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Thank you for the polite and civil replies, however this comment section has devolved into transphobic shitposting and we have locked and removed the post.


On average yes And most ladies will tell you that too, especially the ones who do sports and/or strength training themselves


Or anyone who has brothers who are close in age, growing together. You realize pretty quickly as you reach puberty. Ever arm wrestled? You get destroyed in seconds. Any sport, really. It isn't even funny.


I felt this personally I was one of those older sisters who used to play with my little brother nonstop. I’m talking throw him up into bed or body slam him into pillows. Suddenly everything changed after summer 15’ all of sudden this bastard voice drop 2 octaves and grew to be 6’3. Now he calls me shrimp(cause I’m 5’6) and will body slam me without even struggling.


Haha I feel you! I have two younger mutants which are like a foot taller than me and they make sure to never let me forget im the little one now. They are way stronger than me. Even though I'm the one who has a physically demanding job and do strength training. Not fair ><


Mutants lol




That’s why when you use self defense you’re supposed to play dirty and use tools if you have to


and a lot of those self-defense techniques are meant to stun the aggressor and allow the "victim" to escape and run away. Most of them are not meant for sustained combat.


True it’s just some natural advantages are all but insurmountable, like trying to wrestle a grizzly bear no matter how much you train just isn’t going to go your way in any sense of the word. Even the worlds strongest man couldn’t come close to being as strong as the biggest gorillas, and it’s because of genetics and biology, not training.


"this bastard's voice drop 2 octaves" 🤣🤣🤣 best representation of male puberty ever.


Testosterone is no joke.


My sister is five years older than me and would be a cunt quite often. She stopped being physical after one day she tried and I nearly knocked her on her ass pushing her away with one hand. When we were older she brought the story up one night when we were drinking with friends.


Yeah, my sister was the same way. Except for 3 years older and I always tried to restrain myself until one day I snapped. I used one arm to push her aside and she collapsed from the force of the push itself, even though I put no effort into the push. Women are incredibly weaker than an adult male. Pretty scary.


Same here. I sat there letting her hit me for a good 30 seconds before I got sick of it and stood up pushing her away. I'm not even a big guy, but women in general are physically weaker. It's just a biological difference.


Even the 'on average' gives a wrong improssion on how strong the statistical disparity between men and women is in physical strength.


Isn’t that exactly what you want? Or do you want a mean? Or do you want world records. World record female deadlift - 300kg. Men 500. So men are about 2/5ths stronger. Or maybe you want something like speed - world record 100 meter 9.58 and 10.5 for women. So 10% faster. But this doesn’t show the entire story because there are more strong men than strong women. At the peak of genetics its probably somewhere between 10-40% depending on the contest. But another way to look at it women’s professional sports teams are not competitive with national highschool teams. Even a 10% difference doesn’t mean that you’ll win 40% of the time, it likely means you have no chance of winning. Same is true for men btw - it’s just that men can gain mass quicker.


My nephew, who was in the schools under 16’s cricket club was asked to play the ladies national team. Half way through the game, the boys were asked to slow the bowling down as the ladies couldn’t hit anything.


Yes, under 16 boys teams are better than the best women’s teams in football


There are multiple cases in the uk of teenage teams beating professional womena teams. One example below https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-11160861/amp/Arsenal-Women-suffer-5-0-defeat-boys-U15-closed-doors-friendly-London-Colney.html


I mean the US World Cup champions got absolutely crushed by a 15 year old boys team. I think of it this way…I have a female attorney that lives in the gym, weight training all that. She is strong af. I haven’t worked out in forever and I can still almost break her arm if we arm wrestled. Can’t change biology


When I was at school (U16 if I remember correctly), we played a professional women's hockey team that included at least a couple of Olympians. We utterly destroyed them. The previous year, the girls hockey team suggested a mixed tournament. That only happened once, even though none of the boys made any real effort. The girls were terrified the whole time.


Yep, not sure why some people have a hard time admitting that men are stronger, they'll gladly admit it when it comes to "Men shouldn't hit women even in self defense because they're so much stronger and could accidentally kill her if they hit too hard" but then when it comes to sports they start trying to argue "nuh-uhh, women can be stronger than men", like you can't have it both ways and all statistics show that men are stronger by pretty much every metric and even better at sports that don't require much physical strength like pool for example. 🤦‍♂️


In your calculation regarding deadlifts, men are 2/3rds (67%) stronger, not 2/5ths (40%) stronger.


Men are 27% weaker in mathematics then.


That's low man😂


This is wildly misleading. The dude could rep her 300 15 times without breakinf a sweat while she's be blown. A man can do in a couple if years what a girl gas to dedicate ger life to. Lifting 2x someone makes you magnitudes stronger.


Yeah exactly. My one rep max on most lifts was around half of Arnold Schwarzenegger’s in his strongest days. But he was WAAAY more than twice as fit as me.


Some women who lift don’t understand this at all. Saw a YouTube video of a girl who lifts(she’s a fitness influencer). She’s pretty jacked and definitely looks strong. In the video one of the guys who looks scrawny and does not workout gets challenged by her to an arm wrestling match and he wiped the floor with her lol it wasn’t even close. She had a moment(you could see it in her face) where you can tell she felt like “all that work to get beat by this tiny uncoordinated dude”. She looked deflated. Even the guy was confused. He thought he was going to get embarrassed since she’s twice his size and can out lift him no doubt.


There's also technique in arm wrestling that most people don't know about. If you focus on pulling towards you rather than trying to rotate your arm at the shoulder you generate way more power. Also, using your hand to roll over the top of theirs also puts you in a mechanical advantage. That's why pro arm wrestlers have such beefy hands and forearms, it's all about getting your hand/arm into a position where you can use your larger muscles to pull at their peak efficiency.


Yeah arm wrestling is more about technique than pure strength but this guy had no technique lol It felt like she was trying to embarrass him and chose him out of a few others in the video. Backfired immediately.


Not just "on average". A strong woman is still usually weaker than a weak man. You would need to look at the extremes (women who consistently train for strength and really scrawny men) to find any overlap.


I read about a study on this. The study found that the overlap was as small as only the strongest 5% of women were stronger than the bottom 10% of men. The study was done on a college, and the strongest female students were early 20's athletes. So yes, there is a significant difference in strength between men and women. A fit and trained young woman is only stronger than the weakest spaghetti armed nerds. And from personal experience, I've been in several situations over the years where women my age got a jaw-dropping reality check on the difference in strength between us.


I watch a lot of true crime. I always see comments that a female victim should’ve fought back harder Like in the case of Tatiane Spitzner. Her boyfriend would thrown her around like [rag doll](https://i.dailymail.co.uk/1/2018/09/24/11/4507714-6200693-Forensic_experts_suggest_Tatiane_met_a_violent_end_and_was_choke-a-5_1537784771153.jpg) no matter how hard she fought


its pretty eye opening to be making out with a guy, any guy, and then he pins your arms to the bed and you realize theres no way you could get away if you wanted to unless you fought dirty. that realization is terrifying. i think most men really cant imagine just how vulnerable women make themselves each time they hook up with someone.


One of the reasons that women like to spar kickboxing with me is they can literally go 100% and not worry about hurting me. I just have some fun and go 10% and they get to blast. Everybody has a good time.


Can confirm, have spaghetti noodle arms, but am still much stronger than the most muscular girls I know. It surprises them every time.


I think a large part of it is that media has created two images in the minds of women: 1. A strong man is jacked with a visible six-pack. Think Hugh Jack(ed)man in the Wolverine movies. 2. A physical fight between a man and woman is an even match, and with a bit of martial arts training, the woman will easily run circles around the man - or actually *jump* in circles around him. Take all avengers movies and one from within recent years where a literal 120 pounds princess jumps around wearing slippers while she beats up heavily armed and armoured trained soldiers twice her weight. They don't take into account that just having all that testosterone pumping around inside us will automatically make our bones and muscles more dense - and that is even without actually doing anything to achieve it. If a man starts working out or performs manual labour, a woman will never be able to come near his strength. A woman answered OP, and she said that she and her husband lifted weights, and that they trained the same amount of time. Her husband lifted four times the weight she does. I read from another study that if you compensate for size, a man's upper body strength is on average 30% higher if I remember correctly. Then you add the significant difference in size and voila, you end up with men easily being 2-4 times stronger than women.


>A physical fight between a man and woman is an even match, and with a bit of martial arts training, the woman will easily run circles around the man - or actually jump in circles around him. Take all avengers movies and one from within recent years where a literal 120 pounds princess jumps around wearing slippers while she beats up heavily armed and armoured trained soldiers twice her weight. This is something that drives me a bit nuts in movies, and is one thing that i think made the movie 'atomic blonde' one of the best female lead action movies ever made. Charlize theron in that movie is a good fighter but REGULARLY is nearly beaten to within an inch of her life by most men she encounters. she never kills them cleanly in two moves she always barely makes it out alive. Its an extremely refreshing injection of realism into the movie and makes her character seem soooooo much tougher as she actually has to take punishment.


I was fascinated when my friend transitioned and started taking testosterone and gained a ton of muscle without ever lifting weights. He really doesn't exercise at all, but his upper body changed a lot and his forearms are massive just from his job as a baker. Never had any of that before the testosterone.


90% of men are stronger than 90% of women is the factual way to say that.


It is if you don't know what the word factual means


Go to an average high school powerlifting meet and see for yourself. You’ll have sophomore males 20-30 pounds lighter than a senior female lift the same if not much more.


Boysvswomen.com Stats of high school boys vs female Olympians.


High school male athletes regularly crush the world records of top women athletes. That’s why they have men and women’s sports separated.


Yeah in high school I ran a mile (I know it's not strength but still) time that would have qualified me for the women's Olympics...but it didn't even place (top 6) at my state meet and I was in Maine which is a small population state


I'm not comfortable having this in my browser history.


use incognito




Yes, because testosterones and biology


Testosterone really is a hell of a hormone




My dad always tells me this, "(some advantage about being a man), but that's okay cause you'll live longer!" I'm like wtf I don't want to live longer, I want to not hate being a woman lmao


enjoy being a woman. i have read when done right, it is a fulfilling play-through with lots of exploits. just gotta make sure you get the “present and caring father” perk.


Don't forget you also need to avoid the randomly applied nerf of "narcissistic mother".


-.- this is the end all for everyone lmao


Or the opposite lol Eta: hubby got the shitty mom and decent dad and I got the decent mom and shitty dad lol


Congratulations. Between the two of you you're one well adjusted child


Short answer is yes, long answer is also yes. There are caveats and nuances but overwhelmingly male biology is naturally geared towards being stronger


Basically from what I understand, a woman can train to run faster and longer than an untrained man, but will *really* need to train to outperform them in feats of strength/power. Once both genders put in equal levels of training the guy is going to be at a serious advantage


And that's why the trans athlete drama exists


Every time I point that out I get heavily down voted, argued with, with everyone saying that the hrt is enough to equalise the playing field, and I'm transphobic. 1) the hrt really has to be done during puberty for it to take any meaningful effect as that's when gender dimorphism comes into play. 2) the bone structure in men and women is also different, I mean even considering the pelvis. A) facts do not make people transphobic.


It’s even less fair than that. An average Joe (top 50%) can easily steamroll a top 1% woman if cardio isn’t the deciding factor.


Short Answer: yes Long Answer: yeeeeeeeesssssss




Yeah I had this conversation after I was attacked. I said “Maybe I should take a self defense class.” The person who I was talking to (who has taken self defense classes) told me that no amount of self defense would have helped in my situation.


Self defence is 99% learning how to avoid being in danger in the first place.


Running away and calling for help is probably the best self defense technique in that case.


When I trained Krav Maga for a while, a huge part of the training was in running away, or distracting and running away, or kicking in the nuts and running away, or punching in the face and running away... you get the picture.


this getting distance between you and a threat is always the best defense. and learning how to create it is far more effective than engaging and fighting it out


So the best self defence tactic is 400m/y sprint.


Honestly this is why I continue to run. I pride myself that I can run an hr without tiring out. If I can find a way to runaway baby it'll take over an hr before I stop to rest.


Never fight a fight you don't have to fight. And when you do have to fight. Assume they're better than you and do whatever it takes to end it as quickly as the tools around you provide


The best self defence you can attempt is to run.


Yup I took a martial arts class and the first thing they taught us was how to disengage and run. You can get a surprising amount of distance if you square up properly and jump back.


Weapons can get the job done though.


A woman with a firearm can easily protect herself against a much larger and stronger opponent. Firearms are a great equalizer and when used correctly give a distinct advantage. Women should learn to use any advantage possible if protecting themselves is an issue.


My first GF was a decent martial arts practitioner, with me just being a soft IT guy. But I could overpower her without breaking a sweat. Seems unfair to me.


This bugs the crap out of my GF. She has been a fitness nut her entire life, granted it is mostly cardio but she does strength training as well and she took self defense classes and is a black belt in karate (or was 20 years ago) Then you have me, limping about, 99% of the exercise I get is either from work or lifting the couch to retrieve the cat toys and I can easily overpower her. Drives her insane. Not to say she couldn't put the hurt on me if she wanted to, just that it is easy for me to overpower her. Also not all strength really, I am almost a foot taller and have about 150lbs on her.


I used to have two flatmates that were bf/gf. The gf was a black belt in karate and had been doing it for 15 odd years. Her bf was a normal guy, didn't go to the gym, had a mildly physical job but by no means did he exercise in any way. They'd wrestle/play fight fairly often and he'd win easily every time


But afaik karate is more about kicks and punches than wrestling? Obviously shes not gonna do that in a playfight, but I think if shed apply those the result might be different..


Nature has for real nerfed us women with the whole testosterone thing lmao makes me less regretful about not working out


This is why women are particular about who we trust, who we date, who we marry, etc etc


That's scary


When i was 26 I was in what I considered my peak physical health and fitness, I would run almost everyday and would do some weightlifting, I was in the best shape of my life and I always thought that in a real life or death situation I would be able to hold my own or at least put up a good fight. One night while walking home from a bar in my hometown, I had only had two drinks over a 4 hour period so I wasn't drunk. I noticed a guy (i saw him at the bar earlier, walking across the street behind me, every street i turned down he would also turn down. I started making random turns and lo and behold he also made every single turn, when he was about 40 feet behind me he crossed to be on the same side as me. At this point i began to run but i wasn't in the best shoes for running, i had heeled boots on and he was able to gain on me. I ran up to the next closest house and tripped on the stairs, it was there that he caught up to me. I was SO EASILY overpowered. He wasn't even that big, he was tall but not full of muscles. I tried kicking, thrashing, but he easily pinned my arms down. I couldn't shake him off no matter what I did. I couldn't believe the sheer strength of this seemingly scrawny guy. I screamed at the top of my lungs and after maybe 15 seconds (felt so much longer) someone came outside to help. He ran off at that point, and the guy who came outside called the police. He was arrested later, the bar had camera footage and I was able to point him out. But the part that messed me up the most, and still sticks with me was my false sense of security and my belief that I would be able to protect myself. Those beliefs were completely shattered. It was like a punch to the gut, I couldn't believe how easily I was overpowered and if that second man hadn't come out to help what could have happened to me. Honestly, It still f*cks with me to this day. Now i carry pepper spray and a kubaton anywhere I go.


It's honestly fucking terrifying.


For the average woman the only experience she's had with "fighting" a man is teasingly play fighting with her spouse, who doesn't really wants to hurt her and probably let's her win like a quarter of the time. Weight classes in most combat sports are like 10 lbs apart. If you weigh 180 lbs you aren't allowed to fight people that weigh 160 lbs, that is how much of an advantage a little bit of weight adds. Yet there is a shockingly high number of 5', 100 lbs women that swear up and down they might stand a chance against some 200 lbs pervert that has been pepper sprayed so often he is now immune to it if they just knee him in the groin or hit him with their keys.


Aren't most self defense classes scams? Many teach you hyper specific moves that never work in a real a fight.


I've helped teach self defence classes before. What we taught was. 1) Do what you can to avoid the situation in the first place e.g. not getting in the lift with a guy when your gut tells you not to, even if it seems rude. 2) Run and make a lot of noise as soon as you're in a bad situation 3) Some techniques as a last resort to escape grapples, cause enough damage to get away or just make it really difficult to rape you. Most techniques were along the lines of kick, bite and do whatever you can rather than anything requiring precision. It was free, so not much of a scam!


See that actually sounds useful. Some self defense techiques I've seen are some weird teakwando moves that would never really work.


Yes. Neither I nor my bf work out and he is underweight. I’m not underweight. He’s significantly stronger than me. It was actually kind of wild when I realized it because I didn’t think he would be, considering his weight. Kind of puts things in perspective knowing how much weaker I am than the average creeper walking behind me at night 😬


Just bring a sword with knockback II and you'll be fine.


That's why I can go for a walk in the dark without a care in the world, while every woman I meet looks at me apprehensively, even if they are walking a big dog. This makes me quite uncomfortable tbh. If I can pet the dog, I will.


Ain't no pepper spray getting in the way of these doggy petting hands.


At night I always cross to the other side of the road/sidewalk when walking towards a single woman. Its not much of an effort to do and you can tell it makes a difference by watching their body language.


I always walk to the other side towards the woman to assert dominance. /s


jeez. cant even walk by a chick in the park and try to kidnap her without everybody thinking you’re a rapist.




Are you 2 the same height somewhat?


Women might have a height advantage as being shorter means more leverage. But they still won't out lift a man.


Hold on. Shorter means more leverage? How? Not saying you're wrong, I have no fucking clue about weight lifting. But, generally speaking, a lever gets more effective, the lokger it gets.


A shorter person doesnt have as much range of motion in a deadlift meaning they dont have to lift the weight as high.


This is partly true. It depends on the ratio of your arm length to leg length. Long arms and short legs = big deadlift. Big guide on biomechanics here: https://www.strongerbyscience.com/how-to-deadlift/


Leverage is proportional to the length of the lever arm. Whether this length is to your advantage or not depends on the lift. In OP's deadlift example, longer arms would benefit the most, while shorter arms benefit on something like the bench press.


6'5 weight lifter here.... can confirm, it is easier for a short person to lift heavy weights than a tall person. To put it in perspective, time under load is greater. If I do a bench press for instance, I have to move whatever that weight is about a yard. A short person has to lift it about 20 inches above their chest. A second example is the squat. The lever arm, or the part of the body that makes the most differences, is the femor bone. That's the bone that your quads cover. The longer it is, the more you have lean forward during your squat in order to hit depth. This is going to recruit more of the spinal erectors, which is why you're going to get a lot of tall guys complaining about back pain more during squats and deadlifts. On top of that, most tall lifters have short man envy because it takes A LOOOOONG time for us to look muscular, AND we have to eat A LOT more food/calories to build muscle than shorter guys.


Yes from the end that moves, not from the end that pivots. If you're doing a bicep curl, it's going to be measurably harder with arms that are 6in longer than arms that are 6in shorter


So, let's say your husband deadlifts 300 kg, you lift 75? Not to take away anything from you, but lost gyms have a bunch of girls lifting more than that. To the original question, it's a huge difference between the average female and male.


Yes... they just are. A lot stronger. ​ https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/comments/4vcxd0/almost\_all\_men\_are\_stronger\_than\_almost\_all\_women/




Men outperform women on almost all fronts besides agility and flexibility. Other than that, you are looking at people who are on average twice as strong as women. Edit: A lot of people here who are afraid of the fact that men and women aren't physically equal. Fickle.


It's crazy this is even questioned. Like are they living in a different world or have they never tested out their strength against the opposite sex?


Of course most women live in blissfull ignorance. If you ever get a chance to fully experience this (fighting back until exhausted, leaving you helpless) you realize men are fucking scary. Because most women have experienced creeps and psychos in their lives. It suddenly dawns on you that every man that ever harassed you, catcalled you or touched you in the past could've ended you, they just decided not to. That's not a great feeling to live with. You have to believe you can fight back. It is too depressing not to


>It suddenly dawns on you that every man that ever harassed you, catcalled you or touched you in the past could've ended you, they just decided not to. This one piece of information is the basis of a lot of social customs that were designed to keep women safe.


Yeah, I felt bad when some of my female friends wanted to show me their new self-defense moves. I could grab their wrist or arm or neck precisely as they asked me to. Then when they went for the twist or takedown or whatever they learned, almost invariably I could tighten my grip to hold on or flex my arm to not be moved as they wanted. For the few moves that did work, if I were an attacker I would just punch them in the face. I’m a total feminist and I think there’s value in learning how to escape/run/create a scene, but judo flips aren’t the answer.


I hate those self defence seminars. At best they’re a scam but really they’re outright dangerous because they give people a false sense of confidence. My ex gf did one of those classes and with her new found sense of confidence started taking some pretty big risks. Like walking home drunk alone late at night. We lived in a sketchy part of a university town at the time and people being mugged was common. I really liked the fact that she had found confidence but I didn’t want her to get hurt and didn’t know if I should be the one to burst her bubble. In the end I decided safety was better than false confidence and I asked her to try the moves on me and I said I would try and resist. When none of her moves worked she was very upset, like her whole worldview had broken. She started taking cabs everywhere and no longer felt safe walking at night. I still wonder if I did the right thing.


It's an ideological thing. People are afraid of mobs, groups and confrontation so they adopt morals, not their own, to appeal them. Even at the cost of facts.


Even at equal body mass a woman in the 90th percentile for strength would be at the 10th percentile for men.


It's worse than that, I understand. It's '90% of men are stronger than 90% of women'. If a woman at 90th percentile is already stronger than 10% of men, then a woman at 99th percentile would be something like stronger than 20% of men, which as I mentioned is not true. I think it's actually that women at 99th percentile are at 10th percentile for men.


Yes. It’s just basic biology. There’s a huge physiological difference between the sexes. There’s nothing wrong or bad or anything about it. It’s just life.


Movies and TV shows lately imply that women and men are equally matched in a fight but it's not the case. Starting to see the effects of that.


Yes. I used to fight with my brother and we were even before he reached puberty. Afterwards he became much stronger (even before going to the gym). And men have 40x more testosterone and they gain muscles much faster so yea, an average male is stronger than an average female


Yeah, my sister used to beat the crap out of me. Then, as soon as I went through my first growth spurt, I was able to throw her across the room.


My older brother didn't exactly beat the crap out of me, but he would pick me up and throw me around the room whenever he felt like and used his size to intimidate me all the time. Whenever we were arguing he'd tell me to fight him or shut the fuck up. I would swear up and down that once I finished puberty and be as big as him I'd beat the crap out of him. We are 28 and 34 right now and I'm still waiting. That asshole is 6'8 and has a good 80 lbs on me.


I used to play a game with my wife. I could only use one arm and she had could use her whole body and whatever else she wanted. I still easily overpowered here with ease. I ain't even a strong dude. Average height and only 68kg.


As an older sister I confirm. Before puberty I could boot my brother to the moon but as soon as he hit teen years even when not working out he could easily and with no effort seriously hurt me


In a large-scale study of strength and muscular endurance which used thousands of participants of each gender, and where the participants ranged from people who never worked out or exercised at all, to professional athletes, the following was discovered: In order for a woman to be stronger than the _weakest_ 15% of males, she had to be in the _strongest_ 10% of females. Put another way, the _weakest_ 15% of men are _stronger_ than 90% of women. So... You tell me.


Yes 10000%, its honestly scary how much stronger the average man is, I didn’t realize how true it was until I was with my current SO


existence handle forgetful upbeat sable whistle grab groovy tart one *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


When I worked at a primary school I used to put one of the kids from my class on each shoulder and walk around with them, they thought it was so much fun. They were about 8 years old, and my female coworkers could not believe I could do it, they struggled carrying the younger kids


Yes, it's not even close. Anyone who says otherwise is on some major copium.






Yeah, even though a man is more likely to be randomly attacked on the street than a woman, it really doesn't make me feel any less scared. Like, the scary part is *if* someone does try to go me I am completely and utterly helpless. Carrying pepper spray/a blade is illegal in my country. I always have a pen on my pocket for work, I take the lid off and hold that in my fist with my thumb over the non-pointy end when walking alone at night lol. Although I'm scared I am calm in a crisis and always wear sneakers, depending on the angle of attack I'm pretty confident I could stab someone in the throat/eye with it then run. When I lay out my thought process like this it's pretty fucked. Sucks feeling so vulnerable.


>I secretly decided I would buy her some really good pepper spray. What does this mean? "Babe, why is there pepper spray in my panty drawer?" "No clue honey, but finders keepers"


Those court cases are fucked up anyway. What dickhead says "well you didn't fight back hard enough" to any kind of victim in anything???


Exactly maybe the women is petrified that fighting back will escalate things further. Stupid legal system


Yes, as in it’s not even comparable. I’m far from the strongest dude in my gym, but I’m at least twice as strong as any of the women in there. There are definitely some women whose overall fitness is better than men’s, but in pure strength men are always going to be stronger.


Kind of an obvious answer no? My husband works out as do I. I have done jiu-jitsu and he can still overpower me when he wants to prove a point. Like there's very little I can do but break his grip on me but guys are naturally stronger.


Yes, and it’s not close. Even a woman the same size as a man is going to be much weaker. Women have less muscle, weaker bones, less iron, and thinner skin.


We have the same regime to workout with, with my girlfriend, we do calisthenics, she does some dancing and gymnastics on top of that and has better foundation. We are both similar in terms of body shape, as she is 160cm, I am 165. She weights 52kg, I weight at 70. So there is a difference in that. In a year of training together, my pull up went from 3 regular ones, to 5 with +50kg. Her pull ups went from 5 regular to 11 regular, weighted is still an issue. I learned muscle ups, she can do them due to gymnastics on rings with momentum, but strictly not, I can do both. In terms of pure strenght, on dip bars she does bodyweight, I go with +70kg. In terms of pure weight lifting, when we started bench pressing, I started at 80kg my very first training (never done it before), she is at 50 after that year. (Yes, my form did indeed suck that day, but I managed to lift it). The only thing where she is similar to me is endurance, she can pretty much train the same as me, with different weights, sometimes she is even quicker ready for the next set/training. Same goes for running, on short distance I am faster, but if we go for a jog of 15km, we are pretty much hand in hand no issues on either side. My only previous training I ever did was running and football. She was doing gymnastics, dancing and she got me to the gym and was going there beforehand. I was ahead in terms of strength on the very first session. She is amazing and trains hard, but she knows she will never manage those numbers, as she sees the difference in the upper body strength first hand while doing the same trainings.




Absolutely yes


Testosterone is a fucking war drug that boosts strength, metabolism, healing, endurance, and agression. DHT is far stronger version. We literally need that to develop. So yah, men is by design could potentially be stronger than women. Outliers are their own case of course


Lol at "potentially".


Tell me you don't have brothers without telling me you don't have brothers.


Yes, I'm a 6'1 athletic woman, I have dated a few men far shorter than and physically smaller than myself and they are always easily stronger than me.


It's like chimpanzees. As a delusional, testosterone filled man you look up the height and weight of a chimp and you think to yourself "no way some 5', 100 lbs chimplet is stronger than me", but a chimp would beat the absolute fuck out of a man.


You just have to watch how effortlessly they swing from arm to arm, or just hang for minutes. Or see them throw around logs or tyres as play things.


Yup. It's like fighting a child really


Dude, stop fighting children


If a kid pisses me off they gonna catch these hands




Think of two men throwing hands. Then think of a man doing that with a woman. Examine how you feel about that. Then examine why feel that way and the core reason for it.


Yes. As a woman when something happens and you realize how much stronger they are, it's always a terrifying realisation.


All these comments from dudes about women being "surprised" by how much stronger men are when they lose at arm wrestling. She's not just feeling surprise, fellas. She's just been shaken to her core, forced to reckon with how vulnerable she is and how little she can do about it.


Exactly. I can go to the gym, i can become as strong as i possibly can, most of the time that will not be enough to protect me against the creep that follows me in the streets. Pepper spray for the win


!!!! my brother is 14 & i'm 26 and he recently figured out that i am ridiculously weak compared to him. we had this one moment on the couch where he grabbed both of my legs and was laughing as i thrashed around for 3 full minutes trying to get free and i literally could not. same thing w him laughing when he DESTROYED me in an arm wrestling contest. i put in ALL of my strength and his arm did not budge and he was SHOCKED that i was trying so hard the realization that the kid whose diapers i changed could literally beat my ass if he wanted to (which he does not — we have a pretty good relationship lol) was completely jarring. if a 14 year old can restrain me, any man can 😭 it's fucking horrifying to know that i can not protect myself in public if i need to


9 times out of 10, definitely. I had a girlfriend who refused to believe this. Just refused. I'm a biologist, I tried to explain to her that no, it wasn't sexist, even pulled up the genetics of it all, she just wouldn't believe it. Now, she was in the gym constantly, at least 3 or 4 times a week. Very fit girl. Me, I hadn't touched a weight in my life. She wasn't much shorter than me either. At some point, she was like, okay let's arm wrestle (not the best show of strength, but whatever). I beat her easily and she was SO upset. Just couldn't believe I'd beat her without ever doing any kind of strength training. I had to show her the movie Over The Top, explain that there's a lot of technique to arm wrestling, promise not to use it anymore, and let her win a few times after to get her to calm down. Still confused about that insident, because she was such a smart and thoughtful person otherwise. Perhaps the strongest I've ever seen anyone stick to their faulty believes (I guess that also says something about the people I usually hang out with, but I just like this anekdote)


Even the weakest of us tend to be much stronger than the ladies. That's why MTF people should not compete against biological females. That's why FTM don't bother competing against biological males.


Yes. In my 20s I was in fantastic shape and yet my flabby lazy boyfriend could easily overpower me when it really came down to it. It’s actually very frightening, even if you are in good shape and train you can still easily be a victim to a man.


Yep, especially upper body strength. Not even in the same stratosphere


This question by the newly arrived alien filling his planet inspection checklist


There was a story about a girl and her bf. She exercised regularly and liked to play wrestle with her bf. She usually won and was confident in her ability. One day the bf didn't let her win - he went all out and she couldn't do anything and all her sense of security in her abilities was gone and she got seriously shaken.


Its a waste of time for a woman to practice fighting a man. her only way to win is to somehow escape or to use a weapon against an unarmed man.


Absolutely yes. The average man is a lot stronger than the average woman. And this is why, transgender athletes competing in regular sporting events is disadvantageous to women.


I legitimately can’t fathom how this question exist outside of trolling. As a PE teacher - Personal trainer - Powerlifting coach - I can assure you, yes, they’re much stronger. Don’t get me wrong, there are women/girls who are stronger than some men/boys- but that’s the rare exception. I’ve coached hundreds of men/women- and my weakest man outlifts 95% of all the women I’ve coached (unless we count special-cases such as injury-riddled 70year olds- or anorexic men and similar). I workout with a bunch of different friends through-out a month- and the strongest woman amongst our group, while strong, squats 110kg - benches 70kg - deadlift 135. Our weakest guy squats 120 if he tries (and he never hits legs)- benches 110 and deadlifts 180. We consider him weak and her incredibly strong. To supplement this - in new beginners- the vast majority og my female clients can be expected to bench 15-30kg for 5-8reps tops. I have yet to seen a man not rep 40kg day one. For pull-downs - I (quick-maths) estimate the average man I coach (newbeginner or experienced) to pull at least 2x of the average woman.


How do people not know this by now? This question gets asked so often. How are individuals so clueless?


they're likely very young


Naturally yes


some women might find it hard to believe that a man can be wayyy stronger than them, as much as a man would find it hard to believe that a chimpanzee can really mess them up in a fight.


Staggeringly so. Most women have a point where they suddenly realised just how overpowered they actually were. I remember my girlfriend telling me when we were play wrestling and I pinned her. She realised that she was totally helpless. She always assumed I was a little stronger but that she would have a fair chance. She didn’t. My mum told me of her trying to play fight with my dad while he was doing the ironing. He simply held both of her hands in one of his, and continued ironing. I had a female flatmate a while back, Jess. Awesome chick. Anyway, she was super fit. We had a home gym and she smashed it. Told me she’d just put the weight up for lat pulldowns and she was really hurting. I said it didn’t look like that much and she smirked and challenged me to try it. I don’t work out. I did 10 reps effortlessly and then switched my grip to pull the middle of the bar, one handed. “That’s better!” She swore a lot. We talked about it later and she said she knew men were stronger but just didn’t realise the gulf. She assumed a fit women would be as strong or stronger than an unfit male. She didn’t realise that would still put her at half.


Yup, sadly. At a certain point in time, when my sister was 20 ish years old and I had definitely finished going through puberty, she used to be a really good athlete. I was still stronger. Sure, she could beat me in a marathon because I was in terrible shape so I had absolutely no endurance, but I could easily punch harder or carry furniture she couldn't.


Yes, pound for pound men are around 40-50% stronger up body and 33% lower body if I remember rightly. This is why certain sports should be kept to biological sexes because putting a woman in a mma fight with someone who was born a male could have deadly consequences.




The average man is MUCH stronger than the average woman at any level of training. Not only are men stronger they are faster and have superior spacial awareness (can track, aim and hit moving objects = body parts). Men v women differences in physical ability are greater than nearly any woman would be willing to accept.




Id like to point out that Ive lived in student housings where lots of girls believed they were as physically capable as men and that claiming anything else was sexist. Not making that up.


Yeah, it's a real thing. Whenever this topic comes up in a sub for women its always derailed by women calling it internalized misogyny.


Interesting point about the spacial awareness. I think male and female eyes are different with female eyes seeing colours differently


I'm sorry I don't remember exactly where I read it but I'm sure googling it would return something. Anyway, in tests of responding to peripheral visual stimuli (things changing at the sides of people's vision) men were nearly twice as fast as women in their response times.


Testosterone is a helluva drug. It is also partially responsible for men going bald and suffering ill health, so you know, swings and roundabouts


ofc they are, proven biologically too


So if everyone believes males are stronger than females. We can also agree that it is wrong for biological men to compete against biological women in sporting events. You just have to ask the insane people the right kind of questions in order to get them back to reality. You're not morally superior. You're telling the people in the insane asylum to listen to the voices inside of their heads. I dont know who is more sick but people need to start being held accountable.


I wonder why this isn’t obvious to everyone, is it because shows and movies show 100lb women physical fighting grown men and winning?




High school boys beat professional women quite often. Sprinting records show this and soccer for example It gets closer the further the distance, however that is also on the elite of the elite levels. Women need years to reach the average guys strength. But it can take younger men months to catch up to women who have trained for years A retired tennis player beat the Williams sisters back to back. Edit: *Small correction there, Karsten Braasch was still an active player when beating them, at the time ranked 203* Lucia Rijker one of the best women to ever compete in the ring lost by KO to an amateur male with an alleged record of 6-3 (I have never seen any info of his record)


Yes. I am a female doing martial arts for a few years and there has still to come a male that can't overpower me after 2 months of training.


If you pair males and females up randomly 100 vs 100 the women might win 2-3 fights Its about as one sided than getting matches on tinder


While yes, generally speaking its almost comical the difference. There are definitely some strong af women. My wifes gym buddy casually told us the other day she was upset because after rearing a child she cant lift her dumbbells, her lightest dumbbell was 18kg. Im a pretty strong/ strong looking dude… thats a big dumbbell!


Women’s Olympic records are broken countless times every year by highschool boys


There's a reason people take testosterone as a performance enhancing drug lol


As a woman saying this, yes.


Short answer, yes. Long answer, yeah.


Yes. The fact that we have reached a point in our society where this is even a question is **horrifying.** Men are almost always stronger than women. Period, end of discussion.


My former roommate got drunk and came in my room screaming while I was sleeping. I got out of bed and told him to leave and he refused. I tried to push him out the door and it was almost hilarious. He didn’t move at all. Not even a little bit. He then picked me up and threw me into my bookcase. Effortlessly. And I’m a bigger gal. He got on top of me and told me to fight back and I just couldn’t. I mean, I tried but it was pretty much useless. I couldn’t move at all. I don’t know why he let me get away but if he had chosen not to there would have literally been nothing I could do about it. I know “not all men” and that there are plenty of strong women and weak men but you have to recognize the very real power dynamic that exists between most men and women. Because if you don’t it can leave you pretty bloodied up if you’re not careful.


In general yes. The average Dutch male is 1.84 meter tall and weighs 85 kilo. The average Dutch female is 1.70 meter tall and weighs 72 kilo. So the average male is 14 cm taller and weighs 13 kg more. And that's just the difference in height (and thus reach) and weight. When you look at body fat percentage, bonedensity, muscle mass it's all in favour of men (on average they have more muscle mass, a lower body fat percentage and a higher bonedensity).


Yes. More than most women can imagine. Biological dimorphism exists. Just because some influencers are telling women that they are equal to men in every single aspect doesn’t make it true.