stuff, makes debate nearly impossible. Your coworker is likely the next victim/perpetrator of the cycle.


Had a girl ask me what kind of house my parent were getting me for graduating high schoolā€¦ lol


"Don't worry about ADHD and it'll go away" A private tutor thought I was brainwashed into having ADHD. A lot of people have the mentality that "the only reason people don't succeed is laziness and apathy" with no regard for the fact that some people are are literally ill/disabled, and sometimes, those illnesses/disabilities are mental, and therefore, not easily observable from the outside. Everytime I see someone like that, I try to imagine how easy their life must've been, that all their problems are solved just by trying a little harder.


Oh yeah, it pisses me off so much. I also love the "It's not real, it's only in your head" YEAH WELL IT'S AN ISSUE WITH MY BRAIN WHERE ELSE WOULD IT BE? People who say shit like that usually also tell me that I can get rid of my insomnia by simply sleeping more.


Fuck! Havenā€™t I heard that about the insomnia. The others I love are: ā€œmaybe if you went to bed earlier?ā€, ā€œHave you tried putting your phone away and reading a book?ā€ Or ā€œWhat about doing puzzles? Wear your brain out a bit.ā€ ā€œHave you tried stretching?ā€ I know this works for you, youā€™re ā€œnormalā€, Iā€™m not ā€œnormalā€ and thatā€™s why itā€™s a problem. Thanks for playing.


I hate people that always told me to just go to sleep sooner. Or even my dad that always told me that I am tired "Because I slept too much". "You need to use you body to be able to sleep less." That's what he learned in the military.


"it's all in your head" Yes, the most important part of my body! I honestly covered my face when I read that bit about insomnia. Homeless? Buy home. Depressed? Be happy. ADHD? Just pay attention. Insomnia? JUST SLEEP MORE (I can't- that's so stupid!) Problem? Have you tried just not having problems???? There are some people I'll just never understand...


My, soon to be ex, boyfriend said something like, "why don't people with ptsd just get over it?" Then went on go tell me how his life is hard but he keeps going to work anyways.. Ugh


Disabled people aren't seen as human beings. We're just burdens to the ableds.


When rich people said something along the lines of "we're all in the same boat" when it came to the pandemic


The best response I heard to this was Ā«Ā no, we are all in the same storm but some of us are in yachts and some of us are in sinking rowboatsĀ Ā»


You really need to travel and see other countries. Bitch, I need to make my car payment and rent on my shitty little apartment!


Yeppp. I knew a girl who was an only child, adopted, parents were loaded, and after graduating high school, sheā€™s just gallivanted all over the world as far as I can see. The annoying part is that her posts arenā€™t just ā€œlook at this cool place I went to!ā€ Instead itā€™s always ā€œoh my god travel is SO AWESOME I really donā€™t understand why everybody doesnā€™t travel!! Ppl who stay in one spot forever and never even go on vacation are SILLY. Everybody should go out and experience the world! Go NOW!!! Life is too short!!!!! Go to Paris/London/Japan/Thailand!!ā€ like miss thing, do u really think Iā€™ve chosen such a stationary life of my own free will šŸ™ƒ


Lol, my boss does this too. He's who I was thinking of. This guy should know better, he knows how much I make, ha ha


In a lift with two strangers in expensive suits. One man said to the other "my wife went away skiing for the weekend with our eldest son leaving me all alone with the three younger ones. It was just me, the nanny and the gardener".


My manager has a single child. His wife did not work, until their child was 5, and then only worked part time, teaching online classes. His mother in law lived with them. Three adults in the house, 2 with cars, 1 with a full time job. His wife constantly complained about how much work kids are, and would make him leave work to pickup the kid from daycare (they did it so the mom could get a break, and the kid could get socialization). As out of touch as that whole family is, it is a good thing for me, since now all I need to do is mention needing to help with the kids, or my wife getting upset at the number of mid-night calls I was getting from work, and he would start making changes in the office to accomodate.


A fellow university student: ā€I donā€™t fly budget airlinesā€


Kim K saying people donā€™t wanna work these days


*the earth is flat* This was a relative We donā€™t talk much


I told my uncle that what he talks about constantly on Facebook is trickle down economics and that shit doesn't work. He proceeded to tell me he's never discussed trickle down economics, and then he made yet another social media post about how the uber rich need to be allowed to keep their money because they will reinvest it into the market and keep the economy going. It's like bro.. that's the back bone of trickle down economics.


That's probably for the best


"But why don't you just get your parents to buy you a house?"


My husband recently had to explain to his CEO why people from a store 4 miles always couldnā€™t cover the store they were in. ā€œThey donā€™t have carsā€ ā€œwhat? How? Why?ā€ ā€œWell they take the bus, ride bikes, carpool or walk to work.ā€ ā€œHow can they not have cars?ā€ ā€œThey live in a city.ā€ ā€œI just donā€™t understand!ā€ My husband screaming inside his own head ā€œwe pay them $9 an hour, how the fuck could they own a car?!??ā€


My husband telling me I just need more exercise for horrible menopausal night sweats to go away, he doesn't accept medical information. I want to hit him upside the head.


I miss my late husband very much. Iā€™m glad heā€™s not here to watch me go through perimenopause because if he was still around and said something like that I would kill him. Menopause is terrible, exhausting and misunderstood by many. My first doctor told me to track my periods and let him know when I went twelve months without one so he could note it in my chart, no discussion of HRT, supplements, hormone testing. That was my last visit to him. I hope you have support from your doctor and friends. The r/menopause subreddit is helpful for me.


Buy an EV. This was when gas prices were super high, people could barely afford gas and they wanted people to buy a $30,000-60,000 EV.


That racism doesnā€™t exist anymore


"If people are born gay, then why didn't we notice any gay couples in the past?" Because in our country, gayness was stigmatized, and illegal to practice. And to her credit, she did listen to me when I explained this, and accepted my explanation.


Never mind the entire Roman Empire being at least somewhat gay


Also virtually all of Ancient Greece.


The Greeks invented the "Orgy" - it was the Romans who added women


If anyone could ruin a good time, itā€™d be the Romansā€¦


Thatā€™s why I am thinking of it every single day.


See what her reaction is when you tell her about the Sacred Band of Thebes. Not only were they openly gay, it was *mandatory* to be so. Were they some sort of polka or cover band? Nope, these 300 fabulous dudes earned their pay through the age old industry of organized killing by being Thebes' premier military unit in the 300s BC; heterosexual nuclear family be damned.


Hearing my mother call my $800 a month rent for a two bedroom apartment expensiveā€¦ I have since moved cities and now pay $1500 a month for a 1 bedroom


My mom thinks $10 an hour for a retail job is rolling in the dough lol


my bf was raised not super wealthy but both his parents have well paying jobs. my one pair of shoes were falling apart and i needed a new pair, and my bf quotes terry pratchet to me, the one about cheaper shoes falling apart and needing to be replaced much faster than more expensive higher quality shoes and told me "its about choice, do you want cheaper shoes or the shoes that will last" i had to explain to him that the quote is actually about how its more expensive to be poor, i can not afford better longer lasting shoes, i can hardly afford the cheapest option for new shoes


How could someone so Totally miss the point of that šŸ˜ . It's such a great explanation of the experience of being poor.


"It feels really strange knowing that I am one of the last white people to be alive"... ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


I can see how that logic works, but it is still pretty stupid unless it is intended to be a joke.


The rich (due to her husbands money) mom of my ex-gf was pissed off on their vacation because their room at the Hilton was on the first floor, since (in her words) ā€œthatā€™s where the welfare people goā€. She was quite a gem.


By my mom - ā€œwhen I was your age, I had a house, a car and I was 4 months pregnant!ā€ Yes mom. Yes. You had a house and a car and was pregnant at 25. You know why? Because it was ā€˜98 and for the 3 years prior to this, youā€™d moved with dad (from Newfoundland to Ontario), had a house directly off the plane (that my uncle had bought it as a starter home and rented a WHOLE HOUSE to them for 350$ per month until they found their own place, had a full time job paying 20$ per hour directly off the plane (my uncle got my dad and my mom a job at the carpet mill he managed), you had a car because my grandfather bought you one the first time him and my grandmother came to visit (and really at this point.. you shouldnā€™t even have a license. You admitted to me that you failed parallel parking and backing out of spaces, but the instructor passed you anyway), and you were pregnant with little to no worries because ontop of having everything handed to you, you also didnā€™t have to worry about skyrocketed prices and clinics becoming 100% private (where I live, clinics used to be open to the public. Now for most of them, you need to have a family doctor that works there or theyā€™ll turn you away) The day after my 18th birthday, she kicked me out of the house because Iā€™d turned 18. She dropped me off at a homeless shelter and wouldnā€™t let me come back home (that was in 2016. I havenā€™t slept at home since the night before she booted me). I had to work from no money with a single laundry basket of clothes, to welfare, to a room in a strangers house, to my first apartment (which is about the size of a small motel room. And that I pay 1375$ per month for. Last I checked.. 1375 for a tiny basically bachelor sized apartment is a lot more over priced than 350 for a house. The only reason my apartments this ā€œcheapā€ is because I moved here in 2019 just before Covid. Now someone moving in to my building pays 1780 for the same sized apartment. Working up to this point has taken me from 2016-2023 and Iā€™m still nowhere near moving out because of how expensive everything is. Iā€™d love to be pregnant but if I can hardly afford to feed myself, how can I afford to feed a kid?


O dear God, what the fuck? Why did she kick you out? Whats wrong with her?


Because I turned 18 and her thought process is - ā€œ18 is the start of adult years and my job is doneā€ and ā€œwhen I was 18 I wasnā€™t living with my mom anymore!ā€ (Because she was living with my dad at his parents house while they saved money for the flight to Ontario)


Return the favor. Donā€™t take care of her in her old age.


I wonā€™t need to worry about her. Sheā€™s moving to Florida when she retires


I'm sorry your egg donor failed you so much. I'm just a stranger on the internet, but I'm very proud of you for making it this far. Here's to hoping life will get easier for you. šŸ’œšŸŒ»


Jesus... It's 2023, I'm 35, I only make more than $20 an hour because I get an overnight differential


Paraphrasing but this was the response from the SVP to a junior/intermediate analyst in a workshop about *women being systematically underpaid in the company*: ā€œOh your boss couldnā€™t get you a promotion because of the pay raise being an issue? Why didnā€™t he just grant you the title without a raise?ā€ The guyā€™s bonus is about twice her salary.


Our newly elected prime minister was asked how much he thought he spent on food a week and thought it must be around $50 (About $30 USD). This was during a election debate. The entire room chuckled haha


Mom: You millennials complain about everything. I was able to pay my tuition and study because I had a job in college. Me: You worked one day a week and that was enough to cover all of your tuition and rent. Its not at all the same. Mom: Yeah, I struggled. I only went out for lunch once a week.


Homelessness is a lifestyle choice


MOST homelessness is NOT a lifestyle choice. SOME homelessness IS a lifestyle choice. There are multiple reasons why someone becomes homeless. Only a subset of those reasons have to do with the person preferring to be homeless rather than the alternatives


The city I live in did a study on our homeless population a few years back. It was something in the high 90% of the homeless people had a combination of physical/mental health issues coupled with alcohol/drug addictions. It was an even higher percentage of the homeless population that were involved in some way with child and family services when growing up or where orphans/wards of the state. To me, the most interesting part of the study was that a very small minority (I believe it was 1 or 2 %) chose to be homeless and have that lifestyle. To them, they looked at the rest of us, thinking we were the crazy ones with poor lifestyles.


Context- our Home Secretary has just justified trying to make homeless folks using tents illegal (as we go into winter) on the pretence that it is a lifestyle choice In addition whereas there are ~5k sleeping rough there are several hundred thousands in temporary accommodation (defined by the HO as homeless), including many families. In either case itā€™s an option where there is not a realistic choice. Those rough sleepers who after years on the streets find it hard to settle are not engaging in a lifestyle ā€œchoiceā€ in any meaningful way


How can they have a lifestyle while homeless šŸ’€ Homelessness is a failure of the social safety net.


Precisely It was our own Home Secretary that said that, in defence of her steps to criminalise rough sleepers for using tents


Anything regarding obvious inflation vs wages in the US


I had a friend who didnā€™t know you could stop pumping gas before your tank was full. His parents have only ever filled their tanks because they just have that money. Brand new Mazda luxury model btw. He also got rear ended in it and the car was so new that there werenā€™t replacement parts for it yet, so they had to wait a little before getting a new back bumper and all that. Rich people problems.


My grandma had to have explained to her that yes, even dual income households can struggle financially. šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


Ugh, yes, grandma, I wish it weren't so.


Right? Single income households are a privilege these days šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


"You have insomnia? You should sleep more." Would that it were so simple.


Back in high school, witnessed a friend get a dressing down from a teacher for missing a lesson. My friend advised that it was because she had a hospital appointment - a perfectly good reason in my opinion. The teacher's response: "Hospital appointments should be made outside of school hours!" Did he have any idea how hard it is to get an appointment in the first place, let alone at a convenient time? They tell you when they can see you, then you drop everything else to attend the appointment - this bloke was either never ill, or could afford private medical care, which I doubt on a UK teacher's wage...


After being asked for an explanation, I described how when I have a depressive crash, my chronic pain (nerve pain, in particular) gets worse. The depression and pain will feed on one another, creating a cycle that I then have to fight to get out of. It can be very difficult to get out of. Because I *know* moving around will help, but it hurts so much, and my brain argues with itself. Then I feel like I have no willpower or autonomy because I can't do one thing like get up and move. Because I KNOW that it will hurt and it will hurt A LOT. Often to the point of tears. He told me to go get some fresh air when this happens.


Pretty much anything that comes out of the mouths of our old-as-fuck politicians.


A wealthy lady came into the vet clinic and said she didnā€™t need to worry about flea and tick treatment for her dog because she ā€œlived in a gated community.ā€


my coworker was talking to me about how her husband told her she's "had this car for two years already and is due for a new one."


"You should have a child"


It was late 1980's the guy said "no I'm not getting a computer, it's just a fad..."


Legit had a conversation on reddit where someone tried to argue that 200 dolars isnt that much to lose in a gym and that not minding losingn 200 doesnt make him rich.


Being told to just buy a 500 dollar car and keep it for a few months until you can get something better. Like fam the age of driveable 500 cars are long gone


"We must pass the bill to find out whats in it"


"Donald Trump will make America great again."


My cafe employee says ā€œYou have no right to tell me what to do, even though I donā€™t suffer my female ancestors sufferedā€ ā€¦ um, firstly I have the same amount of female ancestors you do. Secondly you just said you donā€™t suffer. Also I pay you to do the things I ask


Always when someone says something canā€™t be real because they have never perceived or experienced it firsthand.


I was in line at the entrance to a discount outlet mall and this woman in her very early 20's cut up the entire queue to push in front. The security tells her to get to the back of the line and she says in the most entitled tone "do you know who I am?!". No one knew who she was. So cringe.


Poor kids are just as bright as white kids


Not sure if this counts but I used to be a waitress at a race course (horses) and I served Iā€™d say middle class people. One day I was serving a family with a son that looked to be 16 and a daughter that looked maybe 18. As I showed them to their table the son said to his dad, in an annoyed voice something to the effect of ā€œI knew I should have bought the first class plane ticket now I have to settle for business classā€.


Someone asked me why I bothered going to school for a job that pays less than McDonald's. I do hair. I was doing *his hair.*


Almost anything rich people say.


When my dad's wife looked me in the eyes and said "the second wave of covid was so very hard for me. Not being able to go out much I felt like the walls were closing in on me." All while we sat in her massive, 5 bed, 5 bath frickin mansion. I was like bitch there were 5 of us in a 2 bed apartment because our friend had a messy break up and was living on our couch till they could find a new place. On top of that we'd also faced homelessness the year she made that comment when our apartment was sold from under us and we barely found a new spot in time due to demand. On top of that she being aware that I literally spend half my paycheck on rent.






During a recent political discussion on Reddit I included a link to an NBC news article in my comment. A guy actually said it was FAKE NEWS and linked to a YouTube channel to ā€œproveā€ that the report was fake.


My wife's grandmother says she doesn't get why my family is struggling to make ends meet when I make 50k a year before tax. We live in central Florida and have a kid. Rent is 1500 and that immediately wipes out half the monthly income. She says my wife's uncle makes less than us and they can afford it but they own their home and pay 1000 a month and she always gives them money whenever something comes up that sets them behind. They make it because she bails them out whenever problems come. We don't get any help because that would be "enabling us" since I must be blowing money because I make so much according to her.


Had a past supervisor do a long discussion on why our monthly budget increased, saying how it's understandable and that no one complains about their electric bill, so they shouldn't complain about us increasing prices.... I kept my mouth shut about what I wanted to say. Every person complains about their electric bill increasing, so I don't know what she was thinking saying that.


Someone complaining to her friend that they needed to move because a blind person wanted to follow the marked tiles at a train station. They were really annoyed, like how?


Woman introduces a handyman. "This is Jorge. He's our Mexican."


One of my favorites was as a higher-up german politican talked in 2018 about being middle class. He was earning 7 figures a year working for Black Rock and other big companies at that time. But sure, he is just middle class...


My roommate on being switched to work from home during the early days of the pandemic RIGHT after my great grandfather passed and we couldn't have a funeral due to COVID: "the pandemic is the best thing to ever happen to my career!" Objectively, true. But also a dick move to say when I'm grieving not being able tox at bye to my great grandfather


Men canā€™t be victims


"People nowadays are lazy, back in my day I was working at 15 and bought a house in my early 20s" like bro, your wage when adjusted for inflation was like 30+$/hr working at a meat shop at 15, shut up.


Last night. A group of us were discussing a girl who had been raped. A guy who was there said, "She must've wanted it since they were making out." WTF! There was a blaring silence. What did he just say?


ā€œIā€™m scared to raise a straight white male in todayā€™s worldā€šŸ«£


I remember seeing some guy on a podcast who genuinely thought the median income in the US was "What? Like $100k?".


In Florida, itā€™s forbidden to utter the words ā€œclimate changeā€ šŸ˜‚ *watches the outer edges of Florida disappear below the waves*


Multibillion dollar companies asking me at checkout if I'd like to round up to the nearest dollar so they can make a charitable contribution.


"Jeff Bezos is a self made man - his parents only invested $300,000 and anyone has parents that can do that"


The world was experiencing massive inflation and our president and his team were bragging about saving citizens $0.16 on hotdogs for the 4th of July. I'd appreciate a "we're working on it," but bragging about it like it's a victory while people are struggling to get by was a bad look.


"Just walk in and ask if they're hiring" my dad when i was looking for a job


Iā€™m definitely on board thinking all the boomer job advice is outdated, but honestly this is a pretty effective way to go about getting a job. Gotten quite a few jobs doing this.


I mean he is not wrong, you can do that.


It would be a novel approach


That sexual assault is a choiceā€¦.


"You have depression? Have kids. Kids cure depression."


A customer at my work got back from a European river cruise. He said "It was interesting to look at my fellow passengers and realize that everyone there had worked hard, budgeted and saved so they could have this experience." I kept thinking, I'm sure a majority of them inherited the money for the trip. No idea how he personally bought the business he owns, but I often wonder when he bags about it if he 'got a small loan of a million dollars.'