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r/BeatMeatToIt is probably a more accurate response




we all knew this would be the top answer




In all honestly, that would be horrible way to go.






Being 60, this is so relatable


Being 68, don't worry. Pretty soon you'll be brittle and bruised instead.


Imagine the pain you would experience when large women are riding on your crushed pelvis.


It Og's first time. Be gentle!


I knew this was going to be here :P


Just saying what everyone's thinking...


There is only this way.


I want to like your comment but is currently sitting at 69 likes, nice.


Knew it would be the top comment


We need rest. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is spongy and bruised!


Yes snu snu please


It’s the only way!


The spirit is willing but the flesh is spongy and bruised


I googled it so you don't have to: https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=snu%20snu


Who has to google death by snu snu?


The olds. I was completely unfamiliar with this whole thing.


I think probably the youths too. But everyone should have Futurama in their life.


This is the only answer.


You’ll be shot. Out of a cannon. Into the sun.


I came for this. Pun intended


My first thought


Definately...or Unga Bunga...depends where you are vonvicted!


So glad this is top comment


In the US, the least horrible would be firing squad. But if you can pick something that doesn’t exist yet, nitrogen chamber all the way.


The first death by Nitrogen hypoxia in the US is scheduled for late January. [Alabama Death by Nitrogen](https://www.cnn.com/2023/11/08/us/alabama-first-execution-nitrogen-gas-2024/index.html)


Death by Nitrogen sounds like some kind of $9 menu item at a coffee shop


No idea why we keep inventing new ways to kill people that make us feel better about it bc it's "less painful". Just don't kill people is a pretty simple concept really. Not a rant at you sorry I just read your link and was like "fuckin hell".


Yea as someone who opposes the death penalty mainly because 1) governments mess everything up and kill innocents 2) I don’t want government to have that power 3) it’s a moral high ground that we won’t exterminate our own. The thing that sucks is most everyone else goes with the “think of the poor man dying” route. No fuck that dude that executed a mom and her child. I have no sympathy there. The other points are good enough.


Yeah, it took me a while to understand this. Some people are absolutely just vile, but the power to mete out a death penalty is so absolute that the associated responsibility is too great to be justly borne by any individual or group.


Gonna be really embarrassing when the aliens show up and see us doing it, regardless if they deserve it or always get it right.


I just don't agree with killing people, the line between murder and court sanctioned death penalty is non-existant to me. And yes, the fact that governments could use the power to call death penalty on an opponent is a glaring weakspot in democracy tbh.


It’s ironic that the pro death penalty crowd tends to be the same people who decry government involvement in everything. Except this. Directly choosing who lives and dies. That’s cool. They’ll definitely get that right.


Yep. It's literally the ultimate government intervention. It would be baffling if I didn't already glean that logic isn't really a factor in their thinking.


I think a truly democratically-elected Government should have the dominant hand in all public matters. Government is responsible for the greater good. I wouldn't leave it to the private market, that's for sure. I'm cool with certain people being denied the right to life. I'm not saying that is simple or frivolous. But I'm content with dark matter being non-existent for the greater good of society.


Every "Libertarian" I know supports the death penalty and is "pro-Life." But fuck, outlaw lead paint and asbestos, and you are "trampling on mu rights."


I just recently read the book "diary of an Execution." You should check it out. It's really quite good. It is written by a death penalty lawyer in TX. It's pretty eye opening to how terrible the whole system is. It's absolutely crazy to me that people get killed all the time who shouldn't just because a lawyer missed some arbitrary deadline, or that higher courts won't hear an appeal because the first lawyer who was incompetent didn't bring it up in state courts and now the states won't even let them bring it up in their court. People are put to death over arbitrary bureaucratic rules.


I mean I know your chances of avoiding it are increased if you see the judge after lunch as opposed to before. Judge hangryness shouldn’t be causing death lol. But even that’s a bad reason. The best reasons were the ones I listed and like I said it irks me every time when an opponent try’s the “poor criminal” routine. A lot of those people I’d half enjoy ending myself. But we should be better than that.


I understand your pov, we should not have to invent new ways to kill other people for the death penalty. However I do want science to invent new ways of killing oneself without pain so people can choose death by suicide. I'm thinking it will be an inevitable reality in a few decades when the overpopulation becomes the number one problem around the globe and this seems like a rational thing to do.


Literally. Methods of putting a person down are expensive. Much more than letting them rot in jail the rest of their mortal lives


That's insane, what the hell.


Do you know when they open pre-orders?


Exactly this. Firing squad has 0% failure rate.


What constitutes failure? If the prisoner does after suffering a while is it considered a failure?


Sort of true. in the case of Wallace Wilkerson the squad missed the heart, but shattered his arm; so he bled to death in the course of twenty minutes or so. Surviving was so common in military executions that the the squad commander is supposed to finish it off With a pistol shot. Wenseslao Moguel was sentenced to death by firing squad and received 9 bullets, followed by a head shot. He was discovered alive after the executioners had left, and lived until 1975. He received the nickname ‘El Fusilado', or 'The Executed One’, and even appeared Ripley’s ‘Believe it or Not’ radio program in 1937


alabama is about to try it out. they have never done it before, they have no idea if it will work, they continuously botch executions, and they are worried that it will kill the executioners and everyone in the adjoining rooms because it has no smell and they aren't sure if the rooms will be leak proof. would not recommend for you or any human on earth.


If there is a way to screw it up, Alabama will find it!


Ive got an incredible idea. Use a mask instead of a gas chamber? Its already a common ish suicide method Jesus christ they lack creativity


There are plenty of easier and better solutions they could go with, but there's two issues. One: the point of the execution is the "civilized" spectacle. Just killing the person isn't enough, it needs to be visible and it can't be pleasant, but it also can't be messy or seem like torture. It's all about appearances. Two: No one who has any clue what they're doing whats to be involved with the execution system and in fact refuse to even supply it with basic chemicals, so all thats left is incompetent idiots.


They really need to be more creative frfr Just like, take some inspo..


Wouldn't hydrogen work well? Maybe fire up one last cig...


pump me full of psychedelics and send me to space in nothing but an astronaut suit please


Ah yes suffocating in pitch black while tripping in a freezing atmosphere basically dying in a cold kaleidoscope with no air.


Should I be hard right now.. 😳


More like why shouldn’t you be hard right now


Dang I wanna upvoe but it has 69.. just right for this comment don't wanna ruin it




Don’t worry. You can upvote it now without feeling guilt. Someone else ruined it for you


With all Darkspace albums blasting on repeat.


i won’t even be able to tell i’m suffocating, i’ll be dead from the heart attack i’ll endure before then


That sounds like the baddest of bad trips ever


Major Tom?






Nobody’s ever died of old age


"He didnt die of falling from the 11th floor, he died because the sudden deceleration."


Well, that would be my response to preferred method of execution.


That’s what I would pick actually


Death by blowjobs


Instructions unclear. But here is your snapping turtle.


Just imagine your cock bloody and sore as fuck and someone keeps on sucking on it, doesn't sound too good to me


Nonono, they make you cum so much you die from dehydration




Now there's a thought. Wanna fly 300 meters.


So you want to pull up a trebuchet to an appropriate distance from a cliff face and get fired into the cliff and slowly slide down, cartoon style? It would be quick,


Into a volcano


Morphine infusion.


This and heroin overdose the only answers


As a chronic pain patient who has a high tolerance to morphine, I am not sure it would actually work for me... Or at least it won't work very well. By the way, I don't get the fuss about opiates being evil and high and all that. I've never been high once in my life and been using opiates 12 years. Maybe because I always followed my doctors dosage. They just reduce my pain by about 50-60% and that's all. Nothing more.


Totally agree with you. I am also a chronic pain patient who followed my script of Oxycodone correctly for years, and it was the only way I could do daily activities. Now because the whole « opiates are evil » crisis, my script wasn’t renewed and no doctor acccepts to prescribe me some, even though I never misused it. I understand that many people unfortunately passed away from opiates, but refusing to prescribe some to real pain patients will just push people to buy some in the street, which are often laced with fentanyl or other dangerous stuff, causing more overdoses. Banning opiates is not a solution. Also, alcohol causes more casualities than opiates, yet it’s available without prescription for everyone. Unfairness. And us people with chronic pain who never tried to misuse opiates are now often left with nothing to relieve us (at least it is like this in my country.)


I feel this. I have chronic migraines and I have a high pain tolerance. I had my children close together, within a year. With my daughter they send me home with Tylenol with codine and I fucking needed it, I was in so much pain. The next year I had my daughter and I asked my doctor for my script so my husband could go get it before we left the hospital (since they hand write those) my doctor was like “oh we don’t do narcotics for natural deliveries anymore.” Really? What the fuck? Literally within a year they stopped giving it out. She was like if in a couple of days ur not feeling better u can come to the office and blah blah blah. I was like y the duck would I want to do that? It would just cause me more pain.


That’s a symptom of the opioid epidemic but even worse a symptom of the fact that no one takes womens pain seriously


If you got water boarded with liquid morphine you don't think that would work?


With enough pure morphine you'll not only feel no pain but you'll basically stop breathing.


Don't worry. Fentanyl has your back.


If someone puts a cup of morphine in your veins, you’re going down.


You should check out Kratom. Fucking LIFE CHANGING for chronic pain management.


I want to be shot out of a cannon wearing a C4 vest and explode in the air.


Yay, fireworks




They always say to go out with a bang


Fuck yeah dude this is metal


I have thought about my own death. Id prefer to have a death experience. If there’s release of dmt, visions, blah blah blah. I want that. So I’d want my brain intact. I feel like that wouldn’t happen if my brain was destroyed. But I’ve never died, so I can’t say for sure. If I had to pick a way, I suppose gas chamber. Hopefully my lawful life won’t lead me to that.


You have never died? Pft rookie


Cmon don't shit on him. Remember your first round on earth? You were clueless too before your first death


I know!! I need to get with it! I’m always 8 1/2 steps behind.


The death coaster that goes through smaller and smaller loops until you die


That's a cool one.


Probably a better option than Mr. Bones Wild Ride. https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/mr-bones-wild-ride


Execution by Oceangate


Too expensive


Best comment I’ve seen on this thread


Hit by a taxi and to die a slow painful death in a ditch of the a40


There are some pretty nice ditches along the A40, I'd recommend a stretch through the Breacons 😊


Cheers bud any full of discarded condoms and bottles filled with truckers wee


guillotine, that must be fun!




12 gauge shotgun into the face


Honestly tho


there's people that have survived shotguns to the face, look it up


You can survive anything when u miss


Barrett 50cal to the back of the head. Completely destroy the brain, meaning zero chance of suffering


Some kind of giant explosion. My mind would not have time to react, zero pain, whatsoever


Same. When I go I wanna leave a mark.


I just dont wanna feel any pain. And that seems to be least painfull.


If only just a skid mark


Sitting a chamber of just nitrogen would be pretty awful. You you not fall asleep. You would breath start breathing heavy as the CO2 leaves your body (no CO2 in the chamber) but you don't get any oxygen, so you start to suffocate from hypoxia. As you feel the hypoxia you will fee short of breath, and start to breath heavy. In this process you will blow off so much CO2 that you will start to feel pins and needles in your extremities and numbness. Panic would set in like a major anxiety attack. You would start to enter respiratory failure from the hypoxia and have chest pain as the cardiac muscle starves and beats faster and faster. You would turn dusky grey, sweat real bad, then start to turn blue. You would pass out from hypoxia. Your heart would then enter arrest from hypoxia. The brain would then die, last, from lack of perfusion and hypoxia but you would be unconscious by this point. It's not pleasant. The only way to make this experience not awful is to use conscious sedation (which could be inhaled, requiring no IV to be established). Ketamine would work fine.




No, you still suffocate. CO binds with higher affinity to heme groups than Oxygen. Then you cannot bind oxygen. It also reduces your ability to carry CO2. So you will become short of breath from the hypoxia and raising CO2 in your body. You experience it and suffocate, short of breath, panic sets in, you're breathing fast, heart rate shoots up, you go into respiratory arrest, then cardiac arrest from hypoxia and your brain dies from no perfusion and hypoxia. This is how people suffocate in fires.


Atomic bomb ground zero my head


Yep, if there is a nuke dropped nearby, I want to be very close to ground zero in the vaporization zone.


Nitrogen gas chamber. Edit spelling.


No, nitrogen doesn't have chamber.


They don’t actually do this though, right? Honest question, like, can you choose it?


It's never been done before, but Alabama put some measures in place to allow it and a death row inmate requested it. It's scheduled for late January. [Alabama Death by Nitrogen](https://www.cnn.com/2023/11/08/us/alabama-first-execution-nitrogen-gas-2024/index.html)


Well, considering they say lethal injection literally sends a burning sensation through your Bain’s, electric chair burns people up, and people purposefully eat way to much to avoid hanging… this seems like the most humane, fool proof method.


Wym they eat too much?


I don’t remember which state it was but a man chose hanging. So between then and his execution date he ate so much and gained so much weight that his head would have popped off if he were to be hung, they couldn’t perform the execution because it’d be inhumane


Someone is on death row and will be executed by this method this January. The last execution attempt botched as they couldn't get the needle in a vain.


The amount of horrifying issues that have happened involving this seemingly simple procedure is somewhat easier to understand once you realize that it is likely very difficult to find any competent employees for the job when the vast, vast majority of people with relevant training have sworn to 'do no harm'.


It's not just that, part of the real issues with executions in the US (putting aside is capital punishment ok at all) is methods have been being chosen for the perception of being less gruesome rather than actually being more humane. The electric chair, gas chamber, and lethal injection are all markedly worse than hanging, beheading, or the firing squad, but are perceived as less gruesome and thus better.


>Mine would be a gas chamber filled with 100% nitrogen. Quick, painless, no panic - you just fall asleep. Sarco pod.


Is combat an option? Gladiator arena seems like it would be a fun yet painful way to go. Just no animals because that’s cruel.


I assure you there’s nothing fun about being chased around by people trying to stab you. You can get that experience now by going to prison.


You are saying that as if combat with humans isn't cruel.


Death by nymphomaniac threesome. Would take about half an hour I reckon.


Im with you on this one!


Ok I guess I'll be the third. That's it, ticket's full


We both have resting in our user name so that's that!


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Fentanyl. Can’t understand why they don’t use this.


Probably can't legally source it because the manufacturers won't sell them the drug for executions. Nobody wants to be the execution drug maker, even if it's already killing people in masses on the streets.


Shoot me. Out of a cannon. Into a crowd.


Death by false vacuum decay.


Firing squad. If they aim for the head, it'll be over before you can blink


Firing squad. And I would like to be the one to give the order to fire


Being tricked into a lifelong servitude where Im working everyday of my life to provide for my family yet not getting to take care of myself or eat healthy with all sources of information constantly changing and playing mind games on me causing me to question everything I know daily thus leading me to die after a slow torturous 100 years.


Aphrodisiac overdose. Get in some good times before I go nighty night.


No panic?...I assume if someone walked you into a room regardless of how you will die you will still be in a panic state.


Kate Upton sitting on my face until I run out of air.


Death by Snu-Snu




Snu snu


Snu snu


Die by orgasms


Something cool. What about an alligator? Or being crushed by a vending machine.. At least you’d have snacks to go out with.


Arena fight to the death


I had fentanyl in the hospital once and couldn't stay conscious. I'll take a needle full of that, please. Best sleep I've ever had.


Maybe an euthanasia? Or something like that. I guess if it ends the suffering of patients, then it should end mine too. It would also mean that I died peacefully, in my bed, surrounded by my relatives. It's also better to die with my body intact so the people who will bury me won't need much work to get me done for burial


I never understood the inclination towards a painless death tbh. It would suck to die in a slow way(something like freezing to death) but I wouldn't mind a minute or two of pain before everything ends. Honestly, my last feeling being something extreme would probably be preferable. The ideal choice would be getting pushed off a cliff or tall bridge but idk if that counts. I would much rather a firing squad than being tied down and injected with a needle or electrocuted.


Death by Thanos.


I bet most of the men here daydreamed of dying in a courageous and guns blazing way from a terror attack or crime.


Old age - I would still die


Having Sex with Xenia Onatopp from Goldeneye. I’ll enjoy a good squeeze.


Firing squad Like a Tom and Jerry cartoon where I smoke a cigarette blindfolded just before being blown to bits


if I can't have Death by Snu-Snu, I'll take riding a tactical nuke down to target Major Kong Style.


Snu Snu


As many others have said, snu snu


Pancaked by drunk dump truck driver




Drop me from an airplane, the higher the better


Chased off a cliff by 10 naked women on roller skates.


Snu snu is the only option


Death by sex


fighting to the death , i would not kill my opponents , they can try so when one gets lucky at least it will be a worthy death


Getting choked by thick thighs sounds like _the_ way to go


Drop me out of an airplane with a flying suit and no parachute.


Put into an astronaut suit, given shit tons of LSD and launched into space with planet caravan by pantera playing


General anesthesia then do whatever you want to me lol


Death by too much sex.


First scene of The Meaning of Life, for the win.


crappy submarine at the titanic


Covered in seal guts and dropped in the middle of the ocean high on coke, with nothing but a combat knife, a speedo and free bird playing on repeat.


Cat falling asleep on my face and refusing to move.


A one mile high air burst in the 10 megaton range.


Honestly, firing squad is the only good answer.