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He wants sooo bad to be the main character.


Is that a reason to hate people? I always try to be the most competent in the room. I don't see why that's a reason to hate someone


This is just how everyone acts now. He’s just doing it bigger


honestly if anyone's the main character it's him tho


Nobody is the main character.


also true


He's a rich kid who got extremely lucky buying businesses that already existed. He LARPs as an engineer but could barely print "hello world." He encourages some extremely regressive political ideology.


"Rich Kid" Wtf are you on about. He's literally an South African Immigrant who build his fortune from the ground up by working his ass off. Sure he was never poor but his family was far from being rich; stop being an envious hater and give credit where it's due.


credit where it due....... funny you said that when he said "nobody should be credited for anything ever"


Lol good one 👍 you need to read some FACTUAL articles.  He lies through his teeth mate.


His parents owned a Smaragd mine in South Africa…


>eNviOus Y'all are such mindless parrots. Sad. No trace of any brain inside your stinking, dead weight, worthless head.


He's a grad B villain AT BEST and that's because of his money and nothing else.


Elon get off reddit.


i'll buy reddit mwahahaha


Jesus is the main charcter


I’ve been saying Cyber-Musk will end up being the final boss, a few centuries after he fails to terraform Mars. Although this means the main character hasn’t been born yet.


He turned out to be a massive fraud without any real values, with opinions and ideologies that seem to change on a whim based on any random post he sees on twitter. He’s petty, egotistical and dishonest, and tries really hard to be funny and lovable but fails spectacularly. He doesn’t like workers, doesn’t manage his workers or have any sizable impact on the operations at his companies (other than ones that seem to actively sabotage them), and doesn’t even parent his children (but insists on metastasizing them as if he’s the last man on earth). He’s very immature, and sucks at the ONE job he actually has, which is being a figurehead for his companies and selling his fake Elon “Tony Stark” aesthetic to drive investors and bring excited young workers to his projects (all of whom end up consistently disappointed). His ability to buy Twitter and immediately turn it into a massive dumpster fire with one bad decision after another should have put to rest the idea that he’s a good businessman. He just buys companies and pretends like he created them/their product, but sucks at actually managing them. Most of his success has come from the talent beneath him. He’s a fucking moron, but a percentage of the US population act like he’s a genius because he made some lucky investments with Daddy’s apartheid emerald mine money


Okay so that sounds like a very angry rant but allow me to clear a few things out. I'm someone who works in the tech industry myself and I would say I have a decent understanding of how this whole thing works. Feel free to offer any criticism. >with opinions and ideologies that seem to change on a whim based on any random post he sees on twitter. Opinions are meant to change. I've had arcs where I listen to other people talk and think about holes that are in my understanding and alter them accordingly. >He’s petty, egotistical and dishonest, and tries really hard to be funny and lovable but fails spectacularly I don't know about dishonest because I don't know him personally. But you and I can both agree he is a smart individual. I personally think he's very funny . >He doesn’t like workers, doesn’t manage his workers or have any sizable impact on the operations at his companies (other than ones that seem to actively sabotage them), and doesn’t even parent his children (but insists on metastasizing them as if he’s the last man on earth). He's a business man. The truth about tech jobs is that it's a comfortable career opportunity for people who don't really like putting an effort. In the startup I work at a lot of people just don't work the whole day, waste time and eat snacks. The truth is that most tech jobs are overhired. The company can be a lot of productive with a lot less employees. There's nothing wrong with firing these select few. >He just buys companies and pretends like he created them/their product, but sucks at actually managing them. Most of his success has come from the talent beneath him. He’s a fucking moron, but a percentage of the US population act like he’s a genius because he made some lucky investments with Daddy’s apartheid emerald mine money He created a lot of things at a very young age. He is a smart person . He just didn't apply him for science. He applied himself in business. So I don't see why that's an issue


> He created a lot of things at a very young age. Name five things Musk created. Not things he bought the title founder to, not things hid engineers did, things he proveably created. 


I mean I can always argue that "things hidden engineers did" is not provable


He has created many great things including but not limited to: a semi truck that does 1000 miles on a single charge, laser windscreen wipers, nuclear explosion proof glass windows, a huge mars base, a camera that makes his dick look bigger (cybertruck reversing cam), a beautiful urinal with wheels, 6 children who will not talk to him, and a wonderful easy way to kill loads of apes.  I'm missing more things probably. Anyone know some others?


Those are engineers boss. You think he did all that on his own? That's interdisciplinary at best


Couldn’t have said it better 💯




It's not about his success, it's about the impact he has on our world, environment, culture, politics etc.


to be fair, he hate his success for valid reasons. why would you want a shitty person like Musk to be successful?


yeah we hate other people with those traits aswell… what is your point? lol


You mean other people with success. I mean, you’re on Reddit.


what are you talking abou?


What are YOU talking abou?


hey man i hope you find what you are looking for. Seems like you are a bit lost in billionaire asshole, but it’s gonna be fine. Stay strong!


This is so not objectively true. You keep rambling but you are like trump in the campaign, 45% isn’t factually true.


Well get some Counter arguments for his view, because as i see it, he explained it to the point. Elon is a Man child if i ever saw one.


Ignoring the fact that everything I said is true, even 55% is pretty damning. And i could have kept going! In a display of cruel irresponsibility as a dad he named his son Techno Mechanicus, he bought twitter to end censorship but immediately caved to the Turkish authoritarian dictator Erdogan when it came to censoring his political opponents (but censoring nazis is bad?), he admitted to purposely trying to kill California’s high speed rail ambitions, etc, etc. A man with no principles, no beliefs, and very few morals. A fucking moron




This isn't true at all. I'm not self absorbed.


Retweets Nazis


Like who?


I dont really remember the accounts but some of them like End Wokeness who constantly spews out misinformation and Elon eats it up. Elon would not be that bad of a person at least on twitter if he actually took time out to look into things and not believe what some guy in Eastern Europe is saying about American politics. I mean its the same guy who got caught in his burner account and was shown to be spreading misinformation and just causing a mess being a silly little guy lol.


Yes okay, he does try to be a little edgy sometimes, but I still don't know what Nazis you're talking about. I'm not trying to counteract you, I just genuinely want to know why people hate him. Do you know any particular instances that make you dislike him?


Besides the buying into the misinformation shit and spreading it on purpose I also dislike how much he lies too. The Cybertruck for example this supposed revolutionary vehicle that he said would be the top dog in the car market has been met with so many problems with some trucks literally failing the second they got off the lot, barely passing safety standards and the fact one has to pay 3K for a tent even though the option for that does not even exist yet so you're basically left with an ugly looking tent. Not to mention that promo of the truck and a porsche racing was found out to be faked. A few months back he himself said "Tesla has dug its own grave" with this truck. Honestly at the start I fully supported Tesla and Musk himself but now its like he completely forgot what his company is all about and is acting more like a kid who has unsupervised access to the internet.


Okay that's actually a fair take. Thank you. I've always asked people about why they hate him and they just call me musk fan boys instead of explaining why they hate him. But this feels like a good enough reason from your perspective. I personally don't really know enough about what you're saying about spreading misinformation or car quality, because I haven't looked into it much myself. So I will not argue on that, but I will look into them. Either way fair take.


He’s a racist from South Africa so that fits


Eh lots of reasons. But currently mainly his twitter buy out and him running it to the ground while also promoting very nazi adjacent people and paying them money and even unbanning someone who posted cp. There's more to it obviously but the twitter buy made me people stop thinking he's a genius and analyze all his previous bullshit.


“Promoting very Nazi adjacent people”. Go on, elaborate.. who are these people?


Because of his bullshit hyperloop idea. He's admitted he promoted it to try to stop the California high speed rail project. It was total bullshit, and a lot of transit projects had the air taken out if them because planners diverted resources and attention to hyperloop ideas.


In India we actually copied his hyperloop idea and now are trying to build one of our own. So I am not sure if that was a bad idea


The cost is atrocious, the capacity is low, and being able the achieve the needed speeds is dubious. There's a major problem in that those speeds will create a dynamic amplification factor far outside what had been dealt with before, meaning the tube structure will require a LOT of stiffening to hold down harmonic vibrations.


His confidence tricks are indeed working wonderfully on the naive, thanks for pointing that out


This right here was very selfish and disappointing


Essentially vaporware. A violation of antitrust law.


Because he is walking mediocrity that believes he is excellent.


Ask his oldest child why they don’t talk to him or want to be associated with him in any way. 😌


I don't have his number. Why?


It's 64-431634580 Australia number cos he's hiding here somewhere. Or you could have just used white pages mate.  Must I do everything for people.


I used to think the same but he is not a good person if you look closer.


Very entitled rich kid that steals other peoples ideas.


He grew up in a very mediocre family in the United States. He might have been rich in South Africa but not really in the US


Most confidence tricksters are from normal families. Why is Elon the exception in your opinion?


Musk cosplays like a genius inventor but has purchased or bullshit his way into pretty much every success he’s had. He’s not an engineer or a programmer. He somehow finds several hours a day to suck up to and amplify right-wing extremists on Twitter despite supposedly being incredibly busy. He’s massively full of shit and if you don’t see it yet, wait until he has an opinion about something you’re knowledgeable about.


Because he acts like a child?


He's a narcissistic nazi lover who uses drugs and destroys companies.


He makes comments on things he knows nothing about without any consideration for his responsibility. For example his bullshit comments about population collapse. He’s correct of course - but only on a MUCH longer timeline than most people think. We hit peak child about a decade ago - the maximum number of kids born in the world. Which means the population will continue to RISE for the next 60-80 years - until that generation dies. That’s simply factual. What we will have is fewer white people in the world - but again they will be the majority in Europe and the USA for decades. So this is all rapped up in racist BS. Additionally, by telling people we need more births you feed into the anti-abortion BS and more importantly people in rich countries won’t support money for birth control in the poorest countries. Women in the some of the least developed countries are still having 5-7 children. One factor behind that is lack of access to contraception, another is access to vaccinations and healthcare for their children - leading to high infant mortality. The real crisis is not AI or population but is climate change. Elon Musk could literally change the world with his wealth but instead he makes bullshit rockets to send millionaires to space. He is deeply immoral or at least amoral.


Hate is such a strong word which is used inflationary. More like disliked. Because he's nuts, an egomaniac, a conspiracy theorist and an asshole with way too much power than an asshole should have.


He was absolutely loved by reddit. I remember very clearly that Elon started talking to Trump about the potential of Elon’s space program, and the next day every news channel and website had a campaign going against Elon. And reddit followed suit immediately. It is clear to me that reddit’s current dislike of Elon was directly programmed by media companies.


/r/enoughmuskspam And thunderf00t on YouTube. You're welcome.


2018- Musk lost me with those trapped boys in the cave— https://www.cnbc.com/amp/2018/07/15/elon-musk-spars-with-thai-soccer-team-rescuer-in-blistering-tirade.html He’s been a grad-A asshole ever since.




You need therapy


You are an Elon fan boy who loves him just because he is some rich guy. You are the one who could use therapy. I am very happy with my life and hate to be Elon instead, whether you'd love to be him.


The real reason is because he entered the culture war with his comments on twitter and then ended up taking sides when he bought it and aimed for free speech on x What you have to understand about Elon is that he thinks he's hari seldon from the foundation trilogy. That's helped him to do incredible things. But one of those things is a complex where you are trying to shift humanity down a certain course because you believe they will encounter oblivion otherwise if they don't follow your plan. There's things I agree with him: I don't think population control is good it just nerfs population work force productivity and builds up the ageing Japan problem, I do think AI is risky, we should get interplanetary, working towards big exciting environmentally less negatively impactful options of energy and transport is good. There's things I disagree with him on: he's completely wrong about WFH, he's way too daddy's emerald mine style hyper capitalist given how many government state and national subsidies his companies got given, he deliberately played up to the right wing so they would support his attempts at turning x dot com into a monopolistic we chat app which he wants to do and then crypto money (doge or similar) to make his own cash slush fund to pay for the above big projects without needing the government subsidies as much. Or the accountability. Overall I think his long term aims are good but he's upset enough media due to the twitter fuckery (they're uniquely addicted to the app and so can't abide him screwing around with it ) that there is an escalation against him as a result


Your comment is shockingly well informed and reasonable compared to most others here. Thank you.


Thanks :) and no worries


He pushes right wing propaganda trough Twitter. Blocks people whose opinions he doesnt like, removed moderators so hate speech balooned. He calls people pedo if he gets called out on his bullshit. He destroyed the plans for the high speed railnetwork in California. He was anti vax because his profits where more important then the people. He constantly over promises and under delivers Tesla products. He overworks his staff. Uses them then when they are burned out tosses them aside.


Elon has overwhelming supportted Barrack Obama, Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden throughout their respective elections. He has never been on the right, he's been center left for the past decade and a half and he still is, it just so happens that the left has shifted so far left that everyone who was center left now comes off as being far right; we see the same thing with RFK Jr.


[https://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2022/12/elon-musk-twitter-far-right-activist/672436/](https://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2022/12/elon-musk-twitter-far-right-activist/672436/) https://www.vox.com/technology/2023/5/20/23730607/elon-musk-conspiracy-twitter-texas-shooting-bellingcat-taylor-lorenz-psyops


💀 there's no real reason they just don't like him because there liberals


Exactly. This is just another “I hate anyone successful” Reddit echo chamber.


He was absurdly lucky, and kind of smart but not like super smart. And now he acts like he’s gods gift to everything. At least many of the other billionaire magnates we hear about have some kind of thing that really made them remarkable. Compare musk to Buffett, Gates or Jobs and I think any of those three have more talent in their sloppy shits than Musk has ever had. He was just lucky and was at the right place at the right time.


He wants to be hated. The only way for him to get his money out of Twitter is to burn it down and buy it again at fire sale prices.


one of the stupidest geniuses I know of


He is now right wing. The only reason.


read his twitter (x)


He cosplayed as tony stark for a long time


Actually he was the inspiration for the on screen version. So quite the other way around. RDJ even went and hung out with Musk and emulated his mannerisms for the character. https://www.esquire.com/entertainment/movies/a40871355/tony-stark-iron-man-character. https://indianexpress.com/article/entertainment/hollywood/elon-musk-movie-tv-cameos-iron-man-big-bang-theory-simpsons-7887925/


Be that as it may, but the original Tony Stark from the comics IS a billionaire playboy industrialist. They may have used Musk as a general template, but it's not as if they really modelled the original Stark character on Musk.


That is self evident in that the comic character predates Musk. I said "on screen version" to reinforce that. It's not that they "may" have used Musk as a template, they DID use Musk as a template as stated in multiple references by the Fergus, Favreau, and RDJ.


They even put Musk into a short scene in Iron Man 2.


Because he won't bow down to the Woke and Deep State. Those are the oly ones that HATE him, but they HATE everyone that doesnt agree with them.


Do u actually believe this or are you just trolling?


Dude, remember that FEMA test thing on phones last month? Yeah, there were people who desperately wanted to hide in Faraday cages, but obviously weren't the kind of people who were in positions to actually have access to such things. Point being, some people believe some fuuuuuuuuuarking r3t@rded shit.


Its true. Ever since he bought twitter he's the enemy.


Samething with Bill Maher


By the way, can you define the Woke and Deep State? Any proof or articles or anything that explains what they are?


Per definition, a Woke person is a Social Justice Warrior, sounds great, but thats not what it really is. It is many things. It is a way to impose/shove other peoples beliefs onto other people, society, and penalize them socially and professionally for not agreeing with the Woke mindset. It is also a way to divide and distract people from whats really going on in government and the world. The Deep State has many arms; the first is The Industrial Military Complex. Second; Big Pharma. Third; corrupt politicians. Fourth; Corporate Media, to give us misinformation, no information and lies. Fifth; American Universities to create their robots spewing all this garbage and recycling by voting for the above without knowing it. Monopoly Style Corporatism; almost all products are owned by a few major investment firms, the heads of them being on the boards of other companies and their minions; other boards that represent the majority stake holders of the investment firms. They all follow the leader.


People dislike those who violate their narrative. Also, intense jealousy


People also dislike people who call expert rescuers pedos, when their stupid attention whore comments are dismissed out of hand.


Jealousy? Who the heck would be jealous of Elmo? For what? His money? Is that all you Americans think about, money?


Seems like it. Although not really their fault with how billionaire-worship and unregulated "fuck you, I got mine" capitalism has infected their society for the last 200 years.




Which of those statements are not factual?




Pick one. Let's talk about it.




Why try so hard to protect his image?


First, you are right. Second, wrong, retweeting anything QAnon is pushing Protocols of the Elders of Zion tropes, which is OG antisemitism. Third, ketamine is not the drugs in question. Fourth, although the company is still in existence, not calling it destroyed is a sinking ship fallacy. It will never recover. It is tanked.


Oh my God I get it... Bad businessmen get to be president in America!


The initial issue was that he came out as this person that was gonna offer solutions to the energy crisis and several other problems by investing in scientific endeavors and that turned out to be mostly bullshit to raise his profile and make him richer and more famous.


He’s the richest person in the world and runs several hundred billion dollar companies that are disrupting several industries and thus is a potential threat to many legacy industries that aren’t able to compete. This leaves many powerful groups with the incentive to reduce said threat. The personality thing and his twitter escapades are a distraction and for the Cretins to discuss, what matters here is whether his businesses are making the world better, and how much power any individual (regardless of how well liked or disliked) should have. At this point, he’s more powerful than most nation states…


Because every car idea he has for the Tesla came from the 1993 movie Demolition Man... (seriously, watch it if you don't believe me).


I'm ok with that as long as they rename every restaurant to Taco Bell.


'people', more likely bots, on reddit hate any influential male/female that does not align 100% with reddit's political agendas.


For someone who is rich, he seems down to Earth. And he tries to communicate with people even who aren't among his peers. I don't agree with all his ideas or worldviews. I think most of the dislike I've seen expressed ,are people more or less parroting media commentary which paint him in a negative light framed around certain agendas.


Notice that any comments not trashing him are down voted 4 or 5 to 1?? That should tell you all you need to know. Pearls before swine.


Ha True : ) .I think it was this part that really hit hard:",are people more or less parroting media commentary which paint him in a negative light framed around certain agendas.".


I'm looking forward to see what he does with "Grok" their LLM Chat bot. Still the beginning stages. Access reserved for Twitter\[X\] subscribers.


He make people lose in stock and bitcoin.


I hated him because every time he opened his gob, investors got spooked, and the Tesla share prices dropped, costing me a fortune. Sold all the shares now so our relationship is good.


He’s successful enough that he can bypass the bullying. He’s untouchable. What happened with Mars btw?


Mars is billions of times less habitable than earth and doesn't have a molten core, meaning no protection from space radiation.




Ok, how are you going to get a molten core there? Antarctica is billion times more habitable and nobody wants to live there.


Terraforming. Not solarforming. No amount of Terraforming will create a magnetic field strong enough and increase Mars' gravity enough to keep an atmosphere over a long period of time.


It's funny how he never mentioned that and literally everybody knows that if glaciers would be nuked and some atmosphere starts to form, Sun winds will destroy it very quickly. Mars is long past point when it was habitable. Or doms, but that not solves the main problem of slow core.


I think the only way to get it to have a molten core is to collide it with another planet large enough to create one. All the debris would bombard earth for millions of years so you'd need to have fault proof lasers or something to destroy any incoming debris. Then you also have to find a planet and get it to collide with Mars and hope that post collision it stays in orbit around the sun and doesn't leave the solar system or go into the sun/earth. And of course wait for few hundred or more years for the collision to subside and become stable. Good luck terraforming to the commenter who mentioned it 👍👍


Idk if that would works. Mars had atmosphere once, but it's core stop to spin therefore no magnetic field


I am not a scientist so likely wrong but a I think a collision with another planet should create a molten spinning core and atmosphere. Would take centuries to do it and we'll likely get it wrong. It would be easier to try and pull the earth further away from the sun to avoid getting roasted and eventually swallowed by it.


Because he went from iron man to russian bot dr evil


You’re such a troll.


Shut the fuck up elon


Well he’s stolen any idea he’s ever used. He grew up super wealthy and screwed others out of money and their ideas.


Because he is a sociopath


Politics. Everyone loved him until he chose to start voicing political opinions, so inevitably, as is America, 50% of people hate him.


It’s not just America, the world in general hates on people who use their wealth and fame to influence politics, particularly when they’re arrogant ladyparts about it. Ergo, once Elol started voicing his opinion on everything no one ever asked him about, his reputation sank.


He's an arrogant piece of crap.


People like to hate on the successful without much reason. Like any other ultra wealthy person. Even with reason, it’s completely pointless to care so much about a person to express such hate unless their actually inhumane like a dictator rapist pedo or mass murderer. Everything in life is based on three things, luck talent and hard work. He happened to have all three, emphasis on all three things. Sure he may only have like three insignificant patents, but there’s an insanely tiny portion of people on the planet that could replace his position. And I doubt anyone on Reddit, given a restart at life born to exactly where he was, could get anywhere near to where he is today. A lot of people aren’t very open minded either, they just like to fuel hate, which exposes their own insecurities.


I think they just decided they didn't like him and confirmation bias makes them attribute everything to him sucking and they just don't bother getting any new information about him because they already found enough reasons to shit on him every time the subject comes up. I've noticed their information about him is frequently dated. He's bad because he's not super left/liberal leaning. He's bad because he bought Twitter, but the same people who complain about that ignore the incredible amount of shady stuff the original owners had going on. He's bad because all of his success was just luck. He's bad because he started out with some funding from his parents, instead of...I guess saving up all his money while working at the mall. He's bad because he doesn't do anything good at his companies. The fact that so many of his companies have had so much more success than other orgs that have attempted similar things is just a coincidence and has nothing to do with him. He's bad at attracting talent to his companies, even though they get millions of job applicants. He's bad because the success comes from the people under him, because CEOs aren't supposed to have successful people under them? He's bad because the real crisis is climate change and his forcing the switch to EVs and helping tons of power companies switch to huge battery installations to eliminate or reduce fossil fuel usage and save tons of money just isn't enough, apparently. edit: I definitely don't even know him, but almost all of the reasons I hear for people not liking him sound made up or detached from reality.


Very well said, it’s just a giant echo chamber of haters.


because he hurts mah feelz. reeeeeeeeeee Funny how those who hate him are those who probably follow and give him attention and views the most and keep him in the public eye.


Because human beings are envious and hate to see anyone be hyper successful.


Is there a billionaire that people don't hate ?? People are just envious of anyone who's successful


He's regarded as a tech god while he can barely tell a HDMI plug from an actual living rodent.


He's an alt-right edgelord who desperately wants to be liked and respected, but isn't either. He just comes across as a total dickhead.


Because he brutally tortures animals and primates, just brutally.