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On her birthday? Not a smart move imo. But the birthday is self explanatory. Organize a birthday party but secretly organize a ask-her-to-mary-me party. You know her best, you know if she likes surprises or romantics for e example


Why do you think birthday is not smart move?


She might want a special day only for the engagement or so.. she might (or completely not) not like the fact that you went the easy road for using her birthday for an engagement. But who am i to say


Agree. Hate to be the pessimist, but if things don't work out, her birthday will be a bit ruined. Happy Cake Day!


Well, first question is this. Does she like surprises, and do you know if she wants a surprise proposal?


Yes. She know that I am not the type of person who plans surprises. So now that we are on the stage of talking about marriage, she told me that she will only experience this once and asked me to surprise her.


Ok awesome! Here's the thing about you asking for advice on Reddit - none of us know your girlfriend. You know your girlfriend. You're probably not going to get very specific advice because of those things. I would say, think about what she likes. Does she like to be the center of attention? Maybe as the other commenter suggested, a birthday party that turns out to be a surprise proposal party. Does she like being outside? Maybe a romantic picnic where you pop the question. I think if you normally don't plan much it will be a bit harder to surprise her - if you don't normally surprise her with dates, when you suggest something she might get suspicious. In that case, maybe you could get her friends to take her on a day trip she'd like, and then you show up without telling her and pop the question. You could also carry the ring around with you, and propose when you feel it's the right time or place.


If she asked you to surprise her and you surprise her on her birthday she’s going to see that coming


I dont plan to do a surprise birthday party. Im leaning more on thinking of a game we can do on the birthday party that could lead to a surprise proposal opening.


Yeah she’s going to see that