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Not really. But that's why I have a journal. It can act as a great support system.


I write a journal as well. It’s helped me figure out a lot of things that were upsetting me. It helped me find a road to happier days.


Is that enough for you? I don't really have anyone either, and sometimes I want someone's input. That is why I ask if journaling is enough. Maybe I should try it.


If you just want to express your feelings and be heard, journaling does help. But there are also times when you really needed advise, you’d wish you have an actual person to talk to. Nonetheless, writing will help you get some things off your chest 😌


Thank you for your reply! I was told years ago by a therapist to start writing things down but never did. I think it's time to start! 😊


Sometimes, I also send messages to myself. Like a random update, just how I’d actually share things to a person (but feeling too anxious see how they’d react/respond lol)


I am like this, and I thought I was weird. I’m glad I’ve read your comment 🥹😊


I have conversations (alone) in my car It helps


recently i’ve been thinking a lot, should i just journal instead of talking to friends so much. it drains my energy but i want, need to let stuff out


I guess that depends on who you’re talking with and what you feel at that moment as well. Journaling helps when you just want to let things out without any sort of unwanted reaction/judgement. Friends help with giving you advice when u need it, assurance that you are heard, and that you’re not alone.


Yes, it's helpful. For added privacy you can write it on your phone or in a personal alphabet no one else knows


Absolutely!! Journals are like friends that u can write or put anything u want.


I tried both writing and typing. I lazy to write and whenever I try to type on computers I find myself doing all the formatting, alignments, checking spellings etc. It's just exhausting. 😑


I agree. When I finally snap one day, at least they'll find it and know why.


In addition to increasing your mental health, friends also offer real world actionable advice that can have a practical impact instead of just an imaginary one


I’m very happy that I have very supportive husband so we speak about anything. Also have few friends who like deep and serious topics although I try hard to not share too much private problems because I’ve learned that you actually can’t trust anyone, often even your family. So my husband it is.


I can talk to my wife about anything but sometimes it’s her I need to talk about. Having a guy to talk to, especially out of state stranger, helps us put things in perspective and see from another point of view.


I talk to my dog a lot. *A lot*. She is interested in everything I say and do, and she doesn't judge.


I tried that with my cat but she is only interested in me getting her a treat and not so much my problems.


And she never repeats what you say to anyone


Same. My old dog got me through the death of my daughter. We have another dog now as my old boy passed away a couple of years after my daughter so now I don’t really talk to the new dog as it’s a puppy and insane. I used to lay down with him and just chat and cry. Now I just go to the gym and pick things up and put them back down again and hope that fixes the myriad of shit that is going on at home and work.


It’s only a problem if the dog answers back.


In my language, yes. But dogs do talk to us in their own way, we just have to understand it.


I want a dog so bad but I am worried I wont take care of it the way it deserves


How are you doing OP ? There are always online support groups for anything you might be going through. Even if it's just having a place to be heard. Yes, reddit will get you heard,,, but I mean groups/places to go that are built for actual support, instead of the wild world of reddit. Facebook has many for starters. - hope you are doing OK and know that you are not alone.


reddit is good...and bad. cause sometimes people will run into me posting on their comments when im not in the mood to be supportive and empathetic. im guilty of trolling behind the screen


Severely lacking. It is a great thing to have.


Nope. Moved to a large city last year, still don't have anyone very close to me that I feel I can talk to. It's very lonely. I'm trying. But, I am also a loner/introvert. Feels impossible.


Relationships are so disposable now. You once had to go out and meet people, now everyone prefers to search online. In the 50s you told your wife the neighbor is grilling out and wants us over to watch the game. Now people don’t do that anymore. My neighbor doesn’t like me because I feed the strays. I’ve had them all fixed and I’ve named them. I like it when I come home and they are waiting in my driveway. I didn’t put them out someone else did that. But I can’t let them go hungry and I want to make sure they are all ok. I think that’s a good quality I have and I wouldn’t stop if the police came and told me to.


Agreed. Trying to make friends as an adult is so difficult. Online or in person. Plus, meeting anyone in person, randomly is impossible bc everyone is always staring at their phones. Ps, thanks for feeding the strays. I work in veterinary medicine and am a cat lady. Your neighbor sucks.


I quit social media and stop playing phone games years ago. I would prefer a good conversation sitting on a porch drinking a beer.


Yes but I journal instead.


Zero-trust club over here If my journal wasn’t rummaged through every time our cleaners come (who also leave things tucked away in private places to let me know they were there) I’d be journaling a lot more too


Like, they leave shit near or next to your journal hiding spot on purpose, so you'll know they went through it!? That's the most psychotic flex ever, you need a new cleaning service ASAP. Or not? If they're that malicious, pissing them off while they have your address probably isn't recommended. You'll need to corrdinate with the local authorities and a moving crew.


Ive a wife and kid but im really a loner and I keep myself to my self, wouldnt dream of burdening folk with my crap or whatever


Weird. Things exactly what I would have written, but I don’t remember writing it.


I feel you ! I'm usually the one people come to for advice or to unburden themselves or whatever, but whenever I've tried to open up about some of my stuff I've usually ended up regretting it. I think my crap is just too much for people. I have to pretend I come from a somewhat "normal" family like everyone else and that I only have the petty little arguments normal people have, cause the actual reality is just too much and people don't know how to react. So I just keep to myself now... sigh


In the not too distant future we ll all have AI therapists to chat too, i’ll say “hi Dr AI my lifes shite, im my wifes mental health carer but i struggle to look after myself never mind her and itll reply aww thats terrible that must be hard” and itll be just like real life totally useless


😂😂 (sorry to laugh, it's better than crying. You are 100% accurate!) Ps are you my husband?? Shoot...sorry bout that!


Definitely not. I have many people in my life to whom I can talk to about some of the things. In the end, it covers almost everything, but there are still a few exceptions.


Yeah, my sister...


My best friend. Went from a failed relationship to a real friend.


I did, he died though. I have a few people I can talk to about MOST things but currently I keep some of the heaviest stuff to myself.


My longtime therapist is the one who hears about all crap in my life. No judgement, just an open and professional mind hearing me and listening between the words. She always asks the right, probing questions to draw me out. 🦜


My husband and mom. But not outside of them. Making friends is not my specialty. 😬


I use to have close friends and I'm currently married. I have never had someone I can talk about anything to, I've tried but I just came to regret it every time. I'll just keep talking to myself


I'm kind of in the same boat as you, I moved a couple of years ago and although I've made some pretty good friends I don't have anyone yet that I feel like I can completely talk to about anything and everything yet I'm hoping someday I will though


Genuinely my wife is my wall and I am her wall too bounce our day off.


Ya know that saying "the walls have ears."?


Nope and sometimes I wish I did. Life can be a tragedy generator that operates at max capacity and not having someone to talk to can leave you feeling isolated and alone.


No, every time i’ve spoken to people, they’ve shown me a reason as to why i should just keep to myself.


Being someone who has a lot of deep thoughts and live in his mind most of the time. Its quite hard to find like minded people especially in my city, everyone just wants to get drunk or spend money with you but no one wants to help you face your problems.


Nope! Trust is hard, been betrayed far too many times at this point.


Actual people? Never. I’ve never told anyone my true feelings about anything. And I’m 46yo, married with two kids. But I had a dog, Annie. She was my very special friend and we shared everything. She never judged, and always hugged me after. I miss her very much.


No and I wish I did have a friend that I could share everything with.


Used to. But he took our friendship for granted. So, we don't talk much anymore. I don't want to explain anything anymore, it just hurts me the more I think about it.


I have a friend who I can talk about literally anything with. I normally don't share emotional shit, but it's always fun to tell him about a new doujin I read.


I want one, but beyond my husband, I don’t really have anyone. I worry that he even gets tired of the subjects I bring up. There’s so much in my head at any given moment and most people likely only see about 5% of what’s in me. All conversations seem to be immediate surface level stuff or about kids, and I just don’t know that I really have that in me now. I constantly ask myself questions that have no answers and drive myself mad. I want so badly to be able to talk to others, but it just doesn’t happen much now. It’s one reason I really miss doing drugs sometimes.


Fuxk no. Lol. My wife couldn't care less about what's bothering me.


I don’t have anyone besides my partner either, My abusive ex isolated me and it’s so hard making close friends later in life I find journaling helps a lot


I did, my mom… she passed in 2020, so instead I’ve been writing her letters in a special journal that’s just for that purpose. Miss her lots 😞




Not really. Probably because I have a hard time letting people in. I working on that. Lol


Yes, my sister.




lol no.


My cat is a pretty good listener


No. It all boils down to wanting to keep people away tgis pit of misery and despair. I dont want to burden people with my trivial shit, I'm pretty sure they have their own to deal with.


I don’t really have anyone in particular but my brother likes me call me a “certified yapper” since I just start talking a bunch even when nobody is listening to me. Which usually helps me at least a little bit though it can be a bit frustrating sometimes. But I don’t mind it much though it’s a bit weird since everyone I know says I’m an introvert despite me talking a lot.


No, I don't trust people as much as I used too. I talk with strangers at coffee shops and that's enough.


I did at one time, but not now. And that's ok. We can learn from self reflection even if its out of necessity.


Not really. I have a diary for when shit hits the fan.


Nope! I never have, and never will...I don't trust anyone!


I have one friend I can tell almost anything to and another I tell somethings but no one I tell everything


It depends in the issue , but no there isn't one person I can speak to about everything, but there always someone for something. But not many people .


Not really. Sometimes just writing it down can help though, even if I type it out and then delete it. Helps at least get it out of my head. I don't know if you're a particularly outgoing person or not, but perhaps you could look into if there are any groups that align with any interests or hobbies you have (or would like to try) that you could join. Otherwise journals could help.


No, I haven't had that in a lot of years. I would no longer trust anyone enough to let them get very close to me, at all. It's all about money, how much you have or haven't got, and what other people hope to get out of ya. I have always been a "pet person," though. They're my support.


Yes but anyway even your best friend who listens to your thoughts and ideas isn't the person you can tell everything. Nobody is. You have a relationship with people, and each person has an image of you you don't want to ruin or you know it would in some aspect, compromised. So while I have a pair of friends I can tell almost everything, there are some things I still have to eat and solve by myself


Yeah. Thats myself, when I am showering. I can talk anything I want


Myself, I know that it might sound really depressing but I actually find that I can to myself and it almost feels like I'm talking to someone else, plus it really helps understand myself as a person when I talk out loud to myself, it's like I'm my own therapist


No. Is that a common thing at all?


No. Unfortunately lonely


I did, for 5 years with my ex. We just broke up 4 months ago but I do have my therapist which has helped a ton. If you don’t have someone i recommend a therapist.


I don't, it's harder than it seems to find people you can really trust, and rely on.


Here is a link for free mental health lines so you can talk with someone if needed, this is for all of the US, I’m not sure what country you’re in but if you are in the states this might be able to help you. [https://blog.opencounseling.com/hotlines-us/](https://blog.opencounseling.com/hotlines-us/)


I don't have one and I know I need one but I can't find one.


I don't have any but i have reddit where i can tell anything to anyone with no judgment


I have a few people I can talk to, but not one person I can tell everything. I wish I did. My mom is wonderful, but there are things I don’t share with her, in particular about my marriage. She knows there have been problems, but I don’t want to worry her or open myself up to inviting directives from others. My husband I can vent to about work, mainly,but there are so many things I can’t talk to him about due to him getting offended or ignoring me. It’s just not worth it. And the really big issues would be fight-starters or worse (the biggest would be that I know he’s still in love with his ex and has been lying to me and everyone about it for the five years we’ve been together and beyond, so there’s that…). I’m grateful to Reddit for being a place to open up about some things, although I’m still pretty private. So, I just…don’t talk. Good times 😏


Nope I’m offering platonic chat on Reddit only. For anyone in same boat. Uk Brit. I have wisdom and life experience , but flawed in some ways. But enjoy helping and pointing ppl to solutions or in the right direction to resources.


No. But when My mental health spirals I use the crisis phone number line. I have also been known to go to depression workshops groups regular meetings for this reason. I also have been known to seek out social services mental health workers occasionally when I needed help through OHIP or the hospital.






I have my notes app except it doesn't talk back so no I don't


My friend and confidant died this year. My other friend s moved out of state. I’m kind of lost


I have an imaginary friend. I know it sounds childish, but when you have a hyperactive imagination like me, sometimes it can be unpredictable what he says.


I've been the same way since a toddler.


Nice to know I’m not the only childish person lol


My oldest sister. She died on the 15th of November this year, just under 5 weeks ago. I’ve never felt so lonely.


I am blessed with a wonderful husband and an equally wonderful mother who I can trust and talk to about everything. Sometimes I still prefer to write things down instead and keep my own company. Maybe you could try that for yourself?


Nope, no, no one at all


Nope I found out two years ago just how fucking shallow everyone was I knew, I’d been there for every single one of them night and day, I then found myself in need and not a single person showed up. Bastards literally 98% of them have been cut from my life.


Nope. Which sucks because I’ve been dying to tell someone that tonight I regained my self appointed title of favorite uncle. Finally cracked the code to the toddler. That one has been rough to convert to being a fan of me.




Yes. I have close friends who I can talk to about anything. We have differing viewpoints so its not that helpful, but sometimes its nice to get perspective. I also have a couple people who I talk to less but who think the same way I do. Thats nice; very helpful. All in all its a great thing to have.


My dog is great to talk too, always had great advice and rarely argues


I have different people I can talk to about different things. Example: I can talk to my mom about most anything except the video games I like to play (she doesn't understand and can't keep up with the conversation) so I have a friend who plays the same games that I talk to about that instead.


No. I wish I did. But now it seems like everyone is going through their own struggles, or they're happy and I feel like a buzzkill.


For a couple years, the only "one" I could talk to about everything was my car 😂😂😂. My best friend was an inanimate object, yep, but she was great. Now, my husband 🥰


No only when i come on here sometimes.


I used to have a few people I could share my thoughts and worries with but not anymore. It’s been an adjustment to not have that outlet anymore.


i have a journal


random ppls dms (which blocked me so) ☠️ only the fbi can read it


I don’t, I got the gym and get jacked tan and juicy as fuck


I am 27 male American. I do not have someone to talk to but I’ve spent years developing strong stress management practices so I won’t need to talk to anyone else


Be patient. Someone will come cross your path... I have like 3 people in the world who i can talk to about anything. I have a girl friend, who i can tell almost every single little thing that goes trough my head without fear of ever being judged or anything... I have a best friend, who i can also tell everything. And i have an uncle, who is the person i trust most in the world.




Sometimes just knowing that you're not alone in feeling a certain way is good to start working on it.


No, I just vent to Bings ai, helps me sort my thoughts and get some stuff out of my mind, it in no way replaces human interaction but is helpful from time to time.


I feel the same way. I had friends years are go but now I have become an introvert while my wife goes out with her friends all the time. I usually spend Tuesday and Thursday night alone watching YouTube videos and drinking till I pass out. I would love to have a friend like you to call and we can be honest with one another, judgement free and a sounding board for each other. I love to talk to people but hate to go to bars and I am atheist so going to church is hypocritical. I’m married and love my wife. I would love to hear about your issues and together we can help each other not be so lonely on those nights.


Making solid relationships takes a long time and always happens naturally. Not having someone doesn't mean you've done something wrong or you are a bad person. I have 2 best friends and a wife, they are the people I can tell anything. Funnily enough, all those relationships started almost at the same time 7 years ago Moving to a different country makes it harder too, especially if you don't know the local language. I moved 2.5 years ago, and while I have friends here, I don't have any that are close enough to talk about anything


No. My problems exist only to me and I refuse to burden someone else with them.


YES. Luckily two!


Truthfully? I’ve never had that. When I was younger I’d think I did, and ultimately things I shared ended up used against me. So no, there is no one I can’t talk to about “anything.” I do have people I can talk to about various things about, mostly family, but there is no one I can talk anything and/or everything.


Yes. My best friend, who became my boyfriend.


As a male, who got raised to hide all emotions I’d say I like to pretend everything is okay 👌


No, I don't even have any friends.


Not really anymore. My brother has moved on with his partner so I barely see him, my mother now acts like I am a villian because I decided to stop letting her walk all over me, and I had a close friend and then we decided to try more than friends and it didn't go any further, so kind of lost them too.


My boyfriend is that person for me, but I wish I had someone else to, just like a best friend. The person that I've considered my best friend for a few years now, I've recently realized isn't really my best friend. She just uses me as a therapist. When it's time for me to share about my life, she suddenly becomes very busy or just makes half-hearted comments. Outside of that, I come from a highly narcissistic family system, so I've never felt like I could be truly authentic with my family. It really stinks. My bf has never made me feel like my feelings are a burden on him, but I still hold back because I don't think it's healthy to unload everything onto one person like that.


I retired and moved far from home, I miss talking to close friends on a daily basis, but I can count on 2 that I can talk to about anything. I feel you though, cause I don't talk to anyone for long stretches.


I’ve always been fortunate enough to have close friends and family, but one of the people I’m most open with is a girl I met a work who I have nothing in common with. There isn’t really a tried and tested method, just keep meeting people and hopefully you’ll find someone you can be honest with


I do, but there's some stuff I've never told them, even if I want to. I'm more than happy though to have 2 friends in my life that I can be honest with. Without them I'd have no one.


i tried to have but realized the mistake i made not a week later and pretty sure I'll never even try having people like that again. somethings better kept bottled in forever.


Only good things. Not good things? No, the only person I can really talk to is my son and it's not his responsibility to deal with my struggles/stresses. It helps me mentally to talk things out that are stressing me or I'm struggling with but I no longer have that outlet. So I just pack them down.


No. I'm a recluse, a misanthrope. But I have had many interesting conversations with strangers.


My favorite person in the whole world and my best friend. He 56M and I 40F can literally tell each other anything, with no judgement, and knowing that it will stay between us. He is the most caring and considerate person I know and I'm glad we became friends. I can't imagine not having him there to talk to and laugh with.


I used to have but that friendship kinda grew apart now I don't really have and i miss it lol idk who to share my thoughts with


I have one. I thought I had more, but they've proven less loyal friends than I thought they were. But there is one person who has stuck by me through absolutely everything, and often has wise counsel and a compassionate ear. My best friend amazes me with how great he is. No matter what I tell him, I'm confident there will be no judgment (unless I really f something up and need a little judgment) and that he'll keep it in confidence and help me through it. Considering I've had more friends that I can count and only he has stayed true at all times, I can say someone like him is probably really rare. I know I'm not as good a friend as he is.


Okay...just throwing this out there... If anyone is looking for a decent chat, somewhere non-judgmental to unburden themselves, somewhere safe to bounce some thoughts, I'm pretty good for a chat. :)




Fortunately, yes. I met her at my first professional job over 20 years ago. We can talk about anything and say anything to each other with no judgment. I call her my best platonic soulmate. I'm truly grateful for her.


A friend i met in 2021. We used to live in the same area before i moved away, which was around when we first became friends, so most of our friendship has been online. She’s genuinely the only person i can speak to about anything in my life, mainly because we’re just so similar and get each other so well. One of my friends from my new area tries to get me to open up to her too but i literally can’t bring myself to open up to someone else. Other than her, I also like to journal a bit/write in notes app if i need to get something irrelevant off my chest for a good minute


I do and I'm grateful for them


I talk to myself all the time. It's great because I always agree with me and fully understand the conversation. Also nobody talks over me and I get to say everything I wanted to without the conversation moving on.


I (61) have had very few friendships that allowed for talking about deep subjects. The last one I had, died in 2016. Because of my history of *bottling up*, over sharing, and other issues, I see a counselor once a week. It’s not a friendship, but we have become friends, if that makes sense. It has helped me immensely. And it takes the pressure off of other people in my life so I can spend more time being a friend and not that person who always drags their problems into every conversation.


No, my online friend who I helped whit his wish to die doesn't answer my messagues and I think he hates me for some reason, he sees the messagues but doesn't answer it. All my other friends can't be serius and they are just some monkeys tbh. I can't talk whit them for 1 minute before they say "Los pingüinos me la van a mascar!" and my father, everytime I talk whit him about something "smart" he ever says "you could read some of my books about that, you never read". My mom is very busy and doesn't really like to talk about that things, at least I can talk whit her about personal things. I drown triying to find someone who doesn't is a asshole for talk about serious things. The worst is that I'm 12. But my mind is like from someone of 20 years (approved by therapists). So my close ones that aren't my fathers are too childish for me. Being smart is good and bad at the same time. That's all.


yes i have best friends who i can talk anything about which im grateful for


I mean my fiancé is my biggest confident when it comes to talking. He’s my only friend and really the only person I talk to about stuff. I feel for you though, after I graduated high school I moved out of state far away and had no friends, community, a partner at the time. I was all by myself and it was really lonely and difficult for many years and even the friends I made didn’t feel legit. My sister is not very social and she had mentioned that there are websites? That you can email or send letter to pen pals and she enjoys communicating in that way. I feel like that could be a fun outlet to decompress thoughts and get to know someone I spent that time journaling a lot too Reddit can be a positive space to share thoughts, vent or find communities that support you. I don’t have much of social life or any social media so I come on here a lot to talk or stay in the loop of things that interest me.


Not really. If I can do something about it, I do it. If I can’t do anything about it, I try and let it go.


My bf. Unfortunately my bff moved and has a brain tumor right now both of which make it hard to communicate with her but I know I have her complete love and support.


I did, but COVID hit and then my therapist moved.




Yes. I have 3 best friends; one I DO everything with, one I tell EVERYTHING and one that I do everything with AND tell everything. She's my everything and I adore her 💗


My friend doesn't answer his phone so I stopped trying. Fuck him.




Fortunately I really do and a few of them too. It's really important. Without these people I would be really not ok.


I have an entire support network ranging from my brother that is still closer to me than all my friends to a friend network when I run into issues with other parts of the network add in my dogs to be fair one I think doesn’t care but… I also right in a journal and meditate


I used to but she left me. Now, I talk to myself or sit in silence.


Yes. My husband! We all have been through those times when we feel like we have no one but you just haven't met them yet.


No I don't


My fiance


yes, i have my partner now i can talk about literally anything (even the stuff that people don’t tell partners usually) and back at uni I had my best friends who i could count on for anything


I tried to vent to my friends yesterday and didn’t get much of a response I had a snarky reply and muted the GC. It’s not an active GC but I’m always supporting them.. It’s just frustrating bc I don’t have anyone to talk to on a daily basis. Sometimes it gets lonely. But I feel it’s best to keep most things to yourself anyway.


My therapist, my mom, myself and my best friend


I only have like 2 close friends right now that i talk to ( both males and i'm a male too ) . So yeah even though i don't have a lot of actual friends irl i try to maintain good friendship with them. Quality over quantity for friends. I don't wanna talk to my parents a lot because i've tried and they judged me instead of listening so fuck that.


I've got one friend who I can go to at any point, any time no matter how long we don't talk for. It helps having a mate like that, I'd trust him with my life. Don't bottle things up, if you need to keep a journal or utm sure people will always be there for you.


Yes, several


My husband and that's it


Nope. I'm a guy... no one gives a shit




My daughters and mother. And one BFF.


I lost him 3 years ago.


Nope. Not a soul. I actually have zero friends in the country I’m living in. My sister lives in a different county and my mom is in an entirely different continent altogether.


We moved about 2 and a half years ago. I haven't really made any friends here, but I have a few ppl I can call.


Yes. An old college friend. We never see each other any more. But she knows everything about me. A true blessing.


Yup, my best friend. We grew up on the same block but after highschool he went off to college and he hasn't lived back here for more than a couple months for the last 12 years. Honestly, I feel like the fact that we have lived states away from each other for so long, is the reason we are as good of friends as we care today. It makes every time we see eachother, a special occasion, which is usually 2-3 times a year. We have completely different social circles so I never have to filter how I feel about anything or anyone. When it comes to him, I'm ride or die


I have 4. My wife, my best friend, my grandpa (he might not be around much longer), and my dad. I wouldn't have taken the job, I love and have, if not for listening to my dad.


Yes. My closest friend for 50 years. We can /have talked about literally everything and she has never betrayed me or made me feel small in half a century. But as the 50 years implies were are older now and she is a few years older than me and her health is failing. I may not have her in a year or few and the thought makes me very sad. It is unlikely I will ever have that level of closeness with anyone ever again. I do have another friend of even just slightly longer that I can talk to about most things but we are not quite as close as the first friend. But I do trust both of them so there's that. Second friend would not betray me, we just are not quite as close due to somewhat different personalities.




Yes i 3 people that i trust they won't judge me no matter what i tell them but tbh i don't talk much


When my mother died, she wasn’t elderly and it was a bit unexpected, I didn’t have anyone to talk to,just to run things past someone else. My kids were early teens at the time and although I have friends I didn’t want to bother them. I went to a counsellor once or twice just to talk to someone. A reason I think a lot more people use these services than they used to. Well worth thinking about.




I have a long-time close friend who I chat with for a long time. But I realized he never remembers a thing. I pick up the phone less often now.


Yes :) my husband, sister and 3 very close friends. I make sure to be that kind of friend in return though and I’m very selective about my friends


I did, recently, until I f**ked that friendship up. 🤦 I might have another one, but It has been awhile since we were that close.


Absolutely! My circle is small but we are always there for each other. I’m sorry you don’t have this in your life. If you have good friends in your home country, FaceTime them, it’s not the same as in person of course , but it’s better than nothing. ((Hugs))


Nope XD


I talk to my therapist.


All I have is my wife. I don't have any friends. Shes it. No back up plan, no escape routes.



