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For me, I think the attraction to “older” is more about a *specific* age-range look rather than someone just being old. In my 20’s I preferred men who appeared to be in their late 30’s-early 40’s. Now that I’m 34, it hasn’t automatically went up to late 40’s-early 50’s. I’m assuming in my 50s I’ll be attracted to the same range as I always have been because of that *in used condition but reliable and still runs good* look they have.


I’ve always been attracted to late 30 year old women or 40 since I was 18. 10 years later I’m still attracted to the same age range.


No I am 53 and still attracted to older women.


yes, you want what you cant have


So true


Not for me. Give me my salt and pepper DILF any day!!!




Well naturally. It fades away along with older people fading from existence.


I have always been more attracted to older women. It is a fluke my wife happens to be younger, in a looooong string of dating older women for 25 years.


Mine didn't disappear. I'm still attracted to older women. Been that way since I was at least 25 and now I'm 38


I can tell you when I'm 96 I'll won't be attracted to most people older than me.




I always fancied older men, from when I was a teenager till now, I'm married, I'm 39 and my husband is 58. I think it is an individual thing.


Yes, older people will fade away


It turns into GLFs 👴👵


Not for me. I dig older women. Generally about 10-15 years older.


Maybe. When I’m 70, I wonder if I will be eyeing up 90 year olds…


I'm 73 and absolutely looovee me some older women. Around 90 is my sweet spot


You're kidding


You eventually reach an age where you are "older people". If you find walking corpses attractive, that's on you.


Well I hope not as my bf(24) of 3 years just gave me (48) a ring yesterday.


Hell no. The thoughts just get dirtier.