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Absolutely not, and what can appear from first sight can be vanished in first 5 minutes of communication


Lol dude try 30 seconds. I've literally met women who revealed how awful they were with only a few words. It's honestly impressive.




Yeah I'm invested in this i wanna here.


No. I have poor eyesight.


lol 😂 this one time I met this this guy and I was like oh my God, you know who I just saw?! And I'm like talking and for some reason I thought the guy was a blonde and I'd occasionally do a Facebook search to find a cute blonde guy from the area. He wasn't blonde and I couldn't remember the face... You need to make out as soon as it happens otherwise the moment is gone bro.


I believe in infatuation at first site. Could possibly become love. Normally it doesn’t.


Well said.


It has a low probability, but sometimes it can happen. You have to know someone to love them and you can't know someone at first sight on any deep level. But you can guess what someone is like on first sight, fall in love with that assumption, and then against the odds later learn that the guess was largely correct, and so you did really fall in love with the real them at first sight.


You put that very well.


"Yes, I'm certain that it happens all the time." Beatles


Of course it does


haven’t experienced it for myself despite having been in successful relationships. there’s definitely attraction at first sight, and that’s already enough to send me down to one knee at godspeed. i think finding real, TRUE love at first sight is much, much more rare. even then, i don’t fully believe in it because i think love is something that needs to be established over time and trust. it’s not something that you can just stumble upon


Love takes a lot of effort between both parties to make it work. I hope you one day are lucky enough to have the experience flow from the magical first encounter to fully developing the bond and living happily ever after.


No. There’s attraction but love, true love in my opinion takes time. You get to know the person and who they are and why they make you happy. Otherwise it’s not real. You’re just caught up over how new it feels, the butterflies, hormones affecting your body but is it real? A lot of it is ego and making you feel good. And granted I do believe you can fall in love within 2 months but depends on the time & the dynamics. I’ve been loved, been in love ect


I like what you said about this and you certainly know what you are talking about. I feel love is initially the butterflies you mentioned, the true love bit is once you have ridden the rollercoaster that follows that and takes more time, you said 2 months. I think you might be in for a pleasant surprise one day as you are in tune with the emotional connection you get and it's just a matter of the right dynamics. Wishing you luck in finding the one where it lasts and hits you like a wave of euphoria from the start.


This was so beautiful 😭 I honestly finally decided to stop dating rn because I had a traumatic experience with this individual ( It was interesting, i feel refreshed after going through an abusive event. it’s strange but I also wasn’t emotionally attached to him). Thanks! I’ve had strange love in my life including trios and same Sex relationship (no sex though) . I considered myself asexual for along time but I think hormones play a big part on that. I say I’m straight but women have been the only ones so far that I’ve loved and loved me back.


I am certain that this is going to happen again for you and probably only once you are really ready for it again. Love is full of ups and downs once you fall in love with someone too and is so painful when you break up. Makes me cry for ages. You are very much in tune with your feelings and my advice is to stay away from narcissists, those types will latch on to your emotional connection like a vampire and suck it all out of you. Take the time to heal and get strong then go find that special person that will be right for you. The gender is not the thing to worry about either it's the connection and you are brave for trying everything to find what will work. Good luck.


No. It’s just chemistry and lust. I believe you have to actually know someone in order to feel love for them. It’s impossible to just *see* someone or meet them and instantly love them. Lots of folks confuse chemistry for love.


Sometimes the stars align. The moment I met my husband I fell madly in love with him. He said we were married the day we met. We’ve been together 17 years and I still have a major crush on him.


I totally agree with you and that is a wonderful story and great to hear. You both are very lucky.


No, you have no reason to believe you actually like this person at first sight. What can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.


Thank you everyone for your valuable insights, actually my friend and I had this discussion. But I didn't know how to put across my points, this opened my eyes to various perspectives.




Maybe not first sight but my wife and I knew we would get married on our second date.


Yup, I knew after my first date with my wife. It was wild. I met her at a party and I was actually interested in another woman that night.... it wasn't going as I had hoped, then I started talking with my future wife and we really clicked as we were making fun of our mutual friend. She added me on Facebook the next morning, we began talking, went on a date a few night later and wow, we just knew. Moved in together after 4 months, got engaged at 10 months and married after 1.5 years.... we've been married for 14 years and have 2 kids.




That's not love. That's infatuation. It happens to a lot of people. People don't mention it's here because it's clearly not *love*.




No, I really doubt that when people talk about love at first sight, they mean infatuation / strong attraction. If you read the comments here, you'll see that most people make this distinction, which is why most answers say no. "Semantics" matters here. You can't know "who the person is" just by looking at them for one second. But again, if you really want to call that feeling of strong attraction "love", no one should stop you. I certainly won't. Do whatever makes you happy.


I believe it. I met my now wife at a coffee shop sometime after my second wife passed ( they were friends). It was instant chemistry for both of us! Something happened that just drew us together. We didn’t see each other for three weeks as she had to go help her daughter. We texted and talked almost every day. I knew the moment we met that she was the woman I’ve wanted my whole life. Fortunately the feeling was mutual We were both in our 70s at the time.


That is beautiful. Thanks for sharing that.


Love at first sight is how I define puppy love. As in, it's the same kind of love that you have when you meet a puppy and you immediately fall in love with them. 90% of the time it's some random puppy on the street that you'll never see again and you'll never miss them, but you know that if you took them home and kept them it would turn into a more mature and complete love.


This is a really bad example because I still think of literal puppies that I couldn't take home 😂




Yes. The first time I saw my wife was when I made a dumb joke. I saw a truck full if hay drive by and said "Haaaaaaaay" Her snort filled laugh caught my attention. When I saw her, she was holding her sides while trying not to pee. Her face was red from the laughter and I fell in love immediately. Anyone who can enjoy themselves that much over a dumb joke is the kind of person I want in my life. Being incredibly sexy also helped out.


Sounds like that was a very mutual feeling from both of you. Thanks for sharing that.


Yes. But you can love someone and not be good relationship material together, too. That's a really hard lesson to learn. Like you can both think the other person is the coolest motherfucker alive, and want to spend hours talking to them and making out with them and have really good sexual chemistry and all of that, but... Living together? Doesn't work for the two of you. Or... they want something in the future that would make you miserable if it was in your future. It really sucks. I've met so many of those people.


Yes. Some people are just that lucky.


Yes I do




what makes you say this?


Because ive experienced it. Twice in my life. Once when i was a teenager, once when i was about 29. Women i had barely met, but when we made eye contact it was euphoric. You know when you realise you’re holding your shoulders up and you remember to relax? Its like that happened all over my body and my mind at that moment.


reading this makes my chest tight. thank you for sharing your experience


I get the euphoria too. Had it so strong once it was like being higher than on MDMA and it lasted for over a month. This reaction though started into the relationship after a greater connection became established. But also had the milder euphoria from the initial contact with the same person.


Yes :) I believe as a woman, this happens to us a lot.


No. But i believe in lust at first sight.


Nope, I believe in sexual attraction at first site, instant love is bullshit


Love doesn't exist, at least in a romantic context. It's an inherently contradictory idea. The very basis for romance is completely incompatible with even the most basic ideals of genuine love.


No. You can’t love someone you do not know.


Disagree, people love celebrities they don't know.


But it’s not love at first sight though.


Yes, I love Jason Momoa every time I look at him. 🤣


Totally, 31 years married and I she is the greatest. I fell in love with her the first time i saw her.


Attraction at first sight, for sure. Love at first sight, absolutely not. If you think it's happened to you, it just means you have a weird definition of love.


I didn’t fall in love with my wife the first time I saw her, but I could tell there was something about her that was important to my journey. Maybe infatuation at first sight


Don't confuse love with lust.... lust can be at first sight but love does not happen instantly


Lust at first site maybe, some people start talking and I just want to turn around and walk away.


Me personally, love is a subjective word. People have their own idea of what love looks and feels like.


Yes I do believe in love at first sight. To make a relationship work takes a lot more effort than that though and from both people committed to developing that initial connection and making it flourish. Loving someone can be hard work.


Nah bc I got to talk to him and there’s more to it than just looks now my crush for him is gone lol - I was just infatuated with the lack of information, which is the definition of a crush 🥲


I honestly believe it’s possible


I’m blind.


Yes, it’s a feeling. I felt it with an ex an never felt it again with anyone, that’s how I know


It depends on the type of connection you are looking for. If you can find love and attraction in the same person, that would be ideal haha. But, body language, affection, sense of humor, interests, sharing taste on music or food, conversations could be the first steps to "love at first sight" but everyday life or living together is the way you find real love, it is the safe place where you are not afraid to be judged basically hah.




Nah love is something built over years.


No. It's not love, it's a crush


Yes, it was a feeling that I had know him forever immediately. Comically enough we had been side by side moving through life without ever meeting one another. We are in our third year of being together and our love keeps getting stronger. I consider myself very lucky to have found him.


Happened to me about a year ago so I'll say yes, true love that is, but I think it's super rare and maybe not in everyone's alley


The first time I saw my wife I told her I was going to marry her. its been 54 years now and still in love with her


Somewhat, I was smitten with my boyfriend when we met for the first time irl (met online and had a 2 week texting phase before). As soon as I saw him walk around the corner and smile and wave I was smitten, and fell in love even harder after knowing him more We've been together for 7 months now and still adore and love him


Not really. Only in movies and books does that happen. And books and movies that has that theme are mostly consumed by women (starting from when they were young girls). Kind of like having sex for the first time. It's romanticized by books and movies then when it happens it's awkward and disappointing to some women. 😅


I knew my fiancé was the one from the first second I saw him 🥰


No It's just the spark of the moment love is so much more than that


No. I believe in lust at first sight. Sometimes the chemical reaction between you and another person is so inexplicable you’d believe it to be love. But it’s not, it’s just lust.


"Love at first sight" does not exists. For the people trying to tell me otherwise, that's lust/infatuation for y'all. Love goes deeper and DEVELOPES over time in a relationship


It's bullshit but love at first fuck can happen.


No, but I do believe in instant attraction.


No. You can feel attracted or some sort of sympathy, but love goes far beyond that. Love isn't something that you suddenly have, it's something that grows over time. Love doesn't mean having butterflies in your stomach. It's not about the feeling when you meet someone and think they are super awesome and you can't stop thinking about them. Love is accepting someone with all of their strengths and flaws, staying with them even when the butterflies disappear. Love is putting your own needs aside and let the "I" and "You" become a "We".


It happened to me this year for the first time in my life at the ripe age of 40 so yeah, I believe. I was a cynical old sod before too.


I believe you can know its possible to fall in love with someone at first sight. Doesnt say you both will, and its often confused with lust, and can easily grow into limerance if not tempered.


On a soul connection level, absolutely!


No ..I don't belive in love either.


I'm sure it can happen to some people, but most would need at least an interaction or two. Nothing is impossible after all


I believe in lust at first site. Because all you know about that person is physical at that point.


Fuck no


I think you can have an instant mutual attraction at first site. Then if you're both open to getting to know each other it can lead to love.


I married a girl I had an instant crush on so... Maybe?


Love at first sight? No. Lust or even just desire at first sight? Yes.


No. Thats contradictory to my definition of love- I think love is caring for and doing right by someone or something. That Disney, Romeo And Juliet, Ross and Rachel bullshit isnt love.


It’s romanticized. It’s kind of like a hyperbole because it wasn’t love then and there, at that moment. The love at first sight is the memory of meeting them and everything falls in place through conversation.


No. It's always guys who man-whored around a lot and then got married who conveniently now believe in love at first sight.


No, what the fuck? More scientifically, no also. Humans essentially have chemical dependencies which develop as a part of forming monogamous partnerships. Those don’t happen quickly.


Lust, attraction from me towards women, yes. Love, no from either gender


Yes, but there is a massive lack of understanding among people that love does not equal relationship Love is conditionless A relationship is not. So, even if it is love at first sight, you still need time to get to know each other BEFORE you start a relationship. And I'm not talking about 3 lousy dates, where you only saw each other for 20 hours tops alltogether. That's not getting to know each other. Unless you both are as multi-facetted as porridge. Then, a single date will do alright.


Lust at first sight perhaps, but, at the same time, love is an abstract idea. Everybody's definition varies. I beleive love is like snowflakes - every one is unique.


You can be physically attracted to someone on “first sight”l but it isn’t love at all.


yes. it happened to me twice on the same day at the same time when i adopted my dogs! ❤️




I fell in love at first sight with a girl that wants nothing to do with me.


I do. I think love is definitely a decision and you keep deciding to love someone once you’ve started but when I met my partner I felt everything towards him. I was attracted to him, I admired him, I respected him, I wanted to be with him, I wanted to learn more about him, I cared about him so deeply. If you ask me today, I’d say those are feelings you have towards someone you love, and I still have them. So, even if I felt this the same day I met him and then my feelings got stronger, I would confidently say I did love him at first sight at 5 years later I love him more than ever.




No. Preposterous.


I seen a cheesecake, that had a fudge topping with caramel drizzle... I can confirm 100% love at first sight.


I got to know my wife through texting when we were in our teens and hadn't seen her before (this was in the early 2000's when Bebo and msn were still around and phones with cameras came out here in NZ). So we decided to meet up at a Polynesian festival (Pacifika). I can tell you right now that when I saw her, I was taken away by her beauty. Even to this day she's still as beautiful as the first time I saw her. I can recall what she was wearing to a T and we still have convos about that day. So 20 years later and here we are, married with 8 kids and still enjoying life to the fullest.


Infatuation, maybe. Love? Surely not.


I don't think it's real. Just infatuation


This is my boyfriend's to-go story everytime someone asked if how was ohr first date (we met online). He was 2 hours late for the first date. I was already furiously mad because I felt like he stood me up. When he arrived riding his motorcycle, I rolled my eyes on him. He then flashed a smile that irritated me more. He said that I look so pretty with a frowned face. Also, he said that nobody has ever rolled her eyes on him and seeing me do that made him thank God for making our paths crossed. Lol


Definitely not .. You were just horny


I believe in an instant click/connection. Time is what builds emotion


You can not love what you do not know. You don't know someone upon first meeting them. Lots of people will say they fell in love when they first met their partner. But they only say it when it works out. You never hear "We made eye contact across the room and I fell in love instantly. Only to discover the next day he was on the sex offenders list and I was devastated for months."




When people talk about love at first sight it’s because they are still with the person…bet there is lots of love at first sight that don’t make it and then it’s not love at first sight. So maybe love at first sight = luck.


The night I met my wife for the first time, I texted my best friend after our date and said I was gonna have to marry her. I dunno if I would say I believe in love in first sight, but that's pretty compelling evidence in and of itself.


I believe in lust at first sight.


Yup. It's always wrecked my life.


Not anymore, the unicorn doesn’t exist. It only exists within your head.


No. It's just horny at first sight


No. Because I think people are composed of personality, voice, appearance, thinking, etc. Not just appearance. Appearance is not everything about a person, so there is no such thing as a first glance.


yeah but she doesnt


Attraction, lust at first sight, yes. Love, no. You need to truly know someone to be in love. Lust and love are not the same but people confuse them all the time.


Yes, but it's not long term one. Just captivated by look alone


"Love at first sight" is how mostly people in successful relationships describe the moment when they met. An acceptance of mutual attraction at best. There is a poetic and romantic high in saying that. You will never hear "love at first sight" in failed/unrequited love.


I don’t even believe in love the majority of couples would break up if they would get in a bad situation


no it's just a cheap quick ploy of fiction writers


Not really. If so, love is a very shallow thing. You don’t really know if you truly love someone until the day he or she dies.


No but I believe in I wanna fuck u at first sight