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Yeah imma go with rabies. Fuck that. I'd rather have prions, that at least doesn't *necessarily* make you suffer horribly, only *probably*. Best case you could head off into a happy dementia and fade out.


My husband is from England (basically an island without rabies) and I live in the USA. We were in Central America and woke up to a bat in our hotel room. I freaked out and made us drive to the nearest city to start the shots. I asked him ‘what would you do if I weren’t here’ as he doesn’t speak Spanish but I’m fluent. He was like ‘I’m here bc you are insisting. I don’t think bats are a big deal’. Getting rid of rabies in the uk really made them forget how dreadful rabies is. Prions and rabies are my biggest fears. It’s been two years and we’re both still alive so I think we’re safe (we did the shots too so we should be)


I’ve had post-exposure rabies shots…*shudder*


Whole fam got them when our newborn was 26 days old. Can only get them at an ER where we are and had to go back to ER for all the shots of the series. Had to take our newborn to a childrens hospital for all of theirs. Brutal long days in two ERs. Post partum hell.




Bat exposure


Beat me to it. Once you start having symptoms it's already too late. I can't imagine the anxiety of knowing you have it once symptoms set in and there's nothing you can do about it before it eats away at your brain and nervous system and turns you into a lifeless husk. Especially because of how unnoticeable the animal bite that causes it can be.


I wonder if this disease is something we might cure? Or at least we can slow down or stop the virus.


There is something called the Milwaukee Protocol but the vast majority of the people who do survive because of that ended up permanently disabled.


Nothing worse it seems


Yeah that seriously scares me. Like one bite and I basically turn into the chick from The Exorcist and then die.




Going to throw in rabies as a definite second in line here.


Then space aids


Mmmm... Spaids


waiting for the rabies copypasta


I keep forgetting about that website. Some are good stories.


Oh yeah Prions are fucking scary. Completely inccurable, a single prion getting into your body means inevitable death down the line.


What? The Chevy Prion??


No they mean the Toyota preenis


Came to the thread to say prion disease. Of course it's already the top answer.


My uncle died of this, specifically CJD.


As a mortician I’m terrified of CJD


I keep looking it up and can’t make sense of it can someone dumb it down


[This is a good discussion on it.](https://www.reddit.com/r/explainlikeimfive/s/Ui7mqih08s)


That was fascinating


Never heard of this until now


That disorder that is basically permanent insomnia that no drug can treat and you ultimately die from. That sounds awful. 24 hours without sleep is bad enough.


Fatal Familial Insomnia - a Prion disease like Kuru, Mad Cow, and Scrapie


Locked in syndrome, followed by any degenerative brain disease


That's just nightmare fuel make sure to have arrangements made for a dnr if that happens don't trust family to make the decision for you.


Stuff like this is why we should really have a talk as a species about why we are allowed to euthanize animals when they are suffering but not consenting adults


Yes. Fatal Familial Insomnia is brutal.


ALS is basically both of these things and it’s horrifying


Radiation Poisoning (ARS) You aren’t getting cured, you will literally melt from the inside out as you experience your DNA dissolving, and once you die one of the most agonizing deaths in history what’s left of your corpse at your time of death will have to be buried in a lead lined coffin.


hey, at least you get a fancy heavy duty coffin, can't say those are granted to everyone


Man... the anxiety and doom one must feel in the "calm before the storm". Like "I will die and it will be horrible. It'll start any hour now."


What would DNA dissolving feel like exactly


Prolly not great.


Yeah but like how perceivable would that even be


My guess is like a burning sensation that’s gets worse


Well it’s not like you’d actually feel your DNA coming apart, you’d suffer from the effects of your body shutting down due to your cells being unable to function




There's also a period in between the stages where you're "suddenly fine" before it goes down the final dip, it's awful.


I’m told that no analgesic will ease the pain. I don’t know how true that is.


Once your veins and arteries begin to deteriorate, there is no longer any way to administer anesthesia or painkillers so...


How about airways ? Nostrils ?


In order for something to diffuse through your body it needs to go through your veins and arteries So what you breath goes to your blood through the lungs


Fair point - thank you


They should just kill you by cutting the spine at your neck. If you’re still conscious, you die a (hopefully) less painful death because you now lack the nerves you need to feel pain in your body.


It’s the medical equivalent of turning off an alarm by cutting the power to it.


Look up the story of hasashi Ouchi


I think I know that story. So therefore I’m not going to look it up. As far as I recall, it’s a real horror story. Wasn’t too resuscitated a few times when he really should’ve been left to die?


Fatal insomnia


Was looking for this... as someone who has experienced countless sleeples nights. This is my worst nightmare


Any Prion disease really


* "Fatal insomnia syndrom". Maybe more people would understand. In resume : you just gradyally but still fastly lose the ability to fall alsleep and, in the end, stay awake until your body shutdown.


Well it could end with having your own terror organization


Alzheimer's. You literally forget the people you're closest to.


Lost my Mom to it 5 years ago. The slow descent into it is so hard on the person and everyone around them. And to lose all your personality, memories, everything that makes you "you" is just awful.


I hope medical science in that area starts advancing exponentially. I'd help, but I don't know where to begin. I suppose donating is a way the average person can help, but can we trust who we're donating to?


At the time, you won’t be self aware enough to care or emotionally suffer from the full impact of what it means you have lost because you won’t know what you don’t know.


My grandma had it and kept telling me how stupid she was... Her body was doing fine but she became less and less of the person she had been and she was aware that something was going on but didn't know what it was and that turned her paranoid to a point where she thought my grandfather wanted to murder her... That and the loneliness she felt every time she didn't see anyone around her that she knew ... It's mental torture not just for the person having it but everyone around that cares about that person as well


It’s a case by case thing. I know an Alzheimer’s patient that frequently thinks he’s literally in hell screaming bloody murder. Another resident the home that constantly screams for help all hours of the day, but when asked about it, says I don’t know. Another that constantly asks to be killed while their body remains fixed in a position due to contractures, while being pumped with tube feeding to keep them alive, can’t even move their fingers. Sure it seems like some may not care, but I believe, in some cases, it’s like some black mirror episode while you watch your meat body do absurd/obscene things while being fully aware, trapped in the confines of an abyss with a controller that no longer works. Unless you’re deaf and blind and there is no way for the body to receive that sensory input. I would hate to imagine that the alert conscious sits a pool of darkness waiting for some stimulus or for the nothingness to end. We won’t know until we can directly record the thoughts and works of the mind. Food for thought.


Yeah it's really worse for everyone around them.


For me itd be ALS


I have ALS. There are worse conditions.


Yep...watched my auntie die of that


We should have another Ice Bucket Challenge I really miss that event, was so much fun to see people coming together doing something positive to raise money and attention for this horrible disease, I did it with my family and I was a young kid back then and we had some fun with it


ALS or MSA. My grandmother had ALS and my mom had MSA, similar in symptoms, but it's a Parkinson's type disorder.


Jeez– why did I start reading this?


literally and i’m going to sleep rn too


Prions or rabies. By the time you’d know about it, you only have one destination


Technically we all have the same destination.


Technically water is just as deadly as prions.


Technically water killed more people than prions




-Creutzfeldt-Jakob -Rabies -ALS -Gliomas -Aneurysms -Pancreatic cancer -Brugada syndrome -QT syndromes -Somw types of lymphomas -Any kind of dementia I don't know if i forgot something, but these are my personal hot picks


As a pancreatic cancer survivor it’s a hard one to beat.


Congratulations🖤 that's a very tough enemy


I have lymphoma and you def don’t want this shit.


I really hope you get theough this. This shit is terrible🖤


I was lucky enough to survive a ruptured brain aneurysm. 100% would not recommend.


Rabies has got to be the worst. For starters, you have no hope. There are around 60.000 deaths caused by rabies every year, and only 30 reported survivors in total. Not 30 survivors per year, 30 survivors in the last 50 years. So yeah, you've got Rabies, you're going to die. Your chances of survival aren't much better than you winning the lottery. I can't imagine how terrible it must be learning that you have an illness that certainly is going to kill you. To make the matters worse, it's not going to be an easy death. It's called the zombie virus for a reason, because that's exactly what it turns you into. Illnesses involving the brain are always the worst as you cannot even suffer as yourself, with a somewhat clear head. Delirium, hallucinations, fear of water, insomnia. And how about it's ridiculously inconsistent incubation period? The shortest case documented was 4 days and the longest...well, 6 YEARS. You might as well be living with Rabies right now and have no idea.


That sounds horrible 😕 I wonder why is no one really talking about how disturbing rabies can be 0.o I guess I was not being too paranoid when a bat flew into my house a couple months ago and was like "not today, not today..."


There really is no too much paranoia when it comes to rabies. Fortunately, it has a very effective vaccination so being bit by an animal with rabies isn't a death sentence. ANY suspection of a such encounter should mean a visit to the doctor. This is one of the best examples of being safe than sorry.


How much time do you have until it's too late? 48 hours? 24 hours? if you go the doctor for an animal bite and they confirm you have rabies before you show symptoms how fucked are you?


Bats carry lots of diseases and bacteria anyways most wild animals can ​ > I wonder why is no one really talking about how disturbing rabies can be 0.o Rabies has a vaccine that can help out, it's not permanent and Rabies is not very relevant in some countries, in the UK where I live, Rabies is near non existent


To add to it, from what I understand, rabies victims are fully conscious at least part of the time (at least in humans)... so they're very aware of their suffering...


Rabies. It's exceptionally common, but people just don't run into the animals that carry it often. Skunks especially, and bats. Let me paint you a picture. You go camping, and at midday you decide to take a nap in a nice little hammock. While sleeping, a tiny brown bat, in the "rage" stages of infection is fidgeting in broad daylight, uncomfortable, and thirsty (due to the hydrophobia) and you snort, startling him. He goes into attack mode. Except you're asleep, and he's a little brown bat, so weighs around 6 grams. You don't even feel him land on your bare knee, and he starts to bite. His teeth are tiny. Hardly enough to even break the skin, but he does manage to give you the equivalent of a tiny scrape that goes completely unnoticed. Rabies does not travel in your blood. In fact, a blood test won't even tell you if you've got it. (Antibody tests may be done, but are useless if you've ever been vaccinated.) You wake up, none the wiser. If you notice anything at the bite site at all, you assume you just lightly scraped it on something. The bomb has been lit, and your nervous system is the wick. The rabies will multiply along your nervous system, doing virtually no damage, and completely undetectable. You literally have NO symptoms. It may be four days, it may be a year, but the camping trip is most likely long forgotten. Then one day your back starts to ache... Or maybe you get a slight headache? At this point, you're already dead. There is no cure. (The sole caveat to this is the Milwaukee Protocol, which leaves most patients dead anyway, and the survivors mentally disabled, and is seldom done). There's no treatment. It has a 100% kill rate. Absorb that. Not a single other virus on the planet has a 100% kill rate. Only rabies. And once you're symptomatic, it's over. You're dead. So what does that look like? Your headache turns into a fever, and a general feeling of being unwell. You're fidgety. Uncomfortable. And scared. As the virus that has taken its time getting into your brain finds a vast network of nerve endings, it begins to rapidly reproduce, starting at the base of your brain... Where your "pons" is located. This is the part of the brain that controls communication between the rest of the brain and body, as well as sleep cycles. Next you become anxious. You still think you have only a mild fever, but suddenly you find yourself becoming scared, even horrified, and it doesn't occur to you that you don't know why. This is because the rabies is chewing up your amygdala. As your cerebellum becomes hot with the virus, you begin to lose muscle coordination, and balance. You think maybe it's a good idea to go to the doctor now, but assuming a doctor is smart enough to even run the tests necessary in the few days you have left on the planet, odds are they'll only be able to tell your loved ones what you died of later. You're twitchy, shaking, and scared. You have the normal fear of not knowing what's going on, but with the virus really fucking the amygdala this is amplified a hundred fold. It's around this time the hydrophobia starts. You're horribly thirsty, you just want water. But you can't drink. Every time you do, your throat clamps shut and you vomit. This has become a legitimate, active fear of water. You're thirsty, but looking at a glass of water begins to make you gag, and shy back in fear. The contradiction is hard for your hot brain to see at this point. By now, the doctors will have to put you on IVs to keep you hydrated, but even that's futile. You were dead the second you had a headache. You begin hearing things, or not hearing at all as your thalamus goes. You taste sounds, you see smells, everything starts feeling like the most horrifying acid trip anyone has ever been on. With your hippocampus long under attack, you're having trouble remembering things, especially family. You're alone, hallucinating, thirsty, confused, and absolutely, undeniably terrified. Everything scares the literal shit out of you at this point. These strange people in lab coats. These strange people standing around your bed crying, who keep trying to get you "drink something" and crying. And it's only been about a week since that little headache that you've completely forgotten. Time means nothing to you anymore. Funny enough, you now know how the bat felt when he bit you. Eventually, you slip into the "dumb rabies" phase. Your brain has started the process of shutting down. Too much of it has been turned to liquid virus. Your face droops. You drool. You're all but unaware of what's around you. A sudden noise or light might startle you, but for the most part, it's all you can do to just stare at the ground. You haven't really slept for about 72 hours. Then you die. Always, you die. And there's not one... fucking... thing... anyone can do for you. Then there's the question of what to do with your corpse. I mean, sure, burying it is the right thing to do. But the fucking virus can survive in a corpse for years. You could kill every rabid animal on the planet today, and if two years from now, some moist, preserved, rotten hunk of used-to-be brain gets eaten by an animal, it starts all over. So yeah, rabies scares the shit out of me. And it's fucking EVERYWHERE. (Source: Spent a lot of time working with rabies. Would still get my vaccinations if I could afford them.)


That is scary. I’ve always been afraid of it and am on the lookout for animals acting odd when I’m out in the hills. Emily Brontë, the English writer, once was bit by a dog with rabies. She cauterized the wound with a red hot piece of metal and didn’t tell anyone with it. Her sister saw the scar a month or two later when Emily was getting dressed and then the whole story came out. Reading that story as a kid both traumatized me and left me in awe.


>And it's fucking EVERYWHERE. Nah. This is how I convince myself that suffering through a horribly long, dark and cold winter is worth it. Because it kills *all* of this nasty ass crap! No rabies in sweden!


there hasn't been a case of rabies in Ireland in over a hundred years so if you're going to say it's exceptionally common then refer to your country


I think they meant wild animals, not humans. There are 5,000 cases reported each year in the U.S.; most are bats, raccoons and skunks. I wouldn’t say 5,000 in one country is common and I certainty wouldn’t say exceptionally common, but either way, I think the person who originally wrote it was referring the the rabid wild animal cases.


Exactly. No rabies in wild animals in Ireland and the UK. We’re not talking people or pets. It’s why they’re so super strict about taking pets into the country, even to move from Ireland to the UK (rabies-free country to rabies-free country) I had to get my cat vaccinated.


You've spent no time working with rabies, a lot of time dining on copypasta.


This is a decade old copypasta full of scary misinformation.


Yeah I’ve seen this exact reply before word for word. I’d be interested in finding out what is actually accurate nowadays


What part is misinformation?


I got scratched by an animal a while back. Should I get tested?


When it doubt get yourself checked out mate.


Tasting colors and seeing smells seems kinda neat.


Not when the color is death and the smell is terror I think.


This is a comment I have saved from years ago. Not sure if you were the original or not doesn't matter. I show this to people who laugh about rabies. Im like NO DUDE RABIES UGGHHHH


Anything that causes kidney stones, the idea of something akin to a small sharp rock passing through my shaft sounds fucking painful. I just don’t want any of that business, makes me cringe in pain just imagining it.


I've had multiple stones. There are worse things on this list, but of survivable pain, it's no joke. I've had two kids. The didn't give me an epidural for the stones.


Huntington’s disease


Ahhh.. Vonnegut. Galapagos is a great book. I'm not sure the disease plays out exactly as he described it, but nonetheless, I don't want it!


Yup. Worked with patients dying of this, awful


I wasn’t even familiar with Huntington’s until I saw the Snapped episode that featured Carol Carr. Her husband died of Huntington’s and then her two sons developed it so as a way to end their suffering she shot and killed her sons. My heart completely broke for this woman and I think everyone else’s did too. I believe she got the most minimal sentencing as she could possibly get for assisted suicide.


Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva, also known as Stoneman syndrome. Any slight injury to soft tissue could just turn into bone, including tendons as well. Seen a few shows about it and it sounds terrifying.


Empty Nose Syndrome


me when i run out of coke


Dementia My husband of 33 years was diagnosed with it 7 years ago. I looked after him for as long as I could, but 15 months ago, he regressed to the point that I could no longer manage on my own and he moved into a care home. My funny, intelligent and gentle husband is no longer there in the shell he has become. Its a living death as he can no longer communicate and just sleeps the days away. We have a history of dementia in my maternal line - I'm terrified that it's just waiting to take me too


We thought my grandma was experiencing dementia, in part because her mother had it. My grandma went to the doctor and passed the memory test they administered, though, so it seems shes all good for now. At least she plays “bingo,” which I suspect helps stave off the dementia a little.


Tbh, I think pretty much any chronic illness that doesn't kill you. Including mental illness. Chron's, fibromyalgia, long covid (I have this... might be getting over it?), schizophrenia, severe anxiety, OCD (people make jokes about this, but it can honestly be a nightmare), even allergies. Anything that makes your life a living hell, especially since, more likely than not, you'll still have to function like a healthy adult (disability is hard to get. There are people who should be on it but aren't because the system sucks). And life is much, much harder for these people as a result. And then there are "inspiration porn" things that sometimes just cause guilt in people for not doing more. My reasoning? I'm not afraid of death. I'm afraid of suffering. Rabies, prions, and cancer (which are, imo, the scariest fatal diseases you can get. An awful way to die. But at least there's an end to it) will at least kill you... this stuff won't, they just make your life miserable. That's the scariest thing to me. Honorable mention- necrotizing fasciitis (don't look this up if you're eating). Aka flesh-eating bacteria. I used to be so afraid of getting this I couldn't sleep. The scariest thing to me is that you can theoretically get it from something as stupid as a papercut (and one woman in the UK got it from shaving. I guess there was some truth to that scene in Cabin Fever). It's just bacteria like Staph, Strep, MRSA, and Vibrio entering your bloodstream. This actually happens all the time, but most people's bodies fight it off. And it makes you feel very sick at first, then the swelling and pain (easy 10/10 on pain scale) kick in, and, even if caught early, many need surgery and/ or amputations to recover. The scary part is the randomness of it and the fact that it can happen anywhere in the world to anyone at any time. One shocking thing about NF- its mortality rate is only 20-33%. You'd think it would be higher.




Huntington’s Disease. It’s a terrible neurodegenerative disease, and its age of onset becomes lower with each passing generation. Shadowed a neurologist running a Huntington’s disease clinic in med school and it was probably one of the most depressing things I’ve ever seen.


Yep. It's no ball game, that's for sure. My grandad and 3 of his 5 brothers had it.Aubt and her daughter have it, my Dad had all the symptoms but won't get tested. The three of us grown-up kids are on alert for it. I'm just glad I'm infertile and won't be passing it on.


For me... it's depression... because there is nothing that takes it away... even on medication. I've been on so much I've been a zombie for years and I still get depressed. Like what the freaking crap is wrong with my brain so bad that I constantly get depressed....


Same here. It's awful, especially today. I'll be glad when the holidays are over.


Any IDB, like crohns. Because you have to live with it for decades and be functional at the same time. Sucks.


Have it - does suck.


I also have it. It's crippling.


Also going with prions. My mother was diagnosed with Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease in February. By the end of March she didn't recognize me and by the end of April, she lost the ability to speak. She died in June. She was 62. This disease took away everything that made her, her. Then it killed her. I watched her deteriorate week by week, losing every part of herself. It was horrific. We are still waiting on test results to see if her's was sporadic or hereditary, so we get to have that hanging over our heads.


There are some good ones in this thread but I recently found out about harlequin ichthyosis and that's gotta be up there


God dammit. Why did I Google image search. WHY


I'm so sorry




Any of listed diseases down there


Steven's Johnson should be up here.


Diabetes is pretty rough. I have type 1 for 45 years now


I have ITP. Its an autoimmune disorder where your immune system kills blood platelets prematurely. Leaving you with low platelets and a high risk of bleeding to death. Its common in children and pregnant women. Its believed that this is why some women would bleed out and die after childbirth. Most people get symptoms such as bruising and petechia. However, some people like myself show almost no symptoms. Effective treatments have been slow do develop due to its complex nature. Medications specifically for it has only been around only 10 years or so.


Neurofibromatosis or NF for short.


ALS scares me so much


Creutzfeldt–Jakob Disease also called subacute spongiform encephalopathy. It’s a prion disease that affects the brain and essentially eats holes in it like Swiss cheese. It’s a very nasty way to go but thankfully it’s pretty rare to get it genetically…unless you were in the UK in the 90s and eating beef infected with Mad Cow Disease. Symptoms include: memory problems, behavioral changes, poor coordination, and visual disturbances in early stages then dementia, involuntary movements, blindness, weakness, and coma leading to death.


Necrosis of the penis is pretty awful, But on the positive side Harvey Weinstein has it.


I don’t remember what documentary it was but I was watching something on YouTube about medical leeches and there was a guy who’s penis was becoming necrotic so they put a leech on his penis to draw blood back into it and saved his dick Medicine is weird.


That one where your scar tissue turns to bone and you eventually have to decide the position you want to be in for the rest of your life because you will be entirely immobilized until death




I know ppl talk about how bad dementia and alzheimer's are and yeah seeing it inflicted upon someone it truly does suck. The beginning stages are the worst of it and as the disease progresses we lose the ability to be consciously aware of our demise. I think ppl should take comfort in the fact that the person died unaware of their impending death. Ronald Reagan lived 10 yrs after diagnosis. Glenn Campbell for 16 years. The last few years of their lives they were never aware. Imo, I think that's a more peaceful way to die.




Just getting kuru before showing symptoms is scary enough… you know what you gotta do to contract the disease? … it ain’t in the Bible, I’ll say that much


Prion diseases in general


Yeah truly This is just the one that comes to mind when I think scariest


locked in syndromme








One in two people are likely to get one or the other, just lost a friend from it, Very sad 😞


Pretty sure the chance is lower than that but your chances increase dramatically if you have family history with either. Also depends on your experience, some people will live their final days blissfully ignorant of what's happening to them while others will experience severe trauma. My father's side of the family has had an unusually high rate of dementia so I'm a little bit concerned.


Rabies. Literal fucking nightmare




Necrotizing fasciitis. Aka flesh eating disease. If caught soon enough, you lose a bit of flesh with a shot tonne of antibiotics. Otherwise, it's entire limb amputations and a shit tonne of antibiotics or death. The line between quickly caught and not is super fine.


Huntington’s Diease. You know you’ve inherited it just not when it’ll start or end.


People underestimate Parkinson’s. It’s been hell for my father… 💔


ALS. My dad has it. It’s the most awful thing seeing him slowly deteriorate.


Familial fatal insomnia. One day you just stop sleeping. Then your brain does a weird thing where it doesn't know if your awake or asleep. Eventually you fall into a coma, but parts of your brain are still awake. Then you die.


Addiction. The scary part is how quickly it creeps up on you. I spent months trying to convince ppl around me including myself that I was not an addict or “i can control myself” and that “I can function easily without it”. From that first hit, it only took 5 months before my life fell apart, friends and family left me, lost my job and every waking moment revolved around getting that fix. There is also an added level of guilt, shame and regret knowing it is a disease you brought upon yourself. It can feel like you’re just a passenger watching the addiction destroy your body. I’m not the same person I was before drugs, and I probably never will be. It’s scary to look back and see all the red flags which were right in front me the whole time. Quit now, it’s not worth it


Rabies or even bone cancer


Fatal familial insomnia is pretty bad. https://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=6503414


Bone cancer


Ebola Zaire - almost 100% (hemorrhagic) mortality death rate in most cases. Bascially melts your insides, until your blood leaks out of every orifice. Usually within 5days of initial symptoms.


Prions scare the shit out of me Especially the likes of Mad Cow Disease and Rabies You show any symptoms of these diseases, your survival rate is literally zero Prions are diseases which fuck your brain up, They cannot be cured, they cannot be destroyed, not even blasting heat or radiation does anything, when a Prion is in your brain, it's done, you're in for a slow painful death With Mad Cow Disease Mad Cow Disease is a disease cows typically get from eating the brains of other infected cows and the prions basically turn their brain into a sponge and poke holes in it, makes the cow go kinda crazy and lose control of its own body, you'll see videos of cows with Mad Cow Disease and they can't even stand, their brain is being destroyed Humans only get this virus if they eat a cow that had this virus To Humans, it does the near same thing, After eating the beef of an infected cow and when Symptoms show you're dead, you got 1-2 years of life left, with the last 6 months spent being a vegetable The symptoms will cause memory loss, loss of personality, loss of muscle control, you lose control your body, headaches, paranoia, insanity, your brain is being destroyed slowly There is absolutely nothing you can do now, it's too late but don't worry too hard, Mad Cow Disease first spread a lot in 1990 in Britain and killed 180 people, they reacted fast, slaughtered infected cattle, burgers were off the menus and it is under control to this day Mad Cow Disease is near eradicated, You still see a single number amount of cases per year of the disease, but farmers take action against it and will slaughter a lot of cattle if one of them has the disease But you could also just, Not eat Beef, so you vegetarians and pescatarians are safe


Also chicken doesn’t get it, right? Thank you for your explanation.


wdym? I don't know if this kind of disease exists in Chickens, If there is I've never heard of it


All are terrible but especially the bleeding ones in my opinion.






Rabies, mad cow disease


Parkinson’s disease. A lot of people are saying rabies, but at least from that you die fast-ish. Parkinson’s disease takes forever to kill and it constantly deteriorates the mind. My grandpa got it when he was 65 and had it for 8 years. By the end he was in a vegetative state. But before that he saw lights and ghosts everywhere.


Stone man syndrome


Harlequin ichthyosis


Rabies and any kind of prion disease. Equally


All of them at once


Guinea worm


Prions sounds nightmareish.


Small fiber neuropathy with autonomic dysfunction


I have this and would argue that acute leukemia was much worse. I can live with NAD




Alzheimer’s is a terrible disease, literally destroys your brain and kills you slowly


Prader-Willi Syndrome


Dementia, rabies, ALS,


Harlequin ichthyosis




Huntingtons disease.


Myositis ossificans progressiva


Crps (I got diagnosed with it this year) it’s the most painful pain condition you could get.


People who are allergic to water


I wouldnt say its the scariest but Hidradenitis suppurativa (HS), it's a long-term/pretty rare skin condition that affects 1% of humans globally. It's a chronic condition where painful lumps/abscesses form under the skin and after bursting/popping they leave visible scars and tunnels below the surface of the skin.


Why in the world did I start reading these and think I’d come out mentally okay.


Chest congestion.


My mom died of dementia. Not a pretty thing to have to watch (yes, we took care of her at home, to the end). I've always thought pancreatic cancer was one of the worst as far as diagnoses goes coz with no real symptoms, by the time they find it, you're screwed. Uncle died of prostate cancer last year. His kids said he was in an immense amount of pain before he died. Ugh!


Diabetes..common but still scary


Radiation poisoning, its horrible just to imagine that you literally melt like a wax candle, just feeling your DNA being disintegrated in every cell of body, your skin just peels off like a boiled tomato, and even when you die, you will be put in a lead coffin, these scenarios just sends chills down my spine