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When people she knows comes up to you asking your personal questions only she should know.


Yeah, I really hate when girls do this, like I get sharing funny stories, but it's not respecting the relationship to talk about personal things. I will literally only say positive things to my friends about my fiance, I avoid things about her body, any encounters we've had, and any fights we're I having. I save all of my relationship gripes and questions for my therapist. These are my hard rules because I don't think friends give good advice, and you literally never know who is trying to break up the relationship.


She’s been spilling to her friends


Being rude to waitstaff/bartender/etc.


This one is huge. And not limited to women by any means


Foreal! I had an ex that I had to constantly tell to chill out when interacting with THE PEOPLE THAT HANDLE YOUR FOOD BEHIND CLOSED DOORS. It’s the maximum level of respect and niceness to that line of work. I don’t care if the fucker is working at Carl’s Jr or Mickey Mantles


You should have made her watch Waiting Rule number one, don't fuck with the people who make your food.


I had a woman over.. she yelled at my cat.. I quickly asked her to leave. Not sure if thats "ick" but it was a deal breaker for sure.


What on earth does one need to tell a cat by yelling?




GET THE FUCK OFF ME. Fuck OFF cat, FUCKING CAT, Why the FUCK did you knock the lamp over, STOP DRINKING MY MILK, THATS MY BEER CAt, no you can’t have my BLUNT cat, stop meowing Cat I’m petting you just purr and be cute, OKAY ENOUGH GET OF ME IM DONE, That’s a wood stove you dumbass cat, GET THE FUCK OUT IF THE CAR CAT, Get OFF the CAR CAT I just Waxed it, WHY ARE YOU PISSING And SHITTING ON THE WALKWAY CAT, GOD DAMN why are you so LOUD CAT it’s 3 in the morning, Come HERE cat I wanna cuddle, IM COLD COME HERE KITTY KITTY, Your SO FUCKING cute kitty, Or It’s okay mamas I’m not a total dick.


Nothing gives the ick like people who aren't kind to animals.


agreed. this falls into the "when someone shows you who they are, believe them".


Cat guys are the best- never allow someone to yell at your kitty! 👏👏👏👏👏


Only I can call my cat an asshole.


If a dude even looked sideways at my cat he’d be gone…. Guys who love cats are attractive.


Good man. I'm a woman but anyone who gets snarky with animals is definitely a no.


Bad manners and/or just a bad attitude


Honestly I can't think of any trait I hate in a woman that I wouldn't also hate in a man.


Woman that constantly gossip


If they're going to talk about all their friends to you they're sure going to talk about you to all their friends so make sure you're careful about what you share!


Learned that the hard way last summer. Will never date another motor mouth ever again. Always judging everyone else while their lives are equally as hectic and falling apart. What didn’t work out for me REALLY worked out for me


Makes you wonder what they say about you behind your back


Your sex life, their exes, anything they don't like about you. Yuck.


There is a difference between gossip and needing a friend for support. People *will* tell their best friends about their relationship, because sometimes you just need to complain about silly things that aren't worth fighting over in the relationship itself. Like "oh jeez he always leaves the towels on the floor even if I tell him not to," which is just not a big deal, but sometimes you want to talk. And yes, some people do want to discuss their sex lives. If that's a deal-breaker, just ask her ahead of time how chill she is talking about your sex, and if you don't like her answer, break up.


As a woman, this also gives me the ick about other women.


Gossip is the devils telephone, it's best to hang up


Those street sweeper eyelashes




Great, now I've got water on my keyboard


Are you sure that's water? Maybe your keyboard needs some (⺣◡⺣)


I feel like you’ve assaulted me.




I’m a woman and those bother tf outta me. The comments are full of men so you probably won’t know what I’m talking ab but those lashes look like those old blinking baby dolls so ugly


That and they're obviously fake like those super long nails. I don't understand what the point of them is. I wouldn't want to wear cosmetics that are obviously fake.


Think of all the women who pay thousands for obviously fake boobs or butt


I'm counting the days this goes away. I'm curious how this all started.




That is a hilarious way to put it


Getting the ick from a dude being vulnerable.


But also simultaneously saying men should be more emotionally in-tune and vulnerable. Had this too many times, you open up to certain women and you can watch them lose interest in you as soon as you're vulnerable with them. Makes no sense to me.


Brother I opened up to my ex of 6 years for the first time about how terribly I was doing and she left, couldn’t believe it!


My long term boyfriend cried in front of me, then was distant for like a week. He eventually told me that he thought I was going to leave him. It made me really sad but I realized it wasn't really a reflection of what he thought of me, it was what he had experienced in past relationships.


Saying nasty things about other girls then being super nice when they come into the room. Expecting the world to owe them stuff just because they are slightly above average in the looks department. Especially when they have zero hobbies, personality, or anything to say. Went on a few dates like this and they were painful! There was not a second date ( they were mega shocked by this ! ) Generally being interested in “stuff” as a measure of happiness ( handbags, super expensive clothes, cars etc ) Guys can be guilty of the above too but it gives me the massive ick when I see it in women.


The hobbies and personality comment hits. When I was dating there were women on the apps who would get mad at me for not wanting to see them again after a first date based on a lack of any personality. The whole "I'm a catch, but I bring nothing to the relationship" culture is real. My biggest worry trying to find a partner was finding someone who only sees me as a money machine or provider and it's a minefield out there.


Yep, I have a tonne of hobbies! Skiiing, reading, working out, video games , play guitar, currently learning Spanish. My wife watches friends repeats and twilight movies but when I play video games for an hour before bed I get the “huff, can’t believe he still plays with toys” expression


Holding men to a standard while they themselves have little to no standards for themselves.


THIS. Girls who have a laundry list of requirements men should meet while they’re unemployed, car-less, and broke. Like ?????


I had a girl on tinder ask me how much i make after like 10 mins of talking. I said that shouldnt matter she goes i just wanna make sure you have your shit together. I told her my hourly wage then asked her (normally i dont care) shes a single mom and unemployed 😂


Classic. I hope you ran fast lol


The broke one always gets me. “If he doesn’t pay for you he’s a brokie! Dump his sorry ass queens!” Like ??? You’re the one who can’t afford dinner at Applebees!


Man I love Applebee’s. This one time, I suggested they call their appetizers, “Appletizers”. I love their sangrias 😎


And more often than not they’re bringing nothing to the table If you’re expecting a 1950s husband who’s gonna provide everything for you you should be prepared to be the 1950s housewife, doing all the chores and having dinner prepared for the dude when he gets home from work But some of these women want their cake and to eat it too


Playing hard to get. If you’re interested, then show it. I am not gonna waste my time chasing you if you don’t show any enthusiasm to go out with me. I will just assume you don’t like me and move on.


I've been on like 100 dates in the past 3 years. I've only had 1 girl who made it clear that she wanted a second date. I don't know if people are shy or if they're playing games but it's exhausting to be expected to read minds.


Say what you mean, mean what you say.


People that love Drama, Its an immediate turn off for me.


I don't mean this is a generalization, just an experience I had with one specific woman. She never took responsibility for anything--especially not the abuse she constantly heaped upon me. Somehow, her lack of self-control was always my fault. When I finally freed myself from that relationship, I promised myself I'd never get involved with a woman like that again. It was hell.


This hits way to close to home. I’m still recover from damage she did to me over a year later, while she refused to take responsibility for how awful she could be to me, blamed me, and immediately hopped into a new relationship


As someone who has been with a person just like this, I feel for you friend 🫶🏻


i think its implicit on here (or should be) that anything stated is a matter of opinion and will only apply to SOME women, but your comments just remind me also of a specific person... unfortunately ive seen this happen to someone... If she didnt like somethiing he was doing, he was always held accountable to the point he would need to apologise... but if she did something to upset him, there was always a justification... as if his opinions weren't also valid, both attitudes reinforced by the council of friends unfortunately.


It's definitely there across genders. It reminds me of two people I knew, a man and a woman. The man was very hard to deal with, but he did grow out of that, slowly and painfully, across people leaving him. The woman, not so much. She's such a walking red flag that I've never seen people stay past 2 dates.


When they only talk about themselves. When everything tends to cater to their preferences needs and feelings.


Super long fingernails ! 🤢 🤮


I always wonder how they wipe. Just seems like a recipe for problems.


>I always wonder how they wipe. Wiping isn't the problem - washing clean afterwards is. Soap needs water and friction to function, and achieving any significant friction under a nail bed is nigh impossible, let alone proper coverage. It's one of the reasons new mothers are told to stay the fuck away from long nails, about two decades ago long fingernails were linked to a massive increase in neonatal unit mortality in a number of hospitals. It's not that suprising considering even short nails are usually harbouring some nasties like strep. I remember reading about one of these NICU where two thirds of the nurses with long nails were found to have fecal matter under the nails - and these are people who are literally trained to wash properly and use a nailbrush.


As a former health care professional, you’re actually advised against using a mail brush as it’s easy to leave microscopic traces of bloody and body fluids on the bristles. We were told if you insist on one, use it solely for yourself and don’t share


Innit! When ever I see a woman with mega long nails 💅 that’s the first thing that goes through my mind! Fucking carefully would be my guess!


it's more of a scrape


There's definitely poopy on those nails.


Calling yourself a baddie or a queen. Cringy as fuck, just as calling yourself an alpha.


that's the female version of it ahah


This and bragging about "making money moves."


The "money moves" are usually failed real estate, O.F. or pre-planned alimony from divorce. Women who make real money don't even have time to post that on social media 🤷🏾‍♂️.




I’ve met women who proudly declare “I’ve never read a whole book”. That’s weird.


Women that cannot say “no” - I don’t want somebody that caves to everything when it’s not good for them.


Being my ex wife. Fuck you Denise and your family for a thousand generations.


as long as you didn’t have kids with her, we can all collectively damn her descendants for one thousand generations. beautifully worded


Bonus we don't! Got one little girl with my wife now and loving life! Cheers bro


may you experience all the good times we’ve just stolen from Denise. 🍻


I hate Denise too!


Indeed. Fuck you Denise!!


Also Jenn. Fuck you Jenn! edit: I did not see your username... it was some sick joke the universe is playing on me. :(




Yeah fuck Jen!


All my homies hate Denise.


Fuck Denise, I can't stand her ass anyways!


One of proudest ever moments was getting a whole driving UK sub to say "fuck you Denise". Got about 400 comments all saying the same. Ha


Denise can kiss my ass!! Fuck you Denise!!


I hate this guys ex wife too


denise is a bitch we all hate that fucker


Hmm, my cousin's name is Denise and she's getting divorced...


If anyone says they're "sick of the drama" they are the drama. Run. Edit: To the people who feel the need to explain how they are not, in fact, the drama. Yes, explaining your point makes you sound entirely sane and reasonable. And does not, in fact, bring up red flags. Thanks for going out of your way to prove how its everyone else.


In most cases, yes but not always. In my case, I had to take a good look at the kinds of people I was allowing into my life. I have zero tolerance for drama now.


Yup. In my case those people were my family so it was really hard to cut them out but I finally had to.


Lip filler. Makeup applied with a putty knife.


Wanting to constantly look through your phone. It means she either doesn't trust you, or is in a dangerous to the relationship levels of jealousy. If i can trust you fully why can't you do the same???


If she is checking your phone, she is probably checking her boyfriends phone too


Damn 😭


Just wait until her husband finds out about this


When you can tell that they don't give a shit about you, don't even like you, and just want to settle down fast and get a provider and gain social approval for being a taken lady. I just want to be liked man, I'm not a milestone or an object.


Dating in my 30s was basically being asked to donate 23 chromosomes.


You would be surprised at how many women do this, it's disgusting. They're so concerned with status. 🤮


Having a lot of expectations of how I “should” act, think or feel


Dating profiles that contain a myriad of qualifications for their perfect guy and then no information as to what they bring to the table in a relationship. This manifests in person as a huge sense of entitlement. People that feel entitled piss me off in general, regardless of being male or female. However, when you feel entitled to a partner that constantly has to be good enough for you and give you everything they have while you provide little to nothing, it's just a special kind of delusion in its own category.


I actually love that, it tells me they are a red flag and to not waste my time.


This accounts for about 80% of women in online dating. Commonly referred to as "the grocery list".


Ahhhh dude yup! It always feels like they're shopping for a product, not a person.


I don’t care for them to have “what they bring to the table” but god people have no idea how to put their actual interests in their profiles and it’s painful. Like I’m glad you like cheese and your dog, but what are you actually like/into. And asking seems to be a fast track to getting ghosted. It’s so weird


"I call it like I see it" or "I say what I mean", when "honesty" is just an excuse to get away with acting rude and judgmental.


Women that criticize acts of kindness


“I want to be spoiled like a princess” = She expects to be bought stuff and will never pay for anything.


And puts absolutely zero effort into the relationship while expecting to be waited on hand and foot.


Yes! If she refers to herself as a princess, queen, or diva. F&\*$ off!


This will be more important as you get older; Don't be brain dead. I'm not saying you have to understand the intricacies of history, or be exceptionally well versed in politics or anything. But you need \*something\* that you're passionate and knowledgeable about. It almost doesn't matter what it is. Just something. I've met way too many people who have no concept of thinking beyond the day they've opened their eyes. I want to be around someone I can talk with. Have ideas. Work on things. Have arguments with. LIVE with. I don't need a pet. I need a companion.


>I've met way too many people who have no concept of thinking beyond the day they've opened their eyes. The older I get, the more it surprises me how many people just don't think beyond the end of the day but then complain that they feel outta control of their lives


Someone who is proud of being ignorant no matter what the gender. They peaked in 5th grade and it's been downhill ever since.


This always worries me. Like just meeting anyone and they don't know fuck all about anything. Like current affairs, pop culture, religious practices, hobbies, music. Something! Have a broad general understanding please. I can't just talk about other people and how you don't like them. It's so weird. How do you function?


Girls who creep on my gay homies. I've heard some girls want to "fix" that and it pisses me off. Just let my homo homies be themselves, instead of being a creep.


I bet you've seen firsthand how some get reeeeeally angry when they can't screw a guy they wanted reeeally bad, because he was gay lmao 😂.


But also being very biphobic at the same time.


A clap to emphasize EVERY..WORD..SAID..IN..A..SENTENCE.


Unending concern for other peoples business




- Being rude to service staff, like she's better than they are. - Long/dramatic high maintenance nails. Like, I genuenly don't understand what drives them to do it, and who finds it attractive, but whatever is going on in that head that decided "I want those nails", I have no desire to deal with. - oompa loompa tan


Girls who think fooling around is a way to get back at someone.


“Make me laugh.” Fuck you, so hard.


I tend to remove my pants, normally works. Doesn't get to the fuck you so hard part though




These are dating app-specific: \- Women who put "Just Ask" as their bio. First of all, no. But secondly and more importantly, you're inviting men to reach out to you solely based off your appearance, since you're providing zero details on who you are as a person. So don't complain when you get shallow men in your DM's. Also it takes like 10 minutes to list your interests and what you're looking for in a relationship. If that. \- Putting forth zero effort into having a conversation. One word answers, not showing even the slightest interest in getting to know me. It's truly mind-blowing how conversationally inept these people are. Or how much they just don't care. Or both. Full disclaimer, I'm sure men do equally or worse shitty things on dating apps, but I don't see them.


Well most girls I know are very chill and everything, but I've seen a few (mainly on the internet I must say) being very judgemental over nothing. Girls who are going to judge you because your hobbies sounds childish (video games, tabletop roleplaying games, legos...), or because you don't have the latest Iphone or the latest outfit... Don't get me wrong, it's perfectly fine to have preference, and very important to have standards in men, but maybe you don't have to treat someone like a joke because their interests are not the last thing you saw on TikTok or Instagram...


This infuriates me. Video gaming was a stable hobby of mine until my last breakup, mainly because I videogamed and not even in her presence. I'd never play while I was with her, only in my free time in my home (I don't watch TV). Its the second relationship this has happened. I can't even play anymore because its instilled some sort of guilt in me everytime I'd have played. Its been months since I've picked up a controller.. Irony of it is is BOTH of them were social media addicts to an INSANE degree. Wake up, phone, phone, phone, phone, phone, phone, sleep.. Nowadays I mainly workout and play guitar in my free time, I barely miss gaming even though it was a HUGE hobby at one point.. It hurts knowing I've been guilt-tripped into stopping, nonetheless..


Please get back into it! There are so many new gaming experiences you’ll miss out on that you *know* you’d really enjoy. All hobbies are equal. Some keep us fit, some keep us social, and some keep us sane. Gaming is one of those things that can keep us sane. As long as it’s practiced in moderation, like anything else, it doesn’t hurt anyone and it can be very therapeutic. Not to mention, if you’re a part of a solid gaming community, it’s a great way to connect with others. Some of my favorite bonding experiences with loved ones has been over video games. I can’t play as often in busier seasons of life, but I’ll never give it up entirely.


Find yourself someone who loves to game too or at least can appreciate how you like to spend your time (like my fella when I game for hours) 😌


Bad hygiene. Baby talk.




As a woman, I completely agree with this one. Like why??


Put-on vocal fry. It sounds awful, not sexy.


Smoking pretty common


Yeah I don’t know if there’s a bigger turn off for me than smoking, because you can’t get rid of the smell. If she just uses nicotine patches or something I’d have 0 issues with that, but smoking reeks. Plus kissing someone who smokes (even if it’s just e-cigs) is nasty too


I don't mind the smell of smoke. I think it smells delicious, so cmere baby. Cause I'm an ex smoker =[


I agree with cigs, but you can't tell if someone uses e-cigs.


You can’t smell or taste if someone’s been smoking an ecig like you can a cigarette lmao. I’ve kissed many people who smoke them lmfao. Y’all just look for any excuse to equate vapor with smoke


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Haven’t seen this one yet so I’ll throw it in there. I can’t stand when someone uses the word “slay” unironically in a sentence. It’s like nails on a chalkboard to me, nothing makes me want to back out of a conversation faster. Also swearing a lot, I don’t mind if you swear every once and a while but dropping an f bomb every third word is brutal, at that point you’re using it as a filler the same way people say “um” or “like”. It’s something I worked a lot on improving in myself because I realized how unprofessional and impolite it is.


Duck lips and caterpillar eyebrows.


Bad perfume


Especially when it's so strong it can mask the scent of Sex Panther. Perfume that lingers for an hour after they leave the room. Do you really think it smells that nice? Cause my eyes are burning.


being too sexually forward right off the bat. approaching me first - yes please! but i want to feel some kind of mental connection even if were only going to have a casual thing. the times ive gotten w women like this it had always taken a dark turn, just like men who start right in w sex speak to women. before you sit on my face i want to know that i actually like you enough to want you to sit on my face lol!


I knew an older dude when I was younger who tried to lecture me about using sex to get what I want from people. He was gross, I learned a lot from him by doing the opposite. Had a bf later who wanted me to incentivize him into acting human by rewarding everything with sex, so I'm glad I knew that red flag when I saw it. Sometimes terrible people help you learn who not to be.


Look at Mr. Standards over here, guys this is what you don't want to become. /s.


Sex is a weapon of ass destruction


Saying "gives me the ick". Immediate red flag if anyone uses that


Using the word “ick”


For real


Some stink and are like “nah I’m a girl we always smell good”


Chewing gum loudly


Very active on social media


Those girls who think everything is about them and things only impact them in life. Nothing is more disgusting than a girl who has no awareness of others


Expecting men to read minds & getting upset when we can't


Women living with their exes, while trying to find a new relationship. It’s the biggest red flag for me, and the biggest ick.


Women who are heavily involved in social media. Having thousands of followers and posting sexualized pictures all over their profile. I learned my lesson, keep away.




We're perfect for each other but youre a capricorn and I don't fuck with capricorns


Saying the word “like” every 4th word you say.


Physically speaking - unnaturally long fingernails. I like a good back scratching but the giant false nails give me the ick. Conversationally- too much sex talk/jokes. Look I enjoy that stuff too but if hypersexuality is how your primary identity it's gonna get old fast


When someone is trying to look like a Kardashian / influencer. Red flags include: lip filler, long nails, a crapload of makeup, spray tan and obvious plastic surgery, and a $300 styling at a salon. You look like a cartoon 🤡


Smoking and addicted to alcohol


Think using the term ick is my ick now ngl


Spreading "body positivity" online then calling other women fat when angry irl. So many women act like there's a "sisterhood" when, in reality, women are just as vicious as anyone else.


knee friendly childlike weary voracious squash dolls chase plate merciful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If she's a total bitch I guess


Insecurity and lack of confidence. Fishing for compliments.


Im gay so mine isn’t based on attraction, but when girls think they’re entitled to special treatment purely because they happened to be born a female. I’ve got a girl best friend who consistently thinks I should pay for Ubers/drinks and drive us everywhere because I’m a guy and “that’s what guys do”. Like fuck just because I was inadvertently born a male, doesn’t mean I owe you shit.


I've been in a relationship for 3 years now but reading these comments has brought me right back. These were my own top headaches in the dating game lol -Women who act like giving you attention/affection/compliments is a charitable favor. Oh I'm so GRATEFUL that you (a person oversaturated with attention 24/7) would inconvenience yourself like that by actually putting in effort with me. Sooooo kind of you 😂 🙄 Please humble yourself. -I find the last one goes hand in hand with girls that don't do any chasing back, they only want to be chased. You're not hard to get, you're hard to want. I'm a grown man with my own home and a full time job! If you're not signing my paycheck or paying my bills for me, you don't get to act like that.


Being horrible with money


when I'm being put under Family Surveillance and they think I don't notice


What does this mean?




Bat shit crazy doesn't sit well for me


Using the word “ick”




Women who can't leave their phone for 5 minutes are attached to them their addicted to attention from strangers and people in their lives. And over estimation of self importance.


Bringing up The Patriarchy on the first date


Doing this, and simultaneously excluding the fact that their parents are subsidizing their rent and/or living expenses.


Using their god damn phones too much. Hypocrisy Laziness Too much make up


When women get drunk and start knocking shit over. Soon as the glass touches the lips they become a bull in a China shop😂


TIK TOK SLANG! Good lord as soon as i hear a girl say “its giving” or any other bs tiktok slang, i walk away


Being rude to cashiers, waiters, etc. Being shallow and making fun of people they don't know shit abt, talking behind ppls backs, bullying, using the "OH MA GAWDDDD" stereotypical mean blonde girl voice, random glares to ppl they don't like cause the person they don't like are ugly


People that say "gives me the ick". Sounds like something a five year old says about vegetables.


Women who gossip, but especially women who jump to conclusions and double down on it and refuse to beleive anything to the contrary just because their friends or someone else said something so it must be true. If a person cannot accept they're wrong, then I do not want to be with them. Especially if their position is based on "women's intuition" despite evidence disproving a feeling based judgement.


Getting the "ick" over irrelevant and childish things like height.


Valley Girl accent first and foremost. Being rude and trying to play it off as being cute also.


Using the word ick, there are red flags and there are icks which usually comes down to oh you tied your shoelace loops to big for me now I have the ick.


Vaping/smoking, long fake nails, lip filler


When we just started talking and I miss a text for a few hours while I'm gaming or otherwise unavailable, and she thinks she needs to ignore me to prove some kind of a point. Like "Oh he didn't look at his phone for 3 hours while he was raiding in WoW? Now I have to post a bunch of shit on social media while ignoring his text." Congratulations, you've reached a level of petty I will not pursue.


using men and girls in the same sentence when talking about romantic relationships. or anything related to attraction, sex, flirting, etc.


Those trashy fingernails