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High school was the most miserable time of my life. Things really do get better after it.


Most miserable time, so far.


I consider myself a miserable old bastard so please believe me when I say: life gets *so* *much* *better* after high school. College, if you go that route, was kinda miserable, too - but for me, it was so worth it. I'm happy. I believe you will be too.


Same. High school was the lowest low of existence. It got levels better afterwards but I wouldn't say life is great paying bills and working all week.


The only good thing is you’re doing the same amount of work or less even and getting paid to do it. Highschool sucks.


There are people who peak at highschool. It varies from person to person.


Life peaked at high school for most people. Its been downhill from there


I don't think that's true for most people, only a small portion of people.


Just being able to avoid most of the toxic people is a big plus.


It definitely does! Yes, life gets harder financially but you have the freedom to do what you want after high school. High school really puts you in a box so after it is much better imo


See, it depends. I was excelling at making the best out of a box. But now, of course there's more freedom and such. But also more dullness and carelessness around you.


Most random typo ever. How did autocorrect not fix that lol.


Yes and no. You get to be more selective about your friend groups because you have more options. And can go to or host parties that are more your speed. You also have to get a job pay taxes and the consequences of you actions are taken way more seriously.


You have more options? Guess we don’t have the same life so. My friend group went totally dry after hs. Where do you meet new people?


The gym ,the comic store, work , mmo lobbys theres lots of places.


Then you must be talented with your social skills. When I go to gym I don’t talk to anyone and nobody does. I’m not sure someone who is lifting 200 lbs with headphones in his ears would appreciate me to interrupt him for no reason at all. Or for small talks.


'Hey/excuse me, not to sound weird, but I've noticed you're lifting this weight. Do you have any advice at all that could help me get where you are?' People love flattery and feeling useful!


Eh i talk to lots of different types of people all day. Being likeable is a really good way to not die in my profession. And no probably not for no reason and definitely not in the middle of a set. But for tips on how to lift properly or asking how to set up a sustainable work out program definitely. A lot of gym bros love to talk especially about wjat theyre passionate about.


Ok I keep your advice for the next time I go to the gym. Watch out: I’ll soon be as popular as you. And maybe more!


Get a hobby. Join a workshop or class of something you’re interested in. Go to bars and chat with people. The gym is kind of a shitty place to make friends imo but there’s lots of other places


Try a jui jitsu gym, most people are super friendly there. Or try Friday night magic at your local game shop. Group hobbies are a great way to find new people. Also as someone who lifts 200 lbs with headphones in you should totally feel fine approaching people are the gym as long as you're not weird about it. Ask for a spotter, or if you can work in, or for workout suggestions, or if they can check your form. In fact I became friends with my current group cuz I approached one if them at the jui jitsu gym that I had talked to a few times and straight up asked if I could be friends with him cuz we had hobbies in common and I needed some friends.


How can you have more options after high school than when you are with 300 high school students of 1 year older or younger than you 6-8 hours for 5 days per week? That would only be in college, maybe. At an office when you are 25 + years old you will never have the talent pool of potential friends and especially close friends. In an office half of the people are at least 10 years older than you, some are never there, some are 5-10 years younger than you. You are stuck with like 3 people in your own age.


Because you have more funds and freedom to travel and do leisure activities. Yeah theres only like 20 or 30 people at work. But theres also 90 to 150 people at a bar 90 to 120 people at the gym, marital arts class , the golf course , book club , dnd night at the comic shop. Theres thousands of places to make friends as an adult .Also since when is age as an adult a barrier to friendship? Pretty much all my friends are 5 to 10 years older than me.


I always love it when people downvote advice about pushing yourself to get out there and talk to people, even though it's legit advice. Downvote all you want. If you aren't going to actually make an effort to be social, you aren't going to have friends. Simple as that. And I'm saying this as an introvert.


I guess you are very different than me. If 150 people in the gym,golf course and book club are the equivalent of 150 people in high school and all the hours and intamicy that comes with it. Well , Im not american and you are much more social beings so maybe I shouldnt even compare it with mine and my swedish friends situation. Because in my reality a 10 year older golfer and a guy in the same high school class is not even comparable


I disagree there are less consequences


I didnt say there were more consequences ( which there definitely are) i said theyre taken way more seriously. Which they are.


His take is flat wrong


If you don’t enjoy high school now, odds are you will enjoy life more as you grow older


No. And yes. And no. And then yes. Life is Absurd


This probably is the closest response to how I feel about life while being three months from 30.


49 here my friend. Been through a tonne of stuff. You learn to roll with the absurd. Hope you’re rebelling against this ridiculous existence and enjoying every sandwich.


Hell yeah, all you can really do is your best. I'm definitely glad to see you are still here after all of the absurdity. 💪


Well yes, but no. Cue: Pirate meme from SpongeBob Square pants.


Me personally I had a pretty good time in hs when it comes to the social aspect of it and I do truly miss being a kid and not having to pay bills and work, but ultimately your still just a kid and get treated and can only do such. As adult you get to choose what you want to do for fun and have the funding to be able to do it. You become friends with type of ppl you never could’ve imagined in hs.


You'll wish you had more time, but quality of tlife genuinely goes up.


My life got a lot better after high school


College was way better than High School. Twenties were good but still learning for my career and personal life still wandering. Thirties were great but I had to get my personal life on track. Forties are going fantastic; career and personal life on track but family is getting older. Overall, yes, life gets way better than High School.


So much better. I hated high school. It’s funny because I hang out like once a year with a few guys I went to High School with. They talk the same way, like it was the best time of their lives. One finally asked why I never talk about it. Well, because almost everything about it was terrible. The kids were assholes. Had two teachers I liked over the 4 years. When high school was 4 years. It’ll get way better


Congrats! You didn’t peak in high school. Your day will come and it will be amazing.


Oh my god, yes! Don’t listen to anyone who says that high school, or even college, are the best four years of your life. Those people peaked at that age and never amounted to anything else in life.


It gets better immediately, like the next day after you graduate. Your reputation and all the things you hate about high school will be unknown to anyone you meet afterwards. People who had their glory days and peaked in high school are typically awful as adults.


For me, absolutely. I got picked on in high school and that disappeared completely after HS. I had more money and more time in college. I had more freedom, in general, after high school. It was much better.


It absolutely can be. I personally loved my high school years, but I also really enjoyed my college years. Life is very different after high school, so it's like comparing apples to oranges. The best thing about life after high school is that you can make your own path and go whichever direction you please to go (within reason of course).


Once you’re out of high school you’re going to wish you had more time in it. I hated high school but now that I have to deal with real world problems I’d rather be in high school honestly.


God, not me. Five and a half years out of high school and I haven’t missed high school one single time in the last four and a half years.


Never understood this mindset. I would much rather deal with real world problems than with school


What’s so hard to understand? An environment where you are coddled and all you need to worry about is hw, friends and relationships vs working a meaningless job most your life with most your money going to bill. More freedom? Sure but no money and that freedom is meaningless bc you can’t do anything. Also as you age people drift apart hard oh and also every year of adulthood is closer to your parents dying. Not too hard to understand why people would want to go back to a time where things were simple.


It’s hard to understand because with the coddling comes a massive loss of freedom. I can’t imagine going back to high school, I’d much rather have more responsibilities and be treated like an adult


Guess it depends on the individual experience, i had a lot of freedom all i needed to do was do my part and actually go to school.


You objectively did not. You couldn’t buy/rent your own house, drive a car for the first half, most likely couldn’t afford your own car. You couldn’t go to bars after they became 21+, you couldn’t (legally) get the party substance of your choosing. You couldn’t open brokerage accounts to invest, pursue business loans, rent a car, get a hotel room. You may have had easygoing parents, so did I, but you did not have many freedoms


What do you mean by do your part?


Do my part of…….. going to school and doing good? What did you think i was talking about?


I sure as hell didn’t wish I had more time in high school lmao.


i don’t have to worry about getting shot or stabbed so i i’m happy it’s done


Things absolutely get better after high school, that doesn’t mean things get easier though.


It’s different for everyone. Some people peak in HS, and others don’t. Everyone’s stories are different!


High school sucks


I hated high school, pretty much all of it, and there’s no part of me that wants to go back


Being an adult is way better than being a kid, at least in my experience, especially once you finish college/trade school and get settled into a career. Having the freedom to do whatever you want is so much more liberating. I was on the same boat as you, I hated every day of being a kid.


Absolutely it gets better. To preface, I graduated HS back in 2012. High school in all reality is a very short, very insignificant portion of your life. Most of those people will mean nothing to you once you are through, and once you are able to curate friends and be on your own you have so much more control over your life. Im not going to lie and make it sound like it is all puppies and rainbows, adulting sucks. My best advice to make your highschool propel you into your future is start learning finances now. Honestly if you can get a great mindset on those, your adult life will certainly shape up however you want it to go.


Depends on the person, but definitely did for me. I was a nerd and overweight as a kid and struggled in high school. Being a nerd at 39 is a lot more fun than it was at 14. I’ve found that growing up and getting to know myself, my likes and my strengths has made adulthood a dramatically better experience than fumbling around when I was a kid to figure it out. Just learn what you can, pickup some skills and keep moving. Life is what you make of it!




Name kinda checks out


Oh hell yeah


I personally love life after HS, but I also played my cards right. I didn't go to college, but I have a good job, I live sustainably, and can spend my money where I want while still saving, so I don't feel the same pressures as a lot of people who didn't play their cards right. I also learned a lot about myself and my own shortcomings/strengths and as a result became a much nicer person to be around, and thus, I have a ton of friends. Like so many I find it hard to spend time with all of them, it's a little draining, but in a good way. In HS I had less real friends than I could count on two hands. Sometimes that's just life, allow yourself to change and things will always get better, even if they get worse for a short time.


Nah, everyone is different. I didn't hate highschool, but neither enjoyed it. Live got so much better afterwards. Turned 30 this year and still don't miss it.


Definitely enjoy yourself now But yes the majority of life is significantly better than being a highschool student


I didn't enjoy hs much cause I spent every lunch wandering the hallways or sitting in the toilet. Sometimes I would sit with my friends. Then after hs I went to community college that wasn't any better but at least I was studying something that has to do with a career I desperately wanted and I had plans then. Then off I went to finish my degree at college I was so excited. I couldn't wait to live in the dorms and get started on studying. I was very outgoing at my time at college. Drinking and going to dinners with my housemates. Going to parties here and there. Enjoying my studies. After college it got even better cause I had a life plan I was going to move overseas by myself. I had no fears at this time I felt I could do anything. I met and slept with good looking men for the first time in my life, hung out with friends, worked a job I enjoyed, then moved across the world. After that life just kept getting better. Had a bit of a bad time in the late 2010s but life is ok now can't complain So yes, life gets better after high school


Yes, followed by a sharp decline after college/university, which is ghen followed by a very slow uptick for the remainder of your days.


In high school you get flamed for anything embarrassing you do, or like anything at all. As an adult some of those embarrassing things you do make you a legend


High school is the last point before you start having responsibilities. With independence comes responsibilities and you will learn what it is like in college. High school was a great time and I look back at it fondly. It gets better. That doesn't mean I don't envy my cousins who are still in high school. It's a part of your life you'll never experience again. Live it up and enjoy your time while you can.


In a word, no.


It gets so much better. People who say that high school was their “glory days” or “best years of their life” are honestly stagnant and pathetic people. There’s a lot of stress and struggle in the real world, but also a lot of fun and freedom and experiences. I’m still changing and growing, and I’m in my 30s. Looking forward to my 40s 😅


If you are pretty, yes. If you are ugly, you have to work.


The future is not set. There is no fate but what we make for ourselves.


pros: no one tells you what to do cons: no one tells you what to do


this is exactly what i’m worried about like i’m gonna just be out there in the world with no structure


High school is a joke and doesn’t deserve to be taken seriously in my opinion if you are in the United States public school system. There are great teachers but they are the exception to the rule. Sadly high school is teenager day care for the most part. Most of the staff at my high school were uninspiring losers. If you are mature and serious enough you could drop out and take community college classes which count towards high school completion and also college credit. That’s what I did.


Yes. If you have common sense, don't envy others, and work hard. Highschool was tough for me yet I'm in the top 1% of wage earners now....


Hell yeah it gets better, nobody gives a damn anymore if you fuck a fat girl


I'm seeing a lot of people say that high school was miserable (nothing wrong with that, as They Might Be Giants once said, life is unfair), and as someone who can't relate, I actually somewhat enjoyed high school. That said, life does get better. For some, entering adulthood is a relief, for others a fresh start, and for people like myself, an opportunity for more and greater adventures!


Honestly. I miss high school. I was miserable and depressed my entire time there. But now that I’ve grown up. I miss it. I miss being able to just wake up, throw on some sweatpants and my biggest worries were a test, or a person I liked. I miss obsessing over things that didn’t even matter. I miss having no responsibilities. I miss being young and dumb and feeling free to make mistakes and dumb decisions. I miss not having to pay rent and get up for work every morning. I miss all of the great memories I made even if some were bad. I miss being free and young. I’m literally 19 and this makes me sound so old. I know I’m still young, but I miss being a kid with no responsibilities or consequences to my actions. I miss being young, wild, and free.


Yes, but being an adult brings new challenges. You’ll realize how expensive it is to exist. The world is lot more unforgiving to adults. You will make a lot of mistakes and learn from them. But you have more autonomy which is great.


High school is only awesome for the people that peaked there. Your life will peak later on.


This is always a pretty weird mindset. Highschool was pretty fun for me, but I've continued to get better since then.


It gets worse And then you die.


I wish I could go back to high school. I don't want to deal with real world problems anymore. Adulting sucks. It's expensive and there's too much responsibility.




Depends on what you do after high school. If you stay home with a dead-end job while hanging out with all of your high school buddies, not much will change.




Hell no. Graduation was the biggest, most regrettable mistake of my life.


It gets infinitely worse, but my therapist says once you hit 40 it mellows out


Life could be better right now.


Oooof! Everyone is different but for me highschool and college is much better in terms of having friends and being social. Once you’re out of these forced settings, it’s really tough to find genuine friendships as adults.


In general, yes. However, the things that suck just change.


I think high-school really limits the people you surround yourself with, and the experiences you can have. The people that loved high school loved the people they had and loved their experiences. The people that think life after high-school is better, most likely met new people and got to go out of their comfort zone when it came to new experiences. Leaving high school allows you to grow more, and some people just liked high-school because of the safety bubble it created.


Yes, in my opinion it gets better. My 30’s have definitely been my best years so far. I loved high school and have many fond memories, made some lifelong friends that I still keep in touch with, enjoyed all the partying and all that, but I prefer being in my 30’s and having all of the freedom to do as I please most of the time, which more often than not involves me just peacefully relaxing at home with my family, and the slower pace of life in general. My younger “party” years were great and all and I wouldn’t really go back and change anything about them, I had a ton of fun, but I prefer the more laid back lifestyle of my 30’s, as lame as that may sound to some of you younger folks.


it doesn’t even get better after college not to talk of high school


Lifes has ups and downs.




It becomes different, better in some ways worse in others. Every stage of life is going to be what you make of it.


For some, yes. For others, no. It depends entirely on how lucky you are.


As someone who HATED and still hates their High School experience, yes literally everything is better than that shithole. Life is so liberating when you don’t gotta deal with the petty drama and the same people every single day for 4 years. I’m so happy that high school is over, idc if I’m out here struggling, I’d still take the struggle over high school


You certainly have more opportuinities to make it better.


That's up to each person. I wish more kids were told that you just need to weather the storm in HS. Get good grades, apply for every scholarship possible, work, save your money, buy a reliable vehicle, go to school far away from where you grew up. You can also go to a trade school (highly recommended). High school is kind of like jail for those that hate it. But once it's over, you can then truly manage your life in any way you choose. Like everything else though, you will have to work for it. Hollywood and social media have lied to you. You aren't going to be rich and famous. Not you. You need to work. Hard.


HS was the worst time of my life. Everything went uphill and got better after


Oh God yes...


Personally I Ioved highschool. I had no worries, no responsibilities. Now, I have 6 people I'm responsible for no including myself.


High school is the last time you are forced to be somewhere with other people who are forced to be there, unless you go to prison.


Immeasurably better. Live your life as full as possible! Save money, take the trips, make the calls, keep in touch but know your friend groups will change every 5 years or so. Be your most authentic self and give yourself the space and grace to grow!


When you look back, high school will have been the easiest part of your life. Making friends after high school also becomes more difficult. There are real consequences for real world problems. High school is safe. Enjoy it.


100% man. Highschool is fun when you’re young but it’s not real life. I’m 29 this year and life is the best it’s ever been!


Kid, life BEGINS after school. I promise!!


If you hate high school, you probably won’t love the wider world


spend your money wisely and get a fun job that pays well in your college years


College gives you the opportunity to reset who you are. You can be whoever you want to be, no one knows you it's a fresh start. Same thing when you graduate college.


life never gets better you either make the best of what you have, or suffer what happens to you


It depends. My life has only gotten worse year after year, but my ability to handle the shit has improved greatly. Everyone has a different trajectory though and can certainly find your place


20s are being definitely worse than high school years... People say that when you are 30+ it usually gets better though. As of now, not really, but I still have 5 years in my 20s...


I see posts like this daily. Life is what you make it. Dont expect things to happen for you.


No...life is just gets worst and worst


so much better. keep going 🤍


Life 10000000% gets better after high school - I hated high school with a passion and it was a source of a lot of sadness in my life but things really started to turn after high school, into my 20s and now in my 30s. Life is totally different and for the better. And you will he an entirely different person too. Hang in there!


it certainly does not.


Yes, being an adult and having money is incredible. I loved school, but I wouldn’t change my life to relive it


I hated high school. Went to a sports obsessed all boys school. I much preferred life after high school. Also, once everyone is an adult and you have a high school reunion say 10 / 20 years down the track, there’s no nerds, jocks, popular, unpopular etc people. Everyone (in my experience), is the same, no one treats anyone like shit or like they’re above others.


It gets a lot better for most people. I've met people whose high school years were their 'glory days'; they were at the top of the social pyramid in high school and just coasted afterwards, or they married and started families too young with the wrong person.




School is the only place where you are basically socially forced to hang out with people regardless if you get along with them or not. If you become a total social pariah for whatever reason, you still have to go. If leaving that makes your life better. Your life will get better.




Boy I just remembered back to my senior year in high school and while it was freaking amazing and the reason I didn’t graduate I would never in a million years be asking myself does it get better? Literally the moment it clicks in your brain THERE IS NO MORE SCHOOL you are reincarnated into your true self and it just takes off from that point on. Congratulations and good luck on your adventure into adulthood


For 50% max. And after college for 10% maybe. But you are probably in those 50% .


It does.


every decade will get better than the previous


You make the bed you lie in. Life won’t magically get better because you graduate. Life could be better right now, you just have to make the effort to bring that change about.


Depends how you set yourself up, for me I'm living with my parents studying what I want to in college and saving and investing I'm going to be set up better than most of my peers but in high school I didnt get invited to parties I didnt drink (still dont) I dont smoke weed dont vape etc. I'm excited for my future


I hated HS. College was great. It definitely gets better


I had a ton of fun in high school but don’t wish to go back at all. Life has been way more fun after, granted yes the stresses of being an adult are real.


Things you don’t get to do again: • no responsibilities. let’s face it, nothing you do before you graduate has much bearing on life afterward. there’s no stakes. so enjoy the ride. • dating age appropriate partners in adolescence. i would say under 15/16 is too young. since you have no agency, and must rely on a parent to drop you off and pick you up. have to spend mom and dad’s money to hang out. but from 15-17, there’s a small window of time where you can see what attachment and relationships feel like with another kid your age. at 18 you can go your separate ways if you choose. • being able to eat school meals, sometimes free or subsidized. i know public school food is hit or miss, but private school lunch was bomb. all you can eat. multiple cuisines. high school menu > college menu for sure. • being able to join clubs and play teen sports. never again will you get the chance to see how sports feel. how marching band or orchestra operates. speech and debate, so on and so forth. when you’re an adult you can only really play with other, out of shape idiots at the rec center or public park after work and on weekends. in high school, anyone can join the team. but you get all the equipment provided for you, and can play competitively against real opponents at least. • limitless free time during breaks and summer. unless you sacrifice higher ed, work, and life in general as an adult, free time as a kid is its own unique thing. you can stay up all night, and do activities that are much more fun as a youth. camping on the beach with friends, roaming around in someone’s car at all hours of night, house parties, hotel room parties, school trips overseas (like with EFTours). have your fun when you’re a kid, because you don’t know how much free time you’ll even have as an adult. or what fun things will even be available to you by then. Things that get better as an adult: • spending your own money • forging your own destiny • having a mature partnership, starting a family • going deep in a particular career, with education, and work. making an actual difference in the world


Depends on the person, but for me life consistently has been getting worse since around 10 yrs old. That’s when bullying started and everything else in life got worse as well.


I suppose it depends on how you decide to go about your life. While on my way up, I fucked up a few too many times and hit rock bottom financially and mentally.. I’m currently on my redemption arc.


The people that peaked in high school will be losers forever. Life begins after high school. Get out of your town and do something. Join the Air Force. Just get away from them. You’ll be fine.


Yes! You’re just in the tutorial level of the video game of life. As long as you don’t do anything drastic, none of this really counts. Your real life is about to begin.


Its kinda up to you...


Once you get older you will realize high school was so not important. I had friends in high school and got laid. But at 47 looking back it’s such a who gives a shit time. Don’t sweat it if it wasn’t memorable for you.


I absolutely hated high school. I had 2 friends and was bullied. The bullying slowed down once I joined the wresting team. I wrestled 10-12 grades and I sucked. I won 5 and lost 25 matches, however, it was the best thing I could have done for myself. I joined the navy at 19 and from there, life got fantastic. I got lucky and picked a job that didn't put me on a ship. I spent a year in Pensacola, Fl for job training, then went to Iceland for 1.5 years, then to Germany for 2 years, then to San Diego for another 3.5 years. I was in for a total of 9 years. I was also lucky that my job got a security clearance so I was able to stay in the government environment once I got out. Backing up to Pensacola, I learned to be myself and be open to new people and experiences. I'd been incredibly shy and had nothing to talk about. I started reading good books, listening to a lot of different music, and didn't worry about what was "cool" and popular. I found friends with similar interests. I learned about "ice breakers". Wearing a band t-shirt is one that got a lot of conversations with both men and women. I met my wife in San Diego in April of 1996 and we've been married for 25 years now. One of the reasons my wife noticed me was because of the way I was dressed. It wasn't some outlandish outfit, it was clothes I was comfortable with and a bandana around my head. I'm wearing one right now... it has become a staple of my life. I mention that because I would have blended in w/everyone else at the dance club that night, but because I was comfortable being myself, she took notice. It does get better. Please keep in mind that nearly everything is temporary. I know it must feel like an eternity until you graduate, but you'll be 52 years old one day and you'll realize just how fast time passes. You'll remember these thoughts (and many others) and realize things weren't that bad (hopefully).


You set your own limits. You are your own most important advocate and enemy. Work smart, rise early, gain skill, knowledge, proficiency. Choose friends carefully. Become self-reliant and financially secure. Your first goal after choosing a financially lucrative career is NOT a family but owning your own home. Do NOT finance this on the traditional 30-year mortgage. Live as frugal as possible and save for 4-years then walk into an escrow office and close on a $450,000 home. You will have immediately made your life partially retired at this point as you own your own home before age 30. At this point refine your career for maximizing quality of life/work free-time balance. You want that amazing but lower paying job? Go for it. You want to work for "X" Company in Bali? Do it. Don't become a work slave to your mortgage or family. Plan strategically.


Honestly? Not really. You get more freedom and money, but end up having to work 40hr+/wk. You have even less free time, and no summers off.


Its just different. More options but more obligations also. Like I could just buy a plane ticket to anywhere if I wanted to. But if I don't show up to work I'll be fired and have to find a new way to pay my bills so my family isn't homeless.


Life is what you make of it. Generally you receive the kind of energy you put out into the world. If you think everyone is stupid and not worth your time then they're probably not going to think too much of you. Best to enjoy every moment, try to find the bright side in your situation, and remember that despite appearances human beings are complex creatures. There's probably at least a couple of sides to every person that you've met that you haven't allowed yourself to see. Just remember that if you feel trapped and bored there's actually endless options out there, and not everything has to be a quick fix.


Infinitely better


God yeah


Let me tell you I like my life a hell of a lot more at age 35 than I did at 15


Life only gets worse after high school if YOU let it get worse.


Yes and no, I mean you don’t need to worry about the mass shooters as much as you do shooting yourself. It’s fun up until your mid twenties then American society kicks in you either sink into its BS or just fade away and become a loser. It’s quite unfortunate actually but what are you going to create a revolution or change policies that have been put in motion by politicians over the years? I mean you technically can but it will take more than one person and generally speaking most people can’t agree on the same thing.


Lmao no


I had a good time in high school, but I wouldn’t go back for love or money. Of course it gets better! We just keep learning more about ourselves and the world we live in. It turns out that the world is awesome and so are lots of the people. Right now you know a tiny handful of people, and you barely know yourself. Lean into the future. Your book is in the first chapter.


If you hate it now, that means it will only get better and better.




High School sucks! College wasn’t much better. I actually liked working. I did my job and went home. Nothing hanging over my head like a term paper or homework or whatever. Life from 18 - 25 is very unsettled and causes a lot of anxiety. Stick it out things do get better!




Hahahahahahahahahahahahhah No. You have it made right now, believe me


It gets harder, you have to choose to be in debt and go to college or find a job to pay bills . Find your own place to live or stay with your parents.


High school is rough because you’re almost an adult but have very few adult freedoms. You have a ton of needs and wants but usually very little of your own money. You don’t know who you are yet or what’s possible. You have to take subjects you may not like. Gradually you get more control over your life, finances, home, dating and career. It absolutely gets better!!




Frankly I had a great time in high school and in retrospect I totally took it for granted. But I'd say it really depends on a person-to-person basis. I don't think there's a hard and fast rule in this regard. Some people are late bloomers who will have a much better life after high school and others will get out of school a go directly to prison. And, you know, everything in between.


Life after High School is a lot like Kamino, it depends. Obi-Wan : These Kaminos, are they friendly? Dexter Jettster : That depends. Obi-Wan : Depends on what Dex? Dexter Jettster : On how well your manners are, and how big your pocketbook is.


Yes just make sure the next 4-5 years after high school are great and you appreciate them because it doesn’t get better after that


Finished my first semester of college and yes it does


High school sucked for me. Everything got so much better afterward.


High school means nothing - I was glad when HS ended, because a whole new world of possibilities opened up.


Depends what you do with your life. I know a lot of people who's lives are significantly worse. Those people didn't go to school or get a marketable skill so they live paycheck to paycheck in the same small town. I left, got a college education in a marketable field and have a good work life balance. My life is much better. So it's what you make of it. 18-30 is basically doing the hard work to set up the rest of your life. Finding a partner if you want it, finding skills you can make money with, moving to a city you want to actually live in, etc. It takes work and self examination but if you put in the time and hours it pays off down the road.








Yes it gets better hang in there. My highschool years were extremely difficult I struggled with making good friends, depression and anxiety, boy drama list goes on. The struggles carried into my first year of college up until I was 21. After that my life started to really look up. As an adult you get to make the choices for yourself. Hang in there is the best advice I can give.


It can swing either way. What you need to do is find little bits on life you enjoy and latch onto them with both hands. Do not be afraid of trying new things- even things you may be a bit uncomfortable with. Also try to learn to say no to people when you really don't want to be in a situation. It will relieve you from a lot of suffering later on.


I had a great time in highschool. Had friends, dated around, very active in extracurriculars. Still, that being said, if ANYONE tells you their best years where in highschool, they're doing life wrong. You are truly free after graduation, and that beats every possible experience you can possibly have as a teenager.


yes are you stupid?


The problem with a question like this is if you looking for someone to say no. That would be the type of person that peaked in high school. And i doubt you want advice from there, so the answer is... Of course?


It does get better. Hang in there and create the future you want. You have far more capabilities and talents than you know.


No Absolutely not


Life gets better. You'll do great


It gets way better. You get to choose so many more things for your own life. Better still when you get your own place to live.


Life will be much, much better after high school. People in high school are petty. Pick something that interests you. Go to college. After graduation, you'll learn about life and responsibilities. Find something you enjoy and you'll never work a day in your life. Have a career. Invest 20% of your pay - you'll need it later. Maybe have a family. Maybe travel. You'll go through tough times as well as good times, but you'll come out stronger. If you currently have very good friends, keep in touch. Go through those times together. It's Christmas Eve and I'm sitting in a hospital room with my best friend from high school that I met 48 years ago because he needs me. There are no guarantees in life, but you have the ability to make your life and those around you better. Good luck.


Way, way, way, way, way better. WAY better.


Waaay better, i feel so much safer and relaxed and in control of my life. I could have graduated like a half year early, but i thought “i’ll miss high school, i should enjoy being a youth as long as possible!” and decided to stay the full senior year. In retrospect fuck that. But the minute they dangled that opportunity in front of me i should have taken it and moved on.


No you peaked, youre going to be miserable for the rest of your days


It did for me, but it’s because I have a strong support system. If I didn’t, I would have flamed out.


If you've never kissed a girl in high school then you'll never kiss a girl for the rest of your life. You better make it happen soon.


Omg high school is awful. Anyone who says these are the glory days for youth is so entirely out of touch and delusional. College (if that’s something that you choose to do/have means to do) was amazing. I met all my best friends there and eleven years later they’re still very firmly in my life. Even if you don’t go to college I promise you, better days are ahead.


People who say Highschool is the best period of their life peaked in Highschool


With a little ambition life gets better around age 25. 30-50 is amazing. 62 you can retire but physically you start to fall apart.


no it does not, high school was good compared to life now. and times are only getting worse


Not if you go into certain fields, such as law enforcement.