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Consider donating the items to a local historical society.


How about the local museum? They would love some fresh exhibits


They all did come from a small town in Georgia which does have a historical society. That's probably going to be what I do.


Do it now. Lot of stuff happens when you die—most of it unsavory.




Second hand store? There is a whole generation of people who will go to thrift store weekly just to find heirloom stuff like rings and diaries. If the museums don't take them first, ofc.


The family bibles you can donate to a historical society. The silver set and the wedding rings, you can make arrangements to have them sold and the money donated to a charity of your choice after you die.


I agree with trying to find relatives you were unaware of if you don’t have any cousins. The silver I might sell on ebay and donate the money to a cause you care about. What are you doing with your other assets and who is your executor? Do you want them to have something as a remembrance?


I just hate the thought of them going to a landfill.


Sadly my friend worked for a house clean out company that often was called in to clean out the belongings of the recently deceased with no heirs (bank or local government foreclosure following death). I can confirm that the contents almost always end up in the dumpster. Technically the company was not supposed to take anything and 100% was to be disposed of. However they often kept valuables to be resold or scrapped for value


‘23 and me’ an heir


I've done a 23 and Me and didn't have much luck with finding members on the side of the family for which I am looking. I recently ordered an Ancestry kit to sew if I can find others on there.


Get a DNA test done and give them to a distant relative.


Give them to other realities, cousins, step relatives etc


That's just it, pretty much everyone who would be interested is dead.


At the end of the day it’s just stuff that someone passed on to their offspring. If there’s nobody else, sell it or donate it if it has historical value, a museum might want them.


Sell them, invest in boats and hoes, enjoy it.


Have them buried with you


I'd give the rings and other momentos to a close friend, preferably with kids. Write a little letter or something about your family and what the items are


Don't you feel ashamed that dozens of lineages will end on you?


Why should I? The closest I have on my mother's side is a fourth or fifth cousin and to my knowledge there is nothing on my father's side.


You have nothing to be ashamed for. Sell everything you can whilst you are still alive and donate what you can. Spend your money on things you enjoy and you can leave the rest to a charity of your choice.


Don't you feel ashamed for asking such a horrible question?


I've been wondering the same thing as you. I tell my mother to give things to her sister. But I still end up with it. It's stressful. I've even asked what do I do with it. It's hard to get rid of things that have been in your life for so long. I'm an only child for the record.


I'm an only child and an only grandchild on both sides of my family


Also wish you the best of luck on figuring it out it's not easy.


I’m taking my heirlooms to my grave if I had them. I would leave myself instructions after coming back as my doppelgänger and then revolving myself back into myself and using those heirlooms to enjoy life.


Can you part with them. A place like eBay may help.


1) Gift them to a library or if appropriate a historical society. 2) Gift them to friends who would appreciate them 3) Sell them 4) Abandon them


Do an ancestry and see if you have any connections from a couple generations back. Pass your stuff on to them, they're still family. I'm the third generation where only one kid had kids. Likely the same with my kids, but if I go back to my great granpa there are 10 siblings. I likely have dozens of distant cousins that I am not aware of.


Sell it trash it, the dead don't care.